Make Peer asynchrounous.

This commit is contained in:
Yuxin Wang 2018-10-06 14:18:15 -04:00
parent 2d71e1581d
commit e2f68790b7

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import math
import pybase64
import json
import hashlib
import asyncio
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -15,184 +16,165 @@ class Peer(MessageServer):
_CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024
_HASH_FUNC = hashlib.sha256
def __init__(self, host, port, server, server_port):
super().__init__(host, port)
self._serverconfig = (server, server_port)
self._server_sock = None
def __init__(self, host, port, server, server_port, loop=None):
super().__init__(host, port, loop=loop)
self._server_config = (server, server_port)
self._server_reader, self._server_writer = None, None
# (remote filename) <-> (local filename)
self._file_map = {}
# lock and results for publish method
self._publish_lock = threading.Lock()
self._publish_results = {}
self._pending_publish = set()
# lock and results for list_file method
self._file_list = None
self._file_list_lock = threading.Lock()
self._file_list_result = Queue()
# lock and results for download
self._download_lock = threading.Lock()
self._download_results = {}
def start(self):
async def start(self):
# connect to server
self._server_sock = self._connect(self._serverconfig)
self._server_reader, self._server_writer = \
await asyncio.open_connection(*self._server_config, loop=self._loop)
except ConnectionRefusedError:
logger.error('Server connection refused!')
return False
# start the internal server
await super().start()
# send out register message'Requesting to register')
self._write_message(self._server_sock, {
await self._write_message(self._server_writer, {
'type': MessageType.REQUEST_REGISTER,
'address': self._sock.getsockname()
'address': self._server_config
message = await self._read_message(self._server_reader)
assert MessageType(message['type']) == MessageType.REPLY_REGISTER'Successfully registered.')
return True
def publish(self, file):
if not os.path.exists(file):
return False, 'File {} doesn\'t exist'.format(file)
path, filename = os.path.split(file)
# guard the check to prevent 2 threads passing the check simultaneously
with self._publish_lock:
if filename in self._publish_results:
return False, 'Publish file {} already in progress.'.format(file)
self._publish_results[filename] = Queue(maxsize=1)
async def publish(self, local_file, remote_name=None):
if not os.path.exists(local_file):
return False, 'File {} doesn\'t exist'.format(local_file)
_, remote_name = os.path.split(local_file) if remote_name is None else remote_name
if remote_name in self._pending_publish:
return False, 'Publish file {} already in progress.'.format(local_file)
# send out the request packet
self._write_message(self._server_sock, {
await self._write_message(self._server_writer, {
'type': MessageType.REQUEST_PUBLISH,
'filename': filename,
'fileinfo': {'size': os.stat(file).st_size},
'chunknum': math.ceil(os.stat(file).st_size / Peer._CHUNK_SIZE)
'filename': remote_name,
'fileinfo': {'size': os.stat(local_file).st_size},
'chunknum': math.ceil(os.stat(local_file).st_size / Peer._CHUNK_SIZE)
# queue will block until the result is ready
is_success, message = self._publish_results[filename].get()
if is_success:
self._file_map[filename] = file'File {} published on server with name {}'.format(file, filename))
else:'File {} failed to publish, {}'.format(file, message))
message = await self._read_message(self._server_reader)
assert MessageType(message['type']) == MessageType.REPLY_PUBLISH
is_success, message = message['result'], message['message']
# remove result
with self._publish_lock:
del self._publish_results[filename]
if is_success:
self._file_map[remote_name] = local_file'File {} published on server with name {}'.format(local_file, remote_name))
else:'File {} failed to publish, {}'.format(local_file, message))
return is_success, message
def list_file(self):
self._write_message(self._server_sock, {
async def list_file(self):
await self._write_message(self._server_writer, {
'type': MessageType.REQUEST_FILE_LIST,
with self._file_list_lock:
self._file_list = self._file_list_result.get()
return self._file_list
message = await self._read_message(self._server_reader)
assert MessageType(message['type']) == MessageType.REPLY_FILE_LIST
return message['file_list']
def download(self, file, destination, reporthook=None):
with self._file_list_lock:
if self._file_list is None or file not in self._file_list.keys():
return False, 'Requested file {} does not exist, try list_file?'.format(file)
with self._download_lock:
if file in self._download_results:
return False, 'Download {} already in progress.'.format(file)
self._download_results[file] = Queue()
async def download(self, file, destination, reporthook=None):
# request for file list
file_list = await self.list_file()
if file not in file_list:
return False, 'Requested file {} does not exist, try list_file?'.format(file)
self._write_message(self._server_sock, {
await self._write_message(self._server_writer, {
'type': MessageType.REQUEST_FILE_LOCATION,
'filename': file
# wait until reply is ready
fileinfo, chunkinfo = self._download_results[file].get()
totalchunknum = math.ceil(fileinfo['size'] / Peer._CHUNK_SIZE)
message = await self._read_message(self._server_reader)
assert MessageType(message['type']) == MessageType.REPLY_FILE_LOCATION
fileinfo, chunkinfo = message['fileinfo'], message['chunkinfo']
