A version of our operating system interface suitable for Microsoft Windows.

§1. This Foundation module comes with two variant versions of the Platform:: section of code. The one you're reading compiles on Windows, and the other on a POSIX operating system.

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

§2. Microsoft Windows.

    define PLATFORM_STRING "windows"
    define LOCALE_IS_ISO
    define FOLDER_SEPARATOR '\\'
    define HTML_MAP_FONT_SIZE 11
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <dirent.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <io.h>
    #include <windows.h>

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

§3. A Windows-safe form of isdigit. Annoyingly, the C specification allows the implementation to have char either signed or unsigned. On Windows it's generally signed. Now, consider what happens with a character value of acute-e. This has an unsigned char value of 233. When stored in a char on Windows, this becomes a value of -23. When this is passed to isdigit(), we need to consider the prototype for isdigit():

int isdigit(int);

So, when casting to int we get -23, not 233. Unfortunately the return value from isdigit() is only defined by the C specification for values in the range 0 to 255 (and also EOF), so the return value for -23 is undefined. And with Windows GCC, isdigit(-23) returns a non-zero value.

    define isdigit(x) Platform::Windows_isdigit(x)
    int Platform::Windows_isdigit(int c) {
        return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) ? 1 : 0;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::Windows_isdigit appears nowhere else.

§4. Environment variables.

    unsigned long __stdcall GetCurrentDirectoryA(unsigned long len, char* buffer);
    unsigned long __stdcall SHGetFolderPathA(unsigned long wnd, int folder,
        unsigned long token, unsigned long flags, char* path);

    char *Platform::getenv(const char *name) {
        static char env[260];
        env[0] = 0;
        if (strcmp(name,"PWD") == 0) {
            if (GetCurrentDirectoryA(260,env) > 0) return env;
        } else if (strcmp(name,"HOME") == 0) {
            if (SHGetFolderPathA(0,5,0,0,env) == 0) return env;
        return getenv(name);

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function GetCurrentDirectoryA appears nowhere else.

The function SHGetFolderPathA appears nowhere else.

The function Platform::getenv is used in 1/pp (§8), 3/pth (§2, §3).

§5. Executable location. Fill the wide-char buffer p with the path to the current executable, up to length length. This function is guaranteed to be called from only one thread. Should the information be unavailable, or fail to fit into p, truncate p to zero length. (On some platforms, the information will always be unavailable: that doesn't mean we can't run on those platforms, just that installation and use of Foundation-built tools is less convenient.)

    void Platform::where_am_i(wchar_t *p, size_t length) {
        DWORD result = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, p, length);
        if ((result == 0) || (result == length)) p[0] = 0;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::where_am_i is used in 1/pp (§9, §9.1.1, §9.1.2, §9.1.3), 3/pth (§3).

§6. Shell commands.

    struct Win32_Startup_Info {
        long v1; char* v2; char* v3; char* v4; long v5; long v6;
        long v7; long v8; long v9; long v10; long v11;
        unsigned long flags; unsigned short showWindow;
        short v12; char* v13; long v14; long v15; long v16; };
    struct Win32_Process_Info {
        unsigned long process; unsigned long thread; long v1; long v2; };
    unsigned long __stdcall CloseHandle(unsigned long handle);
    unsigned long __stdcall WaitForSingleObject(unsigned long handle, unsigned long ms);
    unsigned long __stdcall CreateProcessA(void* app, char* cmd, void* pa,
        void* ta, long inherit, unsigned long flags, void* env, void* dir,
        struct Win32_Startup_Info* start, struct Win32_Process_Info* process);
    unsigned long __stdcall GetExitCodeProcess(unsigned long proc, unsigned long* code);

    int Platform::system(const char *cmd) {
        if (strncmp(cmd,"md5 ", 4) == 0) return 0;

        char cmdline[4096];
        sprintf(cmdline,"cmd /s /c \"%s\"", cmd);

        struct Win32_Startup_Info start = { sizeof (struct Win32_Startup_Info), 0 };
        start.flags = 1;
        start.showWindow = 0;

        struct Win32_Process_Info process;
        if (CreateProcessA(0, cmdline, 0, 0, 0, 0x8000000, 0, 0, &start, &process) == 0)
            return -1;

        if (WaitForSingleObject(process.process, -1) != 0) {
            return -1;

        unsigned long code = 10;
        GetExitCodeProcess(process.process, &code);

        return code;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function CloseHandle appears nowhere else.

The function WaitForSingleObject is used in §11.

The function CreateProcessA appears nowhere else.

The function GetExitCodeProcess appears nowhere else.

The function Platform::system is used in 1/pp (§10, §11, §14), 3/shl (§5).

