Scanning directories on the host filing system.

§1. All of this abstracts the code already found in the platform definitions.

    typedef struct scan_directory {
        void *directory_handle;
        char directory_name_written_out[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    } scan_directory;

The structure scan_directory is private to this section.

§2. The directory name going out has to be transcoded from flat Unicode to whatever the locale encoding is; the filenames coming back have to be transcoded the other way.

    scan_directory *Directories::open(pathname *P) {
        scan_directory *D = CREATE(scan_directory);
        WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", P);
        Str::copy_to_locale_string(D->directory_name_written_out, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        D->directory_handle = Platform::opendir(D->directory_name_written_out);
        if (D->directory_handle == NULL) return NULL;
        return D;

    int Directories::next(scan_directory *D, text_stream *leafname) {
        char leafname_Cs[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
        int rv = TRUE;
        while (rv) {
            rv = Platform::readdir(D->directory_handle, D->directory_name_written_out, leafname_Cs);
            if (leafname_Cs[0] != '.') break;
        if (rv) Streams::write_locale_string(leafname, leafname_Cs);
        return rv;

    void Directories::close(scan_directory *D) {

The function Directories::open appears nowhere else.

The function Directories::next appears nowhere else.

The function Directories::close appears nowhere else.