/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "dialogs/dialogs_inner_widget.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_three_state_icon.h" #include "dialogs/ui/chat_search_empty.h" #include "dialogs/ui/chat_search_in.h" #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_layout.h" #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_stories_content.h" #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_video_userpic.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_widget.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_search_from_controllers.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_search_tags.h" #include "history/view/history_view_chat_preview.h" #include "history/view/history_view_context_menu.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/dynamic_thumbnails.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_forum.h" #include "data/data_forum_icons.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_chat_filters.h" #include "data/data_cloud_file.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_message_reactions.h" #include "data/data_saved_messages.h" #include "data/data_saved_sublist.h" #include "data/data_stories.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/data_send_action.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/options.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "ui/effects/loading_element.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/widgets/menu/menu_add_action_callback_factory.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "boxes/filters/edit_filter_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_forum_topic_box.h" #include "api/api_chat_filters.h" #include "base/qt/qt_common_adapters.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" // popupMenuExpandedSeparator #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_menu_icons.h" #include namespace Dialogs { namespace { constexpr auto kHashtagResultsLimit = 5; constexpr auto kStartReorderThreshold = 30; [[nodiscard]] int FixedOnTopDialogsCount(not_null list) { auto result = 0; for (const auto &row : *list) { if (!row->entry()->fixedOnTopIndex()) { break; } ++result; } return result; } [[nodiscard]] int PinnedDialogsCount( FilterId filterId, not_null list) { auto result = 0; for (const auto &row : *list) { if (row->entry()->fixedOnTopIndex()) { continue; } else if (!row->entry()->isPinnedDialog(filterId)) { break; } ++result; } return result; } [[nodiscard]] object_ptr MakeSearchEmpty( QWidget *parent, SearchState state) { const auto query = state.query.trimmed(); const auto hashtag = !query.isEmpty() && (query[0] == '#'); const auto trimmed = hashtag ? query.mid(1).trimmed() : query; const auto fromPeer = (state.tab == ChatSearchTab::MyMessages || state.tab == ChatSearchTab::PublicPosts || !state.inChat.peer() || !(state.inChat.peer()->isChat() || state.inChat.peer()->isMegagroup())) ? nullptr : state.fromPeer; const auto waiting = trimmed.isEmpty() && state.tags.empty() && !fromPeer; const auto icon = waiting ? SearchEmptyIcon::Search : SearchEmptyIcon::NoResults; auto text = TextWithEntities(); if (waiting) { if (hashtag) { text.append(tr::lng_search_tab_by_hashtag(tr::now)); } else { text.append(tr::lng_dlg_search_for_messages(tr::now)); } } else { text.append(tr::lng_search_tab_no_results( tr::now, Ui::Text::Bold)); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { text.append("\n").append( tr::lng_search_tab_no_results_text( tr::now, lt_query, trimmed)); if (hashtag) { text.append("\n").append( tr::lng_search_tab_no_results_retry(tr::now)); } } } auto result = object_ptr( parent, icon, rpl::single(std::move(text))); result->show(); result->resizeToWidth(parent->width()); return result; } } // namespace struct InnerWidget::CollapsedRow { CollapsedRow(Data::Folder *folder) : folder(folder) { } Data::Folder *folder = nullptr; BasicRow row; }; struct InnerWidget::HashtagResult { HashtagResult(const QString &tag) : tag(tag) { } QString tag; BasicRow row; }; struct InnerWidget::PeerSearchResult { explicit PeerSearchResult(not_null peer) : peer(peer) { } not_null peer; mutable Ui::Text::String name; mutable Ui::PeerBadge badge; BasicRow row; }; Key InnerWidget::FilterResult::key() const { return row->key(); } int InnerWidget::FilterResult::bottom() const { return top + row->height(); } InnerWidget::InnerWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, rpl::producer childListShown) : RpWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _shownList(controller->session().data().chatsList()->indexed()) , _st(&st::defaultDialogRow) , _pinnedShiftAnimation([=](crl::time now) { return pinnedShiftAnimationCallback(now); }) , _narrowWidth(st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left() + st::defaultDialogRow.photoSize + st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left()) , _childListShown(std::move(childListShown)) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _topicJumpCache = nullptr; }, lifetime()); session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { update(); }, lifetime()); Core::App().notifications().settingsChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Window::Notifications::ChangeType change) { if (change == Window::Notifications::ChangeType::CountMessages) { // Folder rows change their unread badge with this setting. update(); } }, lifetime()); session().data().contactsLoaded().changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refresh(); refreshEmpty(); }, lifetime()); session().data().itemRemoved( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { itemRemoved(item); }, lifetime()); session().data().dialogsRowReplacements( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Data::Session::DialogsRowReplacement r) { dialogRowReplaced(r.old, r.now); }, lifetime()); session().data().sendActionManager().animationUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( const Data::SendActionManager::AnimationUpdate &update) { const auto updateRect = Ui::RowPainter::SendActionAnimationRect( _st, update.left, update.width, update.height, width(), update.textUpdated); updateDialogRow( RowDescriptor(update.thread, FullMsgId()), updateRect, UpdateRowSection::Default | UpdateRowSection::Filtered); }, lifetime()); session().data().sendActionManager().speakingAnimationUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null history) { repaintDialogRowCornerStatus(history); }, lifetime()); setupOnlineStatusCheck(); rpl::merge( session().data().chatsListChanges(), session().data().chatsListLoadedEvents() ) | rpl::filter([=](Data::Folder *folder) { return !_savedSublists && !_openedForum && (folder == _openedFolder); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refresh(); }, lifetime()); rpl::merge( session().settings().archiveCollapsedChanges() | rpl::to_empty, session().data().chatsFilters().changed() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshWithCollapsedRows(); }, lifetime()); session().settings().archiveInMainMenuChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refresh(); }, lifetime()); session().changes().historyUpdates( Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::IsPinned | Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ChatOccupied ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::HistoryUpdate &update) { if (update.flags & Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::IsPinned) { stopReorderPinned(); } if (update.flags & Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ChatOccupied) { this->update(); _updated.fire({}); } }, lifetime()); using UpdateFlag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; session().changes().peerUpdates( UpdateFlag::Name | UpdateFlag::Photo | UpdateFlag::IsContact | UpdateFlag::FullInfo | UpdateFlag::EmojiStatus ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { if (update.flags & (UpdateFlag::Name | UpdateFlag::Photo | UpdateFlag::FullInfo | UpdateFlag::EmojiStatus)) { const auto peer = update.peer; const auto history = peer->owner().historyLoaded(peer); if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (history) { updateDialogRow({ history, FullMsgId() }); } } else { this->update(); } _updated.fire({}); } if (update.flags & UpdateFlag::IsContact) { // contactsNoChatsList could've changed. Ui::PostponeCall(this, [=] { refresh(); }); } }, lifetime()); session().changes().messageUpdates( Data::MessageUpdate::Flag::DialogRowRefresh ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::MessageUpdate &update) { refreshDialogRow({ update.item->history(), update.item->fullId() }); }, lifetime()); session().changes().entryUpdates( Data::EntryUpdate::Flag::Repaint | Data::EntryUpdate::Flag::Height ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::EntryUpdate &update) { const auto entry = update.entry; if (update.flags & Data::EntryUpdate::Flag::Height) { if (updateEntryHeight(entry)) { refresh(); } return; } const auto repaintId = (_state == WidgetState::Default) ? _filterId : 0; if (const auto links = entry->chatListLinks(repaintId)) { repaintDialogRow(repaintId, links->main); } if (session().supportMode() && !session().settings().supportAllSearchResults()) { repaintDialogRow({ entry, FullMsgId() }); } }, lifetime()); _controller->activeChatEntryValue( ) | rpl::combine_previous( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( RowDescriptor previous, RowDescriptor next) { updateDialogRow(previous); updateDialogRow(next); }, lifetime()); _controller->activeChatsFilter( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FilterId filterId) { switchToFilter(filterId); }, lifetime()); _controller->window().widget()->globalForceClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QPoint globalPosition) { processGlobalForceClick(globalPosition); }, lifetime()); session().data().stories().incrementPreloadingMainSources(); handleChatListEntryRefreshes(); refreshWithCollapsedRows(true); setupShortcuts(); } bool InnerWidget::updateEntryHeight(not_null entry) { if (!_geometryInited) { return false; } auto changing = false; auto top = 0; for (auto &result : _filterResults) { if (changing) { result.top = top; } if (result.row->key().entry() == entry) { result.row->recountHeight(_narrowRatio); changing = true; top = result.top; } if (changing) { top += result.row->height(); } } return _shownList->updateHeight(entry, _narrowRatio) || changing; } void InnerWidget::setNarrowRatio(float64 narrowRatio) { if (_geometryInited && _narrowRatio == narrowRatio) { return; } _geometryInited = true; _narrowRatio = narrowRatio; if (_shownList->updateHeights(_narrowRatio) || !height()) { refresh(); } } Main::Session &InnerWidget::session() const { return _controller->session(); } void InnerWidget::refreshWithCollapsedRows(bool toTop) { const auto pressed = _collapsedPressed; const auto selected = _collapsedSelected; setCollapsedPressed(-1); _collapsedSelected = -1; _collapsedRows.clear(); const auto archive = !_shownList->empty() ? _shownList->begin()->get()->folder() : nullptr; const auto inMainMenu = session().settings().archiveInMainMenu(); if (archive && (session().settings().archiveCollapsed() || inMainMenu)) { if (_selected && _selected->folder() == archive) { _selected = nullptr; } if (_pressed && _pressed->folder() == archive) { clearPressed(); } _skipTopDialog = true; if (!inMainMenu && !_filterId) { _collapsedRows.push_back( std::make_unique(archive)); } } else { _skipTopDialog = false; } Assert(!needCollapsedRowsRefresh()); refresh(toTop); if (selected >= 0 && selected < _collapsedRows.size()) { _collapsedSelected = selected; } if (pressed >= 0 && pressed < _collapsedRows.size()) { setCollapsedPressed(pressed); } } int InnerWidget::skipTopHeight() const { return (_skipTopDialog && !_shownList->empty()) ? _shownList->begin()->get()->height() : 0; } int InnerWidget::collapsedRowsOffset() const { return 0; } int InnerWidget::dialogsOffset() const { return collapsedRowsOffset() + (_collapsedRows.size() * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight) - skipTopHeight(); } int InnerWidget::fixedOnTopCount() const { auto result = 0; for (const auto &row : *_shownList) { if (row->entry()->fixedOnTopIndex()) { ++result; } else { break; } } return result; } int InnerWidget::shownHeight(int till) const { return !till ? 0 : (till > 0 && till < _shownList->size()) ? (_shownList->begin() + till)->get()->top() : _shownList->height(); } int InnerWidget::pinnedOffset() const { return dialogsOffset() + shownHeight(fixedOnTopCount()); } int InnerWidget::hashtagsOffset() const { return searchInChatOffset() + searchInChatSkip(); } int InnerWidget::filteredOffset() const { return hashtagsOffset() + (_hashtagResults.size() * st::mentionHeight); } int InnerWidget::filteredIndex(int y) const { return ranges::lower_bound( _filterResults, y, ranges::less(), &FilterResult::bottom ) - begin(_filterResults); } int InnerWidget::filteredHeight(int till) const { return (!till || _filterResults.empty()) ? 0 : (till > 0 && till < _filterResults.size()) ? _filterResults[till].top : (_filterResults.back().top + _filterResults.back().row->height()); } int InnerWidget::peerSearchOffset() const { return filteredOffset() + filteredHeight() + st::searchedBarHeight; } int InnerWidget::searchInChatOffset() const { return (_searchTags ? _searchTags->height() : 0); } int InnerWidget::searchInChatSkip() const { return _searchIn ? _searchIn->height() : 0; } int InnerWidget::searchedOffset() const { auto result = peerSearchOffset(); if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { result += (_peerSearchResults.size() * st::dialogsRowHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight; } return result; } void InnerWidget::changeOpenedFolder(Data::Folder *folder) { Expects(!folder || !_savedSublists); if (_openedFolder == folder) { return; } stopReorderPinned(); clearSelection(); _openedFolder = folder; refreshShownList(); refreshWithCollapsedRows(true); if (_loadMoreCallback) { _loadMoreCallback(); } } void InnerWidget::changeOpenedForum(Data::Forum *forum) { Expects(!forum || !_savedSublists); if (_openedForum == forum) { return; } stopReorderPinned(); clearSelection(); if (forum) { saveChatsFilterScrollState(_filterId); } _filterId = forum ? 0 : _controller->activeChatsFilterCurrent(); if (_openedForum) { // If we close it inside forum destruction we should not schedule. session().data().forumIcons().scheduleUserpicsReset(_openedForum); } _openedForum = forum; _st = forum ? &st::forumTopicRow : &st::defaultDialogRow; refreshShownList(); _openedForumLifetime.destroy(); if (forum) { rpl::merge( forum->chatsListChanges(), forum->chatsListLoadedEvents() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refresh(); }, _openedForumLifetime); } refreshWithCollapsedRows(true); if (_loadMoreCallback) { _loadMoreCallback(); } if (!forum) { restoreChatsFilterScrollState(_filterId); } } void InnerWidget::showSavedSublists() { Expects(!_geometryInited); Expects(!_savedSublists); _savedSublists = true; stopReorderPinned(); clearSelection(); _filterId = 0; _openedForum = nullptr; _st = &st::defaultDialogRow; refreshShownList(); _openedForumLifetime.destroy(); //session().data().savedMessages().chatsListChanges( //) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { // refresh(); //}, lifetime()); refreshWithCollapsedRows(true); if (_loadMoreCallback) { _loadMoreCallback(); } } void InnerWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.setInactive( _controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::Any)); if (!