2024-01-02 09:47:10 +08:00

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;;; plstore.el --- secure plist store -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Daiki Ueno <ueno@gnu.org>
;; Keywords: PGP, GnuPG
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Plist based data store providing search and partial encryption.
;; By default, this library uses symmetric encryption, which means
;; that you have to enter the password protecting your store more
;; often than you probably expect to. To use public key encryption
;; with this library, create a GnuPG key and customize user option
;; `plstore-encrypt-to' to use it. You can then configure the GnuPG
;; agent to adjust caching and expiration of the passphrase for your
;; store.
;; You can read more on these topics in the EasyPG Assistant user's
;; manual (Info node `(epa)'), of which much information also applies
;; to this library. Most notably:
;; - Info node `(epa)GnuPG version compatibility'
;; - Info node `(epa)GnuPG Pinentry'
;; - Info node `(epa)Caching Passphrases'
;; Use only keyword symbols (starting with a colon) as property names
;; in any plist stored with this library. While this library does not
;; actively enforce the use of keyword symbols, it silently assumes
;; that the first character of all property names can be discarded
;; without sacrificing uniqueness of names (FIXME). Likewise, this
;; library does not enforce that the plists provided as input are
;; actually valid and can behave in undefined ways if they are not
;; (FIXME).
;; Creating:
;; ;; Open a new store associated with ~/.emacs.d/auth.plist.
;; (setq store (plstore-open (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/auth.plist")))
;; ;; Both `:host' and `:port' are public property.
;; (plstore-put store "foo" '(:host "foo.example.org" :port 80) nil)
;; ;; No encryption will be needed.
;; (plstore-save store)
;; ;; `:user' is marked as secret.
;; (plstore-put store "bar" '(:host "bar.example.org") '(:user "test"))
;; ;; `:password' is marked as secret.
;; (plstore-put store "baz" '(:host "baz.example.org") '(:password "test"))
;; ;; Those secret properties are encrypted together.
;; (plstore-save store)
;; ;; Kill the buffer visiting ~/.emacs.d/auth.plist.
;; (plstore-close store)
;; Avoid marking one property both as public *and* secret, as the
;; behavior of this library with respect to such duplicate properties
;; is not defined (FIXME).
;; Searching:
;; (setq store (plstore-open (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/auth.plist")))
;; ;; As the entry "foo" associated with "foo.example.org" has no
;; ;; secret properties, no need for decryption.
;; (plstore-find store '(:host ("foo.example.org")))
;; ;; As the entry "bar" associated with "bar.example.org" has a
;; ;; secret property `:user', Emacs tries to decrypt the secret (and
;; ;; thus you will need to input passphrase).
;; (plstore-find store '(:host ("bar.example.org")))
;; ;; While the entry "baz" associated with "baz.example.org" has also
;; ;; a secret property `:password', it is encrypted together with
;; ;; `:user' of "bar", so no need to decrypt the secret.
;; (plstore-find store '(:host ("baz.example.org")))
;; (plstore-close store)
;; Editing:
;; This file also provides `plstore-mode', a major mode for editing
;; the plstore format file. Visit a non-existing file and put the
;; following line:
;; (("foo" :host "foo.example.org" :secret-user "user"))
;; where the prefixing `:secret-' means the property (without
;; `:secret-' prefix) is marked as secret. Thus, when you save the
;; buffer, the `:secret-user' property is encrypted as `:user'. Do
;; not use a property consisting solely of the prefix, as the behavior
;; of this library with respect to such properties is not defined
;; (FIXME).
;; You can toggle the view between encrypted form and the decrypted
;; form with C-c C-c.
;; If you have opened a plstore with `plstore-open' you should not
;; edit its underlying buffer in `plstore-mode' or in any other way at
;; the same time, since your manual changes will be overwritten when
;; `plstore-save' is called on that plstore.
;; Internals:
;; This is information on the internal data structure and functions of
;; this library. None of it should be necessary to actually use it.
;; For easier reading, we usually do not distinguish in this internal
;; documentation between a Lisp object and its printed representation.
;; A plstore corresponds to an alist mapping strings to property
;; lists. Internally, that alist is organized as two alists, one
;; mapping to the non-secret properties and placeholders for the
;; secret properties (called "template alist" with identifier ALIST)
;; and one mapping to the secret properties ("secret alist",
;; SECRET-ALIST). The secret alist is read from and written to file
;; as pgp-encrypted printed representation of the alist ("encrypted
;; data", ENCRYPTED-DATA).
