To collate material generated by the weaver into finished, fully-woven files.

§1. Collation. This is the process of reading a template file, substituting material into placeholders in it, and writing the result.

The collater needs to operate as a little processor interpreting a meta-language all of its very own, with a stack for holding nested repeat loops, and a program counter and — well, and nothing else to speak of, in fact, except for the slightly unusual way that loop variables provide context by changing the subject of what is discussed rather than by being accessed directly.

For convenience, we provide three ways to call:

void Collater::for_web_and_pattern(text_stream *OUT, web *W,
    weave_pattern *pattern, filename *F, filename *into) {
    Collater::collate(OUT, W, I"", F, pattern, NULL, NULL, NULL, into);

void Collater::for_order(text_stream *OUT, weave_order *wv,
    filename *F, filename *into) {
    Collater::collate(OUT, wv->weave_web, wv->weave_range, F, wv->pattern,
        wv->navigation, wv->breadcrumbs, wv, into);

void Collater::collate(text_stream *OUT, web *W, text_stream *range,
    filename *template_filename, weave_pattern *pattern, filename *nav_file,
    linked_list *crumbs, weave_order *wv, filename *into) {
    collater_state actual_ies =
        Collater::initial_state(W, range, template_filename, pattern,
            nav_file, crumbs, wv, into);
    collater_state *ies = &actual_ies;
    Collater::process(OUT, ies);

§2. The current state of the processor is recorded in the following.

define TRACE_COLLATER_EXECUTION FALSE  set true for debugging
define MAX_TEMPLATE_LINES 8192  maximum number of lines in template
define CI_STACK_CAPACITY 8  maximum recursion of chapter/section iteration
typedef struct collater_state {
    struct web *for_web;
    struct text_stream *tlines[MAX_TEMPLATE_LINES];
    int no_tlines;
    int repeat_stack_level[CI_STACK_CAPACITY];
    struct linked_list_item *repeat_stack_variable[CI_STACK_CAPACITY];
    struct linked_list_item *repeat_stack_threshold[CI_STACK_CAPACITY];
    int repeat_stack_startpos[CI_STACK_CAPACITY];
    int sp;  And this is our stack pointer for tracking of loops
    struct text_stream *restrict_to_range;
    struct weave_pattern *nav_pattern;
    struct filename *nav_file;
    struct linked_list *crumbs;
    int inside_navigation_submenu;
    struct filename *errors_at;
    struct weave_order *wv;
    struct filename *into_file;
    struct linked_list *modules;  of module
} collater_state;

§3. Note the unfortunate maximum size limit on the template file. It means that really humungous Javascript files in plugins might have trouble, though if so, they can always be subdivided.

collater_state Collater::initial_state(web *W, text_stream *range,
    filename *template_filename, weave_pattern *pattern, filename *nav_file,
    linked_list *crumbs, weave_order *wv, filename *into) {
    collater_state cls;
    cls.no_tlines = 0;
    cls.restrict_to_range = Str::duplicate(range);
    cls.sp = 0;
    cls.inside_navigation_submenu = FALSE;
    cls.for_web = W;
    cls.nav_pattern = pattern;
    cls.nav_file = nav_file;
    cls.crumbs = crumbs;
    cls.errors_at = template_filename;
    cls.wv = wv;
    cls.into_file = into;
    cls.modules = NEW_LINKED_LIST(module);
    if (W) {
        int c = LinkedLists::len(W->md->as_module->dependencies);
        if (c > 0) Form the list of imported modules3.1;
    Read in the source file containing the contents page template3.2;
    return cls;

§3.1. Form the list of imported modules3.1 =

    module **module_array =
        Memory::calloc(c, sizeof(module *), ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON);
    module *M; int d=0;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(M, module, W->md->as_module->dependencies)
        module_array[d++] = M;
    qsort(module_array, (size_t) c, sizeof(module *), Collater::sort_comparison);
    for (int d=0; d<c; d++) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(module_array[d], module, cls.modules);
    Memory::I7_free(module_array, ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON, c*((int) sizeof(module *)));