_savedSublists && _controller->contentOverlapped(this, e)) { return; } const auto activeEntry = _controller->activeChatEntryCurrent(); const auto videoPaused = _controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor( Window::GifPauseReason::Any); auto fullWidth = width(); const auto r = e->rect(); auto dialogsClip = r; const auto ms = crl::now(); const auto childListShown = _childListShown.current(); auto context = Ui::PaintContext{ .st = _st, .topicJumpCache = _topicJumpCache.get(), .folder = _openedFolder, .forum = _openedForum, .currentBg = currentBg(), .filter = _filterId, .now = ms, .width = fullWidth, .paused = videoPaused, .narrow = (fullWidth < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2), }; const auto fillGuard = gsl::finally([&] { // We translate painter down, but it'll be cropped below rect. p.fillRect(rect(), context.currentBg); }); const auto paintRow = [&]( not_null row, bool selected, bool mayBeActive) { const auto key = row->key(); const auto active = mayBeActive && isRowActive(row, activeEntry); const auto forum = key.history() && key.history()->isForum(); if (forum && !_topicJumpCache) { _topicJumpCache = std::make_unique(); } const auto expanding = forum && (key.history()->peer->id == childListShown.peerId); context.st = (forum ? &st::forumDialogRow : _st.get()); context.topicsExpanded = (expanding && !active) ? childListShown.shown : 0.; context.active = active; context.selected = _menuRow.key ? (row->key() == _menuRow.key) : _chatPreviewRow.key ? (row->key() == _chatPreviewRow.key) : selected; context.topicJumpSelected = selected && _selectedTopicJump && (!_pressed || _pressedTopicJump); Ui::RowPainter::Paint(p, row, validateVideoUserpic(row), context); }; if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { const auto collapsedSkip = collapsedRowsOffset(); p.translate(0, collapsedSkip); paintCollapsedRows(p, r.translated(0, -collapsedSkip)); const auto &list = _shownList->all(); const auto shownBottom = _shownList->height() - skipTopHeight(); const auto selected = isPressed() ? (_pressed ? _pressed->key() : Key()) : (_selected ? _selected->key() : Key()); if (shownBottom) { const auto skip = dialogsOffset(); const auto promoted = fixedOnTopCount(); const auto reorderingPinned = (_aboveIndex >= 0) && !_pinnedRows.empty(); const auto reorderingIndex = reorderingPinned ? (promoted + _aboveIndex) : -1; const auto reorderingRow = (reorderingIndex >= 0 && reorderingIndex < list.size()) ? (list.cbegin() + reorderingIndex)->get() : nullptr; if (reorderingRow) { dialogsClip = dialogsClip.marginsAdded({ 0, reorderingRow->height(), 0, reorderingRow->height(), }); } const auto skippedTop = skipTopHeight(); const auto paintDialog = [&](not_null row) { const auto pinned = row->index() - promoted; const auto count = _pinnedRows.size(); const auto xadd = 0; const auto yadd = base::in_range(pinned, 0, count) ? qRound(_pinnedRows[pinned].yadd.current()) : 0; if (xadd || yadd) { p.translate(xadd, yadd); } paintRow(row, (row->key() == selected), true); if (xadd || yadd) { p.translate(-xadd, -yadd); } }; auto i = list.findByY(dialogsClip.top() - skip); if (_skipTopDialog && i != list.cend() && !(*i)->index()) { ++i; } if (i != list.cend()) { auto top = (*i)->top(); // If we're reordering pinned chats we need to fill this area background first. if (reorderingPinned) { const auto pinnedBottom = shownHeight(promoted + _pinnedRows.size()); const auto pinnedTop = shownHeight(promoted); p.fillRect(0, pinnedTop - skippedTop, fullWidth, pinnedBottom - pinnedTop, currentBg()); } p.translate(0, top - skippedTop); for (auto e = list.cend(); i != e; ++i) { auto row = (*i); if (top >= dialogsClip.top() - skip + dialogsClip.height()) { break; } // Skip currently dragged chat to paint it above others after. if (row->index() != promoted + _aboveIndex || _aboveIndex < 0) { paintDialog(row); } p.translate(0, row->height()); top += row->height(); } // Paint the dragged chat above all others. if (reorderingRow) { p.translate(0, reorderingRow->top() - top); paintDialog(reorderingRow); p.translate(0, top - reorderingRow->top()); } } } else { p.fillRect(dialogsClip, currentBg()); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (_searchTags) { paintSearchTags(p, { .st = &st::forumTopicRow, .currentBg = currentBg(), .now = ms, .width = fullWidth, .paused = videoPaused, }); p.translate(0, _searchTags->height()); } if (_searchIn) { p.translate(0, searchInChatSkip()); if (_searchResults.empty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::lineWidth, st::shadowFg); } } if (!_hashtagResults.empty()) { const auto skip = hashtagsOffset(); auto from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, st::mentionHeight, 0, _hashtagResults.size()); auto to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, st::mentionHeight, 0, _hashtagResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::mentionHeight); if (from < _hashtagResults.size()) { const auto htagleft = st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left(); auto htagwidth = fullWidth - htagleft - st::defaultDialogRow.padding.right(); p.setFont(st::mentionFont); for (; from < to; ++from) { auto &result = _hashtagResults[from]; bool selected = (from == (isPressed() ? _hashtagPressed : _hashtagSelected)); p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::mentionHeight, selected ? st::mentionBgOver : currentBg()); result->row.paintRipple(p, 0, 0, fullWidth); auto &tag = result->tag; if (selected) { int skip = (st::mentionHeight - st::smallCloseIconOver.height()) / 2; st::smallCloseIconOver.paint(p, QPoint(fullWidth - st::smallCloseIconOver.width() - skip, skip), width()); } auto first = (_hashtagFilter.size() < 2) ? QString() : ('#' + tag.mid(0, _hashtagFilter.size() - 1)); auto second = (_hashtagFilter.size() < 2) ? ('#' + tag) : tag.mid(_hashtagFilter.size() - 1); auto firstwidth = st::mentionFont->width(first); auto secondwidth = st::mentionFont->width(second); if (htagwidth < firstwidth + secondwidth) { if (htagwidth < firstwidth + st::mentionFont->elidew) { first = st::mentionFont->elided(first + second, htagwidth); second = QString(); } else { second = st::mentionFont->elided(second, htagwidth - firstwidth); } } p.setFont(st::mentionFont); if (!first.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionFgOverActive : st::mentionFgActive); p.drawText(htagleft, st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, first); } if (!second.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionFgOver : st::mentionFg); p.drawText(htagleft + firstwidth, st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, second); } p.translate(0, st::mentionHeight); } if (to < _hashtagResults.size()) { p.translate(0, (_hashtagResults.size() - to) * st::mentionHeight); } } } if (!_filterResults.empty()) { auto skip = filteredOffset(); auto from = filteredIndex(r.y() - skip); auto to = std::min( filteredIndex(r.y() + r.height() - skip) + 1, int(_filterResults.size())); const auto height = filteredHeight(from); p.translate(0, height); for (; from < to; ++from) { const auto selected = isPressed() ? (from == _filteredPressed) : (from == _filteredSelected); const auto row = _filterResults[from].row; paintRow(row, selected, !activeEntry.fullId); p.translate(0, row->height()); } } if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBg); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont); p.setPen(st::searchedBarFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::searchedBarPosition.x(), st::searchedBarPosition.y(), width(), tr::lng_search_global_results(tr::now)); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); auto skip = peerSearchOffset(); auto from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _peerSearchResults.size()); auto to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _peerSearchResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::dialogsRowHeight); if (from < _peerSearchResults.size()) { const auto activePeer = activeEntry.key.peer(); for (; from < to; ++from) { const auto &result = _peerSearchResults[from]; const auto peer = result->peer; const auto active = !activeEntry.fullId && activePeer && ((peer == activePeer) || (peer->migrateTo() == activePeer)); const auto selected = (from == (isPressed() ? _peerSearchPressed : _peerSearchSelected)); paintPeerSearchResult(p, result.get(), { .st = &st::defaultDialogRow, .currentBg = currentBg(), .now = ms, .width = fullWidth, .active = active, .selected = selected, .paused = videoPaused, }); p.translate(0, st::dialogsRowHeight); } if (to < _peerSearchResults.size()) { p.translate(0, (_peerSearchResults.size() - to) * st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } const auto showUnreadInSearchResults = uniqueSearchResults(); if (_searchResults.empty()) { if (_loadingAnimation) { const auto text = tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now); p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBg); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont); p.setPen(st::searchedBarFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::searchedBarPosition.x(), st::searchedBarPosition.y(), width(), text); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); } } else { const auto text = showUnreadInSearchResults ? u"Search results"_q : tr::lng_search_found_results( tr::now, lt_count, _searchedMigratedCount + _searchedCount); p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBg); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont); p.setPen(st::searchedBarFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::searchedBarPosition.x(), st::searchedBarPosition.y(), width(), text); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); auto skip = searchedOffset(); auto from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, _st->height, 0, _searchResults.size()); auto to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, _st->height, 0, _searchResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * _st->height); if (from < _searchResults.size()) { for (; from < to; ++from) { const auto &result = _searchResults[from]; const auto active = isSearchResultActive(result.get(), activeEntry); const auto selected = _menuRow.key ? isSearchResultActive(result.get(), _menuRow) : _chatPreviewRow.key ? isSearchResultActive(result.get(), _chatPreviewRow) : (from == (isPressed() ? _searchedPressed : _searchedSelected)); Ui::RowPainter::Paint(p, result.get(), { .st = _st, .folder = _openedFolder, .forum = _openedForum, .currentBg = currentBg(), .filter = _filterId, .now = ms, .width = fullWidth, .active = active, .selected = selected, .paused = videoPaused, .search = true, .narrow = (fullWidth < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2), .displayUnreadInfo = showUnreadInSearchResults, }); p.translate(0, _st->height); } } } } } Ui::VideoUserpic *InnerWidget::validateVideoUserpic(not_null row) { const auto history = row->history(); return history ? validateVideoUserpic(history) : nullptr; } Ui::VideoUserpic *InnerWidget::validateVideoUserpic( not_null history) { const auto peer = history->peer; if (!peer->isPremium() || peer->userpicPhotoUnknown() || !peer->userpicHasVideo()) { _videoUserpics.remove(peer); return nullptr; } const auto i = _videoUserpics.find(peer); if (i != end(_videoUserpics)) { return i->second.get(); } const auto repaint = [=] { updateDialogRow({ history, FullMsgId() }); updateSearchResult(history->peer); }; return _videoUserpics.emplace(peer, std::make_unique( peer, repaint )).first->second.get(); } void InnerWidget::paintCollapsedRows(Painter &p, QRect clip) const { auto index = 0; const auto rowHeight = st::dialogsImportantBarHeight; for (const auto &row : _collapsedRows) { const auto increment = gsl::finally([&] { p.translate(0, rowHeight); ++index; }); const auto y = index * rowHeight; if (!clip.intersects(QRect(0, y, width(), rowHeight))) { continue; } const auto selected = (index == _collapsedSelected) || (index == _collapsedPressed); paintCollapsedRow(p, row.get(), selected); } } void InnerWidget::paintCollapsedRow( Painter &p, not_null row, bool selected) const { Expects(row->folder != nullptr); const auto text = row->folder->chatListName(); const auto unread = row->folder->chatListBadgesState().unreadCounter; const auto fullWidth = width(); Ui::PaintCollapsedRow(p, row->row, row->folder, text, unread, { .st = _st, .currentBg = currentBg(), .width = fullWidth, .selected = selected, .narrow = (fullWidth < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2), }); } bool InnerWidget::isRowActive( not_null row, const RowDescriptor &entry) const { const auto key = row->key(); return (entry.key == key) || (entry.key.sublist() && key.peer() && key.peer()->isSelf()); } bool InnerWidget::isSearchResultActive( not_null result, const RowDescriptor &entry) const { const auto item = result->item(); const auto peer = item->history()->peer; return (item->fullId() == entry.fullId) || (peer->migrateTo() && (peer->migrateTo()->id == entry.fullId.peer) && (item->id == -entry.fullId.msg)) || (uniqueSearchResults() && peer == entry.key.peer()); } void InnerWidget::paintPeerSearchResult( Painter &p, not_null result, const Ui::PaintContext &context) { QRect fullRect(0, 0, context.width, st::dialogsRowHeight); p.fillRect( fullRect, (context.active ? st::dialogsBgActive : context.selected ? st::dialogsBgOver : currentBg())); if (!context.active) { result->row.paintRipple(p, 0, 0, context.width); } auto peer = result->peer; auto userpicPeer = (peer->migrateTo() ? peer->migrateTo() : peer); userpicPeer->paintUserpicLeft( p, result->row.userpicView(), context.st->padding.left(), context.st->padding.top(), width(), context.st->photoSize); auto nameleft = context.st->nameLeft; auto namewidth = context.width - nameleft - context.st->padding.right(); QRect rectForName(nameleft, context.st->nameTop, namewidth, st::semiboldFont->height); if (result->name.isEmpty()) { result->name.setText( st::semiboldTextStyle, peer->name(), Ui::NameTextOptions()); } // draw chat icon if (const auto chatTypeIcon = Ui::ChatTypeIcon(peer, context)) { chatTypeIcon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft(), context.width); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + chatTypeIcon->width() + st::dialogsChatTypeSkip); } const auto badgeWidth = result->badge.drawGetWidth( p, rectForName, result->name.maxWidth(), context.width, { .peer = peer, .verified = (context.active ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconActive : context.selected ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconOver : &st::dialogsVerifiedIcon), .premium = &ThreeStateIcon( st::dialogsPremiumIcon, context.active, context.selected), .scam = (context.active ? &st::dialogsScamFgActive : context.selected ? &st::dialogsScamFgOver : &st::dialogsScamFg), .premiumFg = (context.active ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconBgActive : context.selected ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconBgOver : &st::dialogsVerifiedIconBg), .customEmojiRepaint = [=] { updateSearchResult(peer); }, .now = context.now, .paused = context.paused, }); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - badgeWidth); QRect