/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "api/api_text_entities.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/add_bot_to_chat_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_peer_info_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/replace_boost_box.h" #include "boxes/delete_messages_box.h" #include "window/window_chat_preview.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_filters_menu.h" #include "window/window_separate_id.h" #include "info/channel_statistics/earn/info_channel_earn_list.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "info/info_controller.h" #include "inline_bots/bot_attach_web_view.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/view/reactions/history_view_reactions.h" //#include "history/view/reactions/history_view_reactions_button.h" #include "history/view/history_view_replies_section.h" #include "history/view/history_view_scheduled_section.h" #include "history/view/history_view_sublist_section.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "media/view/media_view_open_common.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "data/data_document_resolver.h" #include "data/data_download_manager.h" #include "data/data_saved_messages.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_forum.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_chat_filters.h" #include "data/data_replies_list.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "passport/passport_form_controller.h" #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_selector.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_interactions.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" #include "core/ui_integration.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "ui/controls/userpic_button.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" // Ui::FormatPhone. #include "ui/delayed_activation.h" #include "ui/boxes/boost_box.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_style.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_theme.h" #include "ui/effects/message_sending_animation_controller.h" #include "ui/style/style_palette_colorizer.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" // Core::App().calls().inCall(). #include "calls/group/calls_group_call.h" #include "ui/boxes/calendar_box.h" #include "ui/boxes/collectible_info_box.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/dynamic_thumbnails.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_chat_invite.h" #include "api/api_global_privacy.h" #include "api/api_blocked_peers.h" #include "support/support_helper.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "storage/download_manager_mtproto.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "window/window_session_controller_link_info.h" #include "settings/settings_main.h" #include "settings/settings_premium.h" #include "settings/settings_privacy_security.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" // st::boxLabel namespace Window { namespace { constexpr auto kCustomThemesInMemory = 5; constexpr auto kMaxChatEntryHistorySize = 50; class MainWindowShow final : public ChatHelpers::Show { public: explicit MainWindowShow(not_null controller); void activate() override; void showOrHideBoxOrLayer( std::variant< v::null_t, object_ptr, std::unique_ptr> &&layer, Ui::LayerOptions options, anim::type animated) const override; not_null toastParent() const override; bool valid() const override; operator bool() const override; Main::Session &session() const override; bool paused(ChatHelpers::PauseReason reason) const override; rpl::producer<> pauseChanged() const override; rpl::producer adjustShadowLeft() const override; SendMenu::Details sendMenuDetails() const override; bool showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null document) const override; bool showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null photo) const override; void processChosenSticker( ChatHelpers::FileChosen &&chosen) const override; private: const base::weak_ptr _window; }; [[nodiscard]] Ui::ChatThemeBubblesData PrepareBubblesData( const Data::CloudTheme &theme, Data::CloudThemeType type) { const auto i = theme.settings.find(type); return { .colors = (i != end(theme.settings) ? i->second.outgoingMessagesColors : std::vector()), .accent = (i != end(theme.settings) ? i->second.outgoingAccentColor : std::optional()), }; } [[nodiscard]] bool DownloadingDocument(not_null document) { for (const auto id : Core::App().downloadManager().loadingList()) { if (id->object.document == document.get()) { return true; } } return false; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::CollectibleDetails PrepareCollectibleDetails( not_null session) { const auto makeContext = [=] { return Core::MarkedTextContext{ .session = session, .customEmojiRepaint = [] {}, }; }; return { .tonEmoji = Ui::Text::SingleCustomEmoji( session->data().customEmojiManager().registerInternalEmoji( Info::ChannelEarn::IconCurrency( st::collectibleInfo, st::collectibleInfo.textFg->c), st::collectibleInfoTonMargins, true)), .tonEmojiContext = makeContext, }; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::CollectibleInfo Parse( const QString &entity, not_null owner, const MTPfragment_CollectibleInfo &info) { const auto &data = info.data(); return { .entity = entity, .copyText = (entity.startsWith('+') ? QString() : owner->session().createInternalLinkFull(entity)), .ownerUserpic = Ui::MakeUserpicThumbnail(owner, true), .ownerName = owner->name(), .cryptoAmount = data.vcrypto_amount().v, .amount = data.vamount().v, .cryptoCurrency = qs(data.vcrypto_currency()), .currency = qs(data.vcurrency()), .url = qs(data.vurl()), .date = data.vpurchase_date().v, }; } MainWindowShow::MainWindowShow(not_null controller) : _window(base::make_weak(controller)) { } void MainWindowShow::activate() { if (const auto window = _window.get()) { Window::ActivateWindow(window); } } void MainWindowShow::showOrHideBoxOrLayer( std::variant< v::null_t, object_ptr, std::unique_ptr> &&layer, Ui::LayerOptions options, anim::type animated) const { if (const auto window = _window.get()) { window->window().widget()->showOrHideBoxOrLayer( std::move(layer), options, animated); } } not_null MainWindowShow::toastParent() const { const auto window = _window.get(); Assert(window != nullptr); return window->widget()->bodyWidget(); } bool MainWindowShow::valid() const { return !_window.empty(); } MainWindowShow::operator bool() const { return valid(); } Main::Session &MainWindowShow::session() const { const auto window = _window.get(); Assert(window != nullptr); return window->session(); } bool MainWindowShow::paused(ChatHelpers::PauseReason reason) const { const auto window = _window.get(); return window && window->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(reason); } rpl::producer<> MainWindowShow::pauseChanged() const { const auto window = _window.get(); if (!window) { return rpl::never<>(); } return window->gifPauseLevelChanged(); } rpl::producer MainWindowShow::adjustShadowLeft() const { const auto window = _window.get(); if (!window) { return rpl::single(false); } return window->adaptive().value( ) | rpl::map([=] { return !window->adaptive().isOneColumn(); }); } SendMenu::Details MainWindowShow::sendMenuDetails() const { const auto window = _window.get(); if (!window) { return SendMenu::Details(); } return window->content()->sendMenuDetails(); } bool MainWindowShow::showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null document) const { const auto window = _window.get(); return window && window->widget()->showMediaPreview(origin, document); } bool MainWindowShow::showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null photo) const { const auto window = _window.get(); return window && window->widget()->showMediaPreview(origin, photo); } void MainWindowShow::processChosenSticker( ChatHelpers::FileChosen &&chosen) const { if (const auto window = _window.get()) { Ui::PostponeCall(window, [=, chosen = std::move(chosen)]() mutable { window->stickerOrEmojiChosen(std::move(chosen)); }); } } } // namespace void ActivateWindow(not_null controller) { Ui::ActivateWindow(controller->widget()); } bool IsPaused( not_null controller, GifPauseReason level) { return controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(level); } Fn PausedIn( not_null controller, GifPauseReason level) { return [=] { return IsPaused(controller, level); }; } bool operator==(const PeerThemeOverride &a, const PeerThemeOverride &b) { return (a.peer == b.peer) && (a.theme == b.theme); } bool operator!=(const PeerThemeOverride &a, const PeerThemeOverride &b) { return !(a == b); } DateClickHandler::DateClickHandler(Dialogs::Key chat, QDate date) : _chat(chat) , _weak(chat.topic()) , _date(date) { } void DateClickHandler::setDate(QDate date) { _date = date; } void DateClickHandler::onClick(ClickContext context) const { const auto my = context.other.value(); if (const auto window = my.sessionWindow.get()) { if (!_chat.topic()) { window->showCalendar(_chat, _date); } else if (const auto strong = _weak.get()) { window->showCalendar(strong, _date); } } } SessionNavigation::SessionNavigation(not_null session) : _session(session) , _api(&_session->mtp()) { } SessionNavigation::~SessionNavigation() = default; Main::Session &SessionNavigation::session() const { return *_session; } void SessionNavigation::showPeerByLink(const PeerByLinkInfo &info) { Core::App().hideMediaView(); if (!info.phone.isEmpty()) { resolvePhone(info.phone, [=](not_null peer) { showPeerByLinkResolved(peer, info); }); } else if (!info.chatLinkSlug.isEmpty()) { resolveChatLink(info.chatLinkSlug, [=]( not_null peer, TextWithEntities draft) { Data::SetChatLinkDraft(peer, draft); showPeerByLinkResolved(peer, info); }); } else if (const auto name = std::get_if(&info.usernameOrId)) { resolveUsername(*name, [=](not_null peer) { if (info.startAutoSubmit) { peer->session().api().blockedPeers().unblock( peer, [=](bool) { showPeerByLinkResolved(peer, info); }, true); } else if (info.joinChannel && peer->isChannel()) { peer->session().api().joinChannel(peer->asChannel()); } else { showPeerByLinkResolved(peer, info); } }); } else if (const auto id = std::get_if(&info.usernameOrId)) { resolveChannelById(*id, [=](not_null channel) { showPeerByLinkResolved(channel, info); }); } } void SessionNavigation::resolvePhone( const QString &phone, Fn)> done) { if (const auto peer = _session->data().userByPhone(phone)) { done(peer); return; } _api.request(base::take(_resolveRequestId)).cancel(); _resolveRequestId = _api.request(MTPcontacts_ResolvePhone( MTP_string(phone) )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { