diff --git a/doc/Chess Engine Communication Protocol.mhtml b/doc/Chess Engine Communication Protocol.mhtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bd93fd --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Chess Engine Communication Protocol.mhtml @@ -0,0 +1,2559 @@ +From: +Subject: Chess Engine Communication Protocol +Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2015 13:44:46 -0600 +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: multipart/related; + type="text/html"; + boundary="----=_NextPart_000_54A2_DEB82D8C.A8B4CBEA" + +------=_NextPart_000_54A2_DEB82D8C.A8B4CBEA +Content-Type: text/html +Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable +Content-Location: http://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/engine-intf.html + + +Chess Engine Communication Protocol + + + + + + +

Chess Engine Communication Protocol


Tim Mann & H.G.Muller


+Version 2; implemented in xboard/WinBoard 4.2.1 and later. (Sept 3, 2009) +Changes since version 1 are indicated in red.
+Changes for WinBoard 4.3.xx are indicated in gree= +n.
+Changes for WinBoard 4.4.xx are indicated in blue= +. +

+ + + +
+ +

1. Introduction

+ +

+This document is a set of rough notes on the protocol that xboard and +WinBoard use to communicate with gnuchessx and other chess engines. +These notes may be useful if you want to connect a different chess +engine to xboard. Throughout the notes, "xboard" means both xboard +and WinBoard except where they are specifically contrasted. +

+ +

+There are two reasons I can imagine someone wanting to do this:=20 +

+ +
  1. You have, or are developing, a chess engine but you don't want to +write your own graphical interface.
  2. +
  3. You have, or are developing,a chess engine, and you want to +interface it to the Internet Chess Server.
  4. +
+ +

+In case (2), if you are using xboard, you will need to configure the +"Zippy" code into it, but WinBoard includes this code already. See +the file zippy.READ= +ME +in the xboard or WinBoard distribution for more information. +

+ +

+These notes are unpolished, but I've attempted to make them complete +in this release. If you notice any errors, omissions, or misleading +statements, let me know. +

+ +

+I'd like to hear from everyone who is trying to interface their own +chess engine to xboard/WinBoard. Please join the mailing list for=20 +authors of xboard/WinBoard compatible chess engines and post a message=20 +about what you're doing. The list is now hosted by Yahoo Groups; you=20 +can join at http://= +groups.yahoo.com/group/chess-engines, or you can read the +list there without joining. The list is filtered to prevent spam. +

+ +

+Note that the WinBoard 4.3.xx line was developed independently of the +original GNU project, by H.G.Muller. +If you have questions about WinBoard 4.3.xx, or want to report bugs in it, +report them in the appropriate section of the=20 +WinBoard forum. +

+ +

2. Connection

+ +

+An xboard chess engine runs as a separate process from xboard itself, +connected to xboard through a pair of anonymous pipes. The engine +does not have to do anything special to set up these pipes. xboard +sets up the pipes itself and starts the engine with one pipe as its +standard input and the other as its standard output. The engine then +reads commands from its standard input and writes responses to its +standard output. This is, unfortunately, a little more complicated to +do right than it sounds; see section 6 below. +

+ +

+And yes, contrary to some people's expectations, exactly the same +thing is true for WinBoard. Pipes and standard input/output are +implemented in Win32 and work fine. You don't have to use DDE, COM, +DLLs, BSOD, or any of the other infinite complexity that +Microsoft has created just to talk between two programs. A WinBoard +chess engine is a Win32 console program that simply reads from its +standard input and writes to its standard output. See sections=20 +5 and <= +a href=3D"http://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/engine-intf.html#6">6 below = +for additional details. +

+ +

3. Debugging

+ +

+To diagnose problems in your engine's interaction with xboard, use the +-debug flag on xboard's command line to see the messages that are +being exchanged. In WinBoard, these messages are written to the file +WinBoard.debug instead of going to the screen. +

+ +

+You can turn debug mode on or off while WinBoard is running by +pressing Ctrl+Alt+F12. You can turn debug mode on or off while xboard +is running by binding DebugProc to a shortcut key (and pressing the +key!); see the instructions on shortcut keys in the xboard man page. +

+ +

+While your engine is running under xboard/WinBoard, you can send a +command directly to the engine by pressing Shift+1 (xboard) or Alt+1 +(WinBoard 4.0.3 and later). This brings up a dialog that you can type +your command into. Press Shift+2 (Alt+2) instead to send to the +second chess engine in Two Machines mode. On WinBoard 4.0.2 and earlier, +Ctrl+Alt is used in place of Alt; this had to be changed due to a conflict +with typing the @-sign on some European keyboards. +

+ +

4. How it got this way

+ +

+Originally, xboard was just trying to talk to the existing +command-line interface of GNU Chess 3.1+ and 4, which was designed +for people to type commands to. So the communication protocol is very +ad-hoc. It might have been good to redesign it early on, but because +xboard and GNU Chess are separate programs, I didn't want to force +people to upgrade them together to versions that matched. I +particularly wanted to keep new versions of xboard working with old +versions of GNU Chess, to make it easier to compare the play of old +and new gnuchess versions. I didn't foresee the need for a clean +protocol to be used with other chess engines in the future. +

+ +

+Circumstances have changed over the years, and now there are many more +engines that work with xboard. I've had to make the protocol +description more precise, I've added some features that GNU Chess +does not support, and I've specified the standard semantics of a few +features to be slightly different from what GNU Chess 4 does. +

+ +

+This release of the protocol specification is the first to carry a +version number of its own -- version 2. Previous releases simply +carried a last-modified date and were loosely tied to specific=20 +releases of xboard and WinBoard. The version number "1" applies +generally to all those older versions of the protocol. +

+ +

+Protocol version 2 remains compatible with older engines but has +several new capabilities. In particular, it adds the=20 +"feature" command, a new mechanism for making backward-compatible +changes and extensions to the protocol. Engines that do not support a +particular new feature do not have to use it; new features are not +enabled unless the engine specifically requests them using the feature +command. If an engine does not send the feature command at all, the +protocol behavior is nearly identical to version 1. Several new +features can be selected by the feature command in version 2, +including the "ping" command (recommended for all engines), the +"setboard" command, and many optional parameters. Additional features +will probably be added in future versions. +

+ +

+If it is necessary to have a separate name,=20 +it would be best to refer to the protocol including the green additions as = +version 2f. +I really don't think it is a different protocol from version 2, though. +I just tried to clarify some ambiguities in the original definition, +now that the WinBoard 4.3.xx line has implemented them in a specific way. +The hand-shaking protocol for features as defined in protocol 2 perfectly +allows addition of an occasional new features without any need for stepping= + up the protocol version number, +and I think refraining from the latter would enormously lower the barrier f= +or actual +implementation of these features in engines. +
+The two really new things are the engine debug comments, and the "nps" comm= +and. +The former merely tries to regulate an extremely common existing pactice=20 +of having engines dump debug messages on WinBoard in an unprotected way,=20 +as usually you get away with that. +

+ +

5. WinBoard requires Win32 engines

+ +

+Due to some Microsoft brain damage that I don't understand, WinBoard +does not work with chess engines that were compiled to use a DOS +extender for 32-bit addressing. (Probably not with 16-bit DOS or +Windows programs either.) WinBoard works only with engines that are +compiled for the Win32 API. You can get a free compiler that targets +the Win32 API from http://sou= +rces.redhat.com/cygwin/. I think DJGPP 2.x should also +work if you use the RSXNTDJ extension, but I haven't tried it. Of +course, Microsoft Visual C++ will work. Most likely the other +commercial products that support Win32 will work too (Borland, etc.), +but I have not tried them. Delphi has been successfully used to write +engines for WinBoard; if you want to do this, Tony Werten has donated +some sample +code that should help you get started. +

+ +

6. Hints on input/output

+ +

+Beware of using buffered I/O in your chess engine. The C stdio +library, C++ streams, and the I/O packages in most other languages use +buffering both on input and output. That means two things. First, +when your engine tries to write some characters to xboard, the library +stashes them in an internal buffer and does not actually write them to +the pipe connected to xboard until either the buffer fills up or you +call a special library routine asking for it to be flushed. (In C +stdio, this routine is named fflush.) Second, when your engine tr= +ies +to read some characters from xboard, the library does not read just +the characters you asked for -- it reads all the characters that are +currently available (up to some limit) and stashes any characters you +are not yet ready for in an internal buffer. The next time you ask to +read, you get the characters from the buffer (if any) before the +library tries to read more data from the actual pipe. +

+ +

+Why does this cause problems? First, on the output side, remember +that your engine produces output in small quantities (say, a few +characters for a move, or a line or two giving the current analysis), +and that data always needs to be delivered to xboard/WinBoard for +display immediately. If you use buffered output, the data you print +will sit in a buffer in your own address space instead of being +delivered. +

+ +

+You can usually fix the output buffering problem by asking for the +buffering to be turned off. In C stdio, you do this by calling +setbuf(stdout, NULL). A more laborious and error-prone +method is to carefully call fflush(stdout) after every line +you output; I don't recommend this. In C++, you can try +cout.setf(ios::unitbuf), which is documented in current +editions of "The C++ Programming Language," but not older ones. +Another C++ method that might work is +cout.rdbuf()->setbuf(NULL, 0). Alternatively, you can +carefully call cout.flush() after every line you output; +again, I don't recommend this. +

+ +

+Another way to fix the problem is to use unbuffered operating system +calls to write directly to the file descriptor for standard output. +On Unix, this means write(1, ...) -- see the man page for write(2)= +. +On Win32, you can use either the Unix-like _write(1, ...) or Win32 +native routines like WriteFile. +

+ +

+Second, on the input side, you are likely to want to poll during your +search and stop it if new input has come in. If you implement +pondering, you'll need this so that pondering stops when the user +makes a move. You should also poll during normal thinking on your +move, so that you can implement the "?" (move now) command, and so +that you can respond promptly to a "result", "force", or "quit" +command if xboard wants to end the game or terminate your engine. +Buffered input makes polling more complicated -- when you poll, you +must stop your search if there are either characters in the buffer +or characters available from the underlying file descriptor. +

+ +

+The most direct way to fix this problem is to use unbuffered operating +system calls to read (and poll) the underlying file descriptor +directly. On Unix, use read(0, ...) to read from standard input, = +and +use select() to poll it. See the man pages read(2) and select(2). +(Don't follow the example of GNU Chess 4 and use the FIONREAD ioctl to +poll for input. It is not very portable; that is, it does not exist +on all versions of Unix, and is broken on some that do have it.) On +Win32, you can use either the Unix-like _read(0, ...) or the nativ= +e +Win32 ReadFile() to read. Unfortunately, under Win32, the functio= +n to +use for polling is different depending on whether the input device is +a pipe, a console, or something else. (More Microsoft brain damage +here -- did they never hear of device independence?) For pipes, you +can use PeekNamedPipe to poll (even when the pipe is unnamed). +For consoles,=20 +you can use GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents. For sockets only, you = +can +use select(). It might be possible to use +WaitForSingleObject more=20 +generally, but I have not tried it. Some code to do these things can +be found in Crafty's utility.c, but I don't guarantee that it's all +correct or optimal. +

+ +

+A second way to fix the problem might be to ask your I/O library not +to buffer on input. It should then be safe to poll the underlying +file descriptor as described above. With C, you can try calling +setbuf(stdin, NULL). However, I have never tried this. Also, the= +re +could be problems if you use scanf(), at least with certain patter= +ns, +because scanf() sometimes needs to read one extra character and "p= +ush +it back" into the buffer; hence, there is a one-character pushback +buffer even if you asked for stdio to be unbuffered. With C++, you +can try cin.rdbuf()->setbuf(NULL, 0), but again, I have never t= +ried +this. +

+ +

+A third way to fix the problem is to check whether there are +characters in the buffer whenever you poll. C I/O libraries generally +do not provide any portable way to do this. Under C++, you can use +cin.rdbuf()->in_avail(). This method has been reported to +work with=20 +EXchess. Remember that if there are no characters in the buffer, you +still have to poll the underlying file descriptor too, using the +method described above. +

+ +

+A fourth way to fix the problem is to use a separate thread to read +from stdin. This way works well if you are familiar with thread +programming. This thread can be blocked waiting for input to come in +at all times, while the main thread of your engine does its thinking. +When input arrives, you have the thread put the input into a buffer +and set a flag in a global variable. Your search routine then +periodically tests the global variable to see if there is input to +process, and stops if there is. WinBoard and my Win32 ports of ICC +timestamp and FICS timeseal use threads to handle multiple input +sources. +

+ +

7. Signals

+ +

Engines that run on Unix need to be concerned with two Unix +signals: SIGTERM and SIGINT. This applies both to +engines that run under xboard and (the unusual case of) engines that +WinBoard remotely runs on a Unix host using the -firstHost or +-secondHost feature. It does not apply to engines that run on +Windows, because Windows does not have Unix-style signals. + +Beginning with version 2, you can now turn off the use of +either or both +signals. See the "feature" command in section 9 below. + +

+ +

First, when an engine is sent the "quit" command, it is also given +a SIGTERM signal shortly afterward to make sure it goes away. +If your engine reliably responds to "quit", and the signal causes +problems for you, you should either ignore it by calling +signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) at the start of your program, +or disable it with the "feature" command.