tr(context.st->textLeft, context.st->textTop, namewidth, st::dialogsTextFont->height); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); QString username = peer->username(); if (!context.active && username.startsWith(_peerSearchQuery, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { auto first = '@' + username.mid(0, _peerSearchQuery.size()); auto second = username.mid(_peerSearchQuery.size()); auto w = st::dialogsTextFont->width(first); if (w >= tr.width()) { p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided(first, tr.width())); } else { p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, first); p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFg); p.drawText(tr.left() + w, tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided(second, tr.width() - w)); } } else { p.setPen(context.active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided('@' + username, tr.width())); } p.setPen(context.active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : st::dialogsNameFg); result->name.drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } QBrush InnerWidget::currentBg() const { return anim::brush( st::dialogsBg, st::dialogsBgOver, _childListShown.current().shown); } void InnerWidget::paintSearchTags( Painter &p, const Ui::PaintContext &context) const { Expects(_searchTags != nullptr); const auto height = _searchTags->height(); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height, currentBg()); const auto top = st::dialogsSearchTagBottom / 2; const auto position = QPoint(_searchTagsLeft, top); _searchTags->paint(p, position, context.now, context.paused); } // //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInChat( // Painter &p, // const Ui::PaintContext &context) const { // auto height = searchInChatSkip(); // // auto top = 0; // p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont); // auto fullRect = QRect(0, top, width(), height - top); // p.fillRect(fullRect, currentBg()); // if (_searchFromShown) { // p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFg); // p.setTextPalette(st::dialogsSearchFromPalette); // paintSearchInPeer(p, _searchFromShown, _searchFromUserUserpic, top, _searchFromUserText); // p.restoreTextPalette(); // } //} // //template //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInFilter( // Painter &p, // PaintUserpic paintUserpic, // int top, // const style::icon *icon, // const Ui::Text::String &text) const { // const auto savedPen = p.pen(); // const auto userpicLeft = st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left(); // const auto userpicTop = top // + (st::dialogsSearchInHeight - st::dialogsSearchInPhotoSize) / 2; // paintUserpic(p, userpicLeft, userpicTop, st::dialogsSearchInPhotoSize); // // const auto nameleft = st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left() // + st::dialogsSearchInPhotoSize // + st::dialogsSearchInPhotoPadding; // const auto namewidth = width() // - nameleft // - st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left() // - st::defaultDialogRow.padding.right() // - st::dialogsCancelSearch.width; // auto rectForName = QRect( // nameleft, // top + (st::dialogsSearchInHeight - st::semiboldFont->height) / 2, // namewidth, // st::semiboldFont->height); // if (icon) { // icon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft(), width()); // rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() // + icon->width() // + st::dialogsChatTypeSkip); // } // p.setPen(savedPen); // text.drawLeftElided( // p, // rectForName.left(), // rectForName.top(), // rectForName.width(), // width()); //} // //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInPeer( // Painter &p, // not_null peer, // Ui::PeerUserpicView &userpic, // int top, // const Ui::Text::String &text) const { // const auto paintUserpic = [&](Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) { // peer->paintUserpicLeft(p, userpic, x, y, width(), size); // }; // const auto icon = Ui::ChatTypeIcon(peer); // paintSearchInFilter(p, paintUserpic, top, icon, text); //} // //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInSaved( // Painter &p, // int top, // const Ui::Text::String &text) const { // const auto paintUserpic = [&](Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) { // Ui::EmptyUserpic::PaintSavedMessages(p, x, y, width(), size); // }; // paintSearchInFilter(p, paintUserpic, top, nullptr, text); //} // //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInReplies( // Painter &p, // int top, // const Ui::Text::String &text) const { // const auto paintUserpic = [&](Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) { // Ui::EmptyUserpic::PaintRepliesMessages(p, x, y, width(), size); // }; // paintSearchInFilter(p, paintUserpic, top, nullptr, text); //} // //void InnerWidget::paintSearchInTopic( // Painter &p, // const Ui::PaintContext &context, // not_null topic, // Ui::PeerUserpicView &userpic, // int top, // const Ui::Text::String &text) const { // const auto paintUserpic = [&](Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) { // p.translate(x, y); // topic->paintUserpic(p, userpic, context); // p.translate(-x, -y); // }; // paintSearchInFilter(p, paintUserpic, top, nullptr, text); //} void InnerWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_chatPreviewTouchGlobal || _touchDragStartGlobal) { return; } const auto globalPosition = e->globalPos(); if (!_lastMousePosition) { _lastMousePosition = globalPosition; return; } else if (!_mouseSelection && *_lastMousePosition == globalPosition) { return; } selectByMouse(globalPosition); if (_chatPreviewScheduled && !isUserpicPress()) { cancelChatPreview(); } } void InnerWidget::cancelChatPreview() { _chatPreviewTouchGlobal = {}; _chatPreviewScheduled = false; if (_chatPreviewRow.key) { updateDialogRow(base::take(_chatPreviewRow)); } _controller->cancelScheduledPreview(); } void InnerWidget::clearIrrelevantState() { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { _hashtagSelected = -1; setHashtagPressed(-1); _hashtagDeleteSelected = _hashtagDeletePressed = false; _filteredSelected = -1; setFilteredPressed(-1, false); _peerSearchSelected = -1; setPeerSearchPressed(-1); _searchedSelected = -1; setSearchedPressed(-1); } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { _collapsedSelected = -1; setCollapsedPressed(-1); _selected = nullptr; clearPressed(); } } void InnerWidget::selectByMouse(QPoint globalPosition) { const auto local = mapFromGlobal(globalPosition); if (updateReorderPinned(local)) { return; } _mouseSelection = true; _lastMousePosition = globalPosition; _lastRowLocalMouseX = local.x(); const auto tagBase = QPoint( _searchTagsLeft, st::dialogsSearchTagBottom / 2); const auto tagPoint = local - tagBase; const auto inTags = _searchTags && QRect( tagBase, QSize(width() - 2 * _searchTagsLeft, _searchTags->height()) ).contains(local); const auto tagLink = inTags ? _searchTags->lookupHandler(tagPoint) : nullptr; ClickHandler::setActive(tagLink); if (inTags) { setCursor(tagLink ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } const auto w = width(); const auto mouseY = local.y(); clearIrrelevantState(); if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { const auto offset = dialogsOffset(); const auto collapsedSelected = (mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < _collapsedRows.size() * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight) ? (mouseY / st::dialogsImportantBarHeight) : -1; const auto selected = (collapsedSelected >= 0) ? nullptr : (mouseY >= offset) ? _shownList->rowAtY(mouseY - offset) : nullptr; const auto selectedTopicJump = selected && selected->lookupIsInTopicJump( local.x(), mouseY - offset - selected->top()); if (_collapsedSelected != collapsedSelected || _selected != selected || _selectedTopicJump != selectedTopicJump) { updateSelectedRow(); _selected = selected; _selectedTopicJump = selectedTopicJump; _collapsedSelected = collapsedSelected; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor((_selected || _collapsedSelected >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { auto wasSelected = isSelected(); if (_hashtagResults.empty()) { _hashtagSelected = -1; _hashtagDeleteSelected = false; } else { auto skip = hashtagsOffset(); auto hashtagSelected = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / st::mentionHeight) : -1; if (hashtagSelected < 0 || hashtagSelected >= _hashtagResults.size()) { hashtagSelected = -1; } if (_hashtagSelected != hashtagSelected) { updateSelectedRow(); _hashtagSelected = hashtagSelected; updateSelectedRow(); } _hashtagDeleteSelected = (_hashtagSelected >= 0) && (local.x() >= w - st::mentionHeight); } if (!_filterResults.empty()) { auto skip = filteredOffset(); auto filteredSelected = (mouseY >= skip) ? filteredIndex(mouseY - skip) : -1; if (filteredSelected < 0 || filteredSelected >= _filterResults.size()) { filteredSelected = -1; } const auto selectedTopicJump = (filteredSelected >= 0) && _filterResults[filteredSelected].row->lookupIsInTopicJump( local.x(), mouseY - skip - _filterResults[filteredSelected].top); if (_filteredSelected != filteredSelected || _selectedTopicJump != selectedTopicJump) { updateSelectedRow(); _filteredSelected = filteredSelected; _selectedTopicJump = selectedTopicJump; updateSelectedRow(); } } if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { auto skip = peerSearchOffset(); auto peerSearchSelected = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / st::dialogsRowHeight) : -1; if (peerSearchSelected < 0 || peerSearchSelected >= _peerSearchResults.size()) { peerSearchSelected = -1; } if (_peerSearchSelected != peerSearchSelected) { updateSelectedRow(); _peerSearchSelected = peerSearchSelected; updateSelectedRow(); } } if (!_searchResults.empty()) { auto skip = searchedOffset(); auto searchedSelected = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / _st->height) : -1; if (searchedSelected < 0 || searchedSelected >= _searchResults.size()) { searchedSelected = -1; } if (_searchedSelected != searchedSelected) { updateSelectedRow(); _searchedSelected = searchedSelected; updateSelectedRow(); } } if (!inTags && wasSelected != isSelected()) { setCursor(wasSelected ? style::cur_default : style::cur_pointer); } } } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::computeChatPreviewRow() const { auto result = computeChosenRow(); if (const auto peer = result.key.peer()) { const auto topicId = _pressedTopicJump ? _pressedTopicJumpRootId : 0; if (const auto topic = peer->forumTopicFor(topicId)) { return { topic, FullMsgId() }; } } return { result.key, result.message.fullId }; } void InnerWidget::processGlobalForceClick(QPoint globalPosition) { const auto parent = parentWidget(); if (_pressButton == Qt::LeftButton && parent->rect().contains(parent->mapFromGlobal(globalPosition))) { showChatPreview(); } } void InnerWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { selectByMouse(e->globalPos()); _pressButton = e->button(); setPressed(_selected, _selectedTopicJump); setCollapsedPressed(_collapsedSelected); setHashtagPressed(_hashtagSelected); _hashtagDeletePressed = _hashtagDeleteSelected; setFilteredPressed(_filteredSelected, _selectedTopicJump); setPeerSearchPressed(_peerSearchSelected); setSearchedPressed(_searchedSelected); const auto alt = (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier); if (alt && showChatPreview()) { return; } else if (!alt && isUserpicPress()) { scheduleChatPreview(e->globalPos()); } if (base::in_range(_collapsedSelected, 0, _collapsedRows.size())) { auto row = &_collapsedRows[_collapsedSelected]->row; row->addRipple(e->pos(), QSize(width(), st::dialogsImportantBarHeight), [this, index = _collapsedSelected] { update(0, (index * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight), width(), st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); }); } else if (_pressed) { auto row = _pressed; const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(this); const auto updateCallback = [weak, row] { const auto strong = weak.data(); if (!strong || !strong->_pinnedShiftAnimation.animating()) { row->entry()->updateChatListEntry(); } }; const auto origin = e->pos() - QPoint(0, dialogsOffset() + _pressed->top()); if (_pressedTopicJump) { row->addTopicJumpRipple( origin, _topicJumpCache.get(), updateCallback); } else { row->clearTopicJumpRipple(); row->addRipple( origin, QSize(width(), _pressed->height()), updateCallback); } _dragStart = e->pos(); } else if (base::in_range(_hashtagPressed, 0, _hashtagResults.size()) && !_hashtagDeletePressed) { auto row = &_hashtagResults[_hashtagPressed]->row; const auto origin = e->pos() - QPoint(0, hashtagsOffset() + _hashtagPressed * st::mentionHeight); row->addRipple(origin, QSize(width(), st::mentionHeight), [this, index = _hashtagPressed] { update(0, hashtagsOffset() + index * st::mentionHeight, width(), st::mentionHeight); }); } else if (base::in_range(_filteredPressed, 0, _filterResults.size())) { const auto &result = _filterResults[_filteredPressed]; const auto row = result.row; const auto filterId = _filterId; const auto origin = e->pos() - QPoint(0, filteredOffset() + result.top); const auto updateCallback = [=] { repaintDialogRow(filterId, row); }; if (_pressedTopicJump) { row->addTopicJumpRipple( origin, _topicJumpCache.get(), updateCallback); } else { row->clearTopicJumpRipple(); row->addRipple( origin, QSize(width(), row->height()), updateCallback); } } else if (base::in_range(_peerSearchPressed, 0, _peerSearchResults.size())) { auto &result = _peerSearchResults[_peerSearchPressed]; auto row = &result->row; row->addRipple( e->pos() - QPoint(0, peerSearchOffset() + _peerSearchPressed * st::dialogsRowHeight), QSize(width(), st::dialogsRowHeight), [this, peer = result->peer] { updateSearchResult(peer); }); } else if (base::in_range(_searchedPressed, 0, _searchResults.size())) { auto &row = _searchResults[_searchedPressed]; row->addRipple( e->pos() - QPoint(0, searchedOffset() + _searchedPressed * _st->height), QSize(width(), _st->height), row->repaint()); } ClickHandler::pressed(); if (anim::Disabled() && !_chatPreviewScheduled && (!_pressed || !_pressed->entry()->isPinnedDialog(_filterId))) { mousePressReleased(e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->modifiers()); } } const std::vector &InnerWidget::pinnedChatsOrder() const { const auto owner = &session().data(); return _savedSublists ? owner->pinnedChatsOrder(&owner->savedMessages()) : _openedForum ? owner->pinnedChatsOrder(_openedForum) : _filterId ? owner->pinnedChatsOrder(_filterId) : owner->pinnedChatsOrder(_openedFolder); } void InnerWidget::checkReorderPinnedStart(QPoint localPosition) { if (!_pressed || _dragging || _state != WidgetState::Default) { return; } else if (qAbs(localPosition.y() - _dragStart.y()) < style::ConvertScale(kStartReorderThreshold)) { return; } _dragging = _pressed; startReorderPinned(localPosition); } void InnerWidget::startReorderPinned(QPoint localPosition) { Expects(_dragging != nullptr); cancelChatPreview(); if (updateReorderIndexGetCount() < 2) { _dragging = nullptr; } else { const auto &order = pinnedChatsOrder(); _pinnedOnDragStart = base::flat_set{ order.begin(), order.end() }; _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].yadd = anim::value(0, localPosition.y() - _dragStart.y()); _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].animStartTime = crl::now(); _pinnedShiftAnimation.start(); } } int InnerWidget::countPinnedIndex(Row *ofRow) { if (!ofRow || !ofRow->entry()->isPinnedDialog(_filterId)) { return -1; } auto result = 0; for (const auto &row : *_shownList) { if (row->entry()->fixedOnTopIndex()) { continue; } else if (!row->entry()->isPinnedDialog(_filterId)) { break; } else if (row == ofRow) { return result; } ++result; } return -1; } void InnerWidget::savePinnedOrder() { const auto &newOrder = pinnedChatsOrder(); if (newOrder.size() != _pinnedOnDragStart.size()) { return; // Something has changed in the set of pinned chats. } for (const auto &key : newOrder) { if (!