From 3ab0fee0434bce55452e70c5d73ef713e0de214c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Andreas=20R=C3=B8sdal?= Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 16:37:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Add glChess to gnome-games. --- BUGS | 4 + COPYING | 340 ++++++ ChangeLog | 868 +++++++++++++ | 17 + | 25 + README | 38 + TODO | 28 + data/ | 3 + data/ai.xml | 54 + debian/changelog | 120 ++ debian/compat | 1 + debian/control | 16 + debian/copyright | 27 + debian/docs | 3 + debian/glchess.mime | 8 + debian/manpage.sgml | 111 ++ debian/menu | 1 + debian/rules | 76 ++ glade/ | 14 + glade/ | 31 + glade/ | 212 ++++ glade/ | 116 ++ glade/ | 160 +++ glade/ | 1463 ++++++++++++++++++++++ glade/ | 111 ++ glade/ | 413 +++++++ glade/ | 1230 +++++++++++++++++++ glade/ | 80 ++ | 15 + help/C/ | 7 + help/C/glchess-C.omf | 24 + help/C/glchess.xml | 15 + help/C/legal.xml | 76 ++ help/ | 1 + mime/glchess.xml | 8 + | 63 + src/ | 1 + src/glchess | 10 + src/lib/ | 12 + src/lib/ | 1 + src/lib/ | 335 +++++ src/lib/ | 218 ++++ src/lib/chess/ | 7 + src/lib/chess/ | 4 + src/lib/chess/ | 1025 ++++++++++++++++ src/lib/chess/ | 178 +++ src/lib/chess/ | 686 +++++++++++ src/lib/chess/ | 456 +++++++ src/lib/ | 47 + src/lib/ | 526 ++++++++ src/lib/ | 4 + src/lib/gtkui/ | 5 + src/lib/gtkui/ | 3 + src/lib/gtkui/ | 540 +++++++++ src/lib/gtkui/ | 931 ++++++++++++++ src/lib/ | 992 +++++++++++++++ src/lib/network/ | 5 + src/lib/network/ | 2 + src/lib/network/ | 127 ++ src/lib/network/ | 352 ++++++ src/lib/scene/ | 6 + src/lib/scene/ | 127 ++ src/lib/scene/cairo/ | 4 + src/lib/scene/cairo/ | 297 +++++ src/lib/scene/cairo/ | 47 + src/lib/scene/ | 165 +++ src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 8 + src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 17 + src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 527 ++++++++ src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 1552 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 680 +++++++++++ src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 1022 ++++++++++++++++ src/lib/scene/opengl/ | 133 ++ src/lib/ | 161 +++ src/lib/ui/ | 4 + src/lib/ui/ | 1 + src/lib/ui/ | 259 ++++ textures/ | 6 + textures/board.png | Bin 0 -> 8804 bytes textures/glchess.svg | 103 ++ textures/piece.png | Bin 0 -> 9836 bytes 81 files changed, 17365 insertions(+) create mode 100644 BUGS create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 ChangeLog create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 TODO create mode 100644 data/ create mode 100644 data/ai.xml create mode 100644 debian/changelog create mode 100644 debian/compat create mode 100644 debian/control create mode 100644 debian/copyright create mode 100644 debian/docs create mode 100644 debian/glchess.mime create mode 100644 debian/manpage.sgml create mode 100644 debian/menu create mode 100755 debian/rules create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 glade/ create mode 100644 create mode 100644 help/C/ create mode 100644 help/C/glchess-C.omf 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mode 100644 index 0000000..d60c31a --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e351fb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,868 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +CHANGELOG +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-10-23 vers. 1.0 RC1 + o AI options can be entered into the AI configuration file. + o Game defaults to human (white) versus the first detected AI. + o Lightened 3D models. + o Updated German translation from Rosetta. + o Changed AI file IO and animation from polled to event driven to save + CPU. + +2006-10-20 + o Fix bug with long castling. + o AI configuration moved into XML file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-10-18 vers. 0.9.12 + o Gracefully handle (disable) missing stock icons. + +2006-10-13 + o Updated German translation from + o Added Turkish translation (Thanks to Hakan Bekdas + ). + +2006-10-11 + o Finished converting all internal move formats to LAN. + o Added support for Universal Chess Interface (UCI) chess engines. + o Added support for Glaurung engine (UCI). + +2006-10-05 + o Updated translations from Rosetta (new fr and es). + +2006-10-04 + o Fix bug with decoding promotion from CECP engines. + o Refactored SAN and LAN en/decoding, changed much of the integer + internal location format to algebraic (i.e. (0, 0) -> 'a1'). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-10-04 vers. 0.9.11 + o OpenGL rendering is now optional + +2006-10-03 + o Recoloured 3D mode to be clearer and more consistent with 2D mode. + o Textures are now luminence only (save 1/3 memory). + o Python Imaging Library now optional - falls back to native Python + PNG loader. + o New game window has 'start' button active by default. + +2006-10-02 + o Cairo animation is now all double buffered. + o Simplified new game dialog - player types in single combo boxes with + icons. + o Add MIME file for /usr/share/mime - the one is + missing the sub_class_of field ( bug #8286). + o Debian package updates desktop and MIME databases so .pgn games can + be executed graphically. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-10-01 vers. 0.9.10 + o Set default configuration values (otherwise upgrading users hit + configuration exception). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-10-01 vers. 0.9.9 + o Updated .desktop file to register application/x-chess-pgn MIME type. + +2006-09-30 + o Games can be 2D (Cairo) or 3D (OpenGL). The code does not currently + work if OpenGL is not installed (for next release). + o Fix bugs in validating castle moves. + o Made colour scheme softer (still needs someone skilled to pick + colours and textures). + o Stack trace is printed to stdout when OpenGL rendering errors occur. + o Only print out OpenGL info once + +2006-09-29 + o Fix bug in game saving. (Bug from Jens Hamacher) + o Fix bug reporting OpenGL errors. (Bug from Jens Hamacher) + o Send both 'sd' and 'depth' to CECP engines to set search + depth. CECP specifies only 'sd' but GNUchess does not accept + this. (Bug from Jens Hamacher) + o Append .pgn to the end of save games + o Report the version on stdout on startup - should help in bug reports + +2006-09-16 + o Refactor. + o Remove notebook border and add spacing. + +2006-09-12 + o Removed more dbus code that shouldn't have been there... + o Added support to load games from the command line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-09-11 vers. 0.9.8 + o Whoops release - some networking code was accidently enabled + (avahi/dbus) that caused problems for people. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-09-09 vers. 0.9.7 + o Added window that shows the communication with the AIs. + o Kill AIs that don't quit properly. + o Catch exceptions and autosave and kill any AIs. This stops the 100% + CPU GNUchess processes being left running. + +2006-09-07 + o Handle exceptions from rendering - Mesa is still producing the odd + error. This will cause a corrupt frame but the program will still + run. + o Fix bug with notifying players of moves. This caused AI players to + fail if playing black. + o Added support for the Phalanx AI. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-08-28 vers. 0.9.6 + o Tweaked perspective to make better use of visual space + o Clear the OpenGL depth buffer after drawing the board. This stops + Mesa from corrupting the bottom of the piece models. + +2006-08-24 + o Changed display list code to avoid Mesa bug + ( + o Disabled networking code to make 0.9.6 release that avoids + the Mesa bug. + +2006-08-21 + o Debian package now depends on Python OpenGL bindings. + +2006-08-11 + o Moved existing splashscreen to about dialog. When no games are + present an empty board is displayed. + +2006-08-09 + o Added Italian translation from Luca Marturana + , thanks again! + +2006-07-29 + o Added icon from Luca Marturana , + thanks Luca! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-06-26 vers. 0.9.5 + o Changed build process to use distutils + +2006-06-10 + o Added 'faile' chess engine to autodetection list + ( + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-06-10 vers. 0.9.4 + o UI saves view options + +2006-05-29 + o Added internationalisation support (I18N) + o Added translations for en, en_NZ, en_AU, en_US and de + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-05-14 vers. 0.9.3 + o Refactored the game/scene/view relationship + o Added a lot more pydoc documentation + o Animate pieces when moving + o Change 'File' menu to 'Game' menu with all menubar options + +2006-05-13 + o Added move history controls + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-05-07 vers. 0.9.2 + o Replaced model set with new high-res version from John-Paul + Gignac + o Install a .desktop file (from anonymous commenter on + o Reverted piece textures to "wood" from version 0.4.6 + o Added material properties for models (now shiny) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-05-04 vers. 0.9.1 + o Quick tidy up for release. + +2006-03-05 + o Added animation to rotate board so human player is in foreground. + o Render pieces and the board to display lists where possible - huge + performance improvement. + o Fixed bug in rendering (was linking top of revolved models to the + bottom). + o Added texturing support. + +2006-02-19 + o More refactoring: Reduce code complexity and add comments. + +2006-02-17 + o Refactored code into src/. + o Filled out README, INSTALL. + o Added menu (new feature is ability to hide toolbar). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2006-02-11 vers. 0.9.0 + o Complete rewrite in Python, uses code ported from 0.8 series. + o Board rules appear to be more reliable than previous series + (tested with AI vs AI games). + o Able to load and save files to PGN format - also stores AI + information. + o Automatically saves games on exit. + o Network support removed (to be added before 1.0.0). + o Supports the GNUchess, Crafty, Sjeng and Amy AIs. + (autodetected on startup). + o UI simplified (will add menus before 1.0.0). + o Able to drag pieces when moving (no animation yet). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-04-23 vers. 0.8.6 + o UI can now choose different AIs + o Engine processes are now completed on (normal) exit + o Able to save PGN files from the UI + +2005-04-22 + o Slimmed down states for core board rules + o Added support for PGN output + o Changed default engine to gnuchess (crafty complains about illegal + moves when playing AI vs. AI - I think this is a crafty bug) + o Support promotion pieces from SAN moves + o Fix bug where glChess thought a castle was in progress but it was + just an illegal two square king move. + +2005-04-21 + o Board module now records all previous states with a board stack. + o Got rid of all compiler warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-04-14 vers. 0.8.5 + o Fix missing datapath for chess view UI (affects installed versions) + o Fix .deb build process so copies directory to correct name + o Update about dialog to reflect copyright for old and new versions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-03-28 vers. 0.8.4 + o Servers now announce themselves when created (protocol change) + o Now can be build as a .deb package (RPM build using alien) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-03-28 vers. 0.8.3 + +2005-03-26 + o End game button now works + o Removed some obsolete printfs + +2005-03-25 + o Only the server displays the network game dialog + o Server informs connecting players of current players + o Players must connect with unique names + o Fixed dobule free bug when cancelling servers + +2005-03-24 + o Games now opened in tabs + o Human vs human local games have chat entry disabled + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-03-23 vers. 0.8.2 + o Messages are marked with which player sent them / if they are from the server + o Network messages contain the source client + o Clients can now disconnect from the server + o Clients now correctly connect as spectators + +2005-02-27 + o SAN module now generates mate and checkmate symbols (+ and #) + o Got message sending working in main view + +2005-02-26 + o Made board and UI modules into objects. + o Board rotates around for human players (as in glChess 0.4) + +2005-02-23 + o Players now have names for local game + o AI players no longer use hard-coded name + o Network game servers can swap players (e.g. if the black player is + selected to be the same as the white player they are swapped). + o Made scene module into an object (so future support for multiple games/scenes possible) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-02-20 vers. 0.8.1 + o Network support works 95% + - Can have n clients connected (2 players + spectators) + - Players can be human or AI + - Multiple servers on one machine + +2005-02-05 + o Added copyright headers on the files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2005-02-05 vers. 0.8.0 + o Complete rewrite from the ground up + o Uses GTK+ 2 + 0 Uses gtkglext over gtkglarea + o Planned support for (by release 0.9) + - Network play + - Textures + - Configuration using gconf + - Distribution packages + - etc... + o Note also the new website (in drupal) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2002-09-09 vers. 0.4.7 + +2002-09-09 + o Applied patches from Martin Jacobs, fixes some problems getting glChess + to work with gnuchess, and misc. bugs + +2002-03-27 + o Some GUI/glchessrc patches from Michael Moerz + o Fixed ambiguity in shared files install dir, it is now /usr/local/share/games/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2002-03-25 vers. 0.4.6 + +2002-03-25 + o Applied some Makefile simplification patches from Michael Moerz + o glChess now sleeps when not doing anything -- doesn't waste CPU +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2002-03-23 vers. 0.4.5 + +2002-03-23 + o Applied patch from Michael Hanson to fix calls with execvp() when + argv == NULL +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2002-01-23 vers. 0.4.4 + +2002-01-23 + o main.c: (Re)fixed bug which had strcmp() on NULL pointers + +2002-01-22 + o san.c: Fixed bug in SAN parsing code + +2002-01-18 + o san.c: Resolved a bug with one given coordinate + +2002-01-17 + o dialog.c: Implemented a file dialog for binary paths + o README: Updated some info, added configuration section + +2002-01-15 + o move.c: Fixed a bug which could appear when castling, + 'en passant'ing or promoting and king would be in check +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2002-01-10 vers. 0.4.3 + +2002-01-07 + o move.c: Improved some move rule code + +2001-12-29 + o dialog.c: Applied patch by Robert Mibus to prevent a SEGFAULT + +2001-12-28 + o *.[ch]: Replaced "Copyright 2001" by "Copyright 2002" + + o dialog.c: Interpret user defined NULL binary path as "do not use" + +2001-12-27 + o move.c: Fixed a promotion bug when unselecting + o dialog.c: Added gtk_window_set_position to all dialogs + o dialog.c: Make entries uneditable if "do not use" is set + + o move.c: Replaced "---" by "do not use" + o dialog.c: dto. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-12-25 vers. 0.4.2 + +2001-12-25 + o move.c: Finally fixed promotion dialog + o dialog.c: dto. + o menu.c: dto. + +2001-12-24 + o dialog.c: Added save button to binary dialog + o dialog.h: Clean up + +2001-12-23 + o dialog.c: Added check whether user defined paths exist + o *.[ch]: Ran indent + +2001-12-20 + o menu.c: Added "Edit binary paths" to menu + o dialog.c: Added "Don't have engine" check boxes + o menu.c: Adapted to "Don't have engine" + o engine.c: dto. + +2001-12-19 + o san.c: Hopefully improved debug ouput to track down a quite + strange bug + +2001-12-18 + o anim.[ch]: Renamed animation.[ch] + o prefs.[ch]: Renamed preferences.[ch] + (I like short file names :-) + +2001-12-16 + o dialog.c: Fixed GdkWarning by adding gtk_widget_realize + o *.[ch]: Changed debug_output format + +2001-12-14 + o global.h: Removed GLCHESS_VERSION_STRING + o dialog.c, interface.c: Use VERSION instead + + o preferences.c: Rewrote some code for reflection patch + o interface.c: Disabled board rotation when engine is AI + +2001-12-09 + o Makefile, Finished autoconf/automake + o README: documentation update + +2001-12-08 + o dialog.c: Added quit dialog + o dialog.c: set engine dialog modal +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-12-07 vers. 0.4.1 + +2001-12-07 + o src/Makefile: Removed the -s flag + o Makefile: Included strip in install target as Robert proposed + o *.[ch]: Ensured that every debug_output checks debug first + + o Makefile: Added $(PREFIX) = /usr/local as suggested by PLD + + Did a include-cleanup: + o image.c: Removed string.h include + o menu.c: Removed string.h include + o models.c: Removed stdio.h include + o move.c: Removed gdk/gdk.h include + + Moved all code concerning dialogs into dialog.c + o dialog.[ch]: Added + o engine.c, menu.c: Moved dialog code to dialog.c + +2001-12-06 + o main.c: Reordered functions, so they do what they should do + o main.c, engine.c, menu.c: Removed some DogFood(tm) + +2001-12-05 + o main.c: Fixed segfault due to looking at NULL strings + o menu.c: Fixed binary path dialog, made modal + o menu.c: Stopped indent from messing up ItemFactory struct, + cleaned up struct, so is readable +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-12-01 vers 0.4.0 (inofficial release) + +2001-11-30 + o menu.c: Added dialog for entry of binary path + +2001-11-26 + o engine.c: Added find_binary and check_binary + o glchessrc: Added entries for binary paths + o global.h: Bumped version to 0.4.0 + o glchess.spec: dto. + +2001-11-20 + o interface.c: Removed handle menu box + o interface.c: Same for status bar + +2001-11-16 + o draw.c, menu.c: + Applied a patch from Bartosz Taudul to + speed up reflections + o AUTHORS: Added patches section + +2001-11-09 + o menu.c: Corrected a menu entry + o interface.c: Tweaked whole app by removing unneeded animate call + + +2001-10-31 + o menu.c: Made "piece size" menu a radio button one + o menu.c: Moved "piece size" menu to "View" + +2001-10-23 + o Some cosmetic changes +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-09-04 vers 0.3.5 + +2001-09-04 + o menu.c: Tweaked about dialog + o logo.xpm: Added + o move.c: Fixed a critical bug + o san.c: dto. + +2001-09-03 + o interface.c: Changed timer interval to 1 sec + o move.c: Move list now scrolls down when it reachs bottom + +2001-09-01 + o Makefile: Fixed compile line to have LIBS last. + Thanks to Sean Fleming for the bug report + o Makefile.IRIX: dto. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-08-18 vers 0.3.4 + +2001-08-17 + o menu.c: Started to implement promotion dialog (not finished yet) + +2001-08-15 + Thanks to Guiseppe Borzi' we now have a RPM package + for the very first time. + o glchess.spec: Added + o dto. + o glchess.patch: dto. + +2001-08-14 + o menu.