+ +

Second, xboard will send an interrupt signal (SIGINT) at +certain times when it believes the engine may not be listening to user +input (thinking or pondering). WinBoard currently does this only when +the engine is running remotely using the -firstHost or -secondHost +feature, not when it is running locally. You probably need to know +only enough about this grungy feature to keep it from getting in your +way. +

+ +

+The SIGINTs are basically tailored to the needs of GNU Chess 4 +on systems where its input polling code is broken or disabled. +Because they work in a rather peculiar way, it is recommended that you +either ignore SIGINT by having your engine call +signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN), or disable it with the "feature" +command.

+ +

+Here are details for the curious. If xboard needs to send a command +when it is the chess engine's move (such as before the "?" command),=20 +it sends a SIGINT first. If xboard needs to send commands when it= + is +not the chess engine's move, but the chess engine may be pondering +(thinking on its opponent's time) or analyzing (analysis or analyze +file mode), xboard sends a SIGINT before the first such command on= +ly. +Another SIGINT is not sent until another move is made, even if xbo= +ard +issues more commands. This behavior is necessary for GNU Chess 4. The +first SIGINT stops it from pondering until the next move, but on s= +ome +systems, GNU Chess 4 will die if it receives a SIGINT when not=20 +actually thinking or pondering. +

+ +

+There are two reasons why WinBoard does not send the Win32 equivalent +of SIGINT (which is called CTRL_C_EVENT) to local +engines. First, the Win32 GNU Chess 4 port does not need it. Second, I +could not find a way to get it to work. Win32 seems to be designed +under the assumption that only console applications, not windowed +applications, would ever want to send a CTRL_C_EVENT. +

+ +

8. Commands from xboard to the engine

+ +

+All commands from xboard to the engine end with a newline (\n), even +where that is not explicitly stated. All your output to xboard must +be in complete lines; any form of prompt or partial line will cause +problems. +

+ +

+At the beginning of each game, xboard sends an initialization string. +This is currently "new\nrandom\n" unless the user changes it with the +initString or secondInitString option. +

+ +

+xboard normally reuses the same chess engine process for multiple +games. At the end of a game, xboard will send the "force" command +(see below) to make sure your engine stops thinking about the current +position. It will later send the initString again to start a new +game. If your engine can't play multiple games, you can disable reuse + +either with the "feature" command (beginning in protocol version +2; see below) or=20 + +with xboard's -xreuse (or -xreuse2) command line +option. xboard will then ask the process to quit after each game and +start a new process for the next game. +

+ +
This command will be sent once immediately after your engine +process is started. You can use it to put your engine into "xboard +mode" if that is needed. If your engine prints a prompt to ask for +user input, you must turn off the prompt and output a newline when the +"xboard" command comes in. +
+ +
protover N

Beginning in protocol version 2 (in which N=3D2), this command will +be sent immediately after the "xboard" command. If you receive some +other command immediately after "xboard" (such as "new"), you can +assume that protocol version 1 is in use. The "protover" command is +the only new command that xboard always sends in version 2. All other +new commands to the engine are sent only if the engine first enables +them with the "feature" command. Protocol versions will always be +simple integers so that they can easily be compared. +

+ +

Your engine should reply to the protover command by sending the +"feature" command (see below) with the list of non-default feature +settings that you require, if any.

+ +

Your engine should never refuse to run due to receiving a higher +protocol version number than it is expecting! New protocol versions +will always be compatible with older ones by default; the larger +version number is simply a hint that additional "feature" command +options added in later protocol versions may be accepted. +

+ +
+These commands may be sent to your engine in reply to the "feature" +command; see its documentation below. +
+ +
Reset the board to the standard chess starting position. Set +White on move. Leave force mode and set the engine to play Black. +Associate the engine's clock with Black and the opponent's clock with +White. Reset clocks and time controls to the start of a new game. +Use wall clock for time measurement. +Stop clocks. Do not ponder on this move, even if pondering is on. +Remove any search depth limit previously set by the sd command. +
+ +
variant VARNAME
If the game is not standard chess, but a variant, this command is +sent after "new" and before the first move or "edit" command. Currently +defined variant names are: + + + + + + + += + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
wildcastleShuffle chess where king can castle from = +d file
nocastleShuffle chess with no castling at all
fischerandomFischer Random
bughouseBughouse, ICC/FICS rules
crazyhouseCrazyhouse, ICC/FICS rules
losersWin by losing all pieces or getting mated (ICC)
suicideWin by losing all pieces including king, + or by having fewer pieces when one player has no legal moves (FICS)
giveawayWin by losing all pieces includ= +ing king, + or by having no legal moves (ICC)
twokingsWeird ICC wild 9
kriegspielKriegspiel (engines not supported)
3checkWin by giving check 3 times
xiangqi Chinese Chess (9x10 board)
shogi Japanese Chess (9x9 bord)
capablancaCapablanca Chess (10x8 board= +, with Archbishop and Chancellor)
gothic Gothic Chess (10x8 board, same= + with better opening setup)
falcon Falcon Chess (10x8 board, with= + two Falcon pieces)
shatranj ancient Arabic Chess, with E= +lephants and General in stead of B and Q
courier Courier Chess (12x8 board, a = +medieval precursor of modern Chess
knightmate King moves as Knight and v= +ice versa
berolina Pawns capture straight ahe= +ad, and move diagonally
janus Janus Chess (10x8, with two A= +rchbishops)
caparandom shuffle variant like FRC (= +10x8 board)
cylinder Pieces wrap around between s= +ide edges, like board is a cylinder
super Superchess: a shuffle variant w= +ith 4 fairy pieces on 8x8 board
great Great Shatranj: sliders are rep= +laced by corresponding short-range pieces on a 10x8 board
unknownUnknown variant (not supported)
+ +
+ +
The chess engine should immediately exit. This command is used +when xboard is itself exiting, and also between games if the -xreuse +command line option is given (or -xreuse2 for the second engine). +See also Si= +gnals above. +
+ +
This command is specific to GNU Chess 4. You can either ignore it +completely (that is, treat it as a no-op) or implement it as GNU Chess +does. The command toggles "random" mode (that is, it sets random =3D +!random). In random mode, the engine adds a small random value to its +evaluation function to vary its play. The "new" command sets random +mode off. +
+ +
Set the engine to play neither color ("force mode"). Stop clocks. +The engine should check that moves received in force mode are legal +and made in the proper turn, but should not think, ponder, or make +moves of its own. +
+ +
Leave force mode and set the engine to play the color that is on +move. Associate the engine's clock with the color that is on move, +the opponent's clock with the color that is not on move. Start the engine'= +s +clock. Start thinking and eventually make a move. +
+ +
+(This command is new in protocol version 2. It is not +sent unless you enable it with the feature command.) +Leave force mode and set the engine to play the color that is not on +move. Associate the opponent's clock with the color that is on move, +the engine's clock with the color that is not on move. Start the opponent'= +s +clock. If pondering is enabled, the engine should begin pondering. +If the engine later receives a move, it should start thinking and eventuall= +y +reply. +
+ +

+(This command is obsolete as of protocol version 2, but is still +sent in some situations to accommodate older engines unless you disable it= +=20 +with the feature command.) + +Set White on move. Set the engine to play Black. Stop clocks. +

+ =20 +
+ +(This command is obsolete as of protocol version 2, but is still +sent in some situations to accommodate older engines unless you disable it= +=20 +with the feature command.) + +Set Black on move. Set the engine to play White. Stop clocks. +
+ +
Set time controls. See the Time Control section below. +
+ =20 +
Set time controls. See the Time Control section +below.=20 +
+ +

The engine should limit its thinking to DEPTH ply. +The commands "level" or "st" and "sd" can be used= + together in an orthogonal way. +If both are issued, the engine should observe both limitations: +In the protocol, the "sd" command isn't a time control. It doesn't +say that your engine has unlimited time but must search to exactly the +given depth. It says that you should pay attention to the time +control as normal, but cut off the search at the specified depth even +if you have time to search deeper. If you don't have time to search +to the specified depth, given your normal time management algorithm, +then you will want to stop sooner than the given depth. +

+The "new" command should set the search depth back to unlimited. This +is already stated in the spec. The "level" command should not affect +the search depth. As it happens, xboard/WinBoard currently always +sends sd (if needed) right after level, but that isn't part of the +spec.

+ +
The engine should not use wall-clock time to = +make its timing decisions, +but an own internal time measure based on the number of nodes it has search= +ed +(and will report as "thinking output", see section 10), +converted to seconds through dividing by the given NODE_RATE. +Example: after receiving the commands "st 8" and "nps 10000", +the engine should never use more that 80,000 nodes in the search for any mo= +ve. +In this mode, the engine should report user CPU time used (in its thinking = +output),=20 +rather than wall-clock time. +This even holds if NODE_RATE is given as 0, +but in that case it should also use the user CPU time for its timing decisi= +ons. +The effect of an "nps" command should persist until the next "new" command. + +
+ +
time N
Set a clock that always belongs to the engine. N is a number in + centiseconds (units of 1/100 second). Even if the engine changes to + playing the opposite color, this clock remains with the engine. +
+ +
otim N
+ +

Set a clock that always belongs to the opponent. N is a number in +centiseconds (units of 1/100 second). Even if the opponent changes to +playing the opposite color, this clock remains with the opponent. +

+If needed for purposes of board display in force mode (where the +engine is not participating in the game) the time clock should be +associated with the last color that the engine was set to play, the +otim clock with the opposite color. +


+This business of "clocks remaining with the engin= +e" is apparently so ambiguous +that many engines implement it wrong. +The clocks in fact always remain with the color. +Which clock reading is relayed with "time", and which by "otim", is determi= +ned by which side the engine plays. +Note that the way the clocks operate and receive extra time (in accordance = +with the selected time control) +is not affected in any way by which moves are made by the engine, which by = +the opponent, and which were forced. + +


+ +Beginning in protocol version 2, if you can't handle the time and +otim commands, you can use the "feature" command to disable them; see +below. =20 + +The following techniques from older protocol versions also +work: You can ignore the time and otim commands (that is, treat them +as no-ops), or send back "Error (unknown command): time" the first +time you see "time". +

+ +

See below for the syntax of moves. If the move is illegal, print +an error message; see the section "Commands from the engine to +xboard". If the move is legal and in turn, make it. If not in force +mode, stop the opponent's clock, start the engine's clock, start +thinking, and eventually make a move. +

+When xboard sends your engine a move, it normally sends coordinate +algebraic notation. Examples: +

+ + + + + + + +
Normal moves:e2e4
Pawn promotion:e7e8q
Castling:e1g1, e1c1, e8g8, e8c8
Bughouse/crazyhouse drop:P@h3
ICS Wild 0/1 castling:d1f1, d1b1, d8f8, d8b8
FischerRandom castling:O-O, O-O-O (oh, not zero)
+ +

+Note that on boards with more than 9 ranks, counting of the ranks starts at= + 0. +


+Beginning in protocol version 2, you can use the feature command +to select SAN (standard algebraic notation) instead; for example, e4, +Nf3, exd5, Bxf7+, Qxf7#, e8=3DQ, O-O, or P@h3. Note that the last form, +P@h3, is a extension to the PGN standard's definition of SAN, which does +not support bughouse or crazyhouse. +