_pinnedOnDragStart.contains(key)) { return; // Something has changed in the set of pinned chats. } } if (_savedSublists) { session().api().savePinnedOrder(&session().data().savedMessages()); } else if (_openedForum) { session().api().savePinnedOrder(_openedForum); } else if (_filterId) { Api::SaveNewFilterPinned(&session(), _filterId); } else { session().api().savePinnedOrder(_openedFolder); } } void InnerWidget::finishReorderPinned() { auto wasDragging = (_dragging != nullptr); if (wasDragging) { savePinnedOrder(); _dragging = nullptr; _touchDragStartGlobal = {}; } _draggingIndex = -1; if (!_pinnedShiftAnimation.animating()) { _pinnedRows.clear(); _aboveIndex = -1; } if (wasDragging) { _draggingScroll.cancel(); } } bool InnerWidget::finishReorderOnRelease() { if (!_dragging) { return false; } updateReorderIndexGetCount(); if (_draggingIndex >= 0) { _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].yadd.start(0.); _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].animStartTime = crl::now(); if (!_pinnedShiftAnimation.animating()) { _pinnedShiftAnimation.start(); } } finishReorderPinned(); return true; } void InnerWidget::stopReorderPinned() { _pinnedShiftAnimation.stop(); finishReorderPinned(); } int InnerWidget::updateReorderIndexGetCount() { auto index = countPinnedIndex(_dragging); if (index < 0) { finishReorderPinned(); return 0; } const auto count = Dialogs::PinnedDialogsCount(_filterId, _shownList); Assert(index < count); if (count < 2) { stopReorderPinned(); return 0; } _draggingIndex = index; _aboveIndex = _draggingIndex; while (count > _pinnedRows.size()) { _pinnedRows.emplace_back(); } while (count < _pinnedRows.size()) { _pinnedRows.pop_back(); } return count; } bool InnerWidget::updateReorderPinned(QPoint localPosition) { checkReorderPinnedStart(localPosition); auto pinnedCount = updateReorderIndexGetCount(); if (pinnedCount < 2) { return false; } const auto draggingHeight = _dragging->height(); auto yaddWas = _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].yadd.current(); auto shift = 0; auto now = crl::now(); if (_dragStart.y() > localPosition.y() && _draggingIndex > 0) { shift = -floorclamp(_dragStart.y() - localPosition.y() + (draggingHeight / 2), draggingHeight, 0, _draggingIndex); for (auto from = _draggingIndex, to = _draggingIndex + shift; from > to; --from) { _shownList->movePinned(_dragging, -1); std::swap(_pinnedRows[from], _pinnedRows[from - 1]); _pinnedRows[from].yadd = anim::value(_pinnedRows[from].yadd.current() - draggingHeight, 0); _pinnedRows[from].animStartTime = now; } } else if (_dragStart.y() < localPosition.y() && _draggingIndex + 1 < pinnedCount) { shift = floorclamp(localPosition.y() - _dragStart.y() + (draggingHeight / 2), draggingHeight, 0, pinnedCount - _draggingIndex - 1); for (auto from = _draggingIndex, to = _draggingIndex + shift; from < to; ++from) { _shownList->movePinned(_dragging, 1); std::swap(_pinnedRows[from], _pinnedRows[from + 1]); _pinnedRows[from].yadd = anim::value(_pinnedRows[from].yadd.current() + draggingHeight, 0); _pinnedRows[from].animStartTime = now; } } if (shift) { _draggingIndex += shift; _aboveIndex = _draggingIndex; _dragStart.setY(_dragStart.y() + shift * _st->height); if (!_pinnedShiftAnimation.animating()) { _pinnedShiftAnimation.start(); } } _aboveTopShift = qCeil(_pinnedRows[_aboveIndex].yadd.current()); _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].yadd = anim::value(yaddWas - shift * _st->height, localPosition.y() - _dragStart.y()); if (!_pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].animStartTime) { _pinnedRows[_draggingIndex].yadd.finish(); } pinnedShiftAnimationCallback(now); const auto delta = [&] { if (localPosition.y() < _visibleTop) { return localPosition.y() - _visibleTop; } else if ((_savedSublists || _openedFolder || _openedForum || _filterId) && localPosition.y() > _visibleBottom) { return localPosition.y() - _visibleBottom; } return 0; }(); _draggingScroll.checkDeltaScroll(delta); return true; } bool InnerWidget::pinnedShiftAnimationCallback(crl::time now) { if (anim::Disabled()) { now += st::stickersRowDuration; } auto animating = false; auto updateMin = -1; auto updateMax = 0; for (auto i = 0, l = static_cast(_pinnedRows.size()); i != l; ++i) { auto start = _pinnedRows[i].animStartTime; if (start) { if (updateMin < 0) updateMin = i; updateMax = i; if (start + st::stickersRowDuration > now && now >= start) { _pinnedRows[i].yadd.update(float64(now - start) / st::stickersRowDuration, anim::sineInOut); animating = true; } else { _pinnedRows[i].yadd.finish(); _pinnedRows[i].animStartTime = 0; } } } updateReorderIndexGetCount(); if (_draggingIndex >= 0) { if (updateMin < 0 || updateMin > _draggingIndex) { updateMin = _draggingIndex; } if (updateMax < _draggingIndex) updateMax = _draggingIndex; } if (updateMin >= 0) { const auto minHeight = _st->height; const auto maxHeight = st::forumDialogRow.height; auto top = pinnedOffset(); auto updateFrom = top + minHeight * (updateMin - 1); auto updateHeight = maxHeight * (updateMax - updateMin + 3); if (base::in_range(_aboveIndex, 0, _pinnedRows.size())) { // Always include currently dragged chat in its current and old positions. auto aboveRowBottom = top + (_aboveIndex + 1) * maxHeight; auto aboveTopShift = qCeil(_pinnedRows[_aboveIndex].yadd.current()); accumulate_max(updateHeight, (aboveRowBottom - updateFrom) + _aboveTopShift); accumulate_max(updateHeight, (aboveRowBottom - updateFrom) + aboveTopShift); _aboveTopShift = aboveTopShift; } update(0, updateFrom, width(), updateHeight); } if (!animating) { _aboveIndex = _draggingIndex; } return animating; } void InnerWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mousePressReleased(e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->modifiers()); } void InnerWidget::mousePressReleased( QPoint globalPosition, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (_chatPreviewScheduled) { _controller->cancelScheduledPreview(); } _pressButton = Qt::NoButton; const auto wasDragging = finishReorderOnRelease(); auto collapsedPressed = _collapsedPressed; setCollapsedPressed(-1); const auto pressedTopicRootId = _pressedTopicJumpRootId; const auto pressedTopicJump = _pressedTopicJump; auto pressed = _pressed; clearPressed(); auto hashtagPressed = _hashtagPressed; setHashtagPressed(-1); auto hashtagDeletePressed = _hashtagDeletePressed; _hashtagDeletePressed = false; auto filteredPressed = _filteredPressed; setFilteredPressed(-1, false); auto peerSearchPressed = _peerSearchPressed; setPeerSearchPressed(-1); auto searchedPressed = _searchedPressed; setSearchedPressed(-1); if (wasDragging) { selectByMouse(globalPosition); } updateSelectedRow(); if (!wasDragging && button == Qt::LeftButton) { if ((collapsedPressed >= 0 && collapsedPressed == _collapsedSelected) || (pressed && pressed == _selected && pressedTopicJump == _selectedTopicJump) || (hashtagPressed >= 0 && hashtagPressed == _hashtagSelected && hashtagDeletePressed == _hashtagDeleteSelected) || (filteredPressed >= 0 && filteredPressed == _filteredSelected) || (peerSearchPressed >= 0 && peerSearchPressed == _peerSearchSelected) || (searchedPressed >= 0 && searchedPressed == _searchedSelected)) { chooseRow(modifiers, pressedTopicRootId); } } if (auto activated = ClickHandler::unpressed()) { ActivateClickHandler(window(), activated, ClickContext{ button, QVariant::fromValue(ClickHandlerContext{ .sessionWindow = _controller, }) }); } } void InnerWidget::setCollapsedPressed(int pressed) { if (_collapsedPressed != pressed) { if (_collapsedPressed >= 0) { _collapsedRows[_collapsedPressed]->row.stopLastRipple(); } _collapsedPressed = pressed; } } void InnerWidget::setPressed(Row *pressed, bool pressedTopicJump) { if (_pressed != pressed || (pressed && _pressedTopicJump != pressedTopicJump)) { if (_pressed) { _pressed->stopLastRipple(); } _pressed = pressed; if (pressed || !pressedTopicJump) { _pressedTopicJump = pressedTopicJump; const auto history = pressedTopicJump ? pressed->history() : nullptr; const auto item = history ? history->chatListMessage() : nullptr; _pressedTopicJumpRootId = item ? item->topicRootId() : MsgId(); } } } void InnerWidget::clearPressed() { setPressed(nullptr, false); } void InnerWidget::setHashtagPressed(int pressed) { if (base::in_range(_hashtagPressed, 0, _hashtagResults.size())) { _hashtagResults[_hashtagPressed]->row.stopLastRipple(); } _hashtagPressed = pressed; } void InnerWidget::setFilteredPressed(int pressed, bool pressedTopicJump) { if (_filteredPressed != pressed || (pressed >= 0 && _pressedTopicJump != pressedTopicJump)) { if (base::in_range(_filteredPressed, 0, _filterResults.size())) { _filterResults[_filteredPressed].row->stopLastRipple(); } _filteredPressed = pressed; if (pressed >= 0 || !pressedTopicJump) { _pressedTopicJump = pressedTopicJump; const auto history = pressedTopicJump ? _filterResults[pressed].row->history() : nullptr; const auto item = history ? history->chatListMessage() : nullptr; _pressedTopicJumpRootId = item ? item->topicRootId() : MsgId(); } } } void InnerWidget::setPeerSearchPressed(int pressed) { if (base::in_range(_peerSearchPressed, 0, _peerSearchResults.size())) { _peerSearchResults[_peerSearchPressed]->row.stopLastRipple(); } _peerSearchPressed = pressed; } void InnerWidget::setSearchedPressed(int pressed) { if (base::in_range(_searchedPressed, 0, _searchResults.size())) { _searchResults[_searchedPressed]->stopLastRipple(); } _searchedPressed = pressed; } void InnerWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { if (_searchTags) { _searchTags->resizeToWidth(width() - 2 * _searchTagsLeft); } resizeEmpty(); moveSearchIn(); } void InnerWidget::moveSearchIn() { if (!_searchIn) { return; } const auto searchInWidth = std::max( width(), st::columnMinimalWidthLeft - _narrowWidth); _searchIn->resizeToWidth(searchInWidth); _searchIn->moveToLeft(0, searchInChatOffset()); } void InnerWidget::dialogRowReplaced( Row *oldRow, Row *newRow) { auto found = false; if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { auto top = 0; for (auto i = _filterResults.begin(); i != _filterResults.end();) { if (i->row == oldRow) { // this row is shown in filtered and maybe is in contacts! found = true; top = i->top; if (!newRow) { i = _filterResults.erase(i); continue; } i->row = newRow; } if (found) { i->top = top; top += i->row->height(); } ++i; } } if (_selected == oldRow) { _selected = newRow; } if (_pressed == oldRow) { setPressed(newRow, _pressedTopicJump); } if (_dragging == oldRow) { if (newRow) { _dragging = newRow; } else { stopReorderPinned(); } } if (found) { refresh(); } } void InnerWidget::handleChatListEntryRefreshes() { using Event = Data::Session::ChatListEntryRefresh; session().data().chatListEntryRefreshes( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Event &event) { if (event.filterId != _filterId) { return false; } else if (const auto topic = event.key.topic()) { return (topic->forum() == _openedForum); } else if (event.key.sublist()) { return _savedSublists; } else { return !_openedForum; } }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Event &event) { const auto offset = dialogsOffset(); const auto from = offset + event.moved.from; const auto to = offset + event.moved.to; const auto &key = event.key; const auto entry = key.entry(); // Don't jump in chats list scroll position while dragging. if (!_dragging && (from != to) && (_state == WidgetState::Default) && (key.topic() ? (key.topic()->forum() == _openedForum) : key.sublist() ? _savedSublists : (entry->folder() == _openedFolder))) { _dialogMoved.fire({ from, to }); } if (event.existenceChanged) { if (!entry->inChatList()) { if (key == _menuRow.key && _menu) { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { _menu = nullptr; }); } if (_selected && _selected->key() == key) { _selected = nullptr; } if (_pressed && _pressed->key() == key) { clearPressed(); } const auto i = ranges::find( _filterResults, key, &FilterResult::key); if (i != _filterResults.end()) { if (_filteredSelected == (i - _filterResults.begin()) && (i + 1) == _filterResults.end()) { _filteredSelected = -1; } _filterResults.erase(i); } _updated.fire({}); } refresh(); } else if (_state == WidgetState::Default && from != to) { update( 0, std::min(from, to), width(), std::abs(from - to) + event.moved.height); } }, lifetime()); } void InnerWidget::repaintCollapsedFolderRow(not_null folder) { for (auto i = 0, l = int(_collapsedRows.size()); i != l; ++i) { if (_collapsedRows[i]->folder == folder) { update(0, i * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight, width(), st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); return; } } } int InnerWidget::defaultRowTop(not_null row) const { const auto index = row->index(); auto top = dialogsOffset(); if (base::in_range(index, 0, _pinnedRows.size())) { top += qRound(_pinnedRows[index].yadd.current()); } return top + row->top(); } void InnerWidget::repaintDialogRow( FilterId filterId, not_null row) { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (_filterId == filterId) { if (const auto folder = row->folder()) { repaintCollapsedFolderRow(folder); } update(0, defaultRowTop(row), width(), row->height()); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (!filterId) { for (auto i = 0, l = int(_filterResults.size()); i != l; ++i) { const auto &result = _filterResults[i]; if (result.key() == row->key()) { update( 0, filteredOffset() + result.top, width(), result.row->height()); break; } } } } } void InnerWidget::repaintDialogRow(RowDescriptor row) { updateDialogRow(row); } void InnerWidget::refreshDialogRow(RowDescriptor row) { if (row.fullId) { for (const auto &result : _searchResults) { if (result->item()->fullId() == row.fullId) { result->itemView().itemInvalidated(result->item()); } } } repaintDialogRow(row); } void InnerWidget::updateSearchResult(not_null peer) { if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { const auto i = ranges::find( _peerSearchResults, peer, &PeerSearchResult::peer); if (i != end(_peerSearchResults)) { const auto top = peerSearchOffset(); const auto index = (i - begin(_peerSearchResults)); rtlupdate( 0, top + index * st::dialogsRowHeight, width(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } void InnerWidget::updateDialogRow( RowDescriptor row, QRect updateRect, UpdateRowSections sections) { if (IsServerMsgId(-row.fullId.msg)) { if (const auto peer = row.key.peer()) { if (const auto from = peer->migrateFrom()) { if (const auto migrated = from->owner().historyLoaded(from)) { row = RowDescriptor( migrated, FullMsgId(from->id, -row.fullId.msg)); } } } } const auto updateRow = [&](int rowTop, int rowHeight) { if (!updateRect.isEmpty()) { rtlupdate(updateRect.translated(0, rowTop)); } else { rtlupdate(0, rowTop, width(), rowHeight); } }; if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (sections & UpdateRowSection::Default) { if (const auto folder = row.key.folder()) { repaintCollapsedFolderRow(folder); } if (const auto dialog = _shownList->getRow(row.key)) { const auto position = dialog->index(); auto top = dialogsOffset(); if (base::in_range(position, 0, _pinnedRows.size())) { top += qRound(_pinnedRows[position].yadd.current()); } updateRow(top + dialog->top(), dialog->height()); } } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if ((sections & UpdateRowSection::Filtered) && !