To provide for wrapping up sets of HTML files into ePub ebooks.

§1. Ebooks. Constructing an ePub file (essentially a zipped folder of HTML with some metadata attached) is simple enough, but the details are finicky. The HTML pages need to be fully XHTML compliant, which is quite a strict requirement, and we can't help with that here. But we can at least sort out the directory structure and the rather complicated indexing and contents files also required.

See Liza Daly's invaluable tutorial "Build a digital book with EPUB" to explicate all of this.

While under construction, any single ebook is represented by an instance of the following structure. Conceptually, we will organise it as a series of "volumes" (possibly only one), each of which is a series of "chapters" (possibly only one). The actual content is a series of "pages", which are essentially individual HTML files, plus some images.

    typedef struct ebook {
        struct linked_list *metadata_list;  of ebook_datum: DCMI-standard bibliographic data
        char *prefix;  to apply to the page leafnames
        struct filename *CSS_file_throughout;  where to find a CSS file to be used for all volumes

        struct filename *eventual_epub;  filename of the final *.epub to be made
        struct pathname *holder;  directory to put the ingredients into
        struct pathname *OEBPS_path;  subdirectory which mysteriously has to be called OEBPS

        struct linked_list *ebook_volume_list;  of ebook_volume
        struct ebook_volume *current_volume;  the one to which chapters are now being added

        struct linked_list *ebook_chapter_list;  of ebook_chapter
        struct ebook_chapter *current_chapter;  the one to which pages are now being added

        struct linked_list *ebook_page_list;  of book_page
        struct linked_list *ebook_image_list;  of ebook_image
    } ebook;

The structure ebook is private to this section.

§2. DCMI, or "Dublin Core", metadata is a standard set of key-value pairs used to identify ebooks; we need to maintain a small dictionary, and so small that a list is entirely sufficient.

    typedef struct ebook_datum {
        struct text_stream *key;
        struct text_stream *value;
    } ebook_datum;

The structure ebook_datum is accessed in 2/dct, 8/bdfw and here.

§3. As noted above, we use the following to stratify the book:

    typedef struct ebook_volume {
        struct text_stream *volume_title;
        struct ebook_page *volume_starts;  on which page the volume starts
        struct filename *CSS_file;  where to find the CSS file to be included
    } ebook_volume;

    typedef struct ebook_chapter {
        struct text_stream *chapter_title;
        struct ebook_volume *in_volume;  to which volume this chapter belongs
        struct ebook_page *chapter_starts;  on which page the chapter starts
        struct linked_list *ebook_mark_list;  of ebook_mark: for when multiple navigable points exist within this
        struct text_stream *start_URL;
    } ebook_chapter;

The structure ebook_volume is private to this section.

The structure ebook_chapter is private to this section.

§4. Now for the actual resources which will end up in the EPUB. Here are the pages:

    typedef struct ebook_page {
        struct text_stream *page_title;
        struct text_stream *page_type;
        struct text_stream *page_ID;

        struct filename *relative_URL;  eventual URL of this page within the ebook

        struct ebook_volume *in_volume;  to which volume this page belongs
        struct ebook_chapter *in_chapter;  to which chapter this page belongs

        int nav_entry_written;  keep track of what we've written to the navigation tree
    } ebook_page;

    typedef struct ebook_mark {
        struct text_stream *mark_text;
        struct text_stream *mark_URL;
    } ebook_mark;

    typedef struct ebook_image {
        struct text_stream *image_ID;
        struct filename *relative_URL;  eventual URL of this image within the ebook
    } ebook_image;

The structure ebook_page is private to this section.

The structure ebook_mark is private to this section.

The structure ebook_image is private to this section.

§5. Creation.

    ebook *Epub::new(text_stream *title, char *prefix) {
        ebook *B = CREATE(ebook);
        B->metadata_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_datum);
        B->OEBPS_path = NULL;
        B->ebook_page_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_page);
        B->ebook_image_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_image);
        B->ebook_volume_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_volume);
        B->current_volume = NULL;
        B->ebook_chapter_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_chapter);
        B->current_chapter = NULL;
        B->eventual_epub = NULL;
        B->prefix = prefix;
        Epub::attach_metadata(B, L"title", title);
        return B;

    void Epub::use_CSS_throughout(ebook *B, filename *F) {
        B->CSS_file_throughout = F;

    void Epub::use_CSS(ebook_volume *V, filename *F) {
        V->CSS_file = F;