resolveDone(result, done); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _resolveRequestId = 0; if (error.code() == 400) { parentController()->show( Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_username_by_phone_not_found( tr::now, lt_phone, Ui::FormatPhone(phone))), Ui::LayerOption::CloseOther); } }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::resolveChatLink( const QString &slug, Fn peer, TextWithEntities draft)> done) { _api.request(base::take(_resolveRequestId)).cancel(); _resolveRequestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_ResolveBusinessChatLink( MTP_string(slug) )).done([=](const MTPaccount_ResolvedBusinessChatLinks &result) { _resolveRequestId = 0; parentController()->hideLayer(); const auto &data = result.data(); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); using namespace Api; const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()); done(_session->data().peer(peerId), { qs(data.vmessage()), EntitiesFromMTP(_session, data.ventities().value_or_empty()) }); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _resolveRequestId = 0; if (error.code() == 400) { showToast(tr::lng_confirm_phone_link_invalid(tr::now)); } }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::resolveUsername( const QString &username, Fn)> done) { if (const auto peer = _session->data().peerByUsername(username)) { done(peer); return; } _api.request(base::take(_resolveRequestId)).cancel(); _resolveRequestId = _api.request(MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername( MTP_string(username) )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { resolveDone(result, done); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _resolveRequestId = 0; if (error.code() == 400) { parentController()->show( Ui::MakeInformBox( tr::lng_username_not_found(tr::now, lt_user, username)), Ui::LayerOption::CloseOther); } }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::resolveDone( const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result, Fn)> done) { _resolveRequestId = 0; parentController()->hideLayer(); result.match([&](const MTPDcontacts_resolvedPeer &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); if (const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer())) { done(_session->data().peer(peerId)); } }); } void SessionNavigation::resolveChannelById( ChannelId channelId, Fn)> done) { if (const auto channel = _session->data().channelLoaded(channelId)) { done(channel); return; } const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { uiShow()->showToast(tr::lng_error_post_link_invalid(tr::now)); }); _api.request(base::take(_resolveRequestId)).cancel(); _resolveRequestId = _api.request(MTPchannels_GetChannels( MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputChannel(MTP_long(channelId.bare), MTP_long(0))) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Chats &result) { result.match([&](const auto &data) { const auto peer = _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); if (peer && peer->id == peerFromChannel(channelId)) { done(peer->asChannel()); } else { fail(); } }); }).fail(fail).send(); } void SessionNavigation::showMessageByLinkResolved( not_null item, const PeerByLinkInfo &info) { auto params = SectionShow{ SectionShow::Way::Forward }; params.origin = SectionShow::OriginMessage{ info.clickFromMessageId }; const auto peer = item->history()->peer; const auto topicId = peer->isForum() ? item->topicRootId() : 0; if (topicId) { const auto messageId = (item->id == topicId) ? MsgId() : item->id; showRepliesForMessage(item->history(), topicId, messageId, params); } else { showPeerHistory(peer, params, item->id); } } void SessionNavigation::showPeerByLinkResolved( not_null peer, const PeerByLinkInfo &info) { auto params = SectionShow{ SectionShow::Way::Forward }; params.origin = SectionShow::OriginMessage{ info.clickFromMessageId }; if (info.voicechatHash && peer->isChannel()) { // First show the channel itself. crl::on_main(this, [=] { showPeerHistory(peer, params, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); }); // Then try to join the voice chat. joinVoiceChatFromLink(peer, info); return; } using Scope = AddBotToGroupBoxController::Scope; const auto user = peer->asUser(); const auto bot = (user && user->isBot()) ? user : nullptr; // t.me/username/012345 - we thought it was a channel post link, but // after resolving the username we found out it is a bot. const auto resolveType = (bot && !info.botAppName.isEmpty() && info.resolveType == ResolveType::Default) ? ResolveType::BotApp : info.resolveType; const auto &replies = info.repliesInfo; if (const auto threadId = std::get_if(&replies)) { showRepliesForMessage( session().data().history(peer), threadId->id, info.messageId, params); } else if (const auto commentId = std::get_if(&replies)) { showRepliesForMessage( session().data().history(peer), info.messageId, commentId->id, params); } else if (resolveType == ResolveType::Profile) { showPeerInfo(peer, params); } else if (peer->isForum() && resolveType != ResolveType::Boost) { const auto itemId = info.messageId; if (!itemId) { parentController()->showForum(peer->forum(), params); } else if (const auto item = peer->owner().message(peer, itemId)) { showMessageByLinkResolved(item, info); } else { const auto callback = crl::guard(this, [=] { if (const auto item = peer->owner().message(peer, itemId)) { showMessageByLinkResolved(item, info); } else { showPeerHistory(peer, params, itemId); } }); peer->session().api().requestMessageData( peer, info.messageId, callback); } } else if (info.storyId) { const auto storyId = FullStoryId{ peer->id, info.storyId }; peer->owner().stories().resolve(storyId, crl::guard(this, [=] { if (peer->owner().stories().lookup(storyId)) { parentController()->openPeerStory( peer, storyId.story, Data::StoriesContext{ Data::StoriesContextSingle() }); } else { showToast(tr::lng_stories_link_invalid(tr::now)); } })); } else if (bot && resolveType == ResolveType::BotApp) { const auto itemId = info.clickFromMessageId; const auto item = _session->data().message(itemId); const auto contextPeer = item ? item->history()->peer : bot; const auto action = info.clickFromBotWebviewContext ? info.clickFromBotWebviewContext->action : Api::SendAction(bot->owner().history(contextPeer)); crl::on_main(this, [=] { bot->session().attachWebView().open({ .bot = bot, .context = { .controller = parentController(), .action = action, .maySkipConfirmation = !info.botAppForceConfirmation, }, .button = { .startCommand = info.startToken }, .source = InlineBots::WebViewSourceLinkApp{ .appname = info.botAppName, .token = info.startToken, }, }); }); } else if (bot && resolveType == ResolveType::ShareGame) { Window::ShowShareGameBox(parentController(), bot, info.startToken); } else if (bot && (resolveType == ResolveType::AddToGroup || resolveType == ResolveType::AddToChannel)) { const auto scope = (resolveType == ResolveType::AddToGroup) ? (info.startAdminRights ? Scope::GroupAdmin : Scope::All) : (resolveType == ResolveType::AddToChannel) ? Scope::ChannelAdmin : Scope::None; Assert(scope != Scope::None); AddBotToGroupBoxController::Start( parentController(), bot, scope, info.startToken, info.startAdminRights); } else if (resolveType == ResolveType::Mention) { if (bot || peer->isChannel()) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { showPeerHistory(peer, params); }); } else { showPeerInfo(peer, params); } } else if (resolveType == ResolveType::Boost && peer->isChannel()) { resolveBoostState(peer->asChannel()); } else { // Show specific posts only in channels / supergroups. const auto msgId = peer->isChannel() ? info.messageId : info.startAutoSubmit ? ShowAndStartBotMsgId : ShowAtUnreadMsgId; const auto attachBotUsername = info.attachBotUsername; if (bot && bot->botInfo->startToken != info.startToken) { bot->botInfo->startToken = info.startToken; bot->session().changes().peerUpdated( bot, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::BotStartToken); } if (!attachBotUsername.isEmpty()) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { const auto history = peer->owner().history(peer); showPeerHistory(history, params, msgId); peer->session().attachWebView().openByUsername( parentController(), Api::SendAction(history), attachBotUsername, info.attachBotToggleCommand.value_or(QString())); }); } else if (bot && info.attachBotMainOpen) { const auto startCommand = info.attachBotToggleCommand.value_or( QString()); bot->session().attachWebView().open({ .bot = bot, .context = { .controller = parentController() }, .button = { .startCommand = startCommand }, .source = InlineBots::WebViewSourceLinkBotProfile{ .token = startCommand, .compact = info.attachBotMainCompact, }, }); } else if (bot && info.attachBotToggleCommand) { const auto itemId = info.clickFromMessageId; const auto item = _session->data().message(itemId); const auto contextPeer = item ? item->history()->peer.get() : nullptr; const auto contextUser = contextPeer ? contextPeer->asUser() : nullptr; bot->session().attachWebView().open({ .bot = bot, .context = { .controller = parentController(), .action = (contextUser ? Api::SendAction( contextUser->owner().history(contextUser)) : std::optional()), }, .button = { .startCommand = *info.attachBotToggleCommand }, .source = InlineBots::WebViewSourceLinkAttachMenu{ .choose = info.attachBotChooseTypes, .token = *info.attachBotToggleCommand, }, }); } else { const auto draft = info.text; crl::on_main(this, [=] { if (peer->isUser() && !draft.isEmpty()) { Data::SetChatLinkDraft(peer, { draft }); } showPeerHistory(peer, params, msgId); }); } } } void SessionNavigation::resolveBoostState(not_null channel) { if (_boostStateResolving == channel) { return; } _boostStateResolving = channel; _api.request(MTPpremium_GetBoostsStatus( channel->input )).done([=](const MTPpremium_BoostsStatus &result) { _boostStateResolving = nullptr; channel->updateLevelHint(result.data().vlevel().v); const auto submit = [=](Fn done) { applyBoost(channel, done); }; uiShow()->show(Box(Ui::BoostBox, Ui::BoostBoxData{ .name = channel->name(), .boost = ParseBoostCounters(result), .features = LookupBoostFeatures(channel), .allowMulti = (BoostsForGift(_session) > 0), .group = channel->isMegagroup(), }, submit)); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _boostStateResolving = nullptr; showToast(u"Error: "_q + error.type()); }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::resolveCollectible( PeerId ownerId, const QString &entity, Fn fail) { if (_collectibleEntity == entity) { return; } else { _api.request(base::take(_collectibleRequestId)).cancel(); } _collectibleEntity = entity; _collectibleRequestId = _api.request(MTPfragment_GetCollectibleInfo( ((Ui::DetectCollectibleType(entity) == Ui::CollectibleType::Phone) ? MTP_inputCollectiblePhone(MTP_string(entity)) : MTP_inputCollectibleUsername(MTP_string(entity))) )).done([=](const MTPfragment_CollectibleInfo &result) { const auto entity = base::take(_collectibleEntity); _collectibleRequestId = 0; uiShow()->show(Box( Ui::CollectibleInfoBox, Parse(entity, _session->data().peer(ownerId), result), PrepareCollectibleDetails(_session))); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _collectibleEntity = QString(); _collectibleRequestId = 0; if (fail) { fail(error.type()); } }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::applyBoost( not_null channel, Fn done) { _api.request(MTPpremium_GetMyBoosts( )).done([=](const MTPpremium_MyBoosts &result) { const auto &data = result.data(); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); const auto slots = ParseForChannelBoostSlots( channel, data.vmy_boosts().v); if (!slots.free.empty()) { applyBoostsChecked(channel, { slots.free.front() }, done); } else if (slots.other.empty()) { if (!slots.already.empty()) { if (const auto receive = BoostsForGift(_session)) { const auto again = true; const auto name = channel->name(); uiShow()->show( Box(Ui::GiftForBoostsBox, name, receive, again)); } else { uiShow()->show( Box(Ui::BoostBoxAlready, channel->isMegagroup())); } } else if (!