700 The width of the window The width of the main window in pixels. 550 The height of the window The height of the main window in pixels. false A flag to enable maximized mode A flag to enable maximized mode 'simple' The piece theme to use The piece theme to use true A flag to enable move hints A flag to enable move hints false A flag to enable board numbering A flag to enable board numbering '' The directory to open the save game dialog in The directory to open the save game dialog in '' The directory to open the load game dialog in The directory to open the load game dialog in 'human' The format to display moves in The format to display moves in 'human' The side of the board that is in the foreground The side of the board that is in the foreground 0 The duration of a game in seconds (0 for no limit) The duration of a game in seconds (0 for no limit) 'simple' The type of clock (simple/fischer/bronstein) The type of clock (simple/fischer/bronstein) 1 The timer increment set corresponding to clock type (1 second minimum) The timer increment set corresponding to clock type (1 second minimum) 'white' The board side to play as The board side to play as 'white' The last side the player played as This is needed when play-as is set to alternate. This should only be set to black or white. '' The opponent player Can be 'human' (play against another human player), '' (use the first available chess engine) or the name of a specific engine to play against 'easy' Difficulty of the opponent chess engine Difficulty of the opponent chess engine