    text_stream *Epub::attach_metadata(ebook *B, wchar_t *K, text_stream *V) {
        ebook_datum *D = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(D, ebook_datum, B->metadata_list)
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(D->key, K)) {
                Str::copy(D->value, V);
                return D->value;
        D = CREATE(ebook_datum);
        D->key = Str::new_from_wide_string(K);
        D->value = Str::duplicate(V);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(D, ebook_datum, B->metadata_list);
        return D->value;

    text_stream *Epub::get_metadata(ebook *B, wchar_t *K) {
        ebook_datum *D = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(D, ebook_datum, B->metadata_list)
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(D->key, K))
                return D->value;
        return NULL;

    text_stream *Epub::ensure_metadata(ebook *B, wchar_t *K) {
        text_stream *S = Epub::get_metadata(B, K);
        if (S == NULL) S = Epub::attach_metadata(B, K, NULL);
        return S;

    ebook_page *Epub::note_page(ebook *B, filename *F, text_stream *title, text_stream *type) {
        ebook_page *P = CREATE(ebook_page);
        P->relative_URL = F;
        P->nav_entry_written = FALSE;
        P->in_volume = B->current_volume;
        P->in_chapter = B->current_chapter;
        P->page_title = Str::duplicate(title);
        P->page_type = Str::duplicate(type);

        P->page_ID = Str::new();
        WRITE_TO(P->page_ID, B->prefix);
        Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(P->page_ID, F);
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, P->page_ID) {
            wchar_t c = Str::get(pos);
            if ((c == '-') || (c == ' ')) Str::put(pos, '_');
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list);
        return P;

    void Epub::note_image(ebook *B, filename *F) {
        ebook_image *I = CREATE(ebook_image);
        I->relative_URL = F;
        I->image_ID = Str::new();
        Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(I->image_ID, F);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(I, ebook_image, B->ebook_image_list);

    ebook_volume *Epub::starts_volume(ebook *B, ebook_page *P, text_stream *title) {
        ebook_volume *V = CREATE(ebook_volume);
        V->volume_starts = P;
        P->in_volume = V;
        V->volume_title = Str::duplicate(title);
        B->current_volume = V;
        V->CSS_file = NULL;
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(V, ebook_volume, B->ebook_volume_list);
        return V;

    ebook_chapter *Epub::starts_chapter(ebook *B, ebook_page *P, text_stream *title, text_stream *URL) {
        ebook_chapter *C = CREATE(ebook_chapter);
        C->chapter_starts = P;
        C->in_volume = B->current_volume;
        C->chapter_title = Str::duplicate(title);
        C->start_URL = Str::duplicate(URL);
        C->ebook_mark_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(ebook_mark);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(C, ebook_chapter, B->ebook_chapter_list);
        B->current_chapter = C;
        P->in_chapter = C;
        return C;

    void Epub::set_mark_in_chapter(ebook_chapter *C, text_stream *text, text_stream *URL) {
        ebook_mark *M = CREATE(ebook_mark);
        M->mark_text = Str::duplicate(text);
        M->mark_URL = Str::duplicate(URL);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(M, ebook_mark, C->ebook_mark_list);

The function Epub::new appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::use_CSS_throughout appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::use_CSS appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::attach_metadata appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::get_metadata is used in §6, §6.3, §7.1, §7.3.1.

The function Epub::ensure_metadata is used in §7.1.

The function Epub::note_page is used in §6.3.

The function Epub::note_image appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::starts_volume appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::starts_chapter appears nowhere else.

The function Epub::set_mark_in_chapter appears nowhere else.

§6. Construction. Note that if the client wants to use a cover image, it must also "note" this image separately. (This is a little inconvenient, but indoc wants to do it that way.)

    pathname *Epub::begin_construction(ebook *B, pathname *P, filename *cover_image) {
        if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(P) == FALSE) return NULL;

        WRITE_TO(TEMP, "%S.epub", Epub::get_metadata(B, L"title"));
        B->eventual_epub = Filenames::in_folder(P, TEMP);

        pathname *Holder = Pathnames::subfolder(P, I"ePub");
        if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(Holder) == FALSE) return NULL;
        B->holder = Holder;

        <Write the EPUB mimetype file 6.1>;
        <Write the EPUB meta-inf directory 6.2>;
        pathname *OEBPS = Pathnames::subfolder(Holder, I"OEBPS");
        if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(OEBPS) == FALSE) return NULL;
        if (cover_image) <Make the cover image page 6.3>;
        B->OEBPS_path = OEBPS;
        return OEBPS;

The function Epub::begin_construction appears nowhere else.