_session->premium()) { const auto group = channel->isMegagroup(); uiShow()->show(Box(Ui::PremiumForBoostsBox, group, [=] { const auto id = peerToChannel(channel->id).bare; Settings::ShowPremium( parentController(), "channel_boost__" + QString::number(id)); })); } else if (const auto receive = BoostsForGift(_session)) { const auto again = false; const auto name = channel->name(); uiShow()->show( Box(Ui::GiftForBoostsBox, name, receive, again)); } else { uiShow()->show( Box(Ui::GiftedNoBoostsBox, channel->isMegagroup())); } done({}); } else { const auto weak = std::make_shared>(); const auto reassign = [=]( std::vector slots, int groups, int channels) { const auto count = int(slots.size()); const auto callback = [=](Ui::BoostCounters counters) { if (const auto strong = weak->data()) { strong->closeBox(); } done(counters); uiShow()->showToast(tr::lng_boost_reassign_done( tr::now, lt_count, count, lt_channels, (!groups ? tr::lng_boost_reassign_channels : !channels ? tr::lng_boost_reassign_groups : tr::lng_boost_reassign_mixed)( tr::now, lt_count, groups + channels))); }; applyBoostsChecked( channel, slots, crl::guard(this, callback)); }; *weak = uiShow()->show(ReassignBoostsBox( channel, slots.other, reassign, [=] { done({}); })); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto type = error.type(); showToast(u"Error: "_q + type); done({}); }).handleFloodErrors().send(); } void SessionNavigation::applyBoostsChecked( not_null channel, std::vector slots, Fn done) { auto mtp = MTP_vector_from_range(ranges::views::all( slots ) | ranges::views::transform([](int slot) { return MTP_int(slot); })); _api.request(MTPpremium_ApplyBoost( MTP_flags(MTPpremium_ApplyBoost::Flag::f_slots), std::move(mtp), channel->input )).done([=](const MTPpremium_MyBoosts &result) { _api.request(MTPpremium_GetBoostsStatus( channel->input )).done([=](const MTPpremium_BoostsStatus &result) { channel->updateLevelHint(result.data().vlevel().v); done(ParseBoostCounters(result)); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { showToast(u"Error: "_q + error.type()); done({}); }).send(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { showToast(u"Error: "_q + error.type()); done({}); }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::joinVoiceChatFromLink( not_null peer, const PeerByLinkInfo &info) { Expects(info.voicechatHash.has_value()); const auto bad = crl::guard(this, [=] { uiShow()->showToast(tr::lng_group_invite_bad_link(tr::now)); }); const auto hash = *info.voicechatHash; _api.request(base::take(_resolveRequestId)).cancel(); _resolveRequestId = _api.request( MTPchannels_GetFullChannel(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { _session->api().processFullPeer(peer, result); const auto call = peer->groupCall(); if (!call) { bad(); return; } const auto join = [=] { parentController()->startOrJoinGroupCall( peer, { hash, Calls::StartGroupCallArgs::JoinConfirm::Always }); }; if (call->loaded()) { join(); return; } const auto id = call->id(); const auto limit = 5; _resolveRequestId = _api.request( MTPphone_GetGroupCall(call->input(), MTP_int(limit)) ).done([=](const MTPphone_GroupCall &result) { if (const auto now = peer->groupCall(); now && now->id() == id) { if (!now->loaded()) { now->processFullCall(result); } join(); } else { bad(); } }).fail(bad).send(); }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::showRepliesForMessage( not_null history, MsgId rootId, MsgId commentId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (const auto topic = history->peer->forumTopicFor(rootId)) { auto replies = topic->replies(); if (replies->unreadCountKnown()) { auto memento = std::make_shared( history, rootId, commentId, params.highlightPart, params.highlightPartOffsetHint); memento->setFromTopic(topic); showSection(std::move(memento), params); return; } } if (_showingRepliesRequestId && _showingRepliesHistory == history.get() && _showingRepliesRootId == rootId) { return; } else if (!history->peer->asChannel()) { // HistoryView::RepliesWidget right now handles only channels. return; } _api.request(base::take(_showingRepliesRequestId)).cancel(); const auto postPeer = history->peer; _showingRepliesHistory = history; _showingRepliesRootId = rootId; _showingRepliesRequestId = _api.request( MTPmessages_GetDiscussionMessage( history->peer->input, MTP_int(rootId)) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_DiscussionMessage &result) { _showingRepliesRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_discussionMessage &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); _session->data().processMessages( data.vmessages(), NewMessageType::Existing); const auto list = data.vmessages().v; const auto deleted = list.isEmpty(); const auto comments = history->peer->isBroadcast(); if (comments && deleted) { return; } const auto id = deleted ? rootId : IdFromMessage(list.front()); const auto peer = deleted ? history->peer->id : PeerFromMessage(list.front()); if (!peer || !id) { return; } auto item = deleted ? nullptr : _session->data().message(peer, id); if (comments && !item) { return; } auto &groups = _session->data().groups(); if (const auto group = item ? groups.find(item) : nullptr) { item = group->items.front(); } if (comments) { const auto post = _session->data().message(postPeer, rootId); if (post) { post->setCommentsItemId(item->fullId()); if (const auto maxId = data.vmax_id()) { post->setCommentsMaxId(maxId->v); } post->setCommentsInboxReadTill( data.vread_inbox_max_id().value_or_empty()); } } if (deleted || item) { auto memento = item ? std::make_shared( item, commentId) : std::make_shared( history, rootId, commentId); memento->setReadInformation( data.vread_inbox_max_id().value_or_empty(), data.vunread_count().v, data.vread_outbox_max_id().value_or_empty()); showSection(std::move(memento), params); } }); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _showingRepliesRequestId = 0; if (error.type() == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q || error.type() == u"USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL"_q) { showToast(tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now)); } }).send(); } void SessionNavigation::showPeerInfo( PeerId peerId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { showPeerInfo(_session->data().peer(peerId), params); } void SessionNavigation::showTopic( not_null topic, MsgId itemId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { return showRepliesForMessage( topic->history(), topic->rootId(), itemId, params); } void SessionNavigation::showThread( not_null thread, MsgId itemId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (const auto topic = thread->asTopic()) { showTopic(topic, itemId, params); } else { showPeerHistory(thread->asHistory(), params, itemId); } if (parentController()->activeChatCurrent().thread() == thread) { parentController()->content()->hideDragForwardInfo(); } } void SessionNavigation::showPeerInfo( not_null peer, const SectionShow ¶ms) { //if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() // && !Core::App().settings().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { // Core::App().settings().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(true); // Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); //} showSection(std::make_shared(peer), params); } void SessionNavigation::showPeerInfo( not_null thread, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (const auto topic = thread->asTopic()) { showSection(std::make_shared(topic), params); } else { showPeerInfo(thread->peer()->id, params); } } void SessionNavigation::showPeerHistory( not_null peer, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory(peer->id, params, msgId); } void SessionNavigation::showPeerHistory( not_null history, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory(history->peer->id, params, msgId); } void SessionNavigation::showByInitialId( const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { const auto parent = parentController(); const auto id = parent->window().id(); auto instant = params; instant.animated = anim::type::instant; switch (id.type) { case SeparateType::Archive: clearSectionStack(instant); parent->openFolder(id.folder()); break; case SeparateType::Forum: clearSectionStack(instant); parent->showForum(id.forum(), instant); break; case SeparateType::Primary: clearSectionStack(instant); break; case SeparateType::Chat: showThread(id.thread, msgId, instant); break; case SeparateType::SavedSublist: showSection( std::make_shared(id.sublist()), instant); break; } } void SessionNavigation::showSettings( Settings::Type type, const SectionShow ¶ms) { showSection( std::make_shared( Info::Settings::Tag{ _session->user() }, Info::Section(type)), params); } void SessionNavigation::showSettings(const SectionShow ¶ms) { showSettings(Settings::Main::Id(), params); } void SessionNavigation::showPollResults( not_null poll, FullMsgId contextId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { showSection(std::make_shared(poll, contextId), params); } void SessionNavigation::searchInChat(Dialogs::Key inChat) { searchMessages(QString(), inChat); } void SessionNavigation::searchMessages( const QString &query, Dialogs::Key inChat) { parentController()->content()->searchMessages(query, inChat); } auto