To work through the program read in, assigning each line its category, and noting down other useful information as we go.

§1. Sequence of parsing. At this point, thw web has been read into memory. It's a linked list of chapters, each of which is a linked list of sections, each of which must be parsed in turn.

When we're done, we offer the support code for the web's programming language a chance to do some further work, if it wants to. (This is how, for example, function definitions are recognised in C programs.) There is no requirement for it to do anything.

void Parser::parse_web(web *W, int inweb_mode) {
    chapter *C;
    section *S;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, W->chapters)
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections)
            Parse a section1.1;
    LanguageMethods::parse_types(W, W->main_language);
    LanguageMethods::parse_functions(W, W->main_language);
    LanguageMethods::further_parsing(W, W->main_language);

§1.1. The task now is to parse those source lines, categorise them, and group them further into a linked list of paragraphs. The basic method would be simple enough, but is made more elaborate by supporting both version 1 and version 2 markup syntax, and trying to detect incorrect uses of one within the other.

Parse a section1.1 =

    int comment_mode = TRUE, extract_mode = FALSE;
    int code_lcat_for_body = NO_LCAT,
        code_plainness_for_body = FALSE,
        hyperlink_body = FALSE;
    programming_language *code_pl_for_body = NULL;
    int before_bar = TRUE;
    int next_par_number = 1;
    paragraph *current_paragraph = NULL;
    for (source_line *L = S->first_line, *PL = NULL; L; PL = L, L = L->next_line) {
        Apply tag list, if any1.1.2;
        Remove tag list, if any1.1.1;
        Detect implied paragraph breaks1.1.6;
        Determine category for this source line1.1.7;
    In version 2 syntax, construe the comment under the heading as the purpose1.1.5;
    If the section as a whole is tagged, apply that tag to each paragraph in it1.1.3;
    Work out footnote numbering for this section1.1.4;

§1.1.1. In versiom 2 syntax, the notation for tags was clarified. The tag list for a paragraph is the run of ^"This" and ^"That" markers at the end of the line introducing that paragraph. They can only occur, therefore, on a line beginning with an @. We extract them into a string called tag_list. (The reason we can't act on them straight away, which would make for simpler code, is that they need to be applied to a paragraph structure which doesn't yet exist — it will only exist when the line has been fully parsed.)

Remove tag list, if any1.1.1 =

    if (Str::get_first_char(L->text) == '@') {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        while (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"(%c*?)( *%^\"%c+?\")(%c*)")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "tags written ^\"thus\"", V2_SYNTAX);
            WRITE_TO(tag_list, "%S", mr.exp[1]);
            Str::copy(L->text, mr.exp[0]); WRITE_TO(L->text, " %S", mr.exp[2]);

§1.1.2. And now it's later, and we can safely apply the tags. current_paragraph now points to the para which was created by this line, not the one before.

Apply tag list, if any1.1.2 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    while (Regexp::match(&mr, tag_list, L" *%^\"(%c+?)\" *(%c*)")) {
        Tags::add_by_name(current_paragraph, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(tag_list, mr.exp[1]);

§1.1.3. If the section as a whole is tagged, apply that tag to each paragraph in it1.1.3 =

    paragraph *P;
    if (S->tag_with)
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, paragraph, S->paragraphs)
            Tags::add_to_paragraph(P, S->tag_with, NULL);

§1.1.4. In the woven form of each section, footnotes are counting upwards from 1.

Work out footnote numbering for this section1.1.4 =

    int next_footnote = 1;
    paragraph *P;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(P, paragraph, S->paragraphs)
        Work out footnote numbering for this paragraph1.1.4.3;

§1.1.5. The "purpose" of a section is a brief note about what it's for. In version 1 syntax, this had to be explicitly declared with a @Purpose: command; in version 2 it's much tidier.

