Add translator comments

svn path=/trunk/; revision=8060
This commit is contained in:
Robert Ancell 2008-10-17 11:59:40 +00:00
parent 12a080ec24
commit 9d28292d73
5 changed files with 104 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ openGLErrors = []
import OpenGL.GL
# Translators: This message is displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python OpenGL libraries
# Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python OpenGL libraries
openGLErrors.append(_('No Python OpenGL support'))
import gtk.gtkgl
import gtk.gdkgl
# Translators: This message is displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python GTKGLExt libraries
# Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python GTKGLExt libraries
openGLErrors.append(_('No Python GTKGLExt support'))
display_mode = (gtk.gdkgl.MODE_RGB | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DEPTH | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DOUBLE)
@ -31,17 +31,23 @@ else:
glConfig = gtk.gdkgl.Config(mode = display_mode)
except gtk.gdkgl.NoMatches:
# Translators: This message is displayed when 3D mode is not available due to their 3D drivers not being able to provide a suitable display mode
# Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to their 3D drivers not being able to provide a suitable display mode
openGLErrors.append(_('OpenGL libraries do not support required display mode'))
haveGLSupport = len(openGLErrors) == 0
__all__ = ['GtkView']
# Translators: pawn name used in human readable move format
pieceNames = {glchess.chess.board.PAWN: _('pawn'),
# Translators: rook name used in human readable move format
glchess.chess.board.ROOK: _('rook'),
# Translators: knight name used in human readable move format
glchess.chess.board.KNIGHT: _('knight'),
# Translators: bishop name used in human readable move format
glchess.chess.board.BISHOP: _('bishop'),
# Translators: queen name used in human readable move format
glchess.chess.board.QUEEN: _('queen'),
# Translators: king name used in human readable move format
glchess.chess.board.KING: _('king')}
class GtkViewArea(gtk.DrawingArea):
@ -251,6 +257,7 @@ class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController):
# Make a model for navigation (move object, number, description)
model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, int, str)
iter = model.append()
# Translators: Move History Combo: Go to the start of the game
model.set(iter, 0, None, 1, 0, 2, _('Game Start'))
self.moveModel = model
@ -284,10 +291,11 @@ class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController):
if self.showComments:
# Show the comments
if move is None:
titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % _('Game start'))
titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % _('Game Start'))
titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % self.generateMoveString(move))
# Translators: Comment text when move has no comment
comment = _('No comment')
if move is not None and len(move.comment) > 0:
comment = move.comment
@ -464,7 +472,7 @@ class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController):
def endGame(self, game):
# Translators: This message is displayed when a player wins. The %s is substituted with the winning player's name
# Translators: Message displayed when a player wins. The %s is substituted with the winning player's name
format = _('%s wins')
# If game completed show this in the GUI
@ -473,39 +481,39 @@ class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController):
elif game.result is
title = format % game.getBlack().getName()
# Translators: This message is displayed when a game is drawn
# Translators: Message displayed when a game is drawn
title = _('Game is drawn')
description = ''
if game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game ends due to a player being checkmated
# Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to a player being checkmated
description = _('Opponent is in check and cannot move (checkmate)')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game terminates due to a stalemate
# Translators: Message displayed when the game terminates due to a stalemate
description = _('Opponent cannot move (stalemate)')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game is drawn due to the fifty move rule
# Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the fifty move rule
description = _('No piece has been taken or pawn moved in the last fifty moves')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game ends due to one player's clock stopping
# Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to one player's clock stopping
description = _('Opponent has run out of time')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game is drawn due to the three-fold-repitition rule
# Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the three-fold-repitition rule
description = _('The same board state has occured three times (three fold repetition)')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game is drawn due to the insufficient material rule
# Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the insufficient material rule
description = _('Neither player can cause checkmate (insufficient material)')
elif game.rule is
if game.result is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game ends due to the black player resigning
# Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to the black player resigning
description = _('The black player has resigned')
elif game.result is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game ends due to the white player resigning
# Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to the white player resigning
description = _('The white player has resigned')
elif game.rule is
# Translators: This message is displayed when the game ends due to a player dying
# Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to a player dying
description = _('One of the players has died')
self.gameResult = (title, description)

