Utility functions for writing HTML.

§1. Abstraction. Though the code below does nothing at all interesting, to put it mildly, it's written a little defensively, to increase the chances that the client is producing valid HTML with it. In particular, the client won't be allowed to open a p tag, then open a b tag, then close the p, then close the b: that would be wrongly nested. We want to throw errors like that into the debugging log, so:

    define tag_error(x) { LOG("Tag error: %s\n", x); }

§2. Any text stream can be declared as being HTML, and therefore subject to this auditing. To do that, we atach an HTML_file_state object to the text stream.

    typedef struct HTML_file_state {
        int XHTML_flag;  writing strict XHTML for use in epubs
        struct lifo_stack *tag_stack;  of HTML_tag: those currently open
        int CSS_included;
        int JS_included;
    } HTML_file_state;

    void HTML::declare_as_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, int XHTML) {
        HTML_file_state *hs = CREATE(HTML_file_state);
        hs->XHTML_flag = XHTML;
        hs->tag_stack = NEW_LIFO_STACK(HTML_tag);
        hs->CSS_included = 0;
        hs->JS_included = 0;
        Streams::declare_as_HTML(OUT, hs);

The function HTML::declare_as_HTML is used in 5/ee (§6.3).

The structure HTML_file_state is private to this section.

§3. What we require is that any tag "pushed" to the file must later be "pulled", and in the right order. Thus we can't open body, open div, close body, because that would be a div tag which was pushed but not pulled.

    int unique_xref = 0;
    typedef struct HTML_tag {
        char *tag_name;
        int tag_xref;
    } HTML_tag;

    int HTML::push_tag(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag) {
        int u = unique_xref++;
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if (hs) {
            HTML_tag *ht = CREATE(HTML_tag);
            ht->tag_name = tag;
            ht->tag_xref = u;
            PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(ht, HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack);
        return u;

The function HTML::push_tag is used in §7.

The structure HTML_tag is accessed in 8/ws and here.


    void HTML::pop_tag(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag) {
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if (hs) {
            if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack)) {
                LOG("{tag: %s}\n", tag);
                tag_error("closed HTML tag which wasn't open");
            } else {
                HTML_tag *ht = TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack);
                if (strcmp(tag, ht->tag_name) != 0) {
                    LOG("{expected to close tag %s (%d), but actually closed %s}\n",
                        ht->tag_name, ht->tag_xref, tag);
                    tag_error("closed HTML tag which wasn't open");
                POP_LIFO_STACK(HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack);

The function HTML::pop_tag is used in §7.

§5. At the end, therefore, no tags must remain unpulled.

    void HTML::completed(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if ((hs) && (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack) == FALSE)) {
            HTML_tag *ht;
            int i = 0;
            LOG("HTML tag stack: ");
            LOOP_DOWN_LIFO_STACK(ht, HTML_tag, hs->tag_stack) {
                if (i++ > 0) LOG(" in ");
                LOG("%s (%d)", ht->tag_name, ht->tag_xref);
            tag_error("HTML tags still open");

The function HTML::completed is used in 5/ee (§6.3).

§6. We will open and close all HTML tags using the following macros, two of which are variadic and have to be written out the old-fashioned way:

    define HTML_TAG(tag) HTML::tag(OUT, tag, NULL);
    define HTML_OPEN(tag) HTML::open(OUT, tag, NULL);
    define HTML_CLOSE(tag) HTML::close(OUT, tag);
    #define HTML_TAG_WITH(tag, args...) { \
        TEMPORARY_TEXT(details); \
        WRITE_TO(details, args); \
        HTML::tag(OUT, tag, details); \
        DISCARD_TEXT(details); \

    #define HTML_OPEN_WITH(tag, args...) { \
        TEMPORARY_TEXT(details); \
        WRITE_TO(details, args); \
        HTML::open(OUT, tag, details); \
        DISCARD_TEXT(details); \

