H. Peter Anvin 93548c2de2 rdoff: kill it off
RDOFF has been deprecated as it has unfixable problems, and has been
announced that it will be killed off in NASM 2.16.

This deletes it once and for all.

Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <>
2022-11-07 16:49:13 -08:00

379 lines
12 KiB

# -*- makefile -*-
# Makefile for building NASM using OpenWatcom
# cross-compile on a DOS/Win32/OS2 platform host
top_srcdir = .
srcdir = .
VPATH = $(srcdir)\asm;$(srcdir)\x86;asm;x86;$(srcdir)\macros;macros;$(srcdir)\output;$(srcdir)\lib;$(srcdir)\common;$(srcdir)\stdlib;$(srcdir)\nasmlib;$(srcdir)\disasm
prefix = C:\Program Files\NASM
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
bindir = $(prefix)\bin
mandir = $(prefix)\man
CC = *wcl386
CFLAGS = -zq -6 -ox -wx -wcd=124 -ze -fpi $(DEBUG)
INTERNAL_CFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I. -I$(srcdir)\include -I$(srcdir)\x86 -Ix86 -I$(srcdir)\asm -Iasm -I$(srcdir)\disasm -I$(srcdir)\output
LD = *wlink
STRIP = wstrip
PERL = perl
PERLFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)\perllib -I$(srcdir)
MAKENSIS = makensis
# Binary suffixes
O = obj
X = .exe
# WMAKE errors out if a suffix is declared more than once, including
# its own built-in declarations. Thus, we need to explicitly clear the list
# first. Also, WMAKE only allows implicit rules that point "to the left"
# in this list!
.SUFFIXES: .man .1 .$(O) .i .c
# Needed to find C files anywhere but in the current directory
.c : $(VPATH)
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) -fo=$^@ $[@
#-- Begin File Lists --#
# Edit in, not here!
NASM = asm\nasm.$(O)
NDISASM = disasm\ndisasm.$(O)
PROGS = nasm$(X) ndisasm$(X)
LIBOBJ_NW = stdlib\snprintf.$(O) stdlib\vsnprintf.$(O) stdlib\strlcpy.$(O) &
stdlib\strnlen.$(O) stdlib\strrchrnul.$(O) &
nasmlib\ver.$(O) &
nasmlib\alloc.$(O) nasmlib\asprintf.$(O) nasmlib\errfile.$(O) &
nasmlib\crc32.$(O) nasmlib\crc64.$(O) nasmlib\md5c.$(O) &
nasmlib\string.$(O) nasmlib\nctype.$(O) &
nasmlib\file.$(O) nasmlib\mmap.$(O) nasmlib\ilog2.$(O) &
nasmlib\realpath.$(O) nasmlib\path.$(O) &
nasmlib\filename.$(O) nasmlib\rlimit.$(O) &
nasmlib\zerobuf.$(O) nasmlib\readnum.$(O) nasmlib\bsi.$(O) &
nasmlib\rbtree.$(O) nasmlib\hashtbl.$(O) &
nasmlib\raa.$(O) nasmlib\saa.$(O) &
nasmlib\strlist.$(O) &
nasmlib\perfhash.$(O) nasmlib\badenum.$(O) &
common\common.$(O) &
x86\insnsa.$(O) x86\insnsb.$(O) x86\insnsd.$(O) x86\insnsn.$(O) &
x86\regs.$(O) x86\regvals.$(O) x86\regflags.$(O) x86\regdis.$(O) &
x86\disp8.$(O) x86\iflag.$(O) &
asm\error.$(O) &
asm\floats.$(O) &
asm\directiv.$(O) asm\directbl.$(O) &
asm\pragma.$(O) &
asm\assemble.$(O) asm\labels.$(O) asm\parser.$(O) &
asm\preproc.$(O) asm\quote.$(O) asm\pptok.$(O) &
asm\listing.$(O) asm\eval.$(O) asm\exprlib.$(O) asm\exprdump.$(O) &
asm\stdscan.$(O) &
asm\strfunc.$(O) asm\tokhash.$(O) &
asm\segalloc.$(O) &
asm\rdstrnum.$(O) &
asm\srcfile.$(O) &
macros\macros.$(O) &
output\outform.$(O) output\outlib.$(O) output\legacy.$(O) &
output\nulldbg.$(O) output\nullout.$(O) &
output\outbin.$(O) output\outaout.$(O) output\outcoff.$(O) &
output\outelf.$(O) &
output\outobj.$(O) output\outas86.$(O) &
output\outdbg.$(O) output\outieee.$(O) output\outmacho.$(O) &
output\codeview.$(O) &
disasm\disasm.$(O) disasm\sync.$(O)
# Warnings depend on all source files, so handle them separately
WARNOBJ = asm\warnings.$(O)
SUBDIRS = stdlib nasmlib output asm disasm x86 common macros
XSUBDIRS = test doc nsis
DEPDIRS = . include config x86 $(SUBDIRS)
#-- End File Lists --#
@echo Please build "dos", "win32", "os2" or "linux386"
@set TARGET_LFLAGS=sys causeway
@%make all
win32: .SYMBOLIC
@set TARGET_CFLAGS=-bt=NT -I"$(%WATCOM)\h" -I"$(%WATCOM)\h\nt"
@set TARGET_LFLAGS=sys nt
@%make all
@set TARGET_CFLAGS=-bt=OS2 -I"$(%WATCOM)\h" -I"$(%WATCOM)\h\os2"
@set TARGET_LFLAGS=sys os2v2
@%make all
linux386: .SYMBOLIC
@set TARGET_LFLAGS=sys linux
@%make all
all: perlreq nasm$(X) ndisasm$(X) .SYMBOLIC
