2018-10-10 20:32:45 -04:00

250 lines
10 KiB

import os
import asyncio
import pytest
from p2pfs import Peer, Tracker
import time
from tests.conftest import fmd5, setup_tracker_and_peers, TEST_SMALL_FILE, TEST_LARGE_FILE, \
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
def cleanup_files(files):
for file in files:
except FileNotFoundError:
async def test_server_refused(unused_tcp_port):
peer = Peer()
started = await peer.start(('localhost', 0))
assert started
is_success, _ = await peer.connect(('localhost', unused_tcp_port))
assert not is_success
async def test_start_stop(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(1, unused_tcp_port)
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers])
async def test_publish_refuse(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(1, unused_tcp_port)
with open('test_publish_refuse', 'wb') as fout:
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish('test_publish_refuse')
assert is_success
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish('test_publish_refuse')
assert not is_success
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers])
async def test_publish(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(2, unused_tcp_port)
# peer0 publishes a small_file and peer1 publishes a large file
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_SMALL_FILE]['size'] == TEST_SMALL_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[1].list_file()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
is_success, _ = await peers[1].publish(TEST_LARGE_FILE)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_LARGE_FILE in file_list and TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_LARGE_FILE]['size'] == TEST_LARGE_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[0].list_file()
assert TEST_LARGE_FILE in file_list and TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers])
async def test_download(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(5, unused_tcp_port)
to_cleanup = set()
# peer0 publishes a small_file and peer1 publishes a large file
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_SMALL_FILE]['size'] == TEST_SMALL_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[1].list_file()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
is_success, _ = await peers[1].publish(TEST_LARGE_FILE)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_LARGE_FILE in file_list and TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_LARGE_FILE]['size'] == TEST_LARGE_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[0].list_file()
assert TEST_LARGE_FILE in file_list and TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
def reporthook(chunk_num, chunk_size, total_size):
reporthook.value = (chunk_num, total_size)
# download small file
is_success, _ = await peers[1].download(TEST_SMALL_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE, reporthook=reporthook)
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_success
assert fmd5(TEST_SMALL_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert reporthook.value == (1, 1000)
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
# download large file from single source
is_success, _ = await peers[0].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_0')
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_0')
assert is_success
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_0')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_0')
# download large file from multiple sources
is_success, _ = await peers[2].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
assert is_success
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
# download large file concurrently
download_task_1 = peers[3].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_3')
download_task_2 = peers[4].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_4')
(is_success_1, _), (is_success_2, _) = await asyncio.gather(download_task_1, download_task_2)
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_3')
assert is_success_1
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_3')
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_4')
assert is_success_2
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_4')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_3')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_4')
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers])
async def test_delay(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(2, unused_tcp_port)
# peer0 publishes a small_file and peer1 publishes a large file
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_SMALL_FILE]['size'] == TEST_SMALL_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[1].list_file()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE_1)
assert is_success
file_list = tracker.file_list()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in file_list
assert file_list[TEST_SMALL_FILE_1]['size'] == TEST_SMALL_FILE_SIZE
file_list = await peers[1].list_file()
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE_1 in file_list
to_cleanup = set()
# download small file
start = time.time()
result, msg = await peers[1].download(TEST_SMALL_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert result is True
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert fmd5(TEST_SMALL_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE)
download_time = time.time() - start
start = time.time()
result, msg = await peers[1].download(TEST_SMALL_FILE_1, 'downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE_1)
assert result is True
download_time_with_delay = time.time() - start
assert download_time_with_delay > download_time
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_SMALL_FILE_1)
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers])
async def test_peer_disconnect(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(1, unused_tcp_port)
is_suceess, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_suceess
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in tracker.file_list()
# stop peer and check the file has been removed
await peers[0].stop()
# return control to the loop for tracker code to run
await asyncio.sleep(1)
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE not in tracker.file_list()
await tracker.stop()
async def test_peer_download_disconnect(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(3, unused_tcp_port)
to_cleanup = set()
is_suceess, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_LARGE_FILE)
assert is_suceess
assert TEST_LARGE_FILE in tracker.file_list()
# download large file from single source
is_success, _ = await peers[1].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_1')
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_1')
assert is_success
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_1')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_1')
# stop the peer_0, peer_2 should continue to download because peer_1 has all chunks of the file
# but the speed will be noticeably slower because peer_1 has delay
async def stop_peer_after(peer, delay):
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
await peer.stop()
# run download and stop peer task concurrently
(is_success, _), _ = await asyncio.gather(peers[2].download(TEST_LARGE_FILE, 'downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2'),
stop_peer_after(peers[0], 1))
assert os.path.exists('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
assert is_success
assert fmd5(TEST_LARGE_FILE) == fmd5('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
to_cleanup.add('downloaded_' + TEST_LARGE_FILE + '_2')
await tracker.stop()
await asyncio.gather(*[peer.stop() for peer in peers[1:]])
async def test_peer_restart(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(1, unused_tcp_port)
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert is_success
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in tracker.file_list()
is_success, _ = await peers[0].disconnect()
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE not in tracker.file_list()
assert is_success
is_success, _ = await peers[0].connect(('localhost', unused_tcp_port))
assert is_success
is_success, _ = await peers[0].publish(TEST_SMALL_FILE)
assert TEST_SMALL_FILE in tracker.file_list()
assert is_success
async def test_tracker_restart(unused_tcp_port):
tracker, peers = await setup_tracker_and_peers(2, unused_tcp_port)
await tracker.stop()
await tracker.start(('localhost', unused_tcp_port))