[ch]: Renamed help_about about_dialog + +2001-08-13 + o move.c: Implemented material statistic display + o interface.c: dto. + +2001-08-12 + o glchessrc.installed: Removed + o main.c: Let us exit normally when no config file was found + +2001-08-11 + o src/interface.c: Finished move list + +2001-08-08 + o src/interface.c: Added frame for move list + o dto.: Renamed create_window to create_main_window + +2001-08-07 + o src/Makefile*: Added optimization and stripping at compile time + o src/move.c: Limited the trackball zoom range + o dto.: Fixed PAWN move bug + o src/models.c: Removed some useless lines + +2001-08-06 + o src/global.h: Did a little clean-up in the player structure + +2001-08-02 + o src/splash.c: Resolved FIXME by changing rotation code + +2001-08-01 + o src/move.c: Removed a useless line + o src/game.c: Removed two crufty functions + o src/interface.c: Removed unused 'killcount' code + o src/global.h: dto. + +2001-07-31 + o src/models.c: Added ability to change size of pieces + o dto.: Removed some unneeded lines + o dto.: Removed constant variable norm_theta + o src/menu.c: Added menu entries for this + +2001-07-19 + o src/Makefile: Let's `make` do the work, not us + o src/Makefile.IRIX: dto. + +2001-07-18 + o Makefile: Noticed that 'tar zcvf' doesn't compress on the highest + level, added a separate call for zipping with -9v +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-07-17 vers 0.3.3 + +2001-07-17 + o interface.c: Fixed crash, when playing against an engine, + changing color and then playing against yourself + o menu.c: Fixed crash, when changing color without a running game + o config.c: Simplified some stuff + o config.h: Added prototype of get_colour + +2001-07-16 + o config.c: Wiped out the length limits for options, esp. paths + +2001-07-11 + o san.c: Complete rewrite. Used move rules to do the thing + o menu.c: Added menu entries for color choice + +2001-07-09 + o san.c: Replaced stupid linear code by more sophisticated code:-) + KING: 49 lines -> 7 lines + KNIGTH: 47 lines -> 8 lines + o BUGS: Added + +2001-07-08 + o interface.c, preferences.c, splash.c: Rename all + gtk_gl_area_swapbuffers() calls to gtk_gl_area_swap_buffers() + calls, following the GtkGLArea HOWTO + o game.c: Little optimization in reset_board + o texture.c: Made several file name length dynamically allocatable +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-07-07 vers 0.3.2 + +2001-07-07 + o move.c: Fixed castling rule by using internal move list + o Makefile: Added version and indent target + o move.c: Added a 'in check' check algorithm, this means + move rules finally and completely work now + o move.c: Fixed some strange movement bugs with PAWN and KING + +2001-07-05 + o engine.c, move.c, global.c: Implemented internal move list + o move.c: Fixed a bug with PAWN which could be moved sidewards + +2001-07-04 + o engine.c., menu.c: You could have started an engine while playing + local Human vs. local Human, fixed + o move.c: Moved some code to check_move function, mainly enhanced + KING and PAWN checking code + o move.c: Rule checking is now completely done in the enhanced old, + but very sophisticated code. Though some things are missing + +2001-07-03 + o picksquare.[ch]: Renamed to move.[ch] + o config.c, glchessrc: Added debugging option to config file + (Until now debugging was on by default) + o engine.c, san.c, move.c: Adapted +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-07-04 vers 0.3.1 + +2001-07-02 + o interface.c: Fixed a long standing NVIDIA bug + (It _was_ our fault... :-) + o menu.c: Fixed bug where splashscreen wasn't displayed with NVIDIA + drivers +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-06-27 vers 0.3.0 + +2001-06-26 + o engine.c: Enabled engine pawn promotion (not only QUEEN) + +2001-06-25 + o picksquare.c: Added dialog to local H vs H code + o engine.c: Fixed bug, when starting several engines in a row + o engine.c: Fixed local H vs H again(!) + o menu.c: Renamed debug option + o TODO: Enlarged + +2001-06-24 + o san.c: Fixed a coordinate validity bug + o engine.c: Further improved read stability + o engine.c, picksquare.c: + Implemented GNU Chess support + o engine.c: fixed a newly introduced bug in read_from_engine + o menu.c: Simplified help_about + o engine.c: added engine_dialog + +2001-06-23 + o menu_preferences.[ch]: renamed to preferences.[ch] + o splash.c: moved init_game call to menu.c + o menu.c: added entries for engine choice + o *.[ch]: removed all USE_ENGINE and DEBUG_ENGINE defines + o menu.c: added entries whether or not to show debug information + o INSTALL: Rewrote some parts + +2001-06-22 + o san.c: Further optimization, esp. ROOK, KNIGHT, QUEEN + o san.c: Fixed a bug where the wrong piece could be moved + +2001-06-21 + o README, AUTHORS: Rewrote some parts + o TODO: Reordered, sorted entries by category and importance, + added estimated version number of implementation + +2001-06-20 + o san.c: Reduced memory usage + o Makefile: Added irix target, simply type make irix for IRIX now + o Makefile: Added make target, simply type make help for install notes + o *.[ch]: Changed code style, did a indent with: '-kr -i2 -bli0 -bl' +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-06-19 vers 0.2.9 + +2001-06-19 + o Added SAN support => Crafty > 18.x is usable now + +2001-06-18 + o Updated Makefile.IRIX + o Added NEWS file to inform you about recent plans + +2001-06-15 + o Replaced all malloc.h includes by stdlib.h ones + +2001-06-12 + o Added read_char which won't wait for ever if there is no char + o Added check_notation_format which will tell you if glChess + supports the format the engine uses +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-05-30 vers 0.2.8 + +2001-05-30 + o Resolved a segfault problem in engine.c/clear_engine_msg on startup + o Fixed a misbehaviour in make release + +2001-05-28 + o Merged types.h and global.h to global.h, added global.c + o Added info on how to pull glChess via CVS + +2001-05-25 + o Added full "en passant" support + Be warned! It's a rare case (at least for me), I couldn't + really test it. + o Fixed a bug in engine.c/parse_move_from_engine with learn message + o Did a TODO file clean-up + o Automated versioning in documentation + o Replaced "!!note" by "FIXME" entries (it's more logical to me) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-05-24 vers 0.2.7 + +2001-05-24 + o glChess now quits normally if OpenGL is not supported + o Fixed a SEGFAULT in engine.c/clear_engine_msg + o Re-added COPYING to sources due to problems with CVS and symlinks + +2001-05-24 + o Finally resolved my problems when starting glChess as root + by writing clear_startup_msg + o Improved reading from engine mechanism + +2001-05-12 + o Fixed two bugs in Makefile (install, release) + o Brought man page up to date + o Added target 'uninstall' to Makefile, self-explanatory + o Enhanced About dialog + +2001-05-11 + o Changed ChangeLog format, so you can see when something was done + o Fully enabled beep on illegal move, added config and menu entry + for this +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-05-09 vers 0.2.6 + o Changed normal printf(...) to fprintf(stderr, ...) in config.c + o First approach for pawn promotion, still lacking a dialog + promotion to queen is default + o Integrated beep on move + o Changed GlChessWidget to glChessWidget for conformity + o Changed coords color to white + o Added an IRIX Makefile in + o Did a shoddy fix for NVIDIAS worthless drivers +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-05-06 vers 0.2.5 + o Config files with no newline at the end now supported. + o Improved readability in engine.c + o Changed description text + o Reduced startup problems with engine. Anybody with pipe + experience out there ? + o Crafty/CECP options now in config file + o glChess now stops crafty when game is resigned + o crafty is only started when game is started, not when glChess starts + o Added in 'make release' -- packages up the source +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-05-01 vers 0.2.4 + o Code readibiliy fixes + o Co-ordinates reflected on other side of board now + o Moved man/man6/glchess.6.gz to man/glchess.6.gz + o Started implementing the Chess Engine Communication Protocol. + So far you can only use crafty and CECP is not fully + useable. + Basic game playing works. We need feedback !! + o Expanded TODO for engine + o Changed the date strings in Changelog + o Fixed a little bug in picksquare with new castling rules +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-04-16 vers 0.2.3 + o Changed COPYING to be a symlink to /usr/share/automake/COPYING + o Fixed bug when try to resign from splash screen, and similar when start from game + screen + o Added in grid co-ordinates + o Added new config options -- texture_dir number_colour letter_colour + o Added in Michael Duelli as an author +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-04-15 vers 0.2.2 + o Fixed signal disconnection error + o Improved rc file format (added in quotes) + o Got rid of lots of bad global variables/bad programming + (isn't it fun to come back to something you wrote ages ago... :) ) + o Using shortcut to start game now refreshes view + o Changed pitch of rotating view to look down more (easier to play) + o Lots of good bug/convention fixes from Michael Duelli -- thanks! + including: + o Changed default install dir to /usr/local/bin since most distributions + don't have /usr/local/games in their path. + o Limited the trackball mode so can't see under the board + o Changed glchess.[ch] to main.