# cd rdoff && $(MAKE) all
NASMLIB = nasm.lib
nasm$(X): $(NASM) $(NASMLIB)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) name nasm$(X) libr {$(NASMLIB) $(LIBS)} file {$(NASM)}
ndisasm$(X): $(NDISASM) $(LIBOBJ)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) name ndisasm$(X) libr {$(NASMLIB) $(LIBS)} file {$(NDISASM)}
nasm.lib: $(LIBOBJ)
wlib -q -b -n $@ $(LIBOBJ)
#-- Begin Generated File Rules --#
# Edit in, not here!
# These source files are automagically generated from data files using
# Perl scripts. They're distributed, though, so it isn't necessary to
# have Perl just to recompile NASM from the distribution.
# Perl-generated source files
PERLREQ = config\unconfig.h &
x86\insnsb.c x86\insnsa.c x86\insnsd.c x86\insnsi.h x86\insnsn.c &
x86\regs.c x86\regs.h x86\regflags.c x86\regdis.c x86\regdis.h &
x86\regvals.c asm\tokhash.c asm\tokens.h asm\pptok.h asm\pptok.c &
x86\iflag.c x86\iflaggen.h &
macros\macros.c &
asm\ asm\directbl.c asm\directiv.h &
asm\warnings.c include\warnings.h doc\warnings.src &
version.h version.mac version.mak nsis\version.nsh
INSDEP = x86\insns.dat x86\ x86\ x86\
config\unconfig.h: config\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\tools\ &
'$(srcdir)' config\ config\unconfig.h
x86\iflag.c: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -fc &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\iflag.c
x86\iflaggen.h: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -fh &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\iflaggen.h
x86\insnsb.c: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -b &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\insnsb.c
x86\insnsa.c: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -a &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\insnsa.c
x86\insnsd.c: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -d &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\insnsd.c
x86\insnsi.h: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -i &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\insnsi.h
x86\insnsn.c: $(INSDEP)
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ -n &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat x86\insnsn.c
# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
# the version number.
version.h: version
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\ h < $(srcdir)\version > version.h
version.mac: version
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\ mac < $(srcdir)\version > version.mac
version.sed: version
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\ sed < $(srcdir)\version > version.sed
version.mak: version
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\ make < $(srcdir)\version > version.mak
nsis\version.nsh: version
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\ nsis < $(srcdir)\version > nsis\version.nsh
# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
# standard distribution.
macros\macros.c: macros\ asm\ version.mac &
$(srcdir)\macros\*.mac $(srcdir)\output\*.mac
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\macros\ version.mac &
$(srcdir)\macros\*.mac $(srcdir)\output\*.mac
# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
# perl script.
x86\regs.c: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ c &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regs.c
x86\regflags.c: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ fc &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regflags.c
x86\regdis.c: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ dc &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regdis.c
x86\regdis.h: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ dh &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regdis.h
x86\regvals.c: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ vc &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regvals.c
x86\regs.h: x86\regs.dat x86\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\x86\ h &