§3.2. Read in the source file containing the contents page template3.2 =

    TextFiles::read(template_filename, FALSE,
        "can't find contents template", TRUE, Collater::temp_line, NULL, &cls);
        PRINT("Read template <%f>: %d line(s)\n", template_filename, cls.no_tlines);
    if (cls.no_tlines >= MAX_TEMPLATE_LINES)
        PRINT("Warning: template <%f> truncated after %d line(s)\n",
            template_filename, cls.no_tlines);


void Collater::temp_line(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *v_ies) {
    collater_state *cls = (collater_state *) v_ies;
    if (cls->no_tlines < MAX_TEMPLATE_LINES)
        cls->tlines[cls->no_tlines++] = Str::duplicate(line);

§5. Running the engine...

void Collater::process(text_stream *OUT, collater_state *cls) {
    int lpos = 0;  This is our program counter: a line number in the template
    while (lpos < cls->no_tlines) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        Str::copy(tl, cls->tlines[lpos++]);  Fetch the line at the program counter and advance
        Make any necessary substitutions to turn tl into final output5.1;
        WRITE("%S\n", tl);  Copy the now finished line to the output
        CYCLE: ;
    if (cls->inside_navigation_submenu) WRITE("</ul>");
    cls->inside_navigation_submenu = FALSE;

§5.1. Make any necessary substitutions to turn tl into final output5.1 =

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, tl, L"(%c*?) ")) Str::copy(tl, mr.exp[0]);  Strip trailing spaces
        Print line and contents of repeat stack5.1.1;
    if ((Regexp::match(&mr, tl, L"%[%[(%c+)%]%]")) ||
        (Regexp::match(&mr, tl, L" %[%[(%c+)%]%]"))) {
        Str::copy(command, mr.exp[0]);
        Deal with a Select command5.1.2;
        Deal with an If command5.1.3;
        Deal with an Else command5.1.4;
        Deal with a Repeat command5.1.5;
        Deal with a Repeat End command5.1.6;
    Skip line if inside a failed conditional5.1.8;
    Skip line if inside an empty loop5.1.7;
    Make substitutions of square-bracketed variables in line5.1.11;

§5.1.1. The repeat stack and loops. This is used only for debugging:

Print line and contents of repeat stack5.1.1 =

    PRINT("%04d: %S\nStack:", lpos-1, tl);
    for (int j=0; j<cls->sp; j++) {
        if (cls->repeat_stack_level[j] == CHAPTER_LEVEL)
            PRINT(" %d: %S/%S",
                j, ((chapter *)
                    CONTENT_IN_ITEM(cls->repeat_stack_variable[j], chapter))->md->ch_range,
                ((chapter *)
                    CONTENT_IN_ITEM(cls->repeat_stack_threshold[j], chapter))->md->ch_range);
        else if (cls->repeat_stack_level[j] == SECTION_LEVEL)
            PRINT(" %d: %S/%S",
                j, ((section *)
                    CONTENT_IN_ITEM(cls->repeat_stack_variable[j], section))->md->sect_range,
                ((section *)
                    CONTENT_IN_ITEM(cls->repeat_stack_threshold[j], section))->md->sect_range);

§5.1.2. We start the direct commands with Select, which is implemented as a one-iteration loop in which the loop variable has the given section or chapter as its value during the sole iteration.

