public class AIProfile { public string name; public string protocol; public string binary; public string path; public string args; public string[] easy_options; public string[] normal_options; public string[] hard_options; } public List load_ai_profiles (string filename) { var profiles = new List (); var file = new KeyFile (); try { file.load_from_file (filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE); } catch (KeyFileError e) { warning ("Failed to load AI profiles: %s", e.message); return profiles; } catch (FileError e) { warning ("Failed to load AI profiles: %s", e.message); return profiles; } foreach (string name in file.get_groups ()) { debug ("Loading AI profile %s", name); var profile = new AIProfile (); try { = name; profile.protocol = file.get_value (name, "protocol"); profile.binary = file.get_value (name, "binary"); if (file.has_key (name, "args")) profile.args = file.get_value (name, "args"); else profile.args = null; // bgo#696474 profile.easy_options = load_options (file, name, "easy"); profile.normal_options = load_options (file, name, "normal"); profile.hard_options = load_options (file, name, "hard"); } catch (KeyFileError e) { continue; } var path = Environment.find_program_in_path (profile.binary); if (path != null) { profile.path = path; profiles.append (profile); } } return profiles; } private string[] load_options (KeyFile file, string name, string difficulty) throws KeyFileError { int count = 0; while (file.has_key (name, "option-%s-%d".printf (difficulty, count))) count++; string[] options = new string[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) options[i] = file.get_value (name, "option-%s-%d".printf (difficulty, i)); return options; }