_filterResults.empty()) { for (const auto &result : _filterResults) { if (result.key() == row.key) { updateRow( filteredOffset() + result.top, result.row->height()); break; } } } if ((sections & UpdateRowSection::PeerSearch) && !_peerSearchResults.empty()) { if (const auto peer = row.key.peer()) { const auto rowHeight = st::dialogsRowHeight; auto index = 0; for (const auto &result : _peerSearchResults) { if (result->peer == peer) { updateRow( peerSearchOffset() + index * rowHeight, rowHeight); break; } ++index; } } } if ((sections & UpdateRowSection::MessageSearch) && !_searchResults.empty()) { const auto add = searchedOffset(); auto index = 0; for (const auto &result : _searchResults) { if (isSearchResultActive(result.get(), row)) { updateRow(add + index * _st->height, _st->height); break; } ++index; } } } } void InnerWidget::enterEventHook(QEnterEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } Row *InnerWidget::shownRowByKey(Key key) { const auto entry = key.entry(); if (_savedSublists) { if (!entry->asSublist()) { return nullptr; } } else if (_openedForum) { const auto topic = entry->asTopic(); if (!topic || topic->forum() != _openedForum) { return nullptr; } } else if (_openedFolder) { const auto history = entry->asHistory(); if (!history || history->folder() != _openedFolder) { return nullptr; } } else { const auto history = entry->asHistory(); if (!entry->asFolder() && (!history || history->folder())) { return nullptr; } } const auto links = entry->chatListLinks(FilterId()); return links ? links->main.get() : nullptr; } void InnerWidget::updateSelectedRow(Key key) { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (key) { const auto row = shownRowByKey(key); if (!row) { return; } auto position = row->index(); auto top = dialogsOffset(); if (base::in_range(position, 0, _pinnedRows.size())) { top += qRound(_pinnedRows[position].yadd.current()); } update(0, top + row->top(), width(), row->height()); } else if (_selected) { update(0, dialogsOffset() + _selected->top(), width(), _selected->height()); } else if (_collapsedSelected >= 0) { update(0, _collapsedSelected * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight, width(), st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (key) { for (auto i = 0, l = int(_filterResults.size()); i != l; ++i) { const auto &result = _filterResults[i]; if (result.key() == key) { update(0, filteredOffset() + result.top, width(), result.row->height()); break; } } } else if (_hashtagSelected >= 0) { update(0, hashtagsOffset() + _hashtagSelected * st::mentionHeight, width(), st::mentionHeight); } else if (_filteredSelected >= 0) { if (_filteredSelected < _filterResults.size()) { const auto &result = _filterResults[_filteredSelected]; update(0, filteredOffset() + result.top, width(), result.row->height()); } } else if (_peerSearchSelected >= 0) { update(0, peerSearchOffset() + _peerSearchSelected * st::dialogsRowHeight, width(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } else if (_searchedSelected >= 0) { update(0, searchedOffset() + _searchedSelected * _st->height, width(), _st->height); } } } void InnerWidget::refreshShownList() { const auto list = _savedSublists ? session().data().savedMessages().chatsList()->indexed() : _openedForum ? _openedForum->topicsList()->indexed() : _filterId ? session().data().chatsFilters().chatsList(_filterId)->indexed() : session().data().chatsList(_openedFolder)->indexed(); if (_shownList != list) { _shownList = list; _shownList->updateHeights(_narrowRatio); } } void InnerWidget::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); clearSelection(); } void InnerWidget::dragLeft() { setMouseTracking(false); clearSelection(); } FilterId InnerWidget::filterId() const { return _filterId; } void InnerWidget::clearSelection() { _mouseSelection = false; _lastMousePosition = std::nullopt; _lastRowLocalMouseX = -1; if (isSelected()) { updateSelectedRow(); _collapsedSelected = -1; _selected = nullptr; _filteredSelected = _searchedSelected = _peerSearchSelected = _hashtagSelected = -1; setCursor(style::cur_default); } } void InnerWidget::fillSupportSearchMenu(not_null menu) { const auto all = session().settings().supportAllSearchResults(); const auto text = all ? "Only one from chat" : "Show all messages"; menu->addAction(text, [=] { session().settings().setSupportAllSearchResults(!all); session().saveSettingsDelayed(); }); } void InnerWidget::fillArchiveSearchMenu(not_null menu) { const auto folder = session().data().folderLoaded(Data::Folder::kId); if (!folder || !folder->chatsList()->fullSize().current() || _searchState.inChat) { return; } const auto skip = session().settings().skipArchiveInSearch(); const auto text = skip ? tr::lng_dialogs_show_archive_in_search(tr::now) : tr::lng_dialogs_skip_archive_in_search(tr::now); menu->addAction(text, [=] { session().settings().setSkipArchiveInSearch(!skip); session().saveSettingsDelayed(); }); } bool InnerWidget::showChatPreview() { const auto row = computeChatPreviewRow(); const auto callback = crl::guard(this, [=](bool shown) { chatPreviewShown(shown, row); }); return _controller->showChatPreview(row, callback); } void InnerWidget::chatPreviewShown(bool shown, RowDescriptor row) { _chatPreviewScheduled = false; if (shown) { _chatPreviewRow = row; if (base::take(_chatPreviewTouchGlobal)) { _touchCancelRequests.fire({}); } ClickHandler::unpressed(); mousePressReleased(QCursor::pos(), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); } else { cancelChatPreview(); const auto globalPosition = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(globalPosition))) { setMouseTracking(true); selectByMouse(globalPosition); } } } bool InnerWidget::scheduleChatPreview(QPoint positionOverride) { const auto row = computeChatPreviewRow(); const auto callback = crl::guard(this, [=](bool shown) { chatPreviewShown(shown, row); }); _chatPreviewScheduled = _controller->scheduleChatPreview( row, callback, nullptr, positionOverride); return _chatPreviewScheduled; } void InnerWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { _menu = nullptr; if (e->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { selectByMouse(e->globalPos()); } const auto row = [&]() -> RowDescriptor { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (_selected) { return { _selected->key(), FullMsgId() }; } else if (base::in_range(_collapsedSelected, 0, _collapsedRows.size())) { if (const auto folder = _collapsedRows[_collapsedSelected]->folder) { return { folder, FullMsgId() }; } } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (base::in_range(_filteredSelected, 0, _filterResults.size())) { return { _filterResults[_filteredSelected].key(), FullMsgId() }; } else if (base::in_range(_searchedSelected, 0, _searchResults.size())) { return { _searchResults[_searchedSelected]->item()->history(), _searchResults[_searchedSelected]->item()->fullId() }; } } return RowDescriptor(); }(); if (!row.key) { return; } _menuRow = row; if (_pressButton != Qt::LeftButton) { mousePressReleased(e->globalPos(), _pressButton, e->modifiers()); } _menu = base::make_unique_q( this, row.fullId ? st::defaultPopupMenu : st::popupMenuExpandedSeparator); if (row.fullId) { if (session().supportMode()) { fillSupportSearchMenu(_menu.get()); } else { fillArchiveSearchMenu(_menu.get()); } } else { const auto addAction = Ui::Menu::CreateAddActionCallback(_menu); Window::FillDialogsEntryMenu( _controller, Dialogs::EntryState{ .key = row.key, .section = Dialogs::EntryState::Section::ContextMenu, .filterId = _filterId, }, addAction); } QObject::connect(_menu.get(), &QObject::destroyed, [=] { if (_menuRow.key) { updateDialogRow(base::take(_menuRow)); } const auto globalPosition = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(globalPosition))) { setMouseTracking(true); selectByMouse(globalPosition); } }); if (_menu->empty()) { _menu = nullptr; } else { _menu->popup(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); } } void InnerWidget::parentGeometryChanged() { const auto globalPosition = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(globalPosition))) { setMouseTracking(true); if (_mouseSelection) { selectByMouse(globalPosition); } } } bool InnerWidget::processTouchEvent(not_null e) { const auto point = e->touchPoints().empty() ? std::optional() : e->touchPoints().front().screenPos().toPoint(); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: { if (!point) { return false; } selectByMouse(*point); if (isUserpicPressOnWide() && scheduleChatPreview(*point)) { _chatPreviewTouchGlobal = point; } else if (!_dragging) { _touchDragStartGlobal = point; _touchDragPinnedTimer.callOnce(QApplication::startDragTime()); } } break; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: { if (!point) { return false; } if (_chatPreviewTouchGlobal) { const auto delta = (*_chatPreviewTouchGlobal - *point); if (delta.manhattanLength() > _st->photoSize) { cancelChatPreview(); } } if (_touchDragStartGlobal && _dragging) { updateReorderPinned(mapFromGlobal(*point)); return _dragging != nullptr; } else if (_touchDragStartGlobal) { const auto delta = (*_touchDragStartGlobal - *point); if (delta.manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance()) { if (_touchDragPinnedTimer.isActive()) { _touchDragPinnedTimer.cancel(); _touchDragStartGlobal = {}; _touchDragNowGlobal = {}; } else { dragPinnedFromTouch(); } } else { _touchDragNowGlobal = point; } } } break; case QEvent::TouchEnd: case QEvent::TouchCancel: { if (_chatPreviewTouchGlobal) { cancelChatPreview(); } if (_touchDragStartGlobal) { _touchDragStartGlobal = {}; return finishReorderOnRelease(); } } break; } return false; } void InnerWidget::dragPinnedFromTouch() { Expects(_touchDragStartGlobal.has_value()); const auto global = *_touchDragStartGlobal; _touchDragPinnedTimer.cancel(); selectByMouse(global); if (!_selected || _dragging || _state != WidgetState::Default) { return; } _dragStart = mapFromGlobal(global); _dragging = _selected; const auto now = mapFromGlobal(_touchDragNowGlobal.value_or(global)); startReorderPinned(now); updateReorderPinned(now); } void InnerWidget::searchRequested(bool loading) { _searchWaiting = false; _searchLoading = loading; if (loading) { clearSearchResults(true); } refresh(true); } void InnerWidget::applySearchState(SearchState state) { if (_searchState == state) { return; } auto withSameQuery = state; withSameQuery.query = _searchState.query; const auto otherChanged = (_searchState != withSameQuery); const auto ignoreInChat = (state.tab == ChatSearchTab::MyMessages) || (state.tab == ChatSearchTab::PublicPosts); const auto sublist = ignoreInChat ? nullptr : state.inChat.sublist(); const auto peer = ignoreInChat ? nullptr : state.inChat.peer(); if (const auto migrateFrom = peer ? peer->migrateFrom() : nullptr) { _searchInMigrated = peer->owner().history(migrateFrom); } else { _searchInMigrated = nullptr; } if (peer && peer->isSelf()) { const auto reactions = &peer->owner().reactions(); _searchTags = std::make_unique( &peer->owner(), reactions->myTagsValue(sublist), state.tags); _searchTags->repaintRequests() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto height = _searchTags->height(); update(0, 0, width(), height); }, _searchTags->lifetime()); _searchTags->menuRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Data::ReactionId id) { HistoryView::ShowTagInListMenu( &_menu, _lastMousePosition.value_or(QCursor::pos()), this, id, _controller); }, _searchTags->lifetime()); _searchTags->heightValue() | rpl::skip( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refresh(); moveSearchIn(); }, _searchTags->lifetime()); } else { _searchTags = nullptr; state.tags.clear(); } _searchFromShown = ignoreInChat ? nullptr : sublist ? sublist->peer().get() : state.fromPeer; if (state.inChat) { onHashtagFilterUpdate(QStringView()); } _searchState = std::move(state); _searchHashOrCashtag = IsHashOrCashtagSearchQuery(_searchState.query); updateSearchIn(); moveSearchIn(); auto newFilter = _searchState.query; const auto mentionsSearch = (newFilter == u"@"_q); const auto words = mentionsSearch ? QStringList(newFilter) : TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(newFilter); newFilter = words.isEmpty() ? QString() : words.join(' '); if (newFilter != _filter || otherChanged) { _filter = newFilter; if (_filter.isEmpty() && !_searchState.fromPeer && _searchState.tags.empty()) { clearFilter(); } else { setState(WidgetState::Filtered); _filterResults.clear(); _filterResultsGlobal.clear(); const auto append = [&](not_null list) { const auto results = list->filtered(words); auto top = filteredHeight(); auto i = _filterResults.insert( end(_filterResults), begin(results), end(results)); for (const auto e = end(_filterResults); i != e; ++i) { i->top = top; i->row->recountHeight(_narrowRatio); top += i->row->height(); } }; if (_searchState.filterChatsList() && !words.isEmpty()) { if (_savedSublists) { const auto owner = &session().data(); append(owner->savedMessages().chatsList()->indexed()); } else if (_openedForum) { append(_openedForum->topicsList()->indexed()); } else { const auto owner = &session().data(); append(owner->chatsList()->indexed()); const auto id = Data::Folder::kId; if (const auto add = owner->folderLoaded(id)) { append(add->chatsList()->indexed()); } append(owner->contactsNoChatsList()); } } } clearMouseSelection(true); } if (_state != WidgetState::Default) { _searchWaiting = true; _searchRequests.fire(otherChanged ? SearchRequestDelay::Instant : SearchRequestDelay::Delayed); if (_searchWaiting) { refresh(true); } } } void InnerWidget::onHashtagFilterUpdate(QStringView newFilter) { if (newFilter.isEmpty() || newFilter.at(0) != '#' || _searchState.inChat) { _hashtagFilter = QString(); if (!_hashtagResults.empty()) { _hashtagResults.clear(); refresh(true); clearMouseSelection(true); } return; } _hashtagFilter = newFilter.toString(); if (cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty()) { session().local().readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } auto &recent = cRecentSearchHashtags(); _hashtagResults.clear(); if (!recent.isEmpty()) { _hashtagResults.reserve(qMin(recent.size(), kHashtagResultsLimit)); for (const auto &tag : recent) { if (tag.first.startsWith(base::StringViewMid(_hashtagFilter, 1), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && tag.first.size() + 1 != newFilter.size()) { _hashtagResults.push_back(std::make_unique(tag.first)); if (_hashtagResults.size() == kHashtagResultsLimit) break; } } } refresh(true); clearMouseSelection(true); } void InnerWidget::appendToFiltered(Key key) { for (const auto &row : _filterResults) { if (row.key() == key) { return; } } auto row = std::make_unique(key, 0, 0); row->recountHeight(_narrowRatio); const auto &[i, ok] = _filterResultsGlobal.emplace(key, std::move(row)); const auto height = filteredHeight(); _filterResults.emplace_back(i->second.get()); _filterResults.back().top = height; trackSearchResultsHistory(key.owningHistory()); } InnerWidget::~InnerWidget() { session().data().stories().decrementPreloadingMainSources(); clearSearchResults(); } void InnerWidget::clearSearchResults(bool clearPeerSearchResults) { if (clearPeerSearchResults) { _peerSearchResults.clear(); } _searchResults.clear(); _searchResultsLifetime.destroy(); _searchResultsHistories.clear(); _searchedCount = _searchedMigratedCount = 0; } void InnerWidget::trackSearchResultsHistory(not_null history) { if (!