2023-10-28 18:06:17 +04:00

339 lines
8.5 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "chat_helpers/compose/compose_features.h"
#include "chat_helpers/tabbed_selector.h"
#include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h"
#include "mtproto/sender.h"
#include "ui/dpr/dpr_image.h"
#include "ui/round_rect.h"
#include "ui/userpic_view.h"
namespace Ui {
class InputField;
class CrossButton;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Data {
class StickersSet;
class StickersSetThumbnailView;
class DocumentMedia;
} // namespace Data
namespace Lottie {
class SinglePlayer;
class FrameRenderer;
} // namespace Lottie
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace style {
struct EmojiPan;
} // namespace style
namespace ChatHelpers {
enum class ValidateIconAnimations {
[[nodiscard]] uint64 EmojiSectionSetId(Ui::Emoji::Section section);
[[nodiscard]] uint64 RecentEmojiSectionSetId();
[[nodiscard]] uint64 AllEmojiSectionSetId();
[[nodiscard]] uint64 SearchEmojiSectionSetId();
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<Ui::Emoji::Section> SetIdEmojiSection(uint64 id);
struct GifSection {
DocumentData *document = nullptr;
EmojiPtr emoji;
friend inline constexpr auto operator<=>(
GifSection) = default;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<std::vector<GifSection>> GifSectionsValue(
not_null<Main::Session*> session);
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<EmojiPtr> SearchEmoji(
const std::vector<QString> &query,
base::flat_set<EmojiPtr> &outResultSet);
struct StickerIcon {
explicit StickerIcon(uint64 setId);
not_null<Data::StickersSet*> set,
DocumentData *sticker,
int pixw,
int pixh);
StickerIcon &operator=(StickerIcon&&);
void ensureMediaCreated() const;
uint64 setId = 0;
Data::StickersSet *set = nullptr;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Lottie::SinglePlayer> lottie;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Ui::Text::CustomEmoji> custom;
mutable Media::Clip::ReaderPointer webm;
mutable QImage savedFrame;
DocumentData *sticker = nullptr;
ChannelData *megagroup = nullptr;
mutable std::shared_ptr<Data::StickersSetThumbnailView> thumbnailMedia;
mutable std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> stickerMedia;
mutable Ui::PeerUserpicView megagroupUserpic;
int pixw = 0;
int pixh = 0;
mutable rpl::lifetime lifetime;
class GradientPremiumStar {
[[nodiscard]] QImage image() const;
void renderOnDemand() const;
mutable QImage _image;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
class StickersListFooter final : public TabbedSelector::InnerFooter {
struct Descriptor {
not_null<Main::Session*> session;
Fn<QColor()> customTextColor;
Fn<bool()> paused;
not_null<RpWidget*> parent;
const style::EmojiPan *st = nullptr;
ComposeFeatures features;
bool forceFirstFrame = false;
explicit StickersListFooter(Descriptor &&descriptor);
void preloadImages();
void validateSelectedIcon(
uint64 setId,
ValidateIconAnimations animations);
void refreshIcons(
std::vector<StickerIcon> icons,
uint64 activeSetId,
Fn<std::shared_ptr<Lottie::FrameRenderer>()> renderer,
ValidateIconAnimations animations);
void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override;
void clearHeavyData();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<uint64> setChosen() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> openSettingsRequests() const;
void paintExpanding(
Painter &p,
QRect clip,
float64 radius,
RectPart origin);
[[nodiscard]] static int IconFrameSize();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
bool eventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void processHideFinished() override;
enum class SpecialOver {
struct IconId {
int index = 0;
int subindex = 0;
friend inline bool operator==(IconId a, IconId b) {
return (a.index == b.index) && (a.subindex == b.subindex);
using OverState = std::variant<SpecialOver, IconId>;
struct IconInfo {
int index = 0;
int left = 0;
int adjustedLeft = 0;
int width = 0;
bool visible = false;
struct ScrollState {
template <typename UpdateCallback>
