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2002-04-30 20:52:08 +00:00
/* preproc.c macro preprocessor for the Netwide Assembler
* The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
* Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
* redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
* distributed in the NASM archive.
* initial version 18/iii/97 by Simon Tatham
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "nasm.h"
#include "nasmlib.h"
typedef struct SMacro SMacro;
typedef struct MMacro MMacro;
typedef struct Context Context;
typedef struct Token Token;
typedef struct Line Line;
typedef struct Include Include;
typedef struct Cond Cond;
* Store the definition of a single-line macro.
struct SMacro {
SMacro *next;
char *name;
int casesense;
int nparam;
int in_progress;
Token *expansion;
* Store the definition of a multi-line macro.
struct MMacro {
MMacro *next;
char *name;
int casesense;
int nparam_min, nparam_max;
int plus; /* is the last parameter greedy? */
int in_progress;
Token **defaults, *dlist;
Line *expansion;
* The context stack is composed of a linked list of these.
struct Context {
Context *next;
SMacro *localmac;
char *name;
unsigned long number;
* This is the internal form which we break input lines up into.
* Typically stored in linked lists.
* TOK_PS_OTHER is a token type used internally within
* expand_smacro(), to denote a token which has already been
* checked for being a potential macro, but may still be a context-
* local label.
* Note that `type' serves a double meaning: TOK_SMAC_PARAM is not
* necessarily used as-is, but is intended to denote the number of
* the substituted parameter. So in the definition
* %define a(x,y) ( (x) & ~(y) )
* the token representing `x' will have its type changed to
* TOK_SMAC_PARAM, but the one representing `y' will be
struct Token {
Token *next;
char *text;
SMacro *mac; /* associated macro for TOK_MAC_END */
int type;
enum {
* Multi-line macro definitions are stored as a linked list of
* these, which is essentially a container to allow several linked
* lists of Tokens.
* Note that in this module, linked lists are treated as stacks
* wherever possible. For this reason, Lines are _pushed_ on to the
* `expansion' field in MMacro structures, so that the linked list,
* if walked, would give the macro lines in reverse order; this
* means that we can walk the list when expanding a macro, and thus
* push the lines on to the `expansion' field in _istk_ in reverse
* order (so that when popped back off they are in the right
* order). It may seem cockeyed, and it relies on my design having
* an even number of steps in, but it works...
* Some of these structures, rather than being actual lines, are
* markers delimiting the end of the expansion of a given macro.
* This is for use in the cycle-tracking code. Such structures have
* `finishes' non-NULL, and `first' NULL. All others have
* `finishes' NULL, but `first' may still be non-NULL if the line
* is blank.
struct Line {
Line *next;
MMacro *finishes;
Token *first;
* To handle an arbitrary level of file inclusion, we maintain a
* stack (ie linked list) of these things.
struct Include {
Include *next;
FILE *fp;
Cond *conds;
Line *expansion;
char *fname;
int lineno, lineinc;
* Conditional assembly: we maintain a separate stack of these for
* each level of file inclusion. (The only reason we keep the
* stacks separate is to ensure that a stray `%endif' in a file
* included from within the true branch of a `%if' won't terminate
* it and cause confusion: instead, rightly, it'll cause an error.)
struct Cond {
Cond *next;
int state;
enum {
* These states are for use just after %if or %elif: IF_TRUE
* means the condition has evaluated to truth so we are
* currently emitting, whereas IF_FALSE means we are not
* currently emitting but will start doing so if a %else comes
* up. In these states, all directives are admissible: %elif,
* %else and %endif. (And of course %if.)
* These states come up after a %else: ELSE_TRUE means we're
* emitting, and ELSE_FALSE means we're not. In ELSE_* states,
* any %elif or %else will cause an error.
* This state means that we're not emitting now, and also that
* nothing until %endif will be emitted at all. It's for use in
* two circumstances: (i) when we've had our moment of emission
* and have now started seeing %elifs, and (ii) when the
* condition construct in question is contained within a
* non-emitting branch of a larger condition construct.
#define emitting(x) ( (x) == COND_IF_TRUE || (x) == COND_ELSE_TRUE )
* Condition codes. Note that we use c_ prefix not C_ because C_ is
* used in nasm.h for the "real" condition codes. At _this_ level,
* we treat CXZ and ECXZ as condition codes, albeit non-invertible
* ones, so we need a different enum...
static char *conditions[] = {
"a", "ae", "b", "be", "c", "cxz", "e", "ecxz", "g", "ge", "l", "le",
"na", "nae", "nb", "nbe", "nc", "ne", "ng", "nge", "nl", "nle", "no",
"np", "ns", "nz", "o", "p", "pe", "po", "s", "z"
enum {
c_A, c_AE, c_B, c_BE, c_C, c_CXZ, c_E, c_ECXZ, c_G, c_GE, c_L, c_LE,
c_NA, c_NAE, c_NB, c_NBE, c_NC, c_NE, c_NG, c_NGE, c_NL, c_NLE, c_NO,
c_NP, c_NS, c_NZ, c_O, c_P, c_PE, c_PO, c_S, c_Z
static int inverse_ccs[] = {
c_NA, c_NAE, c_NB, c_NBE, c_NC, -1, c_NE, -1, c_NG, c_NGE, c_NL, c_NLE,
c_A, c_AE, c_B, c_BE, c_C, c_E, c_G, c_GE, c_L, c_LE, c_O, c_P, c_S,
c_Z, c_NO, c_NP, c_PO, c_PE, c_NS, c_NZ
static Context *cstk;
static Include *istk;
static efunc error;
static unsigned long unique; /* unique identifier numbers */
static char *linesync, *outline;
* The number of hash values we use for the macro lookup tables.
#define NHASH 31
* The current set of multi-line macros we have defined.
static MMacro *mmacros[NHASH];
* The current set of single-line macros we have defined.
static SMacro *smacros[NHASH];
* The multi-line macro we are currently defining, if any.
static MMacro *defining;
* The number of macro parameters to allocate space for at a time.
#define PARAM_DELTA 16
* The standard macro set: defined as `static char *stdmac[]'. Also
* gives our position in the macro set, when we're processing it.