;; During the lifetime of a plstore, a third type of alist may pop up,
;; which maps to the merged non-secret properties and plain-text
;; secret properties ("merged alist", MERGED-ALIST).
;; After executing the "foo", "bar", "baz" example from above the
;; alists described above look like the following:
;; Template Alist:
;; (("foo" :host "foo.example.org" :port 80)
;; ("bar" :secret-user t :host "bar.example.org")
;; ("baz" :secret-password t :host "baz.example.org"))
;; Secret Alist:
;; (("bar" :user "test")
;; ("baz" :password "test"))
;; Merged Alist:
;; (("foo" :host "foo.example.org" :port 80)
;; ("bar" :user "test" :host "bar.example.org")
;; ("baz" :password "test" :host "baz.example.org"))
;; Finally, a plstore requires a buffer ("plstore buffer", BUFFER) for
;; conversion between its Lisp objects and its file representation.
;; It is important to note that this buffer is *not* continuously
;; synchronized as the plstore changes. During the lifetime of a
;; plstore, its buffer is read from in function `plstore-open' and
;; (destructively) written to in `plstore-save', but not touched
;; otherwise. We call the file visited by the plstore buffer the
;; associated file of the plstore.
;; With the identifiers defined above a plstore is a vector with the
;; following elements and accessor functions:
;; [
;; BUFFER ; plstore--get/set-buffer
;; ALIST ; plstore--get/set-alist
;; ENCRYPTED-DATA ; plstore--get/set-encrypted-data
;; SECRET-ALIST ; plstore--get/set-secret-alist
;; MERGED-ALIST ; plstore--get/set-merged-alist
;; ]
;; When a plstore is created through `plstore-open', its ALIST and
;; ENCRYPTED-DATA are initialized from the contents of BUFFER without
;; any decryption taking place, and MERGED-ALIST is initialized as a
;; copy of ALIST. (Which means that at that stage the merged alist
;; still contains the secret property placeholders!)
;; During on-demand decryption of a plstore through function
;; `plstore--decrypt', SECRET-ALIST is populated from ENCRYPTED-DATA,
;; which is in turn replaced by value nil. (Which further serves as
;; an indicator that the plstore has been decrypted already.) In
;; addition, MERGED-ALIST is recomputed by function
;; `plstore--merge-secret' to replace the secret property placeholders
;; by their plain-text secret property equivalents.
;; The file representation of a plstore consists of two Lisp forms plus
;; markers to introduce them:
;; ;;; public entries
;; ;;; secret entries
;; Both of these are optional, but the first section must be present
;; if the second one is. If both sections are missing, the plstore is
;; empty. If the second section is missing, it contains only
;; non-secret data. If present, the printed representation of the
;; encrypted data includes the delimiting double quotes.
;; The plstore API (`plstore-open', `plstore-put', etc.) and the
;; plstore mode implemented by `plstore-mode' are orthogonal to each
;; other and should not be mixed up. In particular, encoding and
;; decoding a plstore mode buffer with `plstore-mode-toggle-display'
;; is not related in any way to the state of the plstore buffer.
;;; Code:
(require 'epg)
(defgroup plstore nil
"Searchable, partially encrypted, persistent plist store."
:version "24.1"
:group 'files)
(defcustom plstore-select-keys 'silent
"Control whether or not to pop up the key selection dialog.
If t, always asks user to select recipients.
If nil, query user only when a file's default recipients are not
known (i.e. `plstore-encrypt-to' is not locally set in the buffer
visiting a plstore file).
If neither t nor nil, doesn't ask user."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Ask always" t)
(const :tag "Ask when recipients are not set" nil)
(const :tag "Don't ask" silent))
:group 'plstore)
(defcustom plstore-encrypt-to nil
"Recipient(s) used for encrypting secret entries.
May either be a string or a list of strings. If it is nil,
symmetric encryption will be used."
:type '(choice (const nil) (repeat :tag "Recipient(s)" string))
:group 'plstore)
(put 'plstore-encrypt-to 'safe-local-variable
(lambda (val)
(or (stringp val)
(and (listp val)
(catch 'safe
(mapc (lambda (elt)
(unless (stringp elt)
(throw 'safe nil)))
(put 'plstore-encrypt-to 'permanent-local t)
(defvar plstore-encoded nil
"Non-nil if the current buffer shows the decoded alist.") ; [sic!]
(put 'plstore-encoded 'permanent-local t)
;;; EasyPG callback functions.