SessionNavigation::showToast(Ui::Toast::Config &&config) -> base::weak_ptr { return uiShow()->showToast(std::move(config)); } auto SessionNavigation::showToast(const QString &text, crl::time duration) -> base::weak_ptr { return uiShow()->showToast(text); } auto SessionNavigation::showToast( TextWithEntities &&text, crl::time duration) -> base::weak_ptr { return uiShow()->showToast(std::move(text)); } std::shared_ptr SessionNavigation::uiShow() { return parentController()->uiShow(); } struct SessionController::CachedThemeKey { Ui::ChatThemeKey theme; QString paper; friend inline auto operator<=>( const CachedThemeKey&, const CachedThemeKey&) = default; [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const { return theme || !paper.isEmpty(); } }; struct SessionController::CachedTheme { std::weak_ptr theme; std::shared_ptr media; Data::WallPaper paper; bool basedOnDark = false; bool caching = false; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; SessionController::SessionController( not_null session, not_null window) : SessionNavigation(session) , _window(window) , _emojiInteractions( std::make_unique(session)) , _chatPreviewManager(std::make_unique(this)) , _isPrimary(window->isPrimary()) , _hasDialogs(window->id().hasChatsList()) , _sendingAnimation( std::make_unique(this)) , _tabbedSelector( std::make_unique( _window->widget(), uiShow(), GifPauseReason::TabbedPanel)) , _invitePeekTimer([=] { checkInvitePeek(); }) , _activeChatsFilter(session->data().chatsFilters().defaultId()) , _openedFolder(window->id().folder()) , _defaultChatTheme(std::make_shared()) , _chatStyle(std::make_unique(session->colorIndicesValue())) , _giftPremiumValidator(this) { init(); _chatStyleTheme = _defaultChatTheme; _chatStyle->apply(_defaultChatTheme.get()); pushDefaultChatBackground(); Theme::Background()->updates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Theme::BackgroundUpdate &update) { if (update.type == Theme::BackgroundUpdate::Type::New || update.type == Theme::BackgroundUpdate::Type::Changed) { pushDefaultChatBackground(); } }, _lifetime); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (auto &[key, value] : _customChatThemes) { if (!key.theme.id) { value.theme.reset(); } } }, _lifetime); _authedName = session->user()->name(); session->changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo | Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Name ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { if (update.flags & Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Name) { const auto user = session->user(); if (update.peer == user) { _authedName = user->name(); const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (!settings.windowTitleContent().hideAccountName) { widget()->updateTitle(); } } } return (update.flags & Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo) && (update.peer == _showEditPeer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { show(Box(this, base::take(_showEditPeer))); }, lifetime()); session->data().chatsListChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=](Data::Folder *folder) { return (folder != nullptr) && (folder == _openedFolder.current()) && folder->chatsList()->indexed()->empty() && !folder->storiesCount(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Data::Folder *folder) { folder->updateChatListSortPosition(); closeFolder(); }, lifetime()); session->data().chatsFilters().changed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { checkOpenedFilter(); crl::on_main(this, [=] { refreshFiltersMenu(); }); }, lifetime()); session->data().itemIdChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Data::Session::IdChange change) { const auto current = _activeChatEntry.current(); if (const auto topic = current.key.topic()) { if (topic->rootId() == change.oldId) { setActiveChatEntry({ Dialogs::Key(topic->forum()->topicFor(change.newId.msg)), current.fullId, }); } } for (auto &entry : _chatEntryHistory) { if (const auto topic = entry.key.topic()) { if (topic->rootId() == change.oldId) { entry.key = Dialogs::Key( topic->forum()->topicFor(change.newId.msg)); } } } }, lifetime()); session->api().globalPrivacy().suggestArchiveAndMute( ) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { session->api().globalPrivacy().reload(crl::guard(this, [=] { if (!session->api().globalPrivacy().archiveAndMuteCurrent()) { suggestArchiveAndMute(); } })); }, _lifetime); session->downloader().nonPremiumDelays( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](DocumentId id) { checkNonPremiumLimitToastDownload(id); }, _lifetime); session->uploader().nonPremiumDelays( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FullMsgId id) { checkNonPremiumLimitToastUpload(id); }, _lifetime); session->addWindow(this); crl::on_main(this, [=] { activateFirstChatsFilter(); setupPremiumToast(); }); } bool SessionController::skipNonPremiumLimitToast(bool download) const { if (session().premium()) { return true; } const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto last = download ? session().settings().lastNonPremiumLimitDownload() : session().settings().lastNonPremiumLimitUpload(); const auto delay = session().appConfig().get( u"upload_premium_speedup_notify_period"_q, 3600); return (last && now < last + delay && now > last - delay); } void SessionController::checkNonPremiumLimitToastDownload(DocumentId id) { if (skipNonPremiumLimitToast(true)) { return; } const auto document = session().data().document(id); const auto visible = session().data().queryDocumentVisibility(document) || DownloadingDocument(document); if (!visible) { return; } content()->showNonPremiumLimitToast(true); const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); session().settings().setLastNonPremiumLimitDownload(now); session().saveSettingsDelayed(); } void SessionController::checkNonPremiumLimitToastUpload(FullMsgId id) { if (skipNonPremiumLimitToast(false)) { return; } else if (const auto item = session().data().message(id)) { if (!session().data().queryItemVisibility(item)) { return; } content()->showNonPremiumLimitToast(false); const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); session().settings().setLastNonPremiumLimitUpload(now); session().saveSettingsDelayed(); } } void SessionController::suggestArchiveAndMute() { const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); _window->show(Box([=](not_null box) { box->setTitle(tr::lng_suggest_hide_new_title()); box->addRow(object_ptr( box, tr::lng_suggest_hide_new_about(Ui::Text::RichLangValue), st::boxLabel)); box->addButton(tr::lng_suggest_hide_new_to_settings(), [=] { showSettings(Settings::PrivacySecurity::Id()); }); box->setCloseByOutsideClick(false); box->boxClosing( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { auto &privacy = session().api().globalPrivacy(); privacy.dismissArchiveAndMuteSuggestion(); }); }, box->lifetime()); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } SeparateId SessionController::windowId() const { return _window->id(); } bool SessionController::isPrimary() const { return _isPrimary; } not_null<::MainWindow*> SessionController::widget() const { return _window->widget(); } auto SessionController::sendingAnimation() const -> Ui::MessageSendingAnimationController & { return *_sendingAnimation; } auto SessionController::tabbedSelector() const -> not_null { return _tabbedSelector.get(); } void SessionController::takeTabbedSelectorOwnershipFrom( not_null parent) { if (_tabbedSelector->parent() == parent) { if (const auto chats = widget()->sessionContent()) { chats->returnTabbedSelector(); } if (_tabbedSelector->parent() == parent) { _tabbedSelector->hide(); _tabbedSelector->setParent(widget()); } } } bool SessionController::hasTabbedSelectorOwnership() const { return (_tabbedSelector->parent() == widget()); } void SessionController::showEditPeerBox(PeerData *peer) { _showEditPeer = peer; session().api().requestFullPeer(peer); } void SessionController::showGiftPremiumBox(UserData *user) { if (user) { _giftPremiumValidator.showBox(user); } else { _giftPremiumValidator.cancel(); } } void SessionController::showGiftPremiumsBox(const QString &ref) { _giftPremiumValidator.showChoosePeerBox(ref); } void SessionController::showGiftPremiumsBox( not_null user, const QString &ref) { _giftPremiumValidator.showChosenPeerBox(user, ref); } void SessionController::init() { if (session().supportMode()) { session().supportHelper().registerWindow(this); } setupShortcuts(); } void SessionController::setupShortcuts() { Shortcuts::Requests( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return (Core::App().activeWindow() == &window()) && !isLayerShown() && !window().locked(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null request) { using C = Shortcuts::Command; const auto app = &Core::App(); const auto accountsCount = int(app->domain().accounts().size()); auto &&accounts = ranges::views::zip( Shortcuts::kShowAccount, ranges::views::ints(0, accountsCount)); for (const auto &[command, index] : accounts) { request->check(command) && request->handle([=] { const auto list = app->domain().orderedAccounts(); if (index >= list.size()) { return false; } const auto account = list[index]; if (account == &session().account()) { return false; } const auto window = app->separateWindowFor(account); if (window) { window->activate(); } else { app->domain().maybeActivate(account); } return true; }); } if (!session().supportMode()) { return; } request->check(C::SupportHistoryBack) && request->handle([=] { return chatEntryHistoryMove(-1); }); request->check(C::SupportHistoryForward) && request->handle([=] { return chatEntryHistoryMove(1); }); }, lifetime()); } void SessionController::toggleFiltersMenu(bool enabled) { if (!_isPrimary || (!enabled == !_filters)) { return; } else if (enabled) { _filters = std::make_unique( widget()->bodyWidget(), this); } else { _filters = nullptr; } _filtersMenuChanged.fire({}); } void SessionController::refreshFiltersMenu() { toggleFiltersMenu(session().data().chatsFilters().has()); } rpl::producer<> SessionController::filtersMenuChanged() const { return _filtersMenuChanged.events(); } void SessionController::checkOpenedFilter() { activateFirstChatsFilter(); if (const auto filterId = activeChatsFilterCurrent()) { const auto &list = session().data().chatsFilters().list(); const auto i = ranges::find(list, filterId, &Data::ChatFilter::id); if (i == end(list)) { setActiveChatsFilter( 0, { anim::type::normal, anim::activation::background }); } } } void SessionController::activateFirstChatsFilter() { if (_filtersActivated || !isPrimary() || !session().data().chatsFilters().loaded()) { return; } _filtersActivated = true; setActiveChatsFilter(session().data().chatsFilters().defaultId()); } bool SessionController::uniqueChatsInSearchResults() const { return session().supportMode() && !session().settings().supportAllSearchResults() && !