#include "macros.c"
static char **stdmacpos;
* The pre-preprocessing stage... This function has two purposes:
* firstly, it translates line number indications as they emerge
* from GNU cpp (`# lineno "file" flags') into NASM preprocessor
* line number indications (`%line lineno file'), and secondly, it
* converts [INCLUDE] and [INC] old-style inclusion directives into
* the new-style `%include' form (though in the next version it
* won't do that any more).
static char *prepreproc(char *line) {
int lineno, fnlen;
char *fname, *oldline;
if (line[0] == '#' && line[1] == ' ') {
oldline = line;
fname = oldline+2;
lineno = atoi(fname);
fname += strspn(fname, "0123456789 ");
if (*fname == '"')
fnlen = strcspn(fname, "\"");
line = nasm_malloc(20+fnlen);
sprintf(line, "%%line %d %.*s", lineno, fnlen, fname);
nasm_free (oldline);
return line;
} else if (!nasm_strnicmp(line, "[include", 8)) {
oldline = line;
fname = oldline+8;
fname += strspn(fname, " \t");
fnlen = strcspn(fname, "]");
line = nasm_malloc(20+fnlen);
sprintf(line, "%%include \"%.*s\"", fnlen, fname);
error (ERR_WARNING|ERR_OFFBY1, "use of [INCLUDE] is being phased out;"
" suggest `%%include'");
nasm_free (oldline);
return line;
} else if (!nasm_strnicmp(line, "[inc", 4)) {
oldline = line;
fname = oldline+4;
fname += strspn(fname, " \t");
fnlen = strcspn(fname, "]");
line = nasm_malloc(20+fnlen);
sprintf(line, "%%include \"%.*s\"", fnlen, fname);
error (ERR_WARNING|ERR_OFFBY1, "use of [INC] is being phased out;"
" suggest `%%include'");
nasm_free (oldline);
return line;
} else
return line;
* The hash function for macro lookups. Note that due to some
* macros having case-insensitive names, the hash function must be
* invariant under case changes. We implement this by applying a
* perfectly normal hash function to the uppercase of the string.
static int hash(char *s) {
* Powers of three, mod 31.
static const int multipliers[] = {
1, 3, 9, 27, 19, 26, 16, 17, 20, 29, 25, 13, 8, 24, 10,
30, 28, 22, 4, 12, 5, 15, 14, 11, 2, 6, 18, 23, 7, 21
int h = 0;
int i = 0;
while (*s) {
h += multipliers[i] * (unsigned char) (toupper(*s));
if (++i >= sizeof(multipliers)/sizeof(*multipliers))
i = 0;
h %= NHASH;
return h;
* Free a linked list of tokens.
static void free_tlist (Token *list) {
Token *t;
while (list) {
t = list;
list = list->next;
nasm_free (t->text);
nasm_free (t);
* Free a linked list of lines.
static void free_llist (Line *list) {
Line *l;
while (list) {
l = list;
list = list->next;
free_tlist (l->first);
nasm_free (l);
* Pop the context stack.
static void ctx_pop (void) {
Context *c = cstk;
SMacro *smac, *s;
cstk = cstk->next;
smac = c->localmac;
while (smac) {
s = smac;
smac = smac->next;
nasm_free (s->name);
free_tlist (s->expansion);
nasm_free (s);
nasm_free (c->name);
nasm_free (c);
* Generate a line synchronisation comment, to ensure the assembler
* knows which source file the current output has really come from.
static void line_sync (void) {
char text[80];
sprintf(text, "%%line %d+%d %s",
(istk->expansion ? istk->lineno - istk->lineinc : istk->lineno),
(istk->expansion ? 0 : istk->lineinc), istk->fname);
if (linesync)
free (linesync);
linesync = nasm_strdup(text);
#define BUF_DELTA 512
* Read a line from the top file in istk, handling multiple CR/LFs
* at the end of the line read, and handling spurious ^Zs. Will
* return lines from the standard macro set if this has not already
* been done.
static char *read_line (void) {
char *buffer, *p, *q;
int bufsize;
if (stdmacpos) {
if (*stdmacpos)
return nasm_strdup(*stdmacpos++);
else {
stdmacpos = NULL;
bufsize = BUF_DELTA;
buffer = nasm_malloc(BUF_DELTA);
p = buffer;
while (1) {
q = fgets(p, bufsize-(p-buffer), istk->fp);
if (!q)
p += strlen(p);
if (p > buffer && p[-1] == '\n') {
istk->lineno += istk->lineinc;
if (p-buffer > bufsize-10) {
bufsize += BUF_DELTA;
buffer = nasm_realloc(buffer, bufsize);
if (!q && p == buffer) {
nasm_free (buffer);
return NULL;
* Play safe: remove CRs as well as LFs, if any of either are
* present at the end of the line.
while (p > buffer && (p[-1] == '\n' || p[-1] == '\r'))
*--p = '\0';
* Handle spurious ^Z, which may be inserted into source files
* by some file transfer utilities.
buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\032")] = '\0';
return buffer;
* Tokenise a line of text. This is a very simple process since we
* don't need to parse the value out of e.g. numeric tokens: we
* simply split one string into many.
static Token *tokenise (char *line) {
char *p = line;
int type;
Token *list = NULL;
Token *t, **tail = &list;
while (*line) {
p = line;
if (*p == '%' &&
(p[1] == '{' || p[1] == '!' || (p[1] == '%' && isidchar(p[2])) ||
p[1] == '$' || p[1] == '+' || p[1] == '-' || isidchar(p[1]))) {
if (*p == '{') {
while (*p && *p != '}') {
p[-1] = *p;
p[-1] = '\0';
if (*p) p++;
} else {
if (*p == '!' || *p == '%' || *p == '$' ||
*p == '+' || *p == '-') p++;
while (*p && isidchar(*p))
} else if (isidstart(*p)) {
type = TOK_ID;
while (*p && isidchar(*p))
} else if (*p == '\'' || *p == '"') {
* A string token.
char c = *p;
type = TOK_STRING;
while (*p && *p != c)
if (*p) p++;
} else if (isnumstart(*p)) {
* A number token.