(defvar plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption nil)
(defvar plstore-passphrase-alist nil)
(defun plstore-passphrase-callback-function (_context _key-id plstore)
(if plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption
(let* ((file (file-truename (plstore-get-file plstore)))
(entry (assoc file plstore-passphrase-alist))
(or (copy-sequence (cdr entry))
(unless entry
(setq entry (list file)
(cons entry
(setq passphrase
(read-passwd (format "Passphrase for plstore %s: "
(plstore--get-buffer plstore))))
(setcdr entry (copy-sequence passphrase))
(read-passwd (format "Passphrase for plstore %s: "
(plstore--get-buffer plstore)))))
(defun plstore-progress-callback-function (_context _what _char current total
(if (= current total)
(message "%s...done" handback)
(message "%s...%d%%" handback
(if (> total 0) (floor (* (/ current (float total)) 100)) 0))))
;;; Core functions.
(defun plstore--get-buffer (arg)
(aref arg 0))
(defun plstore--get-alist (arg)
(aref arg 1))
(defun plstore--get-encrypted-data (arg)
(aref arg 2))
(defun plstore--get-secret-alist (arg)
(aref arg 3))
(defun plstore--get-merged-alist (arg)
(aref arg 4))
(defun plstore--set-buffer (arg buffer)
(aset arg 0 buffer))
(defun plstore--set-alist (arg plist)
(aset arg 1 plist))
(defun plstore--set-encrypted-data (arg encrypted-data)
(aset arg 2 encrypted-data))
(defun plstore--set-secret-alist (arg secret-alist)
(aset arg 3 secret-alist))
(defun plstore--set-merged-alist (arg merged-alist)
(aset arg 4 merged-alist))
(defun plstore-get-file (arg)
(buffer-file-name (plstore--get-buffer arg)))
(defun plstore--make (&optional buffer alist encrypted-data secret-alist
(vector buffer alist encrypted-data secret-alist merged-alist))
(defun plstore--init-from-buffer (plstore)
"Parse current buffer and initialize PLSTORE from it."
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (looking-at ";;; public entries")
(plstore--set-alist plstore (read (point-marker)))
(when (looking-at ";;; secret entries")
(plstore--set-encrypted-data plstore (read (point-marker))))
(plstore--merge-secret plstore)))
(defun plstore-open (file)
"Create a plstore instance associated with FILE."
(let* ((filename (file-truename file))
(buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting filename)
(generate-new-buffer (format " plstore %s" filename))))
(store (plstore--make buffer)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(condition-case nil
(let ((coding-system-for-read 'raw-text))
(insert-file-contents file))
(setq buffer-file-name (file-truename file))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(plstore--init-from-buffer store)
(defun plstore-revert (plstore)
"Replace current data in PLSTORE from its associated file."
(with-current-buffer (plstore--get-buffer plstore)
(revert-buffer t t)
(plstore--init-from-buffer plstore)))
(defun plstore-close (plstore)
"Destroy plstore instance PLSTORE."
(kill-buffer (plstore--get-buffer plstore)))
(defun plstore--merge-secret (plstore)
"Determine the merged alist of PLSTORE.
Create the merged alist as a copy of the template alist with all
placeholder properties that have corresponding properties in the
secret alist replaced by their plain-text secret properties."
(let ((alist (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore))
(copy-tree (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
(setq modified-alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
(while alist
(setq entry (car alist)
alist (cdr alist)
plist (cdr entry)
modified-entry (assoc (car entry) modified-alist)
modified-plist (cdr modified-entry))
(while plist
;; Search for a placeholder property in the merged alist
;; corresponding to the current secret property.
(setq placeholder
(intern (concat ":secret-"
(substring (symbol-name (car plist)) 1)))))
;; Replace its name with the real, secret property name.
(if placeholder
(setcar placeholder (car plist)))
;; Update its value to the plain-text secret property value.
(setq modified-plist
(plist-put modified-plist (car plist) (car (cdr plist))))
(setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
(setcdr modified-entry modified-plist))))
(defun plstore--decrypt (plstore)
"Decrypt the encrypted data of PLSTORE.
Update its internal alists and other data structures
(if (plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)
(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP))
(cons #'plstore-passphrase-callback-function
(cons #'plstore-progress-callback-function
(format "Decrypting %s" (plstore-get-file plstore))))
(condition-case error
(setq plain
(epg-decrypt-string context
(plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)))
(let ((entry (assoc (plstore-get-file plstore)
(if entry
(setcdr entry nil)))
(signal (car error) (cdr error))))
(plstore--set-secret-alist plstore (car (read-from-string plain)))
(plstore--merge-secret plstore)
(plstore--set-encrypted-data plstore nil))))
(defun plstore--match (entry keys skip-if-secret-found)
"Return whether plist KEYS matches ENTRY.
