Michael Catanzaro 9b41b9bef7 Show better move description for en passant captures
The current description is wrong since it says the captured piece was at
the current location of the capturing piece, but that's not true for en
passant captures.

Also, this might possibly help users realize that en passant is not a bug.
2018-04-24 11:48:07 -05:00

977 lines
33 KiB

/* -*- Mode: vala; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Robert Ancell
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Sahil Sareen
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See the full text of the
* license.
public enum CheckState
public class ChessState : Object
public int number = 0;
public ChessPlayer players[2];
public ChessPlayer current_player;
public ChessPlayer opponent
get { return current_player.color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE]; }
public bool can_castle_kingside[2];
public bool can_castle_queenside[2];
public int en_passant_index = -1;
public CheckState check_state;
public int halfmove_clock;
public ChessPiece board[64];
public ChessMove? last_move = null;
/* Bitmap of all the pieces */
private int64 piece_masks[2];
private ChessState.empty ()
// FIXME Enable or remove these exceptions.
public ChessState (string fen)
players[Color.WHITE] = new ChessPlayer (Color.WHITE);
players[Color.BLACK] = new ChessPlayer (Color.BLACK);
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
board[i] = null;
string[] fields = fen.split (" ");
//if (fields.length != 6)
// throw new Error ("Invalid FEN string");
/* Field 1: Piece placement */
string[] ranks = fields[0].split ("/");
//if (ranks.length != 8)
// throw new Error ("Invalid piece placement");
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
var rank_string = ranks[7 - rank];
for (int file = 0, offset = 0; file < 8 && offset < rank_string.length; offset++)
var c = rank_string[offset];
if (c >= '1' && c <= '8')
file += c - '0';
PieceType type;
var color = c.isupper () ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK;
/*if (!*/ decode_piece_type (c.toupper (), out type) //)
;//throw new Error ("");
int index = get_index (rank, file);
ChessPiece piece = new ChessPiece (players[color], type);
board[index] = piece;
int64 mask = BitBoard.set_location_masks[index];
piece_masks[color] |= mask;
/* Field 2: Active color */
if (fields[1] == "w")
current_player = players[Color.WHITE];
else if (fields[1] == "b")
current_player = players[Color.BLACK];
// throw new Error ("Unknown active color: %s", fields[1]);
/* Field 3: Castling availability */
if (fields[2] != "-")
for (int i = 0; i < fields[2].length; i++)
var c = fields[2][i];
if (c == 'K')
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = true;
else if (c == 'Q')
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = true;
else if (c == 'k')
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = true;
else if (c == 'q')
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = true;
// throw new Error ("");
/* Field 4: En passant target square */
if (fields[3] != "-")
//if (fields[3].length != 2)
// throw new Error ("");
en_passant_index = get_index (fields[3][1] - '1', fields[3][0] - 'a');
/* Field 5: Halfmove clock */
halfmove_clock = int.parse (fields[4]);
/* Field 6: Fullmove number */
number = (int.parse (fields[5]) - 1) * 2;
if (current_player.color == Color.BLACK)
check_state = get_check_state (current_player);
public ChessState copy ()
ChessState state = new ChessState.empty ();
state.number = number;
state.players[Color.WHITE] = players[Color.WHITE];
state.players[Color.BLACK] = players[Color.BLACK];
state.current_player = current_player;
state.can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE];
state.can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE];
state.can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK];
state.can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK];
state.en_passant_index = en_passant_index;
state.check_state = check_state;
if (last_move != null)
state.last_move = last_move.copy ();
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
state.board[i] = board[i];
state.piece_masks[Color.WHITE] = piece_masks[Color.WHITE];
state.piece_masks[Color.BLACK] = piece_masks[Color.BLACK];
state.halfmove_clock = halfmove_clock;
return state;
public bool equals (ChessState state)
* Check first if there is the same layout of pieces (unlikely),
* then that the same player is on move, then that the move castling
* and en-passant state are the same. This follows the rules for
* determining threefold repetition:
if (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] != state.piece_masks[Color.WHITE] ||
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] != state.piece_masks[Color.BLACK] ||
current_player.color != state.current_player.color ||