In version 2 syntax, construe the comment under the heading as the purpose1.1.5 =

    if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX) {
        source_line *L = S->first_line;
        if ((L) && (L->category == CHAPTER_HEADING_LCAT)) L = L->next_line;
        if (Str::len(S->sect_purpose) == 0) {
            S->sect_purpose = Parser::extract_purpose(I"", L?L->next_line: NULL, S, NULL);
            if (Str::len(S->sect_purpose) > 0) L->next_line->category = PURPOSE_LCAT;

§1.1.6. A new paragraph is implied when a macro definition begins in the middle of what otherwise would be code, or when a paragraph and its code divider are immediately adjacent on the same line.

Detect implied paragraph breaks1.1.6 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if ((PL) && (PL->category == CODE_BODY_LCAT) &&
        (Str::get_first_char(L->text) == '@') && (Str::get_at(L->text, 1) == '<') &&
        (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"%c<(%c+)@> *= *")) &&
        (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)) {
        Insert an implied paragraph break1.1.6.1;
    if ((PL) && (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"@ *= *"))) {
        Str::copy(L->text, I"=");
        if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "implied paragraph breaks", V2_SYNTAX);
        Insert an implied paragraph break1.1.6.1;

§ We handle implied paragraph dividers by inserting a paragraph marker and reparsing from there.

Insert an implied paragraph break1.1.6.1 =

    source_line *NL = Lines::new_source_line_in(I"@", &(L->source), S);
    PL->next_line = NL;
    NL->next_line = L;
    L = PL;

§1.1.7. Categorisatiom. This is where the work is really done. We have a source line: is it comment, code, definition, what?

Determine category for this source line1.1.7 =

    L->is_commentary = comment_mode;
    L->category = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;  until set otherwise down below
    L->owning_paragraph = current_paragraph;

    if (L->source.line_count == 0) Parse the line as a probable chapter heading1.1.7.1;
    if (L->source.line_count <= 1) Parse the line as a probable section heading1.1.7.2;
    if (extract_mode == FALSE) {
        Parse the line as a possible Inweb command1.1.7.3;
        Parse the line as a possible paragraph macro definition1.1.7.4;
    if (Str::get_first_char(L->text) == '=') {
        if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "column-1 '=' as code divider", V2_SYNTAX);
        if (extract_mode) Exit extract mode1.1.7.6
        else Parse the line as an equals structural marker1.1.7.7;
    if ((Str::get_first_char(L->text) == '@') &&
        (Str::get_at(L->text, 1) != '<') &&
        (L->category != MACRO_DEFINITION_LCAT))
        Parse the line as a structural marker1.1.7.5;
    if (comment_mode) This is a line destined for commentary1.1.7.8;
    if (comment_mode == FALSE) This is a line destined for the verbatim code1.1.7.9;

§ This must be one of the inserted lines marking chapter headings; it doesn't come literally from the source web.

Parse the line as a probable chapter heading1.1.7.1 =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(L->text, L"Chapter Heading")) {
        comment_mode = TRUE;
        extract_mode = FALSE;
        L->is_commentary = TRUE;
        L->category = CHAPTER_HEADING_LCAT;
        L->owning_paragraph = NULL;

§ The top line of a section gives its title; in InC, it can also give the namespace for its functions.

Parse the line as a probable section heading1.1.7.2 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"Implied Purpose: (%c+)")) {
        S->sect_purpose = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        if (Str::len(S->sect_purpose) > 0) {
            L->category = PURPOSE_LCAT;
            L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"%[(%C+)%] (%C+/%C+): (%c+).")) {
        if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L,
            "section range in header line", V1_SYNTAX);
        S->sect_namespace = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        S->md->sect_range = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        S->md->sect_title = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[2]);
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[2]);
        L->category = SECTION_HEADING_LCAT;
        L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"(%C+/%C+): (%c+).")) {
        if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L,
            "section range in header line", V1_SYNTAX);
        S->md->sect_range = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        S->md->sect_title = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        L->category = SECTION_HEADING_LCAT;
        L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"%[(%C+::)%] (%c+).")) {
        S->sect_namespace = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        S->md->sect_title = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        L->category = SECTION_HEADING_LCAT;
        L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"(%c+).")) {
        S->md->sect_title = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        L->category = SECTION_HEADING_LCAT;
        L->owning_paragraph = NULL;

§ Version 1 syntax was cluttered up with a number of hardly-used markup syntaxes called "commands", written in double squared brackets [[Thus]]. In version 2, this notation is never used.