ENTRY should be a key of the merged alist of a PLSTORE. This
function returns nil if KEYS do not match ENTRY, t if they match,
and symbol `secret' if the secret alist needs to be consulted to
perform a match."
(let ((result t) key-name key-value prop-value secret-name)
(while keys
(setq key-name (car keys)
key-value (car (cdr keys))
prop-value (plist-get (cdr entry) key-name))
(unless (member prop-value key-value)
(if skip-if-secret-found
(setq secret-name
(intern (concat ":secret-"
(substring (symbol-name key-name) 1))))
(if (plist-member (cdr entry) secret-name)
(setq result 'secret)
(setq result nil
keys nil)))
(setq result nil
keys nil)))
(setq keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
(defun plstore-find (plstore keys)
"Return all PLSTORE entries matching plist KEYS."
(let (entries alist entry match decrypt plist)
;; First, go through the merged alist and collect entries matched
;; by the keys.
(setq alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
(while alist
(setq entry (car alist)
alist (cdr alist)
match (plstore--match entry keys t))
(if (eq match 'secret)
(setq decrypt t)
(when match
(setq plist (cdr entry))
(while plist
(if (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
(setq decrypt t
plist nil))
(setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
(setq entries (cons entry entries)))))
;; Second, decrypt the plstore and try again.
(when decrypt
(setq entries nil)
(plstore--decrypt plstore)
(setq alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
(while alist
(setq entry (car alist)
alist (cdr alist)
match (plstore--match entry keys nil))
(if match
(setq entries (cons entry entries)))))
(nreverse entries)))
(defun plstore-get (plstore name)
"Return the entry named NAME in PLSTORE.
Return nil if there is none."
(let ((entry (assoc name (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore)))
(setq plist (cdr entry))
(while plist
(if (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
(plstore--decrypt plstore)
(setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
plist nil))
(setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist))))
(defun plstore-put (plstore name keys secret-keys)
"Put an entry named NAME in PLSTORE.
KEYS is a plist containing non-secret data.
SECRET-KEYS is a plist containing secret data."
(let (entry
(if secret-keys
(plstore--decrypt plstore))
(while secret-keys
(setq symbol
(intern (concat ":secret-"
(substring (symbol-name (car secret-keys)) 1))))
(setq plist (plist-put plist symbol t)
secret-plist (plist-put secret-plist
(car secret-keys) (car (cdr secret-keys)))
secret-keys (nthcdr 2 secret-keys)))
(while keys
(setq symbol
(intern (concat ":secret-"
(substring (symbol-name (car keys)) 1))))
(setq plist (plist-put plist (car keys) (car (cdr keys)))
keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
(setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
(if entry
(setcdr entry plist)
(cons (cons name plist) (plstore--get-alist plstore))))
(when secret-plist
(setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)))
(if entry
(setcdr entry secret-plist)
(cons (cons name secret-plist) (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)))))
(plstore--merge-secret plstore)))
(defun plstore-delete (plstore name)
"Delete the first entry named NAME from PLSTORE."
(let ((entry (assoc name (plstore--get-alist plstore))))
(if entry
(delq entry (plstore--get-alist plstore))))
(setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)))
(if entry
(delq entry (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore))))
(setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore)))
(if entry
(delq entry (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))))))
(defvar pp-escape-newlines)
(defun plstore--insert-buffer (plstore)
"Insert the file representation of PLSTORE at point."
(insert ";;; public entries -*- mode: plstore -*- \n"
(pp-to-string (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
(let ((pp-escape-newlines nil)
(cipher nil))
;; Reuse the encrypted data as cipher text if this store has not
;; been decrypted yet.
((plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)
(setq cipher (plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)))
;; Encrypt the secret alist to generate the cipher text.
((plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)
(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP))
((listp plstore-encrypt-to) plstore-encrypt-to)
((stringp plstore-encrypt-to) (list plstore-encrypt-to)))))
(setf (epg-context-armor context) t)
(cons #'plstore-passphrase-callback-function
(setq cipher (epg-encrypt-string
(plstore--get-secret-alist plstore))
(if (or (eq plstore-select-keys t)
(and (null plstore-select-keys)
(not (local-variable-p 'plstore-encrypt-to
"Select recipients for encryption.
