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This commit is contained in:
Debbie Wiles 2002-05-10 20:59:11 +00:00
parent 22e5dda13d
commit 6b2ea2eb8d

View file

@ -1529,11 +1529,18 @@ label, which means that it is associated with the previous non-local
label. So, for example:
\c label1 ; some code
\c .loop ; some more code
\c .loop
\c ; some more code
\c jne .loop
\c ret
\c label2 ; some code
\c .loop ; some more code
\c .loop
\c ; some more code
\c jne .loop
\c ret
@ -1553,6 +1560,7 @@ to, you could write
\c label3 ; some more code
\c ; and some more
\c jmp label1.loop
Sometimes it is useful - in a macro, for instance - to be able to
@ -1571,6 +1579,7 @@ to the local label mechanism. So you could code
\c ..@foo: ; this is a special symbol
\c label2: ; another non-local label
\c .local: ; this is really label2.local
\c jmp ..@foo ; this will jump three lines up
NASM has the capacity to define other special symbols beginning with
@ -1604,6 +1613,7 @@ things like
\c %define ctrl 0x1F &
\c %define param(a,b) ((a)+(a)*(b))
\c mov byte [param(2,ebx)], ctrl 'D'
which will expand to
@ -1616,6 +1626,7 @@ not at definition time. Thus the code
\c %define a(x) 1+b(x)
\c %define b(x) 2*x
\c mov ax,a(8)
will evaluate in the expected way to \c{mov ax,1+2*8}, even though
@ -1636,6 +1647,7 @@ preprocessor will only expand the first occurrence of the macro.
Hence, if you code
\c %define a(x) 1+a(x)
\c mov ax,a(3)
the macro \c{a(3)} will expand once, becoming \c{1+a(3)}, and will
@ -1721,6 +1733,7 @@ example, the following sequence:
\c %define foo bar
\c %undef foo
\c mov eax, foo
will expand to the instruction \c{mov eax, foo}, since after
@ -1813,9 +1826,11 @@ and TASM: a multi-line macro definition in NASM looks something like
\c %macro prologue 1
\c push ebp
\c mov ebp,esp
\c sub esp,%1
\c %endmacro
This defines a C-like function prologue as a macro: so you would
@ -1845,8 +1860,11 @@ in \I{braces, around macro parameters}braces. So you could code
things like
\c %macro silly 2
\c %2: db %1
\c %endmacro
\c silly 'a', letter_a ; letter_a: db 'a'
\c silly 'ab', string_ab ; string_ab: db 'ab'
\c silly {13,10}, crlf ; crlf: db 13,10
@ -1860,8 +1878,10 @@ parameters. This time, no exception is made for macros with no
parameters at all. So you could define
\c %macro prologue 0
\c push ebp
\c mov ebp,esp
\c %endmacro
to define an alternative form of the function prologue which
@ -1871,8 +1891,10 @@ Sometimes, however, you might want to `overload' a machine
instruction; for example, you might want to define
\c %macro push 2
\c push %1
\c push %2
\c %endmacro
so that you could code
@ -1898,9 +1920,11 @@ you can invent an instruction which executes a \c{RET} if the \c{Z}
flag is set by doing this:
\c %macro retz 0
\c jnz %%skip
\c ret
\c %%skip:
\c %endmacro
You can call this macro as many times as you want, and every time
@ -1931,13 +1955,16 @@ the last defined one along with the separating commas. So if you
\c %macro writefile 2+
\c jmp %%endstr
\c %%str: db %2
\c %%endstr: mov dx,%%str
\c %%endstr:
\c mov dx,%%str
\c mov cx,%%endstr-%%str
\c mov bx,%1
\c mov ah,0x40
\c int 0x21
\c %endmacro
then the example call to \c{writefile} above will work as expected:
@ -1979,9 +2006,11 @@ of allowable parameter counts. If you do this, you can specify
defaults for \i{omitted parameters}. So, for example:
\c %macro die 0-1 "Painful program death has occurred."
\c writefile 2,%1
\c mov ax,0x4c01
\c int 0x21
\c %endmacro
This macro (which makes use of the \c{writefile} macro defined in
@ -2051,10 +2080,12 @@ parameters are rotated to the right.
restore a set of registers might work as follows:
\c %macro multipush 1-*
\c %rep %0
\c push %1
\c %rotate 1
\c %endrep
\c %endmacro
This macro invokes the \c{PUSH} instruction on each of its arguments
@ -2080,10 +2111,12 @@ order from the one in which they were pushed.