type = TOK_NUMBER;
while (*p && isnumchar(*p))
} else if (isspace(*p)) {
while (*p && isspace(*p))
* Whitespace just before end-of-line is discarded by
* pretending it's a comment; whitespace just before a
* comment gets lumped into the comment.
if (!*p || *p == ';') {
while (*p) p++;
} else if (*p == ';') {
while (*p) p++;
} else {
* Anything else is an operator of some kind; with the
* exceptions of >>, <<, // and %%, all operator tokens
* are single-character.
char c = *p++;
type = TOK_OTHER;
if ( (c == '>' || c == '<' || c == '/' || c == '%') && *p == c)
if (type != TOK_COMMENT) {
*tail = t = nasm_malloc (sizeof(Token));
tail = &t->next;
t->next = NULL;
t->type = type;
t->text = nasm_malloc(1+p-line);
strncpy(t->text, line, p-line);
t->text[p-line] = '\0';
line = p;
return list;
* Convert a line of tokens back into text.
static char *detoken (Token *tlist) {
Token *t;
int len;
char *line, *p;
len = 0;
for (t = tlist; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->type == TOK_PREPROC_ID && t->text[1] == '!') {
char *p = getenv(t->text+2);
nasm_free (t->text);
if (p)
t->text = nasm_strdup(p);
t->text = NULL;
if (t->text)
len += strlen(t->text);
p = line = nasm_malloc(len+1);
for (t = tlist; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->text) {
strcpy (p, t->text);
p += strlen(p);
*p = '\0';
return line;
* Return the Context structure associated with a %$ token. Return
* NULL, having _already_ reported an error condition, if the
* context stack isn't deep enough for the supplied number of $
* signs.
static Context *get_ctx (char *name) {
Context *ctx;
int i;
if (!cstk) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%s': context stack is empty", name);
return NULL;
i = 1;
ctx = cstk;
while (name[i+1] == '$') {
ctx = ctx->next;
if (!ctx) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%s': context stack is only"
" %d level%s deep", name, i-1, (i==2 ? "" : "s"));
return NULL;
return ctx;
* Compare a string to the name of an existing macro; this is a
* simple wrapper which calls either strcmp or nasm_stricmp
* depending on the value of the `casesense' parameter.
static int mstrcmp(char *p, char *q, int casesense) {
return casesense ? strcmp(p,q) : nasm_stricmp(p,q);
* Determine if we should warn on defining a single-line macro of
* name `name', with `nparam' parameters. If nparam is 0, will
* return TRUE if _any_ single-line macro of that name is defined.
* Otherwise, will return TRUE if a single-line macro with either
* `nparam' or no parameters is defined.
* If a macro with precisely the right number of parameters is
* defined, the address of the definition structure will be
* returned in `defn'; otherwise NULL will be returned. If `defn'
* is NULL, no action will be taken regarding its contents, and no
* error will occur.
* Note that this is also called with nparam zero to resolve
* `ifdef'.
static int smacro_defined (char *name, int nparam, SMacro **defn) {
SMacro *m;
Context *ctx;
char *p;
if (name[0] == '%' && name[1] == '$') {
ctx = get_ctx (name);
if (!ctx)
return FALSE; /* got to return _something_ */
m = ctx->localmac;
p = name+1;
p += strspn(p, "$");
} else {
m = smacros[hash(name)];
p = name;
while (m) {
if (!mstrcmp(m->name, p, m->casesense) &&
(nparam == 0 || m->nparam == 0 || nparam == m->nparam)) {
if (defn) {
if (nparam == m->nparam)
*defn = m;
*defn = NULL;
return TRUE;
m = m->next;
return FALSE;
* Count and mark off the parameters in a multi-line macro call.
* This is called both from within the multi-line macro expansion
* code, and also to mark off the default parameters when provided
* in a %macro definition line.
static void count_mmac_params (Token *t, int *nparam, Token ***params) {
int paramsize, brace;
*nparam = paramsize = 0;
*params = NULL;
while (t) {
if (*nparam >= paramsize) {
paramsize += PARAM_DELTA;
*params = nasm_realloc(*params, sizeof(**params) * paramsize);
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
t = t->next;
brace = FALSE;
if (t && t->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->text, "{"))
brace = TRUE;
(*params)[(*nparam)++] = t;
while (t && (t->type != TOK_OTHER ||
strcmp(t->text, brace ? "}" : ",")))
t = t->next;
if (t) { /* got a comma/brace */
t = t->next;
if (brace) {
* Now we've found the closing brace, look further
* for the comma.
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
t = t->next;
if (t && (t->type != TOK_OTHER || strcmp(t->text, ","))) {
"braces do not enclose all of macro parameter");
while (t && (t->type != TOK_OTHER ||
strcmp(t->text, ",")))
t = t->next;
if (t)
t = t->next; /* eat the comma */
else /* got EOL */
* Find out if a line contains a preprocessor directive, and deal
* with it if so.
* If a directive _is_ found, the line will never be de-tokenised
* as is, so we have carte blanche to fiddle with it and adjust
* token values.
* Return values go like this:
* bit 0 is set if a directive was found
* bit 1 is set if a blank line should be emitted
* bit 2 is set if a re-sync line number comment should be emitted
* (bits 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive in that the rest of the
* preprocessor doesn't guarantee to be able to handle the case in
* which both are set)
static int do_directive (Token *tline) {
static char *directives[] = {
"%clear", "%define", "%elifctx", "%elifdef", "%elifnctx",
"%elifndef", "%else", "%endif", "%endm", "%endmacro", "%error",
"%idefine", "%ifctx", "%ifdef", "%ifnctx", "%ifndef", "%imacro",
"%include", "%line", "%macro", "%pop", "%push", "%repl"
enum {
int i, j, k, m, nparam;
char *p, *mname;
Include *inc;
Context *ctx;
Cond *cond;
SMacro *smac, **smhead;
MMacro *mmac;
Token *t, *tt, *param_start, *macro_start, *last;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_PREPROC_ID ||
(tline->text[1] == '%' || tline->text[1] == '$'))
return 0;
i = -1;
j = sizeof(directives)/sizeof(*directives);
while (j-i > 1) {
k = (j+i) / 2;
m = nasm_stricmp(tline->text, directives[k]);
if (m == 0) {
i = k;
j = -2;
} else if (m < 0) {
j = k;
} else
i = k;
* If we're in a non-emitting branch of a condition construct,
* we should ignore all directives except for condition
* directives.