Parse the line as a possible Inweb command1.1.7.3 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"%[%[(%c+)%]%]")) {
        Str::copy(full_command, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(command_text, mr.exp[0]);
        L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, command_text, L"(%c+?): *(%c+)")) {
            Str::copy(command_text, mr.exp[0]);
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Page Break")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "[[Page Break]]", V1_SYNTAX);
            L->command_code = PAGEBREAK_CMD;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Grammar Index"))
            L->command_code = GRAMMAR_INDEX_CMD;
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Tag")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "[[Tag...]]", V1_SYNTAX);
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, L->text_operand);
            L->command_code = TAG_CMD;
        } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Figure")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "[[Figure...]]", V1_SYNTAX);
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Figures");
            L->command_code = FIGURE_CMD;
        } else {
            Main::error_in_web(I"unknown [[command]]", L);
        L->is_commentary = TRUE;

§ Some paragraphs define angle-bracketed macros, and those need special handling. We'll call these "paragraph macros".

Parse the line as a possible paragraph macro definition1.1.7.4 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if ((Str::get_first_char(L->text) == '@') && (Str::get_at(L->text, 1) == '<') &&
        (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"%c<(%c+)@> *= *"))) {
        Str::copy(para_macro_name, mr.exp[0]);
        L->category = MACRO_DEFINITION_LCAT;
        if (current_paragraph == NULL)
            Main::error_in_web(I"<...> definition begins outside of a paragraph", L);
        else Macros::create(S, current_paragraph, L, para_macro_name);
        comment_mode = FALSE; extract_mode = FALSE;
        L->is_commentary = FALSE;
        code_lcat_for_body = CODE_BODY_LCAT;  code follows on subsequent lines
        code_pl_for_body = NULL;
        code_plainness_for_body = FALSE;
        hyperlink_body = FALSE;

§ A structural marker is introduced by an @ in column 1, and is a structural division in the current section.

Parse the line as a structural marker1.1.7.5 =

    Str::copy(command_text, L->text);
    Str::delete_first_character(command_text);  i.e., strip the at-sign from the front
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, command_text, L"(%C*) *(%c*?)")) {
        Str::copy(command_text, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(remainder, mr.exp[1]);
    Deal with a structural marker1.;

§ An equals sign in column 1 can just mean the end of an extract, so:

Exit extract mode1.1.7.6 =

    L->category = END_EXTRACT_LCAT;
    comment_mode = TRUE;
    extract_mode = FALSE;

§ But more usually an equals sign in column 1 is a structural marker:

Parse the line as an equals structural marker1.1.7.7 =

    L->category = BEGIN_CODE_LCAT;
    L->plainer = FALSE;
    code_lcat_for_body = CODE_BODY_LCAT;
    code_pl_for_body = NULL;
    comment_mode = FALSE;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"= *(%c+) *")) {
        if ((current_paragraph) && (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"(very early code)"))) {
            current_paragraph->placed_very_early = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) && (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"(early code)"))) {
            current_paragraph->placed_early = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_lcat_for_body = TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT;
            code_pl_for_body = NULL;
            extract_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text as code%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_lcat_for_body = TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT;
            code_pl_for_body = S->sect_language;
            extract_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text as (%c+)%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_lcat_for_body = TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT;
            code_pl_for_body = Languages::find_by_name(mr2.exp[1], W, TRUE);
            extract_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text from (%c+) as code%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_pl_for_body = S->sect_language;
            Spool from file1.;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text from (%c+) as (%c+)%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_pl_for_body = Languages::find_by_name(mr2.exp[2], W, TRUE);
            Spool from file1.;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%((%c*?) *text from (%c+)%)"))) {
            Make plainer1.;
            code_pl_for_body = NULL;
            Spool from file1.;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(figure (%c+)%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Figures");
            L->command_code = FIGURE_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(audio (%c+)%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Audio");
            L->command_code = AUDIO_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(video (%c+)%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Video");
            L->command_code = VIDEO_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(download (%c+) \"(%c*)\"%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Download");
            L->command_code = DOWNLOAD_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            L->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[1]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(download (%c+)%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Download");
            L->command_code = DOWNLOAD_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            L->text_operand2 = Str::new();
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(carousel%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Carousels");
            L->command_code = CAROUSEL_UNCAPTIONED_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::new();
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(carousel \"(%c+)\" below%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Carousels");
            L->command_code = CAROUSEL_BELOW_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(carousel \"(%c+)\" above%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Carousels");
            L->command_code = CAROUSEL_ABOVE_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(carousel \"(%c+)\"%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Carousels");
            L->command_code = CAROUSEL_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(carousel end%)"))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Carousels");
            L->command_code = CAROUSEL_END_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else if ((current_paragraph) &&
            ((Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(embedded (%C+) video (%c+)%)")) ||
                (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], L"%(embedded (%C+) audio (%c+)%)")))) {
            Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Videos");
            L->command_code = EMBED_CMD;
            L->category = COMMAND_LCAT;
            code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
            L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[0]);
            L->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[1]);
            comment_mode = TRUE;
        } else {
            Main::error_in_web(I"unknown bracketed annotation", L);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L"= *%C%c*")) {
        Main::error_in_web(I"unknown material after '='", L);
    code_plainness_for_body = L->plainer;
    hyperlink_body = L->enable_hyperlinks;