_searchInChat.current(); } bool SessionController::openFolderInDifferentWindow( not_null folder) { const auto id = SeparateId(SeparateType::Archive, &session()); if (const auto separate = Core::App().separateWindowFor(id)) { if (separate == _window) { return false; } separate->sessionController()->showByInitialId(); separate->activate(); return true; } return false; } void SessionController::openFolder(not_null folder) { if (openFolderInDifferentWindow(folder)) { return; } else if (_openedFolder.current() != folder) { resetFakeUnreadWhileOpened(); } if (activeChatsFilterCurrent() != 0) { setActiveChatsFilter(0); } else if (adaptive().isOneColumn()) { clearSectionStack(SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); } closeForum(); _openedFolder = folder.get(); } void SessionController::closeFolder() { if (_openedFolder.current() && windowId().type == SeparateType::Archive) { Core::App().closeWindow(_window); return; } _openedFolder = nullptr; } bool SessionController::showForumInDifferentWindow( not_null forum, const SectionShow ¶ms) { const auto window = Core::App().windowForShowingForum(forum); if (window == _window) { return false; } else if (window) { window->sessionController()->showForum(forum, params); window->activate(); return true; } else if (windowId().hasChatsList()) { return false; } const auto account = not_null(&session().account()); auto primary = Core::App().separateWindowFor(account); if (!primary) { Core::App().domain().activate(account); primary = Core::App().separateWindowFor(account); } if (primary && &primary->account() == account) { primary->sessionController()->showForum(forum, params); primary->activate(); } return true; } void SessionController::showForum( not_null forum, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (showForumInDifferentWindow(forum, params)) { return; } _shownForumLifetime.destroy(); if (_shownForum.current() != forum) { resetFakeUnreadWhileOpened(); } if (forum && _activeChatEntry.current().key.peer() && adaptive().isOneColumn()) { clearSectionStack(params); } _shownForum = forum.get(); if (_shownForum.current() != forum) { return; } forum->destroyed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, history = forum->history()] { const auto now = activeChatCurrent().owningHistory(); const auto showHistory = !now || (now == history); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); closeForum(); if (weak && showHistory) { showPeerHistory(history, { SectionShow::Way::Backward, anim::type::normal, anim::activation::background, }); } }, _shownForumLifetime); content()->showForum(forum, params); } void SessionController::closeForum() { if (const auto forum = _shownForum.current()) { const auto id = windowId(); if (id.type == SeparateType::Forum) { const auto initial = id.forum(); if (!initial || initial == forum) { Core::App().closeWindow(_window); } else { showForum(initial); } return; } } _shownForumLifetime.destroy(); _shownForum = nullptr; } void SessionController::setupPremiumToast() { rpl::combine( Data::AmPremiumValue(&session()), session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo ) ) | rpl::filter([=] { return session().user()->isFullLoaded(); }) | rpl::map([=](bool premium, const auto&) { return premium; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed() | rpl::skip( 1 ) | rpl::filter([=](bool premium) { session().mtp().requestConfig(); return premium; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { MainWindowShow(this).showToast({ .text = { tr::lng_premium_success(tr::now) }, .adaptive = true, }); }, _lifetime); } const rpl::variable &SessionController::openedFolder() const { return _openedFolder; } const rpl::variable &SessionController::shownForum() const { return _shownForum; } void SessionController::setActiveChatEntry(Dialogs::RowDescriptor row) { const auto was = _activeChatEntry.current().key.history(); const auto now = row.key.history(); if (was && was != now) { _activeHistoryLifetime.destroy(); was->setFakeUnreadWhileOpened(false); _invitePeekTimer.cancel(); } _activeChatEntry = row; if (now) { now->setFakeUnreadWhileOpened(true); if (const auto channel = now->peer->asChannel() ; channel && !channel->isForum()) { Data::PeerFlagValue( channel, ChannelData::Flag::Forum ) | rpl::filter( rpl::mappers::_1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { clearSectionStack( { anim::type::normal, anim::activation::background }); showForum(channel->forum(), { anim::type::normal, anim::activation::background }); }, _shownForumLifetime); } } if (session().supportMode()) { pushToChatEntryHistory(row); } checkInvitePeek(); } void SessionController::checkInvitePeek() { const auto history = activeChatCurrent().history(); if (!history) { return; } const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel(); if (!channel) { return; } const auto expires = channel->invitePeekExpires(); if (!expires) { return; } const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); if (expires > now) { _invitePeekTimer.callOnce((expires - now) * crl::time(1000)); return; } const auto hash = channel->invitePeekHash(); channel->clearInvitePeek(); Api::CheckChatInvite(this, hash, channel); } void SessionController::resetFakeUnreadWhileOpened() { if (const auto history = _activeChatEntry.current().key.history()) { history->setFakeUnreadWhileOpened(false); } } bool SessionController::chatEntryHistoryMove(int steps) { if (_chatEntryHistory.empty()) { return false; } const auto position = _chatEntryHistoryPosition + steps; if (!base::in_range(position, 0, int(_chatEntryHistory.size()))) { return false; } _chatEntryHistoryPosition = position; return jumpToChatListEntry(_chatEntryHistory[position]); } bool SessionController::jumpToChatListEntry(Dialogs::RowDescriptor row) { if (const auto thread = row.key.thread()) { showThread( thread, row.fullId.msg, SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); return true; } return false; } void SessionController::setCurrentDialogsEntryState( Dialogs::EntryState state) { _currentDialogsEntryState = state; } Dialogs::EntryState SessionController::currentDialogsEntryState() const { return _currentDialogsEntryState; } bool SessionController::switchInlineQuery( Dialogs::EntryState to, not_null bot, const QString &query) { Expects(to.key.owningHistory() != nullptr); using Section = Dialogs::EntryState::Section; const auto thread = to.key.thread(); if (!thread || !Data::CanSend(thread, ChatRestriction::SendInline)) { show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_inline_switch_cant())); return false; } const auto history = to.key.owningHistory(); const auto textWithTags = TextWithTags{ '@' + bot->username() + ' ' + query, TextWithTags::Tags(), }; MessageCursor cursor = { int(textWithTags.text.size()), int(textWithTags.text.size()), Ui::kQFixedMax }; auto draft = std::make_unique( textWithTags, to.currentReplyTo, cursor, Data::WebPageDraft()); auto params = Window::SectionShow(); params.reapplyLocalDraft = true; if (to.section == Section::Scheduled) { history->setDraft(Data::DraftKey::Scheduled(), std::move(draft)); showSection( std::make_shared(history), params); } else { const auto topicRootId = to.currentReplyTo.topicRootId; history->setLocalDraft(std::move(draft)); history->clearLocalEditDraft(topicRootId); if (to.section == Section::Replies) { const auto commentId = MsgId(); showRepliesForMessage(history, topicRootId, commentId, params); } else { showPeerHistory(history->peer, params); } } return true; } bool SessionController::switchInlineQuery( not_null thread, not_null bot, const QString &query) { const auto entryState = Dialogs::EntryState{ .key = thread, .section = (thread->asTopic() ? Dialogs::EntryState::Section::Replies : Dialogs::EntryState::Section::History), .currentReplyTo = { .topicRootId = thread->topicRootId() }, }; return switchInlineQuery(entryState, bot, query); } Dialogs::RowDescriptor SessionController::resolveChatNext( Dialogs::RowDescriptor from) const { return content()->resolveChatNext(from); } Dialogs::RowDescriptor SessionController::resolveChatPrevious( Dialogs::RowDescriptor from) const { return content()->resolveChatPrevious(from); } void SessionController::pushToChatEntryHistory(Dialogs::RowDescriptor row) { if (!_chatEntryHistory.empty() && _chatEntryHistory[_chatEntryHistoryPosition] == row) { return; } _chatEntryHistory.resize(++_chatEntryHistoryPosition); _chatEntryHistory.push_back(row); if (_chatEntryHistory.size() > kMaxChatEntryHistorySize) { _chatEntryHistory.pop_front(); --_chatEntryHistoryPosition; } } void SessionController::setActiveChatEntry(Dialogs::Key key) { setActiveChatEntry({ key, FullMsgId() }); } Dialogs::RowDescriptor SessionController::activeChatEntryCurrent() const { return _activeChatEntry.current(); } Dialogs::Key SessionController::activeChatCurrent() const { return activeChatEntryCurrent().key; } auto SessionController::activeChatEntryChanges() const -> rpl::producer { return _activeChatEntry.changes(); } rpl::producer SessionController::activeChatChanges() const { return activeChatEntryChanges( ) | rpl::map([](const Dialogs::RowDescriptor &value) { return value.key; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed(); } auto SessionController::activeChatEntryValue() const -> rpl::producer { return _activeChatEntry.value(); } rpl::producer SessionController::activeChatValue() const { return activeChatEntryValue( ) | rpl::map([](const Dialogs::RowDescriptor &value) { return value.key; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed(); } void SessionController::enableGifPauseReason(GifPauseReason reason) { if (!