§7. Which themselves depend on these routines:

    void HTML::tag(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag, text_stream *details) {
        WRITE("<%s", tag);
        if (Str::len(details) > 0) WRITE(" %S", details);
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if ((hs) && (hs->XHTML_flag)) WRITE(" /");
        if (HTML::tag_formatting(tag) >= 1) WRITE("\n");

    void HTML::tag_sc(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag, text_stream *details) {
        WRITE("<%s", tag);
        if (Str::len(details) > 0) WRITE(" %S", details);
        WRITE(" />");
        if (HTML::tag_formatting(tag) >= 1) WRITE("\n");

    int HTML::tag_formatting(char *tag) {
        if (strcmp(tag, "meta") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "link") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "hr") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "br") == 0) return 1;

        return 0;

    void HTML::open(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag, text_stream *details) {
        int f = HTML::pair_formatting(tag);
        HTML::push_tag(OUT, tag);
        WRITE("<%s", tag);
        if (Str::len(details) > 0) WRITE(" %S", details);
        if (f >= 2) { WRITE("\n"); INDENT; }

    void HTML::close(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag) {
        int f = HTML::pair_formatting(tag);
        if (f >= 3) WRITE("\n");
        if (f >= 2) OUTDENT;
        WRITE("</%s>", tag);
        HTML::pop_tag(OUT, tag);
        if (f >= 1) WRITE("\n");

    int HTML::pair_formatting(char *tag) {
        if (strcmp(tag, "td") == 0) return 3;

        if (strcmp(tag, "head") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "body") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "div") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "table") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "tr") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "script") == 0) return 2;
        if (strcmp(tag, "style") == 0) return 2;

        if (strcmp(tag, "html") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "p") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "title") == 0) return 1;
        if (strcmp(tag, "blockquote") == 0) return 1;

        return 0;

The function HTML::tag is used in §6.

The function HTML::tag_sc appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::tag_formatting appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::open is used in §6, §13.

The function HTML::close is used in §6.

The function HTML::pair_formatting appears nowhere else.

§8. Head.

    void HTML::begin_head(OUTPUT_STREAM, filename *CSS_file) {
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if ((hs) && (hs->XHTML_flag)) {
            WRITE("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" ");
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("html", "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"");
        } else {
            WRITE("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" ");
        HTML_TAG_WITH("meta", "http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"");
        if (CSS_file)
            HTML_TAG_WITH("link", "href=\"%/f\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"", CSS_file);

    void HTML::end_head(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::begin_head is used in 5/ee (§6.3).

The function HTML::end_head is used in 5/ee (§6.3).


    void HTML::title(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *title) {
        WRITE("%S", title);

The function HTML::title appears nowhere else.

§10. Scripts and styles.

    void HTML::open_javascript(OUTPUT_STREAM, int define_project) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("script", "type=\"text/javascript\"");
        if (define_project) {
            WRITE("function project() {\n"); INDENT;
            #ifdef WINDOWS_JAVASCRIPT
            WRITE("return external.Project;\n");
            #ifndef WINDOWS_JAVASCRIPT
            WRITE("return window.Project;\n");
            OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n");

    void HTML::close_javascript(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

    void HTML::incorporate_javascript(OUTPUT_STREAM, int define_project, filename *M) {
        HTML::open_javascript(OUT, define_project);
        if (TextFiles::read(M, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, HTML::incorporate_helper, NULL, OUT) == FALSE) {
            WRITE_TO(STDERR, "%f", M);
            internal_error("Unable to open model JS material for reading");
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if (hs) hs->JS_included++;

    void HTML::open_CSS(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("style", "type=\"text/css\"");

    void HTML::close_CSS(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

    void HTML::incorporate_CSS(OUTPUT_STREAM, filename *M) {
        if (TextFiles::read(M, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, HTML::incorporate_helper, NULL, OUT) == FALSE)
            internal_error("Unable to open model CSS material for reading");
        HTML_file_state *hs = Streams::get_HTML_file_state(OUT);
        if (hs) hs->CSS_included++;

    void HTML::incorporate_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, filename *M) {
        if (TextFiles::read(M, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, HTML::incorporate_helper, NULL, OUT) == FALSE)
            internal_error("Unable to open model HTML material for reading");

The function HTML::open_javascript appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::close_javascript appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::incorporate_javascript appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::open_CSS appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::close_CSS appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::incorporate_CSS appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::incorporate_HTML appears nowhere else.

