# How to solve PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 issue for a remote server which runs Forgejo I have been uploaded my ssh key to remote virtual machine which runs Forgejo as same as the ssh public key on my physical machine. Then I tried to ssh to this virtual machine but I see this error output below : ``` hwpplayer1@hwpplayer1-Aspire-A315-24P:~$ ssh debian@ PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 Forgejo: Key check failed Connection to closed. ``` # Solution I removed the SSH key by openining the GUI interface Virt-Manager. Then I added my ssh key to the remote virtual machine written below: ``` ssh-copy-id debian@ ``` In the meantime I configured my .ssh/config as written below for connecting remote server via ``` ssh hostname ``` ``` Host debian Hostname User debian IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id.rsa ``` now this command/ssh connection works ! ``` ssh debian ``` There was another issue that we can not clone the repository via ssh while we connect to virtual machine/remote server via ssh. To solve this Forgejo clone/push issue [I did](https://forgejo.org/docs/latest/admin/installation-binary/) : ``` adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'Git Version Control' \ --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git ``` And then I moved forgejo source code into ```git``` user and changed the directory and file permissions for the ```git``` user. # Conclusion Now I can ssh into the remote server and clone and push the repositories like I did before with GitHub, GitLab, SourceHut(sr.ht), git.vern.cc, git.disroot.org and Codeberg... **happy hacking !**