§6.1. <Write the EPUB mimetype file 6.1> =

        filename *Mimetype = Filenames::in_folder(Holder, I"mimetype");
        text_stream EM_struct; text_stream *OUT = &EM_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, Mimetype, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open mimetype file for output: %f",
        WRITE("application/epub+zip");  EPUB requires there be no newline here

This code is used in §6.

§6.2. <Write the EPUB meta-inf directory 6.2> =

        pathname *META_INF = Pathnames::subfolder(Holder, I"META-INF");
        if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(META_INF) == FALSE) return NULL;
        filename *container = Filenames::in_folder(META_INF, I"container.xml");
        text_stream C_struct; text_stream *OUT = &C_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, container, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open container file for output: %f",
        WRITE("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
        WRITE("<container version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container\">\n");
        WRITE("<rootfile full-path=\"OEBPS/content.opf\" media-type=\"application/oebps-package+xml\" />\n");

This code is used in §6.

§6.3. It's a much-lamented fact that EPUB 2, at any rate, has no standard way to define cover images, and different readers behave slightly differently. But the following seems to work with iTunes 9.1 and later, and therefore on Apple devices. (See Keith Fahlgren's post "Best practices in ePub cover images" at the ThreePress Consulting blog.)

<Make the cover image page 6.3> =

        filename *cover = Filenames::in_folder(OEBPS, I"cover.html");
        text_stream C_struct; text_stream *OUT = &C_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, cover, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open cover file for output: %f",

        Epub::note_page(B, cover, I"Cover", I"cover");

        HTML::declare_as_HTML(OUT, TRUE);
        HTML::begin_head(OUT, NULL);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("style", "type=\"text/css\"");
        WRITE("img { max-width: 100%%; }\n");
        HTML::begin_body(OUT, NULL);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"cover-image\"");
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src=\"%/f\" alt=\"%S\"", cover_image, Epub::get_metadata(B, L"title"));

This code is used in §6.


    void Epub::end_construction(ebook *B) {
        <Attach default metadata 7.1>;
        <Write the EPUB OPF file 7.2>;
        <Write the EPUB NCX file 7.3>;
        <Zip the EPUB 7.4>;

The function Epub::end_construction appears nowhere else.

§7.1. <Attach default metadata 7.1> =

        text_stream *datestamp = Epub::ensure_metadata(B, L"date");
        if (Str::len(datestamp) == 0) {
            WRITE_TO(datestamp, "%04d-%02d-%02d", the_present->tm_year + 1900,
                (the_present->tm_mon)+1, the_present->tm_mday);

        WRITE_TO(TEMP, "");
        text_stream *identifier = Epub::ensure_metadata(B, L"identifier");
        if (Str::len(identifier) == 0)
            WRITE_TO(TEMP, "%S", Epub::get_metadata(B, L"title"));
            WRITE_TO(TEMP, "%S", identifier);
        Str::copy(identifier, TEMP);

        text_stream *lang = Epub::ensure_metadata(B, L"language");
        if (Str::len(lang) == 0) WRITE_TO(lang, "en-UK");

This code is used in §7.

§7.2. <Write the EPUB OPF file 7.2> =

        filename *content = Filenames::in_folder(B->OEBPS_path, I"content.opf");
        text_stream C_struct; text_stream *OUT = &C_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, content, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open content file for output: %f",

        WRITE("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n");
        WRITE("<package xmlns=\"\"\n");
        WRITE("unique-identifier=\"bookid\" version=\"2.0\">\n"); INDENT;
        <Write the OPF metadata 7.2.1>;
        <Write the OPF manifest 7.2.2>;
        <Write the OPF spine 7.2.3>;
        <Write the OPF guide 7.2.4>;
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</package>\n");


This code is used in §7.

§7.2.1. The metadata here conforms to the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (ebook_datum). (Other default values are set in the configuration file.)

<Write the OPF metadata 7.2.1> =

        WRITE("<metadata>\n"); INDENT;
        ebook_datum *D = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(D, ebook_datum, B->metadata_list) {
            WRITE("<dc:%S", D->key);
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(D->key, L"identifier")) WRITE(" id=\"bookid\"");
            WRITE("%S</dc:%S>\n", D->value, D->key);
        WRITE("<meta name=\"cover\" content=\"cover-image\" />\n");
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</metadata>\n");

This code is used in §7.2.