§11. The helper simply performs a textual copy:

    void HTML::incorporate_helper(text_stream *line_of_template,
        text_file_position *tfp, void *OUT) {
        WRITE("%S\n", line_of_template);

The function HTML::incorporate_helper is used in §10.

§12. Body.

    void HTML::begin_body(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *class) {
        if (class) HTML_OPEN_WITH("body", "class=\"%S\"", class)
        else HTML_OPEN("body");

    void HTML::end_body(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::begin_body is used in 5/ee (§6.3).

The function HTML::end_body is used in 5/ee (§6.3).

§13. Divisions.

    void HTML::begin_div_with_id(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *id) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"%s\"", id);

    void HTML::begin_div_with_class(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *cl) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"%s\"", cl);

    void HTML::begin_div_with_class_and_id(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *cl, char *id, int hide) {
        if (hide) HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"%s\" id=\"%s\" style=\"display: none;\"", cl, id)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"%s\" id=\"%s\"", cl, id);

    void HTML::begin_div_with_id_S(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *id) {
        WRITE_TO(details, "id=\"%S\"", id);
        HTML::open(OUT, "div", details);

    void HTML::begin_div_with_class_S(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl) {
        WRITE_TO(details, "class=\"%S\"", cl);
        HTML::open(OUT, "div", details);

    void HTML::begin_div_with_class_and_id_S(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl, text_stream *id, int hide) {
        WRITE_TO(details, "class=\"%S\" id=\"%S\"", cl, id);
        if (hide) WRITE_TO(details, " style=\"display: none;\"");
        HTML::open(OUT, "div", details);

    void HTML::end_div(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::begin_div_with_id appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_div_with_class appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_div_with_class_and_id appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_div_with_id_S appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_div_with_class_S appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_div_with_class_and_id_S appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::end_div appears nowhere else.

§14. Images.

    void HTML::image(OUTPUT_STREAM, filename *F) {
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src=\"%/f\"", F);

The function HTML::image appears nowhere else.

§15. Links.

    void HTML::anchor(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *id) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "id=\"%S\"", id); HTML_CLOSE("a");

    void HTML::begin_link(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *to) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"%S\"", to);

    void HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl, text_stream *to) {
        HTML::begin_link_with_class_onclick(OUT, cl, to, NULL);

    void HTML::begin_link_with_class_title(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl, text_stream *to, text_stream *ti) {
        HTML::begin_link_with_class_title_onclick(OUT, cl, to, ti, NULL);

    void HTML::begin_link_with_class_onclick(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl, text_stream *to, text_stream *on) {
        HTML::begin_link_with_class_title_onclick(OUT, cl, to, NULL, on);

    void HTML::begin_link_with_class_title_onclick(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *cl, text_stream *to, text_stream *ti, text_stream *on) {
        WRITE("<a href=\"%S\" class=\"%S\"", to, cl);
        if (Str::len(ti) > 0) WRITE(" title=\"%S\"", ti);
        if (Str::len(on) > 0) WRITE(" onclick=\"%S\"", on);

    void HTML::end_link(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::anchor appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_link appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_link_with_class appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_link_with_class_title appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_link_with_class_onclick appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_link_with_class_title_onclick appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::end_link appears nowhere else.

§16. Tables. Opening a generic bland table with reasonable column spacing:

    void HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    void HTML::begin_wide_html_table(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

The function HTML::begin_plain_html_table appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::begin_wide_html_table appears nowhere else.

§17. And some more general code:

    void HTML::begin_html_table(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *colour, int full_width,
        int border, int cellspacing, int cellpadding, int height, int width) {
        WRITE_TO(tab, "border=\"%d\" cellspacing=\"%d\" cellpadding=\"%d\"",
            border, cellspacing, cellpadding);
        if (colour) {
            if (*colour == '*')
                WRITE_TO(tab, "  style=\"background-image:url('inform:/%s');\"", colour+1);
                WRITE_TO(tab, " bgcolor=\"%s\"", colour);
        if (full_width) WRITE_TO(tab, " width=100%%");
        if (width > 0) WRITE_TO(tab, " width=\"%d\"", width);
        if (height > 0) WRITE_TO(tab, " height=\"%d\"", height);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("table", "%S", tab);
    void HTML::begin_html_table_bg(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *colour, int full_width,
        int border, int cellspacing, int cellpadding, int height, int width, char *bg) {
        WRITE_TO(tab, "border=\"%d\" cellspacing=\"%d\" cellpadding=\"%d\"",
            border, cellspacing, cellpadding);
        if (bg) WRITE_TO(tab, " background=\"inform:/map_icons/%s\"", bg);
        if (colour) WRITE_TO(tab, " bgcolor=\"%s\"", colour);
        if (full_width) WRITE_TO(tab, " width=100%%");
        if (width > 0) WRITE_TO(tab, " width=\"%d\"", width);
        if (height > 0) WRITE_TO(tab, " height=\"%d\"", height);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("table", "%S", tab);
    void HTML::first_html_column(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::first_html_column_nowrap(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width, char *colour) {
        if (colour) HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "bgcolor=\"%s\"", colour) else HTML_OPEN("tr");
        WRITE_TO(col, "style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" height=\"20\"");
        if (width > 0) WRITE_TO(col, " width=\"%d\"", width);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "%S", col);
    void HTML::first_html_column_spaced(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        WRITE_TO(col, "style=\"padding-top: 3px;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
        if (width > 0) WRITE_TO(col, " width=\"%d\"", width);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "%S", col);
    void HTML::first_html_column_coloured(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width, char *colour, int cs) {
        if (colour) HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "bgcolor=\"%s\"", colour) else HTML_OPEN("tr");
        WRITE_TO(col, "nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
        if (width > 0) WRITE_TO(col, " width=\"%d\"", width);
        if (cs > 0) WRITE_TO(col, " colspan=\"%d\"", cs);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "%S", col);
    void HTML::next_html_column(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_centred(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_spanning(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width, int sp) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"%d\" width=\"%d\"", sp, width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"%d\"", sp);
    void HTML::next_html_column_nowrap(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_spaced(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "style=\"padding-top: 3px;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "style=\"padding-top: 3px;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_nw(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_w(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::next_html_column_right_justified(OUTPUT_STREAM, int width) {
        if (width > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" width=\"%d\"", width)
        else HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"");
    void HTML::end_html_row(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    void HTML::end_html_table(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::begin_html_table is used in §16.

The function HTML::begin_html_table_bg appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::first_html_column appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::first_html_column_nowrap appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::first_html_column_spaced appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::first_html_column_coloured appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_centred appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_spanning appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_nowrap appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_spaced appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_nw appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_w appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::next_html_column_right_justified appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::end_html_row appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::end_html_table is used in §18.

§18. Round-rects.

    define CORNER_SIZE 8  measured in pixels
    define ROUND_BOX_TOP 1
    define ROUND_BOX_BOTTOM 2
    void HTML::open_coloured_box(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *html_colour, int rounding) {
            "width=\"100%%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" "
            "style=\"background-color: #%s\"", html_colour);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);
        if (rounding & ROUND_BOX_TOP) HTML::box_corner(OUT, html_colour, "tl");
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);
        if (rounding & ROUND_BOX_TOP) HTML::box_corner(OUT, html_colour, "tr");
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);

    void HTML::close_coloured_box(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *html_colour, int rounding) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);
        if (rounding & ROUND_BOX_BOTTOM) HTML::box_corner(OUT, html_colour, "bl");
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=\"%d\"", CORNER_SIZE);
        if (rounding & ROUND_BOX_BOTTOM) HTML::box_corner(OUT, html_colour, "br");

    void HTML::box_corner(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *html_colour, char *corner) {
            "src=\"inform:/bg_images/%s_corner_%s.gif\" "
            "width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" border=\"0\" alt=\"...\"",
            corner, html_colour, CORNER_SIZE, CORNER_SIZE);

The function HTML::open_coloured_box appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::close_coloured_box appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::box_corner appears nowhere else.

§19. Miscellaneous.

    void HTML::comment(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text) {
        WRITE("<!--%S-->\n", text);

    void HTML::heading(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *tag, text_stream *text) {
        WRITE("%S", text);

    void HTML::hr(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *class) {
        if (class) HTML_TAG_WITH("hr", "class=\"%s\"", class)
        else HTML_TAG("hr");

The function HTML::comment appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::heading appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::hr appears nowhere else.

