/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "chat_helpers/stickers_list_footer.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_keywords.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_emoji_pack.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_lottie.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers_set.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "lottie/lottie_single_player.h" #include "ui/dpr/dpr_icon.h" #include "ui/dpr/dpr_image.h" #include "ui/widgets/fields/input_field.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/rect_part.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include namespace ChatHelpers { namespace { constexpr auto kEmojiSectionSetIdBase = uint64(0x77FF'FFFF'FFFF'FFF0ULL); constexpr auto kEmojiSearchLimit = 32; using EmojiSection = Ui::Emoji::Section; void UpdateAnimated(anim::value &value, int to) { if (int(base::SafeRound(value.to())) == to) { return; } value = anim::value( (value.from() != value.to()) ? value.from() : to, to); } void UpdateAnimated( anim::value &value, int to, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { if (animations == ValidateIconAnimations::Full) { value.start(to); } else { value = anim::value(to, to); } } } // namespace uint64 EmojiSectionSetId(EmojiSection section) { Expects(section >= EmojiSection::Recent && section <= EmojiSection::Symbols); return kEmojiSectionSetIdBase + static_cast(section) + 1; } uint64 RecentEmojiSectionSetId() { return EmojiSectionSetId(EmojiSection::Recent); } uint64 AllEmojiSectionSetId() { return kEmojiSectionSetIdBase; } uint64 SearchEmojiSectionSetId() { return kEmojiSectionSetIdBase + static_cast(EmojiSection::Symbols) + 2; } std::optional SetIdEmojiSection(uint64 id) { const auto base = RecentEmojiSectionSetId(); if (id < base) { return {}; } const auto index = id - base; return (index <= uint64(EmojiSection::Symbols)) ? static_cast(index) : std::optional(); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector GifSearchEmojiFallback() { return { u"\xf0\x9f\x91\x8d"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\x98"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\x8d"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\xa1"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\xa5\xb3"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\x82"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\xae"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x99\x84"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e"_q, u"\xf0\x9f\x91\x8e"_q, }; } rpl::producer> GifSectionsValue( not_null session) { const auto config = &session->appConfig(); return config->value( ) | rpl::map([=] { return config->get>( u"gif_search_emojies"_q, GifSearchEmojiFallback()); }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::map([=](const std::vector &emoji) { const auto list = ranges::views::all( emoji ) | ranges::views::transform([](const QString &val) { return Ui::Emoji::Find(val); }) | ranges::views::filter([](EmojiPtr emoji) { return emoji != nullptr; }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto pack = &session->emojiStickersPack(); return rpl::single( rpl::empty_value() ) | rpl::then( pack->refreshed() ) | rpl::map([=, list = std::move(list)] { return list | ranges::views::transform([&](EmojiPtr emoji) { const auto document = pack->stickerForEmoji(emoji).document; return GifSection{ document, emoji }; }) | ranges::views::filter([](GifSection section) { return (section.document != nullptr); }) | ranges::to_vector; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector SearchEmoji( const std::vector &query, base::flat_set &outResultSet) { auto result = std::vector(); const auto pushPlain = [&](EmojiPtr emoji) { if (result.size() < kEmojiSearchLimit && outResultSet.emplace(emoji).second) { result.push_back(emoji); } if (const auto original = emoji->original(); original != emoji) { outResultSet.emplace(original); } }; auto refreshed = false; auto &keywords = Core::App().emojiKeywords(); for (const auto &entry : query) { if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(entry)) { pushPlain(emoji); if (result.size() >= kEmojiSearchLimit) { return result; } } else if (!entry.isEmpty()) { if (!refreshed) { refreshed = true; keywords.refresh(); } const auto list = keywords.queryMine(entry); for (const auto &entry : list) { pushPlain(entry.emoji); if (result.size() >= kEmojiSearchLimit) { return result; } } } } return result; } StickerIcon::StickerIcon(uint64 setId) : setId(setId) { } StickerIcon::StickerIcon( not_null set, DocumentData *sticker, int pixw, int pixh) : setId(set->id) , set(set) , sticker(sticker) , pixw(std::max(pixw, 1)) , pixh(std::max(pixh, 1)) { } StickerIcon::StickerIcon(StickerIcon&&) = default; StickerIcon &StickerIcon::operator=(StickerIcon&&) = default; StickerIcon::~StickerIcon() = default; void StickerIcon::ensureMediaCreated() const { if (!sticker) { return; } else if (set->hasThumbnail()) { if (!thumbnailMedia) { thumbnailMedia = set->createThumbnailView(); set->loadThumbnail(); } } else