explicit ScrollState(UpdateCallback &&callback);
bool animationCallback(crl::time now);
int selected = 0;
int max = 0;
int draggingStartX = 0;
bool dragging = false;
anim::value x;
anim::value selectionX;
anim::value selectionWidth;
crl::time animationStart = 0;
Ui::Animations::Basic animation;
struct ExpandingContext {
QRect clip;
float64 progress = 0.;
int radius = 0;
bool expanding = false;
void enumerateVisibleIcons(Fn<void(const IconInfo &)> callback) const;
void enumerateIcons(Fn<bool(const IconInfo &)> callback) const;
void enumerateSubicons(Fn<bool(const IconInfo &)> callback) const;
[[nodiscard]] IconInfo iconInfo(int index) const;
[[nodiscard]] IconInfo subiconInfo(int index) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<Lottie::FrameRenderer> getLottieRenderer();
void setSelectedIcon(
int newSelected,
ValidateIconAnimations animations);
void setSelectedSubicon(
int newSelected,
ValidateIconAnimations animations);
void validateIconLottieAnimation(const StickerIcon &icon);
void validateIconWebmAnimation(const StickerIcon &icon);
void validateIconAnimation(const StickerIcon &icon);
void customEmojiRepaint();
void refreshIconsGeometry(
uint64 activeSetId,
ValidateIconAnimations animations);
void refreshSubiconsGeometry();
void refreshScrollableDimensions();
void updateSelected();
void updateSetIcon(uint64 setId);
void updateSetIconAt(int left);
void checkDragging(ScrollState &state);
bool finishDragging(ScrollState &state);
bool finishDragging();
void paint(Painter &p, const ExpandingContext &context) const;
void paintStickerSettingsIcon(QPainter &p) const;
void paintSetIcon(
Painter &p,
const ExpandingContext &context,
const IconInfo &info,
crl::time now,
bool paused) const;
void prepareSetIcon(
const ExpandingContext &context,
const IconInfo &info,
crl::time now,
bool paused) const;
void paintSetIconToCache(
Painter &p,
const ExpandingContext &context,
const IconInfo &info,
crl::time now,
bool paused) const;
void paintSelectionBg(
QPainter &p,
const ExpandingContext &context) const;
void paintLeftRightFading(
QPainter &p,
const ExpandingContext &context) const;
void updateEmojiSectionWidth();
void updateEmojiWidthCallback();
void scrollByWheelEvent(not_null<QWheelEvent*> e);
void validateFadeLeft(int leftWidth) const;
void validateFadeRight(int rightWidth) const;
void validateFadeMask() const;
void clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification, uint64 setId);
const not_null<Main::Session*> _session;
const Fn<QColor()> _customTextColor;
const Fn<bool()> _paused;
const ComposeFeatures _features;
static constexpr auto kVisibleIconsCount = 8;
std::weak_ptr<Lottie::FrameRenderer> _lottieRenderer;
std::vector<StickerIcon> _icons;
Fn<std::shared_ptr<Lottie::FrameRenderer>()> _renderer;
uint64 _activeByScrollId = 0;
OverState _selected = SpecialOver::None;
OverState _pressed = SpecialOver::None;
QPoint _iconsMousePos, _iconsMouseDown;
int _iconsLeft = 0;
int _iconsRight = 0;
int _iconsTop = 0;
int _singleWidth = 0;
QPoint _areaPosition;
mutable QImage _fadeLeftCache;
mutable QColor _fadeLeftColor;
mutable QImage _fadeRightCache;
mutable QColor _fadeRightColor;
mutable QImage _fadeMask;
mutable QImage _setIconCache;
ScrollState _iconState;
ScrollState _subiconState;
Ui::RoundRect _selectionBg, _subselectionBg;
Ui::Animations::Simple _subiconsWidthAnimation;
int _subiconsWidth = 0;
bool _subiconsExpanded = false;
bool _repaintScheduled = false;
bool _forceFirstFrame = false;
rpl::event_stream<> _openSettingsRequests;
rpl::event_stream<uint64> _setChosen;
class LocalStickersManager final {
explicit LocalStickersManager(not_null<Main::Session*> session);
void install(uint64 setId);
[[nodiscard]] bool isInstalledLocally(uint64 setId) const;
void removeInstalledLocally(uint64 setId);
bool clearInstalledLocally();
void sendInstallRequest(
uint64 setId,
const MTPInputStickerSet &input);
void installedLocally(uint64 setId);
void notInstalledLocally(uint64 setId);
const not_null<Main::Session*> _session;
MTP::Sender _api;
base::flat_set<uint64> _installedLocallySets;
} // namespace ChatHelpers