Deal with a Select command5.1.2 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"Select (%c*)")) {
        chapter *C;
        section *S;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, cls->for_web->chapters)
            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections)
                if (Str::eq(S->md->sect_range, mr.exp[0])) {
                    Collater::start_CI_loop(cls, SECTION_LEVEL, S_item, S_item, lpos);
                    goto CYCLE;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, cls->for_web->chapters)
            if (Str::eq(C->md->ch_range, mr.exp[0])) {
                Collater::start_CI_loop(cls, CHAPTER_LEVEL, C_item, C_item, lpos);
                goto CYCLE;
        Errors::at_position("don't recognise the chapter or section abbreviation range",
            cls->errors_at, lpos);
        goto CYCLE;

§5.1.3. Conditionals:

Deal with an If command5.1.3 =

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"If (%c*)")) {
        text_stream *condition = mr.exp[0];
        int level = IF_FALSE_LEVEL;
        if (Str::eq(condition, I"Chapters")) {
            if (cls->for_web->md->chaptered) level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else if (Str::eq(condition, I"Modules")) {
            if (LinkedLists::len(cls->modules) > 0)
                level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else if (Str::eq(condition, I"Module Page")) {
            module *M = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
                Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, MODULE_LEVEL), module);
            if ((M) && (Colonies::find(M->module_name)))
                level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else if (Str::eq(condition, I"Module Purpose")) {
            module *M = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
                Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, MODULE_LEVEL), module);
            if (M) {
                WRITE_TO(url, "%p", M->module_location);
                Readme::write_var(purpose, url, I"Purpose");
                if (Str::len(purpose) > 0) level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else if (Str::eq(condition, I"Chapter Purpose")) {
            chapter *C = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
                Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, CHAPTER_LEVEL), chapter);
            if ((C) && (Str::len(C->md->rubric) > 0)) level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else if (Str::eq(condition, I"Section Purpose")) {
            section *S = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
                Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, SECTION_LEVEL), section);
            if ((S) && (Str::len(S->sect_purpose) > 0)) level = IF_TRUE_LEVEL;
        } else {
            Errors::at_position("don't recognise the condition",
                cls->errors_at, lpos);
        Collater::start_CI_loop(cls, level, NULL, NULL, lpos);
        goto CYCLE;

§5.1.4. Deal with an Else command5.1.4 =

    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"Else")) {
        if (cls->sp <= 0) {
            Errors::at_position("Else without If",
                cls->errors_at, lpos);
            goto CYCLE;
        switch (cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1]) {
            case SECTION_LEVEL:
            case CHAPTER_LEVEL:
                Errors::at_position("Else not matched with If",
                    cls->errors_at, lpos);
            case IF_TRUE_LEVEL: cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1] = IF_FALSE_LEVEL; break;
            case IF_FALSE_LEVEL: cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1] = IF_TRUE_LEVEL; break;
        goto CYCLE;

§5.1.5. Next, a genuine loop beginning:

Deal with a Repeat command5.1.5 =

    int loop_level = 0;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"Repeat Module")) loop_level = MODULE_LEVEL;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"Repeat Chapter")) loop_level = CHAPTER_LEVEL;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"Repeat Section")) loop_level = SECTION_LEVEL;
    if (loop_level != 0) {
        linked_list_item *from = NULL, *to = NULL;
        linked_list_item *CI = FIRST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(chapter, cls->for_web->chapters);
        while ((CI) && (CONTENT_IN_ITEM(CI, chapter)->md->imported))
            CI = NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(CI, chapter);
        if (loop_level == MODULE_LEVEL) Begin a module repeat5.1.5.1;
        if (loop_level == CHAPTER_LEVEL) Begin a chapter repeat5.1.5.2;
        if (loop_level == SECTION_LEVEL) Begin a section repeat5.1.5.3;
        Collater::start_CI_loop(cls, loop_level, from, to, lpos);
        goto CYCLE;

§ Begin a module repeat5.1.5.1 =

    from = FIRST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(module, cls->modules);
    to = LAST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(module, cls->modules);

§ Begin a chapter repeat5.1.5.2 =

    from = CI;
    to = LAST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(chapter, cls->for_web->chapters);
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(cls->restrict_to_range, L"0") == FALSE) {
        chapter *C;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, cls->for_web->chapters)
            if (Str::eq(C->md->ch_range, cls->restrict_to_range)) {
                from = C_item; to = from;

