Jonas Bernoulli 680155d3f0
Add missing builtin package declarations
* lisp/editorconfig-conf-mode.el:
* lisp/editorconfig-core-handle.el:
* lisp/editorconfig-core.el:
* lisp/editorconfig-fnmatch.el:
* lisp/editorconfig-tools.el: Declare library as part of the
'editorconfig' package.
2024-06-24 20:34:53 +02:00

294 lines
11 KiB

;;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el --- Glob pattern matching -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: EditorConfig Team <editorconfig@googlegroups.com>
;; Package: editorconfig
;; See
;; https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs/graphs/contributors or
;; https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS
;; for the list of contributors.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el provides a fnmatch implementation with a few
;; extensions.
;; The main usage of this library is glob pattern matching for EditorConfig, but
;; it can also act solely.
;; editorconfig-fnmatch-p (name pattern)
;; Test whether NAME match PATTERN.
;; PATTERN should be a shell glob pattern, and some zsh-like wildcard matchings
;; can be used:
;; * Matches any string of characters, except path separators (/)
;; ** Matches any string of characters
;; ? Matches any single character
;; [name] Matches any single character in name
;; [^name] Matches any single character not in name
;; {s1,s2,s3} Matches any of the strings given (separated by commas)
;; {min..max} Matches any number between min and max
;; This library is a port from editorconfig-core-py library.
;; https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-core-py/blob/master/editorconfig/fnmatch.py
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar editorconfig-fnmatch--cache-hashtable
"Cache of shell pattern and its translation.")
;; Clear cache on file reload
(setq editorconfig-fnmatch--cache-hashtable
(make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--left-brace-regexp
"Regular expression for left brace ({).")
(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--right-brace-regexp
"Regular expression for right brace (}).")
(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--numeric-range-regexp
"Regular expression for numeric range (like {-3..+3}).")
(defun editorconfig-fnmatch--match-num (regexp string)
"Return how many times REGEXP is found in STRING."
(let ((num 0))
;; START arg does not work as expected in this case
(while (string-match regexp string)
(setq num (1+ num)
string (substring string (match-end 0))))
(defun editorconfig-fnmatch-p (string pattern)
"Test whether STRING match PATTERN.
Matching ignores case if `case-fold-search' is non-nil.
PATTERN should be a shell glob pattern, and some zsh-like wildcard matchings can
be used:
* Matches any string of characters, except path separators (/)
** Matches any string of characters
? Matches any single character
[name] Matches any single character in name
[^name] Matches any single character not in name
{s1,s2,s3} Matches any of the strings given (separated by commas)
{min..max} Matches any number between min and max"
(string-match (editorconfig-fnmatch-translate pattern)
;;(editorconfig-fnmatch-translate "{a,{-3..3}}.js")
;;(editorconfig-fnmatch-p "1.js" "{a,{-3..3}}.js")
(defun editorconfig-fnmatch-translate (pattern)
"Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.
Translation result will be cached, so same translation will not be done twice."
(let ((cached (gethash pattern
(or cached
(puthash pattern
(editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate pattern)
(defun editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate (pattern &optional nested)
"Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.
Set NESTED to t when this function is called from itself.
This function is called from `editorconfig-fnmatch-translate', when no cached
translation is found for PATTERN."
(let ((index 0)
(length (length pattern))
(brace-level 0)
(in-brackets nil)
;; List of strings of resulting regexp, in reverse order.
(result ())
(is-escaped nil)
(matching-braces (= (editorconfig-fnmatch--match-num
(while (< index length)
(if (and (not is-escaped)
(string-match "[^]\\*?[{},/-]+"
;;(string-match "[^]\\*?[{},/\\-]+" "?.a")
(eq index (match-beginning 0)))
(push (regexp-quote (match-string 0 pattern)) result)
(setq index (match-end 0)
is-escaped nil))
(setq current-char (aref pattern index)
index (1+ index))
(cl-case current-char
(setq pos index)
(if (and (< pos length)
(= (aref pattern pos) ?*))
(push ".*" result)
(push "[^/]*" result)))
(push "[^/]" result))
(if in-brackets
(push "\\[" result)
(if (= (aref pattern index) ?/)
;; Slash after an half-open bracket
(push "\\[/" result)
(setq index (+ index 1)))
(setq pos index
has-slash nil)
(while (and (< pos length)
(not (= (aref pattern pos) ?\]))
(not has-slash))
(if (and (= (aref pattern pos) ?/)
(not (= (aref pattern (- pos 1)) ?\\)))
(setq has-slash t)
(setq pos (1+ pos))))
(if has-slash
(push (concat "\\["
(substring pattern
(1+ pos))
(setq index (+ pos 2)))
(if (and (< index length)
(memq (aref pattern index)
'(?! ?^)))
(setq index (1+ index))
(push "[^" result))
(push "[" result))
(setq in-brackets t)))))
(if in-brackets
(push "-" result)
(push "\\-" result)))
(push "]" result)
(setq in-brackets nil))
(setq pos index
has-comma nil)
(while (and (or (and (< pos length)
(not (= (aref pattern pos) ?})))
(not has-comma))
(if (and (eq (aref pattern pos) ?,)
(not is-escaped))
(setq has-comma t)
(setq is-escaped (and (eq (aref pattern pos)
(not is-escaped))
pos (1+ pos))))
(if (and (not has-comma)
(< pos length))
(let ((pattern-sub (substring pattern index pos)))
(setq num-range (string-match editorconfig-fnmatch--numeric-range-regexp
(if num-range
(let ((number-start (string-to-number (match-string 1
(number-end (string-to-number (match-string 2
(push (concat "\\(?:"
(mapconcat #'number-to-string
(cl-loop for i from number-start to number-end
collect i)
(let ((inner (editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate pattern-sub t)))
(push (format "{%s}" inner) result)))
(setq index (1+ pos)))
(if matching-braces
(push "\\(?:" result)
(setq brace-level (1+ brace-level)))
(push "{" result))))
(if (and (> brace-level 0)
(not is-escaped))
(push "\\|" result)
(push "\\," result)))
(if (and (> brace-level 0)
(not is-escaped))
(push "\\)" result)
(setq brace-level (- brace-level 1)))
(push "}" result)))
(if (and (<= (+ index 3) (length pattern))
(string= (substring pattern index (+ index 3)) "**/"))
(push "\\(?:/\\|/.*/\\)" result)
(setq index (+ index 3)))
(push "/" result)))
(unless (= current-char ?\\)
(push (regexp-quote (char-to-string current-char)) result))))
(if (= current-char ?\\)
(progn (when is-escaped
(push "\\\\" result))
(setq is-escaped (not is-escaped)))
(setq is-escaped nil))))
(unless nested
(setq result `("\\'" ,@result "\\`")))
(apply #'concat (reverse result))))
(provide 'editorconfig-fnmatch)
;;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el ends here