This can be done by the following definition:
\c %macro multipop 1-*
\c %rep %0
\c %rotate -1
\c pop %1
\c %endrep
\c %endmacro
This macro begins by rotating its arguments one place to the
@ -2102,9 +2135,12 @@ table of key codes along with offsets into the table, you could code
something like
\c %macro keytab_entry 2
\c keypos%1 equ $-keytab
\c db %2
\c %endmacro
\c keytab:
\c keytab_entry F1,128+1
\c keytab_entry F2,128+2
@ -2159,9 +2195,11 @@ condition code. So the \c{retz} macro defined in \k{maclocal} can be
replaced by a general \i{conditional-return macro} like this:
\c %macro retc 1
\c j%-1 %%skip
\c ret
\c %%skip:
\c %endmacro
This macro can now be invoked using calls like \c{retc ne}, which
@ -2239,6 +2277,42 @@ definitions in \c{%elif} blocks by using \i\c{%elifdef} and
\S{ifmacro} \i\c{ifmacro}: \i{Testing Multi-Line Macro Existence}
The \c{%ifmacro} directive oeprates in the same way as the \c{%ifdef}
directive, except that it checks for the existence of a multi-line macro.
For example, you may be working with a large project and not have control
over the macros in a library. You may want to create a macro with one
name if it doesn't already exist, and another name if one with that name
does exist.
The %ifmacro is considered true if defining a macro with the given name
and number of arguements would cause a definitions conflict. For example:
\c %ifmacro MyMacro 1-3
\c %error "MyMacro 1-3" causes a conflict with an existing macro.
\c %else
\c %macro MyMacro 1-3
\c ; insert code to define the macro
\c %endmacro
\c %endif
This will create the macro "MyMacro 1-3" if no macro already exists which
would conflict with it, and emits a warning if there would be a definition
You can test for the macro not existing by using the \i\c{ifnmacro} instead
of \c{ifmacro}. Additional tests can be performed in %elif blocks by using
\i\c{elifmacro} and \i\c{elifnmacro}.
\S{ifctx} \i\c{%ifctx}: \i{Testing the Context Stack}
The conditional-assembly construct \c{%ifctx ctxname} will cause the
@ -2292,12 +2366,14 @@ For example, the following macro pushes a register or number on the
stack, and allows you to treat \c{IP} as a real register:
\c %macro pushparam 1
\c %ifidni %1,ip
\c call %%label
\c %%label:
\c %else
\c push %1
\c %endif
\c %endmacro
Like most other \c{%if} constructs, \c{%ifidn} has a counterpart
@ -2325,6 +2401,7 @@ For example, the \c{writefile} macro defined in \k{mlmacgre} can be
extended to take advantage of \c{%ifstr} in the following fashion:
\c %macro writefile 2-3+
\c %ifstr %2
\c jmp %%endstr
\c %if %0 = 3
@ -2341,6 +2418,7 @@ extended to take advantage of \c{%ifstr} in the following fashion:
\c mov bx,%1
\c mov ah,0x40
\c int 0x21
\c %endmacro
Then the \c{writefile} macro can cope with being called in either of
@ -2425,6 +2503,7 @@ terminate the loop, like this:
\c %assign i j
\c %assign j k
\c %endrep
\c fib_number equ ($-fibonacci)/2
This produces a list of all the Fibonacci numbers that will fit in
@ -2514,13 +2593,17 @@ of the context stack. So the \c{REPEAT} and \c{UNTIL} example given
above could be implemented by means of:
\c %macro repeat 0
\c %push repeat
\c %$begin:
\c %endmacro
\c %macro until 1
\c j%-1 %$begin
\c %pop
\c %endmacro
and invoked by means of, for example,
@ -2576,11 +2659,14 @@ including the conditional-assembly construct \i\c{%ifctx}, to
implement a block IF statement as a set of macros.
\c %macro if 1
\c %push if
\c j%-1 %$ifnot
\c %endmacro
\c %macro else 0
\c %ifctx if
\c %repl else
\c jmp %$ifend
@ -2588,9 +2674,11 @@ implement a block IF statement as a set of macros.
\c %else
\c %error "expected `if' before `else'"
\c %endif
\c %endmacro
\c %macro endif 0
\c %ifctx if
\c %$ifnot:
\c %pop
@ -2600,6 +2688,7 @@ implement a block IF statement as a set of macros.