_searchResultsHistories.emplace(history).second) { return; } const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel(); if (!channel || channel->isBroadcast()) { return; } channel->flagsValue( ) | rpl::skip( 1 ) | rpl::filter([=](const ChannelData::Flags::Change &change) { return (change.diff & ChannelDataFlag::Forum); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (const auto &row : _searchResults) { if (row->item()->history()->peer == channel) { row->invalidateTopic(); } } auto removed = false; for (auto i = begin(_filterResultsGlobal) ; i != end(_filterResultsGlobal);) { if (const auto topic = i->first.topic()) { if (topic->channel() == channel) { removed = true; _filterResults.erase( ranges::remove( _filterResults, i->first, &FilterResult::key), end(_filterResults)); i = _filterResultsGlobal.erase(i); continue; } } ++i; } if (removed) { refresh(); clearMouseSelection(true); } update(); }, _searchResultsLifetime); if (const auto forum = channel->forum()) { forum->topicDestroyed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null topic) { auto removed = false; const auto sfrom = ranges::remove( _searchResults, topic.get(), &FakeRow::topic); if (sfrom != end(_searchResults)) { _searchResults.erase(sfrom, end(_searchResults)); removed = true; } const auto ffrom = ranges::remove( _filterResults, Key(topic), &FilterResult::key); if (ffrom != end(_filterResults)) { _filterResults.erase(ffrom, end(_filterResults)); removed = true; } _filterResultsGlobal.erase(Key(topic)); if (removed) { refresh(); clearMouseSelection(true); } if (_chatPreviewRow.key.topic() == topic) { _chatPreviewRow = {}; } }, _searchResultsLifetime); } } Data::Thread *InnerWidget::updateFromParentDrag(QPoint globalPosition) { selectByMouse(globalPosition); const auto fromRow = [](Row *row) { return row ? row->thread() : nullptr; }; if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { return fromRow(_selected); } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (base::in_range(_filteredSelected, 0, _filterResults.size())) { return fromRow(_filterResults[_filteredSelected].row); } else if (base::in_range(_peerSearchSelected, 0, _peerSearchResults.size())) { return session().data().history( _peerSearchResults[_peerSearchSelected]->peer); } else if (base::in_range(_searchedSelected, 0, _searchResults.size())) { if (const auto item = _searchResults[_searchedSelected]->item()) { if (const auto topic = item->topic()) { return topic; } return item->history(); } } } return nullptr; } void InnerWidget::setLoadMoreCallback(Fn callback) { _loadMoreCallback = std::move(callback); } void InnerWidget::setLoadMoreFilteredCallback(Fn callback) { _loadMoreFilteredCallback = std::move(callback); } auto InnerWidget::chosenRow() const -> rpl::producer { return _chosenRow.events(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::updated() const { return _updated.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::scrollByDeltaRequests() const { return _draggingScroll.scrolls(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::listBottomReached() const { return _listBottomReached.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::changeSearchTabRequests() const { return _changeSearchTabRequests.events(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::cancelSearchRequests() const { return _cancelSearchRequests.events(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::cancelSearchFromRequests() const { return _cancelSearchFromRequests.events(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::changeSearchFromRequests() const { return _changeSearchFromRequests.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::mustScrollTo() const { return _mustScrollTo.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::dialogMoved() const { return _dialogMoved.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::searchRequests() const { return _searchRequests.events(); } rpl::producer InnerWidget::completeHashtagRequests() const { return _completeHashtagRequests.events(); } rpl::producer<> InnerWidget::refreshHashtagsRequests() const { return _refreshHashtagsRequests.events(); } void InnerWidget::visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { _visibleTop = visibleTop; _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; preloadRowsData(); const auto loadTill = _visibleTop + PreloadHeightsCount * (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop); if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered && loadTill >= peerSearchOffset()) { if (_loadMoreFilteredCallback) { _loadMoreFilteredCallback(); } } if (loadTill >= height()) { if (_loadMoreCallback) { _loadMoreCallback(); } } } void InnerWidget::itemRemoved(not_null item) { int wasCount = _searchResults.size(); for (auto i = _searchResults.begin(); i != _searchResults.end();) { if ((*i)->item() == item) { i = _searchResults.erase(i); if (item->history() == _searchInMigrated) { if (_searchedMigratedCount > 0) --_searchedMigratedCount; } else { if (_searchedCount > 0) --_searchedCount; } } else { ++i; } } if (wasCount != _searchResults.size()) { refresh(); } } bool InnerWidget::uniqueSearchResults() const { return _controller->uniqueChatsInSearchResults(); } bool InnerWidget::hasHistoryInResults(not_null history) const { using Result = std::unique_ptr; const auto inSearchResults = ranges::find( _searchResults, history, [](const Result &result) { return result->item()->history(); } ) != end(_searchResults); if (inSearchResults) { return true; } const auto inFilteredResults = ranges::find( _filterResults, Key(history), &FilterResult::key ) != end(_filterResults); if (inFilteredResults) { return true; } const auto inPeerSearchResults = ranges::find( _peerSearchResults, history->peer, [](const auto &result) { return result->peer; } ) != end(_peerSearchResults); if (inPeerSearchResults) { return true; } return false; } void InnerWidget::searchReceived( std::vector> messages, HistoryItem *inject, SearchRequestType type, int fullCount) { _searchWaiting = false; _searchLoading = false; const auto uniquePeers = uniqueSearchResults(); if (type == SearchRequestType::FromStart || type == SearchRequestType::PeerFromStart) { clearSearchResults(false); } const auto isMigratedSearch = (type == SearchRequestType::MigratedFromStart) || (type == SearchRequestType::MigratedFromOffset); const auto key = (!_openedForum || _searchState.inChat.topic()) ? _searchState.inChat : Key(_openedForum->history()); if (inject && (!_searchState.inChat || inject->history() == _searchState.inChat.history())) { Assert(_searchResults.empty()); const auto index = int(_searchResults.size()); _searchResults.push_back( std::make_unique( key, inject, [=] { repaintSearchResult(index); })); trackSearchResultsHistory(inject->history()); ++fullCount; } for (const auto &item : messages) { const auto history = item->history(); if (!uniquePeers || !hasHistoryInResults(history)) { const auto index = int(_searchResults.size()); _searchResults.push_back( std::make_unique( key, item, [=] { repaintSearchResult(index); })); trackSearchResultsHistory(history); if (uniquePeers && !history->unreadCountKnown()) { history->owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(history); } } } if (isMigratedSearch) { _searchedMigratedCount = fullCount; } else { _searchedCount = fullCount; } refresh(); } void InnerWidget::peerSearchReceived( const QString &query, const QVector &my, const QVector &result) { if (_state != WidgetState::Filtered) { return; } _peerSearchQuery = query.toLower().trimmed(); _peerSearchResults.clear(); _peerSearchResults.reserve(result.size()); for (const auto &mtpPeer : my) { if (const auto peer = session().data().peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(mtpPeer))) { appendToFiltered(peer->owner().history(peer)); } else { LOG(("API Error: " "user %1 was not loaded in InnerWidget::peopleReceived()" ).arg(peerFromMTP(mtpPeer).value)); } } for (const auto &mtpPeer : result) { if (const auto peer = session().data().peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(mtpPeer))) { if (const auto history = peer->owner().historyLoaded(peer)) { if (history->inChatList()) { continue; // skip existing chats } } _peerSearchResults.push_back(std::make_unique( peer)); } else { LOG(("API Error: " "user %1 was not loaded in InnerWidget::peopleReceived()" ).arg(peerFromMTP(mtpPeer).value)); } } refresh(); } Data::Folder *InnerWidget::shownFolder() const { return _openedFolder; } Data::Forum *InnerWidget::shownForum() const { return _openedForum; } bool InnerWidget::needCollapsedRowsRefresh() const { const auto archive = !_shownList->empty() ? _shownList->begin()->get()->folder() : nullptr; const auto collapsedHasArchive = !_collapsedRows.empty() && (_collapsedRows.back()->folder != nullptr); const auto archiveIsCollapsed = (archive != nullptr) && session().settings().archiveCollapsed(); const auto archiveIsInMainMenu = (archive != nullptr) && session().settings().archiveInMainMenu(); return archiveIsInMainMenu ? (collapsedHasArchive || !_skipTopDialog) : archiveIsCollapsed ? (!collapsedHasArchive || !_skipTopDialog) : (collapsedHasArchive || _skipTopDialog); } void InnerWidget::editOpenedFilter() { if (_filterId > 0) { EditExistingFilter(_controller, _filterId); } } void InnerWidget::refresh(bool toTop) { if (!_geometryInited) { return; } else if (needCollapsedRowsRefresh()) { return refreshWithCollapsedRows(toTop); } refreshEmpty(); if (_searchTags) { _searchTagsLeft = st::dialogsFilterSkip + st::dialogsFilterPadding.x(); _searchTags->resizeToWidth(width() - 2 * _searchTagsLeft); } auto h = 0; if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (_shownList->empty()) { h = st::dialogsEmptyHeight; } else { h = dialogsOffset() + _shownList->height(); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (_searchEmpty && !_searchEmpty->isHidden()) { h = searchedOffset() + st::recentPeersEmptyHeightMin; _searchEmpty->setMinimalHeight(st::recentPeersEmptyHeightMin); _searchEmpty->move(0, h - st::recentPeersEmptyHeightMin); } else if (_loadingAnimation) { h = searchedOffset() + _loadingAnimation->height(); } else { h = searchedOffset() + (_searchResults.size() * _st->height); } } resize(width(), h); if (toTop) { stopReorderPinned(); jumpToTop(); preloadRowsData(); } update(); } void InnerWidget::refreshEmpty() { if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { const auto empty = _filterResults.empty() && _searchResults.empty() && _peerSearchResults.empty() && _hashtagResults.empty(); if (_searchLoading || _searchWaiting || !empty) { if (_searchEmpty) { _searchEmpty->hide(); } } else if (_searchEmptyState != _searchState) { _searchEmptyState = _searchState; _searchEmpty = MakeSearchEmpty(this, _searchState); if (_controller->session().data().chatsListLoaded()) { _searchEmpty->animate(); } } else if (_searchEmpty) { _searchEmpty->show(); } if ((!_searchLoading && !_searchWaiting) || !empty) { _loadingAnimation.destroy(); } else if (!_loadingAnimation) { _loadingAnimation = Ui::CreateLoadingDialogRowWidget( this, *_st, 2); _loadingAnimation->resizeToWidth(width()); _loadingAnimation->move(0, searchedOffset()); _loadingAnimation->show(); } } else { _searchEmpty.destroy(); _loadingAnimation.destroy(); _searchEmptyState = {}; } const auto data = &session().data(); const auto state = !_shownList->empty() ? EmptyState::None : _savedSublists ? (data->savedMessages().chatsList()->loaded() ? EmptyState::EmptySavedSublists : EmptyState::Loading) : _openedForum ? (_openedForum->topicsList()->loaded() ? EmptyState::EmptyForum : EmptyState::Loading) : (!_filterId && data->contactsLoaded().current()) ? EmptyState::NoContacts : (_filterId > 0) && data->chatsList()->loaded() ? EmptyState::EmptyFolder : EmptyState::Loading; if (state == EmptyState::None) { _emptyState = state; _empty.destroy(); return; } else if (_emptyState == state) { _empty->setVisible(_state == WidgetState::Default); return; } _emptyState = state; auto phrase = (state == EmptyState::NoContacts) ? tr::lng_no_chats() : (state == EmptyState::EmptyFolder) ? tr::lng_no_chats_filter() : (state == EmptyState::EmptyForum) ? tr::lng_forum_no_topics() : (state == EmptyState::EmptySavedSublists) ? tr::lng_no_saved_sublists() : tr::lng_contacts_loading(); auto link = (state == EmptyState::NoContacts) ? tr::lng_add_contact_button() : (state == EmptyState::EmptyFolder) ? tr::lng_filters_context_edit() : (state == EmptyState::EmptyForum) ? tr::lng_forum_create_topic() : rpl::single(QString()); auto full = rpl::combine( std::move(phrase), std::move(link) ) | rpl::map([](const QString &phrase, const QString &link) { auto result = Ui::Text::WithEntities(phrase); if (!link.isEmpty()) { result.append("\n\n").append(Ui::Text::Link(link)); } return result; }); _empty.create(this, std::move(full), st::dialogsEmptyLabel); resizeEmpty(); _empty->overrideLinkClickHandler([=] { if (_emptyState == EmptyState::NoContacts) { _controller->showAddContact(); } else if (_emptyState == EmptyState::EmptyFolder) { editOpenedFilter(); } else if (_emptyState == EmptyState::EmptyForum) { _controller->show( Box(NewForumTopicBox, _controller, _openedForum->history())); } }); _empty->setVisible(_state == WidgetState::Default); } void InnerWidget::resizeEmpty() { if (_empty) { const auto skip = st::dialogsEmptySkip; _empty->resizeToWidth(width() - 2 * skip); _empty->move(skip, (st::dialogsEmptyHeight - _empty->height()) / 2); } if (_searchEmpty) { _searchEmpty->resizeToWidth(width()); _searchEmpty->move(0, searchedOffset()); } if (_loadingAnimation) { _loadingAnimation->resizeToWidth(width()); _loadingAnimation->move(0, searchedOffset()); } } void InnerWidget::clearMouseSelection(bool clearSelection) { _mouseSelection = false; _lastMousePosition = std::nullopt; _lastRowLocalMouseX = -1; if (clearSelection) { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { _collapsedSelected = -1; _selected = nullptr; } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { _filteredSelected = _peerSearchSelected = _searchedSelected = _hashtagSelected = -1; } setCursor(style::cur_default); } } WidgetState InnerWidget::state() const { return _state; } bool InnerWidget::hasFilteredResults() const { return !_filterResults.empty() && _hashtagResults.empty(); } auto InnerWidget::searchTagsChanges() const -> rpl::producer> { return _searchTags ? _searchTags->selectedChanges() : rpl::never>(); } void InnerWidget::updateSearchIn() { if (!_searchState.inChat && _searchHashOrCashtag == HashOrCashtag::None) { _searchIn = nullptr; return; } else if (!