+ +

+xboard doesn't reliably detect illegal moves, because it does not keep +track of castling unavailability due to king or rook moves, or en +passant availability. If xboard sends an illegal move, send back an +error message so that xboard can retract it and inform the user; see +the section "Commands from the engine to xboard". +

usermove MOVE
+By default, moves are sent to the engine without a command name; +the notation is just sent as a line by itself. +Beginning in protocol version 2, you can use the feature command +to cause the command name "usermove" to be sent before the move. +Example: "usermove e2e4". +
+ +

Move now. If your engine is thinking, it should move immediately; + otherwise, the command should be ignored (treated as a no-op). It + is permissible for your engine to always ignore the ? command. The + only bad consequence is that xboard's Move Now menu command will do + nothing. +

+It is also permissible for your engine to move immediately if it gets +any command while thinking, as long as it processes the command right +after moving, but it's preferable if you don't do this. For example, +xboard may send post, nopost, easy, hard, force, quit, + +or other commands + +while the engine is on move. +

+ +
ping N

In this command, N is a decimal number. When you receive the command, +reply by sending the string pong N, where N is the +same number you received. Important: You must not reply to a "ping" +command until you have finished executing all commands that you +received before it. Pondering does not count; if you receive a ping +while pondering, you should reply immediately and continue pondering. +Because of the way xboard uses the ping command, if you implement the +other commands in this protocol, you should never see a "ping" command +when it is your move; however, if you do, you must not send the "pong" +reply to xboard until after you send your move. For example, xboard +may send "?" immediately followed by "ping". If you implement the "?" +command, you will have moved by the time you see the subsequent ping +command. Similarly, xboard may send a sequence like "force", "new", +"ping". You must not send the pong response until after you have +finished executing the "new" command and are ready for the new game to +start. +


+The ping command is new in protocol version 2 and will not be sent +unless you enable it with the "feature" command. Its purpose is to +allow several race conditions that could occur in previous versions of +the protocol to be fixed, so it is highly recommended that you +implement it. It is especially important in simple engines that do +not ponder and do not poll for input while thinking, but it is needed in al= +l +engines. =20 +

+ +
The engine's opponent offers the engine a draw. To accept the +draw, send "offer draw". To decline, ignore the offer (that is, send +nothing). If you're playing on ICS, it's possible for the draw offer +to have been withdrawn by the time you accept it, so don't assume the +game is over because you accept a draw offer. Continue playing until +xboard tells you the game is over. See also "offer draw" below. +
+ +
After the end of each game, xboard will send you a result command. +You can use this command to trigger learning. RESULT is either 1-0, +0-1, 1/2-1/2, or *, indicating whether white won, black won, the game +was a draw, or the game was unfinished. The COMMENT string is purely +a human-readable comment; its content is unspecified and subject to +change. In ICS mode, it is passed through from ICS uninterpreted. +Example:
result 1-0 {White mates}

+Here are some notes on interpreting the "result" command. Some apply +only to playing on ICS ("Zippy" mode). +

+ +

+If you won but did not just play a mate, your opponent must have +resigned or forfeited. If you lost but were not just mated, you +probably forfeited on time, or perhaps the operator resigned manually. +If there was a draw for some nonobvious reason, perhaps your opponent +called your flag when he had insufficient mating material (or vice +versa), or perhaps the operator agreed to a draw manually. +

+ +

+You will get a result command even if you already know the game ended +-- for example, after you just checkmated your opponent. In fact, if +you send the "RESULT {COMMENT}" command (discussed below), you will +simply get the same thing fed back to you with "result" tacked in +front. You might not always get a "result *" command, however. In +particular, you won't get one in local chess engine mode when the user +stops playing by selecting Reset, Edit Game, Exit or the like. +

+ +
setboard FEN

+The setboard command is the new way to set up positions, beginning +in protocol version 2. It is not used unless it has been selected +with the feature command. Here FEN is a position in Forsythe-Edwards +Notation, as defined in the PGN standard. +Note that this PGN standard referred to here +only applies to normal Chess; +Obviously in variants that cannot be described by a FEN for normal Chess, +e.g. because the board is not 8x8, other pieces then PNBRQK participate,=20 +there are holdings that need to be specified, etc.,=20 +xboard will use a FEN format that is standard or suitable for that varant. +In particular, in FRC or CRC, WinBoard will use Shredder-FEN or X-FEN stand= +ard, +i.e. it can use the rook-file indicator letter to represent a castling righ= +t=20 +(like HAha) whenever it wants, but if it uses KQkq, this will always refer= +=20 +to the outermost rook on the given side. +

+ +

+Illegal positions: Note that either setboard or edit can +be used to send an illegal position to the engine. The user can +create any position with xboard's Edit Position command (even, say, +an empty board, or a board with 64 white kings and no black ones). +If your engine receives a position that it considers illegal,=20 +I suggest that you send the response "tellusererror Illegal position", +and then respond to any attempted move with "Illegal move" until +the next new, edit, or setboard command. +

+ +

+The edit command is the old way to set up positions. For compatibility +with old engines, it is still used by default, but new engines may prefer +to use the feature command (see below) to cause xboard to use setboard inst= +ead. + +The edit command puts the chess engine into a special mode, where +it accepts the following subcommands:

+ + + + + + +
cchange current piece color, initially white
Pa4 (for example)place pawn of current color on a4
xa4 (for example)empty the square a4 (not used by xboard)<= +/td>
#clear board
.leave edit mode

+See the Idioms section below for additional subcommands used in +ChessBase's implementation of the protocol. +

+ +

The edit command does not change the side to move. To set up a +black-on-move position, xboard uses the following command sequence: +

+    force
+    a2a3
+    edit
+    <edit commands>
+    .
+ +

+This sequence is used to avoid the "black" command, which is now +considered obsolete and which many engines never did implement as=20 +specified in this document. +

+ +

+After an edit command is complete, if a king and a rook are on their +home squares, castling is assumed to be available to them. En passant +capture is assumed to be illegal on the current move regardless of the +positions of the pawns. The clock for the 50 move rule starts at +zero, and for purposes of the draw by repetition rule, no prior +positions are deemed to have occurred. + +In FRC or CRC, any rook and king put on the back rank should be considered = +to +have castling rights, even if it later becomes apparent that they cannot be= + both in the +initial position, because the position just set up is asymmetric. +It is upto WinBoard to find work-around in cases where this is not desired, +similar to the "black kludge" shown above, by setting up an earlier positio= +n, +and then do a move to destroy castling rights or create e.p. rights. +(Don't bet your life on it...) + +

+ +
If the user asks for a hint, xboard sends your engine the command +"hint". Your engine should respond with "Hint: xxx", where xxx is a +suggested move. If there is no move to suggest, you can ignore the +hint command (that is, treat it as a no-op). +
+ +
If the user selects "Book" from the xboard menu, xboard will send +your engine the command "bk". You can send any text you like as the +response, as long as each line begins with a blank space or tab (\t) +character, and you send an empty line at the end. The text pops up in +a modal information dialog. +
+ +
If the user asks to back up one move, xboard will send you the +"undo" command. xboard will not send this command without putting you +in "force" mode first, so you don't have to worry about what should +happen if the user asks to undo a move your engine made. (GNU Chess 4 +actually switches to playing the opposite color in this case.) +
+ +
If the user asks to retract a move, xboard will send you the +"remove" command. It sends this command only when the user is on +move. Your engine should undo the last two moves (one for each +player) and continue playing the same color. +
+ +
Turn on pondering (thinking on the opponent's time, also known as +"permanent brain"). xboard will not make any assumption about what +your default is for pondering or whether "new" affects this setting. +
+ +
Turn off pondering.
+ =20 +
Turn on thinking/pondering output. =20 +See Thinki= +ng Output section.
+ +
Turn off thinking/pondering output.
+ =20 +
Enter analyze mode. See Analyze Mode section.
+ +
name X
This command informs the engine of its +opponent's name. When the engine is playing on a chess server, xboard +obtains the opponent's name from the server.=20 + +When the engine is +playing locally against a human user, xboard obtains the user's login +name from the local operating system. When the engine is playing +locally against another engine, xboard uses either the other engine's +filename or the name that the other engine supplied in the myname +option to the feature command. By default, xboard uses the name +command only when the engine is playing on a chess server. Beginning +in protocol version 2, you can change this with the name option to the +feature command; see below. + +
+ +
In ICS mode, xboard obtains the ICS opponent's rating from the +"Creating:" message that appears before each game. (This message may +not appear on servers using outdated versions of the FICS code.) In +Zippy mode, it sends these ratings on to the chess engine using the +"rating" command. The chess engine's own rating comes first, and if +either opponent is not rated, his rating is given as 0. =20 + +In the future this command may also be used in other modes, if ratings +are known. + +Example:
rating 2600 1500
+ +
+If HOSTNAME is "-", the engine is playing against a local +opponent; otherwise, the engine is playing on an Internet Chess Server +(ICS) with the given hostname. This command is new in protocol +version 2 and is not sent unless the engine has enabled it with +the "feature" command. Example: "ics freechess.org" +
+ +
The opponent is also a computer chess engine. Some engines alter +their playing style when they receive this command. +
+ +
(These commands are new in protocol +version 2 and will not be sent unless feature pause=3D1 is set. At +this writing, xboard actually does not use the commands at all, but it +or other interfaces may use them in the future.) +The "pause" command puts the engine into a special state where it +does not think, ponder, or otherwise consume significant CPU time. +The current thinking or pondering (if any) is suspended and both +player's clocks are stopped. The only command that the interface may +send to the engine while it is in the paused state is "resume". The +paused thinking or pondering (if any) resumes from exactly where it +left off, and the clock of the player on move resumes running from +where it stopped. +
+ +
memory N
+This command informs the engine on how much memory it is allowed to use max= +imally, in MegaBytes. +On receipt of this command, the engine should adapt the size of its hash ta= +bles accordingly. +This command does only fix the total memory use, +the engine has to decide for itself=20 +(or be configured by the user by other means)=20 +how to divide up the available memory between the various tables it wants t= +o use=20 +(e.g. main hash, pawn hash, tablebase cache, bitbases). +This command will only be sent to engines that have requested it through th= +e memory feature, +and only at the start of a game, +as the first of the commands to relay engine option settings just before ea= +ch "new" command. +
+ +
cores N
+This command informs the engine on how many CPU cores it is allowed to use = +maximally. +This could be interpreted as the number of search threads for SMP engines.= +=20 +(Threads that do not consume significant amounts of CPU time, like I/O thre= +ads, need not be included in the count.) +This command will only be sent to engines that have requested it through th= +e smp feature. +The engine should be able to respond to the "cores" command any time during= + a game, +but it is allowed to finish a search in progress before procesing the comma= +nd. +(Obeying the command should take priority over finishing a ponder search, t= +hough.) +In any case it will be sent at the start of every game +as the last command to relay engine option settings before the "new" comman= +d. +
+ +
egtpath TYPE PATH
+This command informs the engine in which directory (given by the PATH argum= +ent) +it can find end-game tables of the specified TYPE. +The TYPE argument can be any character string which does not contain spaces= +. +Currently nalimov and scorpio are defined= + types,=20 +for Nalimov tablebases and Scorpio bitbases, respectively, +but future developers of other formats are free to define their own format = +names. +The GUI simply matches the TYPE names the engine says it supports=20 +with those that the user supplied when configuring xboard. +For every match, it sends a separate "y" command. +The PATH argument would normally (for Nalimov) be the pathname of the direc= +tory the EGT files are in, +but could also be the name of a file, or in fact anything the particular EG= +T type requires. +It is upto the developer of the EGT format to specify the syntax of this pa= +rameter. +This command will only be sent to engines that have told the GUI they suppo= +rt EGTs of the given TYPE +through the egt feature. +It will be sent at the start of each game, before the "new" command. +
+ +
option NAME[=3DVALUE]
+This command changes the setting of the option NAME defined by the engine= +=20 +(through an earlier feature command) +to the given VALUE. +XBoard will in general have no idea what the option means, +and will send the command only when a user changes the value of this option= + through a menu, +or at startup of the engine=20 +(before the first 'cores' command or, if that is not sent, the first 'new' = +command) +in reaction to command-line options. +The NAME echoes back to the engine the string that was identified as an opt= +ion NAME +in the feature command defining the option. +The VALUE is of the type (numeric or text or absent) that was implied by th= +e option type +specified in this feature command, +i.e. with 'spin' and 'check' options VALUE will be a decimal integer (in th= +e latter case 0 or 1), +with 'combo' and 'string' options VALUE will be a text string, +and with 'button' and 'save' options no VALUE will be sent at all. +
+ +
exclude MOVE
include MOVE
exclude all
include all
+These commands change the set of moves that the engine should consider in t= +he root node of its search, +by removing or adding the mentioned MOVE from this set. +After reaching a new position, (e.g. through a usermove, undo, new or setbo= +ard command), +or after receiving "include all", +this set should always be reset to all legal moves from that position. +If the set of moves changes during a search,=20 +the engine could start a new search from scratch, or it can try to be smart= +,=20 +and continue the current search with the new set of moves +(e.g. after exclusion of a move that has not been searched yet in the curre= +nt iteration). +After "exclude all", the engine would have no legal moves in the root, +which logically should make it behave as if it is (stale)mated, +but it is allowed to defer any effects of this command on a search in progr= +ess +to when the set gets non-empty again through addition of a move. +These commands will only be sent to engines that have requested such throug= +h the exclude feature. +
+ +
setscore SCORE DEPTH
+This command instructs the engine to treat future search requests on the cu= +rrent position +(also when it is encountered inside a larger search tree) +upto the given DEPTH as if these result is SCORE centi-Pawn in favor of the= + side that has the move in this position. +It is entirely up to the engine to decide when the effect of this option sh= +ould expire. +(E.g. it could last upto the next "new" or "quit" command, +or even into future sessions until the user explicitly clears it through an= + engine-defined option.) +This command will only be sent to engines that have requested it through th= +e setscore feature. +
+ +