§ Begin a section repeat5.1.5.3 =

    chapter *within_chapter =
        CONTENT_IN_ITEM(Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, CHAPTER_LEVEL),
    if (within_chapter == NULL) {
        if (CI) {
            chapter *C = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(CI, chapter);
            from = FIRST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(section, C->sections);
        chapter *LC = LAST_IN_LINKED_LIST(chapter, cls->for_web->chapters);
        if (LC) to = LAST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(section, LC->sections);
    } else {
        from = FIRST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(section, within_chapter->sections);
        to = LAST_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(section, within_chapter->sections);

§5.1.6. And at the other bookend:

Deal with a Repeat End command5.1.6 =

    int end_form = -1;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"End Repeat")) end_form = 1;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"End Select")) end_form = 2;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command, L"End If")) end_form = 3;
    if (end_form > 0) {
        if (cls->sp <= 0) {
            Errors::at_position("stack underflow on contents template",
                cls->errors_at, lpos);
            goto CYCLE;
        switch (cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1]) {
            case MODULE_LEVEL:
            case CHAPTER_LEVEL:
            case SECTION_LEVEL:
                if (end_form == 3) {
                    Errors::at_position("End If not matched with If",
                        cls->errors_at, lpos);
                    goto CYCLE;
            case IF_TRUE_LEVEL:
            case IF_FALSE_LEVEL:
                if (end_form != 3) {
                    Errors::at_position("If not matched with End If",
                        cls->errors_at, lpos);
                    goto CYCLE;
        switch (cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1]) {
            case MODULE_LEVEL: End a module repeat5.1.6.1; break;
            case CHAPTER_LEVEL: End a chapter repeat5.1.6.2; break;
            case SECTION_LEVEL: End a section repeat5.1.6.3; break;
            case IF_TRUE_LEVEL: End an If5.1.6.4; break;
            case IF_FALSE_LEVEL: End an If5.1.6.4; break;
        goto CYCLE;

§ End a module repeat5.1.6.1 =

    linked_list_item *CI = cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1];
    if (CI == cls->repeat_stack_threshold[cls->sp-1])
    else {
        cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1] =
            NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(CI, chapter);
        lpos = cls->repeat_stack_startpos[cls->sp-1];  Back round loop

§ End a chapter repeat5.1.6.2 =

    linked_list_item *CI = cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1];
    if (CI == cls->repeat_stack_threshold[cls->sp-1])
    else {
        cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1] =
            NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(CI, chapter);
        lpos = cls->repeat_stack_startpos[cls->sp-1];  Back round loop

§ End a section repeat5.1.6.3 =

    linked_list_item *SI = cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1];
    if ((SI == cls->repeat_stack_threshold[cls->sp-1]) ||
        (NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(SI, section) == NULL))
    else {
        cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp-1] =
            NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(SI, section);
        lpos = cls->repeat_stack_startpos[cls->sp-1];  Back round loop

§ End an If5.1.6.4 =


§5.1.7. It can happen that a section loop, at least, is empty:

Skip line if inside an empty loop5.1.7 =

    for (int rstl = cls->sp-1; rstl >= 0; rstl--)
        if (cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp-1] == SECTION_LEVEL) {
            linked_list_item *SI = cls->repeat_stack_threshold[cls->sp-1];
            if (NEXT_ITEM_IN_LINKED_LIST(SI, section) ==
                goto CYCLE;

§5.1.8. Skip line if inside a failed conditional5.1.8 =

    for (int j=cls->sp-1; j>=0; j--)
        if (cls->repeat_stack_level[j] == IF_FALSE_LEVEL)
            goto CYCLE;

§5.1.9. If called with the non-conditional levels, the following function returns the topmost item. It's never called for IF_TRUE_LEVEL or IF_FALSE_LEVEL.

linked_list_item *Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(collater_state *cls, int level) {
    for (int rstl = cls->sp-1; rstl >= 0; rstl--)
        if (cls->repeat_stack_level[rstl] == level)
            return cls->repeat_stack_variable[rstl];
    return NULL;