_searchIn) { _searchIn = std::make_unique(this); _searchIn->show(); _searchIn->changeFromRequests() | rpl::start_to_stream( _changeSearchFromRequests, _searchIn->lifetime()); _searchIn->cancelFromRequests() | rpl::start_to_stream( _cancelSearchFromRequests, _searchIn->lifetime()); _searchIn->cancelInRequests() | rpl::start_to_stream( _cancelSearchRequests, _searchIn->lifetime()); _searchIn->tabChanges() | rpl::start_to_stream( _changeSearchTabRequests, _searchIn->lifetime()); } const auto sublist = _searchState.inChat.sublist(); const auto topic = _searchState.inChat.topic(); const auto peer = _searchState.inChat.owningHistory() ? _searchState.inChat.owningHistory()->peer.get() : _openedForum ? _openedForum->channel().get() : nullptr; const auto topicIcon = !topic ? nullptr : topic->iconId() ? Ui::MakeEmojiThumbnail( &topic->owner(), Data::SerializeCustomEmojiId(topic->iconId())) : Ui::MakeEmojiThumbnail( &topic->owner(), Data::TopicIconEmojiEntity({ .title = (topic->isGeneral() ? Data::ForumGeneralIconTitle() : topic->title()), .colorId = (topic->isGeneral() ? Data::ForumGeneralIconColor(st::windowSubTextFg->c) : topic->colorId()), })); const auto peerIcon = peer ? Ui::MakeUserpicThumbnail(peer) : sublist ? Ui::MakeUserpicThumbnail(sublist->peer()) : nullptr; const auto myIcon = Ui::MakeIconThumbnail(st::menuIconChats); const auto publicIcon = (_searchHashOrCashtag != HashOrCashtag::None) ? Ui::MakeIconThumbnail(st::menuIconChannel) : nullptr; const auto peerTabType = (peer && peer->isBroadcast()) ? ChatSearchPeerTabType::Channel : (peer && (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup())) ? ChatSearchPeerTabType::Group : ChatSearchPeerTabType::Chat; const auto fromImage = _searchFromShown ? Ui::MakeUserpicThumbnail(_searchFromShown) : nullptr; const auto fromName = _searchFromShown ? _searchFromShown->shortName() : QString(); _searchIn->apply({ { ChatSearchTab::ThisTopic, topicIcon }, { ChatSearchTab::ThisPeer, peerIcon }, { ChatSearchTab::MyMessages, myIcon }, { ChatSearchTab::PublicPosts, publicIcon }, }, _searchState.tab, peerTabType, fromImage, fromName); } void InnerWidget::repaintSearchResult(int index) { rtlupdate( 0, searchedOffset() + index * _st->height, width(), _st->height); } void InnerWidget::clearFilter() { if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered || _searchState.inChat) { if (_searchState.inChat) { setState(WidgetState::Filtered); } else { setState(WidgetState::Default); } _hashtagResults.clear(); _filterResults.clear(); _filterResultsGlobal.clear(); _peerSearchResults.clear(); _searchResults.clear(); _filter = QString(); refresh(true); } } void InnerWidget::setState(WidgetState state) { _state = state; } void InnerWidget::selectSkip(int32 direction) { clearMouseSelection(); if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { const auto skip = _skipTopDialog ? 1 : 0; if (_collapsedRows.empty() && _shownList->size() <= skip) { return; } if (_collapsedSelected < 0 && !_selected) { if (!_collapsedRows.empty()) { _collapsedSelected = 0; } else { _selected = (_shownList->cbegin() + skip)->get(); } } else { auto cur = (_collapsedSelected >= 0) ? _collapsedSelected : int(_collapsedRows.size() + (_shownList->cfind(_selected) - _shownList->cbegin() - skip)); cur = std::clamp( cur + direction, 0, static_cast(_collapsedRows.size() + _shownList->size() - skip - 1)); if (cur < _collapsedRows.size()) { _collapsedSelected = cur; _selected = nullptr; } else { _collapsedSelected = -1; _selected = *(_shownList->cbegin() + skip + cur - _collapsedRows.size()); } } scrollToDefaultSelected(); } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (_hashtagResults.empty() && _filterResults.empty() && _peerSearchResults.empty() && _searchResults.empty()) { return; } if ((_hashtagSelected < 0 || _hashtagSelected >= _hashtagResults.size()) && (_filteredSelected < 0 || _filteredSelected >= _filterResults.size()) && (_peerSearchSelected < 0 || _peerSearchSelected >= _peerSearchResults.size()) && (_searchedSelected < 0 || _searchedSelected >= _searchResults.size())) { if (_hashtagResults.empty() && _filterResults.empty() && _peerSearchResults.empty()) { _searchedSelected = 0; } else if (_hashtagResults.empty() && _filterResults.empty()) { _peerSearchSelected = 0; } else if (_hashtagResults.empty()) { _filteredSelected = 0; } else { _hashtagSelected = 0; } } else { int32 cur = base::in_range(_hashtagSelected, 0, _hashtagResults.size()) ? _hashtagSelected : (base::in_range(_filteredSelected, 0, _filterResults.size()) ? (_hashtagResults.size() + _filteredSelected) : (base::in_range(_peerSearchSelected, 0, _peerSearchResults.size()) ? (_peerSearchSelected + _filterResults.size() + _hashtagResults.size()) : (_searchedSelected + _peerSearchResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _hashtagResults.size()))); cur = std::clamp( cur + direction, 0, static_cast(_hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _peerSearchResults.size() + _searchResults.size()) - 1); if (cur < _hashtagResults.size()) { _hashtagSelected = cur; _filteredSelected = _peerSearchSelected = _searchedSelected = -1; } else if (cur < _hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size()) { _filteredSelected = cur - _hashtagResults.size(); _hashtagSelected = _peerSearchSelected = _searchedSelected = -1; } else if (cur < _hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _peerSearchResults.size()) { _peerSearchSelected = cur - _hashtagResults.size() - _filterResults.size(); _hashtagSelected = _filteredSelected = _searchedSelected = -1; } else { _hashtagSelected = _filteredSelected = _peerSearchSelected = -1; _searchedSelected = cur - _hashtagResults.size() - _filterResults.size() - _peerSearchResults.size(); } } if (base::in_range(_hashtagSelected, 0, _hashtagResults.size())) { const auto from = _hashtagSelected * st::mentionHeight; scrollToItem(from, st::mentionHeight); } else if (base::in_range(_filteredSelected, 0, _filterResults.size())) { const auto &result = _filterResults[_filteredSelected]; const auto from = filteredOffset() + result.top; scrollToItem(from, result.row->height()); } else if (base::in_range(_peerSearchSelected, 0, _peerSearchResults.size())) { const auto from = peerSearchOffset() + _peerSearchSelected * st::dialogsRowHeight + (_peerSearchSelected ? 0 : -st::searchedBarHeight); const auto height = st::dialogsRowHeight + (_peerSearchSelected ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight); scrollToItem(from, height); } else { const auto from = searchedOffset() + _searchedSelected * _st->height + (_searchedSelected ? 0 : -st::searchedBarHeight); const auto height = _st->height + (_searchedSelected ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight); scrollToItem(from, height); } } update(); } void InnerWidget::scrollToEntry(const RowDescriptor &entry) { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (auto row = _shownList->getRow(entry.key)) { scrollToItem(dialogsOffset() + row->top(), row->height()); } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { for (int32 i = 0, c = _searchResults.size(); i < c; ++i) { if (isSearchResultActive(_searchResults[i].get(), entry)) { const auto from = searchedOffset() + i * _st->height; scrollToItem(from, _st->height); return; } } for (auto i = 0, c = int(_filterResults.size()); i != c; ++i) { auto &result = _filterResults[i]; if (result.key() == entry.key) { const auto from = filteredOffset() + result.top; scrollToItem(from, result.row->height()); return; } } } } void InnerWidget::selectSkipPage(int32 pixels, int32 direction) { clearMouseSelection(); int toSkip = pixels / _st->height; if (_state != WidgetState::Default) { selectSkip(direction * toSkip); return; } const auto skip = _skipTopDialog ? 1 : 0; if (!_selected) { if (direction > 0 && _shownList->size() > skip) { _selected = (_shownList->cbegin() + skip)->get(); _collapsedSelected = -1; } else { return; } } if (direction > 0) { for (auto i = _shownList->cfind(_selected), end = _shownList->cend() ; i != end && (toSkip--) ; ++i) { _selected = *i; } } else { for (auto i = _shownList->cfind(_selected), b = _shownList->cbegin() ; i != b && (*i)->index() > skip && (toSkip--) ;) { _selected = *(--i); } if (toSkip && !_collapsedRows.empty()) { _collapsedSelected = std::max(int(_collapsedRows.size()) - toSkip, 0); _selected = nullptr; } } scrollToDefaultSelected(); update(); } void InnerWidget::scrollToItem(int top, int height) { _mustScrollTo.fire({ top, top + height }); } void InnerWidget::scrollToDefaultSelected() { Expects(_state == WidgetState::Default); if (_collapsedSelected >= 0) { const auto from = _collapsedSelected * st::dialogsImportantBarHeight; scrollToItem(from, st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); } else if (_selected) { const auto from = dialogsOffset() + _selected->top(); scrollToItem(from, _selected->height()); } } void InnerWidget::preloadRowsData() { if (!parentWidget()) { return; } auto yFrom = _visibleTop; auto yTo = _visibleTop + (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop) * (PreloadHeightsCount + 1); if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { auto otherStart = _shownList->size() * _st->height; if (yFrom < otherStart) { for (auto i = _shownList->findByY(yFrom), end = _shownList->cend() ; i != end ; ++i) { if (((*i)->index() * _st->height) >= yTo) { break; } (*i)->entry()->chatListPreloadData(); } yFrom = 0; } else { yFrom -= otherStart; } yTo -= otherStart; } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { int32 from = (yFrom - filteredOffset()) / _st->height; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _filterResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo / _st->height) + 1; if (to > _filterResults.size()) to = _filterResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _filterResults[from].key().entry()->chatListPreloadData(); } } from = (yFrom > filteredOffset() + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yFrom - filteredOffset() - st::searchedBarHeight) / st::dialogsRowHeight) : 0) - _filterResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _peerSearchResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo > filteredOffset() + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - filteredOffset() - st::searchedBarHeight) / st::dialogsRowHeight) : 0) - _filterResults.size() + 1; if (to > _peerSearchResults.size()) to = _peerSearchResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _peerSearchResults[from]->peer->loadUserpic(); } } from = (yFrom > filteredOffset() + ((_peerSearchResults.empty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight) ? ((yFrom - filteredOffset() - (_peerSearchResults.empty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / st::dialogsRowHeight) : 0) - _filterResults.size() - _peerSearchResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _searchResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo > filteredOffset() + (_peerSearchResults.empty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - filteredOffset() - (_peerSearchResults.empty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / st::dialogsRowHeight) : 0) - _filterResults.size() - _peerSearchResults.size() + 1; if (to > _searchResults.size()) to = _searchResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _searchResults[from]->item()->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } } } } bool InnerWidget::chooseCollapsedRow(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (_state != WidgetState::Default) { return false; } else if ((_collapsedSelected < 0) || (_collapsedSelected >= _collapsedRows.size())) { return false; } const auto &row = _collapsedRows[_collapsedSelected]; Assert(row->folder != nullptr); _controller->openFolder(row->folder); return true; } void InnerWidget::switchToFilter(FilterId filterId) { if (_controller->windowId().type != Window::SeparateType::Primary) { return; } const auto &list = session().data().chatsFilters().list(); const auto filterIt = filterId ? ranges::find(list, filterId, &Data::ChatFilter::id) : end(list); const auto found = (filterIt != end(list)); if (!found) { filterId = 0; } if (_filterId == filterId) { jumpToTop(); return; } saveChatsFilterScrollState(_filterId); if (_openedFolder) { _filterId = filterId; refreshShownList(); } else { clearSelection(); stopReorderPinned(); _filterId = filterId; refreshShownList(); refreshWithCollapsedRows(true); } refreshEmpty(); { const auto skip = found // Don't save a scroll state for very flexible chat filters. && (filterIt->flags() & (Data::ChatFilter::Flag::NoRead)); if (!skip) { restoreChatsFilterScrollState(filterId); } } } void InnerWidget::jumpToTop() { _mustScrollTo.fire({ 0, -1 }); } void InnerWidget::saveChatsFilterScrollState(FilterId filterId) { _chatsFilterScrollStates[filterId] = -y(); } void InnerWidget::restoreChatsFilterScrollState(FilterId filterId) { const auto it = _chatsFilterScrollStates.find(filterId); if (it != end(_chatsFilterScrollStates)) { _mustScrollTo.fire({ std::max(it->second, 0), -1 }); } } bool InnerWidget::chooseHashtag() { if (_state != WidgetState::Filtered) { return false; } else if ((_hashtagSelected < 0) || (_hashtagSelected >= _hashtagResults.size())) { return false; } const auto &hashtag = _hashtagResults[_hashtagSelected]; if (_hashtagDeleteSelected) { auto recent = cRecentSearchHashtags(); for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (i->first == hashtag->tag) { i = recent.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } cSetRecentSearchHashtags(recent); session().local().writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); _refreshHashtagsRequests.fire({}); selectByMouse(QCursor::pos()); } else { session().local().saveRecentSearchHashtags('#' + hashtag->tag); _completeHashtagRequests.fire_copy(hashtag->tag); } return true; } ChosenRow InnerWidget::computeChosenRow() const { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if ((_collapsedSelected >= 0) && (_collapsedSelected < _collapsedRows.size())) { const auto &row = _collapsedRows[_collapsedSelected]; Assert(row->folder != nullptr); return { .key = row->folder, .message = Data::UnreadMessagePosition, }; } else if (_selected) { return { .key = _selected->key(), .message = Data::UnreadMessagePosition, }; } } else if (_state == WidgetState::Filtered) { if (base::in_range(_filteredSelected, 0, _filterResults.size())) { return { .key = _filterResults[_filteredSelected].key(), .message = Data::UnreadMessagePosition, .filteredRow = true, }; } else if (base::in_range(_peerSearchSelected, 0, _peerSearchResults.size())) { const auto peer = _peerSearchResults[_peerSearchSelected]->peer; return { .key = session().data().history(peer), .message = Data::UnreadMessagePosition }; } else if (base::in_range(_searchedSelected, 0, _searchResults.size())) { const auto result = _searchResults[_searchedSelected].get(); const auto topic = result->topic(); const auto item = result->item(); return { .key = (topic ? (Entry*)topic : (Entry*)item->history()), .message = item->position() }; } } return ChosenRow(); } bool InnerWidget::isUserpicPress() const { return (_lastRowLocalMouseX >= 0) && (_lastRowLocalMouseX < _st->nameLeft) && (_collapsedSelected < 0 || _collapsedSelected >= _collapsedRows.size()); } bool InnerWidget::isUserpicPressOnWide() const { return isUserpicPress() && (width() > _narrowWidth); } bool InnerWidget::chooseRow( Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MsgId pressedTopicRootId) { if (chooseHashtag()) { return true; } const auto modifyChosenRow = [&]( ChosenRow row, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { row.newWindow = (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier); row.userpicClick = isUserpicPressOnWide(); return row; }; auto chosen = modifyChosenRow(computeChosenRow(), modifiers); if (chosen.key) { if (IsServerMsgId(chosen.message.fullId.msg)) { session().local().saveRecentSearchHashtags(_filter); } if (!chosen.message.fullId) { if (const auto history = chosen.key.history()) { if (const auto forum = history->peer->forum()) { if (pressedTopicRootId) { chosen.message.fullId = { history->peer->id, pressedTopicRootId, }; } } } } _chosenRow.fire_copy(chosen); return true; } return false; } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::chatListEntryBefore( const RowDescriptor &which) const { if (!which.key) { return RowDescriptor(); } if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (const auto row = _shownList->getRow(which.key)) { const auto i = _shownList->cfind(row); if (i != _shownList->cbegin()) { return RowDescriptor( (*(i - 1))->key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } } return RowDescriptor(); } const auto whichThread = which.key.thread(); if (!whichThread) { return RowDescriptor(); } if (!