Bughouse commands:

+ +

+xboard now supports bughouse engines when in Zippy mode. See +zippy.README fo= +r information on Zippy mode and how to turn on the +bughouse support. The bughouse move format is given above. xboard +sends the following additional commands to the engine when in bughouse +mode. =20 +Commands to inform your engine of the partner's game state may +be added in the future. +

+ +
partner <player>
<player> is now your partner for future games. Example:
+tner mann
+ +
Meaning: You no longer have a partner. +
+ +
ptell <text>
Your partner told you <text>, either with a ptell or an ordinary = +tell. =20 +
+ +
holding [<white>] [<black>]
White currently holds <white>; black currently holds <black>= +;. + Example:
holding [PPPRQ] []
+ +
holding [<white>] [<black>] <color><piece>
White currently holds <white>; black currently holds <black>= +;, after + <color> acquired <piece>. Example:
holding [PPPRQ] [R]=
+ BR
+ +

9. Commands from the engine to xboard

+ +

+In general, an engine should not send any output to xboard that is not +described in this document. As the protocol is extended, newer +versions of xboard may recognize additional strings as commands that +were previously not assigned a meaning. +

+ +
+ +

Beginning with version 2, the protocol includes the "feature" +command, which lets your engine control certain optional protocol +features. Feature settings are written as FEATURE=3DVALUE, where +FEATURE is a name from the list below and VALUE is the value to be +assigned. Features can take string, integer, or boolean values; the +type of value is listed for each feature. String values are written +in double quotes (for example, feature myname=3D"Miracle Chess +0.9"), integers are written in decimal, and boolean values are +written as 0 for false, 1 for true. Any number of features can be set +in one feature command, or multiple feature commands can be given.

+ +

+Your engine should send one or more feature commands immediately after +receiving the "protover" command, since xboard needs to know the +values of some features before sending further commands to the engine. +Because engines that predate protocol version 2 do not send "feature", +xboard uses a timeout mechanism: when it first starts your engine, it +sends "xboard" and "protover N", then listens for feature commands for +two seconds before sending any other commands. To end this timeout +and avoid the wait, set the feature "done=3D1" at the end of your last +feature command. To increase the timeout, if needed, set the feature +"done=3D0" before your first feature command and "done=3D1" at the end. +If needed, it is okay for your engine to set done=3D0 soon as it starts, +even before it receives the xboard and protover commands. This can be +useful if your engine takes a long time to initialize itself. It +should be harmless even if you are talking to a (version 1) user +interface that does not understand the "feature" command, since such +interfaces generally ignore commands from the engine that they do not +understand. +

+ +

+The feature command is designed to let the protocol change without +breaking engines that were written for older protocol versions. When +a new feature is added to the protocol, its default value is always +chosen to be compatible with older versions of the protocol that did +not have the feature. Any feature that your engine does not set in a +"feature" command retains its default value, so as the protocol +changes, you do not have to change your engine to keep up with it +unless you want to take advantage of a new feature. Because some +features are improvements to the protocol, while others are meant to +cater to engines that do not implement all the protocol features, the +recommended setting for a feature is not always the same as the +default setting. The listing below gives both default and recommended +settings for most features. +

+ +

+You may want to code your engine so as to be able to work with +multiple versions of the engine protocol. Protocol version 1 does not +send the protover command and does not implement the feature command; +if you send a feature command in protocol version 1, it will have no +effect and there will be no response. In protocol version 2 or later, +each feature F that you set generates the response "accepted F" if the +feature is implemented, or "rejected F" if it is not. Thus an engine +author can request any feature without having to keep track of which +protocol version it was introduced in; you need only check whether the +feature is accepted or rejected. This mechanism also makes it +possible for a user interface author to implement a subset of a +protocol version by rejecting some features that are defined in that +version; however, you should realize that engine authors are likely to +code for xboard and may not be prepared to have a feature that they +depend on be rejected. +If the GUI rejects an option feature because of t= +he +syntax of the value, it should print the value string with the +"rejected" command, e.g. "rejected option nonsense" in response +to receiving feature option=3D"nonsense". +

+ +

+Here are the features that are currently defined. +

+ +
ping (boolean, default 0, recommended 1)
+If ping=3D1, xboard may use the protocol's new "ping" command; +if ping=3D0, xboard will not use the command. +
+ +
setboard (boolean, default 0, recommended 1)
+If setboard=3D1, xboard will use the protocol's new "setboard" command +to set up positions; if setboard=3D0, it will use the older "edit" command. +
+ +
playother (boolean, default 0, recommended 1)
+If playother=3D1, xboard will use the protocol's new "playother" command +when appropriate; if playother=3D0, it will not use the command. +
+ +
san (boolean, default 0)
+If san=3D1, xboard will send moves to the engine in standard algebraic +notation (SAN); for example, Nf3. If san=3D0, xboard will send moves in +coordinate notation; for example, g1f3. See MOVE in=20 +section 8 above for more details of both kinds of notation. +
+ +
usermove (boolean, default 0)
+If usermove=3D1, xboard will send moves to the engine with the +command "usermove MOVE"; if usermove=3D0, xboard will send just the move, +with no command name. +
+ +
time (boolean, default 1, recommended 1)
+If time=3D1, xboard will send the "time" and "otim" commands to +update the engine's clocks; if time=3D0, it will not. +
+ +
draw (boolean, default 1, recommended 1)
+If draw=3D1, xboard will send the "draw" command if the engine's opponent +offers a draw; if draw=3D0, xboard will not inform the engine about +draw offers. Note that if draw=3D1, you may receive a draw offer while you +are on move; if this will cause you to move immediately, you should set +draw=3D0. +
+ +
sigint (boolean, default 1)
+If sigint=3D1, xboard may send SIGINT (the interrupt signal) to +the engine as section 7 above; if sigint=3D0, it will +not. +
+ +
sigterm (boolean, default 1)
+If sigterm=3D1, xboard may send SIGTERM (the termination signal) to +the engine as section 7 above; if sigterm=3D0, it will +not. +
+ +
reuse (boolean, default 1, recommended 1)
+If reuse=3D1, xboard may reuse your engine for multiple games. If +reuse=3D0 (or if the user has set the -xreuse option on xboard's command +line), xboard will kill the engine process after every game and start +a fresh process for the next game. +
+ +
analyze (boolean, default 1, recommended 1)
+If analyze=3D0, xboard will not try to use the "analyze" command; it +will pop up an error message if the user asks for analysis mode. If +analyze=3D1, xboard will try to use the command if the user asks for +analysis mode. +
+ +
myname (string, default determined from engine filen= +ame)
+This feature lets you set the name that xboard will use for your +engine in window banners, in the PGN tags of saved game files, and when +sending the "name" command to another engine. +
+ +
variants (string, see text below)
+This feature indicates which chess variants your engine accepts. +It should be a comma-separated list of variant names. See the table +under the "variant" command in section 8 above. If +you do not set this feature, xboard will assume by default that your +engine supports all variants. (However, the -zippyVariants +command-line option still limits which variants will be accepted in +Zippy mode.) It is recommended that you set this feature to the +correct value for your engine (just "normal" in most cases) rather +than leaving the default in place, so that the user will get an +appropriate error message if he tries to play a variant that your +engine does not support. +
+If your engine can play variants on a deviating b= +oard size, +like capablanca on an 8x8 board, or capablanca crazyhouse, +it can list them amongst the variants with a prefix spcifying board size pl= +us +holdings size, like 8x8+0_capablanca or 10x8+7_capablanca. +If it is capable of playing any variant with an arbitrary board size, +it should list "boardsize" as one of the variants. +If there is a maximum to the board size, this can be prefixed, +e.g. "12x10+0_boardsize". + +
+ +
colors (boolean, default 1, recommended 0)
+If colors=3D1, xboard uses the obsolete "white" and "black" +commands in a stylized way that works with most older chess engines +that require the commands. See the "Idioms" section +below for details. If colors=3D0, xboard does not use the "white" and +"black" commands at all. + +
+ +
ics (boolean, default 0)
+If ics=3D1, xboard will use the protocol's new "ics" command +to inform the engine of whether or not it is playing on a chess server; +if ics=3D0, it will not. +
+ +
name (boolean, see text below)
+If name=3D1, xboard will use the protocol's "name" command +to inform the engine of the opponent's name; if name=3D0, it will not. +By default, name=3D1 if the engine is playing on a chess server; name=3D0 i= +f not. +
+ +
pause (boolean, default 0)
+If pause=3D1, xboard may use the protocol's new "pause" command; +if pause=3D0, xboard assumes that the engine does not support this command. +
+ +
nps (boolean, default ?)
+If nps=3D1, it means the engine supports the nps command. +If nps=3D0, it means the engine does not support it, and WinBoard should re= +frain from sending it. +Default is that WinBoard sends it, in an attempt to try out if the engine u= +nderstand it. +The engine should properly respond with "Error (unkown command): nps" if it= + does not implement it, +(as any protocol version pre-scribes), +or WinBoard might assume that the engine did understand the command.=20 +In that case the use of different time standards that ensues could lead to = +time forfeits for the engine. +
+ +
debug (boolean, default 0)
+If debug=3D1, it means the engine wants to send debug output prefixed by '#= +', +which WinBoard should ignore, except for including it in the winboard.debug= + file. +As this feature is added to protocol 2 ony late, +so that not all protocol-2 supporting versions of WinBoard might implement = +it, +it is important that engines check if WinBoard accepts the feature. +If the feature is rejected, +engines must refrain from sending the debug output, +or do so at their own risk. +
+ +
memory (boolean, default 0)
+If memory=3D1, the size of the total amount of memory available for the mem= +ory-consuming tables of the engine=20 +(e.g. hash, EGTB cache) +will be set by the GUI through the "memory" command. +
+ +
smp (boolean, default 0)
+If smp=3D1, the GUI will send the "cores" command to the engine to inform i= +t how many CPU cores it can use. +Note that sending smp=3D1 does not imply the engine can use more than one C= +PU; +just that it wants to receive the "cores" command. +
+ +
egt (string, see text below)
+This feature indicates which end-game table formats the engine supports. +It should be a comma-separated list of format names. +See under the "egtpath" command in section 8 above. +If you do not set this feature, xboard will assume the engine does not supp= +ort end-game tables, +and will not send any "egtpath" commands to inform the engine about their w= +hereabouts. +
+ +
option (string, see text below)
+This feature is used by the engine to define an option command to appear in= + a GUI menu, +so that the user can change the corresponding setting of the engine through= + the GUI interactively. +The string describes the option by defining a name, type, current value and= + (sometimes) the acceptable value range. +Unlike other features, option features are accumulated by the GUI,=20 +and the GUI must be able to add a new option to the list at any time, +even after having received feature done=3D1. +There are ten different options types, each requiring a slighly different s= +yntax of the defining string: +
+feature option=3D"NAME -button" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -save" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -reset" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -check VALUE" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -string VALUE" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -spin VALUE MIN MAX" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -combo CHOICE1 /// CHOICE2 ..." +
+feature option=3D"NAME -slider VALUE MIN MAX" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -file VALUE" +
+feature option=3D"NAME -path VALUE" +
+NAME is an arbitrary alphanumeric string which can contain spaces;=20 +the other words in capitals would be replaced by the current (default) sett= +ing of the option, +(a character string for -string options, a decimal number for -spin and -ch= +eck options, +were the latter uses 1=3Dchecked, 0=3Dunchecked), +the minimum or maximum value of numeric (-spin) options,=20 +or arbitrary text labels (for -combo option). +In the latter case, the current value will be preceded by an asterisk. +The -file and -path options are similar to -string, but can be used to info= +rm the GUI that +the text represents a file name or folder name respectively,=20 +so the GUI dialog could add the appropriate browse button to the text-edit = +field. +Similarly, a -slider option is like a -spin, but the GUI might make a diffe= +rent +graphical representation for it. +A -save option is like a -button, and defines an immediate command to be se= +nt by the engine. +With -save the GUI will make sure all current option settings are flushed t= +o the engine +before it sends this command. +A -reset option is like a -button, but use of it purges the list of options= + before sending=20 +the corresponding option command to the engine. +This enables the engine to completely redefine its options or their current= + settings, +by sending a new set of option feature commands to the GUI,=20 +terminated by feature done=3D1. +(The effect of sending an option feature for an option with the same name a= +s was defined before,=20 +without first receiving a -reset option command, is undefined.) +
+ +
exclude (boolean, default 0)
+If exclude=3D1 the GUI can send "exclude" and "include" commands to control= + which moves +from the root position should be searched. +
+ +
setscore (boolean, default 0)
+If setscore=3D1 the GUI can send "setscore" commands to define the score of= + the current position. +
+ + +
done (integer, no default)
+If you set done=3D1 during the initial two-second timeout after +xboard sends you the "xboard" command, the +timeout will end and xboard will not look for any more feature +commands before starting normal operation. +If you set done=3D0, the initial timeout is increased to one hour; +in this case, you must set done=3D1 before xboard will enter normal operati= +on. + +
+ + + +
Illegal move: MOVE
Illegal move (REASON): MOVE
If your engine receives a MOVE command that is recognizably a move +but is not legal in the current position, your engine must print an +error message in one of the above formats so that xboard can pass the +error on to the user and retract the move. The (REASON) is entirely +optional. Examples: + +
  Illegal move: e2e4
+  Illegal move (in check): Nf3
+  Illegal move (moving into check): e1g1