[ch] -- more conventional + o Fixed error with default flat/smooth shading + o Misc code readibility fixes + o Fixed stretching in Ortho mode + o Added in preferences dialog -- warning it doesn't work 100%!!! + o Added in AUTHORS file -- becoming a multi-developer project + o Changed base directory to glchess-VERSION + o Added in man page +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-04-08 vers 0.2.1 + o Reorded menus + o Reenabled trackball mode + o Reenabled free mode + o Added in save options menu item + o Got rid of all C++ style comments ('//') +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-04-08 vers 0.2.0 + o Changed email address + o Changed interface to GTK+ + o Changed piece textures +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-02-18 vers 0.1.11 + o Added in texturing + o Added in revolve_line() -- greatly simplified models.c + o Improved rc file loading + o Now checks the current dir for a rc file (if not installed) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-01-13 vers 0.1.10 + o Added some more libs into the Makefile + o Changed the selected piece colour to red with a higher alpha -- easier to see + o FPS only updates every 1 sec now -- easier to read + o Reflections are initially disabled -- performance (press j to activate) + o Added a _very_ simple rc file, not very robust, just copy /etc/glchessrc to ~/.glchessrc +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-01-11 vers 0.1.9 + o Fixed some problems in the Makefile (sorry) + o Linked to GLU, one person's glut or similar not linking it seems +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-01-08 vers 0.1.8 + o Now compiled with a makefile + o Fixed error in lighting from selected piece + o Realised castling rule is not really correct, not fixed, will not change the rules + again because a) I don't think anyone is actually using it + and b) It will use crafty or something similar *soon* so no need to bother + o FPS meter fades when max FPS is reached + o Name changes to red when editing +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-01-05 vers 0.1.7 + o Fixed castling rule (I wasn't fully aware of what the rule was) + o Changed the colour of the pieces/board + o Fixed an error in the shading toggle + o Added a pop-up menu for quit/toggles/viewmode + o Changed default view-mode to 2 (rotating) + o Got stencil buffer working by enabling it in glut (oops) + o Added a frame rate limiter in + o Added ability to change player names + o Game no longer automatically starts (r-click for menu) + o Fixed error in knight model + o Changed lighting on selected piece + o Added a fourth view mode (trackball) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2001-01-01 vers. 0.1.6 + o Added floor reflections (stencil buffer doesn't seem to work though) + o Added castling rule + o Added in a make script (it _will_ be a makefile one day) + o Fixed the location of the kings/queens (you can tell I don't play chess) + o Removed some debugging output to stdout +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-10-13 vers. 0.1.5 + o Actually finished knight model :) + o Found out how to cull back facing polygons -- fps greatly improved + o Fixed alignment of black players time on HUD (for 480x480 res) + o Disabled killcount -- slowing down fps too much + o Added webpage url into README +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-09-28 vers. 0.1.4 + o Co-ordinate system changed - y is up instead of z now (native OpenGL) + o Finished knight model (finally) + o Selected model lighting fixed + o Error (segfault) in selection algorithm fixed + o Beginnings of HUD added - fps meter, player time, killcount +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-05-27 vers. 0.1.3 + o Players now take turns + o 3 Modes of view - Dynamic/Rotating/Ortho +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-05-26 vers. 0.1.2 + o Pieces now have movement rules +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-05-22 vers. 0.1.1 + o fixed draw.c (accidentially overwritten in previous release) + o pieces can now be moved +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2000-05-15 vers. 0.1.0 + o first release +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..723c451 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +include lib/glchess/gtkui/*.glade +include po/*.po po/*.pot +include BUGS ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL README TODO +include ai.xml glchess.svg glchess.desktop +include Makefile +include +include textures/*.png +include mime/glchess.xml +include debian/changelog +include debian/compat +include debian/control +include debian/copyright +include debian/docs +include debian/manpage.sgml +include debian/menu +include debian/rules +include debian/glchess.mime diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..056ab72 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +SUBDIRS = data glade help src textures + +# Source files +EXTRA_DIST = +CLEAN_DIST = +CLEANFILES = + +EXTRA_DIST += +DISTCLEANFILES = intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-update + +################################################################# +# Launcher +@INTLTOOL_DESKTOP_RULE@ + +desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications +desktop_in_files = +desktop_DATA = $( +EXTRA_DIST += $(desktop_in_files) +CLEANFILES += $(desktop_DATA) + +################################################################# + +## Executable +bin_SCRIPTS = src/glchess +EXTRA_DIST += src/glchess diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2cf2723 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +1. Description + +glChess is a 2D/3D chess game interfacing via the Chess Engine +Communication Protocol (CECP) by Tim Mann. This means it can currently use +engines such as GNUChess, Sjeng, Faile, Amy, Crafty and Phalanx. + +2. Homepage + +Visit the homepage for information on how to report bugs and to keep +up on development progress. + +SourceForge Homepage -> +SourceForge Project Page -> + +3. Requirements + +glChess requires the following software to be installed to work: + +- Python +- Gtk+ including the python bindings + +For 3D support the following are optionally required: + +- GtkGLExt including the python bindings +- OpenGL python bindings + +For faster texture loading: + +- Python Imaging Library + +Optionally you can install CECP compatible AIs - glChess will detect the ones +it can use. + +4. License + +glChess is released under the GNU General Public License. In short, you may +copy this program (including source) freely, but see the COPYING file for +full details. diff --git a/TODO b/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aaed7b --- /dev/null +++ b/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +1.0 Features +------------- + +Supply application/x-chess-pgn icons + +1.1 Features +-------------- + +Network support +Crash dialog so users can easily make bug reports +Make configuration dialog (with AI config too) +Don't autosave games that have finished (move into a history file) +Reflect chess pieces in board +Chess piece shadows +Anti-aliasing +Drag and drop 2D pieces +Drag and drop application/x-chess-pgn files +Add icons for human/network/ai players. Use Red Robot for the AI! +Share textures and display lists between games + +1.2+ Features +-------------- + +ICS support +Dialog if don't have correct version of GTK+, GTKGLarea installed +Help file +Get to install translations. This may be a limitation of distutils? They need compiling and renaming +Make glChess able to generate thumbnails for Nautilus diff --git a/data/ b/data/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58870e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +EXTRA_DIST = ai.xml +aidir = $(datadir)/glchess/ +ai_DATA = ai.xml diff --git a/data/ai.xml b/data/ai.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bf3343 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ai.xml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + + + + GNUchess + gnuchess + + + + + Sjeng + sjeng + + + + + + Amy + Amy + + + + + + Crafty + crafty + + + + + + Faile + faile + + + + + + Phalanx + phalanx + + + + + + + Glaurung + glaurung + + + + + + + diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7a2356 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +glchess (1.0RC1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + Changed PIL and OpenGL packages from Suggests to Recommends. + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 23 October 2006 10:17:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.12-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 2 October 2006 13:31:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.11-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + Update desktop and mime databases after installation + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 2 October 2006 13:31:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.10-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 1 October 2006 17:04:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.9-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 1 October 2006 11:32:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + Added dependencies to python2.4, python2.4-gtk2 + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 11 September 2006 21:01:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.7-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 9 September 2006 12:40:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 28 August 2006 20:59:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.5-2) unstable; urgency=low + + + New upstream release + + Package now depends on python2.4-opengl + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 21 August 2006 15:23:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + Python files are compiled on installation + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Tue, 13 June 2006 22:44:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.4-2) unstable; urgency=low + + + Fix menu entry to point at correct binary + + Add man page to package + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 10 June 2006 16:04:00 +0100 + +glchess (0.