§7.2.2. <Write the OPF manifest 7.2.2> =

        WRITE("<manifest>\n"); INDENT;
        WRITE("<item id=\"ncx\" href=\"toc.ncx\" media-type=\"application/x-dtbncx+xml\"/>\n");
        <Manifest the CSS files>;
        <Manifest the XHTML files>;
        <Manifest the images>;
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</manifest>\n");

This code is used in §7.2.

§ <Manifest the CSS files> =

        int cssc = 1;
        if (B->CSS_file_throughout)
            WRITE("<item id=\"css%d\" href=\"%S\" media-type=\"text/css\"/>\n",
                    cssc++, Filenames::get_leafname(B->CSS_file_throughout));
        ebook_volume *V;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(V, ebook_volume, B->ebook_volume_list)
            if (V->CSS_file)
                WRITE("<item id=\"css%d\" href=\"%S\" media-type=\"text/css\"/>\n",
                    cssc++, Filenames::get_leafname(V->CSS_file));

This code is used in §7.2.2.

§ <Manifest the XHTML files> =

        ebook_page *P;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list)
            WRITE("<item id=\"%S\" href=\"%S\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\"/>\n",
                P->page_ID, Filenames::get_leafname(P->relative_URL));

This code is used in §7.2.2.

§ <Manifest the images> =

        ebook_image *I;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(I, ebook_image, B->ebook_image_list) {
            char *image_type = "";
            switch (Filenames::guess_format(I->relative_URL)) {
                case FORMAT_PERHAPS_PNG: image_type = "png"; break;
                case FORMAT_PERHAPS_JPEG: image_type = "jpeg"; break;
                case FORMAT_PERHAPS_SVG: image_type = "svg"; break;
                case FORMAT_PERHAPS_GIF: image_type = "gif"; break;
                default: Errors::nowhere("image not .gif, .png, .jpg or .svg"); break;
            WRITE("<item id=\"%S\" href=\"%/f\" media-type=\"image/%s\"/>\n",
                I->image_ID, I->relative_URL, image_type);

This code is used in §7.2.2.

§7.2.3. <Write the OPF spine 7.2.3> =

        WRITE("<spine toc=\"ncx\">\n"); INDENT;
        ebook_page *P;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list) {
            WRITE("<itemref idref=\"%S\"", P->page_ID);
            if (Str::len(P->page_type) > 0) WRITE(" linear=\"no\"");
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</spine>\n");

This code is used in §7.2.

§7.2.4. <Write the OPF guide 7.2.4> =

        WRITE("<guide>\n"); INDENT;
        ebook_page *P;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list) {
            if (Str::len(P->page_type) > 0) {
                WRITE("<reference href=\"%S\" type=\"%S\" title=\"%S\"/>\n",
                    Filenames::get_leafname(P->relative_URL), P->page_type, P->page_title);
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</guide>\n");

This code is used in §7.2.

§7.3. The NCX duplicates some of what's in the OPF file, for historical reasons; it's left over from an earlier standard used by book-readers for visually impaired people.

<Write the EPUB NCX file 7.3> =

        filename *toc = Filenames::in_folder(B->OEBPS_path, I"toc.ncx");
        text_stream C_struct; text_stream *OUT = &C_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, toc, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open ncx file for output: %f",

        WRITE("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n");
        WRITE("<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC \"-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN\"\n");
        WRITE("	\"\">\n");
        WRITE("<ncx xmlns=\"\" version=\"2005-1\">\n");

        int depth = 1;  there are surely at least sections
        if (LinkedLists::len(B->ebook_chapter_list) > 0) depth = 2;
        if (LinkedLists::len(B->ebook_volume_list) > 0) depth = 3;

        <Write the NCX metadata 7.3.1>;
        <Write the NCX navigation map 7.3.2>;


This code is used in §7.

§7.3.1. <Write the NCX metadata 7.3.1> =

        WRITE("<head>\n"); INDENT;
        WRITE("<meta name=\"dtb:uid\" content=\"%S\"/>\n", Epub::get_metadata(B, L"identifier"));
        WRITE("<meta name=\"dtb:depth\" content=\"%d\"/>\n", depth);
        WRITE("<meta name=\"dtb:totalPageCount\" content=\"0\"/>\n");
        WRITE("<meta name=\"dtb:maxPageNumber\" content=\"0\"/>\n");
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</head>\n");
        WRITE("<docTitle>\n"); INDENT;
        WRITE("<text>%S</text>\n", Epub::get_metadata(B, L"title"));
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</docTitle>\n");

This code is used in §7.3.