_searchResults.empty()) { for (auto b = _searchResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (isSearchResultActive(i->get(), which)) { const auto j = i - 1; return RowDescriptor( (*j)->item()->history(), (*j)->item()->fullId()); } } if (isSearchResultActive(_searchResults[0].get(), which)) { if (_peerSearchResults.empty()) { if (_filterResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor(); } return RowDescriptor( _filterResults.back().key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } return RowDescriptor( session().data().history(_peerSearchResults.back()->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } } if (const auto history = whichThread->asHistory()) { if (!_peerSearchResults.empty() && _peerSearchResults[0]->peer == history->peer) { if (_filterResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor(); } return RowDescriptor( _filterResults.back().key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { for (auto b = _peerSearchResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _peerSearchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->peer == history->peer) { return RowDescriptor( session().data().history((*(i - 1))->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } } } } if (_filterResults.empty() || _filterResults[0].key() == which.key) { return RowDescriptor(); } for (auto b = _filterResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->key() == which.key) { return RowDescriptor( (i - 1)->key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } } return RowDescriptor(); } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::chatListEntryAfter( const RowDescriptor &which) const { if (!which.key) { return RowDescriptor(); } if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { if (const auto row = _shownList->getRow(which.key)) { const auto i = _shownList->cfind(row) + 1; if (i != _shownList->cend()) { return RowDescriptor( (*i)->key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } } return RowDescriptor(); } const auto whichThread = which.key.thread(); if (!whichThread) { return RowDescriptor(); } for (auto i = _searchResults.cbegin(), e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (isSearchResultActive(i->get(), which)) { if (++i != e) { return RowDescriptor( (*i)->item()->history(), (*i)->item()->fullId()); } return RowDescriptor(); } } if (const auto history = whichThread->asHistory()) { for (auto i = _peerSearchResults.cbegin(), e = _peerSearchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->peer == history->peer) { ++i; if (i != e) { return RowDescriptor( session().data().history((*i)->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_searchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _searchResults.front()->item()->history(), _searchResults.front()->item()->fullId()); } return RowDescriptor(); } } } for (auto i = _filterResults.cbegin(), e = _filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i).key() == which.key) { ++i; if (i != e) { return RowDescriptor( (*i).key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( session().data().history(_peerSearchResults.front()->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_searchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _searchResults.front()->item()->history(), _searchResults.front()->item()->fullId()); } return RowDescriptor(); } } return RowDescriptor(); } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::chatListEntryFirst() const { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { const auto i = _shownList->cbegin(); if (i != _shownList->cend()) { return RowDescriptor( (*i)->key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } return RowDescriptor(); } else if (!_filterResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _filterResults.front().key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( session().data().history(_peerSearchResults.front()->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_searchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _searchResults.front()->item()->history(), _searchResults.front()->item()->fullId()); } return RowDescriptor(); } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::chatListEntryLast() const { if (_state == WidgetState::Default) { const auto i = _shownList->cend(); if (i != _shownList->cbegin()) { return RowDescriptor( (*(i - 1))->key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } return RowDescriptor(); } else if (!_searchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _searchResults.back()->item()->history(), _searchResults.back()->item()->fullId()); } else if (!_peerSearchResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( session().data().history(_peerSearchResults.back()->peer), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } else if (!_filterResults.empty()) { return RowDescriptor( _filterResults.back().key(), FullMsgId(PeerId(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId)); } return RowDescriptor(); } void InnerWidget::setupOnlineStatusCheck() { session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus | Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall | Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::MessagesTTL ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { const auto &peer = update.peer; if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { if (user->isSelf()) { return; } if (const auto history = session().data().historyLoaded(user)) { updateRowCornerStatusShown(history); } } else if (const auto group = peer->asMegagroup()) { if (const auto history = session().data().historyLoaded(group)) { updateRowCornerStatusShown(history); } } else if (peer->messagesTTL()) { if (const auto history = session().data().historyLoaded(peer)) { updateRowCornerStatusShown(history); } } }, lifetime()); } void InnerWidget::repaintDialogRowCornerStatus(not_null history) { const auto user = history->peer->isUser(); const auto size = user ? st::dialogsOnlineBadgeSize : st::dialogsCallBadgeSize; const auto stroke = st::dialogsOnlineBadgeStroke; const auto skip = user ? st::dialogsOnlineBadgeSkip : st::dialogsCallBadgeSkip; const auto updateRect = QRect( _st->photoSize - skip.x() - size, _st->photoSize - skip.y() - size, size, size ).marginsAdded( { stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke } ).translated( st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left(), st::defaultDialogRow.padding.top() ); const auto ttlUpdateRect = !history->peer->messagesTTL() ? QRect() : Dialogs::CornerBadgeTTLRect( _st->photoSize ).translated( st::defaultDialogRow.padding.left(), st::defaultDialogRow.padding.top() ); updateDialogRow( RowDescriptor( history, FullMsgId()), updateRect.united(ttlUpdateRect), UpdateRowSection::Default | UpdateRowSection::Filtered); } void InnerWidget::updateRowCornerStatusShown(not_null history) { const auto repaint = [=] { repaintDialogRowCornerStatus(history); }; repaint(); const auto findRow = [&](not_null history) -> std::pair { if (state() == WidgetState::Default) { const auto row = _shownList->getRow({ history }); return { row, row ? defaultRowTop(row) : 0 }; } const auto i = ranges::find( _filterResults, Key(history), &FilterResult::key); const auto index = (i - begin(_filterResults)); const auto row = (i == end(_filterResults)) ? nullptr : i->row.get(); return { row, filteredOffset() + index * _st->height }; }; if (const auto &[row, top] = findRow(history); row != nullptr) { const auto visible = (top < _visibleBottom) && (top + _st->height > _visibleTop); row->updateCornerBadgeShown( history->peer, visible ? Fn(crl::guard(this, repaint)) : nullptr); } } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::resolveChatNext(RowDescriptor from) const { const auto row = from.key ? from : _controller->activeChatEntryCurrent(); return row.key ? computeJump( chatListEntryAfter(row), JumpSkip::NextOrEnd) : row; } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::resolveChatPrevious(RowDescriptor from) const { const auto row = from.key ? from : _controller->activeChatEntryCurrent(); return row.key ? computeJump( chatListEntryBefore(row), JumpSkip::PreviousOrBegin) : row; } void InnerWidget::setupShortcuts() { Shortcuts::Requests( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return isActiveWindow() && !_controller->isLayerShown() && !_controller->window().locked() && !_childListShown.current().shown && !_chatPreviewRow.key; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null request) { using Command = Shortcuts::Command; const auto row = _controller->activeChatEntryCurrent(); // Those should be computed before the call to request->handle. const auto previous = row.key ? computeJump( chatListEntryBefore(row), JumpSkip::PreviousOrBegin) : row; const auto next = row.key ? computeJump( chatListEntryAfter(row), JumpSkip::NextOrEnd) : row; const auto first = [&] { const auto to = chatListEntryFirst(); const auto jump = computeJump(to, JumpSkip::NextOrOriginal); return (to == row || jump == row || to == previous) ? to : jump; }(); const auto last = [&] { const auto to = chatListEntryLast(); const auto jump = computeJump(to, JumpSkip::PreviousOrOriginal); return (to == row || jump == row || to == next) ? to : jump; }(); if (row.key) { request->check(Command::ChatPrevious) && request->handle([=] { return jumpToDialogRow(previous); }); request->check(Command::ChatNext) && request->handle([=] { return jumpToDialogRow(next); }); } else if (_state == WidgetState::Default ? !_shownList->empty() : !_filterResults.empty()) { request->check(Command::ChatNext) && request->handle([=] { return jumpToDialogRow(first); }); } request->check(Command::ChatFirst) && request->handle([=] { return jumpToDialogRow(first); }); request->check(Command::ChatLast) && request->handle([=] { return jumpToDialogRow(last); }); request->check(Command::ChatSelf) && request->handle([=] { _controller->showThread( session().data().history(session().user()), ShowAtUnreadMsgId, Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); return true; }); request->check(Command::ShowArchive) && request->handle([=] { const auto folder = session().data().folderLoaded( Data::Folder::kId); if (folder && !folder->chatsList()->empty()) { const auto controller = _controller; controller->openFolder(folder); // Calling openFolder() could've destroyed this widget. controller->window().hideSettingsAndLayer(); return true; } return false; }); if (session().data().chatsFilters().has()) { const auto filters = &session().data().chatsFilters(); const auto filtersCount = int(filters->list().size()); auto &&folders = ranges::views::zip( Shortcuts::kShowFolder, ranges::views::ints(0, ranges::unreachable)); for (const auto &[command, index] : folders) { const auto select = (command == Command::ShowFolderLast) ? (filtersCount - 1) : std::clamp(index, 0, filtersCount - 1); request->check(command) && request->handle([=] { if (select <= filtersCount) { _controller->setActiveChatsFilter( filters->lookupId(select)); } return true; }); } } static const auto kPinned = { Command::ChatPinned1, Command::ChatPinned2, Command::ChatPinned3, Command::ChatPinned4, Command::ChatPinned5, Command::ChatPinned6, Command::ChatPinned7, Command::ChatPinned8, }; auto &&pinned = ranges::views::zip( kPinned, ranges::views::ints(0, ranges::unreachable)); for (const auto &[command, index] : pinned) { request->check(command) && request->handle([=, index = index] { const auto list = (_filterId ? session().data().chatsFilters().chatsList(_filterId) : session().data().chatsList() )->indexed(); const auto count = Dialogs::PinnedDialogsCount( _filterId, list); if (index >= count) { return false; } const auto skip = Dialogs::FixedOnTopDialogsCount(list); const auto row = *(list->cbegin() + skip + index); return jumpToDialogRow({ row->key(), FullMsgId() }); }); } const auto nearFolder = [=](bool isNext) { const auto id = _controller->activeChatsFilterCurrent(); const auto list = &session().data().chatsFilters().list(); const auto index = int(ranges::find( *list, id, &Data::ChatFilter::id ) - begin(*list)); if (index == list->size() && id != 0) { return false; } const auto changed = index + (isNext ? 1 : -1); if (changed >= int(list->size()) || changed < 0) { return false; } _controller->setActiveChatsFilter((changed >= 0) ? (*list)[changed].id() : 0); return true; }; request->check(Command::FolderNext) && request->handle([=] { return nearFolder(true); }); request->check(Command::FolderPrevious) && request->handle([=] { return nearFolder(false); }); request->check(Command::ReadChat) && request->handle([=] { const auto thread = _selected ? _selected->thread() : nullptr; if (!thread) { return false; } if (Window::IsUnreadThread(thread)) { Window::MarkAsReadThread(thread); } return true; }); (!_openedForum) && request->check(Command::ArchiveChat) && request->handle([=] { const auto thread = _selected ? _selected->thread() : nullptr; if (!thread) { return false; } const auto history = thread->owningHistory(); const auto isArchived = history->folder() && (history->folder()->id() == Data::Folder::kId); Window::ToggleHistoryArchived( _controller->uiShow(), history, !isArchived); return true; }); request->check(Command::ShowContacts) && request->handle([=] { _controller->show(PrepareContactsBox(_controller)); return true; }); if (session().supportMode() && row.key.history()) { request->check( Command::SupportScrollToCurrent ) && request->handle([=] { scrollToEntry(row); return true; }); } }, lifetime()); } RowDescriptor InnerWidget::computeJump( const RowDescriptor &to, JumpSkip skip) const { auto result = to; if (result.key) { const auto down = (skip == JumpSkip::NextOrEnd) || (skip == JumpSkip::NextOrOriginal); const auto needSkip = [&] { return (result.key.folder() != nullptr) || (session().supportMode() && !result.key.entry()->chatListBadgesState().unread); }; while (needSkip()) { const auto next = down ? chatListEntryAfter(result) : chatListEntryBefore(result); if (next.key) { result = next; } else { if (skip == JumpSkip::PreviousOrOriginal || skip == JumpSkip::NextOrOriginal) { result = to; } break; } } } return result; } bool InnerWidget::jumpToDialogRow(RowDescriptor to) { if (to == chatListEntryLast()) { _listBottomReached.fire({}); } if (uniqueSearchResults()) { to.fullId = FullMsgId(); } return _controller->jumpToChatListEntry(to); } } // namespace Dialogs