if (!stickerMedia) { stickerMedia = sticker->createMediaView(); stickerMedia->thumbnailWanted(sticker->stickerSetOrigin()); } } template StickersListFooter::ScrollState::ScrollState(UpdateCallback &&callback) : animation([=](crl::time now) { callback(); return animationCallback(now); }) { } bool StickersListFooter::ScrollState::animationCallback(crl::time now) { if (anim::Disabled()) { now += st::stickerIconMove; } if (!animationStart) { return false; } const auto dt = (now - animationStart) / float64(st::stickerIconMove); if (dt >= 1.) { animationStart = 0; x.finish(); selectionX.finish(); selectionWidth.finish(); return false; } x.update(dt, anim::linear); selectionX.update(dt, anim::easeOutCubic); selectionWidth.update(dt, anim::easeOutCubic); return true; } GradientPremiumStar::GradientPremiumStar() { style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _image = QImage(); }, _lifetime); } QImage GradientPremiumStar::image() const { if (_image.isNull()) { renderOnDemand(); } return _image; } void GradientPremiumStar::renderOnDemand() const { const auto size = st::emojiStatusDefault.size(); const auto mask = st::emojiStatusDefault.instance(Qt::white); const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); _image = QImage( size * factor, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); _image.setDevicePixelRatio(factor); QPainter p(&_image); auto gradient = QLinearGradient( QPoint(0, size.height()), QPoint(size.width(), 0)); gradient.setStops({ { 0., st::stickerPanPremium1->c }, { 1., st::stickerPanPremium2->c }, }); p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(), size), gradient); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.drawImage(QRect(QPoint(), size), mask); } StickersListFooter::StickersListFooter(Descriptor &&descriptor) : InnerFooter( descriptor.parent, descriptor.st ? *descriptor.st : st::defaultEmojiPan) , _session(descriptor.session) , _customTextColor(std::move(descriptor.customTextColor)) , _paused(std::move(descriptor.paused)) , _features(descriptor.features) , _iconState([=] { update(); }) , _subiconState([=] { update(); }) , _selectionBg(st::emojiPanRadius, st().categoriesBgOver) , _subselectionBg(st().iconArea / 2, st().categoriesBgOver) , _forceFirstFrame(descriptor.forceFirstFrame) { setMouseTracking(true); _iconsLeft = st().iconSkip + (_features.stickersSettings ? st().iconWidth : 0); _iconsRight = st().iconSkip; _session->downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { update(); }, lifetime()); } void StickersListFooter::clearHeavyData() { enumerateIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { auto &icon = _icons[info.index]; icon.webm = nullptr; icon.lottie = nullptr; icon.lifetime.destroy(); icon.stickerMedia = nullptr; if (!info.visible) { icon.savedFrame = QImage(); } return true; }); } void StickersListFooter::paintExpanding( Painter &p, QRect clip, float64 radius, RectPart origin) { const auto delta = ((origin | RectPart::None) & RectPart::FullBottom) ? (height() - clip.height()) : 0; const auto shift = QPoint(clip.x(), clip.y() - delta); p.translate(shift); const auto context = ExpandingContext{ .clip = clip.translated(-shift), .progress = clip.height() / float64(height()), .radius = int(std::ceil(radius)), .expanding = true, }; paint(p, context); p.translate(-shift); p.setClipping(false); } int StickersListFooter::IconFrameSize() { return Data::FrameSizeFromTag( Data::CustomEmojiManager::SizeTag::SetIcon ) / style::DevicePixelRatio(); } void StickersListFooter::enumerateVisibleIcons( Fn callback) const { enumerateIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (info.visible) { callback(info); } else if (info.adjustedLeft > 0) { return false; } return true; }); } void StickersListFooter::enumerateIcons( Fn callback) const { auto left = 0; const auto iconsX = int(base::SafeRound(_iconState.x.current())); const auto shift = _iconsLeft - iconsX; const auto emojiId = AllEmojiSectionSetId(); const auto right = width(); for (auto i = 0, count = int(_icons.size()); i != count; ++i) { auto &icon = _icons[i]; const auto width = (icon.setId == emojiId) ? _subiconsWidthAnimation.value(_subiconsExpanded ? _subiconsWidth : _singleWidth) : _singleWidth; const auto shifted = shift + left; const auto visible = (shifted + width > 0 && shifted < right); const auto result = callback({ .index = i, .left = left, .adjustedLeft = shifted, .width = int(base::SafeRound(width)), .visible = visible, }); if (!result) { break; } left += width; } } void StickersListFooter::enumerateSubicons( Fn callback) const { auto left = 0; const auto iconsX = int(base::SafeRound(_subiconState.x.current())); const auto shift = -iconsX; const auto right = _subiconsWidth; using Section = Ui::Emoji::Section; for (auto i = int(Section::People); i <= int(Section::Symbols); ++i) { const auto shifted = shift + left; const auto visible = (shifted + _singleWidth > 0 && shifted < right); const auto result = callback({ .index = i - int(Section::People), .left = left, .adjustedLeft = shifted, .width = _singleWidth, .visible = visible, }); if (!result) { break; } left += _singleWidth; } } auto StickersListFooter::iconInfo(int index) const -> IconInfo { if (index < 0) { const auto iconsX = int(base::SafeRound(_iconState.x.current())); return { .index = -1, .left = -_singleWidth - _iconsLeft, .adjustedLeft = -_singleWidth - _iconsLeft - iconsX, .width = _singleWidth, .visible = false, }; } auto result = IconInfo(); enumerateIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (info.index == index) { result = info; return false; } return true; }); return result; } auto StickersListFooter::subiconInfo(int index) const -> IconInfo { auto result = IconInfo(); enumerateSubicons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (info.index == index) { result = info; return false; } return true; }); return result; } void StickersListFooter::preloadImages() { enumerateVisibleIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { const auto &icon = _icons[info.index]; if (const auto sticker = icon.sticker) { Assert(icon.set != nullptr); if (icon.set->hasThumbnail()) { icon.set->loadThumbnail(); } else { sticker->loadThumbnail(sticker->stickerSetOrigin()); } } }); } void StickersListFooter::validateSelectedIcon( uint64 setId, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { _activeByScrollId = setId; using EmojiSection = Ui::Emoji::Section; auto favedIconIndex = -1; auto newSelected = -1; auto newSubSelected = -1; const auto emojiSection = SetIdEmojiSection(setId); const auto isEmojiSection = emojiSection.has_value() && (emojiSection != EmojiSection::Recent); const auto allEmojiSetId = AllEmojiSectionSetId(); for (auto i = 0, l = int(_icons.size()); i != l; ++i) { if (_icons[i].setId == setId || (_icons[i].setId == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId && setId == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId)) { newSelected = i; break; } else if (_icons[i].setId == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId && setId != SearchEmojiSectionSetId()) { favedIconIndex = i; } else if (isEmojiSection && _icons[i].setId == allEmojiSetId) { newSelected = i; newSubSelected = setId - EmojiSectionSetId(EmojiSection::People); } } setSelectedIcon( (newSelected >= 0 ? newSelected : (favedIconIndex >= 0) ? favedIconIndex : -1), animations); setSelectedSubicon( (newSubSelected >= 0 ? newSubSelected : 0), animations); } void StickersListFooter::updateEmojiSectionWidth() { const auto expanded = (_iconState.selected >= 0) && (_iconState.selected < _icons.size()) && (_icons[_iconState.selected].setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId()); if (_subiconsExpanded == expanded) { return; } _subiconsExpanded = expanded; _subiconsWidthAnimation.start( [=] { updateEmojiWidthCallback(); }, expanded ? _singleWidth : _subiconsWidth, expanded ? _subiconsWidth : _singleWidth, st::slideDuration); } void StickersListFooter::updateEmojiWidthCallback() { refreshScrollableDimensions(); const auto info = iconInfo(_iconState.selected); UpdateAnimated(_iconState.selectionX, info.left); UpdateAnimated(_iconState.selectionWidth, info.width); if (_iconState.animation.animating()) { _iconState.animationCallback(crl::now()); } update(); } void StickersListFooter::setSelectedIcon( int newSelected, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { if (_iconState.selected == newSelected) { return; } if ((_iconState.selected < 0) != (newSelected < 0)) { animations = ValidateIconAnimations::None; } _iconState.selected = newSelected; updateEmojiSectionWidth(); const auto info = iconInfo(_iconState.selected); UpdateAnimated(_iconState.selectionX, info.left, animations); UpdateAnimated(_iconState.selectionWidth, info.width, animations); const auto relativeLeft = info.left - _iconsLeft; const auto iconsWidthForCentering = 2 * relativeLeft + info.width; const auto iconsXFinal = std::clamp( (_iconsLeft + iconsWidthForCentering + _iconsRight - width()) / 2, 0, _iconState.max); if (animations == ValidateIconAnimations::None) { _iconState.x = anim::value(iconsXFinal, iconsXFinal); _iconState.animation.stop(); } else { _iconState.x.start(iconsXFinal); _iconState.animationStart = crl::now(); _iconState.animation.start(); } updateSelected(); update(); } void StickersListFooter::setSelectedSubicon( int newSelected, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { if (_subiconState.selected == newSelected) { return; } _subiconState.selected = newSelected; const auto info = subiconInfo(_subiconState.selected); const auto relativeLeft = info.left; const auto subiconsWidthForCentering = 2 * relativeLeft + info.width; const auto subiconsXFinal = std::clamp( (subiconsWidthForCentering - _subiconsWidth) / 2, 0, _subiconState.max); if (animations == ValidateIconAnimations::None) { _subiconState.x = anim::value(subiconsXFinal, subiconsXFinal); _subiconState.animation.stop(); } else { _subiconState.x.start(subiconsXFinal); _subiconState.animationStart = crl::now(); _subiconState.animation.start(); } updateSelected(); update(); } void StickersListFooter::processHideFinished() { _selected = _pressed = SpecialOver::None; _iconState.animation.stop(); _iconState.animationStart = 0; _iconState.x.finish(); _iconState.selectionX.finish(); _iconState.selectionWidth.finish(); _subiconState.animation.stop(); _subiconState.animationStart = 0; _subiconState.x.finish(); } void StickersListFooter::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { _iconsMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } void StickersListFooter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = Painter(this); _repaintScheduled = false; paint(p, {}); } void StickersListFooter::paint( Painter &p, const ExpandingContext &context) const { if (_icons.empty()) { return; } if (_features.stickersSettings) { paintStickerSettingsIcon(p); } auto clip = QRect( _iconsLeft, _iconsTop, width() - _iconsLeft - _iconsRight, st().footer); if (rtl()) { clip.moveLeft(width() - _iconsLeft - clip.width()); } if (context.expanding) { const auto both = clip.intersected( context.clip.marginsRemoved( { 0/*context.radius*/, 0, context.radius, 0 })); if (both.isEmpty()) { return; } p.setClipRect(both); } else { p.setClipRect(clip); } paintSelectionBg(p, context); const auto iconCacheSize = QSize(_singleWidth, st().footer); const auto full = iconCacheSize * style::DevicePixelRatio(); if (_setIconCache.size() != full) { _setIconCache = QImage(full, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); _setIconCache.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); } const auto now = crl::now(); const auto paused = _paused(); p.setPen(st::windowFg); enumerateVisibleIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { paintSetIcon(p, context, info, now, paused); }); paintLeftRightFading(p, context); } void StickersListFooter::paintSelectionBg( QPainter &p, const ExpandingContext &context) const { auto selxrel = _iconsLeft + qRound(_iconState.selectionX.current()); auto selx = selxrel - qRound(_iconState.x.current()); const auto selw = qRound(_iconState.selectionWidth.current()); if (rtl()) { selx = width() - selx - selw; } const auto sely = _iconsTop; const auto area = st().iconArea; auto rect = QRect( QPoint(selx, sely) + _areaPosition, QSize(selw - 2 * _areaPosition.x(), area)); if (context.expanding) { const auto recthalf = rect.height() / 2; const auto myhalf = height() / 2; const auto sub = anim::interpolate(recthalf, 0, context.progress); const auto shift = anim::interpolate(myhalf, 0, context.progress); rect = rect.marginsRemoved( { sub, sub, sub, sub } ).translated(0, shift); } if (rect.width() == rect.height() || _subiconsWidth <= _singleWidth) { _selectionBg.paint(p, rect); } else if (selw == _subiconsWidth) { _subselectionBg.paint(p, rect); } else { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto progress = (selw - _singleWidth) / float64(_subiconsWidth - _singleWidth); const auto radius = anim::interpolate( st::roundRadiusLarge, area / 2, progress); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st().categoriesBgOver); p.drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius); } } void StickersListFooter::paintLeftRightFading( QPainter &p, const ExpandingContext &context) const { const auto o_left_normal = std::clamp( _iconState.x.current() / st().fadeLeft.width(), 0., 1.); const auto o_left = context.expanding ? (1. - context.progress * (1. - o_left_normal)) : o_left_normal; const auto radiusSkip = context.expanding ? std::max(context.radius - st::emojiPanRadius, 0) : 0; if (o_left > 0) { p.setOpacity(o_left); const auto left = std::max(_iconsLeft, radiusSkip); const auto top = _iconsTop; if (left >= st::emojiPanRadius) { st().fadeLeft.fill( p, QRect(left, top, st().fadeLeft.width(), st().footer)); } else { validateFadeLeft(left + st().fadeLeft.width()); p.drawImage(0, _iconsTop, _fadeLeftCache); } p.setOpacity(1.); } const auto o_right_normal = std::clamp( (_iconState.max - _iconState.x.current()) / st().fadeRight.width(), 0., 1.); const auto o_right = context.expanding ? (1. - context.progress * (1. - o_right_normal)) : o_right_normal; if (o_right > 0) { p.setOpacity(o_right); const auto right = std::max(_iconsRight, radiusSkip); const auto rightWidth = right + st().fadeRight.width(); if (right >= st::emojiPanRadius) { st().fadeRight.fill( p, QRect( width() - rightWidth, _iconsTop, st().fadeRight.width(), st().footer)); } else { validateFadeRight(rightWidth); p.drawImage(width() - rightWidth, _iconsTop, _fadeRightCache); } p.setOpacity(1.); } } void StickersListFooter::validateFadeLeft(int leftWidth) const { validateFadeMask(); const auto ratio = devicePixelRatioF(); const auto &color = st().categoriesBg->c; dpr::Validate(_fadeLeftCache, ratio, { leftWidth, st().footer }, [&]( QPainter &p, QSize size) { _fadeLeftColor = color; const auto frame = dpr::IconFrame(st().fadeLeft, color, ratio); p.drawImage( QRect( size.width() - frame.width(), 0, frame.width(), size.height()), frame); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.drawImage(0, 0, _fadeMask); }, (_fadeLeftColor != color), Qt::transparent); } void StickersListFooter::validateFadeRight(int