if (istk->conds && !emitting(istk->conds->state) &&
i != PP_IFCTX && i != PP_IFDEF && i != PP_IFNCTX && i != PP_IFNDEF &&
i != PP_ELSE && i != PP_ENDIF)
return 0;
* If we're defining a macro, we should ignore all directives
* except for %macro/%imacro (which generate an error) and
* %endm/%endmacro.
if (defining && i != PP_MACRO && i != PP_IMACRO &&
i != PP_ENDMACRO && i != PP_ENDM)
return 0;
if (j != -2) {
error(ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "unknown preprocessor directive `%s'",
return 0; /* didn't get it */
switch (i) {
case PP_CLEAR:
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%pop' ignored");
for (j=0; j<NHASH; j++) {
while (mmacros[j]) {
MMacro *m = mmacros[j];
mmacros[j] = mmacros[j]->next;
nasm_free (m->name);
free_tlist (m->dlist);
free_llist (m->expansion);
nasm_free (m);
while (smacros[j]) {
SMacro *s = smacros[j];
smacros[j] = smacros[j]->next;
nasm_free (s->name);
free_tlist (s->expansion);
nasm_free (s);
return 3;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_STRING) {
error(ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%%include' expects a file name");
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%include' ignored");
p = tline->text+1; /* point past the quote to the name */
p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; /* remove the trailing quote */
inc = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Include));
inc->next = istk;
inc->conds = NULL;
inc->fp = fopen(p, "r");
inc->fname = nasm_strdup(p);
inc->lineno = inc->lineinc = 1;
inc->expansion = NULL;
if (!inc->fp)
"unable to open include file `%s'", p);
istk = inc;
return 5;
case PP_PUSH:
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%%push' expects a context identifier");
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%push' ignored");
ctx = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Context));
ctx->next = cstk;
ctx->localmac = NULL;
ctx->name = nasm_strdup(tline->text);
ctx->number = unique++;
cstk = ctx;
case PP_REPL:
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%%repl' expects a context identifier");
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%repl' ignored");
if (!cstk)
"`%%repl': context stack is empty");
else {
nasm_free (cstk->name);
cstk->name = nasm_strdup(tline->text);
case PP_POP:
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%pop' ignored");
if (!cstk)
"`%%pop': context stack is already empty");
case PP_ERROR:
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_STRING) {
"`%%error' expects an error string");
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%error' ignored");
p = tline->text+1; /* point past the quote to the name */
p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; /* remove the trailing quote */
error(ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "user error: %s", p);
case PP_IFCTX:
tline = tline->next;
if (istk->conds && !emitting(istk->conds->state))
else {
j = FALSE; /* have we matched yet? */
if (!cstk)
"`%%if%sctx': context stack is empty",
(i==PP_IFNCTX ? "n" : ""));
else while (tline) {
if (tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%%ifctx' expects context identifiers");
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (!nasm_stricmp(tline->text, cstk->name))
j = TRUE;
tline = tline->next;
if (i == PP_IFNCTX)
j = !j;
cond = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Cond));
cond->next = istk->conds;
cond->state = j;
istk->conds = cond;
return 1;
tline = tline->next;
if (!istk->conds)
error(ERR_FATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%%elif%sctx': no matching `%%if'",
(i==PP_ELIFNCTX ? "n" : ""));
if (emitting(istk->conds->state) || istk->conds->state == COND_NEVER)
istk->conds->state = COND_NEVER;
else {
j = FALSE; /* have we matched yet? */
if (!cstk)
"`%%elif%sctx': context stack is empty",
(i==PP_ELIFNCTX ? "n" : ""));
else while (tline) {
if (tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%%elif%sctx' expects context identifiers",
(i==PP_ELIFNCTX ? "n" : ""));
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (!nasm_stricmp(tline->text, cstk->name))
j = TRUE;
tline = tline->next;
if (i == PP_ELIFNCTX)
j = !j;
istk->conds->state = (j ? COND_IF_TRUE : COND_IF_FALSE);
return 1;
case PP_IFDEF:
tline = tline->next;
if (istk->conds && !emitting(istk->conds->state))
else {
j = FALSE; /* have we matched yet? */
while (tline) {
if (tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || (tline->type != TOK_ID &&
(tline->type != TOK_PREPROC_ID ||
tline->text[1] != '$'))) {
"`%%if%sdef' expects macro identifiers",
(i==PP_ELIFNDEF ? "n" : ""));
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (smacro_defined(tline->text, 0, NULL))
j = TRUE;
tline = tline->next;
if (i == PP_IFNDEF)
j = !j;
cond = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Cond));
cond->next = istk->conds;
cond->state = j;
istk->conds = cond;
return 1;
tline = tline->next;
if (!istk->conds)
error(ERR_FATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%%elif%sctx': no matching `%%if'",
(i==PP_ELIFNCTX ? "n" : ""));
if (emitting(istk->conds->state) || istk->conds->state == COND_NEVER)
istk->conds->state = COND_NEVER;
else {
j = FALSE; /* have we matched yet? */
while (tline) {
if (tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || (tline->type != TOK_ID &&
(tline->type != TOK_PREPROC_ID ||
tline->text[1] != '$'))) {
"`%%elif%sdef' expects macro identifiers",
(i==PP_ELIFNDEF ? "n" : ""));
return 3; /* but we did _something_ */
if (smacro_defined(tline->text, 0, NULL))
j = TRUE;
tline = tline->next;
if (i == PP_ELIFNDEF)
j = !j;
istk->conds->state = (j ? COND_IF_TRUE : COND_IF_FALSE);
return 1;
case PP_ELSE:
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%else' ignored");
if (!istk->conds)
"`%%else': no matching `%%if'");