§7.3.2. <Write the NCX navigation map 7.3.2> =

        WRITE("<navMap>\n"); INDENT;
        int navpoint_count = 1;
        int navmap_depth = 1;
        int phase = 0;
        <Include the non-section pages in this phase>;
        ebook_volume *V = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(V, ebook_volume, B->ebook_volume_list) {
            <Begin navPoint>;
            WRITE("<navLabel><text>%S</text></navLabel>", V->volume_title);
            WRITE("<content src=\"%S\"/>\n", Filenames::get_leafname(V->volume_starts->relative_URL));
            <Include the chapters and sections in this volume>;
            <End navPoint>;
        phase = 1;
        <Include the non-section pages in this phase>;
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</navMap>\n");
        if (navmap_depth != 1) internal_error("navMap numbering unbalanced");

This code is used in §7.3.

§ <Include the non-section pages in this phase> =

        ebook_page *P;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list) {
            int in_phase = 1;
            if ((Str::eq_wide_string(P->page_ID, L"cover")) ||
                (Str::eq_wide_string(P->page_ID, L"index")))
                in_phase = 0;
            if ((in_phase == phase) && (P->nav_entry_written == FALSE)) {
                <Begin navPoint>;
                WRITE("<navLabel><text>%S</text></navLabel> <content src=\"%S\"/>\n",
                    P->page_title, Filenames::get_leafname(P->relative_URL));
                <End navPoint>;

This code is used in §7.3.2 (twice).

§ <Include the chapters and sections in this volume> =

        ebook_chapter *C = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, ebook_chapter, B->ebook_chapter_list)
            if (C->in_volume == V) {
                <Begin navPoint>;
                WRITE("<navLabel><text>%S</text></navLabel>", C->chapter_title);
                WRITE("<content src=\"%S\"/>\n", C->start_URL);
                if (C->ebook_mark_list)
                    <Include the marks in this chapter>
                    <Include the sections in this chapter>;
                ebook_page *P;
                LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list)
                    if (P->in_chapter == C)
                        P->nav_entry_written = TRUE;
                <End navPoint>;

This code is used in §7.3.2.

§ <Include the sections in this chapter> =

        ebook_page *P;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, ebook_page, B->ebook_page_list) {
            if ((P->in_chapter == C) && (P->nav_entry_written == FALSE)) {
                <Begin navPoint>;
                WRITE("<navLabel><text>%S</text></navLabel>", P->page_title);
                WRITE("<content src=\"%S\"/>\n", Filenames::get_leafname(P->relative_URL));
                <End navPoint>;
                P->nav_entry_written = TRUE;

This code is used in §

§ <Include the marks in this chapter> =

        ebook_mark *M;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(M, ebook_mark, C->ebook_mark_list) {
            <Begin navPoint>;
            WRITE("<navLabel><text>%S</text></navLabel>", M->mark_text);
            WRITE("<content src=\"%S\"/>\n", M->mark_URL);
            <End navPoint>;

This code is used in §

§ <Begin navPoint> =

        WRITE("<navPoint id=\"navpoint-%d\" playOrder=\"%d\">\n",
            navpoint_count, navpoint_count);
        navmap_depth++; INDENT;

This code is used in §7.3.2, §, §, §, §

§ <End navPoint> =

        if (navmap_depth < 1) internal_error("navMap numbering awry");
        OUTDENT; WRITE("</navPoint>\n");

This code is used in §7.3.2, §, §, §, §

§7.4. <Zip the EPUB 7.4> =

        pathname *up = Pathnames::from_text(I"..");
        filename *ePub_relative =
            Filenames::in_folder(up, Filenames::get_leafname(B->eventual_epub));
        <Issue first zip instruction 7.4.1>;
        <Issue second zip instruction 7.4.2>;

This code is used in §7.

§7.4.1. <Issue first zip instruction 7.4.1> =

        Shell::plain(COMMAND, "cd ");
        Shell::quote_path(COMMAND, B->holder);
        Shell::plain(COMMAND, "; zip -0Xq ");
        Shell::quote_file(COMMAND, ePub_relative);
        Shell::plain(COMMAND, " mimetype");

This code is used in §7.4.

§7.4.2. <Issue second zip instruction 7.4.2> =

        Shell::plain(COMMAND, "cd ");
        Shell::quote_path(COMMAND, B->holder);
        Shell::plain(COMMAND, "; zip -Xr9Dq ");
        Shell::quote_file(COMMAND, ePub_relative);
        Shell::plain(COMMAND, " *");

This code is used in §7.4.