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] != state.can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] ||
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] != state.can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] ||
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] != state.can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] ||
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] != state.can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] ||
en_passant_index != state.en_passant_index)
return false;
/* Finally check the same piece types are present */
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (board[i] != null && board[i].type != state.board[i].type)
return false;
return true;
public string get_fen ()
var value = new StringBuilder ();
for (int rank = 7; rank >= 0; rank--)
int skip_count = 0;
for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++)
var p = board[get_index (rank, file)];
if (p == null)
if (skip_count > 0)
value.append_printf ("%d", skip_count);
skip_count = 0;
value.append_printf ("%c", (int) p.symbol);
if (skip_count > 0)
value.append_printf ("%d", skip_count);
if (rank != 0)
value.append_c ('/');
value.append_c (' ');
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
value.append_c ('w');
value.append_c ('b');
value.append_c (' ');
if (can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE])
value.append_c ('K');
if (can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE])
value.append_c ('Q');
if (can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK])
value.append_c ('k');
if (can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK])
value.append_c ('q');
if (!(can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] | can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] | can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] | can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK]))
value.append_c ('-');
value.append_c (' ');
if (en_passant_index >= 0)
value.append_printf ("%c%d", 'a' + get_file (en_passant_index), get_rank (en_passant_index) + 1);
value.append_c ('-');
value.append_c (' ');
value.append_printf ("%d", halfmove_clock);
value.append_c (' ');
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
value.append_printf ("%d", number / 2);
value.append_printf ("%d", number / 2 + 1);
return value.str;
public int get_index (int rank, int file)
return rank * 8 + file;
public int get_rank (int index)
return index / 8;
public int get_file (int index)
return index % 8;
public bool move (string move, bool apply = true)
int r0, f0, r1, f1;
PieceType promotion_type;
if (!decode_move (current_player, move, out r0, out f0, out r1, out f1, out promotion_type))
return false;
if (!move_with_coords (current_player, r0, f0, r1, f1, promotion_type, apply))
return false;
return true;
public bool move_with_coords (ChessPlayer player,
int r0, int f0, int r1, int f1,
PieceType promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN,
bool apply = true, bool test_check = true)
// FIXME: Make this use indexes to be faster
var start = get_index (r0, f0);
var end = get_index (r1, f1);
var color = player.color;
var opponent_color = color == Color.WHITE ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;
/* Must be moving own piece */
var piece = board[start];
if (piece == null || piece.player != player)
return false;
/* Check valid move */
int64 end_mask = BitBoard.set_location_masks[end];
int64 move_mask = BitBoard.move_masks[color * 64*6 + piece.type * 64 + start];
if ((end_mask & move_mask) == 0)
return false;
/* Check no pieces in the way */
int64 over_mask = BitBoard.over_masks[start * 64 + end];
if ((over_mask & (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] | piece_masks[Color.BLACK])) != 0)
return false;
/* Get victim of move */
var victim = board[end];
var victim_index = end;
/* Can't take own pieces */
if (victim != null && victim.player == player)
return false;
/* Check special moves */
int rook_start = -1, rook_end = -1;
bool is_promotion = false;
bool en_passant = false;
bool ambiguous_rank = false;
bool ambiguous_file = false;
switch (piece.type)
case PieceType.PAWN:
/* Check if taking an marched pawn */
if (victim == null && end == en_passant_index)
en_passant = true;
victim_index = get_index (r1 == 2 ? 3 : 4, f1);
victim = board[victim_index];
/* If moving diagonally there must be a victim */
if (f0 != f1)
if (victim == null)
return false;
/* If moving forward can't take enemy */
if (victim != null)
return false;
is_promotion = r1 == 0 || r1 == 7;
/* Always show the file of a pawn capturing */
if (victim != null)
ambiguous_file = true;
case PieceType.KING:
/* If moving more than one square must be castling */
if ((f0 - f1).abs () > 1)
/* File the rook is on */
rook_start = get_index (r0, f1 > f0 ? 7 : 0);
rook_end = get_index (r0, f1 > f0 ? f1 - 1 : f1 + 1);
/* Check if can castle */
