2022-11-01 19:25:36 +04:00

255 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
using BareId = uint64;
struct PeerIdZeroHelper {
using PeerIdZero = void(PeerIdZeroHelper::*)();
template <uint8 Shift>
struct ChatIdType {
BareId bare = 0;
static constexpr BareId kShift = Shift;
static constexpr BareId kReservedBit = BareId(0x80);
static_assert((Shift & kReservedBit) == 0, "Last bit is reserved.");
constexpr ChatIdType() noexcept = default;
//constexpr ChatIdType(PeerIdZero) noexcept { // UserId id = 0;
constexpr ChatIdType(BareId value) noexcept : bare(value) {
constexpr ChatIdType(MTPlong value) noexcept : bare(value.v) {
friend inline constexpr auto operator<=>(
ChatIdType) = default;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return (bare != 0);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept {
return !bare;
template <uchar Shift>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(
ChatIdType<Shift> a,
PeerIdZero) noexcept {
return (a.bare == 0);
template <uchar Shift>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(
ChatIdType<Shift> a) noexcept {
return (0 == a.bare);
template <uchar Shift>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(
ChatIdType<Shift> a,
PeerIdZero) noexcept {
return (a.bare != 0);
template <uchar Shift>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(
ChatIdType<Shift> a) noexcept {
return (0 != a.bare);
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator<(ChatIdType<Shift>, PeerIdZero) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator<(PeerIdZero, ChatIdType<Shift>) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator>(ChatIdType<Shift>, PeerIdZero) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator>(PeerIdZero, ChatIdType<Shift>) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator<=(ChatIdType<Shift>, PeerIdZero) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator<=(PeerIdZero, ChatIdType<Shift>) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator>=(ChatIdType<Shift>, PeerIdZero) = delete;
template <uchar Shift>
bool operator>=(PeerIdZero, ChatIdType<Shift>) = delete;
using UserId = ChatIdType<0>;
using ChatId = ChatIdType<1>;
using ChannelId = ChatIdType<2>;
using FakeChatId = ChatIdType<0x7F>;
struct PeerIdHelper {
BareId value = 0;
constexpr PeerIdHelper(BareId value) noexcept : value(value) {
struct PeerId {
BareId value = 0;
static constexpr BareId kChatTypeMask = BareId(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
constexpr PeerId() noexcept = default;
constexpr PeerId(PeerIdZero) noexcept { // PeerId id = 0;
template <uchar Shift>
constexpr PeerId(ChatIdType<Shift> id) noexcept
: value(id.bare | (BareId(Shift) << 48)) {
// This instead of explicit PeerId(BareId) allows to use both
// PeerId(uint64(..)) and PeerId(0).
constexpr PeerId(PeerIdHelper value) noexcept : value(value.value) {
friend inline constexpr auto operator<=>(PeerId, PeerId) = default;
template <typename SomeChatIdType, BareId = SomeChatIdType::kShift>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool is() const noexcept {
return ((value >> 48) & BareId(0xFF)) == SomeChatIdType::kShift;
template <typename SomeChatIdType, BareId = SomeChatIdType::kShift>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr SomeChatIdType to() const noexcept {
return is<SomeChatIdType>() ? (value & kChatTypeMask) : 0;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return (value != 0);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept {
return !value;
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(
PeerId a,
PeerIdZero) noexcept {
return (a.value == 0);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(
PeerId a) noexcept {
return (0 == a.value);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(
PeerId a,
PeerIdZero) noexcept {
return (a.value != 0);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(
PeerId a) noexcept {
return (0 != a.value);
bool operator<(PeerId, PeerIdZero) = delete;
bool operator<(PeerIdZero, PeerId) = delete;
bool operator>(PeerId, PeerIdZero) = delete;
bool operator>(PeerIdZero, PeerId) = delete;
bool operator<=(PeerId, PeerIdZero) = delete;
bool operator<=(PeerIdZero, PeerId) = delete;
bool operator>=(PeerId, PeerIdZero) = delete;
bool operator>=(PeerIdZero, PeerId) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool peerIsUser(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool peerIsChat(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool peerIsChannel(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromUser(UserId userId) noexcept {
return userId;
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromChat(ChatId chatId) noexcept {
return chatId;
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromChannel(
ChannelId channelId) noexcept {
return channelId;
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromUser(MTPlong userId) noexcept {
return peerFromUser(userId.v);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromChat(MTPint chatId) noexcept {
return peerFromChat(chatId.v);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr PeerId peerFromChannel(
MTPint channelId) noexcept {
return peerFromChannel(channelId.v);
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr UserId peerToUser(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr ChatId peerToChat(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr ChannelId peerToChannel(PeerId id) noexcept {
[[nodiscard]] inline MTPlong peerToBareMTPInt(PeerId id) {
return MTP_long(id.value & PeerId::kChatTypeMask);
[[nodiscard]] PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer);
[[nodiscard]] MTPpeer peerToMTP(PeerId id);
// Supports both modern and legacy serializations.
[[nodiscard]] PeerId DeserializePeerId(quint64 serialized);
[[nodiscard]] quint64 SerializePeerId(PeerId id);
namespace std {
template <uchar Shift>
struct hash<ChatIdType<Shift>> : private hash<BareId> {
size_t operator()(ChatIdType<Shift> value) const noexcept {
return hash<BareId>::operator()(value.bare);
template <>
struct hash<PeerId> : private hash<BareId> {
size_t operator()(PeerId value) const noexcept {
return hash<BareId>::operator()(value.value);
} // namespace std