if (emitting(istk->conds->state) || istk->conds->state == COND_NEVER)
istk->conds->state = COND_ELSE_FALSE;
istk->conds->state = COND_ELSE_TRUE;
return 1;
case PP_ENDIF:
if (tline->next)
"trailing garbage after `%%endif' ignored");
if (!istk->conds)
"`%%endif': no matching `%%if'");
cond = istk->conds;
istk->conds = cond->next;
nasm_free (cond);
return 5;
case PP_MACRO:
if (defining)
"`%%%smacro': already defining a macro",
(i == PP_IMACRO ? "i" : ""));
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%%%smacro' expects a macro name",
(i == PP_IMACRO ? "i" : ""));
return 3;
defining = nasm_malloc(sizeof(MMacro));
defining->name = nasm_strdup(tline->text);
defining->casesense = (i == PP_MACRO);
defining->plus = FALSE;
defining->in_progress = FALSE;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_NUMBER) {
"`%%%smacro' expects a parameter count",
(i == PP_IMACRO ? "i" : ""));
defining->nparam_min = defining->nparam_max = 0;
} else {
defining->nparam_min = defining->nparam_max =
readnum(tline->text, &j);
if (j)
"unable to parse parameter count `%s'", tline->text);
if (tline && tline->next && tline->next->type == TOK_OTHER &&
!strcmp(tline->next->text, "-")) {
tline = tline->next->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_NUMBER)
"`%%%smacro' expects a parameter count after `-'",
(i == PP_IMACRO ? "i" : ""));
else {
defining->nparam_max = readnum(tline->text, &j);
if (j)
"unable to parse parameter count `%s'",
if (defining->nparam_min > defining->nparam_max)
"minimum parameter count exceeds maximum");
if (tline && tline->next && tline->next->type == TOK_OTHER &&
!strcmp(tline->next->text, "+")) {
tline = tline->next;
defining->plus = TRUE;
mmac = mmacros[hash(defining->name)];
while (mmac) {
if (!strcmp(mmac->name, defining->name) &&
(mmac->nparam_min<=defining->nparam_max || defining->plus) &&
(defining->nparam_min<=mmac->nparam_max || mmac->plus)) {
"redefining multi-line macro `%s'", defining->name);
mmac = mmac->next;
* Handle default parameters.
if (tline && tline->next) {
int np, want_np;
defining->dlist = tline->next;
tline->next = NULL;
count_mmac_params (defining->dlist, &np, &defining->defaults);
want_np = defining->nparam_max - defining->nparam_min;
defining->defaults = nasm_realloc (defining->defaults,
want_np*sizeof(Token *));
while (np < want_np)
defining->defaults[np++] = NULL;
} else {
defining->dlist = NULL;
defining->defaults = NULL;
defining->expansion = NULL;
return 1;
case PP_ENDM:
if (!defining) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%s': not defining a macro",
return 3;
k = hash(defining->name);
defining->next = mmacros[k];
mmacros[k] = defining;
defining = NULL;
return 5;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || (tline->type != TOK_ID &&
(tline->type != TOK_PREPROC_ID ||
tline->text[1] != '$'))) {
"`%%%sdefine' expects a macro identifier",
(i == PP_IDEFINE ? "i" : ""));
return 3;
mname = tline->text;
if (tline->type == TOK_ID) {
p = tline->text;
smhead = &smacros[hash(mname)];
} else {
ctx = get_ctx (tline->text);
if (ctx == NULL)
return 3;
else {
p = tline->text+1;
p += strspn(p, "$");
smhead = &ctx->localmac;
last = tline;
param_start = tline = tline->next;
nparam = 0;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(tline->text, "(")) {
* This macro has parameters.
tline = tline->next;
while (1) {
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline) {
"parameter identifier expected");
return 3;
if (tline->type != TOK_ID) {
"`%s': parameter identifier expected",
return 3;
tline->type = TOK_SMAC_PARAM + nparam++;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_OTHER &&
!strcmp(tline->text, ",")) {
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_OTHER ||
strcmp(tline->text, ")")) {
"`)' expected to terminate macro template");
return 3;
last = tline;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
last = tline, tline = tline->next;
macro_start = NULL;
last->next = NULL;
t = tline;
while (t) {
if (t->type == TOK_ID) {
for (tt = param_start; tt; tt = tt->next)
if (tt->type >= TOK_SMAC_PARAM &&
!strcmp(tt->text, t->text))
t->type = tt->type;
tt = t->next;
t->next = macro_start;
macro_start = t;
t = tt;
* Good. We now have a macro name, a parameter count, and a
* token list (in reverse order) for an expansion. We ought
* to be OK just to create an SMacro, store it, and let
* tlist_free have the rest of the line (which we have
* carefully re-terminated after chopping off the expansion
* from the end).
if (smacro_defined (mname, nparam, &smac)) {
if (!smac)
"single-line macro `%s' defined both with and"
" without parameters", mname);
else {
* We're redefining, so we have to take over an
* existing SMacro structure. This means freeing
* what was already in it.
nasm_free (smac->name);
free_tlist (smac->expansion);
} else {
smac = nasm_malloc(sizeof(SMacro));
smac->next = *smhead;
*smhead = smac;
smac->name = nasm_strdup(p);
smac->casesense = (i == PP_DEFINE);
smac->nparam = nparam;
smac->expansion = macro_start;
smac->in_progress = FALSE;
return 3;
case PP_LINE:
* Syntax is `%line nnn[+mmm] [filename]'
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_NUMBER) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "`%%line' expects line number");
return 3;
k = readnum(tline->text, &j);
m = 1;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(tline->text, "+")) {
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_NUMBER) {
"`%%line' expects line increment");
return 3;
m = readnum(tline->text, &j);
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
istk->lineno = k;
istk->lineinc = m;
if (tline) {
char *s = detoken(tline);
nasm_free (istk->fname);
istk->fname = s;
return 5;
"preprocessor directive `%s' not yet implemented",
return 3;
* Expand all single-line macro calls made in the given line.
* Return the expanded version of the line. The original is deemed
* to be destroyed in the process. (In reality we'll just move
* Tokens from input to output a lot of the time, rather than
* actually bothering to destroy and replicate.)
static Token *expand_smacro (Token *tline) {
Token *t, *tt, *mstart, **tail, *thead;
SMacro *head, *m;
Token **params;
int *paramsize;
int nparam, sparam, brackets;
char *p;
tail = &thead;
thead = NULL;
while (tline) {
while (tline && tline->type != TOK_ID &&
(tline->type != TOK_PREPROC_ID || tline->text[1] != '$')) {
if (tline->type == TOK_SMAC_END) {
tline->mac->in_progress = FALSE;
t = tline;
tline = tline->next;
nasm_free (t);
} else {
t = *tail = tline;
tline = tline->next;
t->mac = NULL;
t->next = NULL;
tail = &t->next;
if (t->type == TOK_PS_OTHER) {
* If we see a PS_OTHER, we must at the very
* least restore its correct token type. We
* should also check for a %$ token, since this
* is the point at which we expand context-
* local labels.
t->type = TOK_ID;
if (t->text[0] == '%' && t->text[1] == '$') {
Context *c = get_ctx (t->text);
char *p, *q, buffer[40];
if (c) {
q = t->text+1;
q += strspn(q, "$");
sprintf(buffer, "macro.%lu.", c->number);
p = nasm_malloc (strlen(buffer)+strlen(q)+1);
strcpy (p, buffer);
strcat (p, q);
nasm_free (t->text);
t->text = p;
if (!tline)
* We've hit an identifier. As in is_mmacro below, we first
* check whether the identifier is a single-line macro at
* all, then think about checking for parameters if
* necessary.
if (tline->type == TOK_ID) {
head = smacros[hash(tline->text)];
p = tline->text;
} else {
Context *ctx = get_ctx (tline->text);
if (ctx) {
p = tline->text+1;
p += strspn(p, "$");
head = ctx->localmac;
} else {
tline->type = TOK_OTHER; /* so it will get copied above */
for (m = head; m; m = m->next)
if (!mstrcmp(m->name, p, m->casesense))
if (!m) {
* Didn't find one: this can't be a macro call. Copy it
* through and ignore it.
tline->type = TOK_PS_OTHER; /* so it will get copied above */
mstart = tline;
if (m->nparam == 0) {
* Simple case: the macro is parameterless. Discard the
* one token that the macro call took, and push the
* expansion back on the to-do stack.
params = NULL;
paramsize = NULL;
} else {
* Complicated case: at least one macro with this name
* exists and takes parameters. We must find the
* parameters in the call, count them, find the SMacro
* that corresponds to that form of the macro call, and
* substitute for the parameters when we expand. What a
* pain.
nparam = sparam = 0;
params = NULL;
paramsize = NULL;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline || tline->type != TOK_OTHER ||
strcmp(tline->text, "(")) {
* This macro wasn't called with parameters: ignore
* the call. (Behaviour borrowed from gnu cpp.)
tline = mstart;
tline->type = TOK_PS_OTHER;
tline = tline->next;
while (1) {
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (!tline) {
"macro call expects terminating `)'");
if (nparam >= sparam) {
sparam += PARAM_DELTA;
params = nasm_realloc (params, sparam*sizeof(Token *));
paramsize = nasm_realloc (paramsize, sparam*sizeof(int));
params[nparam] = tline;
paramsize[nparam] = 0;
brackets = 0;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_OTHER &&
!strcmp(tline->text, "{")) {
params[nparam] = tline = tline->next;
while (tline && (brackets > 0 ||
tline->type != TOK_OTHER ||
strcmp(tline->text, "}"))) {
tline = tline->next;
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && (tline->type != TOK_OTHER ||
(strcmp(tline->text, ")") &&
strcmp(tline->text, ",")))) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL|ERR_OFFBY1, "braces do not "
"enclose all of macro parameter");
if (tline && tline->type == TOK_OTHER &&
!strcmp(tline->text, ","))
tline = tline->next;
} else {
while (tline && (brackets > 0 ||
tline->type != TOK_OTHER ||
(strcmp(tline->text, ",") &&
strcmp(tline->text, ")")))) {
if (tline->type == TOK_OTHER && !tline->text[1])
brackets += (tline->text[0] == '(' ? 1 :
tline->text[0] == ')' ? -1 : 0);
tline = tline->next;
if (tline && !strcmp(tline->text, ")"))
if (tline && !strcmp(tline->text, ","))
tline = tline->next;
while (m && m->nparam != nparam) {
while ( (m = m->next) )
if (!strcmp(m->name, mstart->text))
if (!m) {
"macro `%s' exists, but not taking %d parameters",
mstart->text, nparam);
nasm_free (params);
nasm_free (paramsize);
tline = mstart;
tline->type = TOK_PS_OTHER;
if (m->in_progress) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "self-reference in single-line macro"
" `%s'", mstart->text);
nasm_free (params);
nasm_free (paramsize);
tline = mstart;
tline->type = TOK_PS_OTHER;
* Expand the macro: we are placed on the last token of the
* call, so that we can easily split the call from the
* following tokens. We also start by pushing an SMAC_END
* token for the cycle removal.
t = tline;
tline = tline->next;
t->next = NULL;
tt = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Token));
tt->type = TOK_SMAC_END;
tt->text = NULL;
tt->mac = m;
m->in_progress = TRUE;
tt->next = tline;
tline = tt;
for (t = m->expansion; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->type >= TOK_SMAC_PARAM) {
Token *pcopy = tline, **ptail = &pcopy;
Token *ttt, *pt;
int i;
ttt = params[t->type - TOK_SMAC_PARAM];
for (i=0; i<paramsize[t->type-TOK_SMAC_PARAM]; i++) {
pt = *ptail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Token));
pt->next = tline;
ptail = &pt->next;
pt->text = nasm_strdup(ttt->text);
pt->type = ttt->type;
pt->mac = NULL;
ttt = ttt->next;
tline = pcopy;
} else {
tt = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Token));
tt->type = t->type;
tt->text = nasm_strdup(t->text);
tt->mac = NULL;
tt->next = tline;
tline = tt;
* Having done that, get rid of the macro call, and clean
* up the parameters.
nasm_free (params);
nasm_free (paramsize);
free_tlist (mstart);
return thead;
* Ensure that a macro parameter contains a condition code and
* nothing else. Return the condition code index if so, or -1
* otherwise.