if (f1 > f0)
if (!can_castle_kingside[color])
return false;
if (!can_castle_queenside[color])
return false;
var rook = board[rook_start];
if (rook == null || rook.type != PieceType.ROOK || rook.color != color)
return false;
/* Check rook can move */
int64 rook_over_mask = BitBoard.over_masks[rook_start * 64 + rook_end];
if ((rook_over_mask & (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] | piece_masks[Color.BLACK])) != 0)
return false;
/* Can't castle when in check */
if (check_state == CheckState.CHECK)
return false;
/* Square moved across can't be under attack */
if (!move_with_coords (player, r0, f0, get_rank (rook_end), get_file (rook_end), PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return false;
if (!apply && !test_check)
return true;
/* Check if other pieces of the same type can make this move - this is required for SAN notation */
if (apply)
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
/* Ignore our move */
if (i == start)
/* Check for a friendly piece of the same type */
var p = board[i];
if (p == null || p.player != player || p.type != piece.type)
/* If more than one piece can move then the rank and/or file are ambiguous */
var r = get_rank (i);
var f = get_file (i);
if (move_with_coords (player, r, f, r1, f1, PieceType.QUEEN, false))
if (r != r0)
ambiguous_rank = true;
if (f != f0)
ambiguous_file = true;
var old_white_mask = piece_masks[Color.WHITE];
var old_black_mask = piece_masks[Color.BLACK];
var old_white_can_castle_kingside = can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE];
var old_white_can_castle_queenside = can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE];
var old_black_can_castle_kingside = can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK];
var old_black_can_castle_queenside = can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK];
var old_en_passant_index = en_passant_index;
var old_halfmove_clock = halfmove_clock;
/* Update board */
board[start] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[start];
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[start];
if (victim != null)
board[victim_index] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[victim_index];
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[victim_index];
if (is_promotion)
board[end] = new ChessPiece (player, promotion_type);
board[end] = piece;
piece_masks[color] |= end_mask;
piece_masks[opponent_color] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[end];
if (rook_start >= 0)
var rook = board[rook_start];
board[rook_start] = null;
piece_masks[color] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[rook_start];
board[rook_end] = rook;
piece_masks[color] |= BitBoard.set_location_masks[rook_end];
/* Can't castle once king has moved */
if (piece.type == PieceType.KING)
can_castle_kingside[color] = false;
can_castle_queenside[color] = false;
/* Can't castle once rooks have moved */
else if (piece.type == PieceType.ROOK)
int base_rank = color == Color.WHITE ? 0 : 7;
if (r0 == base_rank)
if (f0 == 0)
can_castle_queenside[color] = false;
else if (f0 == 7)
can_castle_kingside[color] = false;
/* Can't castle once the rooks have been captured */
else if (victim != null && victim.type == PieceType.ROOK)
int base_rank = opponent_color == Color.WHITE ? 0 : 7;
if (r1 == base_rank)
if (f1 == 0)
can_castle_queenside[opponent_color] = false;
else if (f1 == 7)
can_castle_kingside[opponent_color] = false;
/* Pawn square moved over is vulnerable */
if (piece.type == PieceType.PAWN && over_mask != 0)
en_passant_index = get_index ((r0 + r1) / 2, f0);
en_passant_index = -1;
/* Reset halfmove count when pawn moved or piece taken */
if (piece.type == PieceType.PAWN || victim != null)
halfmove_clock = 0;
/* Test if this move would leave that player in check */
bool result = true;
if (test_check && is_in_check (player))
result = false;
/* Undo move */
if (!apply || !result)
board[start] = piece;
board[end] = null;
if (victim != null)
board[victim_index] = victim;
if (rook_start >= 0)
var rook = board[rook_end];
board[rook_start] = rook;
board[rook_end] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] = old_white_mask;
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] = old_black_mask;
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = old_white_can_castle_kingside;
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = old_white_can_castle_queenside;
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = old_black_can_castle_kingside;
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = old_black_can_castle_queenside;
en_passant_index = old_en_passant_index;
halfmove_clock = old_halfmove_clock;
return result;
current_player = color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE];
check_state = get_check_state (current_player);
last_move = new ChessMove ();
last_move.number = number;