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 10 June 2006 12:46:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sun, 14 May 2006 15:14:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sun, 7 May 2006 13:03:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Thu, 4 May 2006 21:29:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release - rewrite in Python + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Sat, 11 Feb 2006 12:09:00 +0000 + +glchess (0.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Thu, 23 Apr 2005 18:15:00 +1200 + +glchess (0.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + + new upstream release - fixes UI path bug + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:51:00 +1200 + +glchess (0.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Initial Release. + + -- Robert Cleaver Ancell Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:37:31 +1200 + diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8626c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/compat @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +4 diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b1a771 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/control @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Source: glchess +Section: gnome +Priority: optional +Maintainer: Robert Ancell +Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), docbook-to-man, python-glade2 (>=2.8.1) +Standards-Version: 3.6.1 + +Package: glchess +Architecture: all +Depends: python2.4, python2.4-gtk2, python2.4-glade2 (>= 2.8.1) +Recommends: python2.4-gtkglext1, python2.4-opengl, python2.4-imaging +Description: A 2D/3D chess interface. + glChess is a 2D/3D chess program. It supports: + * Multiple simultaneous games using tabs + * Artificial intelligence using external engines + * 2D/3D rendering diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0895f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/copyright @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +This package was debianized by Robert Cleaver Ancell on +Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:37:31 +1200. + +It was downloaded from + +Copyright Holder: Robert Ancell + +License: + + This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA + 02111-1307, USA. + +On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General +Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'. + diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5aaf52 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/docs @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +BUGS +README +TODO diff --git a/debian/glchess.mime b/debian/glchess.mime new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c7a987 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/glchess.mime @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PGN chess game + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/debian/manpage.sgml b/debian/manpage.sgml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcd7b81 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/manpage.sgml @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + manpage.1'. You may view + the manual page with: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man | + less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or is: + +manpage.1: manpage.sgml + docbook-to-man $< > $@ + + + The docbook-to-man binary is found in the docbook-to-man package. + Please remember that if you create the nroff version in one of the + debian/rules file targets (such as build), you will need to include + docbook-to-man in your Build-Depends control field. + + --> + + Robert"> + Ancell"> + + March 28, 2005"> + 6"> +"> + + GLCHESS"> + + + Debian"> + GNU"> + GPL"> +]> + + + +
+ &dhemail; +
+ + &dhfirstname; + &dhsurname; + + + 2005-2006 + &dhusername; + + &dhdate; +
+ + &dhucpackage; + + &dhsection; + + + &dhpackage; + + A 3D chess application + + + + &dhpackage; + + + + DESCRIPTION + + &dhpackage; is a 3D chess application for + GTK+ which supports CECP compatible artificial intelligences. + + More information can be found at + + + + SEE ALSO + + gnuchess(6), crafty(6), amy(6), faile(6), xboard(6). + + + AUTHOR + + glChess and this manual page were written by &dhusername; &dhemail;. + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under + the terms of the &gnu; General Public License, Version 2 any + later version published by the Free Software Foundation. + + + On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public + License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. + + + +
+ + + + diff --git a/debian/menu b/debian/menu new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72b3d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/menu @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +?package(glchess):needs="X11" section="Games/Board" title="glChess" command="/usr/games/glchess" diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6b7724a --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/rules @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +#!/usr/bin/make -f +# -*- makefile -*- +# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. +# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. +# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a +# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. +# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. + +# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. +#export DH_VERBOSE=1 + +configure: configure-stamp +configure-stamp: + dh_testdir + # Add here commands to configure the package. + + touch configure-stamp + + +build: build-stamp + +build-stamp: configure-stamp + dh_testdir + + # Add here commands to compile the package. + $(MAKE) + python build + docbook-to-man debian/manpage.sgml > glchess.6 + + touch build-stamp + +clean: + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp + + # Add here commands to clean up after the build process. + python clean --all + + dh_clean + +install: build + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_clean -k + dh_installdirs + + # Add here commands to install the package into debian/glchess. + $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/glchess + python install --root $(CURDIR)/debian/glchess + +# Build architecture-independent files here. +binary-indep: build install + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_installmenu + dh_installman glchess.6 + dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog + dh_link -i + dh_compress -i + dh_fixperms -i + dh_python -i + #dh_pysupport -i # Used by Debian + dh_desktop -i + dh_installmime -i + dh_installdeb -i + dh_gencontrol -i + dh_md5sums -i + dh_builddeb -i + +# Build architecture-dependent files here. +binary-arch: build install + # No architecture dependant files + +binary: binary-indep binary-arch +.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91ad06b --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +uidir = $(datadir)/glchess +ui_DATA = \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + + +EXTRA_DIST = $(ui_DATA) diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3734775 --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + + + + + + True + True + glChess 2.17.1 + Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell (and contributors) + A 2D/3D chess interface for Gnome + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + True + + glChess homepage + Robert Ancell <> + John-Paul Gignac (3D Models) +Thomas Dybdahl Ahle (2D Models) + Luca Marturana <> (It) +Hakan Bekdas <> (tr) +Many translators on + + glchess.svg + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eba93e --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ + + + + + + + (dummy window) + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + + + + 6 + True + 4 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + Executable: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + (executable name) + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + True + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + True + Playing as: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + (player in game) + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS + GTK_SHADOW_IN + GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT + + + + True + True + True + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + GTK_WRAP_NONE + True + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 0 + 2 + 3 + 4 + fill + + + + + + True + Communication: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 2 + 2 + 3 + fill + + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b8ae8d --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + + + + + + + + 300 + 300 + True + window1 + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + + + + True + True + 300 + + + + True + make_chess_view + 0 + 0 + Thu, 24 Mar 2005 01:41:43 GMT + + + True + True + + + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + True + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_SHADOW_IN + GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT + + + + True + True + False + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + GTK_WRAP_NONE + False + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + True + True + True + True + 0 + + True + * + False + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + True + True + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01bd615 --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + + + + + + 12 + True + + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + True + True + False + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + True + False + + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-close + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -7 + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + True + <b><big>Error Title</big></b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + False + 12 + + + + True + gtk-dialog-warning + 6 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + 350 + 50 + True + True + This area contains a description of the error. + +In this case the error is made up and I'll just fill this with a pile of junk. Oh yes look at all the junk here. + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + True + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88e450f --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,1463 @@ + + + + + + + Preferences + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + True + + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-close + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -7 + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + True + True + True + True + GTK_POS_TOP + False + False + + + + 3 + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + True + Start with unfinished games + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + True + False + True + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + If no previous game loaded then start with: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 18 + 0 + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + True + Human versus AI + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + False + False + True + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 18 + 0 + + + + True + False + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + True + Human versus human + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + False + False + True + radiobutton2 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + True + No game + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + False + False + True + radiobutton2 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Initial Game</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Startup + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + tab + + + + + + 6 + True + False + 6 + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 2 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + True + True + GTK_POS_TOP + 1 + GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS + False + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + True + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + True + Quality: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + Models: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Chess Pieces</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + 6 + gtk-dialog-info + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + New piece sets can be installed by dragging them into this window + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + True + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + True + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Graphics + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + tab + + + + + + 6 + True + 2 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + True + + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + False + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + False + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + Rotate board to face human player: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + True + Animate moving pieces + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Animation + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + tab + + + + + + 6 + True + False + 6 + + + + True + True + GTK_POLICY_NEVER + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_SHADOW_IN + GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT + + + + True + True + True + False + False + True + False + False + False + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + True + TODO + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Artifical Intelligence + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + tab + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + + True + glChess + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + 400 + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_LTR + GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_LTR + + + + True + _Game + True + + + + + + + True + gtk-new + True + + + + + + + _Join Game + True + + + + + + True + gtk-connect + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + True + gtk-open + True + + + + + + + True + False + gtk-save + True + + + + + + + True + False + _End Game + True + + + + + + True + gtk-close + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + True + + + + + + True + gtk-quit + True + + + + + + + + + + + True + _View + True + + + + + + + True + _3D + True + False + + + + + + + True + _Toolbar + True + True + + + + + + + True + _History + True + False + + + + + + + True + + + + + + True + _AI Information + True + False + + + + + + + + + + + True + _Help + True + + + + + + True + _Contents + True + True + + + + + + + True + gtk-about + True + + + + + + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL + GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH + True + True + + + + True + Start a new game + New Game + True + gtk-new + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + Join an existing game + Join Game + True + gtk-connect + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Load a saved game + gtk-open + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + gtk-preferences + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + True + True + True + + + False + False + + + + + + True + False + Save the current game + gtk-save + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + False + Surrender + True + gtk-dialog-warning + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + False + End the current game + End Game + True + gtk-close + True + True + False + + + + False + True + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + False + 3 + + + + 300 + 300 + True + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + False + False + 0 + + + + True + Rewind to the game start + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + + + + + True + gtk-goto-first + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + Show the previous move + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + + + + + True + gtk-go-back + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + False + True + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + True + Show the next move + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + + + + + True + gtk-go-forward + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + Show the current move + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + + + + + True + gtk-goto-last + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + + 6 + AI Information + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + 300 + 200 + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + + + + + True + False + False + GTK_POS_TOP + True + False + + + + 6 + True + False + 6 + + + + True + gtk-dialog-info + 6 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + There are not artificial intelligences in use + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + True + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + False + True + + + + + + True + Summary + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + tab + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4c5084 --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + + + + + + + 6 + True + Load a chess game + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + True + + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-cancel + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -6 + + + + + + + True + False + True + True + gtk-properties + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -10 + + + + + + + True + False + True + True + gtk-open + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -5 + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + 600 + 400 + True + GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN + True + False + False + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ed9506 --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ + + + + + + + 300 + 300 + Waiting for players + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + True + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-cancel + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -6 + + + + + + True + False + True + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + 0 + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + True + False + 2 + + + + True + gtk-go-forward + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + Ready + True + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + 12 + True + False + 12 + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 2 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + White Player: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + True + Black Player: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + False + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + True + False + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Players</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + True + GTK_POLICY_NEVER + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_SHADOW_IN + GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT + + + + True + True + False + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + GTK_WRAP_NONE + False + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + True + True + True + True + 0 + + True + * + False + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Status / Chat</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84c93d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@ + + + + + + + New Game + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + True + + + + + True + False + 6 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-cancel + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -6 + + + + + + True + Start the game. The game can be started once all fields are complete + True + True + True + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -5 + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + True + False + 2 + + + + True + gtk-new + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + _Start + True + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + 12 + True + False + 12 + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 2 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + Game name: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + Allow Spectators: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + 250 + True + Enter the title for this game + True + True + True + 0 + Local chess game + True + * + False + + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + Allow remote clients to watch this game + True + + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + True + False + True + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Game Properties</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 3 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + False + True + + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + True + Type: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + Difficulty: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + GTK_POS_RIGHT + 0 + GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS + False + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + fill + fill + + + + + + True + True + True + True + 0 + White + True + * + False + + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + True + Name: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>White Player</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 3 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + False + True + + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + True + Type: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + Difficulty: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + GTK_POS_RIGHT + 0 + GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS + False + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + fill + fill + + + + + + True + True + True + True + 0 + Black + True + * + False + + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + True + Name: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Black Player</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + + True + Join Game + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + True + + + + + True + False + 0 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-cancel + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -6 + + + + + + True + True + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -5 + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + True + False + 2 + + + + True + gtk-connect + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + True + _Join + True + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + 12 + True + False + 12 + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 2 + 3 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + Servers: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + fill + + + + + + True + True + Find Servers + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + + + + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + True + The hostname/IP address to search for servers on + True + True + True + 0 + + True + * + False + + + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + True + True + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC + GTK_SHADOW_IN + GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT + + + + True + True + True + False + False + True + False + False + False + + + + + 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 + fill + fill + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Game to Join</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + True + + + + + + True + 0 + 0.5 + GTK_SHADOW_NONE + + + + True + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + + + + True + 3 + 2 + False + 6 + 6 + + + + True + False + True + + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + True + Type: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + fill + + + + + + + Difficulty: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + fill + + + + + + + True + True + GTK_POS_RIGHT + 0 + GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS + False + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + fill + fill + + + + + + 250 + True + True + True + True + 0 + Local chess player + True + * + False + + + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + True + Name: + False + False + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + fill + + + + + + + + + + + True + <b>Local Player</b> + False + True + GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT + False + False + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE + -1 + False + 0 + + + label_item + + + + + 0 + False + False + + + + + 0 + True + True + + + + + + + diff --git a/glade/ b/glade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..676e9df --- /dev/null +++ b/glade/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + + + + + + + True + GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE + True + False + False + False + Save chess game + GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL + GTK_WIN_POS_NONE + False + True + False + glchess.svg + True + False + False + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG + GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST + True + False + + + + + True + False + 24 + + + + True + GTK_BUTTONBOX_END + + + + True + True + True + gtk-cancel + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -6 + + + + + + + True + True + True + True + gtk-save + True + GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + True + -5 + + + + + + 0 + False + True + GTK_PACK_END + + + + + + + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0924a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +_Name=Chess +_Comment=Play the classic two-player boardgame of glChess +Version=1.0 +Encoding=UTF-8 +Exec=glchess +Terminal=false +Type=Application +Categories=GNOME;Application;Game;BoardGame; +StartupNotify=true +Icon=glchess +MimeType=application/x-chess-pgn; +GenericName=3D Chess Game +GenericName[pt_BR]=Jogo de Xadrez 3D +GenericName[de]=3D Schach diff --git a/help/C/ b/help/C/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41efdda --- /dev/null +++ b/help/C/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +docname = glchess +lang = C +helpdir = $(datadir)/gnome/help/$(docname)/$(lang) +help_DATA = glchess.xml legal.xml +EXTRA_DIST = $(help_DATA) + +EXTRA_DIST += $(helpfig_DATA) diff --git a/help/C/glchess-C.omf b/help/C/glchess-C.omf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d746b94 --- /dev/null +++ b/help/C/glchess-C.omf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + + glChess Manual + + + 2006-10-14 + + + + + glChess + + + user's guide + + + + + + + + diff --git a/help/C/glchess.xml b/help/C/glchess.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fff30b --- /dev/null +++ b/help/C/glchess.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + +
+ + glChess documentation + April 17th, 2004 + + + TODO! + +