+Generally, xboard will never send an ambiguous move, so it does not=20 +matter whether you respond to such a move with an Illegal move message=20 +or an Error message. +

+ +
If your engine receives a command it does not understand or does +not implement, it should print an error message in the above format so +that xboard can parse it. Examples: +
  Error (ambiguous move): Nf3
+  Error (unknown command): analyze
+  Error (command not legal now): undo
+  Error (too many parameters): level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ +
setup FEN
The engine can optionally send a setup command to the GUI in reply +to the variant command. +In the simplest form this sends the FEN of the initial position. +This can be used to implement engines for non-standard variants +that only differ from standard variants through the initial position. +(E.g. many of the 'wild' boards you can play on an ICS.) +Whether the GUI should obey or ignore this command depends on the situation= +. +Normally it would ignore it in variants where it knows the standard initial= + position +and legality testing is on, or when the user specified an initial position. +In other cases it will use the FEN sent by the first engine +for setting up the initial position, as if it was an externally supplied po= +sition. +Such a position will always be sent to a second engine that might be involv= +ed, +and any setup commands received from the latter will always be ignored. +(This to allow for shuffle games, where the two engines might pick differen= +t setups.) +When no initial position is known, such as for 'catch-all' variants like fa= +iry, +or whenever the board width is overruled to a non-standard value, +the FEN will be used as default initial position even when legality testing= + is on. +
Optionally the meaning of the piece ID letters in the FEN can be define= +d +between parentheses; this will be interpreted as if it was the value of a +-pieceToCharTable command-line option, mapping letters to GUI piece types. +Also optionally behind that, the setup command can specify board width W, +board height H and holdings size S, as well as a 'parent variant'. +This is typically done in response to a variant command with a non-standard= + name, +about which the GUI is not supposed to know anything at all. +The engine can then specify board size, participating pieces, initial setup= +, +and other rule details (inherited from the parent variant), +saving the user the trouble to configure the GUI for this non-standard vari= +ant. +Example: +
  setup (PN.RQKpn.rqk) 6x6+0_fairy rnqknr/pppppp/6/6/PPPPPP/RNQKNR w -=
+ - 0 1
+could be used by an engine for Los-Alamos Chess in response to 'variant los= +alamos', +and would automatically switch the GUI to this variant as soon as the user +selected it from the GUI menu. +The PIECETOCHAR element would ensure a Bishop would not be accepted as prom= +otion choice.=20 +
+ + +
move MOVE
Your engine is making the move MOVE. Do not echo moves from +xboard with this command; send only new moves made by the engine. + +

For the actual move text from your chess engine (in place of MOVE +above), your move should be either

  • in coordinate notation (e.g., +e2e4, e7e8q) with castling indicated by the King's two-square move (e.g., +e1g1), or
  • +
  • in Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) as defined in the +Portable Game Notation standard (e.g, e4, Nf3, O-O, cxb5, Nxe4, e8=3DQ), +with the extension piece@square (e.g., P@f7) to handle piece placement +in bughouse and crazyhouse.
  • +

+xboard itself also accepts some variants of SAN, but for compatibility +with non-xboard interfaces, it is best not to rely on this behavior. +

+ +

Warning: Even though all versions of this protocol specification +have indicated that xboard accepts SAN moves, some non-xboard +interfaces are known to accept only coordinate notation. See the +Idioms section for more information on the known limitations of some +non-xboard interfaces. It should be safe to send SAN moves if you +receive a "protover 2" (or later) command from the interface, but +otherwise it is best to stick to coordinate notation for maximum +compatibility. An even more conservative approach would be for your +engine to send SAN to the interface only if you have set feature san=3D1 +(which causes the interface to send SAN to you) and have received +"accepted san" in reply. +

+ +
When your engine detects +that the game has ended by rule, your engine must output a line of the +form "RESULT {comment}" (without the quotes), where RESULT is a PGN +result code (1-0, 0-1, or 1/2-1/2), and comment is the reason. Here +"by rule" means that the game is definitely over because of what +happened on the board. In normal chess, this includes checkmate, +stalemate, triple repetition, the 50 move rule, or insufficient +material; it does not include loss on time or the like. +Examples: +
  0-1 {Black mates}
+  1-0 {White mates}
+  1/2-1/2 {Draw by repetition}
+  1/2-1/2 {Stalemate}
+ +

+xboard relays the result to the user, the ICS, the other engine in Two +Machines mode, and the PGN save file as required. +Note that "definitey over" above means that sendi= +ng this command=20 +will be taken by WinBoard as an unconditional refusal of the engine to play= + on, +which might cause you to forfeit if the game was in fact not over. +This command should thus not be used to offer draws, accept draws, +or make draw-by-rule claims that are not yet valid in the current position +(but will be after you move). +For offering and claiming such draws, "offer draw" should be used. +

+ +

+Note that (in accordance with FIDE rules) only KK, KNK, KBK and KBKB with a= +ll bishops on the +same color can be claimed as draws on the basis of insufficient mating mate= +rial. +The end-games KNNK, KBKN, KNKN and KBKB with unlike bishops do have mate po= +sitions, +and cannot be claimed. +Complex draws based on locked Pawn chains will not be recognized as draws b= +y most interfaces, +so do not claim in such positions, but just offer a draw or play on. +

+ +

+Note to GUI programmers: RESULT commands that the engine sends immediately = +after its move +might be detected by the GUI only after the opponent has moved, because of = +communication +and scheduling delays, no matter how fast the engine sent it. +Any judgement of the validity of RESULT claims based on te "current" board = +position +will have to account for this uncertainty. +

+ +
If your engine wants to resign, it can send the command "resign". +Alternatively, it can use the "RESULT {comment}" command if the string +"resign" is included in the comment; for example "0-1 {White +resigns}". xboard relays the resignation to the user, the ICS, the +other engine in Two Machines mode, and the PGN save file as required. +Note that many interfaces work more smoothly if y= +ou resign before +you move. +
+ +
offer draw
If your engine wants to offer a draw by agreement (as opposed to +claiming a draw by rule), it can send the command "offer draw". +xboard relays the offer to the user, the ICS, the other engine in Two +Machines mode, and the PGN save file as required. In Machine White, +Machine Black, or Two Machines mode, the offer is considered valid +until your engine has made two more moves. +This command must also be used to accept a draw o= +ffer. +Do not use the 1/2-1/2 command for that, as the offer might be no longer va= +lid, +in which case a refusal to play on implied by the RESULT command might make= + you forfeit the game. +"offer draw" should also be used to claim 50-move and 3-fold-repetition dra= +ws +that will occur after your move, by sending it before mak= +ing the move. +WinBoard will grant draw offers without the opponent having any say in +it in situations where draws can be claimed. +Only if the draw cannot be claimed, the offer will be passed to your oppone= +nt after you make your next move, +just before WinBoard relays this move to the opponent. + +
+ +
tellopponent MESSAGE
+This command lets the engine give a message to its opponent, +independent of whether the opponent is a user on the local machine or +a remote ICS user (Zippy mode). MESSAGE consists of any characters, +including whitespace, to the end of the line. When the engine is +playing against a user on the local machine, xboard pops up an +information dialog containing the message. When the engine is playing +against an opponent on the ICS (Zippy mode), xboard sends "say +MESSAGE\n" to the ICS. +
+ +
tellothers MESSAGE
This command lets the engine give a message to peopl= +e watching the +game other than the engine's opponent. MESSAGE consists of any +characters, including whitespace, to the end of the line. When the +engine is playing against a user on the local machine, this command +does nothing. When the engine is playing against an opponent on the +ICS (Zippy mode), xboard sends "whisper MESSAGE\n" to the ICS. +
+ +
tellall MESSAGE
This command lets the engine give a message to its o= +pponent and +other people watching the game,=20 +independent of whether the opponent is a user on the local machine or +a remote ICS user (Zippy mode). MESSAGE consists of any characters, +including whitespace, to the end of the line. When the engine is +playing against a user on the local machine, xboard pops up an +information dialog containing the message. When the engine is playing +against an opponent on the ICS (Zippy mode), xboard sends "kibitz +MESSAGE\n" to the ICS. +
+ +
telluser MESSAGE
xboard pops up an information dialog containing the message. +MESSAGE consists of any characters, including whitespace, to the end +of the line. +
+ +
tellusererror MESSAGE
xboard pops up an error dialog containing the message. +MESSAGE consists of any characters, including whitespace, to the end +of the line. +
+ +
Here REPTAG is a string containing no whitespace, and MESSAGE +consists of any characters, including whitespace, to the end of the +line. xboard pops up a question dialog that says MESSAGE and +has a typein box. If the user types in "bar", xboard sends "REPTAG +bar" to the engine. The user can cancel the dialog and send nothing. +
+ +
tellics MESSAGE
In Zippy mode, xboard sends "MESSAGE\n" to ICS. MESSAGE consists +of any characters, including whitespace, to the end of the line. +
+ +
tellicsnoalias MESSAGE
+In Zippy mode, xboard sends "xMESSAGE\n" to ICS, where "x" is a +character that prevents the ICS from expanding command aliases, if +xboard knows of such a character. (On chessclub.com and chess.net, +"/" is used; on freechess.org, "$" is used.) MESSAGE consists of any +characters, including whitespace, to the end of the line. +
+ +
+The engine can send any string of printable characters, terminated by a new= +line, +for inclusion in the winboard.debug file, provided the line starts with a '= +#' character. +If the engine has set feature debug=3D1, +it is guaranteed that WinBoard (and any future version of it) will complete= +ly ignore +these lines in any other respect. +
+ + +