§5.1.10. This is the function for starting a loop or code block, which stacks up the details, and similarly for ending it by popping them again:

define IF_TRUE_LEVEL 4
void Collater::start_CI_loop(collater_state *cls, int level,
    linked_list_item *from, linked_list_item *to, int pos) {
    if (cls->sp < CI_STACK_CAPACITY) {
        cls->repeat_stack_level[cls->sp] = level;
        cls->repeat_stack_variable[cls->sp] = from;
        cls->repeat_stack_threshold[cls->sp] = to;
        cls->repeat_stack_startpos[cls->sp++] = pos;

void Collater::end_CI_loop(collater_state *cls) {

§5.1.11. Variable substitutions. We can now forget about this tiny stack machine: the one task left is to take a line from the template, and make substitutions of variables into its square-bracketed parts.

Note that we do not allow this to recurse, i.e., if [[X]] substitutes into text which itself contains a [[...]] notation, then we do not expand that inner one. If we did, then the value of the bibliographic variable [[Code]], used by the HTML renderer, would cause a modest-sized explosion on some pages.

Make substitutions of square-bracketed variables in line5.1.11 =

    int slen, spos;
    while ((spos = Regexp::find_expansion(tl, '[', '[', ']', ']', &slen)) >= 0) {
        Str::substr(rewritten, Str::start(tl), Str::at(tl, spos));
        Str::substr(varname, Str::at(tl, spos+2), Str::at(tl, spos+slen-2));
        Str::substr(tail, Str::at(tl, spos+slen), Str::end(tl));

        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Bibliographic::data_exists(cls->for_web->md, varname)) {
            Substitute any bibliographic datum named5.1.11.1;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Navigation")) {
            Substitute Navigation5.1.11.2;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Breadcrumbs")) {
            Substitute Breadcrumbs5.1.11.3;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(varname, L"Plugins")) {
            Substitute Plugins5.1.11.4;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Complete (%c+)")) {
            text_stream *detail = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a detail about the complete PDF5.1.11.5;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Module (%c+)")) {
            text_stream *detail = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a Module5.1.11.6;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Chapter (%c+)")) {
            text_stream *detail = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a Chapter5.1.11.7;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Section (%c+)")) {
            text_stream *detail = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a Section5.1.11.8;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Docs")) {
            Substitute a Docs5.1.11.9;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Assets")) {
            Substitute an Assets5.1.11.10;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"URL \"(%c+)\"")) {
            text_stream *link_text = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a URL5.1.11.11;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Link \"(%c+)\"")) {
            text_stream *link_text = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a Link5.1.11.12;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Menu \"(%c+)\"")) {
            text_stream *menu_name = mr.exp[0];
            Substitute a Menu5.1.11.13;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Item \"(%c+)\"")) {
            text_stream *item_name = mr.exp[0];
            text_stream *icon_text = NULL;
            Look for icon text5.1.11.14;
            text_stream *link_text = item_name;
            Substitute a member Item5.1.11.15;
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"Item \"(%c+)\" -> (%c+)")) {
            text_stream *item_name = mr.exp[0];
            text_stream *link_text = mr.exp[1];
            text_stream *icon_text = NULL;
            Look for icon text5.1.11.14;
            Substitute a general Item5.1.11.16;
        } else {
            WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S", varname);
            if (Regexp::match(&mr, varname, L"%i+%c*"))
                PRINT("Warning: unable to resolve command '%S'\n", varname);
        WRITE_TO(rewritten, "%S", substituted);
        WRITE_TO(tl, "%S", tail);
    WRITE_TO(rewritten, "%S", tl);
    Str::clear(tl); Str::copy(tl, rewritten);

§ This is why, for instance, [[Author]] is replaced by the author's name:

Substitute any bibliographic datum named5.1.11.1 =

    WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S", Bibliographic::get_datum(cls->for_web->md, varname));

§ [[Navigation]] substitutes to the content of the sidebar navigation file; this will recursively call The Collater, in fact.