View file

@ -120,12 +120,17 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
# Create model for game time
defaultTime = glchess.config.get('new_game_dialog/move_time')
# Translators: This is one of the options game duration combo box in the new game dialog
# Translators: Time Combo: There is no time limit
times = [(_('Unlimited'), 0),
# Translators: Time Combo: Game will last one minute
(_('One minute'), 60),
# Translators: Time Combo: Game will last five minutes
(_('Five minutes'), 300),
# Translators: Time Combo: Game will last 30 minutes
(_('30 minutes'), 1800),
# Translators: Time Combo: Game will last one hour
(_('One hour'), 3600),
# Translators: Time Combo: User will configure game duration
(_('Custom'), -1)]
timeModel = gtk.ListStore(str, int)
activeIter = None
@ -146,8 +151,11 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
widget.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
model = gtk.ListStore(str, int)
# Translators: Custom Time Combo: User specifying number of seconds for game duration
units = [(_('seconds'), 1),
# Translators: Custom Time Combo: User specifying number of minutes for game duration
(_('minutes'), 60),
# Translators: Custom Time Combo: User specifying number of hours for game duration
(_('hours'), 3600)]
for (name, multiplier) in units:
iter = model.append()
@ -165,8 +173,11 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
# Create the model for difficulty options
levelModel = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str)
# Translators: AI Difficulty Combo: AI set to easy difficulty
levels = [('easy', _('Easy'), 'weather-few-clouds'),
# Translators: AI Difficulty Combo: AI set to normal diffuculty
('normal', _('Normal'), 'weather-overcast'),
# Translators: AI Difficulty Combo: AI set to hard diffuculty
('hard', _('Hard'), 'weather-storm')]
for (key, label, icon) in levels:
iter = levelModel.append()
@ -229,21 +240,26 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
if g is not None:
self.__customName = True
# Translators: Error displayed when unable to load a game due to
# the require game engine not being available. %s is replaced with
# the name of the missing engine.
noEngineFormat = _('Unable to find %s engine')
if not self.__setCombo('white_type_combo', g.white.type):
errors.append(_('Unable to find %s engine') % repr(g.white.type))
errors.append(noEngineFormat % repr(g.white.type))
self.__setCombo('white_difficulty_combo', g.white.level)
if not self.__setCombo('black_type_combo',
errors.append(_('Unable to find %s engine') % repr(
errors.append(noEngineFormat % repr(
# TODO: Others
# Change title for loaded games
if g.path is not None:
# Translators: This is the title of the dialog when continuing a loaded game
# Translators: New Game Dialog: Title of the dialog when continuing a loaded game
self.window.set_title(_('Configure loaded game (%i moves)') % len(g.moves))
# Display warning if missing the AIs
if len(errors) > 0:
# Translators: New Game Dialog: Title of error box when loaded game had AI engines missing
self.__gui.get_widget('info_title_label').set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % _('Game settings changed'))
self.__gui.get_widget('info_description_label').set_markup('<i>%s</i>' % '\n'.join(errors))
@ -306,7 +322,7 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
whiteName = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('white_type_combo'), 2)
blackName = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('black_type_combo'), 2)
# Translators: This is the default name for a new game. %(white) and %(black) are substituted for the names of the white and black players.
# Translators: Default name for a new game. %(white) and %(black) are substituted for the names of the white and black players.
format = _('%(white)s versus %(black)s')
self.__gui.get_widget('game_name_entry').set_text(format % {'white': whiteName, 'black': blackName})
@ -330,14 +346,14 @@ class GtkNewGameDialog:
# Get the players
game.white.type = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('white_type_combo'), 0)
if game.white.type == '':
# Translators: This is the default name for the white player
# Translators: Default name for the white player = _('White')
else: = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('white_type_combo'), 2)
game.white.level = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('white_difficulty_combo'), 0) = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('black_type_combo'), 0)
if == '':
# Translators: This is the default name for the black player
# Translators: Default name for the black player = _('Black')
else: = self.__getComboData(self.__gui.get_widget('black_type_combo'), 2)
@ -447,7 +463,7 @@ class GtkLoadGameDialog:
fileName = self.__gui.get_widget('filechooserwidget').get_filename()
if fileName is None:
# Translators: This message is displayed in the load dialog when no file is selected
# Translators: Message displayed in load game dialog when no file is selected
error = _('Please select a file to load')
error =, responseId == gtk.RESPONSE_YES)
@ -455,6 +471,7 @@ class GtkLoadGameDialog:
if error is not None:
self.firstExpose = True
# Translators: Title of error box when unable to load game
self.__gui.get_widget('error_title_label').set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % _('Unabled to load game'))
self.__gui.get_widget('error_description_label').set_markup('<i>%s</i>' % error)
@ -524,6 +541,7 @@ class GtkSaveGameDialog:
# Append .pgn to the end if not provided
fname = chooser.get_filename()
if fname is None:
# Translators: Save Game Dialog: Error displayed when no file name entered
self.__setError(_('Please enter a file name'), '')
if fname[-4:].lower() != '.pgn':
@ -536,6 +554,7 @@ class GtkSaveGameDialog:
error = self.__mainUI._saveView(self.__view, fname)
if error is not None:
# Translators: Save Game Dialog: Error title when unable to save game
self.__setError(_('Unabled to save game'), error)
@ -561,20 +580,27 @@ class GtkPreferencesDialog:
moveModel = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
widget = self.__gui.get_widget('move_format_combo')
# Translators: Move Format Combo: Moves shown in human descriptive notation
move_formats = [('human', _('Human')),
# Translators: Move Format Combo: Moves shown in long algebraic notation (LAN)
('lan', _('Long Algebraic')),
# Translators: Move Format Combo: Moves shown in standard algebraic notation (SAN)
('san', _('Standard Algebraic'))]
for (key, label) in move_formats:
iter = moveModel.append()
moveModel.set(iter, 0, label, 1, key)
# Make modelfor board orientation
# Make model for board orientation
boardModel = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
widget = self.__gui.get_widget('board_combo')
# Translators: Board Side Combo: Camera will face white player's side
view_list = [('white', _('White Side')),
# Translators: Board Side Combo: Camera will face black player's side
('black', _('Black Side')),
# Translators: Board Side Combo: Camera will face human player's side
('human', _('Human Side')),
# Translators: Board Side Combo: Camera will face current player's side
('current', _('Current Player'))]
for (key, label) in view_list:
iter = boardModel.append()
@ -584,9 +610,13 @@ class GtkPreferencesDialog:
promotionModel = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
widget = self.__gui.get_widget('promotion_type_combo')
promotion_list = [('queen', _('Queen')),
# Translators: Promotion Combo: Promote to a queen
promotion_list = [('queen', _('Queen')),
# Translators: Promotion Combo: Promote to a knight
('knight', _('Knight')),
('rook', _('Rook')),
# Translators: Promotion Combo: Promote to a rook
('rook', _('Rook')),
# Translators: Promotion Combo: Promote to a bishop
('bishop', _('Bishop'))]
for (key, label) in promotion_list:
iter = promotionModel.append()

