
221 lines
7.1 KiB

'format cjs';
var wrap = require('word-wrap');
var map = require('lodash.map');
var longest = require('longest');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var filter = function(array) {
return array.filter(function(x) {
return x;
var headerLength = function(answers) {
return (
answers.type.length + 2 + (answers.scope ? answers.scope.length + 2 : 0)
var maxSummaryLength = function(options, answers) {
return options.maxHeaderWidth - headerLength(answers);
var filterSubject = function(subject, disableSubjectLowerCase) {
subject = subject.trim();
if (!disableSubjectLowerCase && subject.charAt(0).toLowerCase() !== subject.charAt(0)) {
subject =
subject.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + subject.slice(1, subject.length);
while (subject.endsWith('.')) {
subject = subject.slice(0, subject.length - 1);
return subject;
// This can be any kind of SystemJS compatible module.
// We use Commonjs here, but ES6 or AMD would do just
// fine.
module.exports = function(options) {
var types = options.types;
var length = longest(Object.keys(types)).length + 1;
var choices = map(types, function(type, key) {
return {
name: (key + ':').padEnd(length) + ' ' + type.description,
value: key
return {
// When a user runs `git cz`, prompter will
// be executed. We pass you cz, which currently
// is just an instance of inquirer.js. Using
// this you can ask questions and get answers.
// The commit callback should be executed when
// you're ready to send back a commit template
// to git.
// By default, we'll de-indent your commit
// template and will keep empty lines.
prompter: function(cz, commit) {
// Let's ask some questions of the user
// so that we can populate our commit
// template.
// See inquirer.js docs for specifics.
// You can also opt to use another input
// collection library if you prefer.
type: 'list',
name: 'type',
message: "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
choices: choices,
default: options.defaultType
type: 'input',
name: 'scope',
'What is the scope of this change (e.g. component or file name): (press enter to skip)',
default: options.defaultScope,
filter: function(value) {
return options.disableScopeLowerCase
? value.trim()
: value.trim().toLowerCase();
type: 'input',
name: 'subject',
message: function(answers) {
return (
'Write a short, imperative tense description of the change (max ' +
maxSummaryLength(options, answers) +
' chars):\n'
default: options.defaultSubject,
validate: function(subject, answers) {
var filteredSubject = filterSubject(subject, options.disableSubjectLowerCase);
return filteredSubject.length == 0
? 'subject is required'
: filteredSubject.length <= maxSummaryLength(options, answers)
? true
: 'Subject length must be less than or equal to ' +
maxSummaryLength(options, answers) +
' characters. Current length is ' +
filteredSubject.length +
' characters.';
transformer: function(subject, answers) {
var filteredSubject = filterSubject(subject, options.disableSubjectLowerCase);
var color =
filteredSubject.length <= maxSummaryLength(options, answers)
? chalk.green
: chalk.red;
return color('(' + filteredSubject.length + ') ' + subject);
filter: function(subject) {
return filterSubject(subject, options.disableSubjectLowerCase);
type: 'input',
name: 'body',
'Provide a longer description of the change: (press enter to skip)\n',
default: options.defaultBody
type: 'confirm',
name: 'isBreaking',
message: 'Are there any breaking changes?',
default: false
type: 'input',
name: 'breakingBody',
default: '-',
'A BREAKING CHANGE commit requires a body. Please enter a longer description of the commit itself:\n',
when: function(answers) {
return answers.isBreaking && !answers.body;
validate: function(breakingBody, answers) {
return (
breakingBody.trim().length > 0 ||
'Body is required for BREAKING CHANGE'
type: 'input',
name: 'breaking',
message: 'Describe the breaking changes:\n',
when: function(answers) {
return answers.isBreaking;
type: 'confirm',
name: 'isIssueAffected',
message: 'Does this change affect any open issues?',
default: options.defaultIssues ? true : false
type: 'input',
name: 'issuesBody',
default: '-',
'If issues are closed, the commit requires a body. Please enter a longer description of the commit itself:\n',
when: function(answers) {
return (
answers.isIssueAffected && !answers.body && !answers.breakingBody
type: 'input',
name: 'issues',
message: 'Add issue references (e.g. "fix #123", "re #123".):\n',
when: function(answers) {
return answers.isIssueAffected;
default: options.defaultIssues ? options.defaultIssues : undefined
]).then(function(answers) {
var wrapOptions = {
trim: true,
cut: false,
newline: '\n',
indent: '',
width: options.maxLineWidth
// parentheses are only needed when a scope is present
var scope = answers.scope ? '(' + answers.scope + ')' : '';
// Hard limit this line in the validate
var head = answers.type + scope + ': ' + answers.subject;
// Wrap these lines at options.maxLineWidth characters
var body = answers.body ? wrap(answers.body, wrapOptions) : false;
// Apply breaking change prefix, removing it if already present
var breaking = answers.breaking ? answers.breaking.trim() : '';
breaking = breaking
? 'BREAKING CHANGE: ' + breaking.replace(/^BREAKING CHANGE: /, '')
: '';
breaking = breaking ? wrap(breaking, wrapOptions) : false;
var issues = answers.issues ? wrap(answers.issues, wrapOptions) : false;
commit(filter([head, body, breaking, issues]).join('\n\n'));