\c %else
\c %error "expected `if' or `else' before `endif'"
\c %endif
\c %endmacro
This code is more robust than the \c{REPEAT} and \c{UNTIL} macros
@ -2623,18 +2712,23 @@ intervening \c{else}. It does this by the use of \c{%repl}.
A sample usage of these macros might look like:
\c cmp ax,bx
\c if ae
\c cmp bx,cx
\c if ae
\c mov ax,cx
\c else
\c mov ax,bx
\c endif
\c else
\c cmp ax,cx
\c if ae
\c mov ax,cx
\c endif
\c endif
The block-\c{IF} macros handle nesting quite happily, by means of
@ -2685,10 +2779,12 @@ line number in \c{EAX} and outputs something like `line 155: still
here'. You could then write a macro
\c %macro notdeadyet 0
\c push eax
\c mov eax,__LINE__
\c call stillhere
\c pop eax
\c %endmacro
and then pepper your code with calls to \c{notdeadyet} until you
@ -2714,10 +2810,12 @@ For example, to define a structure called \c{mytype} containing a
longword, a word, a byte and a string of bytes, you might code
\c struc mytype
\c mt_long: resd 1
\c mt_word: resw 1
\c mt_byte: resb 1
\c mt_str: resb 32
\c endstruc
The above code defines six symbols: \c{mt_long} as 0 (the offset
@ -2731,10 +2829,12 @@ mechanism: if your structure members tend to have the same names in
more than one structure, you can define the above structure like this:
\c struc mytype
\c .long: resd 1
\c .word: resw 1
\c .byte: resb 1
\c .str: resb 32
\c endstruc
This defines the offsets to the structure fields as \c{mytype.long},
@ -2758,11 +2858,14 @@ segment. NASM provides an easy way to do this in the \c{ISTRUC}
mechanism. To declare a structure of type \c{mytype} in a program,
you code something like this:
\c mystruc: istruc mytype
\c mystruc:
\c istruc mytype
\c at mt_long, dd 123456
\c at mt_word, dw 1024
\c at mt_byte, db 'x'
\c at mt_str, db 'hello, world', 13, 10, 0
\c iend
The function of the \c{AT} macro is to make use of the \c{TIMES}
@ -2823,12 +2926,18 @@ thing.
be used within structure definitions:
\c struc mytype2
\c mt_byte: resb 1
\c mt_byte:
\c resb 1
\c alignb 2
\c mt_word: resw 1
\c mt_word:
\c resw 1
\c alignb 4
\c mt_long: resd 1
\c mt_str: resb 32
\c mt_long:
\c resd 1
\c mt_str:
\c resb 32
\c endstruc
This will ensure that the structure members are sensibly aligned
@ -2868,13 +2977,16 @@ convenient to use and is not TASM compatible. Here is an example
which shows the use of \c{%arg} without any external macros:
\c some_function:
\c %push mycontext ; save the current context
\c %stacksize large ; tell NASM to use bp
\c %arg i:word, j_ptr:word
\c mov ax,[i]
\c mov bx,[j_ptr]
\c add ax,[bx]
\c ret
\c %pop ; restore original context
This is similar to the procedure defined in \k{16cmacro} and adds
@ -2928,10 +3040,12 @@ instruction (see \k{insENTER} for a description of that instruction).
An example of its use is the following:
\c silly_swap:
\c %push mycontext ; save the current context
\c %stacksize small ; tell NASM to use bp
\c %assign %$localsize 0 ; see text for explanation
\c %local old_ax:word, old_dx:word
\c enter %$localsize,0 ; see text for explanation
\c mov [old_ax],ax ; swap ax & bx
\c mov [old_dx],dx ; and swap dx & cx
@ -2941,6 +3055,7 @@ An example of its use is the following:
\c mov cx,[old_dx]
\c leave ; restore old bp
\c ret ;
\c %pop ; restore original context
The \c{%$localsize} variable is used internally by the
@ -3061,15 +3176,20 @@ For example, the \c{writefile} macro defined in \k{mlmacgre} can be
usefully rewritten in the following more sophisticated form:
\c %macro writefile 2+
\c [section .data]
\c %%str: db %2
\c %%endstr:
\c __SECT__
\c mov dx,%%str
\c mov cx,%%endstr-%%str
\c mov bx,%1
\c mov ah,0x40
\c int 0x21
\c %endmacro
This form of the macro, once passed a string to output, first
@ -3095,6 +3215,7 @@ mode are the \c{RESB} family.