§7. Directory handling.

    int Platform::mkdir(char *transcoded_pathname) {
        errno = 0;
        int rv = _mkdir(transcoded_pathname);
        if (rv == 0) return TRUE;
        if (errno == EEXIST) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    void *Platform::opendir(char *path_to_folder) {
        DIR *dirp = opendir(path_to_folder);
        return (void *) dirp;

    int Platform::readdir(void *folder, char *path_to_folder,
        char *leafname) {
        char path_to[2*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+2];
        struct _stat file_status;
        int rv;
        DIR *dirp = (DIR *) folder;
        struct dirent *dp;
        if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) == NULL) return FALSE;
        sprintf(path_to, "%s%c%s", path_to_folder, FOLDER_SEPARATOR, dp->d_name);
        rv = _stat(path_to, &file_status);
        if (rv != 0) return FALSE;
        if (S_ISDIR(file_status.st_mode))
            sprintf(leafname, "%s%c", dp->d_name, FOLDER_SEPARATOR);
        else strcpy(leafname, dp->d_name);
        return TRUE;

    void Platform::closedir(void *folder) {
        DIR *dirp = (DIR *) folder;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::mkdir is used in 1/pp (§12), 3/pth (§8).

The function Platform::opendir is used in 1/pp (§12), 3/drc (§2).

The function Platform::readdir is used in 1/pp (§12), 3/drc (§2).

The function Platform::closedir is used in 1/pp (§12), 3/drc (§2).

§8. Sleep. The Windows Sleep call measures time in milliseconds, whereas POSIX sleep is for seconds.

    void __stdcall Sleep(unsigned long ms);
    void Platform::sleep(int seconds) {
        Sleep((unsigned long) 1000*seconds);

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::sleep is used in 1/pp (§15).

§9. Notifications.

    void Platform::notification(text_stream *text, int happy) {

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::notification is used in 1/pp (§16, §17).

§10. Concurrency. The following predeclarations come from the Windows SDK.

    unsigned long __stdcall CreateThread(void* attrs, unsigned long stack,
        void* func, void* param, unsigned long flags, unsigned long* id);

    struct Win32_Thread_Attrs {};
    struct Win32_Thread_Start { void *(*fn)(void *); void* arg; };

    typedef unsigned long foundation_thread;
    typedef struct Win32_Thread_Attrs foundation_thread_attributes;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function CreateThread is used in §11.


    unsigned long __stdcall Platform::Win32_Thread_Func(unsigned long param) {
        struct Win32_Thread_Start* start = (struct Win32_Thread_Start*)param;
        return 0;

    int Platform::create_thread(foundation_thread *pt, const foundation_thread_attributes *pa,
        void *(*fn)(void *), void *arg) {
        struct Win32_Thread_Start* start = (struct Win32_Thread_Start*) malloc(sizeof (struct Win32_Thread_Start));
        start->fn = fn;
        start->arg = arg;
        unsigned long thread = CreateThread(0,0,Platform::Win32_Thread_Func,start,0,0);
        if (thread == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            *pt = thread;
            return 0;

    int Platform::join_thread(pthread_t pt, void** rv) {
        return (WaitForSingleObject(pt,-1) == 0) ? 0 : 1;

    void Platform::init_thread(pthread_attr_t* pa, size_t size) {

    size_t Platform::get_thread_stack_size(pthread_attr_t* pa) {
        return 0;

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::Win32_Thread_Func appears nowhere else.

The function Platform::create_thread is used in 1/pp (§19).

The function Platform::join_thread is used in 1/pp (§19).

The function Platform::init_thread is used in 1/pp (§19).

The function Platform::get_thread_stack_size is used in 1/pp (§19).

§12. Timestamp. There are implementations of the C standard library where time_t has super-weird behaviour, but on almost POSIX systems, time 0 corresponds to midnight on 1 January 1970. All we really need is that the "never" value is one which is earlier than any possible timestamp on the files we'll be dealing with.

    time_t Platform::never_time(void) {
        return (time_t) 0;

    time_t Platform::timestamp(char *transcoded_filename) {
        struct stat filestat;
        if (stat(transcoded_pathname, &filestat) != -1) return filestat.st_mtime;
        return Platform::never_time();

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.

The function Platform::never_time is used in 1/pp (§13).

The function Platform::timestamp is used in 1/pp (§13), 3/fln (§12).

§13. Mutexes.

    define CREATE_MUTEX(name)
        struct Win32_Critical_Section name { (void*)-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    define LOCK_MUTEX(name) EnterCriticalSection(&name);
    define UNLOCK_MUTEX(name) LeaveCriticalSection(&name);
    struct Win32_Critical_Section {
        void* v1; long v2; long v3; long v4; long v5; void* v6; };
    void __stdcall EnterCriticalSection(struct Win32_Critical_Section* cs);
    void __stdcall LeaveCriticalSection(struct Win32_Critical_Section* cs);

This paragraph is used only if PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined.