Scanning directories on the host filing system.

§1. All of this abstracts the code already found in the platform definitions.

typedef struct scan_directory {
    void *directory_handle;
    char directory_name_written_out[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
} scan_directory;

§2. The directory name going out has to be transcoded from flat Unicode to whatever the locale encoding is; the filenames coming back have to be transcoded the other way.

scan_directory *Directories::open(pathname *P) {
    scan_directory *D = CREATE(scan_directory);
    WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", P);
    Str::copy_to_locale_string(D->directory_name_written_out, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
    D->directory_handle = Platform::opendir(D->directory_name_written_out);
    if (D->directory_handle == NULL) return NULL;
    return D;

int Directories::next(scan_directory *D, text_stream *leafname) {
    char leafname_Cs[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    int rv = TRUE;
    while (rv) {
        rv = Platform::readdir(D->directory_handle, D->directory_name_written_out, leafname_Cs);
        if (leafname_Cs[0] != '.') break;
    if (rv) Streams::write_locale_string(leafname, leafname_Cs);
    return rv;

void Directories::close(scan_directory *D) {

§3. It turns out to be useful to scan the contents of a directory in an order which is predictable regardless of platform — Platform::readdir works in a different order on MacOS, Windows and Linux, even given the same directory of files to work on. So the following returns a linked list of the contents, sorted into alphabetical order, but case-insensitively. For the Inform project, at least, we don't anticipate ever dealing with files whose names disagree only in casing, so this ordering is effectively deterministic.

There's some time and memory overhead here, but unless we're dealing with directories holding upwards of 10,000 files or so, it'll be trivial.

linked_list *Directories::listing(pathname *P) {
    int capacity = 4, used = 0;
    text_stream **listing_array = (text_stream **)
        (Memory::calloc(capacity, sizeof(text_stream *), ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON));
    scan_directory *D = Directories::open(P);
    if (D) {
        text_stream *entry = Str::new();
        while (Directories::next(D, entry)) {
            if (used == capacity) {
                int new_capacity = 4*capacity;
                text_stream **new_listing_array = (text_stream **)
                    (Memory::calloc(new_capacity, sizeof(text_stream *), ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON));
                for (int i=0; i<used; i++) new_listing_array[i] = listing_array[i];
                listing_array = new_listing_array;
                capacity = new_capacity;
            listing_array[used++] = entry;
            entry = Str::new();
    qsort(listing_array, (size_t) used, sizeof(text_stream *), Directories::compare_names);
    linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream);
    for (int i=0; i<used; i++) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(listing_array[i], text_stream, L);
    Memory::I7_free(listing_array, ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON, capacity*((int) sizeof(text_stream *)));
    return L;

int Directories::compare_names(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) {
    text_stream *tx1 = *((text_stream **) ent1);
    text_stream *tx2 = *((text_stream **) ent2);
    return Str::cmp_insensitive(tx1, tx2);