rightWidth) const { validateFadeMask(); const auto ratio = devicePixelRatioF(); const auto &color = st().categoriesBg->c; dpr::Validate(_fadeRightCache, ratio, { rightWidth, st().footer }, [&]( QPainter &p, QSize size) { _fadeRightColor = color; const auto frame = dpr::IconFrame(st().fadeRight, color, ratio); p.drawImage(QRect(0, 0, frame.width(), size.height()), frame); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.drawImage(size.width() - _fadeMask.width(), 0, _fadeMask); }, (_fadeRightColor != color), Qt::transparent); } void StickersListFooter::validateFadeMask() const { const auto ratio = devicePixelRatioF(); const auto width = st().fadeLeft.width() + st().fadeRight.width() + 2 * st::emojiPanRadius; dpr::Validate(_fadeMask, ratio, { width, st().footer }, [&]( QPainter &p, QSize size) { const auto radius = st::emojiPanRadius * ratio; p.setBrush(Qt::white); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(QPoint(), size), radius, radius); }, false, Qt::transparent, false); } void StickersListFooter::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { refreshIconsGeometry(_activeByScrollId, ValidateIconAnimations::None); } rpl::producer StickersListFooter::setChosen() const { return _setChosen.events(); } rpl::producer<> StickersListFooter::openSettingsRequests() const { return _openSettingsRequests.events(); } void StickersListFooter::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); if (_selected == SpecialOver::Settings) { _openSettingsRequests.fire({}); } else { _pressed = _selected; _iconsMouseDown = _iconsMousePos; _iconState.draggingStartX = qRound(_iconState.x.current()); _subiconState.draggingStartX = qRound(_subiconState.x.current()); } } void StickersListFooter::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); if (!_iconState.dragging && !_icons.empty() && v::is(_pressed)) { if ((_iconsMousePos - _iconsMouseDown).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { const auto &icon = _icons[v::get(_pressed).index]; (icon.setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId() ? _subiconState : _iconState).dragging = true; } } checkDragging(_iconState); checkDragging(_subiconState); } void StickersListFooter::checkDragging(ScrollState &state) { if (state.dragging) { const auto newX = std::clamp( (rtl() ? -1 : 1) * (_iconsMouseDown.x() - _iconsMousePos.x()) + state.draggingStartX, 0, state.max); if (newX != qRound(state.x.current())) { state.x = anim::value(newX, newX); state.animationStart = 0; state.animation.stop(); update(); } } } void StickersListFooter::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_icons.empty()) { return; } const auto wasDown = std::exchange(_pressed, SpecialOver::None); _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); if (finishDragging()) { return; } updateSelected(); if (wasDown == _selected) { if (const auto icon = std::get_if(&_selected)) { const auto info = iconInfo(icon->index); _iconState.selectionX = anim::value(info.left, info.left); _iconState.selectionWidth = anim::value(info.width, info.width); const auto setId = _icons[icon->index].setId; _setChosen.fire_copy((setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId()) ? EmojiSectionSetId( EmojiSection(int(EmojiSection::People) + icon->subindex)) : setId); } } } bool StickersListFooter::finishDragging() { const auto icon = finishDragging(_iconState); const auto subicon = finishDragging(_subiconState); return icon || subicon; } bool StickersListFooter::finishDragging(ScrollState &state) { if (!state.dragging) { return false; } const auto newX = std::clamp( state.draggingStartX + _iconsMouseDown.x() - _iconsMousePos.x(), 0, state.max); if (newX != qRound(state.x.current())) { state.x = anim::value(newX, newX); state.animationStart = 0; state.animation.stop(); update(); } state.dragging = false; updateSelected(); return true; } bool StickersListFooter::eventHook(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin) { } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { if (!_icons.empty() && v::is(_selected) && (_pressed == SpecialOver::None)) { scrollByWheelEvent(static_cast(e)); } } return InnerFooter::eventHook(e); } void StickersListFooter::scrollByWheelEvent( not_null e) { auto horizontal = (e->angleDelta().x() != 0); auto vertical = (e->angleDelta().y() != 0); if (!horizontal && !vertical) { return; } auto delta = horizontal ? ((rtl() ? -1 : 1) * (e->pixelDelta().x() ? e->pixelDelta().x() : e->angleDelta().x())) : (e->pixelDelta().y() ? e->pixelDelta().y() : e->angleDelta().y()); const auto use = [&](ScrollState &state) { const auto now = qRound(state.x.current()); const auto used = now - delta; const auto next = std::clamp(used, 0, state.max); delta = next - used; if (next != now) { state.x = anim::value(next, next); state.animationStart = 0; state.animation.stop(); updateSelected(); update(); } }; const auto index = v::get(_selected).index; if (_subiconsExpanded && _icons[index].setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId()) { use(_subiconState); } else { use(_iconState); } } void StickersListFooter::clipCallback( Media::Clip::Notification notification, uint64 setId) { using namespace Media::Clip; switch (notification) { case Notification::Reinit: { enumerateIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { auto &icon = _icons[info.index]; if (icon.setId != setId || !icon.webm) { return true; } else if (icon.webm->state() == State::Error) { icon.webm.setBad(); } else if (!info.visible) { icon.webm = nullptr; } else if (icon.webm->ready() && !icon.webm->started()) { icon.webm->start({ .frame = { icon.pixw, icon.pixh }, .keepAlpha = true, }); } updateSetIconAt(info.adjustedLeft); return true; }); } break; case Notification::Repaint: updateSetIcon(setId); break; } } void StickersListFooter::updateSelected() { if (_pressed != SpecialOver::None) { return; } auto p = mapFromGlobal(_iconsMousePos); auto x = p.x(), y = p.y(); if (rtl()) x = width() - x; const auto settingsLeft = _iconsLeft - _singleWidth; auto newOver = OverState(SpecialOver::None); if (_features.stickersSettings && x >= settingsLeft && x < settingsLeft + _singleWidth && y >= _iconsTop && y < _iconsTop + st().footer) { if (!_icons.empty()) { newOver = SpecialOver::Settings; } } else if (!_icons.empty()) { if (y >= _iconsTop && y < _iconsTop + st().footer && x >= _iconsLeft && x < width() - _iconsRight) { enumerateIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (x >= info.adjustedLeft && x < info.adjustedLeft + info.width) { newOver = IconId{ .index = info.index }; if (_icons[info.index].setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId()) { const auto subx = (x - info.adjustedLeft); enumerateSubicons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (subx >= info.adjustedLeft && subx < info.adjustedLeft + info.width) { v::get(newOver).subindex = info.index; return false; } return true; }); } return false; } return true; }); } } if (newOver != _selected) { if (newOver == SpecialOver::None) { setCursor(style::cur_default); } else if (_selected == SpecialOver::None) { setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } _selected = newOver; } } auto StickersListFooter::getLottieRenderer() -> std::shared_ptr { if (auto result = _lottieRenderer.lock()) { return result; } auto result = Lottie::MakeFrameRenderer(); _lottieRenderer = result; return result; } void StickersListFooter::refreshIcons( std::vector icons, uint64 activeSetId, Fn()> renderer, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { _renderer = renderer ? std::move(renderer) : [=] { return getLottieRenderer(); }; auto indices = base::flat_map(); indices.reserve(_icons.size()); auto index = 0; for (const auto &entry : _icons) { indices.emplace(entry.setId, index++); } for (auto &now : icons) { if (const auto i = indices.find(now.setId); i != end(indices)) { auto &was = _icons[i->second]; if (now.sticker == was.sticker) { now.webm = std::move(was.webm); now.lottie = std::move(was.lottie); now.custom = std::move(was.custom); now.lifetime = std::move(was.lifetime); now.savedFrame = std::move(was.savedFrame); } } } _icons = std::move(icons); refreshIconsGeometry(activeSetId, animations); } void StickersListFooter::refreshScrollableDimensions() { const auto &last = iconInfo(_icons.size() - 1); _iconState.max = std::max( last.left + last.width + _iconsLeft + _iconsRight - width(), 0); if (_iconState.x.current() > _iconState.max) { _iconState.x = anim::value(_iconState.max, _iconState.max); } } void StickersListFooter::refreshIconsGeometry( uint64 activeSetId, ValidateIconAnimations animations) { _selected = _pressed = SpecialOver::None; _iconState.x.finish(); _iconState.selectionX.finish(); _iconState.selectionWidth.finish(); _iconState.animationStart = 0; _iconState.animation.stop(); if (_icons.size() > 1 && _icons[1].setId == EmojiSectionSetId(EmojiSection::People)) { _singleWidth = (width() - _iconsLeft - _iconsRight) / _icons.size(); } else { _singleWidth = st().iconWidth; } _areaPosition = QPoint( (_singleWidth - st().iconArea) / 2, (st().footer - st().iconArea) / 2); refreshScrollableDimensions(); refreshSubiconsGeometry(); _iconState.selected = _subiconState.selected = -2; validateSelectedIcon(activeSetId, animations); update(); } void StickersListFooter::refreshSubiconsGeometry() { using Section = Ui::Emoji::Section; _subiconState.x.finish(); _subiconState.animationStart = 0; _subiconState.animation.stop(); const auto half = _singleWidth / 2; const auto count = int(Section::Symbols) - int(Section::Recent); const auto widthMax = count * _singleWidth; const auto widthMin = 5 * _singleWidth + half; const auto collapsedWidth = int(_icons.size()) * _singleWidth; _subiconsWidth = std::clamp( width() + _singleWidth - collapsedWidth, widthMin, widthMax); if (_subiconsWidth < widthMax) { _subiconsWidth = half + (((_subiconsWidth - half) / _singleWidth) * _singleWidth); } _subiconState.max = std::max( widthMax - _subiconsWidth, 0); if (_subiconState.x.current() > _subiconState.max) { _subiconState.x = anim::value(_subiconState.max, _subiconState.max); } updateEmojiWidthCallback(); } void StickersListFooter::paintStickerSettingsIcon(QPainter &p) const { const auto settingsLeft = _iconsLeft - _singleWidth; st().icons.settings.paint( p, (settingsLeft + (_singleWidth - st().icons.settings.width()) / 2), _iconsTop + st::emojiCategoryIconTop, width()); } void StickersListFooter::customEmojiRepaint() { if (!