§ Make plainer1. =

    match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr();
    while (TRUE) {
        if (Regexp::match(&mr3, mr2.exp[0], L" *(%C+) *(%c*?)")) {
            if (Str::eq(mr3.exp[0], I"undisplayed")) L->plainer = TRUE;
            else if (Str::eq(mr3.exp[0], I"hyperlinked")) L->enable_hyperlinks = TRUE;
            else {
                    I"only 'undisplayed' and/or 'hyperlinked' can precede 'text' here", L);
        } else break;
        Str::copy(mr2.exp[0], mr3.exp[1]);

§ Spool from file1. =

    L->category = BEGIN_CODE_LCAT;
    pathname *P = W->md->path_to_web;
    if ((S->md->owning_module) && (S->md->owning_module->module_location))
        P = S->md->owning_module->module_location;  references are relative to module
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text_relative(P, mr2.exp[1]);
    linked_list *lines = Painter::lines(F);
    text_stream *T;
    source_line *latest = L;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(T, text_stream, lines) {
        source_line *TL = Lines::new_source_line_in(T, &(L->source), S);
        TL->next_line = latest->next_line;
        TL->plainer = L->plainer;
        latest->next_line = TL;
        latest = TL;
    source_line *EEL = Lines::new_source_line_in(I"=", &(L->source), S);
    EEL->next_line = latest->next_line;
    latest->next_line = EEL;
    code_lcat_for_body = TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT;
    extract_mode = TRUE;

§ So here we have the possibilities which start with a column-1 @ sign. There appear to be hordes of these, but in fact most of them were removed in Inweb syntax version 2: in modern syntax, only @d, @e, @h, their long forms @define, @enum and @heading, and plain old @ remain. (But @e has a different meaning from in version 1.)

Deal with a structural marker1. =

    extract_mode = FALSE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Purpose:")) Deal with Purpose1.
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Interface:")) Deal with Interface1.
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"Definitions:")) Deal with Definitions1.
    else if (Regexp::match(&mr, command_text, L"----+")) Deal with the bar1.
    else if ((Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"c")) ||
            (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"x")) ||
            ((S->md->using_syntax == V1_SYNTAX) && (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"e"))))
                Deal with the code and extract markers1.
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"d")) Deal with the define marker1.
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"define")) {
        if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@define' for definitions (use '@d' instead)", V2_SYNTAX);
        Deal with the define marker1.;
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"default")) {
        if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@default' for definitions", V2_SYNTAX);
        L->default_defn = TRUE;
        Deal with the define marker1.;
    } else if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"enum")) Deal with the enumeration marker1.
    else if ((Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"e")) && (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX))
        Deal with the enumeration marker1.
    else {
        int weight = -1, new_page = FALSE;
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"")) weight = ORDINARY_WEIGHT;
        if ((Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"h")) || (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"heading"))) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax < V2_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@h' or '@heading' for headings (use '@p' instead)", V2_SYNTAX);
            weight = SUBHEADING_WEIGHT;
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"p")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@p' for headings (use '@h' instead)", V1_SYNTAX);
            weight = SUBHEADING_WEIGHT;
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"pp")) {
            if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
                Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@pp' for super-headings", V1_SYNTAX);
            weight = SUBHEADING_WEIGHT; new_page = TRUE;
        if (weight >= 0) Begin a new paragraph of this weight1.
        else Main::error_in_web(I"don't understand @command", L);