(_gifPauseReasons & reason)) { auto notify = (static_cast(_gifPauseReasons) < static_cast(reason)); _gifPauseReasons |= reason; if (notify) { _gifPauseLevelChanged.fire({}); } } } void SessionController::disableGifPauseReason(GifPauseReason reason) { if (_gifPauseReasons & reason) { _gifPauseReasons &= ~reason; if (_gifPauseReasons < reason) { _gifPauseLevelChanged.fire({}); } } } bool SessionController::isGifPausedAtLeastFor(GifPauseReason reason) const { if (reason == GifPauseReason::Any) { return (_gifPauseReasons != 0) || !widget()->isActive(); } return (static_cast(_gifPauseReasons) >= 2 * static_cast(reason)) || !widget()->isActive(); } void SessionController::floatPlayerAreaUpdated() { if (const auto main = widget()->sessionContent()) { main->floatPlayerAreaUpdated(); } } int SessionController::dialogsSmallColumnWidth() const { return st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left() + st::defaultDialogRow.photoSize + st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left(); } int SessionController::minimalThreeColumnWidth() const { return (_hasDialogs ? st::columnMinimalWidthLeft : 0) + st::columnMinimalWidthMain + st::columnMinimalWidthThird; } auto SessionController::computeColumnLayout() const -> ColumnLayout { auto layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::OneColumn; auto bodyWidth = widget()->bodyWidget()->width() - filtersWidth(); auto dialogsWidth = 0, chatWidth = 0, thirdWidth = 0; auto useOneColumnLayout = [&] { auto minimalNormal = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft + st::columnMinimalWidthMain; if (_hasDialogs && bodyWidth < minimalNormal) { return true; } return false; }; auto useNormalLayout = [&] { // Used if useSmallColumnLayout() == false. if (bodyWidth < minimalThreeColumnWidth()) { return true; } if (!Core::App().settings().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled() && !Core::App().settings().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { return true; } return false; }; if (useOneColumnLayout()) { dialogsWidth = chatWidth = bodyWidth; } else if (useNormalLayout()) { layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::Normal; dialogsWidth = countDialogsWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); accumulate_min(dialogsWidth, bodyWidth - st::columnMinimalWidthMain); chatWidth = bodyWidth - dialogsWidth; } else { layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::ThreeColumn; dialogsWidth = countDialogsWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); thirdWidth = countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); auto shrink = shrinkDialogsAndThirdColumns( dialogsWidth, thirdWidth, bodyWidth); dialogsWidth = shrink.dialogsWidth; thirdWidth = shrink.thirdWidth; chatWidth = bodyWidth - dialogsWidth - thirdWidth; } return { bodyWidth, dialogsWidth, chatWidth, thirdWidth, layout }; } int SessionController::countDialogsWidthFromRatio(int bodyWidth) const { if (!_hasDialogs) { return 0; } const auto nochat = !mainSectionShown(); const auto width = bodyWidth * Core::App().settings().dialogsWidthRatio(nochat); auto result = qRound(width); accumulate_max(result, st::columnMinimalWidthLeft); // accumulate_min(result, st::columnMaximalWidthLeft); return result; } int SessionController::countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(int bodyWidth) const { auto result = Core::App().settings().thirdColumnWidth(); accumulate_max(result, st::columnMinimalWidthThird); accumulate_min(result, st::columnMaximalWidthThird); return result; } SessionController::ShrinkResult SessionController::shrinkDialogsAndThirdColumns( int dialogsWidth, int thirdWidth, int bodyWidth) const { auto chatWidth = st::columnMinimalWidthMain; if (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth + chatWidth <= bodyWidth) { return { dialogsWidth, thirdWidth }; } auto thirdWidthNew = ((bodyWidth - chatWidth) * thirdWidth) / (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth); auto dialogsWidthNew = ((bodyWidth - chatWidth) * dialogsWidth) / (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth); if (thirdWidthNew < st::columnMinimalWidthThird) { thirdWidthNew = st::columnMinimalWidthThird; dialogsWidthNew = bodyWidth - thirdWidthNew - chatWidth; Assert(!_hasDialogs || dialogsWidthNew >= st::columnMinimalWidthLeft); } else if (_hasDialogs && dialogsWidthNew < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft) { dialogsWidthNew = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft; thirdWidthNew = bodyWidth - dialogsWidthNew - chatWidth; Assert(thirdWidthNew >= st::columnMinimalWidthThird); } return { dialogsWidthNew, thirdWidthNew }; } bool SessionController::canShowThirdSection() const { auto currentLayout = computeColumnLayout(); auto minimalExtendBy = minimalThreeColumnWidth() - currentLayout.bodyWidth; return (minimalExtendBy <= widget()->maximalExtendBy()); } bool SessionController::canShowThirdSectionWithoutResize() const { auto currentWidth = computeColumnLayout().bodyWidth; return currentWidth >= minimalThreeColumnWidth(); } bool SessionController::takeThirdSectionFromLayer() { return widget()->takeThirdSectionFromLayer(); } void SessionController::resizeForThirdSection() { if (adaptive().isThreeColumn()) { return; } auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); auto layout = computeColumnLayout(); auto tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = settings.tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(); auto thirdSectionInfoEnabled = settings.thirdSectionInfoEnabled(); settings.setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(false); settings.setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(false); auto wanted = countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(layout.bodyWidth); auto minimal = st::columnMinimalWidthThird; auto extendBy = wanted; auto extendedBy = [&] { // Best - extend by third column without moving the window. // Next - extend by minimal third column without moving. // Next - show third column inside the window without moving. // Last - extend with moving. if (widget()->canExtendNoMove(wanted)) { return widget()->tryToExtendWidthBy(wanted); } else if (widget()->canExtendNoMove(minimal)) { extendBy = minimal; return widget()->tryToExtendWidthBy(minimal); } else if (layout.bodyWidth >= minimalThreeColumnWidth()) { return 0; } return widget()->tryToExtendWidthBy(minimal); }(); if (extendedBy) { if (extendBy != settings.thirdColumnWidth()) { settings.setThirdColumnWidth(extendBy); } const auto nochat = !mainSectionShown(); auto newBodyWidth = layout.bodyWidth + extendedBy; auto currentRatio = settings.dialogsWidthRatio(nochat); settings.updateDialogsWidthRatio( (currentRatio * layout.bodyWidth) / newBodyWidth, nochat); } auto savedValue = (extendedBy == extendBy) ? -1 : extendedBy; settings.setThirdSectionExtendedBy(savedValue); settings.setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled( tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled); settings.setThirdSectionInfoEnabled( thirdSectionInfoEnabled); } void SessionController::closeThirdSection() { auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); auto newWindowSize = widget()->size(); auto layout = computeColumnLayout(); if (layout.windowLayout == Adaptive::WindowLayout::ThreeColumn) { const auto nochat = !mainSectionShown(); auto noResize = widget()->isFullScreen() || widget()->isMaximized(); auto savedValue = settings.thirdSectionExtendedBy(); auto extendedBy = (savedValue == -1) ? layout.thirdWidth : savedValue; auto newBodyWidth = noResize ? layout.bodyWidth : (layout.bodyWidth - extendedBy); auto currentRatio = settings.dialogsWidthRatio(nochat); settings.updateDialogsWidthRatio( (currentRatio * layout.bodyWidth) / newBodyWidth, nochat); newWindowSize = QSize( widget()->width() + (newBodyWidth - layout.bodyWidth), widget()->height()); } settings.setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(false); settings.setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(false); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); if (widget()->size() != newWindowSize) { widget()->resize(newWindowSize); } else { updateColumnLayout(); } } bool SessionController::canShowSeparateWindow(SeparateId id) const { if (const auto thread = id.thread) { return thread->peer()->computeUnavailableReason().isEmpty(); } return true; } void SessionController::showPeer(not_null peer, MsgId msgId) { const auto currentPeer = activeChatCurrent().peer(); if (peer && peer->isChannel() && currentPeer != peer) { const auto clickedChannel = peer->asChannel(); if (!clickedChannel->isPublic() && !clickedChannel->amIn() && (!currentPeer->isChannel() || currentPeer->asChannel()->linkedChat() != clickedChannel)) { MainWindowShow(this).showToast(peer->isMegagroup() ? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_not_accessible(tr::now)); } else { showPeerHistory(peer->id, SectionShow(), msgId); } } else { showPeerInfo(peer, SectionShow()); } } void SessionController::startOrJoinGroupCall(not_null peer) { startOrJoinGroupCall(peer, {}); } void SessionController::startOrJoinGroupCall( not_null peer, Calls::StartGroupCallArgs args) { Core::App().calls().startOrJoinGroupCall(uiShow(), peer, args); } void SessionController::showCalendar(Dialogs::Key chat, QDate requestedDate) { const auto topic = chat.topic(); const auto history = chat.owningHistory(); if (!history) { return; } const auto currentPeerDate = [&] { if (topic) { if (const auto item = topic->lastMessage()) { return base::unixtime::parse(item->date()).date(); } return QDate(); } else if (history->scrollTopItem) { return history->scrollTopItem->dateTime().date(); } else if (history->loadedAtTop() && !history->isEmpty() && history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (const auto migrated = history->owner().historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateFrom())) { if (migrated->scrollTopItem) { // We're up in the migrated history. // So current date is the date of first message here. return history->blocks.front()->messages.front()->dateTime().date(); } } } else if (const auto item = history->lastMessage()) { return base::unixtime::parse(item->date()).date(); } return QDate(); }(); const auto maxPeerDate = [&] { if (topic) { if (const auto item = topic->lastMessage()) { return base::unixtime::parse(item->date()).date(); } return QDate(); } const auto check = history->peer->migrateTo() ? history->owner().historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateTo()) : history; if (const auto item = check ? check->lastMessage() : nullptr) { return base::unixtime::parse(item->date()).date(); } return QDate(); }(); const auto minPeerDate = [&] { const auto startDate = [&] { // Telegram was launched in August 2013 :) return QDate(2013, 8, 1); }; if (topic) { return base::unixtime::parse(topic->creationDate()).date(); } else if (const auto chat = history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (const auto history = chat->owner().historyLoaded(chat)) { if (history->loadedAtTop()) { if (!history->isEmpty()) { return history->blocks.front()->messages.front()->dateTime().date(); } } else { return startDate(); } } } if (history->loadedAtTop()) { if (!history->isEmpty()) { return history->blocks.front()->messages.front()->dateTime().date(); } return QDate::currentDate(); } return startDate(); }(); const auto highlighted = !requestedDate.isNull() ? requestedDate : !currentPeerDate.isNull() ? currentPeerDate : QDate::currentDate(); struct ButtonState { enum class Type { None, Disabled, Active, }; Type type = Type::None; style::complex_color disabledFg = style::complex_color([] { auto result = st::attentionBoxButton.textFg->c; result.setAlpha(result.alpha() / 2); return result; }); style::RoundButton disabled = st::attentionBoxButton; }; const auto buttonState = std::make_shared(); buttonState->disabled.textFg = buttonState->disabled.textFgOver = buttonState->disabledFg.color(); buttonState->disabled.ripple.color = buttonState->disabled.textBgOver = buttonState->disabled.textBg; const auto selectionChanged = [=]( not_null box, std::optional selected) { if (!selected.has_value()) { buttonState->type = ButtonState::Type::None; return; } const auto type = (*selected > 0) ? ButtonState::Type::Active : ButtonState::Type::Disabled; if (buttonState->type == type) { return; } buttonState->type = type; box->clearButtons(); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->toggleSelectionMode(false); }); auto text = tr::lng_profile_clear_history(); const auto button = box->addLeftButton(std::move(text), [=] { const auto firstDate = box->selectedFirstDate(); const auto lastDate = box->selectedLastDate(); if (!firstDate.isNull()) { auto confirm = Box( history->peer, firstDate, lastDate); confirm->setDeleteConfirmedCallback(crl::guard(box, [=] { box->closeBox(); })); box->getDelegate()->show(std::move(confirm)); } }, (*selected > 0) ? st::attentionBoxButton : buttonState->disabled); if (!