Substitute Navigation5.1.11.2 =

    if (cls->nav_file) {
        if (TextFiles::exists(cls->nav_file))
            Collater::collate(substituted, cls->for_web, cls->restrict_to_range,
                cls->nav_file, cls->nav_pattern, NULL, NULL, cls->wv, cls->into_file);
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to find navigation file", cls->nav_file);
    } else {
        PRINT("Warning: no sidebar links will be generated, as -navigation is unset");

§ A trail of breadcrumbs, used for overhead navigation in web pages.

Substitute Breadcrumbs5.1.11.3 =

    Colonies::drop_initial_breadcrumbs(substituted, cls->into_file,

§ Substitute Plugins5.1.11.4 =

    Assets::include_relevant_plugins(OUT, cls->nav_pattern, cls->for_web,
        cls->wv, cls->into_file);

§ We store little about the complete-web-in-one-file PDF:

Substitute a detail about the complete PDF5.1.11.5 =

    if (swarm_leader)
        if (Formats::substitute_post_processing_data(substituted,
            swarm_leader, detail, cls->nav_pattern) == FALSE)
            WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S for complete web", detail);

§ And here for Modules:

Substitute a Module5.1.11.6 =

    module *M = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
        Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, MODULE_LEVEL), module);
    if (M == NULL)
        Errors::at_position("no module is currently selected",
            cls->errors_at, lpos);
    else Substitute a detail about the currently selected Module5.;

§ Substitute a detail about the currently selected Module5. =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Title")) {
        text_stream *owner = Collater::module_owner(M, cls->for_web);
        if (Str::len(owner) > 0) WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S/", owner);
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S", M->module_name);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Page")) {
        if (Colonies::find(M->module_name))
            Colonies::reference_URL(substituted, M->module_name, cls->into_file);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Purpose")) {
        WRITE_TO(url, "%p", M->module_location);
        Readme::write_var(substituted, url, I"Purpose");
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S for %S", varname, M->module_name);

§ And here for Chapters:

Substitute a Chapter5.1.11.7 =

    chapter *C = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
        Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, CHAPTER_LEVEL), chapter);
    if (C == NULL)
        Errors::at_position("no chapter is currently selected",
            cls->errors_at, lpos);
    else Substitute a detail about the currently selected Chapter5.;

§ Substitute a detail about the currently selected Chapter5. =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Title")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, C->md->ch_title);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Code")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, C->md->ch_range);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Purpose")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, C->md->rubric);
    } else if (Formats::substitute_post_processing_data(substituted,
        C->ch_weave, detail, cls->nav_pattern)) {
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S for %S", varname, C->md->ch_title);

§ And this is a very similar construction for Sections.

Substitute a Section5.1.11.8 =

    section *S = CONTENT_IN_ITEM(
        Collater::heading_topmost_on_stack(cls, SECTION_LEVEL), section);
    if (S == NULL)
        Errors::at_position("no section is currently selected",
            cls->errors_at, lpos);
    else Substitute a detail about the currently selected Section5.;

§ Substitute a detail about the currently selected Section5. =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Title")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, S->md->sect_title);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Purpose")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, S->sect_purpose);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Code")) {
        Str::copy(substituted, S->md->sect_range);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Lines")) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%d", S->sect_extent);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Source")) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%f", S->md->source_file_for_section);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Page")) {
        Colonies::section_URL(substituted, S->md);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Paragraphs")) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%d", S->sect_paragraphs);
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(detail, L"Mean")) {
        int denom = S->sect_paragraphs;
        if (denom == 0) denom = 1;
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%d", S->sect_extent/denom);
    } else if (Formats::substitute_post_processing_data(substituted,
        S->sect_weave, detail, cls->nav_pattern)) {
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S for %S", varname, S->md->sect_title);

§ These commands are all used in constructing relative URLs, especially for navigation purposes.