§ In version 1 syntax there were some peculiar special headings above a divider in the file made of hyphens, called "the bar". All of that has gone in V2.

Deal with Purpose1. =

    if (before_bar == FALSE) Main::error_in_web(I"Purpose used after bar", L);
    if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
        Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@Purpose'", V1_SYNTAX);
    L->category = PURPOSE_LCAT;
    L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(remainder);
    S->sect_purpose = Parser::extract_purpose(remainder, L->next_line, L->owning_section, &L);

§ Deal with Interface1. =

    if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
        Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@Interface'", V1_SYNTAX);
    if (before_bar == FALSE) Main::error_in_web(I"Interface used after bar", L);
    L->category = INTERFACE_LCAT;
    L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    source_line *XL = L->next_line;
    while ((XL) && (XL->next_line) && (XL->owning_section == L->owning_section)) {
        if (Str::get_first_char(XL->text) == '@') break;
        XL->category = INTERFACE_BODY_LCAT;
        L = XL;
        XL = XL->next_line;

§ Deal with Definitions1. =

    if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
        Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@Definitions' headings", V1_SYNTAX);
    if (before_bar == FALSE) Main::error_in_web(I"Definitions used after bar", L);
    L->category = DEFINITIONS_LCAT;
    L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    before_bar = TRUE;
    next_par_number = 1;

§ An @ sign in the first column, followed by a row of four or more dashes, constitutes the optional division bar in a section.

Deal with the bar1. =

    if (S->md->using_syntax >= V2_SYNTAX)
        Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "the bar '----...'", V1_SYNTAX);
    if (before_bar == FALSE) Main::error_in_web(I"second bar in the same section", L);
    L->category = BAR_LCAT;
    L->owning_paragraph = NULL;
    L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    comment_mode = TRUE;
    S->barred = TRUE;
    before_bar = FALSE;
    next_par_number = 1;

§ In version 1, the division point where a paragraoh begins to go into verbatim code was not marked with an equals sign, but with one of the three commands @c ("code"), @e ("early code") and @x ("code-like extract"). These had identical behaviour except for whether or not to tangle what follows:

Deal with the code and extract markers1. =

    if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX)
        Parser::wrong_version(S->md->using_syntax, L, "'@c' and '@x'", V1_SYNTAX);
    L->category = BEGIN_CODE_LCAT;
    if ((Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"e")) && (current_paragraph))
        current_paragraph->placed_early = TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(command_text, L"x")) code_lcat_for_body = TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT;
    else code_lcat_for_body = CODE_BODY_LCAT;
    code_pl_for_body = NULL;
    comment_mode = FALSE;
    code_plainness_for_body = FALSE;
    hyperlink_body = FALSE;

§ This is for @d and @define. Definitions are intended to translate to C preprocessor macros, Inform 6 Constants, and so on.

Deal with the define marker1. =

    L->category = BEGIN_DEFINITION_LCAT;
    code_lcat_for_body = CONT_DEFINITION_LCAT;
    code_pl_for_body = NULL;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, remainder, L"(%C+) (%c+)")) {
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);  name of term defined
        L->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);  Value
    } else {
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(remainder);  name of term defined
        L->text_operand2 = Str::new();  no value given
    Analyser::mark_reserved_word_at_line(L, L->text_operand, CONSTANT_COLOUR);
    comment_mode = FALSE;
    L->is_commentary = FALSE;

§ This is for @e (in version 2) and @enum, which makes an automatically enumerated sort of @d.