§20. HTML colours. Inform uses these when constructing the map in the World index.

    typedef struct colour_translation {
        wchar_t *chip_name;
        wchar_t *html_colour;
    } colour_translation;

    colour_translation table_of_translations[] = {
        { L"Alice Blue", L"F0F8FF" },
        { L"Antique White", L"FAEBD7" },
        { L"Aqua", L"00FFFF" },
        { L"Aquamarine", L"7FFFD4" },
        { L"Azure", L"F0FFFF" },
        { L"Beige", L"F5F5DC" },
        { L"Bisque", L"FFE4C4" },
        { L"Black", L"000000" },
        { L"Blanched Almond", L"FFEBCD" },
        { L"Blue", L"0000FF" },
        { L"Blue Violet", L"8A2BE2" },
        { L"Brown", L"A52A2A" },
        { L"Burly Wood", L"DEB887" },
        { L"Cadet Blue", L"5F9EA0" },
        { L"Chartreuse", L"7FFF00" },
        { L"Chocolate", L"D2691E" },
        { L"Coral", L"FF7F50" },
        { L"Cornflower Blue", L"6495ED" },
        { L"Cornsilk", L"FFF8DC" },
        { L"Crimson", L"DC143C" },
        { L"Cyan", L"00FFFF" },
        { L"Dark Blue", L"00008B" },
        { L"Dark Cyan", L"008B8B" },
        { L"Dark Golden Rod", L"B8860B" },
        { L"Dark Gray", L"A9A9A9" },
        { L"Dark Green", L"006400" },
        { L"Dark Khaki", L"BDB76B" },
        { L"Dark Magenta", L"8B008B" },
        { L"Dark Olive Green", L"556B2F" },
        { L"Dark Orange", L"FF8C00" },
        { L"Dark Orchid", L"9932CC" },
        { L"Dark Red", L"8B0000" },
        { L"Dark Salmon", L"E9967A" },
        { L"Dark Sea Green", L"8FBC8F" },
        { L"Dark Slate Blue", L"483D8B" },
        { L"Dark Slate Gray", L"2F4F4F" },
        { L"Dark Turquoise", L"00CED1" },
        { L"Dark Violet", L"9400D3" },
        { L"Deep Pink", L"FF1493" },
        { L"Deep Sky Blue", L"00BFFF" },
        { L"Dim Gray", L"696969" },
        { L"Dodger Blue", L"1E90FF" },
        { L"Feldspar", L"D19275" },
        { L"Fire Brick", L"B22222" },
        { L"Floral White", L"FFFAF0" },
        { L"Forest Green", L"228B22" },
        { L"Fuchsia", L"FF00FF" },
        { L"Gainsboro", L"DCDCDC" },
        { L"Ghost White", L"F8F8FF" },
        { L"Gold", L"FFD700" },
        { L"Golden Rod", L"DAA520" },
        { L"Gray", L"808080" },
        { L"Green", L"008000" },
        { L"Green Yellow", L"ADFF2F" },
        { L"Honey Dew", L"F0FFF0" },
        { L"Hot Pink", L"FF69B4" },
        { L"Indian Red", L"CD5C5C" },
        { L"Indigo", L"4B0082" },
        { L"Ivory", L"FFFFF0" },
        { L"Khaki", L"F0E68C" },
        { L"Lavender", L"E6E6FA" },
        { L"Lavender Blush", L"FFF0F5" },
        { L"Lawn Green", L"7CFC00" },
        { L"Lemon Chiffon", L"FFFACD" },
        { L"Light Blue", L"ADD8E6" },
        { L"Light Coral", L"F08080" },
        { L"Light Cyan", L"E0FFFF" },
        { L"Light Golden Rod Yellow", L"FAFAD2" },
        { L"Light Grey", L"D3D3D3" },
        { L"Light Green", L"90EE90" },
        { L"Light Pink", L"FFB6C1" },
        { L"Light Salmon", L"FFA07A" },
        { L"Light Sea Green", L"20B2AA" },
        { L"Light Sky Blue", L"87CEFA" },
        { L"Light Slate Blue", L"8470FF" },
        { L"Light Slate Gray", L"778899" },
        { L"Light Steel Blue", L"B0C4DE" },
        { L"Light Yellow", L"FFFFE0" },
        { L"Lime", L"00FF00" },