*selected) { button->setPointerCursor(false); } }; const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto weakTopic = base::make_weak(topic); const auto jump = [=](const QDate &date) { const auto open = [=](not_null peer, MsgId id) { if (const auto strong = weak.get()) { if (!topic) { strong->showPeerHistory( peer, SectionShow::Way::Forward, id); } else if (const auto strongTopic = weakTopic.get()) { strong->showTopic( strongTopic, id, SectionShow::Way::Forward); strong->hideLayer(anim::type::normal); } } }; if (!topic || weakTopic) { session().api().resolveJumpToDate(chat, date, open); } }; show(Box(Ui::CalendarBoxArgs{ .month = highlighted, .highlighted = highlighted, .callback = [=](const QDate &date) { jump(date); }, .minDate = minPeerDate, .maxDate = maxPeerDate, .allowsSelection = history->peer->isUser(), .selectionChanged = selectionChanged, })); } void SessionController::showPassportForm(const Passport::FormRequest &request) { _passportForm = std::make_unique( this, request); _passportForm->show(); } void SessionController::clearPassportForm() { _passportForm = nullptr; } void SessionController::showChooseReportMessages( not_null peer, Ui::ReportReason reason, Fn done) const { content()->showChooseReportMessages(peer, reason, std::move(done)); } void SessionController::clearChooseReportMessages() const { content()->clearChooseReportMessages(); } void SessionController::showInNewWindow( SeparateId id, MsgId msgId) { if (!canShowSeparateWindow(id)) { Assert(id.thread != nullptr); showThread(id.thread, msgId, SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); return; } const auto active = activeChatCurrent(); // windows check active forum / active archive const auto fromActive = active.thread() ? (active.thread() == id.thread) : false; const auto toSeparate = [=] { Core::App().ensureSeparateWindowFor(id, msgId); }; if (fromActive) { window().preventOrInvoke([=] { clearSectionStack(); toSeparate(); }); } else { toSeparate(); } } void SessionController::toggleChooseChatTheme( not_null peer, std::optional show) const { content()->toggleChooseChatTheme(peer, show); } void SessionController::finishChatThemeEdit(not_null peer) { toggleChooseChatTheme(peer, false); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto history = activeChatCurrent().history(); if (!history || history->peer != peer) { showPeerHistory(peer); } if (weak) { hideLayer(); } } void SessionController::updateColumnLayout() const { content()->updateColumnLayout(); } void SessionController::showPeerHistory( PeerId peerId, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { content()->showHistory(peerId, params, msgId); } void SessionController::showMessage( not_null item, const SectionShow ¶ms) { _window->invokeForSessionController( &item->history()->session().account(), item->history()->peer, [&](not_null controller) { if (item->isScheduled()) { controller->showSection( std::make_shared( item->history()), params); if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { controller->window().activate(); } } else { controller->content()->showMessage(item, params); } }); } void SessionController::cancelUploadLayer(not_null item) { const auto itemId = item->fullId(); session().uploader().pause(itemId); const auto stopUpload = [=](Fn close) { auto &data = session().data(); if (const auto item = data.message(itemId)) { if (!item->isEditingMedia()) { const auto history = item->history(); item->destroy(); history->requestChatListMessage(); } else { item->returnSavedMedia(); session().uploader().cancel(item->fullId()); } data.sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } session().uploader().unpause(); close(); }; const auto continueUpload = [=](Fn close) { session().uploader().unpause(); close(); }; show(Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = tr::lng_selected_cancel_sure_this(), .confirmed = stopUpload, .cancelled = continueUpload, .confirmText = tr::lng_box_yes(), .cancelText = tr::lng_box_no(), })); } void SessionController::showSection( std::shared_ptr memento, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (!params.thirdColumn && widget()->showSectionInExistingLayer(memento.get(), params)) { return; } content()->showSection(std::move(memento), params); } void SessionController::showBackFromStack(const SectionShow ¶ms) { const auto bad = [&] { // If we show a currently-being-destroyed topic, then // skip it and show back one more. const auto topic = _activeChatEntry.current().key.topic(); return topic && topic->forum()->topicDeleted(topic->rootId()); }; do { const auto empty = content()->stackIsEmpty(); const auto shown = content()->showBackFromStack(params); if (empty && !shown && content()->stackIsEmpty() && bad()) { clearSectionStack(anim::type::instant); window().close(); break; } } while (bad()); } void SessionController::showSpecialLayer( object_ptr &&layer, anim::type animated) { widget()->showSpecialLayer(std::move(layer), animated); } void SessionController::showLayer( std::unique_ptr &&layer, Ui::LayerOptions options, anim::type animated) { _window->showLayer(std::move(layer), options, animated); } void SessionController::removeLayerBlackout() { widget()->ui_removeLayerBlackout(); } bool SessionController::isLayerShown() const { return _window->isLayerShown(); } not_null SessionController::content() const { return widget()->sessionContent(); } int SessionController::filtersWidth() const { return _filters ? st::windowFiltersWidth : 0; } rpl::producer SessionController::activeChatsFilter() const { return _activeChatsFilter.value(); } FilterId SessionController::activeChatsFilterCurrent() const { return _activeChatsFilter.current(); } void SessionController::setActiveChatsFilter( FilterId id, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (!isPrimary()) { return; } const auto changed = (activeChatsFilterCurrent() != id); if (changed) { resetFakeUnreadWhileOpened(); } _activeChatsFilter.force_assign(id); if (id || !changed) { closeForum(); closeFolder(); } if (adaptive().isOneColumn()) { clearSectionStack(params); } } void SessionController::showAddContact() { _window->show(Box(&session())); } void SessionController::showNewGroup() { _window->show(Box(this, GroupInfoBox::Type::Group)); } void SessionController::showNewChannel() { _window->show(Box(this, GroupInfoBox::Type::Channel)); } Window::Adaptive &SessionController::adaptive() const { return _window->adaptive(); } void SessionController::setConnectingBottomSkip(int skip) { _connectingBottomSkip = skip; } rpl::producer SessionController::connectingBottomSkipValue() const { return _connectingBottomSkip.value(); } void SessionController::stickerOrEmojiChosen(FileChosen chosen) { _stickerOrEmojiChosen.fire(std::move(chosen)); } auto SessionController::stickerOrEmojiChosen() const -> rpl::producer { return _stickerOrEmojiChosen.events(); } QPointer SessionController::show( object_ptr content, Ui::LayerOptions options, anim::type animated) { return _window->show(std::move(content), options, animated); } void SessionController::hideLayer(anim::type animated) { _window->hideLayer(animated); } void SessionController::openPhoto( not_null photo, MessageContext message, const Data::StoriesContext *stories) { const auto item = session().data().message(message.id); if (openSharedStory(item) || openFakeItemStory(message.id, stories)) { return; } _window->openInMediaView( Media::View::OpenRequest(this, photo, item, message.topicRootId)); } void SessionController::openPhoto( not_null photo, not_null peer) { _window->openInMediaView(Media::View::OpenRequest(this, photo, peer)); } void SessionController::openDocument( not_null document, bool showInMediaView, MessageContext message, const Data::StoriesContext *stories) { const auto item = session().data().message(message.id); if (openSharedStory(item) || openFakeItemStory(message.id, stories)) { return; } else if (showInMediaView) { _window->openInMediaView(Media::View::OpenRequest( this, document, item, message.topicRootId)); return; } Data::ResolveDocument(this, document, item, message.topicRootId); } bool SessionController::openSharedStory(HistoryItem *item) { if (const auto media = item ? item->media() : nullptr) { if (const auto storyId = media->storyId()) { const auto story = session().data().stories().lookup(storyId); if (story) { _window->openInMediaView(::Media::View::OpenRequest( this, *story, Data::StoriesContext{ Data::StoriesContextSingle() })); } return true; } } return false; } bool SessionController::openFakeItemStory( FullMsgId fakeItemId, const Data::StoriesContext *stories) { if (peerIsChat(fakeItemId.peer) || !IsStoryMsgId(fakeItemId.msg)) { return false; } const auto maybeStory = session().data().stories().lookup({ fakeItemId.peer, StoryIdFromMsgId(fakeItemId.msg), }); if (maybeStory) { using namespace Data; const auto story = *maybeStory; const auto context = stories ? *stories : StoriesContext{ StoriesContextSingle() }; _window->openInMediaView( ::Media::View::OpenRequest(this, story, context)); } return true; } auto SessionController::cachedChatThemeValue( const Data::CloudTheme &data, const Data::WallPaper &paper, Data::CloudThemeType type) -> rpl::producer> { const auto themeKey = Ui::ChatThemeKey{ data.id, (type == Data::CloudThemeType::Dark), }; if (!themeKey && paper.isNull()) { return rpl::single(_defaultChatTheme); } const auto settings = data.settings.find(type); if (data.id && settings == end(data.settings)) { return rpl::single(_defaultChatTheme); } if (paper.isNull() && (!settings->second.paper || settings->second.paper->backgroundColors().empty())) { return rpl::single(_defaultChatTheme); } const auto key = CachedThemeKey{ themeKey, !paper.isNull() ? paper.key() : settings->second.paper->key(), }; const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); if (i != end(_customChatThemes)) { if (auto strong = i->second.theme.lock()) { pushLastUsedChatTheme(strong); return rpl::single(std::move(strong)); } } if (i == end(_customChatThemes) || !i->second.caching) { cacheChatTheme(key, data, paper, type); } const auto limit = Data::CloudThemes::TestingColors() ? (1 << 20) : 1; using namespace rpl::mappers; return rpl::single( _defaultChatTheme ) | rpl::then(_cachedThemesStream.