View file

@ -359,13 +359,13 @@ class GtkUI(glchess.ui.UI):
# Set the window title to the name of the game
if self.view is not None and len(self.view.title) > 0:
if self.view.needsSaving:
# Translators: This is the window title when playing a game that needs saving
# Translators: Window title when playing a game that needs saving
title = _('Chess - *%(game_name)s') % {'game_name': self.view.title}
# Translators: This is the window title when playing a game that is saved
# Translators: Window title when playing a game that is saved
title = _('Chess - %(game_name)s') % {'game_name': self.view.title}
# Translators: This is the window title when not playing a game
# Translators: Window title when not playing a game
title = _('Chess')
@ -377,13 +377,16 @@ class GtkUI(glchess.ui.UI):
def setTimers(self, whiteTime, blackTime):
# Translators: Game Timer Label: Indicates that game has no time limit
unlimitedTimeText = _('')
if whiteTime is None:
whiteString = _('')
whiteString = unlimitedTimeText
t = whiteTime[1]
whiteString = '%i:%02i' % (t / 60, t % 60)
if blackTime is None:
blackString = _('')
blackString = unlimitedTimeText
t = blackTime[1]
blackString = '%i:%02i' % (t / 60, t % 60)
@ -462,9 +465,9 @@ class GtkUI(glchess.ui.UI):
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
message_format = title)
# Translators: This text is displayed in a dialog asking the user to save the current game
dialog.format_secondary_text("If you don't save the changes to this game will be permanently lost")
# Translators: This is the button text in the save game dialog to decline to save the game
# Translators: Save Game Dialog: Notice that game needs saving
dialog.format_secondary_text(_("If you don't save the changes to this game will be permanently lost"))
# Translators: Save Game Dialog: Discard game button
dialog.add_button(_('Close _without saving'), gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)
dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
@ -579,10 +582,11 @@ class GtkUI(glchess.ui.UI):
# Enable/disable OpenGL rendering
elif name == 'show_3d':
if value and not chessview.haveGLSupport:
# Translators: This is the title of the dialog that is displayed when a user tries to enable 3D without the required libraries
# Translators: No 3D Dialog: Title
title = _('Unable to enable 3D mode')
errors = '\n'.join(chessview.openGLErrors)
# Translators: This is displayed in a dialog when a user tries to enable 3D without the required libraries. %(error)s will be replaced with a list of reasons why 3D is not available.
# Translators: No 3D Dialog: Notification to user that they do not have libraries required to enable 3D.
# %(error)s will be replaced with a list of reasons why 3D is not available.
description = _("""You are unable to play in 3D mode due to the following problems:
@ -835,9 +839,9 @@ Please contact your system administrator to resolve these problems, until then y
# Translators: This is the title of the dialog that is displayed when a user requests a draw but one is not available
# Translators: Draw Dialog: Title
title = _("Unable to claim draw")
# Translators: This is the message that is displayed in a dialog when a user requests a draw but one is not available
# Translators: Draw Dialog: Notify user why they cannot claim draw
message = _("""You may claim a draw when:
a) The board has been in the same state three times (Three fold repetition)
b) Fifty moves have occured where no pawn has moved and no piece has been captured (50 move rule)""")