If no one is selected, symmetric encryption will be performed. "
(if plstore-encrypt-to
(epg-list-keys context recipients))))))))
(when cipher
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert ";;; secret entries\n" (pp-to-string cipher)))))
(defun plstore-save (plstore)
"Save PLSTORE to its associated file.
Save with symmetric encryption or public key encryption depending
on `plstore-encrypt-to'. If `plstore-encrypt-to' is non-nil but
none of the recipients from `plstore-encrypt-to' matches any
GnuPG key, silently save with symmetric encryption." ; (FIXME)
(with-current-buffer (plstore--get-buffer plstore)
(plstore--insert-buffer plstore)
;;; plstore mode.
;; The functions related to plstore mode unfortunately introduce yet
;; another alist format ("decoded alist"). After executing the "foo",
;; "bar", "baz" example from above the decoded alist of the plstore
;; would look like the following:
;; (("foo" :host "foo.example.org" :port 80)
;; ("bar" :secret-user "test" :host "bar.example.org")
;; ("baz" :secret-password "test" :host "baz.example.org"))
;; Even more unfortunately, variable and function names of the
;; following are a bit mixed up IMHO: With the current names, the
;; result of function `plstore--encode' is used to create what is
;; presented as "decoded form of a plstore" to the user. And variable
;; `plstore-encoded' is non-nil if a buffer shows the decoded form.
(defun plstore--encode (plstore)
"Return the printed representation of the decoded alist of PLSTORE."
(plstore--decrypt plstore)
(let ((merged-alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore)))
(concat "("
(lambda (entry)
(setq entry (copy-sequence entry))
(let ((merged-plist (cdr (assoc (car entry) merged-alist)))
(plist (cdr entry)))
(while plist
(if (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
(setcar (cdr plist)
(intern (concat ":"
(substring (symbol-name
(car plist))
(match-end 0)))))))
(setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
(prin1-to-string entry)))
(plstore--get-alist plstore)
(defun plstore--decode (string)
"Create a plstore instance from STRING.
STRING should be the printed representation of a decoded alist of
some plstore."
(let* ((alist (car (read-from-string string)))
(pointer alist)
(while pointer
(unless (stringp (car (car pointer)))
(error "Invalid plstore format %s" string))
(setq plist (cdr (car pointer)))
(while plist
(when (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
(setq entry (assoc (car (car pointer)) secret-alist))
(unless entry
(setq entry (list (car (car pointer)))
secret-alist (cons entry secret-alist)))
(setcdr entry (plist-put (cdr entry)
(intern (concat ":"
(substring (symbol-name
(car plist))
(match-end 0))))
(car (cdr plist))))
(setcar (cdr plist) t))
(setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
(setq pointer (cdr pointer)))
(plstore--make nil alist nil secret-alist)))
(defun plstore--write-contents-functions ()
"Convert the decoded form of a plstore in the current buffer.
Convert it to the regular file representation of a plstore if
needed. This function is used on hook `write-contents-functions'
in plstore mode buffers."
(when plstore-encoded
(let ((store (plstore--decode (buffer-string)))
(file (buffer-file-name)))
(set-visited-file-name nil)
(plstore--insert-buffer store)
(write-region (buffer-string) nil file)))
(set-visited-file-name file)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(defun plstore-mode-original ()
"Show the original form of this buffer."
(when plstore-encoded
(if (and (buffer-modified-p)
(y-or-n-p "Save buffer before reading the original form? "))
(insert-file-contents-literally (buffer-file-name))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq plstore-encoded nil)))
(defun plstore-mode-decoded ()
"Show the decoded form of this buffer."
(unless plstore-encoded
(if (and (buffer-modified-p)
(y-or-n-p "Save buffer before decoding? "))
(let ((store (plstore--make (current-buffer))))
(plstore--init-from-buffer store)
(substitute-command-keys "\
;;; You are looking at the decoded form of the plstore file.\n\
;;; To see the original form content, do \\[plstore-mode-toggle-display]\n\n"))
(insert (plstore--encode store))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq plstore-encoded t))))
(defun plstore-mode-toggle-display ()
"Toggle the display mode of PLSTORE between the original and decoded forms."
(if plstore-encoded
(define-derived-mode plstore-mode emacs-lisp-mode "PLSTORE"
"Major mode for editing plstore files."
(make-local-variable 'plstore-encoded)
(add-hook 'write-contents-functions #'plstore--write-contents-functions)
(define-key plstore-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" #'plstore-mode-toggle-display)
;; to create a new file with plstore-mode, mark it as already decoded
(if (called-interactively-p 'any)
(setq plstore-encoded t)
(provide 'plstore)
;;; plstore.el ends here