\c{ABSOLUTE} is used as follows:
\c absolute 0x1A
\c kbuf_chr resw 1
\c kbuf_free resw 1
\c kbuf resw 16
@ -3115,12 +3236,18 @@ expression}: see \k{crit}) and it can be a value in a segment. For
example, a TSR can re-use its setup code as run-time BSS like this:
\c org 100h ; it's a .COM program
\c jmp setup ; setup code comes last
\c ; the resident part of the TSR goes here
\c setup: ; now write the code that installs the TSR here
\c setup:
\c ; now write the code that installs the TSR here
\c absolute setup
\c runtimevar1 resw 1
\c runtimevar2 resd 20
\c tsr_end:
This defines some variables `on top of' the setup code, so that
@ -3179,7 +3306,8 @@ refer to symbols which \e{are} defined in the same module as the
\c{GLOBAL} directive. For example:
\c global _main
\c _main: ; some code
\c _main:
\c ; some code
\c{GLOBAL}, like \c{EXTERN}, allows object formats to define private
extensions by means of a colon. The \c{elf} object format, for
@ -3205,6 +3333,7 @@ is similar in function to
\c global intvar
\c section .bss
\c intvar resd 1
The difference is that if more than one module defines the same
@ -3246,11 +3375,11 @@ Options are:
\b\c{CPU PENTIUM} Same as 586
\b\c{CPU 686} Pentium Pro instruction set
\b\c{CPU 686} P6 instruction set
\b\c{CPU PPRO} Same as 686
\b\c{CPU P2} Pentium II instruction set
\b\c{CPU P2} Same as 686
\b\c{CPU P3} Pentium III and Katmai instruction sets
@ -3382,9 +3511,13 @@ segment name as a symbol as well, so that you can access the segment
address of the segment. So, for example:
\c segment data
\c dvar: dw 1234
\c segment code
\c function: mov ax,data ; get segment address of data
\c function:
\c mov ax,data ; get segment address of data
\c mov ds,ax ; and move it into DS
\c inc word [dvar] ; now this reference will work
\c ret
@ -3394,6 +3527,7 @@ The \c{obj} format also enables the use of the \i\c{SEG} and
\c extern foo
\c mov ax,seg foo ; get preferred segment of foo
\c mov ds,ax
\c mov ax,data ; a different segment
@ -3473,9 +3607,13 @@ a group. NASM therefore supplies the \c{GROUP} directive, whereby
you can code
\c segment data
\c ; some data
\c segment bss
\c ; some uninitialised data
\c group dgroup data bss
which will define a group called \c{dgroup} to contain the segments
@ -3901,6 +4039,7 @@ symbol, as a numeric expression (which may involve labels, and even
forward references) after the type specifier. Like this:
\c global hashtable:data (hashtable.end - hashtable)
\c hashtable:
\c db this,that,theother ; some data here
\c .end:
@ -3913,8 +4052,8 @@ writing shared library code. For more information, see
\S{elfcomm} \c{elf} Extensions to the \c{COMMON} Directive\I{COMMON,
elf extensions to}
\S{elfcomm} \c{elf} Extensions to the \c{COMMON} Directive
\I{COMMON, elf extensions to}
\c{ELF} also allows you to specify alignment requirements \I{common
variables, alignment in elf}\I{alignment, of elf common variables}on
@ -4175,7 +4314,8 @@ the NASM archives, under the name \c{objexe.asm}.
\c segment code
\c ..start: mov ax,data
\c ..start:
\c mov ax,data
\c mov ds,ax
\c mov ax,stack
\c mov ss,ax
@ -4208,6 +4348,7 @@ full pointer is valid), and call the DOS print-string function.
This terminates the program using another DOS system call.
\c segment data
\c hello: db 'hello, world', 13, 10, '$'
The data segment contains the string we want to display.
@ -4293,11 +4434,18 @@ write a \c{.COM} program, you would create a source file looking
\c org 100h
\c section .text
\c start: ; put your code here
\c start:
\c ; put your code here
\c section .data
\c ; put data items here
\c section .bss
\c ; put uninitialised data here
The \c{bin} format puts the \c{.text} section first in the file, so
@ -4395,13 +4543,17 @@ If you find the underscores inconvenient, you can define macros to
replace the \c{GLOBAL} and \c{EXTERN} directives as follows:
\c %macro cglobal 1
\c global _%1
\c %define %1 _%1
\c %endmacro
\c %macro cextern 1
\c extern _%1
\c %define %1 _%1
\c %endmacro
(These forms of the macros only take one argument at a time; a
@ -4563,11 +4715,15 @@ Thus, you would define a function in C style in the following way.