View file

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class GtkNetworkGameDialog(glchess.ui.NetworkController):
self.profileModel = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, str)
iter = self.profileModel.append()
# Translators: Server Combo Box: Not connected to a server
self.profileModel.set(iter, 0, None, 1, _('Disconnected'))
widget = self.__gui.get_widget('server_combo')
@ -89,23 +90,28 @@ class GtkNetworkGameDialog(glchess.ui.NetworkController):
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# Translators: Available GGZ Tables: Table name column title
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Table'), cell)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1)
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# Translators: Available GGZ Tables: Seat status column title
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Seats'), cell)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2)
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# Translators: Available GGZ Tables: Table description column title
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description'), cell)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 3)
view = self.__gui.get_widget('seat_list')
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# Translators: Current GGZ Table: Seat name column title
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Seat'), cell)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2)
# Translators: Current GGZ Table: Player name column title
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Player'), cell)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 3)
column.add_attribute(cell, 'style', 4)
@ -252,10 +258,13 @@ class GtkNetworkGameDialog(glchess.ui.NetworkController):
iter = seatModel.append()
if number == 0:
# Translators: GGZ seat is occupied by the white player
seatName = _('White')
elif number == 1:
# Translators: GGZ seat is occupied by the black player
seatName = _('Black')
# Translators: GGZ seat is occupied by a spectator
seatName = _('Spectator')
style = pango.STYLE_ITALIC
@ -263,11 +272,16 @@ class GtkNetworkGameDialog(glchess.ui.NetworkController):
if type == 'player':
style = pango.STYLE_NORMAL
elif type == 'reserved':
occupant = _('Reserved for %s' % name)
# Translators: GGZ seat status: This seat is reserved. %s is replaced with
# the name of the player the seat is reserved for.
occupant = _('Reserved for %s') % name
elif type == 'open':
# Translators: GGZ seat status: This seat is not taken
occupant = _('Seat empty')
elif type == 'bot':
occupant = _('AI (%s)' % name)
# Translators: GGZ seat status: This seat contains an AI player.
# %s is replaced with the name of the AI.
occupant = _('AI (%s)') % name
seatModel.set(iter, 0, number, 1, type, 2, seatName, 3, occupant, 4, style)

View file

@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ class ChessGame(game.ChessGame):
Returns an AI player to use (game.ChessPlayer).
# Translators: Description of an AI player used in log window. %(name)s is replaced with
# the name of the AI player. %(game)s is replaced with the name of the game the AI player
# is in.
description = _("'%(name)s' in '%(game)s'") % {'name': name, 'game':}
p = player.AIPlayer(self.application, name, profile, level, description)
@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ class Application:
self.history = history.GameHistory()
# Translators: This is the name of the log that displays application events
# Translators: Name of the log that displays application events
title = _('Application Log')
self.logger = self.ui.controller.addLogWindow(title, '', '')
@ -689,8 +692,8 @@ class Application:
self.logger.addLine('loaded in %f seconds' % (time.time() - s))
# Translators: This is the text displayed on the command-line if an unknown argument is passed
# FIXME: Should be in a dialog
# Translators: Text displayed on the command-line if an unknown argument is passed
print _('Usage: %s [game]') % sys.argv[0]
@ -701,9 +704,11 @@ class Application:
aiName =
black = (aiName, 'easy')
# Translators: This is the name of a human versus AI game. The %s is replaced with the name of the AI player
# Translators: Name of a human versus AI game. The %s is replaced with the name of the AI player
gameName = _('Human versus %s') % aiName
# Translators: Name of white player in a default game
whiteName = _('White')
# Translators: Name of black player in a default game
blackName = _('Black')
g = self.addLocalGame(gameName, whiteName, None, blackName, black)
g.inHistory = True