10. Thinking Output

+ +

+If the user asks your engine to "show thinking", xboard sends your +engine the "post" command. It sends "nopost" to turn thinking off. +In post mode, your engine sends output lines to show the progress of +its thinking. The engine can send as many or few of these lines as it +wants to, whenever it wants to. Typically they would be sent when the +PV (principal variation) changes or the depth changes. The thinking +output should be in the following format: +

+ +
ply score time nodes pv
+ +


+ + += + + + + +
plyInteger giving current search depth.
scoreInteger giving current evaluation in centipawns.
timeCurrent search time in centiseconds (ex:1028 =3D 10.28= + seconds).
nodesNodes searched.
pvFreeform text giving current "best" line. +You can continue the pv onto another line if you start each +continuation line with at least four space characters.
+ +

+Example: +

+ +
  9 156 1084 48000 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6
+ +

+Meaning: +

+ +
9 ply, score=3D1.56, time =3D 10.84 seconds, nodes=3D48000, PV =3D "Nf=
+3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6"
+ +

+Longer example from actual Crafty output: +

+ +
  4    109      14   1435  1. e4 d5 2. Qf3 dxe4 3. Qxe4 Nc6
+  4    116      23   2252  1. Nf3 Nc6 2. e4 e6
+  4    116      27   2589  1. Nf3 Nc6 2. e4 e6
+  5    141      44   4539  1. Nf3 Nc6 2. O-O e5 3. e4
+  5    141      54   5568  1. Nf3 Nc6 2. O-O e5 3. e4
+ +

+You can use the PV to show other things; for instance, while in book, +Crafty shows the observed frequency of different reply moves in its +book. In situations like this where your engine is not really +searching, start the PV with a '(' character: +

+ +
  0      0       0      0  (e4 64%, d4 24%)
+ +

+GNU Chess output is very slightly different. The ply number is +followed by an extra nonblank character, and the time is in seconds, +not hundredths of seconds. For compatibility, xboard accepts the +extra character and takes it as a flag indicating the different time +units. Example: +

+ +
 2.     14    0       38   d1d2  e8e7=20
+ 3+     78    0       65   d1d2  e8e7  d2d3=20
+ 3&     14    0       89   d1d2  e8e7  d2d3=20
+ 3&     76    0      191   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3=20
+ 3.     76    0      215   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3=20
+ 4&     15    0      366   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6=20
+ 4.     15    0      515   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6=20
+ 5+     74    0      702   d1e2  f7f5  e2e3  e8e7  e3f4=20
+ 5&     71    0     1085   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3f4=20
+ 5.     71    0     1669   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3f4=20
+ 6&     48    0     3035   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3e4  f7f5  e4d4=20
+ 6.     48    0     3720   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3e4  f7f5  e4d4=20
+ 7&     48    0     6381   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3e4  f7f5  e4d4=20
+ 7.     48    0    10056   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3e4  f7f5  e4d4=20
+ 8&     66    1    20536   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  g7g5  a2a4  f7=
+ 8.     66    1    24387   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  g7g5  a2a4  f7f5=
+ 9&     62    2    38886   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  h7h5  a2a4  h5=
+                           d4e4=20
+ 9.     62    4    72578   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  h7h5  a2a4  h5h4=
+                           d4e4=20
+10&     34    7   135944   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  h7h5  c2c4  h5=
+                           d4e4  f7f5  e4f4=20
+10.     34    9   173474   d1e2  e8e7  e2e3  e7e6  e3d4  h7h5  c2c4  h5h4=
+                           d4e4  f7f5  e4f4=20
+ +

If your engine is pondering (thinking on its opponent's time) in post +mode, it can show its thinking then too. In this case your engine may +omit the hint move (the move it is assuming its opponent will make) +from the thinking lines if and only if it sends xboard the move in +the usual "Hint: xxx" format before sending the first line. +

+ +

11. Time control

+ +

+xboard supports three styles of time control: conventional chess clocks, +the ICS-style incremental clock, and an exact number of seconds per move. +

+ +

In conventional clock mode, every time control period is the same. +That is, if the time control is 40 moves in 5 minutes, then after each +side has made 40 moves, they each get an additional 5 minutes, and so +on, ad infinitum. At some future time it would be nice to support a +series of distinct time controls. This is very low on my personal +priority list, but code donations to the xboard project are accepted, +so feel free to take a swing at it. I suggest you talk to me first, +though. +

+ +

+The command to set a conventional time control looks like this: +

+ +
  level 40 5 0
+  level 40 0:30 0
+ +

+The 40 means that there are 40 moves per time control. The 5 means +there are 5 minutes in the control. In the second example, the 0:30 +means there are 30 seconds. The final 0 means that we are in +conventional clock mode. +

+ +

+Note that the time parameter in this command is not a pure numeric argument= +, +but in general is a character string, in order to pass the number of second= +s. +Engines are encouraged to ignore any unexpected characters at the end of th= +is string, +i.e. following the MIN or MIN:SEC specification. +Future protocol versions might (under control of an appropriate feature) +append such extra characters to this argument, +in order to inform the engine in advance of the time control it can expect = +after the current session completes. +E.g. "level 40 25+5 0" could mean that the engine has to play 40 moves in 2= +5 minutes, +but should expect to get only 5 minutes for the entire remainder of the gam= +e after that, +rather than another 25 minutes for the next 40 moves. +When the time comes, (i.e. after the 40 moves),=20 +it will be informed of the time-control change by receiving a new "level 0 = +5 0" command, +but engines with advanced time management might want to plan for this in ad= +vance. +

+ +

+The command to set an incremental time control looks like this: +

+ +
  level 0 2 12
+ +

+Here the 0 means "play the whole game in this time control period", +the 2 means "base=3D2 minutes", and the 12 means "inc=3D12 seconds". As +in conventional clock mode, the second argument to level can be in +minutes and seconds. +

+ +

+At the start of the game, each player's clock is set to base minutes. +Immediately after a player makes a move, inc seconds are added to his +clock. A player's clock counts down while it is his turn. Your flag +can be called whenever your clock is zero or negative. (Your clock +can go negative and then become positive again because of the +increment.) +

+ +

+The number of moves given in the level command (when non-zero) should=20 +be taken as the number of moves still to do before the specified time +will be added to the clock, if the "level" command is received after +some moves have already been played. +The time given should be interpreted as the time left on its clock +(including any time left over from the previous sessions), +and not necessarily the time that will be added to the clock +after the specified number of moves has been played. +This is only relevant in WinBoard 4.3.xx, which might send the engine +"level" commands during a game, +just before the engine has to start thinking about the first move of=20 +a new time-control session. +Example: if at the start of the game "level 40 60 0" was given=20 +(40 moves per hour), +and the engine receives "level 20 22 0" just before move 41, +it should understand that it should do the next 20 moves in 22 minutes +(pehaps because the secondary session was 20 moves per 15 minutes, +and it had 7 minutes left on its clock after the first 40 moves). +

+ +

+A special rule on some ICS implementations: if you ask for a game with +base=3D0, the clocks really start at 10 seconds instead of 0. xboard +itself does not know about this rule, so it passes the 0 on to the +engine instead of changing it to 0:10. +

+ +

+ICS also has time odds games. With time odds, each player has his own +(base, inc) pair, but otherwise things work the same as in normal +games. The Zippy xboard accepts time odds games but ignores the fact +that the opponent's parameters are different; this is perhaps not +quite the right thing to do, but gnuchess doesn't understand time +odds. Time odds games are always unrated. +

+ +

+The command to set an exact number of seconds per move looks like this: +

+ +
  st 30
+ +

+This means that each move must be made in at most 30 seconds. Time not use= +d +on one move does not accumulate for use on later moves. +

+ +

12. Analyze Mode

+ +

xboard supports analyzing fresh games, edited positions, and games +from files. However, all of these look the same from the chess +engine's perspective. Basically, the engine just has to respond to the +"analyze" command. =20 + +Beginning in protocol version 2, +if your engine does not support analyze mode, it should use +the feature command to set analyze=3D0. =20 + +The older method of +printing the error message "Error (unknown command): analyze" in +response to the "analyze" command will also work, however. +

+ +

+To enter analyze mode, xboard sends the command sequence "post", "analyze".= + =20 +Analyze mode in your engine should be +similar to force mode, except that your engine thinks about what move +it would make next if it were on move. Your engine should accept the +following commands while in analyze mode: +

+ + + =20 +

+If the user selects "Periodic Updates", xboard will send the string +".\n" to the chess engine periodically during analyze mode, unless the +last PV received began with a '(' character. +

+ +

+The chess engine should respond to ".\n" with a line like this: +

+ +
stat01: time nodes ply mvleft mvtot mvname
+ +


+ + + + += + + + +
timeElapsed search time in centiseconds (ie: 567 = +=3D 5.67 seconds).
nodesNodes searched so far.
plySearch depth so far.
mvleftNumber of moves left to consider at this depth.
mvtotTotal number of moves to consider.
mvnameMove currently being considered (= +SAN or coordinate notation). Optional; +added in protocol version 2.
+ +

+Examples: +

  stat01: 1234 30000 7 5 30
+  stat01: 1234 30000 7 5 30 Nf3
+ +

+Meaning: +

+ +

After 12.34 seconds, I've searched 7 ply/30000 nodes, there are a + total of 30 legal moves, and I have 5 more moves to search + before going to depth 8. In the second example, of the 30 legal + moves, the one I am currently searching is Nf3.

+ +

+Implementation of the "." command is optional. If the engine does not +respond to the "." command with a "stat01..." line, xboard will stop +sending "." commands. If the engine does not implement this command, +the analysis window will use a shortened format to display the engine +info. +

+ +

+To give the user some extra information, the chess engine can output +the strings "++\n" and "--\n", to indicate that the current search is +failing high or low, respectively. You don't have to send anything +else to say "Okay, I'm not failing high/low anymore." xboard will +figure this out itself. +

+ +

13. Idioms and backward compatibility features

+ +

+Some engines have variant interpretations of the force/go/white/black, +time/otim, and hard/easy command sets. =20 +In order to accommodate these older engines, xboard uses these commands +only according to the stylized patterns ("idioms") given in this section. +The obsolete white and black commands +have historically been particularly troublesome, and it is recommended +that new engines set the feature colors=3D0 and/or ignore the commands. +

+ +
+ +
time N
otim N
Sent when the opponent makes a move and the engine is already +playing the opposite color. +
Sent when the engine is in force mode or playing Black but should +switch to playing White. This sequence is sent only when White is +already on move. =20 + +If you set the feature colors=3D0, "white" is not sent. + +
+ +
Sent when the engine is in force mode or playing White but should +switch to playing Black. This sequence is sent only when Black is +already on move. =20 + +If you set the feature colors=3D0, "black" is not sent. + +
+ +
time N
otim N
Sent when Black is on move, the engine is in force mode or playing +White, and the engine's clock needs to be updated before it starts +playing. =20 +The initial "white" is a kludge to accommodate GNU Chess +4's variant interpretation of these commands. =20 + +If you set the feature colors=3D0, "white" and "black" are not sent. + +
+ +
time N
otim N
Sent when White is on move, the engine is in force mode or playing +Black, and the engine's clock needs to be updated before it starts +playing. See previous idiom. =20 +The initial "black" is a kludge to accommodate GNU Chess +4's variant interpretation of these commands. =20 + +If you set the feature colors=3D0, "black" and "white" are not sent. + +
+ +
Sent in sequence to turn off pondering if xboard is not sure +whether it is on. When xboard is sure, it will send "hard" or "easy" +alone. xboard does this because "easy" is a toggle in GNU Chess 4 but +"hard" is an absolute on. +
+ +