static int find_cc (Token *t) {
Token *tt;
int i, j, k, m;
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
t = t->next;
if (t->type != TOK_ID)
return -1;
tt = t->next;
if (tt && tt->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
tt = tt->next;
if (tt && (tt->type != TOK_OTHER || strcmp(tt->text, ",")))
return -1;
i = -1;
j = sizeof(conditions)/sizeof(*conditions);
while (j-i > 1) {
k = (j+i) / 2;
m = nasm_stricmp(t->text, conditions[k]);
if (m == 0) {
i = k;
j = -2;
} else if (m < 0) {
j = k;
} else
i = k;
if (j != -2)
return -1;
return i;
* Determine whether the given line constitutes a multi-line macro
* call, and return the MMacro structure called if so. Doesn't have
* to check for an initial label - that's taken care of in
* expand_mmacro - but must check numbers of parameters. Guaranteed
* to be called with tline->type == TOK_ID, so the putative macro
* name is easy to find.
static MMacro *is_mmacro (Token *tline, Token ***params_array) {
MMacro *head, *m;
Token **params;
int nparam;
head = mmacros[hash(tline->text)];
* Efficiency: first we see if any macro exists with the given
* name. If not, we can return NULL immediately. _Then_ we
* count the parameters, and then we look further along the
* list if necessary to find the proper MMacro.
for (m = head; m; m = m->next)
if (!mstrcmp(m->name, tline->text, m->casesense))
if (!m)
return NULL;
* OK, we have a potential macro. Count and demarcate the
* parameters.
count_mmac_params (tline->next, &nparam, &params);
* So we know how many parameters we've got. Find the MMacro
* structure that handles this number.
while (m) {
if (m->nparam_min <= nparam && (m->plus || nparam <= m->nparam_max)) {
* This one is right. Just check if cycle removal
* prohibits us using it before we actually celebrate...
if (m->in_progress) {
"self-reference in multi-line macro `%s'",
nasm_free (params);
return NULL;
* It's right, and we can use it. Add its default
* parameters to the end of our list if necessary.
params = nasm_realloc (params, (m->nparam_max+1)*sizeof(*params));
if (m->defaults) {
while (nparam < m->nparam_max) {
params[nparam] = m->defaults[nparam - m->nparam_min];
} else {
while (nparam < m->nparam_max) {
params[nparam] = NULL;
* Then terminate the parameter list, and leave.
params[m->nparam_max] = NULL;
*params_array = params;
return m;
* This one wasn't right: look for the next one with the
* same name.
for (m = m->next; m; m = m->next)
if (!mstrcmp(m->name, tline->text, m->casesense))
* After all that, we didn't find one with the right number of
* parameters. Issue a warning, and fail to expand the macro.
"macro `%s' exists, but not taking %d parameters",
tline->text, nparam);
nasm_free (params);
return NULL;
* Expand the multi-line macro call made by the given line, if
* there is one to be expanded. If there is, push the expansion on
* istk->expansion and return 1 or 2, as according to whether a
* line sync is needed (2 if it is). Otherwise return 0.
static int expand_mmacro (Token *tline) {
Token *label = NULL, **params, *t, *tt, *ttt, *last = NULL;
MMacro *m = NULL;
Line *l, *ll;
int i, n, nparam, *paramlen;
int need_sync = FALSE;
t = tline;
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_ID) {
m = is_mmacro (t, &params);
if (!m) {
* We have an id which isn't a macro call. We'll assume
* it might be a label; we'll also check to see if a
* colon follows it. Then, if there's another id after
* that lot, we'll check it again for macro-hood.
last = t, t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
last = t, t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->text, ":"))
last = t, t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
last = t, t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_ID) {
m = is_mmacro(t, &params);
if (m) {
last->next = NULL;
label = tline;
tline = t;
if (!m)
return 0;
* If we're not already inside another macro expansion, we'd
* better push a line synchronisation to ensure we stay put on
* line numbering.
if (!istk->expansion)
need_sync = TRUE;
* Fix up the parameters: this involves stripping leading and
* trailing whitespace, then stripping braces if they are
* present.
for (nparam = 0; params[nparam]; nparam++);
paramlen = nparam ? nasm_malloc(nparam*sizeof(*paramlen)) : NULL;
for (i = 0; params[i]; i++) {
int brace = FALSE;
int comma = !m->plus;
t = params[i];
if (t && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
t = t->next;
if (t && t->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->text, "{"))
t = t->next, brace = TRUE, comma = FALSE;
params[i] = t;
paramlen[i] = 0;
while (t) {
if (!t) /* end of param because EOL */
if (comma && t->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->text, ","))
break; /* ... because we have hit a comma */
if (comma && t->type == TOK_WHITESPACE &&
t->next->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->next->text, ","))
break; /* ... or a space then a comma */
if (brace && t->type == TOK_OTHER && !strcmp(t->text, "}"))
break; /* ... or a brace */
t = t->next;
* OK, we have a MMacro structure together with a set of
* parameters. We must now go through the expansion and push
* _copies_ of each Line on to istk->expansion, having first
* substituted for most % tokens (%1, %+1, %-1, %%foo). Note
* that %$bar, %$$baz, %$$$quux, and so on, do not get
* substituted here but rather have to wait until the
* single-line macro substitution process. This is because they
* don't just crop up in macro definitions, but can appear
* anywhere they like.