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](const std::shared_ptr &theme) { if (theme->key() != key.theme || theme->background().key != key.paper) { return false; } pushLastUsedChatTheme(theme); return true; }) | rpl::take(limit)); } bool SessionController::chatThemeAlreadyCached( const Data::CloudTheme &data, const Data::WallPaper &paper, Data::CloudThemeType type) { Expects(paper.document() != nullptr); const auto key = CachedThemeKey{ Ui::ChatThemeKey{ data.id, (type == Data::CloudThemeType::Dark), }, paper.key(), }; const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); return (i != end(_customChatThemes)) && (i->second.theme.lock() != nullptr); } void SessionController::pushLastUsedChatTheme( const std::shared_ptr &theme) { const auto i = ranges::find(_lastUsedCustomChatThemes, theme); if (i == end(_lastUsedCustomChatThemes)) { if (_lastUsedCustomChatThemes.size() >= kCustomThemesInMemory) { _lastUsedCustomChatThemes.pop_back(); } _lastUsedCustomChatThemes.push_front(theme); } else if (i != begin(_lastUsedCustomChatThemes)) { std::rotate(begin(_lastUsedCustomChatThemes), i, i + 1); } } not_null SessionController::currentChatTheme() const { if (const auto custom = content()->customChatTheme()) { return custom; } return defaultChatTheme().get(); } void SessionController::setChatStyleTheme( const std::shared_ptr &theme) { if (_chatStyleTheme.lock() == theme) { return; } _chatStyleTheme = theme; _chatStyle->apply(theme.get()); } void SessionController::clearCachedChatThemes() { _customChatThemes.clear(); } void SessionController::overridePeerTheme( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr theme, EmojiPtr emoji) { _peerThemeOverride = PeerThemeOverride{ peer, theme ? theme : _defaultChatTheme, emoji, }; } void SessionController::clearPeerThemeOverride(not_null peer) { if (_peerThemeOverride.current().peer == peer.get()) { _peerThemeOverride = PeerThemeOverride(); } } void SessionController::pushDefaultChatBackground() { const auto background = Theme::Background(); const auto &paper = background->paper(); _defaultChatTheme->setBackground({ .prepared = background->prepared(), .preparedForTiled = background->preparedForTiled(), .gradientForFill = background->gradientForFill(), .colorForFill = background->colorForFill(), .colors = paper.backgroundColors(), .patternOpacity = paper.patternOpacity(), .gradientRotation = paper.gradientRotation(), .isPattern = paper.isPattern(), .tile = background->tile(), }); } void SessionController::cacheChatTheme( CachedThemeKey key, const Data::CloudTheme &data, const Data::WallPaper &paper, Data::CloudThemeType type) { Expects(data.id != 0 || !paper.isNull()); const auto dark = (type == Data::CloudThemeType::Dark); const auto i = data.settings.find(type); Assert((!data.id || (i != end(data.settings))) && (!paper.isNull() || (i->second.paper.has_value() && !i->second.paper->backgroundColors().empty()))); const auto &use = !paper.isNull() ? paper : *i->second.paper; const auto document = use.document(); const auto media = document ? document->createMediaView() : nullptr; use.loadDocument(); auto &theme = [&]() -> CachedTheme& { const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); if (i != end(_customChatThemes)) { i->second.media = media; i->second.paper = use; i->second.basedOnDark = dark; i->second.caching = true; return i->second; } return _customChatThemes.emplace( key, CachedTheme{ .media = media, .paper = use, .basedOnDark = dark, .caching = true, }).first->second; }(); auto descriptor = Ui::ChatThemeDescriptor{ .key = key.theme, .preparePalette = (data.id ? Theme::PreparePaletteCallback(dark, i->second.accentColor) : Theme::PrepareCurrentPaletteCallback()), .backgroundData = backgroundData(theme), .bubblesData = PrepareBubblesData(data, type), .basedOnDark = dark, }; crl::async([ this, descriptor = std::move(descriptor), weak = base::make_weak(this) ]() mutable { crl::on_main(weak,[ this, result = std::make_shared(std::move(descriptor)) ]() mutable { result->finishCreateOnMain(); cacheChatThemeDone(std::move(result)); }); }); if (media && media->loaded(true)) { theme.media = nullptr; } } void SessionController::cacheChatThemeDone( std::shared_ptr result) { Expects(result != nullptr); const auto key = CachedThemeKey{ result->key(), result->background().key, }; const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); if (i == end(_customChatThemes)) { return; } i->second.caching = false; i->second.theme = result; if (i->second.media) { if (i->second.media->loaded(true)) { updateCustomThemeBackground(i->second); } else { session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter([=] { const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); Assert(i != end(_customChatThemes)); return !i->second.media || i->second.media->loaded(true); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(key); Assert(i != end(_customChatThemes)); updateCustomThemeBackground(i->second); }, i->second.lifetime); } } _cachedThemesStream.fire(std::move(result)); } void SessionController::updateCustomThemeBackground(CachedTheme &theme) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { theme.lifetime.destroy(); theme.media = nullptr; }); const auto strong = theme.theme.lock(); if (!theme.media || !strong || !theme.media->loaded(true)) { return; } const auto key = strong->key(); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); crl::async([=, data = backgroundData(theme, false)] { crl::on_main(weak, [ =, result = Ui::PrepareBackgroundImage(data) ]() mutable { const auto cacheKey = CachedThemeKey{ key, result.key }; const auto i = _customChatThemes.find(cacheKey); if (i != end(_customChatThemes)) { if (const auto strong = i->second.theme.lock()) { strong->updateBackgroundImageFrom(std::move(result)); } } }); }); } Ui::ChatThemeBackgroundData SessionController::backgroundData( CachedTheme &theme, bool generateGradient) const { const auto &paper = theme.paper; const auto &media = theme.media; const auto paperPath = media ? media->owner()->filepath() : QString(); const auto paperBytes = media ? media->bytes() : QByteArray(); const auto gzipSvg = media && media->owner()->isPatternWallPaperSVG(); const auto &colors = paper.backgroundColors(); const auto isPattern = paper.isPattern(); const auto patternOpacity = paper.patternOpacity(); const auto isBlurred = paper.isBlurred(); const auto gradientRotation = paper.gradientRotation(); const auto darkModeDimming = isPattern ? 100 : std::clamp(paper.patternIntensity(), 0, 100); return { .key = paper.key(), .path = paperPath, .bytes = paperBytes, .gzipSvg = gzipSvg, .colors = colors, .isPattern = isPattern, .patternOpacity = patternOpacity, .darkModeDimming = darkModeDimming, .isBlurred = isBlurred, .forDarkMode = theme.basedOnDark, .generateGradient = generateGradient, .gradientRotation = gradientRotation, }; } void SessionController::openPeerStory( not_null peer, StoryId storyId, Data::StoriesContext context) { using namespace Media::View; using namespace Data; invalidate_weak_ptrs(&_storyOpenGuard); auto &stories = session().data().stories(); const auto from = stories.lookup({ peer->id, storyId }); if (from) { window().openInMediaView(OpenRequest(this, *from, context)); } else if (from.error() == Data::NoStory::Unknown) { const auto done = crl::guard(&_storyOpenGuard, [=] { openPeerStory(peer, storyId, context); }); stories.resolve({ peer->id, storyId }, done); } } void SessionController::openPeerStories( PeerId peerId, std::optional list) { using namespace Media::View; using namespace Data; invalidate_weak_ptrs(&_storyOpenGuard); auto &stories = session().data().stories(); if (const auto source = stories.source(peerId)) { if (const auto idDates = source->toOpen()) { openPeerStory( source->peer, idDates.id, (list ? StoriesContext{ *list } : StoriesContext{ StoriesContextPeer() })); } } else if (const auto peer = session().data().peerLoaded(peerId)) { const auto done = crl::guard(&_storyOpenGuard, [=] { openPeerStories(peerId, list); }); stories.requestPeerStories(peer, done); } } HistoryView::PaintContext SessionController::preparePaintContext( Ui::ChatPaintContextArgs &&args) { const auto visibleAreaTopLocal = content()->mapFromGlobal( args.visibleAreaPositionGlobal).y(); const auto viewport = QRect( 0, args.visibleAreaTop - visibleAreaTopLocal, args.visibleAreaWidth, content()->height()); return args.theme->preparePaintContext( _chatStyle.get(), viewport, args.clip, isGifPausedAtLeastFor(GifPauseReason::Any)); } void SessionController::setPremiumRef(const QString &ref) { _premiumRef = ref; } QString SessionController::premiumRef() const { return _premiumRef; } bool SessionController::showChatPreview( Dialogs::RowDescriptor row, Fn callback, QPointer parentOverride, std::optional positionOverride) { return _chatPreviewManager->show( std::move(row), std::move(callback), std::move(parentOverride), positionOverride); } bool SessionController::scheduleChatPreview( Dialogs::RowDescriptor row, Fn callback, QPointer parentOverride, std::optional positionOverride) { return _chatPreviewManager->schedule( std::move(row), std::move(callback), std::move(parentOverride), positionOverride); } void SessionController::cancelScheduledPreview() { _chatPreviewManager->cancelScheduled(); } bool SessionController::contentOverlapped(QWidget *w, QPaintEvent *e) const { return widget()->contentOverlapped(w, e); } std::shared_ptr SessionController::uiShow() { if (!_cachedShow) { _cachedShow = std::make_shared(this); } return _cachedShow; } SessionController::~SessionController() { resetFakeUnreadWhileOpened(); } } // namespace Window