+To support older engines, certain additional commands from the engine +to xboard are also recognized. (These are commands by themselves, not +values to be placed in the comment field of the PGN result code.) +These forms are not recommended for new engines; use the PGN result +code commands or the resign command instead. +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Command Interpreted as
White resigns 0-1 {White resigns}
Black resigns 1-0 {Black resigns}
White 1-0 {White mates}
Black 0-1 {Black mates}
Draw 1/2-1/2 {Draw}
computer mates 1-0 {White mates} or 0-1 {Black mates= +}
opponent mates 1-0 {White mates} or 0-1 {Black mates= +}
computer resigns 0-1 {White resigns} or 1-0 {Black res= +igns}
game is a draw 1/2-1/2 {Draw}
checkmate 1-0 {White mates} or 0-1 {Black mates= +}
+ +

+Commands in the above table are recognized if they begin a line and +arbitrary characters follow, so (for example) "White mates" will be +recognized as "White", and "game is a draw by the 50 move rule" will +be recognized as "game is a draw". All the commands are +case-sensitive. +

+ +

+An alternative move syntax is also recognized: +

+ + + + +
Command Interpreted as
+ +

+Here NUMBER means any string of decimal digits, optionally ending in a +period. MOVE is any string containing no whitespace. In this command +format, xboard requires the "..." even if your engine is playing +White. A command of the form NUMBER MOVE will be ignored. This odd +treatment of the commands is needed for compatibility with gnuchessx. +The original reasons for it are lost in the mists of time, but I +suspect it was originally a bug in the earliest versions of xboard, +before I started working on it, which someone "fixed" in the wrong +way, by creating a special version of gnuchess (gnuchessx) instead of +changing xboard. +

+ +

+Any line that contains the words "offer" and "draw" is recognized as +"offer draw". +

+ +

+The "Illegal move" message is recognized even if spelled "illegal +move" and even if the colon (":") is omitted. This accommodates GNU +Chess 4, which prints messages like "Illegal move (no matching +move)e2e4", and old versions of Crafty, which print just "illegal move". +

+ +

+In Zippy mode, for compatibility with older versions of Crafty, +xboard passes through to ICS any line that begins "kibitz", "whisper", +"tell", or "draw". Do not use this feature in new code. Instead, use the +commands "tellall", "tellothers", "tellopponent", "tellics" (if needed), +"1/2-1/2 {COMMENT}", or "offer draw", as appropriate. +

+ +

+If the engine responds to the "sd DEPTH" command with an error message +indicating the command is not supported (such as "Illegal move: sd"), +xboard sets an internal flag and subsequently uses the command +"depth\nDEPTH" instead, for the benefit of GNU Chess 4. Note the +newline in the middle of this command! New engines should not rely on +this feature. +

+ +

+If the engine responds to the "st TIME" command with an error message +indicating the command is not supported (such as "Illegal move: st"), +xboard sets an internal flag and subsequently uses the command "level +1 TIME" instead, for the benefit of GNU Chess 4. Note that this is +not a standard use of the level command, as TIME seconds are not added +after each player makes 1 move; rather, each move is made in at most +TIME seconds. New engines should not implement or rely on this +feature. +

+ +

+In support of the -firstHost/-secondHost features, which allow a chess +engine to be run on another machine using the rsh protocol, xboard recogniz= +es +error messages that are likely to come from rsh as fatal errors. The follo= +wing +messages are currently recognized: +

+ +
  • unknown host
  • +
  • No remote directory
  • +
  • not found
  • +
  • No such file
  • +
  • can't alloc
  • +
  • Permission denied
  • +
+ +

+ChessBase/Fritz now implements the xboard/winboard protocol and can use +WinBoard-compatible engines in its GUI. ChessBase's version of the +protocol is generally the same as version 1, except that they have +added the commands fritz, reset, and +ponder, and the edit subcommands +castle and ep. If you want your +engine to work well with the ChessBase/Fritz GUI, you may need to +implement these additional commands, and you should also be aware of +the peculiar way that ChessBase uses the protocol. See their web page for= + documentation. +

+ +

+ChessMaster 8000 also implements version 1 of the xboard/winboard +protocol and can use WinBoard-compatible engines. The original +release of CM8000 also has one additional restriction: only pure +coordinate notation (e.g., e2e4) is accepted in the move command. A +patch to correct this should be available from The Learning Company +(makers of CM8000) in February 2001. +