The following example is for small model:
\c global _myfunc
\c _myfunc: push bp
\c _myfunc:
\c push bp
\c mov bp,sp
\c sub sp,0x40 ; 64 bytes of local stack space
\c mov bx,[bp+4] ; first parameter to function
\c ; some more code
\c mov sp,bp ; undo "sub sp,0x40" above
\c pop bp
\c ret
@ -4583,13 +4739,18 @@ At the other end of the process, to call a C function from your
assembly code, you would do something like this:
\c extern _printf
\c ; and then, further down...
\c push word [myint] ; one of my integer variables
\c push word mystring ; pointer into my data segment
\c call _printf
\c add sp,byte 4 ; `byte' saves space
\c ; then those data items...
\c segment _DATA
\c myint dw 1234
\c mystring db 'This number -> %d <- should be 1234',10,0
@ -4632,6 +4793,7 @@ in \k{16cunder}.) Thus, a C variable declared as \c{int i} can be
accessed from assembler as
\c extern _i
\c mov ax,[_i]
And to declare your own integer variable which C programs can access
@ -4639,6 +4801,7 @@ as \c{extern int j}, you do this (making sure you are assembling in
the \c{_DATA} segment, if necessary):
\c global _j
\c _j dw 0
To access a C array, you need to know the size of the components of
@ -4689,11 +4852,13 @@ An example of an assembly function using the macro set is given
\c proc _nearproc
\c %$i arg
\c %$j arg
\c mov ax,[bp + %$i]
\c mov bx,[bp + %$j]
\c add ax,[bx]
\c endproc
This defines \c{_nearproc} to be a procedure taking two arguments,
@ -4723,13 +4888,16 @@ many function parameters will be of type \c{int}.
The large-model equivalent of the above function would look like this:
\c %define FARCODE
\c proc _farproc
\c %$i arg
\c %$j arg 4
\c mov ax,[bp + %$i]
\c mov bx,[bp + %$j]
\c mov es,[bp + %$j + 2]
\c add ax,[bx]
\c endproc
This makes use of the argument to the \c{arg} macro to define a
@ -4830,12 +4998,15 @@ Thus, you would define a function in Pascal style, taking two
\c{Integer}-type parameters, in the following way:
\c global myfunc
\c myfunc: push bp
\c mov bp,sp
\c sub sp,0x40 ; 64 bytes of local stack space
\c mov bx,[bp+8] ; first parameter to function
\c mov bx,[bp+6] ; second parameter to function
\c ; some more code
\c mov sp,bp ; undo "sub sp,0x40" above
\c pop bp
\c retf 4 ; total size of params is 4
@ -4844,7 +5015,9 @@ At the other end of the process, to call a Pascal function from your
assembly code, you would do something like this:
\c extern SomeFunc
\c ; and then, further down...
\c push word seg mystring ; Now push the segment, and...
\c push word mystring ; ... offset of "mystring"
\c push word [myint] ; one of my variables
@ -4893,13 +5066,16 @@ argument offsets; you must declare your function's arguments in
reverse order. For example:
\c %define PASCAL
\c proc _pascalproc
\c %$j arg 4
\c %$i arg
\c mov ax,[bp + %$i]
\c mov bx,[bp + %$j]
\c mov es,[bp + %$j + 2]
\c add ax,[bx]
\c endproc
This defines the same routine, conceptually, as the example in
@ -5027,11 +5203,15 @@ still pushed in right-to-left order.
Thus, you would define a function in C style in the following way:
\c global _myfunc
\c _myfunc: push ebp
\c _myfunc:
\c push ebp
\c mov ebp,esp
\c sub esp,0x40 ; 64 bytes of local stack space
\c mov ebx,[ebp+8] ; first parameter to function
\c ; some more code
\c leave ; mov esp,ebp / pop ebp
\c ret
@ -5039,13 +5219,18 @@ At the other end of the process, to call a C function from your
assembly code, you would do something like this:
\c extern _printf
\c ; and then, further down...