_repaintScheduled) { _repaintScheduled = true; update(); } } void StickersListFooter::validateIconLottieAnimation( const StickerIcon &icon) { icon.ensureMediaCreated(); if (icon.lottie || !icon.sticker || !HasLottieThumbnail( icon.set ? icon.set->thumbnailType() : StickerType(), icon.thumbnailMedia.get(), icon.stickerMedia.get())) { return; } auto player = LottieThumbnail( icon.thumbnailMedia.get(), icon.stickerMedia.get(), StickerLottieSize::StickersFooter, QSize(icon.pixw, icon.pixh) * style::DevicePixelRatio(), _renderer()); if (!player) { return; } icon.lottie = std::move(player); const auto id = icon.setId; icon.lottie->updates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateSetIcon(id); }, icon.lifetime); } void StickersListFooter::validateIconWebmAnimation( const StickerIcon &icon) { icon.ensureMediaCreated(); if (icon.webm || !icon.sticker || !HasWebmThumbnail( icon.set ? icon.set->thumbnailType() : StickerType(), icon.thumbnailMedia.get(), icon.stickerMedia.get())) { return; } const auto id = icon.setId; auto callback = [=](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { clipCallback(notification, id); }; icon.webm = WebmThumbnail( icon.thumbnailMedia.get(), icon.stickerMedia.get(), std::move(callback)); } void StickersListFooter::validateIconAnimation( const StickerIcon &icon) { const auto emoji = icon.sticker; if (emoji && emoji->sticker()->setType == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { if (!icon.custom) { const auto tag = Data::CustomEmojiManager::SizeTag::SetIcon; auto &manager = emoji->owner().customEmojiManager(); icon.custom = manager.create( emoji->id, [=] { customEmojiRepaint(); }, tag); } return; } validateIconWebmAnimation(icon); validateIconLottieAnimation(icon); } void StickersListFooter::updateSetIcon(uint64 setId) { enumerateVisibleIcons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (_icons[info.index].setId != setId) { return; } updateSetIconAt(info.adjustedLeft); }); } void StickersListFooter::updateSetIconAt(int left) { update(left, _iconsTop, _singleWidth, st().footer); } void StickersListFooter::paintSetIcon( Painter &p, const ExpandingContext &context, const IconInfo &info, crl::time now, bool paused) const { const auto &icon = _icons[info.index]; const auto expandingShift = context.expanding ? QPoint( 0, anim::interpolate(height() / 2, 0, context.progress)) : QPoint(); if (icon.sticker) { icon.ensureMediaCreated(); const_cast(this)->validateIconAnimation(icon); } if (context.expanding) { if (icon.custom) { p.translate(expandingShift); } else { p.save(); const auto center = QPoint( info.adjustedLeft + _singleWidth / 2, _iconsTop + st().footer / 2); p.translate(expandingShift + center); p.scale(context.progress, context.progress); p.translate(-center); } } if (icon.sticker) { prepareSetIcon(context, info, now, paused); p.drawImage(info.adjustedLeft, _iconsTop, _setIconCache); } else { p.translate(info.adjustedLeft, _iconsTop); paintSetIconToCache(p, context, info, now, paused); p.translate(-info.adjustedLeft, -_iconsTop); } if (context.expanding) { if (icon.custom) { p.translate(-expandingShift); } else { p.restore(); } } } void StickersListFooter::prepareSetIcon( const ExpandingContext &context, const IconInfo &info, crl::time now, bool paused) const { _setIconCache.fill(Qt::transparent); auto p = Painter(&_setIconCache); paintSetIconToCache(p, context, info, now, paused); if (!_icons[info.index].sticker) { return; } // Rounding the corners. auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); auto pen = QPen(Qt::transparent); pen.setWidth(style::ConvertScaleExact(4.)); p.setPen(pen); const auto area = st().iconArea; auto rect = QRect(_areaPosition, QSize(area, area)); p.drawRoundedRect(rect, st::emojiPanRadius, st::emojiPanRadius); } void StickersListFooter::paintSetIconToCache( Painter &p, const ExpandingContext &context, const IconInfo &info, crl::time now, bool paused) const { const auto &icon = _icons[info.index]; if (icon.sticker) { const auto origin = icon.sticker->stickerSetOrigin(); const auto thumb = icon.thumbnailMedia ? icon.thumbnailMedia->image() : icon.stickerMedia ? icon.stickerMedia->thumbnail() : nullptr; const auto x = (_singleWidth - icon.pixw) / 2; const auto y = (st().footer - icon.pixh) / 2; if (icon.custom) { icon.custom->paint(p, Ui::Text::CustomEmoji::Context{ .textColor = (_customTextColor ? _customTextColor() : st().textFg->c), .size = QSize(icon.pixw, icon.pixh), .now = now, .scale = context.progress, .position = { x, y }, .paused = paused, .scaled = context.expanding, .internal = { .forceFirstFrame = _forceFirstFrame }, }); } else if (icon.lottie && icon.lottie->ready()) { const auto frame = icon.lottie->frame(); const auto size = frame.size() / style::DevicePixelRatio(); if (icon.savedFrame.isNull()) { icon.savedFrame = frame; icon.savedFrame.setDevicePixelRatio( style::DevicePixelRatio()); } p.drawImage( QRect( (_singleWidth - size.width()) / 2, (st().footer - size.height()) / 2, size.width(), size.height()), frame); if (!paused) { icon.lottie->markFrameShown(); } } else if (icon.webm && icon.webm->started()) { const auto frame = icon.webm->current( { .frame = { icon.pixw, icon.pixh }, .keepAlpha = true }, paused ? 