last_move.piece = piece;
if (is_promotion)
last_move.promotion_piece = board[end];
last_move.victim = victim;
if (rook_end >= 0)
last_move.castling_rook = board[rook_end];
last_move.r0 = r0;
last_move.f0 = f0;
last_move.r1 = r1;
last_move.f1 = f1;
last_move.ambiguous_rank = ambiguous_rank;
last_move.ambiguous_file = ambiguous_file;
last_move.en_passant = en_passant;
last_move.check_state = check_state;
return true;
public ChessResult get_result (out ChessRule rule)
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
if (check_state == CheckState.CHECKMATE)
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
return ChessResult.BLACK_WON;
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
return ChessResult.WHITE_WON;
if (!can_move (current_player))
rule = ChessRule.STALEMATE;
return ChessResult.DRAW;
if (last_move != null && last_move.victim != null && !have_sufficient_material ())
return ChessResult.DRAW;
return ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS;
private CheckState get_check_state (ChessPlayer player)
if (is_in_check (player))
if (is_in_checkmate (player))
return CheckState.CHECKMATE;
return CheckState.CHECK;
return CheckState.NONE;
public bool is_in_check (ChessPlayer player)
var opponent = player.color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE];
/* Is in check if any piece can take the king */
for (int king_index = 0; king_index < 64; king_index++)
var p = board[king_index];
if (p != null && p.player == player && p.type == PieceType.KING)
/* See if any enemy pieces can take the king */
for (int start = 0; start < 64; start++)
if (move_with_coords (opponent,
get_rank (start), get_file (start),
get_rank (king_index), get_file (king_index),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, false))
return true;
return false;
private bool is_in_checkmate (ChessPlayer player)
/* Is in checkmate if no pieces can move */
for (int piece_index = 0; piece_index < 64; piece_index++)
var p = board[piece_index];
if (p != null && p.player == player)
for (int end = 0; end < 64; end++)
if (move_with_coords (player,
get_rank (piece_index), get_file (piece_index),
get_rank (end), get_file (end),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return false;
return true;
private bool can_move (ChessPlayer player)
bool have_pieces = false;
for (int start = 0; start < 64; start++)
var p = board[start];
if (p != null && p.player == player)
have_pieces = true;
/* See if can move anywhere */
for (int end = 0; end < 64; end++)
if (move_with_coords (player,
get_rank (start), get_file (start),
get_rank (end), get_file (end),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return true;
/* Only mark as stalemate if have at least one piece */
if (have_pieces)
return false;
return true;
public bool have_sufficient_material ()
var white_knight_count = 0;
var white_bishop_count = 0;
var white_bishop_on_white_square = false;
var white_bishop_on_black_square = false;
var black_knight_count = 0;
var black_bishop_count = 0;
var black_bishop_on_white_square = false;
var black_bishop_on_black_square = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
var p = board[i];
if (p == null)
/* Any pawns, rooks or queens can perform checkmate */
if (p.type == PieceType.PAWN || p.type == PieceType.ROOK || p.type == PieceType.QUEEN)
return true;
/* Otherwise, count the minor pieces for each colour... */
if (p.type == PieceType.KNIGHT)
if (p.color == Color.WHITE)
if (p.type == PieceType.BISHOP)
var color = Color.BLACK;
if ((i + i/8) % 2 != 0)
color = Color.WHITE;
if (p.color == Color.WHITE)
if (color == Color.WHITE)
white_bishop_on_white_square = true;
white_bishop_on_black_square = true;
if (color == Color.WHITE)
black_bishop_on_white_square = true;
black_bishop_on_black_square = true;
* We count the following positions as insufficient:
* 1) king versus king
* 2) king and bishop versus king
* 3) king and knight versus king
* 4) king and bishop versus king and bishop with the bishops on the same color. (Any
* number of additional bishops of either color on the same color of square due to
* underpromotion do not affect the situation.)
* From:
* Note also that this follows FIDE rules, not USCF rules. E.g. K+N+N vs. K cannot be
* forced, so it's not counted as a draw.
* This is also what CECP engines will be expecting:
* "Note that (in accordance with FIDE rules) only KK, KNK, KBK and KBKB with all
* bishops on the same color can be claimed as draws on the basis of insufficient mating
* material. The end-games KNNK, KBKN, KNKN and KBKB with unlike bishops do have mate
* positions, and cannot be claimed. Complex draws based on locked Pawn chains will not
* be recognized as draws by most interfaces, so do not claim in such positions, but
* just offer a draw or play on."
* From:
* (In contrast, UCI seems to expect the interface to handle draws itself.)