logger.debug('{}: {} ==> {}'.format(file, fileinfo, chunkinfo))
totalchunknum = math.ceil(fileinfo['size'] / Peer._CHUNK_SIZE)
# TODO: decide which peer to request chunk
peers = {}
for chunknum in range(totalchunknum):
for peer_address, possessed_chunks in chunkinfo.items():
if chunknum in possessed_chunks:
if peer_address not in peers:
# peer_address is a string, since JSON requires keys being strings
peers[peer_address] = self._connect(json.loads(peer_address))
# write the message to ask the chunk
self._write_message(peers[peer_address], {
'type': MessageType.PEER_REQUEST_CHUNK,
'filename': file,
'chunknum': chunknum
# TODO: make it parallel
for chunknum in range(totalchunknum):
for peer_address, possessed_chunks in chunkinfo.items():
if chunknum in possessed_chunks:
if peer_address not in peers:
# peer_address is a string, since JSON requires keys being strings
peers[peer_address] = await asyncio.open_connection(*json.loads(peer_address), loop=self._loop)
# write the message to ask the chunk
await self._write_message(peers[peer_address][1], {
'type': MessageType.PEER_REQUEST_CHUNK,
'filename': file,
'chunknum': chunknum
# TODO: update chunkinfo after receiving each chunk
with open(destination + '.temp', 'wb') as dest_file:
self._file_map[file] = destination
for i in range(totalchunknum):
number, data, digest = self._download_results[file].get()
raw_data = pybase64.b64decode(data.encode('utf-8'), validate=True)
# TODO: handle if corrupted
if Peer._HASH_FUNC(raw_data).hexdigest() != digest:
assert False * Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, 0)
# send request chunk register to server
self._write_message(self._server_sock, {
'filename': file,
'chunknum': number
if reporthook:
reporthook(i + 1, Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, fileinfo['size'])
logger.debug('Got {}\'s chunk # {}'.format(file, number))
for address, (reader, _) in peers:
assert isinstance(reader, asyncio.StreamReader)
while not reader.at_eof():
message = await self._read_message(reader)
number, data, digest = message['chunknum'], message['data'], message['digest']
raw_data = pybase64.b64decode(data.encode('utf-8'), validate=True)
# TODO: handle if corrupted
if Peer._HASH_FUNC(raw_data).hexdigest() != digest:
assert False * Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, 0)
# send request chunk register to server
await self._write_message(self._server_writer, {
'filename': file,
'chunknum': number
if reporthook:
reporthook(i + 1, Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, fileinfo['size'])
logger.debug('Got {}\'s chunk # {}'.format(file, number))
# change the temp file into the actual file
os.rename(destination + '.temp', destination)
with self._download_lock:
del self._download_results[file]
# close the sockets no matter what happens
for _, client in peers.items():
# close the connections
for _, (_, writer) in peers:
await writer.wait_closed()
return True, 'File {} dowloaded to {}'.format(file, destination)
def _process_message(self, client, message):
if message['type'] == MessageType.REPLY_REGISTER:'Successfully registered.')
elif message['type'] == MessageType.REPLY_PUBLISH:
self._publish_results[message['filename']].put((message['result'], message['message']))
elif message['type'] == MessageType.REPLY_FILE_LIST:
elif message['type'] == MessageType.REPLY_FILE_LOCATION:
self._download_results[message['filename']].put((message['fileinfo'], message['chunkinfo']))
elif message['type'] == MessageType.PEER_REQUEST_CHUNK:
assert message['filename'] in self._file_map, 'File {} requested does not exist'.format(message['filename'])
local_file = self._file_map[message['filename']]
with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:['chunknum'] * Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, 0)
raw_data =
self._write_message(client, {
'type': MessageType.PEER_REPLY_CHUNK,
'filename': message['filename'],
'chunknum': message['chunknum'],
'data': pybase64.b64encode(raw_data).decode('utf-8'),
'digest': Peer._HASH_FUNC(raw_data).hexdigest()
elif message['type'] == MessageType.PEER_REPLY_CHUNK:
self._download_results[message['filename']].put((message['chunknum'], message['data'], message['digest']))
logger.error('Undefined message with type {}, full message: {}'.format(message['type'], message))
def _client_closed(self, client):
# TODO: hanlde client closed unexpectedly
assert isinstance(client, socket.socket)
if client is self._server_sock:
logger.error('Server {} closed unexpectedly'.format(client.getpeername()))
async def _process_connection(self, reader, writer):
assert isinstance(reader, asyncio.StreamReader) and isinstance(writer, asyncio.StreamWriter)
while not reader.at_eof():
message = await self._read_message(reader)
message_type = MessageType(message['type'])
if message_type == MessageType.PEER_REQUEST_CHUNK:
assert message['filename'] in self._file_map, 'File {} requested does not exist'.format(message['filename'])
local_file = self._file_map[message['filename']]
with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:['chunknum'] * Peer._CHUNK_SIZE, 0)
raw_data =
await self._write_message(writer, {
'type': MessageType.PEER_REPLY_CHUNK,
'filename': message['filename'],
'chunknum': message['chunknum'],
'data': pybase64.b64encode(raw_data).decode('utf-8'),
'digest': Peer._HASH_FUNC(raw_data).hexdigest()
logger.error('Undefined message with type {}, full message: {}'.format(message['type'], message))