Deal with the enumeration marker1. =

    L->category = BEGIN_DEFINITION_LCAT;
    text_stream *from = NULL;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(remainder);  name of term defined
    if (LanguageMethods::parse_comment(S->sect_language, L->text_operand,
        before, after)) {
        Str::copy(L->text_operand, before);
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text_operand, L"(%C+) from (%c+)")) {
        from = mr.exp[1];
        Str::copy(L->text_operand, mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text_operand, L"(%C+) (%c+)")) {
        Main::error_in_web(I"enumeration constants can't supply a value", L);
    L->text_operand2 = Str::new();
    if (inweb_mode == TANGLE_MODE)
        Enumerations::define(L->text_operand2, L->text_operand, from, L);
    Analyser::mark_reserved_word_at_line(L, L->text_operand, CONSTANT_COLOUR);
    comment_mode = FALSE;
    L->is_commentary = FALSE;

§ Here we handle paragraph breaks which may or may not be headings. In version 1, @p was a heading, and @pp a grander heading, while plain @ is no heading at all. The use of "p" was a little confusing, and went back to CWEB, which used the term "paragraph" differently from us: it was "p" short for what CWEB called a "paragraph". We now use @h or equivalently @heading for a heading.

The noteworthy thing here is the way we fool around with the text on the line of the paragraph opening. This is one of the few cases where Inweb has retained the stream-based style of CWEB, where escape characters can appear anywhere in a line and line breaks are not significant. Thus

    @h The chronology of French weaving. Auguste de Papillon (1734-56) soon

is split into two, so that the title of the paragraph is just "The chronology of French weaving" and the remainder,

    Auguste de Papillon (1734-56) soon

will be woven exactly as the succeeding lines will be.

define ORDINARY_WEIGHT 0  an ordinary paragraph has this "weight"
define SUBHEADING_WEIGHT 1  a heading paragraph

Begin a new paragraph of this weight1. =

    comment_mode = TRUE;
    L->is_commentary = TRUE;
    L->category = PARAGRAPH_START_LCAT;
    if (weight == SUBHEADING_WEIGHT) L->category = HEADING_START_LCAT;
    L->text_operand = Str::new();  title
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if ((weight == SUBHEADING_WEIGHT) && (Regexp::match(&mr, remainder, L"(%c+). (%c+)"))) {
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        L->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
    } else if ((weight == SUBHEADING_WEIGHT) && (Regexp::match(&mr, remainder, L"(%c+). *"))) {
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        L->text_operand2 = Str::new();
    } else {
        L->text_operand = Str::new();
        L->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(remainder);
    Create a new paragraph, starting here, as new current paragraph1.;

    L->owning_paragraph = current_paragraph;

§ So now it's time to create paragraph structures:

typedef struct paragraph {
    int above_bar;  placed above the dividing bar in its section (in Version 1 syntax)
    int placed_early;  should appear early in the tangled code
    int placed_very_early;  should appear very early in the tangled code
    int invisible;  do not render paragraph number
    struct text_stream *heading_text;  if any - many paras have none
    struct text_stream *ornament;  a "P" for a pilcrow or "S" for section-marker
    struct text_stream *paragraph_number;  used in combination with the ornament
    int next_child_number;  used when working out paragraph numbers
    struct paragraph *parent_paragraph;  ditto

    int weight;  typographic prominence: one of the *_WEIGHT values
    int starts_on_new_page;  relevant for weaving to TeX only, of course

    struct para_macro *defines_macro;  there can only be one
    struct linked_list *functions;  of function: those defined in this para
    struct linked_list *structures;  of language_type: similarly
    struct linked_list *taggings;  of paragraph_tagging
    struct linked_list *footnotes;  of footnote
    struct source_line *first_line_in_paragraph;
    struct section *under_section;
} paragraph;