\c push dword [myint] ; one of my integer variables
\c push dword mystring ; pointer into my data segment
\c call _printf
\c add esp,byte 8 ; `byte' saves space
\c ; then those data items...
\c segment _DATA
\c myint dd 1234
\c mystring db 'This number -> %d <- should be 1234',10,0
@ -5119,11 +5304,13 @@ An example of an assembly function using the macro set is given
\c proc _proc32
\c %$i arg
\c %$j arg
\c mov eax,[ebp + %$i]
\c mov ebx,[ebp + %$j]
\c add eax,[ebx]
\c endproc
This defines \c{_proc32} to be a procedure taking two arguments, the
@ -5200,9 +5387,12 @@ in this form:
\c mov ebp,esp
\c push ebx
\c call .get_GOT
\c .get_GOT: pop ebx
\c .get_GOT:
\c pop ebx
\c add ebx,_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+$$-.get_GOT wrt ..gotpc
\c ; the function body comes here
\c mov ebx,[ebp-4]
\c mov esp,ebp
\c pop ebp
@ -5239,9 +5429,12 @@ obtain the address of the GOT by any other means, so you can put
those three instructions into a macro and safely ignore them:
\c %macro get_GOT 0
\c call %%getgot
\c %%getgot: pop ebx
\c %%getgot:
\c pop ebx
\c add ebx,_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+$$-%%getgot wrt ..gotpc
\c %endmacro
\S{piclocal} Finding Your Local Data Items
@ -5307,12 +5500,15 @@ declared.
So to export a function to users of the library, you must use
\c global func:function ; declare it as a function
\c func: push ebp
\c ; etc.
And to export a data item such as an array, you would have to code
\c global array:data array.end-array ; give the size too
\c array: resd 128
\c .end:
@ -5610,7 +5806,9 @@ place the \c{0xAA55} signature word at the end of a 512-byte boot
sector, people who are used to MASM tend to code
\c ORG 0
\c ; some boot sector code
\c ORG 510
\c DW 0xAA55
@ -5619,7 +5817,9 @@ will not work. The correct way to solve this problem in NASM is to
use the \i\c{TIMES} directive, like this:
\c ORG 0
\c ; some boot sector code
\c TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
\c DW 0xAA55
@ -6188,45 +6388,45 @@ The instructions that use this will give details of what the various
mnemonics are, this table is used to help you work out details of what
is happening.
Predi- imm8 Description Relation where: Emula- Result if QNaN
cate Encod- A Is 1st Operand tion NaN Signals
ing B Is 2nd Operand Operand Invalid
EQ 000B equal A = B False No
LT 001B less-than A < B False Yes
LE 010B less-than- A <= B False Yes
--- ---- greater A > B Swap False Yes
than Operands,
Use LT
--- ---- greater- A >= B Swap False Yes
than-or-equal Operands,
Use LE
UNORD 011B unordered A, B = Unordered True No
NEQ 100B not-equal A != B True No
NLT 101B not-less- NOT(A < B) True Yes
NLE 110B not-less- NOT(A <= B) True Yes
--- ---- not-greater NOT(A > B) Swap True Yes
than Operands,
--- ---- not-greater NOT(A >= B) Swap True Yes
than- Operands,
or-equal Use NLE
ORD 111B ordered A , B = Ordered False No
\c Predi- imm8 Description Relation where: Emula- Result QNaN
\c cate Encod- A Is 1st Operand tion if NaN Signal
\c ing B Is 2nd Operand Operand Invalid
\c EQ 000B equal A = B False No
\c LT 001B less-than A < B False Yes
\c LE 010B less-than- A <= B False Yes
\c or-equal
\c --- ---- greater A > B Swap False Yes
\c than Operands,
\c Use LT
\c --- ---- greater- A >= B Swap False Yes
\c than-or-equal Operands,
\c Use LE
\c UNORD 011B unordered A, B = Unordered True No
\c NEQ 100B not-equal A != B True No
\c NLT 101B not-less- NOT(A < B) True Yes
\c than
\c NLE 110B not-less- NOT(A <= B) True Yes
\c than-or-
\c equal
\c --- ---- not-greater NOT(A > B) Swap True Yes
\c than Operands,
\c Use NLT
\c --- ---- not-greater NOT(A >= B) Swap True Yes
\c than- Operands,
\c or-equal Use NLE
\c ORD 111B ordered A , B = Ordered False No
The unordered relationship is true when at least one of the two
values being compared is a NaN or in an unsupported format.