* First, push an end marker on to istk->expansion, and mark
* this macro as in progress.
ll = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Line));
ll->next = istk->expansion;
ll->finishes = m;
ll->first = NULL;
istk->expansion = ll;
m->in_progress = TRUE;
for (l = m->expansion; l; l = l->next) {
Token **tail;
ll = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Line));
ll->next = istk->expansion;
ll->finishes = NULL;
tail = &ll->first;
for (t = l->first; t; t = t->next) {
char *text;
int type = 0, cc; /* type = 0 to placate optimisers */
char tmpbuf[30];
if (t->type == TOK_PREPROC_ID &&
(t->text[1] == '+' || t->text[1] == '-' ||
t->text[1] == '%' ||
(t->text[1] >= '0' && t->text[1] <= '9'))) {
* We have to make a substitution of one of the
* forms %1, %-1, %+1, %%foo.
switch (t->text[1]) {
case '%':
type = TOK_ID;
sprintf(tmpbuf, "macro.%lu.", unique);
text = nasm_malloc(strlen(tmpbuf)+strlen(t->text+2)+1);
strcpy(text, tmpbuf);
strcat(text, t->text+2);
case '-':
n = atoi(t->text+2)-1;
tt = params[n];
cc = find_cc (tt);
if (cc == -1) {
"macro parameter %d is not a condition code",
text = NULL;
} else {
type = TOK_ID;
if (inverse_ccs[cc] == -1) {
"condition code `%s' is not invertible",
text = NULL;
} else
text = nasm_strdup(conditions[inverse_ccs[cc]]);
case '+':
n = atoi(t->text+2)-1;
tt = params[n];
cc = find_cc (tt);
if (cc == -1) {
"macro parameter %d is not a condition code",
text = NULL;
} else {
type = TOK_ID;
text = nasm_strdup(conditions[cc]);
n = atoi(t->text+1)-1;
if (n < nparam) {
ttt = params[n];
for (i=0; i<paramlen[n]; i++) {
tt = *tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Token));
tt->next = NULL;
tail = &tt->next;
tt->type = ttt->type;
tt->text = nasm_strdup(ttt->text);
tt->mac = NULL;
ttt = ttt->next;
text = NULL; /* we've done it here */
} else {
type = t->type;
text = nasm_strdup(t->text);
if (text) {
tt = *tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Token));
tt->next = NULL;
tail = &tt->next;
tt->type = type;
tt->text = text;
tt->mac = NULL;
istk->expansion = ll;
* If we had a label, push it on the front of the first line of
* the macro expansion.
if (label) {
last->next = istk->expansion->first;
istk->expansion->first = label;
* Clean up.
nasm_free (paramlen);
nasm_free (params);
free_tlist (tline);
return need_sync ? 2 : 1;
static void pp_reset (char *file, efunc errfunc) {
int h;
error = errfunc;
cstk = NULL;
linesync = outline = NULL;
istk = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Include));
istk->next = NULL;
istk->conds = NULL;
istk->expansion = NULL;
istk->fp = fopen(file, "r");
istk->fname = nasm_strdup(file);
istk->lineno = istk->lineinc = 1;
if (!istk->fp)
error (ERR_FATAL|ERR_NOFILE, "unable to open input file `%s'", file);
defining = NULL;
for (h=0; h<NHASH; h++) {
mmacros[h] = NULL;
smacros[h] = NULL;
unique = 0;
stdmacpos = stdmac;
static char *pp_getline (void) {
char *line;
Token *tline;
int ret;
if (outline) {
line = outline;
outline = NULL;
return line;
while (1) {
* Fetch a tokenised line, either from the macro-expansion
* buffer or from the input file.
tline = NULL;
while (istk->expansion && istk->expansion->finishes) {
Line *l = istk->expansion;
tline = l->first;
l->finishes->in_progress = FALSE;
istk->expansion = l->next;
nasm_free (l);
if (!istk->expansion)
if (istk->expansion) {
Line *l = istk->expansion;
tline = l->first;
istk->expansion = l->next;
nasm_free (l);
if (!istk->expansion)
} else {
line = read_line();
while (!line) {
* The current file has ended; work down the istk
* until we find a file we can read from.
Include *i;
if (istk->conds)
error(ERR_FATAL, "expected `%%endif' before end of file");
i = istk;
istk = istk->next;
nasm_free (i->fname);
nasm_free (i);
if (!istk)
return NULL;
line = read_line();
line = prepreproc(line);
tline = tokenise(line);
nasm_free (line);
* Check the line to see if it's a preprocessor directive.
ret = do_directive(tline);
if (ret & 1) {
free_tlist (tline);
if (ret & 4)
if ((ret & 2) && !stdmacpos) {/* give a blank line to the output */
outline = nasm_strdup("");
} else if (defining) {
* We're defining a multi-line macro. We emit nothing
* at all, not even a blank line (when we finish
* defining the macro, we'll emit a line-number
* directive so that we keep sync properly), and just
* shove the tokenised line on to the macro definition.
Line *l = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Line));
l->next = defining->expansion;
l->first = tline;
l->finishes = FALSE;
defining->expansion = l;
} else if (istk->conds && !emitting(istk->conds->state)) {
* We're in a non-emitting branch of a condition block.
* Emit nothing at all, not even a blank line: when we
* emerge from the condition we'll give a line-number
* directive so we keep our place correctly.
} else {
tline = expand_smacro(tline);
ret = expand_mmacro(tline);
if (!ret) {
* De-tokenise the line again, and emit it.
line = detoken(tline);
free_tlist (tline);
outline = line;
} else {
if (ret == 2)
continue; /* expand_mmacro calls free_tlist */
* Once we're out of this loop, outline _must_ be non-NULL. The
* only question is whether linesync is NULL or not.
if (linesync) {
line = linesync;
linesync = NULL;
} else {
line = outline;
outline = NULL;
return line;
static void pp_cleanup (void) {
int h;
if (defining) {
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "end of file while still defining macro `%s'",
nasm_free (defining->name);
free_tlist (defining->dlist);
free_llist (defining->expansion);
nasm_free (defining);
nasm_free (linesync); /* might just be necessary */
nasm_free (outline); /* really shouldn't be necessary */
while (cstk)
for (h=0; h<NHASH; h++) {
while (mmacros[h]) {
MMacro *m = mmacros[h];
mmacros[h] = mmacros[h]->next;
nasm_free (m->name);
free_tlist (m->dlist);
free_llist (m->expansion);
nasm_free (m);
while (smacros[h]) {
SMacro *s = smacros[h];
smacros[h] = smacros[h]->next;
nasm_free (s->name);
free_tlist (s->expansion);
nasm_free (s);
while (istk) {
Include *i = istk;
istk = istk->next;
nasm_free (i->fname);
nasm_free (i);
while (cstk)
Preproc nasmpp = {