Substitute a Docs5.1.11.9 =


§ Substitute an Assets5.1.11.10 =

    pathname *P = Colonies::assets_path();
    if (P == NULL) P = Filenames::up(cls->into_file);
        Filenames::up(cls->into_file), P);

§ Substitute a URL5.1.11.11 =


§ Substitute a Link5.1.11.12 =

    WRITE_TO(substituted, "<a href=\"");
    Colonies::reference_URL(substituted, link_text, cls->into_file);
    WRITE_TO(substituted, "\">");

§ Substitute a Menu5.1.11.13 =

    if (cls->inside_navigation_submenu) WRITE_TO(substituted, "</ul>");
    WRITE_TO(substituted, "<h2>%S</h2><ul>", menu_name);
    cls->inside_navigation_submenu = TRUE;

§ Look for icon text5.1.11.14 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, item_name, L"<(%i+.%i+)> *(%c*)")) {
        icon_text = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        item_name = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item_name, L"(%c*?) *<(%i+.%i+)>")) {
        icon_text = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        item_name = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§ Substitute a member Item5.1.11.15 =

    Colonies::reference_URL(url, link_text, cls->into_file);
    Substitute an item at this URL5.;

§ Substitute a general Item5.1.11.16 =

    Colonies::link_URL(url, link_text, cls->into_file);
    Substitute an item at this URL5.;

§ Substitute an item at this URL5. =

    if (cls->inside_navigation_submenu == FALSE) WRITE_TO(substituted, "<ul>");
    cls->inside_navigation_submenu = TRUE;
    WRITE_TO(substituted, "<li>");
    if (Str::eq(url, Filenames::get_leafname(cls->into_file))) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "<span class=\"unlink\">");
        Substitute icon and name5.;
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "</span>");
    } else if (Str::eq(url, I"index.html")) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "<a href=\"%S\">", url);
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "<span class=\"selectedlink\">");
        Substitute icon and name5.;
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "</span>");
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "</a>");
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "<a href=\"%S\">", url);
        Substitute icon and name5.;
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "</a>");
    WRITE_TO(substituted, "</li>");

§ Substitute icon and name5. =

    if (Str::len(icon_text) > 0) {
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "<img src=\"");
        pathname *I = Colonies::assets_path();
        if (I == NULL) I = Pathnames::from_text(Colonies::home());
            Filenames::up(cls->into_file), I);
        WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S\" height=18> ", icon_text);
    WRITE_TO(substituted, "%S", item_name);

§6. This is a utility for finding the owner of a module, returning NULL (the empty text) if it appears to belong to the current web W.

text_stream *Collater::module_owner(const module *M, web *W) {
    text_stream *owner =
    text_stream *me = NULL;
    if ((W) && (W->md->path_to_web))
        me = Pathnames::directory_name(W->md->path_to_web);
    if (Str::ne_insensitive(me, owner)) return owner;
    return NULL;

§7. This enables us to sort them. The empty owner (i.e., the current web) comes top, then all other owners, in alphabetical order, and then last of all Inweb, so that foundation will always be at the bottom.

web *sorting_web = NULL;
void Collater::sort_web(web *W) {
    sorting_web = W;
int Collater::sort_comparison(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) {
    const module *M1 = *((const module **) ent1);
    const module *M2 = *((const module **) ent2);
    text_stream *O1 = Collater::module_owner(M1, sorting_web);
    text_stream *O2 = Collater::module_owner(M2, sorting_web);
    int r = Collater::cmp_owners(O1, O2);
    if (r != 0) return r;
    return Str::cmp_insensitive(M1->module_name, M2->module_name);

int Collater::cmp_owners(text_stream *O1, text_stream *O2) {
    if (Str::len(O1) == 0) {
        if (Str::len(O2) > 0) return -1;
        return 0;
    if (Str::len(O2) == 0) return 1;
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(O1, I"inweb")) {
        if (Str::eq_insensitive(O2, I"inweb") == FALSE) return 1;
        return 0;
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(O2, I"inweb")) return -1;
    return Str::cmp_insensitive(O1, O2);