''' This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL ''' import sys, os, re, subprocess, io def finish(code): global executePath os.chdir(executePath) sys.exit(code) if sys.platform == 'win32' and not 'COMSPEC' in os.environ: print('[ERROR] COMSPEC environment variable is not set.') finish(1) executePath = os.getcwd() scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) inputVersion = '' versionOriginal = '' versionMajor = '' versionMinor = '' versionPatch = '' versionAlpha = '0' versionBeta = False for arg in sys.argv: match = re.match(r'^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+|beta))?)?\s*$', arg) if match: inputVersion = arg versionOriginal = inputVersion versionMajor = match.group(1) versionMinor = match.group(2) versionPatch = match.group(4) if match.group(4) else '0' if len(match.group(5)) > 0: if match.group(6) == 'beta': versionBeta = True else: versionAlpha = match.group(6) if not len(versionMajor): print("Wrong version parameter") finish(1) def checkVersionPart(part): cleared = int(part) % 1000 if len(part) > 0 else 0 if str(cleared) != part: print("Bad version part: " + part) finish(1) checkVersionPart(versionMajor) checkVersionPart(versionMinor) checkVersionPart(versionPatch) checkVersionPart(versionAlpha) versionFull = str(int(versionMajor) * 1000000 + int(versionMinor) * 1000 + int(versionPatch)) versionFullAlpha = '0' if versionAlpha != '0': versionFullAlpha = str(int(versionFull) * 1000 + int(versionAlpha)) versionStr = versionMajor + '.' + versionMinor + '.' + versionPatch versionStrSmall = versionStr if versionPatch != '0' else versionMajor + '.' + versionMinor if versionBeta: print('Setting version: ' + versionStr + ' beta') elif versionAlpha != '0': print('Setting version: ' + versionStr + '.' + versionAlpha + ' closed alpha') else: print('Setting version: ' + versionStr + ' stable') #def replaceInFile(path, replaces): def checkChangelog(): global scriptPath, versionStr, versionStrSmall count = 0 with io.open(scriptPath + '/../../changelog.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(versionStr + ' ') or line.startswith(versionStrSmall + ' '): count = count + 1 if count == 0: print('Changelog entry not found!') finish(1) elif count != 1: print('Wrong changelog entries count found: ' + count) finish(1) checkChangelog() def replaceInFile(path, replacements): content = '' foundReplacements = {} updated = False with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: for replacement in replacements: if re.search(replacement[0], line): changed = re.sub(replacement[0], replacement[1], line) if changed != line: line = changed updated = True foundReplacements[replacement[0]] = True content = content + line for replacement in replacements: if not replacement[0] in foundReplacements: print('Could not find "' + replacement[0] + '" in "' + path + '".') finish(1) if updated: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(content) print('Patching build/version...') replaceInFile(scriptPath + '/version', [ [ r'(AppVersion\s+)\d+', r'\g<1>' + versionFull ], [ r'(AppVersionStrMajor\s+)\d[\d\.]*', r'\g<1>' + versionMajor + '.' + versionMinor ], [ r'(AppVersionStrSmall\s+)\d[\d\.]*', r'\g<1>' + versionStrSmall ], [ r'(AppVersionStr\s+)\d[\d\.]*', r'\g<1>' + versionStr ], [ r'(BetaChannel\s+)\d', r'\g<1>' + ('1' if versionBeta else '0') ], [ r'(AlphaVersion\s+)\d+', r'\g<1>' + versionFullAlpha ], [ r'(AppVersionOriginal\s+)\d[\d\.beta]*', r'\g<1>' + versionOriginal ], ]) print('Patching core/version.h...') replaceInFile(scriptPath + '/../SourceFiles/core/version.h', [ [ r'(TDESKTOP_REQUESTED_ALPHA_VERSION\s+)\(\d+ULL\)', r'\g<1>(' + versionFullAlpha + 'ULL)' ], [ r'(AppVersion\s+=\s+)\d+', r'\g<1>' + versionFull ], [ r'(AppVersionStr\s+=\s+)[^;]+', r'\g<1>"' + versionStrSmall + '"' ], [ r'(AppBetaVersion\s+=\s+)[a-z]+', r'\g<1>' + ('true' if versionBeta else 'false') ], ]) parts = [versionMajor, versionMinor, versionPatch, versionAlpha] withcomma = ','.join(parts) withdot = '.'.join(parts) rcReplaces = [ [ r'(FILEVERSION\s+)\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+', r'\g<1>' + withcomma ], [ r'(PRODUCTVERSION\s+)\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+', r'\g<1>' + withcomma ], [ r'("FileVersion",\s+)"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"', r'\g<1>"' + withdot + '"' ], [ r'("ProductVersion",\s+)"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"', r'\g<1>"' + withdot + '"' ], ] print('Patching Telegram.rc...') replaceInFile(scriptPath + '/../Resources/winrc/Telegram.rc', rcReplaces) print('Patching Updater.rc...') replaceInFile(scriptPath + '/../Resources/winrc/Updater.rc', rcReplaces) print('Patching appxmanifest.xml...') replaceInFile(scriptPath + '/../Resources/uwp/AppX/AppxManifest.xml', [ [ r'( Version=)"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"', r'\g<1>"' + withdot + '"' ], ])