0 : now); if (icon.savedFrame.isNull()) { icon.savedFrame = frame; icon.savedFrame.setDevicePixelRatio( style::DevicePixelRatio()); } p.drawImage(x, y, frame); } else if (!icon.savedFrame.isNull()) { p.drawImage(x, y, icon.savedFrame); } else if (thumb) { const auto pixmap = (!icon.lottie && thumb) ? thumb->pix(icon.pixw, icon.pixh) : QPixmap(); if (pixmap.isNull()) { return; } else if (icon.savedFrame.isNull()) { icon.savedFrame = pixmap.toImage(); } p.drawPixmapLeft(x, y, width(), pixmap); } } else if (icon.megagroup) { const auto size = st::stickerGroupCategorySize; icon.megagroup->paintUserpicLeft( p, icon.megagroupUserpic, (_singleWidth - size) / 2, (st().footer - size) / 2, width(), st::stickerGroupCategorySize); } else { using Section = Ui::Emoji::Section; const auto sectionIcon = [&](Section section, bool active) { const auto icons = std::array{ &st().icons.recent, &st().icons.recentActive, &st().icons.people, &st().icons.peopleActive, &st().icons.nature, &st().icons.natureActive, &st().icons.food, &st().icons.foodActive, &st().icons.activity, &st().icons.activityActive, &st().icons.travel, &st().icons.travelActive, &st().icons.objects, &st().icons.objectsActive, &st().icons.symbols, &st().icons.symbolsActive, }; const auto index = int(section) * 2 + (active ? 1 : 0); Assert(index >= 0 && index < icons.size()); return icons[index]; }; const auto paintOne = [&](int left, const style::icon *icon) { left += (_singleWidth - icon->width()) / 2; const auto top = (st().footer - icon->height()) / 2; if (_customTextColor) { icon->paint(p, left, top, width(), _customTextColor()); } else { icon->paint(p, left, top, width()); } }; if (_icons[info.index].setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId() && info.width > _singleWidth) { const auto skip = st::emojiIconSelectSkip; p.save(); p.setClipRect( skip, _iconsTop, info.width - 2 * skip, st().footer, Qt::IntersectClip); enumerateSubicons([&](const IconInfo &info) { if (info.visible) { paintOne( info.adjustedLeft, sectionIcon( Section(int(Section::People) + info.index), (_subiconState.selected == info.index))); } return true; }); p.restore(); } else { paintOne(0, [&] { const auto selected = (info.index == _iconState.selected); if (icon.setId == AllEmojiSectionSetId()) { return &st().icons.people; } else if (const auto section = SetIdEmojiSection(icon.setId)) { return sectionIcon(*section, selected); } return sectionIcon(Section::Recent, selected); }()); } } } LocalStickersManager::LocalStickersManager(not_null session) : _session(session) , _api(&session->mtp()) { } void LocalStickersManager::install(uint64 setId) { const auto &sets = _session->data().stickers().sets(); const auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.cend()) { return; } const auto set = it->second.get(); const auto input = set->mtpInput(); if (!(set->flags & Data::StickersSetFlag::NotLoaded) && !set->stickers.empty()) { sendInstallRequest(setId, input); return; } _api.request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet( input, MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &data) { _session->data().stickers().feedSetFull(data); }, [](const MTPDmessages_stickerSetNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: Unexpected messages.stickerSetNotModified.")); }); sendInstallRequest(setId, input); }).send(); } bool LocalStickersManager::isInstalledLocally(uint64 setId) const { return _installedLocallySets.contains(setId); } void LocalStickersManager::sendInstallRequest( uint64 setId, const MTPInputStickerSet &input) { _api.request(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet( input, MTP_bool(false) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result) { if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive) { _session->data().stickers().applyArchivedResult( result.c_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive()); } }).fail([=] { notInstalledLocally(setId); _session->data().stickers().undoInstallLocally(setId); }).send(); installedLocally(setId); _session->data().stickers().installLocally(setId); } void LocalStickersManager::installedLocally(uint64 setId) { _installedLocallySets.insert(setId); } void LocalStickersManager::notInstalledLocally(uint64 setId) { _installedLocallySets.remove(setId); } void LocalStickersManager::removeInstalledLocally(uint64 setId) { _installedLocallySets.remove(setId); } bool LocalStickersManager::clearInstalledLocally() { if (_installedLocallySets.empty()) { return false; } _installedLocallySets.clear(); return true; } } // namespace ChatHelpers