+ + + + +------=_NextPart_000_54A2_DEB82D8C.A8B4CBEA-- diff --git a/Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide b/doc/Portable Game Notation similarity index 100% rename from Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide rename to doc/Portable Game Notation diff --git a/doc/Universal Chess Interface b/doc/Universal Chess Interface new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a129b58 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Universal Chess Interface @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ + + +Description of the universal chess interface (UCI) April 2006 +================================================================= + +* The specification is independent of the operating system. For Windows, + the engine is a normal exe file, either a console or "real" windows application. + +* all communication is done via standard input and output with text commands, + +* The engine should boot and wait for input from the GUI, + the engine should wait for the "isready" or "setoption" command to set up its internal parameters + as the boot process should be as quick as possible. + +* the engine must always be able to process input from stdin, even while thinking. + +* all command strings the engine receives will end with '\n', + also all commands the GUI receives should end with '\n', + Note: '\n' can be 0x0d or 0x0a0d or any combination depending on your OS. + If you use Engine and GUI in the same OS this should be no problem if you communicate in text mode, + but be aware of this when for example running a Linux engine in a Windows GUI. + +* arbitrary white space between tokens is allowed + Example: "debug on\n" and " debug on \n" and "\t debug \t \t\ton\t \n" + all set the debug mode of the engine on. + +* The engine will always be in forced mode which means it should never start calculating + or pondering without receiving a "go" command first. + +* Before the engine is asked to search on a position, there will always be a position command + to tell the engine about the current position. + +* by default all the opening book handling is done by the GUI, + but there is an option for the engine to use its own book ("OwnBook" option, see below) + +* if the engine or the GUI receives an unknown command or token it should just ignore it and try to + parse the rest of the string in this line. + Examples: "joho debug on\n" should switch the debug mode on given that joho is not defined, + "debug joho on\n" will be undefined however. + +* if the engine receives a command which is not supposed to come, for example "stop" when the engine is + not calculating, it should also just ignore it. + + +Move format: +------------ + +The move format is in long algebraic notation. +A nullmove from the Engine to the GUI should be sent as 0000. +Examples: e2e4, e7e5, e1g1 (white short castling), e7e8q (for promotion) + + + +GUI to engine: +-------------- + +These are all the command the engine gets from the interface. + +* uci + tell engine to use the uci (universal chess interface), + this will be sent once as a first command after program boot + to tell the engine to switch to uci mode. + After receiving the uci command the engine must identify itself with the "id" command + and send the "option" commands to tell the GUI which engine settings the engine supports if any. + After that the engine should send "uciok" to acknowledge the uci mode. + If no uciok is sent within a certain time period, the engine task will be killed by the GUI. + +* debug [ on | off ] + switch the debug mode of the engine on and off. + In debug mode the engine should send additional infos to the GUI, e.g. with the "info string" command, + to help debugging, e.g. the commands that the engine has received etc. + This mode should be switched off by default and this command can be sent + any time, also when the engine is thinking. + +* isready + this is used to synchronize the engine with the GUI. When the GUI has sent a command or + multiple commands that can take some time to complete, + this command can be used to wait for the engine to be ready again or + to ping the engine to find out if it is still alive. + E.g. this should be sent after setting the path to the tablebases as this can take some time. + This command is also required once before the engine is asked to do any search + to wait for the engine to finish initializing. + This command must always be answered with "readyok" and can be sent also when the engine is calculating + in which case the engine should also immediately answer with "readyok" without stopping the search. + +* setoption name [value ] + this is sent to the engine when the user wants to change the internal parameters + of the engine. For the "button" type no value is needed. + One string will be sent for each parameter and this will only be sent when the engine is waiting. + The name and value of the option in should not be case sensitive and can inlude spaces. + The substrings "value" and "name" should be avoided in and to allow unambiguous parsing, + for example do not use = "draw value". + Here are some strings for the example below: + "setoption name Nullmove value true\n" + "setoption name Selectivity value 3\n" + "setoption name Style value Risky\n" + "setoption name Clear Hash\n" + "setoption name NalimovPath value c:\chess\tb\4;c:\chess\tb\5\n" + +* register + this is the command to try to register an engine or to tell the engine that registration + will be done later. This command should always be sent if the engine has sent "registration error" + at program startup. + The following tokens are allowed: + * later + the user doesn't want to register the engine now. + * name + the engine should be registered with the name + * code + the engine should be registered with the code + Example: + "register later" + "register name Stefan MK code 4359874324" + +* ucinewgame + this is sent to the engine when the next search (started with "position" and "go") will be from + a different game. This can be a new game the engine should play or a new game it should analyse but + also the next position from a testsuite with positions only. + If the GUI hasn't sent a "ucinewgame" before the first "position" command, the engine shouldn't + expect any further ucinewgame commands as the GUI is probably not supporting the ucinewgame command. + So the engine should not rely on this command even though all new GUIs should support it. + As the engine's reaction to "ucinewgame" can take some time the GUI should always send "isready" + after "ucinewgame" to wait for the engine to finish its operation. + +* position [fen | startpos ] moves .... + set up the position described in fenstring on the internal board and + play the moves on the internal chess board. + if the game was played from the start position the string "startpos" will be sent + Note: no "new" command is needed. However, if this position is from a different game than + the last position sent to the engine, the GUI should have sent a "ucinewgame" inbetween. + +* go + start calculating on the current position set up with the "position" command. + There are a number of commands that can follow this command, all will be sent in the same string. + If one command is not sent its value should be interpreted as it would not influence the search. + * searchmoves .... + restrict search to this moves only + Example: After "position startpos" and "go infinite searchmoves e2e4 d2d4" + the engine should only search the two moves e2e4 and d2d4 in the initial position. + * ponder + start searching in pondering mode. + Do not exit the search in ponder mode, even if it's mate! + This means that the last move sent in in the position string is the ponder move. + The engine can do what it wants to do, but after a "ponderhit" command + it should execute the suggested move to ponder on. This means that the ponder move sent by + the GUI can be interpreted as a recommendation about which move to ponder. However, if the + engine decides to ponder on a different move, it should not display any mainlines as they are + likely to be misinterpreted by the GUI because the GUI expects the engine to ponder + on the suggested move. + * wtime + white has x msec left on the clock + * btime + black has x msec left on the clock + * winc + white increment per move in mseconds if x > 0 + * binc + black increment per move in mseconds if x > 0 + * movestogo + there are x moves to the next time control, + this will only be sent if x > 0, + if you don't get this and get the wtime and btime it's sudden death + * depth + search x plies only. + * nodes + search x nodes only, + * mate + search for a mate in x moves + * movetime + search exactly x mseconds + * infinite + search until the "stop" command. Do not exit the search without being told so in this mode! + +* stop + stop calculating as soon as possible, + don't forget the "bestmove" and possibly the "ponder" token when finishing the search + +* ponderhit + the user has played the expected move. This will be sent if the engine was told to ponder on the same move + the user has played. The engine should continue searching but switch from pondering to normal search. + +* quit + quit the program as soon as possible + + +Engine to GUI: +-------------- + +* id + * name + this must be sent after receiving the "uci" command to identify the engine, + e.g. "id name Shredder X.Y\n" + * author + this must be sent after receiving the "uci" command to identify the engine, + e.g. "id author Stefan MK\n" + +* uciok + Must be sent after the id and optional options to tell the GUI that the engine + has sent all infos and is ready in uci mode. + +* readyok + This must be sent when the engine has received an "isready" command and has + processed all input and is ready to accept new commands now. + It is usually sent after a command that can take some time to be able to wait for the engine, + but it can be used anytime, even when the engine is searching, + and must always be answered with "isready". + +* bestmove [ ponder ] + the engine has stopped searching and found the move best in this position. + the engine can send the move it likes to ponder on. The engine must not start pondering automatically. + this command must always be sent if the engine stops searching, also in pondering mode if there is a + "stop" command, so for every "go" command a "bestmove" command is needed! + Directly before that the engine should send a final "info" command with the final search information, + the the GUI has the complete statistics about the last search. + +* copyprotection + this is needed for copyprotected engines. After the uciok command the engine can tell the GUI, + that it will check the copy protection now. This is done by "copyprotection checking". + If the check is ok the engine should send "copyprotection ok", otherwise "copyprotection error". + If there is an error the engine should not function properly but should not quit alone. + If the engine reports "copyprotection error" the GUI should not use this engine + and display an error message instead! + The code in the engine can look like this + TellGUI("copyprotection checking\n"); + // ... check the copy protection here ... + if(ok) + TellGUI("copyprotection ok\n"); + else + TellGUI("copyprotection error\n"); + +* registration + this is needed for engines that need a username and/or a code to function with all features. + Analog to the "copyprotection" command the engine can send "registration checking" + after the uciok command followed by either "registration ok" or "registration error". + Also after every attempt to register the engine it should answer with "registration checking" + and then either "registration ok" or "registration error". + In contrast to the "copyprotection" command, the GUI can use the engine after the engine has + reported an error, but should inform the user that the engine is not properly registered + and might not use all its features. + In addition the GUI should offer to open a dialog to + enable registration of the engine. To try to register an engine the GUI can send + the "register" command. + The GUI has to always answer with the "register" command if the engine sends "registration error" + at engine startup (this can also be done with "register later") + and tell the user somehow that the engine is not registered. + This way the engine knows that the GUI can deal with the registration procedure and the user + will be informed that the engine is not properly registered. + +* info + the engine wants to send information to the GUI. This should be done whenever one of the info has changed. + The engine can send only selected infos or multiple infos with one info command, + e.g. "info currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 1" or + "info depth 12 nodes 123456 nps 100000". + Also all infos belonging to the pv should be sent together + e.g. "info depth 2 score cp 214 time 1242 nodes 2124 nps 34928 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3" + I suggest to start sending "currmove", "currmovenumber", "currline" and "refutation" only after one second + to avoid too much traffic. + Additional info: + * depth + search depth in plies + * seldepth + selective search depth in plies, + if the engine sends seldepth there must also be a "depth" present in the same string. + * time + the time searched in ms, this should be sent together with the pv. + * nodes + x nodes searched, the engine should send this info regularly + * pv ... + the best line found + * multipv + this for the multi pv mode. + for the best move/pv add "multipv 1" in the string when you send the pv. + in k-best mode always send all k variants in k strings together. + * score + * cp + the score from the engine's point of view in centipawns. + * mate + mate in y moves, not plies. + If the engine is getting mated use negative values for y. + * lowerbound + the score is just a lower bound. + * upperbound + the score is just an upper bound. + * currmove + currently searching this move + * currmovenumber + currently searching move number x, for the first move x should be 1 not 0. + * hashfull + the hash is x permill full, the engine should send this info regularly + * nps + x nodes per second searched, the engine should send this info regularly + * tbhits + x positions where found in the endgame table bases + * sbhits + x positions where found in the shredder endgame databases + * cpuload + the cpu usage of the engine is x permill. + * string + any string str which will be displayed be the engine, + if there is a string command the rest of the line will be interpreted as . + * refutation ... + move is refuted by the line ... , i can be any number >= 1. + Example: after move d1h5 is searched, the engine can send + "info refutation d1h5 g6h5" + if g6h5 is the best answer after d1h5 or if g6h5 refutes the move d1h5. + if there is no refutation for d1h5 found, the engine should just send + "info refutation d1h5" + The engine should only send this if the option "UCI_ShowRefutations" is set to true. + * currline ... + this is the current line the engine is calculating. is the number of the cpu if + the engine is running on more than one cpu. = 1,2,3.... + if the engine is just using one cpu, can be omitted. + If is greater than 1, always send all k lines in k strings together. + The engine should only send this if the option "UCI_ShowCurrLine" is set to true. + + +* option + This command tells the GUI which parameters can be changed in the engine. + This should be sent once at engine startup after the "uci" and the "id" commands + if any parameter can be changed in the engine. + The GUI should parse this and build a dialog for the user to change the settings. + Note that not every option needs to appear in this dialog as some options like + "Ponder", "UCI_AnalyseMode", etc. are better handled elsewhere or are set automatically. + If the user wants to change some settings, the GUI will send a "setoption" command to the engine. + Note that the GUI need not send the setoption command when starting the engine for every option if + it doesn't want to change the default value. + For all allowed combinations see the examples below, + as some combinations of this tokens don't make sense. + One string will be sent for each parameter. + * name + The option has the name id. + Certain options have a fixed value for , which means that the semantics of this option is fixed. + Usually those options should not be displayed in the normal engine options window of the GUI but + get a special treatment. "Pondering" for example should be set automatically when pondering is + enabled or disabled in the GUI options. The same for "UCI_AnalyseMode" which should also be set + automatically by the GUI. All those certain options have the prefix "UCI_" except for the + first 6 options below. If the GUI gets an unknown Option with the prefix "UCI_", it should just + ignore it and not display it in the engine's options dialog. + * = Hash, type is spin + the value in MB for memory for hash tables can be changed, + this should be answered with the first "setoptions" command at program boot + if the engine has sent the appropriate "option name Hash" command, + which should be supported by all engines! + So the engine should use a very small hash first as default. + * = NalimovPath, type string + this is the path on the hard disk to the Nalimov compressed format. + Multiple directories can be concatenated with ";" + * = NalimovCache, type spin + this is the size in MB for the cache for the nalimov table bases + These last two options should also be present in the initial options exchange dialog + when the engine is booted if the engine supports it + * = Ponder, type check + this means that the engine is able to ponder. + The GUI will send this whenever pondering is possible or not. + Note: The engine should not start pondering on its own if this is enabled, this option is only + needed because the engine might change its time management algorithm when pondering is allowed. + * = OwnBook, type check + this means that the engine has its own book which is accessed by the engine itself. + if this is set, the engine takes care of the opening book and the GUI will never + execute a move out of its book for the engine. If this is set to false by the GUI, + the engine should not access its own book. + * = MultiPV, type spin + the engine supports multi best line or k-best mode. the default value is 1 + * = UCI_ShowCurrLine, type check, should be false by default, + the engine can show the current line it is calculating. see "info currline" above. + * = UCI_ShowRefutations, type check, should be false by default, + the engine can show a move and its refutation in a line. see "info refutations" above. + * = UCI_LimitStrength, type check, should be false by default, + The engine is able to limit its strength to a specific Elo number, + This should always be implemented together with "UCI_Elo". + * = UCI_Elo, type spin + The engine can limit its strength in Elo within this interval. + If UCI_LimitStrength is set to false, this value should be ignored. + If UCI_LimitStrength is set to true, the engine should play with this specific strength. + This should always be implemented together with "UCI_LimitStrength". + * = UCI_AnalyseMode, type check + The engine wants to behave differently when analysing or playing a game. + For example when playing it can use some kind of learning. + This is set to false if the engine is playing a game, otherwise it is true. + * = UCI_Opponent, type string + With this command the GUI can send the name, title, elo and if the engine is playing a human + or computer to the engine. + The format of the string has to be [GM|IM|FM|WGM|WIM|none] [|none] [computer|human] + Examples: + "setoption name UCI_Opponent value GM 2800 human Gary Kasparov" + "setoption name UCI_Opponent value none none computer Shredder" + * = UCI_EngineAbout, type string + With this command, the engine tells the GUI information about itself, for example a license text, + usually it doesn't make sense that the GUI changes this text with the setoption command. + Example: + "option name UCI_EngineAbout type string default Shredder by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, see www.shredderchess.com" + * = UCI_ShredderbasesPath, type string + this is either the path to the folder on the hard disk containing the Shredder endgame databases or + the path and filename of one Shredder endgame datbase. + * = UCI_SetPositionValue, type string + the GUI can send this to the engine to tell the engine to use a certain value in centipawns from white's + point of view if evaluating this specifix position. + The string can have the formats: + + | clear + | clearall + + * type + The option has type t. + There are 5 different types of options the engine can send + * check + a checkbox that can either be true or false + * spin + a spin wheel that can be an integer in a certain range + * combo + a combo box that can have different predefined strings as a value + * button + a button that can be pressed to send a command to the engine + * string + a text field that has a string as a value, + an empty string has the value "" + * default + the default value of this parameter is x + * min + the minimum value of this parameter is x + * max + the maximum value of this parameter is x + * var + a predefined value of this parameter is x + Examples: + Here are 5 strings for each of the 5 possible types of options + "option name Nullmove type check default true\n" + "option name Selectivity type spin default 2 min 0 max 4\n" + "option name Style type combo default Normal var Solid var Normal var Risky\n" + "option name NalimovPath type string default c:\\n" + "option name Clear Hash type button\n" + + + +Examples: +--------- + +This is how the communication when the engine boots can look like: + +GUI engine + +// tell the engine to switch to UCI mode +uci + +// engine identify + id name Shredder + id author Stefan MK + +// engine sends the options it can change +// the engine can change the hash size from 1 to 128 MB + option name Hash type spin default 1 min 1 max 128 + +// the engine supports Nalimov endgame tablebases + option name NalimovPath type string default + option name NalimovCache type spin default 1 min 1 max 32 + +// the engine can switch off Nullmove and set the playing style + option name Nullmove type check default true + option name Style type combo default Normal var Solid var Normal var Risky + +// the engine has sent all parameters and is ready + uciok + +// Note: here the GUI can already send a "quit" command if it just wants to find out +// details about the engine, so the engine should not initialize its internal +// parameters before here. +// now the GUI sets some values in the engine +// set hash to 32 MB +setoption name Hash value 32 + +// init tbs +setoption name NalimovCache value 1 +setoption name NalimovPath value d:\tb;c\tb + +// waiting for the engine to finish initializing +// this command and the answer is required here! +isready + +// engine has finished setting up the internal values + readyok + +// now we are ready to go + +// if the GUI is supporting it, tell the engine that is is +// searching on a game that it hasn't searched on before +ucinewgame + +// if the engine supports the "UCI_AnalyseMode" option and the next search is supposed to +// be an analysis, the GUI should set "UCI_AnalyseMode" to true if it is currently +// set to false with this engine +setoption name UCI_AnalyseMode value true + +// tell the engine to search infinite from the start position after 1.e4 e5 +position startpos moves e2e4 e7e5 +go infinite + +// the engine starts sending infos about the search to the GUI +// (only some examples are given) + + + info depth 1 seldepth 0 + info score cp 13 depth 1 nodes 13 time 15 pv f1b5 + info depth 2 seldepth 2 + info nps 15937 + info score cp 14 depth 2 nodes 255 time 15 pv f1c4 f8c5 + info depth 2 seldepth 7 nodes 255 + info depth 3 seldepth 7 + info nps 26437 + info score cp 20 depth 3 nodes 423 time 15 pv f1c4 g8f6 b1c3 + info nps 41562 + .... + + +// here the user has seen enough and asks to stop the searching +stop + +// the engine has finished searching and is sending the bestmove command +// which is needed for every "go" command sent to tell the GUI +// that the engine is ready again + bestmove g1f3 ponder d8f6 + + + +Chess960 +======== + +UCI could easily be extended to support Chess960 (also known as Fischer Random Chess). + +The engine has to tell the GUI that it is capable of playing Chess960 and the GUI has to tell +the engine that is should play according to the Chess960 rules. +This is done by the special engine option UCI_Chess960. If the engine knows about Chess960 +it should send the command 'option name UCI_Chess960 type check default false' +to the GUI at program startup. +Whenever a Chess960 game is played, the GUI should set this engine option to 'true'. + +Castling is different in Chess960 and the white king move when castling short is not always e1g1. +A king move could both be the castling king move or just a normal king move. +This is why castling moves are sent in the form king "takes" his own rook. +Example: e1h1 for the white short castle move in the normal chess start position. + +In EPD and FEN position strings specifying the castle rights with w and q is not enough as +there could be more than one rook on the right or left side of the king. +This is why the castle rights are specified with the letter of the castle rook's line. +Upper case letters for white's and lower case letters for black's castling rights. +Example: The normal chess position would be: +rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w AHah -