§ Create a new paragraph, starting here, as new current paragraph1. =

    paragraph *P = CREATE(paragraph);
    if (S->md->using_syntax > V1_SYNTAX) {
        P->above_bar = FALSE;
        P->placed_early = FALSE;
        P->placed_very_early = FALSE;
    } else {
        P->above_bar = before_bar;
        P->placed_early = before_bar;
        P->placed_very_early = FALSE;
    P->invisible = FALSE;
    if (Str::eq(Bibliographic::get_datum(W->md, I"Paragraph Numbers Visibility"), I"Off"))
        P->invisible = TRUE;
    P->heading_text = Str::duplicate(L->text_operand);
    if ((S->md->using_syntax == V1_SYNTAX) && (before_bar))
        P->ornament = Str::duplicate(I"P");
        P->ornament = Str::duplicate(I"S");
    WRITE_TO(P->paragraph_number, "%d", next_par_number++);
    P->parent_paragraph = NULL;
    P->next_child_number = 1;
    P->starts_on_new_page = FALSE;
    P->weight = weight;
    P->first_line_in_paragraph = L;
    P->defines_macro = NULL;
    P->functions = NEW_LINKED_LIST(function);
    P->structures = NEW_LINKED_LIST(language_type);
    P->taggings = NEW_LINKED_LIST(paragraph_tagging);
    P->footnotes = NEW_LINKED_LIST(footnote);

    P->under_section = S;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(P, paragraph, S->paragraphs);

    current_paragraph = P;

§ Finally, we're down to either commentary or code.

This is a line destined for commentary1.1.7.8 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, L">> (%c+)")) {
        L->category = SOURCE_DISPLAY_LCAT;
        L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§ Note that in an @d definition, a blank line is treated as the end of the definition. (This is unnecessary for C, and is a point of difference with CWEB, but is needed for languages which don't allow multi-line definitions.)

This is a line destined for the verbatim code1.1.7.9 =

    if ((L->category != BEGIN_DEFINITION_LCAT) && (L->category != COMMAND_LCAT)) {
        L->category = code_lcat_for_body;
        L->plainer = code_plainness_for_body;
        L->enable_hyperlinks = hyperlink_body;
        if (L->category == TEXT_EXTRACT_LCAT) L->colour_as = code_pl_for_body;

    if ((L->category == CONT_DEFINITION_LCAT) && (Regexp::string_is_white_space(L->text))) {
        L->category = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
        L->is_commentary = TRUE;
        code_lcat_for_body = COMMENT_BODY_LCAT;
        comment_mode = TRUE;

    LanguageMethods::subcategorise_line(S->sect_language, L);

§ The purpose text occurs just below the heading. In version 1 it's cued with a @Purpose: command; in version 2 it is unmarked. The following routine is not elegant but handles the back end of both possibilities.

text_stream *Parser::extract_purpose(text_stream *prologue, source_line *XL, section *S, source_line **adjust) {
    text_stream *P = Str::duplicate(prologue);
    while ((XL) && (XL->next_line) && (XL->owning_section == S) &&
        (((adjust) && (isalnum(Str::get_first_char(XL->text)))) ||
         ((!adjust) && (XL->category == COMMENT_BODY_LCAT)))) {
        WRITE_TO(P, " %S", XL->text);
        XL->category = PURPOSE_BODY_LCAT;
        XL->is_commentary = TRUE;
        if (adjust) *adjust = XL;
        XL = XL->next_line;
    return P;

§ Footnote notation.

typedef struct footnote {
    int footnote_cue_number;  used only for FOOTNOTE_TEXT_LCAT lines
    int footnote_text_number;  used only for FOOTNOTE_TEXT_LCAT lines
    struct text_stream *cue_text;
    int cued_already;
} footnote;

§ Work out footnote numbering for this paragraph1.1.4.3 =

    int next_footnote_in_para = 1;
    footnote *current_text = NULL;
    for (source_line *L = P->first_line_in_paragraph;
        ((L) && (L->owning_paragraph == P)); L = L->next_line)
        if (L->is_commentary) {
            Str::clear(before); Str::clear(cue); Str::clear(after);
            if (Parser::detect_footnote(W, L->text, before, cue, after)) {
                int this_is_a_cue = FALSE;
                LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, before)
                    if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get(pos)) == FALSE)
                        this_is_a_cue = TRUE;
                if (this_is_a_cue == FALSE)
                    This line begins a footnote text1.;
            L->footnote_text = current_text;