$(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat > x86\regs.h
# Extract warnings from source code. This is done automatically if any
# C files have changed; the script is fast enough that that is
# reasonable, but doesn't update the time stamp if the files aren't
# changed, to avoid rebuilding everything every time. Track the actual
# dependency by the empty file asm\warnings.time.
WARNFILES = asm\warnings.c include\warnings.h doc\warnings.src
$(MAKE) asm\warnings.time
asm\warnings.time: $(ALLOBJ_NW:.$(O)=.c)
: > asm\warnings.time
$(MAKE) $(WARNFILES:=.time)
asm\warnings.c.time: asm\ asm\warnings.time
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ c asm\warnings.c $(srcdir)
: > asm\warnings.c.time
asm\warnings.c: asm\warnings.c.time
@: Side effect
include\warnings.h.time: asm\ asm\warnings.time
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ h include\warnings.h $(srcdir)
: > include\warnings.h.time
include\warnings.h: include\warnings.h.time
@: Side effect
doc\warnings.src.time: asm\ asm\warnings.time
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ doc doc\warnings.src $(srcdir)
: > doc\warnings.src.time
doc\warnings.src : doc\warnings.src.time
@: Side effect
# Assembler token hash
asm\tokhash.c: x86\insns.dat x86\regs.dat asm\tokens.dat asm\ &
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ c &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat $(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat &
$(srcdir)\asm\tokens.dat > asm\tokhash.c
# Assembler token metadata
asm\tokens.h: x86\insns.dat x86\regs.dat asm\tokens.dat asm\ &
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ h &
$(srcdir)\x86\insns.dat $(srcdir)\x86\regs.dat &
$(srcdir)\asm\tokens.dat > asm\tokens.h
# Preprocessor token hash
asm\pptok.h: asm\pptok.dat asm\ perllib\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ h &
$(srcdir)\asm\pptok.dat asm\pptok.h
asm\pptok.c: asm\pptok.dat asm\ perllib\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ c &
$(srcdir)\asm\pptok.dat asm\pptok.c
asm\ asm\pptok.dat asm\ perllib\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\asm\ ph &
$(srcdir)\asm\pptok.dat asm\
# Directives hash
asm\directiv.h: asm\directiv.dat nasmlib\ perllib\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\nasmlib\ h &
$(srcdir)\asm\directiv.dat asm\directiv.h
asm\directbl.c: asm\directiv.dat nasmlib\ perllib\
$(RUNPERL) $(srcdir)\nasmlib\ c &
$(srcdir)\asm\directiv.dat asm\directbl.c
#-- End Generated File Rules --#
#-- Begin NSIS Rules --#
# Edit in, not here!
nsis\arch.nsh: nsis\ nasm$(X)
$(PERL) $(srcdir)\nsis\ nasm$(X) > nsis\arch.nsh
# Should only be done after "make everything".
# The use of redirection here keeps makensis from moving the cwd to the
# source directory.
nsis: nsis\nasm.nsi nsis\arch.nsh nsis\version.nsh
$(MAKENSIS) -Dsrcdir="$(srcdir)" -Dobjdir="$(objdir)" - < nsis\nasm.nsi
#-- End NSIS Rules --#
clean: .SYMBOLIC
rm -f *.$(O) *.s *.i
rm -f asm\*.$(O) asm\*.s asm\*.i
rm -f x86\*.$(O) x86\*.s x86\*.i
rm -f lib\*.$(O) lib\*.s lib\*.i
rm -f macros\*.$(O) macros\*.s macros\*.i
rm -f output\*.$(O) output\*.s output\*.i
rm -f common\*.$(O) common\*.s common\*.i
rm -f stdlib\*.$(O) stdlib\*.s stdlib\*.i
rm -f nasmlib\*.$(O) nasmlib\*.s nasmlib\*.i
rm -f disasm\*.$(O) disasm\*.s disasm\*.i
rm -f config.h config.log config.status
rm -f nasm$(X) ndisasm$(X) $(NASMLIB)
distclean: clean .SYMBOLIC
rm -f config.h config.log config.status
rm -f Makefile *~ *.bak *.lst *.bin
rm -f output\*~ output\*.bak
rm -f test\*.lst test\*.bin test\*.$(O) test\*.bin
cleaner: clean .SYMBOLIC
rm -f $(PERLREQ)
rm -f *.man
rm -f nasm.spec
# cd doc && $(MAKE) clean
spotless: distclean cleaner .SYMBOLIC
rm -f doc\Makefile doc\*~ doc\*.bak
strip: .SYMBOLIC
$(STRIP) *.exe
# cd doc && $(MAKE) all
everything: all doc
# This build dependencies in *ALL* makefiles. Partially for that reason,
# it's expected to be invoked manually.
alldeps: perlreq .SYMBOLIC
$(PERL) Mkfiles\openwcom.mak
$(PERL) -M Mkfiles\openwcom.mak -- . output lib
#-- Magic hints to --#
# @object-ending: ".$(O)"
# @path-separator: "\"
# @exclude: "config/config.h"
# @continuation: "&"
#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#