H. Peter Anvin 93c7aa2302 test/elf64so.asm: demonstrate a case where we bind to the wrong symbol
Show an artificial case where we bind to the wrong symbol, due to the
confusion in the output system between the size of relative symbols
and their position.

Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <>
2008-10-17 23:14:53 -07:00

118 lines
3.4 KiB

; test source file for assembling to ELF64 shared library
; build with:
; nasm -f elf64 elf64so.asm
; ld -shared -o elf64so.o
; test with:
; gcc -o elf64so elftest64.c ./
; ./elf64so
; This file should test the following:
; [1] Define and export a global text-section symbol
; [2] Define and export a global data-section symbol
; [3] Define and export a global BSS-section symbol
; [4] Define a non-global text-section symbol
; [5] Define a non-global data-section symbol
; [6] Define a non-global BSS-section symbol
; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
; [8] Define a NASM local label
; [9] Reference a NASM local label
; [10] Import an external symbol
; [11] Make a PC-relative call to an external symbol
; [12] Reference a text-section symbol in the text section
; [13] Reference a data-section symbol in the text section
; [14] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the text section
; [15] Reference a text-section symbol in the data section
; [16] Reference a data-section symbol in the data section
; [17] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the data section
GLOBAL lrotate:function ; [1]
GLOBAL greet_s:function ; [1]
GLOBAL greet_m:function ; [1]
GLOBAL asmstr:data asmstr.end-asmstr ; [2]
GLOBAL textptr:data 8 ; [2]
GLOBAL selfptr:data 8 ; [2]
GLOBAL useless:data 8 ; [3]
GLOBAL integer:data 8 ; [3]
EXTERN printf ; [10]
COMMON commvar 8:8 ; [7]
; prototype: long lrotate(long x, int num);
lrotate: ; [1]
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
mov rax,rdi
mov rcx,rsi
.label rol rax,1 ; [4] [8]
loop .label ; [9] [12]
mov rsp,rbp
pop rbp
;; prototype: void greet_*(void);
;; Arguments are: rdi - rsi - rdx - rcx - r8 - r9
;; Registers: rbx, rbp, r12-r15 are saved
;; greet_s() is Small PIC model, greet_m() is Medium PIC model
;; (Large model cannot be linked with other code)
;; This instruction is useless, this is only a test...
cmp qword [rel integer wrt],0
mov rax,[rel commvar wrt] ; &commvar
mov rcx,[rax] ; commvar
mov rax,[rel integer wrt] ; &integer
mov rsi,[rax]
lea rdx,[rsi+1]
mov [rel localint],rdx ; localint = integer+1
mov rax,[rel localptr] ; localptr
mov rdx,[rax] ; *localptr = localint
lea rdi,[rel printfstr]
xor eax,eax ; No fp arguments
jmp printf wrt ..plt ; [10]
push r15 ; Used by convention...
lea r15,[rel _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_]
mov rax,[rel commvar wrt] ; &commvar
mov rcx,[rax] ; commvar
mov rax,[rel integer wrt] ; &integer
mov rsi,[rax]
lea rdx,[rsi+1]
mov rax,localint wrt ..gotoff ; &localint - r15
mov [rax+r15],rdx ; localint = integer+1
mov rax,localptr wrt ..gotoff ; &localptr - r15
mov rax,[rax+r15] ; localptr
mov rdx,[rax] ; *localptr = localint
mov rdi,printfstr wrt ..gotoff ; &printfstr - r15
add rdi,r15 ; &printfstr
xor eax,eax ; No fp arguments
pop r15
jmp printf wrt ..plt ; [10]
; a string
asmstr db 'hello, world', 0 ; [2]
; a string for Printf
printfstr db "integer=%ld, localint=%ld, commvar=%ld", 10, 0
; some pointers
localptr dq localint ; [5] [17]
textptr dq greet_s wrt ..sym ; [15]
selfptr dq selfptr wrt ..sym ; [16]
; a useless symbol
useless resq 1
; an integer
integer resq 1 ; [3]
; a local integer
localint resq 1 ; [6]