§ This line begins a footnote text1. =

    L->category = FOOTNOTE_TEXT_LCAT;
    footnote *F = CREATE(footnote);
    F->footnote_cue_number = Str::atoi(cue, 0);
    if (F->footnote_cue_number != next_footnote_in_para) {
        WRITE_TO(err, "footnote should be numbered [%d], not [%d]",
            next_footnote_in_para, F->footnote_cue_number);
        Main::error_in_web(err, L);
    F->footnote_text_number = next_footnote++;
    F->cue_text = Str::new();
    F->cued_already = FALSE;
    WRITE_TO(F->cue_text, "%d", F->footnote_text_number);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(F, footnote, P->footnotes);
    current_text = F;

§2. Where:

int Parser::detect_footnote(web *W, text_stream *matter, text_stream *before,
    text_stream *cue, text_stream *after) {
    text_stream *fn_on_notation =
        Bibliographic::get_datum(W->md, I"Footnote Begins Notation");
    text_stream *fn_off_notation =
        Bibliographic::get_datum(W->md, I"Footnote Ends Notation");
    if (Str::ne(fn_on_notation, I"Off")) {
        int N1 = Str::len(fn_on_notation);
        int N2 = Str::len(fn_off_notation);
        if ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0))
            for (int i=0; i < Str::len(matter); i++) {
                if (Str::includes_at(matter, i, fn_on_notation)) {
                    int j = i + N1 + 1;
                    while (j < Str::len(matter)) {
                        if (Str::includes_at(matter, j, fn_off_notation)) {
                            Str::substr(b, Str::start(matter), Str::at(matter, i));
                            Str::substr(c, Str::at(matter, i + N1), Str::at(matter, j));
                            Str::substr(a, Str::at(matter, j + N2), Str::end(matter));
                            int allow = TRUE;
                            LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, c)
                                if (Characters::isdigit(Str::get(pos)) == FALSE)
                                    allow = FALSE;
                            if (allow) {
                                Str::clear(before); Str::copy(before, b);
                                Str::clear(cue); Str::copy(cue, c);
                                Str::clear(after); Str::copy(after, a);
                            if (allow) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

footnote *Parser::find_footnote_in_para(paragraph *P, text_stream *cue) {
    int N = Str::atoi(cue, 0);
    footnote *F;
    if (P)
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(F, footnote, P->footnotes)
            if (N == F->footnote_cue_number)
                return F;
    return NULL;

§3. Parsing of dimensions. It's possible, optionally, to specify width and height for some visual matter. This is the syntax used.

define POINTS_PER_CM 72
text_stream *Parser::dimensions(text_stream *item, int *w, int *h, source_line *L) {
    int sv = L->owning_section->md->using_syntax;
    *w = -1; *h = -1;
    text_stream *use = item;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at (%d+) by (%d+)")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at X by Y", V2_SYNTAX);
        *w = Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        *h = Str::atoi(mr.exp[2], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at height (%d+)")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at height Y", V2_SYNTAX);
        *h = Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at width (%d+)")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at width Y", V2_SYNTAX);
        *w = Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at (%d+)cm by (%d+)cm")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at Xcm by Ycm", V2_SYNTAX);
        *w = POINTS_PER_CM*Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        *h = POINTS_PER_CM*Str::atoi(mr.exp[2], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at height (%d+)cm")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at height Ycm", V2_SYNTAX);
        *h = POINTS_PER_CM*Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, item, L"(%c+) at width (%d+)cm")) {
        if (sv < V2_SYNTAX)
            Parser::wrong_version(sv, L, "at width Ycm", V2_SYNTAX);
        *w = POINTS_PER_CM*Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        use = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    return use;

§4. Version errors. These are not fatal (why should they be?): Inweb carries on and allows the use of the feature despite the version mismatch. They nevertheless count as errors when it comes to Inweb's exit code, so they will halt a make.

void Parser::wrong_version(int using, source_line *L, char *feature, int need) {
    WRITE_TO(warning, "%s is a feature of version %d syntax (you're using v%d)",
        feature, need, using);
    Main::error_in_web(warning, L);