#!/usr/bin/perl ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Copyright 1996-2024 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved ## See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for ## the specific copyright holders. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following ## conditions are met: ## ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ## copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ## disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ## with the distribution. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND ## CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ## INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ## DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ## NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ## LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ## HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ## CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ## OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ## EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Script to create Makefile-style dependencies. # # Usage: # perl mkdep.pl [-i][-e][-m makefile]...[-M makefile... --] dir... # use strict; use integer; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Temp; use Fcntl; my $barrier = "#-- Everything below is generated by mkdep.pl - do not edit --#\n"; # This converts from filenames to full pathnames for our dependencies # These are arrays of [full path, Makefile path] my %dep_path = (); # List of files that cannot be found; these *must* be excluded my @must_exclude = (); # # Variables derived from the command line # my %deps; my %excludes; my @files; my @mkfiles; my $mkmode = 0; my @searchdirs = (File::Spec->curdir()); my %searchdirs = (File::Spec->curdir() => 1); my $force_inline = 0; my $externalize = 0; my $debug = 0; # # Scan files for dependencies # $path is the full filesystem path, $file Makefile name # sub scandeps { my($path, $file) = @_; my $line; my %xdeps; my %mdeps; print STDERR "mkdep: scanning file: $path\n" if ( $debug ); my $fh; if (!open($fh, '<', $path)) { print STDERR " -> missing, assume generated\n" if ( $debug ); return; } while ( defined($line = <$fh>) ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s:/\*.*\*/::g; $line =~ s://.*$::; if ( $line =~ /^\s*\#\s*include\s+\"(.*)\"\s*$/ ) { my $nf = $1; my $dp = $dep_path{$nf}; if (!defined($dp)) { push(@must_exclude, $nf); print STDERR " -> $nf [missing]\n" if ( $debug ); next; } my $dn = $dp->[1]; $mdeps{$dn}++; $xdeps{$dn} = $dp unless ( defined($deps{$dn}) ); printf STDERR " -> %s (%s)\n", $nf, $dn if ( $debug ); } } close($fh); $deps{$file} = [keys(%mdeps)]; foreach my $xf ( keys(%xdeps) ) { scandeps(@{$xdeps{$xf}}); } } # %deps contains direct dependencies. This subroutine resolves # indirect dependencies that result. sub _alldeps($$$) { my($file, $level, $adeps) = @_; return if ($adeps->{$file}); printf STDERR " %s-> %s\n", (' ' x $level), $file; $adeps->{$file}++; foreach my $dep ( @{$deps{$file}} ) { _alldeps($dep, $level+1, $adeps); } } sub alldeps($) { my($file) = @_; my %adeps; _alldeps($file, 1, \%adeps); return sort(keys(%adeps)); } # This converts a filename from host syntax to target syntax # This almost certainly works only on relative filenames... sub convert_file($$) { my($file,$sep) = @_; if ($file eq '' || $file eq File::Spec->curdir() || $file eq File::Spec->rootdir()) { return undef; } my @fspec = (basename($file)); while ( ($file = dirname($file)) ne File::Spec->curdir() && $file ne File::Spec->rootdir() ) { unshift(@fspec, basename($file)); } if ( $sep eq '' ) { # This means kill path completely. Used with Makes who do # path searches, but doesn't handle output files in subdirectories, # like OpenWatcom WMAKE. return $fspec[scalar(@fspec)-1]; } else { return join($sep, @fspec); } } # # Insert dependencies into a Makefile # sub insert_deps($) { my($file) = @_; open(my $in, '<', $file) or die "$0: Cannot open input: $file\n"; my ($line, $parm, $val); my $obj = '.o'; # Defaults my $sep = '/'; my $cont = "\\"; my $include_command = undef; my $selfrule = 0; my $maxline = 78; # Seems like a reasonable default my %exclude = (); # Don't exclude anything my @genhdrs = (); my $external = undef; my $raw_output = 0; my @outfile = (); my $is_external = 0; while ( defined($line = <$in>) ) { if ( $line =~ /^([^\s\#\$\:]+\.h):/ ) { # Note: we trust the first Makefile given best my $fpath = $1; my $fbase = basename($fpath); if (!defined($dep_path{$fbase})) { $dep_path{$fbase} = [$fpath, $fpath]; print STDERR "Makefile: $fbase -> $fpath\n"; } } elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\#\s*@([a-z0-9-]+):\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/ ) { $parm = $1; $val = $2; if ( $parm eq 'object-ending' ) { $obj = $val; } elsif ( $parm eq 'path-separator' ) { $sep = $val; } elsif ( $parm eq 'line-width' ) { $maxline = $val+0; } elsif ( $parm eq 'continuation' ) { $cont = $val; } elsif ( $parm eq 'exclude' ) { $excludes{$val}++; } elsif ( $parm eq 'include-command' ) { $include_command = $val; } elsif ( $parm eq 'external' ) { # Keep dependencies in an external file $external = $val; } elsif ( $parm eq 'selfrule' ) { $selfrule = !!$val; } } elsif ( $line =~ /^(\s*\#?\s*EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES\s*=\s*)([01])\s*$/ ) { # If this line is not present, we cannot externalize $is_external = $externalize ? 1 : $force_inline ? 0 : $2+0; $line = $1.$is_external."\n"; } elsif ( $line eq $barrier ) { last; # Stop reading at barrier line } push @outfile, $line; } close($in); $is_external = $is_external && defined($external); if ( !$is_external ) { undef $external; $selfrule = 0; } my $out; my $outpath; if ( !$is_external || $externalize ) { $out = File::Temp->new(DIR => dirname($outpath = $file)); print $out @outfile; } else { $out = File::Temp->new(DIR => dirname($outpath = $external)); } print $out $barrier; if ( $externalize ) { # Just strip internal file dependency information if (defined($include_command)) { print $out "$include_command $external\n"; } unlink($external); } else { my $e; foreach my $dfile ($external, sort(keys(%deps)) ) { my $ofile; my @deps; next unless (defined($dfile)); if ( $selfrule && $dfile eq $external ) { $ofile = convert_file($dfile, $sep).':'; @deps = sort(keys(%deps)); } elsif ( $dfile =~ /^(.*)\.[Cc]$/ ) { $ofile = convert_file($1, $sep).$obj.':'; print STDERR "mkdep: dependencies for: $dfile\n"; @deps = alldeps($dfile); } if (defined($ofile)) { my $len = length($ofile); print $out $ofile; foreach my $dep (@deps) { unless ($excludes{$dep}) { my $str = convert_file($dep, $sep); my $sl = length($str)+1; if ( $len+$sl > $maxline-2 ) { print $out ' ', $cont, "\n ", $str; $len = $sl; } else { print $out ' ', $str; $len += $sl; } } } print $out "\n"; } } } close($out); move($out->filename, $outpath); } # # Main program # while ( defined(my $arg = shift(@ARGV)) ) { if ( $arg eq '-m' ) { $arg = shift(@ARGV); push(@mkfiles, $arg); } elsif ( $arg eq '-s' ) { $arg = shift(@ARGV); push(@searchdirs, $arg); } elsif ( $arg eq '-i' ) { $force_inline = 1; } elsif ( $arg eq '-e' ) { $externalize = 1; } elsif ( $arg eq '-d' ) { $debug++; } elsif ( $arg eq '-M' ) { $mkmode = 1; # Further filenames are output Makefile names } elsif ( $arg eq '--' && $mkmode ) { $mkmode = 0; } elsif ( $arg =~ /^-/ ) { die "Unknown option: $arg\n"; } else { if ( $mkmode ) { push(@mkfiles, $arg); } else { push(@files, $arg); } } } sub mycatdir($$) { my($a,$b) = @_; return $b if ($a eq File::Spec->curdir()); return $a if ($b eq File::Spec->curdir()); return File::Spec->catdir($a,$b); } sub mycatfile($$) { my($d,$f) = @_; return $f if ($d eq File::Spec->curdir()); return File::Spec->catfile($d,$f); } my @cfiles = (); my $err = 0; my %scanned; foreach my $fdir ( @files ) { my $found = 0; foreach my $sdir ( @searchdirs ) { my $dir = mycatdir($sdir, $fdir); if ($scanned{$dir}) { # Have already been here $found = 1; next; } print STDERR "mkdep: scanning directory $dir\n" if ( $debug ); opendir(DIR, $dir) or next; $scanned{$dir}++; $found++; while ( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) { # $fdir is correct here, because we expect VPATH to do # its job, and the output filename depends on that, not # on the full source dir path. my $path = mycatfile($fdir, $file); my $fullpath = mycatfile($dir, $file); if ( $file =~ /\.[Cc]$/ ) { push(@cfiles, [$fullpath, $path]); } elsif ( $file =~ /\.[Hh]$/ ) { print STDERR "mkdep: filesystem: $file -> $path\n" if ( $debug ); if (defined($dep_path{$file})) { print STDERR "mkdep: warning: more than one instance of filename $file!\n"; } $dep_path{$file} = [$fullpath, $path]; $dep_path{$path} = [$fullpath, $path]; } } closedir(DIR); } if (!$found) { print STDERR "$0: cannot find directory: $fdir\n"; $err++; } } exit(1) if ($err); foreach my $cfile ( @cfiles ) { scandeps(@$cfile); } foreach my $mkfile ( @mkfiles ) { insert_deps($mkfile); }