2023-02-02 22:12:31 +04:00

141 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/flags.h"
#include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h"
#include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_message_view.h"
#include "ui/text/text.h"
#include <deque>
enum class ChatRestriction;
using ChatRestrictions = base::flags<ChatRestriction>;
namespace Main {
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace HistoryUnreadThings {
enum class AddType;
struct All;
class Proxy;
class ConstProxy;
} // namespace HistoryUnreadThings
namespace HistoryView {
class SendActionPainter;
} // namespace HistoryView
namespace st {
extern const int &dialogsTextWidthMin;
} // namespace st
namespace Data {
class PeerNotifySettings;
enum class ItemNotificationType {
struct ItemNotification {
not_null<HistoryItem*> item;
UserData *reactionSender = nullptr;
ItemNotificationType type = ItemNotificationType::Message;
friend inline auto operator<=>(
ItemNotification a,
ItemNotification b) = default;
class Thread : public Dialogs::Entry {
using Entry::Entry;
[[nodiscard]] virtual not_null<History*> owningHistory() = 0;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<Thread*> migrateToOrMe() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<const History*> owningHistory() const {
return const_cast<Thread*>(this)->owningHistory();
[[nodiscard]] MsgId topicRootId() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<PeerData*> peer() const;
[[nodiscard]] PeerNotifySettings &notify();
[[nodiscard]] const PeerNotifySettings &notify() const;
void setUnreadThingsKnown();
[[nodiscard]] HistoryUnreadThings::Proxy unreadMentions();
[[nodiscard]] HistoryUnreadThings::ConstProxy unreadMentions() const;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryUnreadThings::Proxy unreadReactions();
[[nodiscard]] HistoryUnreadThings::ConstProxy unreadReactions() const;
virtual void hasUnreadMentionChanged(bool has) = 0;
virtual void hasUnreadReactionChanged(bool has) = 0;
void removeNotification(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void clearNotifications();
void clearIncomingNotifications();
[[nodiscard]] auto currentNotification() const
-> std::optional<ItemNotification>;
bool hasNotification() const;
void skipNotification();
void pushNotification(ItemNotification notification);
void popNotification(ItemNotification notification);
[[nodiscard]] bool muted() const {
return (_flags & Flag::Muted);
virtual void setMuted(bool muted);
[[nodiscard]] bool unreadMark() const {
return (_flags & Flag::UnreadMark);
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool isServerSideUnread(
not_null<const HistoryItem*> item) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] const base::flat_set<MsgId> &unreadMentionsIds() const;
[[nodiscard]] const base::flat_set<MsgId> &unreadReactionsIds() const;
[[nodiscard]] Ui::Text::String &cloudDraftTextCache() {
return _cloudDraftTextCache;
[[nodiscard]] Dialogs::Ui::MessageView &lastItemDialogsView() {
return _lastItemDialogsView;
[[nodiscard]] virtual auto sendActionPainter()
-> not_null<HistoryView::SendActionPainter*> = 0;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasPinnedMessages() const;
void setHasPinnedMessages(bool has);
void setUnreadMarkFlag(bool unread);
enum class Flag : uchar {
UnreadMark = (1 << 0),
Muted = (1 << 1),
UnreadThingsKnown = (1 << 2),
HasPinnedMessages = (1 << 3),
friend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
Ui::Text::String _cloudDraftTextCache = { st::dialogsTextWidthMin };
Dialogs::Ui::MessageView _lastItemDialogsView;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryUnreadThings::All> _unreadThings;
std::deque<ItemNotification> _notifications;
base::flags<Flag> _flags;
} // namespace Data