/* Two knights versus king can checkmate (though not against an optimal opponent) */
if (white_knight_count > 1 || black_knight_count > 1)
return true;
/* Bishop and knight versus king can checkmate */
if (white_bishop_count > 0 && white_knight_count > 0)
return true;
if (black_bishop_count > 0 && black_knight_count > 0)
return true;
/* King and bishops versus king can checkmate as long as the bishops are on both colours */
if (white_bishop_on_white_square && white_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
if (black_bishop_on_white_square && black_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
/* King and minor piece vs. King and knight is surprisingly not a draw */
if ((white_bishop_count > 0 || white_knight_count > 0) && black_knight_count > 0)
return true;
if ((black_bishop_count > 0 || black_knight_count > 0) && white_knight_count > 0)
return true;
/* King and bishop can checkmate vs. king and bishop if bishops are on opposite colors */
if (white_bishop_count > 0 && black_bishop_count > 0)
if (white_bishop_on_white_square && black_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
else if (white_bishop_on_black_square && black_bishop_on_white_square)
return true;
return false;
private bool decode_piece_type (unichar c, out PieceType type)
type = PieceType.PAWN;
switch (c)
case 'P':
type = PieceType.PAWN;
return true;
case 'R':
type = PieceType.ROOK;
return true;
case 'N':
type = PieceType.KNIGHT;
return true;
case 'B':
type = PieceType.BISHOP;
return true;
case 'Q':
type = PieceType.QUEEN;
return true;
case 'K':
type = PieceType.KING;
return true;
return false;
private bool decode_move (ChessPlayer player, string move, out int r0, out int f0, out int r1, out int f1, out PieceType promotion_type)
int i = 0;
promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN;
if (move.has_prefix ("O-O-O"))
if (player.color == Color.WHITE)
r0 = r1 = 0;
r0 = r1 = 7;
f0 = 4;
f1 = 2;
i += (int) "O-O-O".length;
else if (move.has_prefix ("O-O"))
if (player.color == Color.WHITE)
r0 = r1 = 0;
r0 = r1 = 7;
f0 = 4;
f1 = 6;
i += (int) "O-O".length;
PieceType type = PieceType.PAWN;
if (decode_piece_type (move[i], out type))
r0 = f0 = r1 = f1 = -1;
if (move[i] >= 'a' && move[i] <= 'h')
f1 = (int) (move[i] - 'a');
if (move[i] >= '1' && move[i] <= '8')
r1 = (int) (move[i] - '1');
if (move[i] == 'x' || move[i] == '-')
if (move[i] >= 'a' && move[i] <= 'h')
f0 = f1;
f1 = (int) (move[i] - 'a');
if (move[i] >= '1' && move[i] <= '8')
r0 = r1;
r1 = (int) (move[i] - '1');
if (move[i] == '=')
if (decode_piece_type (move[i], out promotion_type))
else if (move[i] != '\0')
switch (move[i])
case 'q':
case 'Q':
promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN;
case 'n':
case 'N':
promotion_type = PieceType.KNIGHT;
case 'r':
case 'R':
promotion_type = PieceType.ROOK;
case 'b':
case 'B':
promotion_type = PieceType.BISHOP;
/* Don't have a destination to move to */
if (r1 < 0 || f1 < 0)
debug ("Move %s missing destination", move);
return false;
/* Find source piece */
if (r0 < 0 || f0 < 0)
int match_rank = -1, match_file = -1;
for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++)
if (f0 >= 0 && file != f0)
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
if (r0 >= 0 && rank != r0)
/* Only check this players pieces of the correct type */
var piece = board[get_index (rank, file)];
if (piece == null || piece.type != type || piece.player != player)
/* See if can move here */
if (!this.move_with_coords (player, rank, file, r1, f1, PieceType.QUEEN, false))
/* Duplicate match */
if (match_rank >= 0)
debug ("Move %s is ambiguous", move);
return false;
match_rank = rank;
match_file = file;
if (match_rank < 0)
debug ("Move %s has no matches", move);
return false;
r0 = match_rank;
f0 = match_file;
if (move[i] == '+')
else if (move[i] == '#')
if (move[i] != '\0')
debug ("Move %s has unexpected characters", move);
return false;
return true;