        { L"Lime Green", L"32CD32" },
        { L"Linen", L"FAF0E6" },
        { L"Magenta", L"FF00FF" },
        { L"Maroon", L"800000" },
        { L"Medium Aquamarine", L"66CDAA" },
        { L"Medium Blue", L"0000CD" },
        { L"Medium Orchid", L"BA55D3" },
        { L"Medium Purple", L"9370D8" },
        { L"Medium Sea Green", L"3CB371" },
        { L"Medium Slate Blue", L"7B68EE" },
        { L"Medium Spring Green", L"00FA9A" },
        { L"Medium Turquoise", L"48D1CC" },
        { L"Medium Violet Red", L"CA226B" },
        { L"Midnight Blue", L"191970" },
        { L"Mint Cream", L"F5FFFA" },
        { L"Misty Rose", L"FFE4E1" },
        { L"Moccasin", L"FFE4B5" },
        { L"Navajo White", L"FFDEAD" },
        { L"Navy", L"000080" },
        { L"Old Lace", L"FDF5E6" },
        { L"Olive", L"808000" },
        { L"Olive Drab", L"6B8E23" },
        { L"Orange", L"FFA500" },
        { L"Orange Red", L"FF4500" },
        { L"Orchid", L"DA70D6" },
        { L"Pale Golden Rod", L"EEE8AA" },
        { L"Pale Green", L"98FB98" },
        { L"Pale Turquoise", L"AFEEEE" },
        { L"Pale Violet Red", L"D87093" },
        { L"Papaya Whip", L"FFEFD5" },
        { L"Peach Puff", L"FFDAB9" },
        { L"Peru", L"CD853F" },
        { L"Pink", L"FFC0CB" },
        { L"Plum", L"DDA0DD" },
        { L"Powder Blue", L"B0E0E6" },
        { L"Purple", L"800080" },
        { L"Red", L"FF0000" },
        { L"Rosy Brown", L"BC8F8F" },
        { L"Royal Blue", L"4169E1" },
        { L"Saddle Brown", L"8B4513" },
        { L"Salmon", L"FA8072" },
        { L"Sandy Brown", L"F4A460" },
        { L"Sea Green", L"2E8B57" },
        { L"Sea Shell", L"FFF5EE" },
        { L"Sienna", L"A0522D" },
        { L"Silver", L"C0C0C0" },
        { L"Sky Blue", L"87CEEB" },
        { L"Slate Blue", L"6A5ACD" },
        { L"Slate Gray", L"708090" },
        { L"Snow", L"FFFAFA" },
        { L"Spring Green", L"00FF7F" },
        { L"Steel Blue", L"4682B4" },
        { L"Tan", L"D2B48C" },
        { L"Teal", L"008080" },
        { L"Thistle", L"D8BFD8" },
        { L"Tomato", L"FF6347" },
        { L"Turquoise", L"40E0D0" },
        { L"Violet", L"EE82EE" },
        { L"Violet Red", L"D02090" },
        { L"Wheat", L"F5DEB3" },
        { L"White", L"FFFFFF" },
        { L"White Smoke", L"F5F5F5" },
        { L"Yellow", L"FFFF00" },
        { L"Yellow Green", L"9ACD32" },
        { L"", L"" }

The structure colour_translation is private to this section.

§21. The following is used only a handful of times, if at all, and does not need to run quickly.

    wchar_t *HTML::translate_colour_name(wchar_t *original) {
        for (int j=0; Wide::cmp(table_of_translations[j].chip_name, L""); j++)
            if (Wide::cmp(table_of_translations[j].chip_name, original) == 0)
                return table_of_translations[j].html_colour;
        return NULL;

The function HTML::translate_colour_name appears nowhere else.


    void HTML::begin_colour(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *col) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "style=\"color:#%S\"", col);
    void HTML::end_colour(OUTPUT_STREAM) {

The function HTML::begin_colour appears nowhere else.

The function HTML::end_colour appears nowhere else.