diff --git a/help/C/legal.xml b/help/C/legal.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac97e1d --- /dev/null +++ b/help/C/legal.xml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ + + + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this + document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation + License (GFDL), Version 1.1 or any later version published + by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, + no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You can find + a copy of the GFDL at this link or in the file COPYING-DOCS + distributed with this manual. + + This manual is part of a collection of GNOME manuals + distributed under the GFDL. If you want to distribute this + manual separately from the collection, you can do so by + adding a copy of the license to the manual, as described in + section 6 of the license. + + + + Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their + products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those + names appear in any GNOME documentation, and the members of + the GNOME Documentation Project are made aware of those + trademarks, then the names are in capital letters or initial + capital letters. + + + + DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED + UNDER THE TERMS OF THE GNU FREE DOCUMENTATION LICENSE + WITH THE FURTHER UNDERSTANDING THAT: + + + + DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES + THAT THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE + DOCUMENT IS FREE OF DEFECTS MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE + RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, AND PERFORMANCE + OF THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE + DOCUMENT IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY DOCUMENT OR + MODIFIED VERSION PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, + YOU (NOT THE INITIAL WRITER, AUTHOR OR ANY + CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY + SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER + OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS + LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED + VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER + EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER; AND + + + + UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL + THEORY, WHETHER IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), + CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL THE AUTHOR, + INITIAL WRITER, ANY CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY + DISTRIBUTOR OF THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION + OF THE DOCUMENT, OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH + PARTIES, BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY + DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR + CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER + INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS + OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR + MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER DAMAGES OR + LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO USE OF THE + DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT, + EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF + THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + + + + + diff --git a/help/ b/help/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42ffacc --- /dev/null +++ b/help/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = C diff --git a/mime/glchess.xml b/mime/glchess.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c7a987 --- /dev/null +++ b/mime/glchess.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PGN chess game + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..649edec --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import os +import glob + +from distutils.core import setup + +DESCRIPTION = """glChess is an open source 3D chess interface for the Gnome desktop. +It is designed to be used by both beginner and experienced players. +Games can be played between a combination of local players, players connected via a LAN and artificial intelligences. +""" + +CLASSIFIERS = ['License :: OSI-Approved Open Source :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', + 'Intended Audience :: by End-User Class :: End Users/Desktop', + 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', + 'Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Gnome', + 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Board Games', + 'Programming Language :: Python', + 'Operating System :: Grouping and Descriptive Categories :: All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes)', + 'Operating System :: Modern (Vendor-Supported) Desktop Operating Systems :: Linux', + 'User Interface :: Graphical :: Gnome', + 'User Interface :: Graphical :: OpenGL', + 'User Interface :: Toolkits/Libraries :: GTK+', + 'Translations :: English', 'Translations :: German', 'Translations :: Italian'] + +DATA_FILES = [] + +# MIME files +DATA_FILES.append(('share/mime/packages', ['mime/glchess.xml'])) + +# UI files +DATA_FILES.append(('share/games/glchess/gui', ['glchess.svg'] + glob.glob('lib/glchess/gtkui/*.glade'))) + +# Config files +DATA_FILES.append(('share/games/glchess/', ['ai.xml'])) + +# Texture files +TEXTURES = [] +for file in ['board.png', 'piece.png']: + TEXTURES.append('textures/' + file) +DATA_FILES.append(('share/games/glchess/textures', TEXTURES)) + +DATA_FILES.append(('share/applications', ['glchess.desktop'])) +DATA_FILES.append(('share/pixmaps', ['glchess.svg'])) + +# Language files +#for poFile in glob.glob('po/*.po'): +# language = poFile[3:-3] +# DATA_FILES.append(('share/locale/' + language + '/LC_MESSAGES', poFile)) +#print DATA_FILES + +setup(name = 'glchess', + version = '1.0RC1', + classifiers = CLASSIFIERS, + description = '3D Chess Interface', + long_description = DESCRIPTION, + author = 'Robert Ancell', + author_email = '', + license = 'GPL', + url = '', + download_url = '', + package_dir = {'': 'lib'}, + packages = ['glchess', 'glchess.chess', 'glchess.scene', 'glchess.scene.cairo', 'glchess.scene.opengl', 'glchess.ui', 'glchess.gtkui', ''], + data_files = DATA_FILES, + scripts = ['glchess']) diff --git a/src/ b/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0262e4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = lib diff --git a/src/glchess b/src/glchess new file mode 100755 index 0000000..78a7400 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/glchess @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python + +try: + from glchess.glchess import start_game +except ImportError: + import sys + sys.path.append('/usr/share/glchess/') + from glchess.glchess import start_game + +start_game() diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0f769b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +SUBDIRS = chess gtkui network scene ui + +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8bc784 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import os +import sys +import select +import xml.dom.minidom + +import game +import cecp +import uci + +from defaults import * + +CECP = 'CECP' +UCI = 'UCI' + +class Option: + value = '' + + pass + +class Profile: + """ + """ + name = '' + protocol = '' + executable = '' + path = '' + arguments = None + options = None + + def __init__(self): + self.arguments = [] + self.options = [] + + def detect(self): + """ + """ + try: + path = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep) + except KeyError: + path = [] + + for directory in path: + b = directory + os.sep + self.executable + if os.path.isfile(b): + self.path = b + return + self.path = None + +def _getXMLText(node): + """ + """ + if len(node.childNodes) == 0: + return '' + if len(node.childNodes) > 1 or node.childNodes[0].nodeType != node.TEXT_NODE: + raise ValueError + return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue + +def loadProfiles(): + """ + """ + profiles = [] + + fileNames = [os.path.expanduser('~/.glchess/ai.xml'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'ai.xml'), 'ai.xml'] + document = None + for f in fileNames: + try: + document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f) + except IOError: + pass + except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: + print 'AI configuration at ' + f + ' is invalid, ignoring' + else: + print 'Loading AI configuration from ' + f + break + if document is None: + print 'WARNING: No AI configuration' + return profiles + + elements = document.getElementsByTagName('aiconfig') + if len(elements) == 0: + return profiles + + for e in elements: + for p in e.getElementsByTagName('ai'): + try: + protocolName = p.attributes['type'].nodeValue + except KeyError: + assert(False) + if protocolName == 'cecp': + protocol = CECP + elif protocolName == 'uci': + protocol = UCI + else: + assert(False), 'Uknown AI type: ' + repr(protocolName) + + n = p.getElementsByTagName('name') + assert(len(n) > 0) + name = _getXMLText(n[0]) + + n = p.getElementsByTagName('binary') + assert(len(n) > 0) + executable = _getXMLText(n[0]) + + arguments = [executable] + n = p.getElementsByTagName('argument') + for x in n: + args.append(_getXMLText(x)) + + options = [] + n = p.getElementsByTagName('option') + for x in n: + option = Option() + option.value = _getXMLText(x) + try: + attribute = x.attributes['name'] + except KeyError: + pass + else: + = _getXMLText(attribute) + options.append(option) + + profile = Profile() + = name + profile.protocol = protocol + profile.executable = executable + profile.arguments = arguments + profile.options = options + profiles.append(profile) + + return profiles + +class CECPConnection(cecp.Connection): + """ + """ + player = None + + def __init__(self, player): + """ + """ + self.player = player + cecp.Connection.__init__(self) + + def onOutgoingData(self, data): + """Called by cecp.Connection""" + self.player.logText(data, 'output') + self.player.sendToEngine(data) + + def onMove(self, move): + """Called by cecp.Connection""" + self.player.moving = True + self.player.move(move) + + def logText(self, text, style): + """Called by cecp.Connection""" + self.player.logText(text, style) + +class UCIConnection(uci.StateMachine): + """ + """ + player = None + + def __init__(self, player): + """ + """ + self.player = player + uci.StateMachine.__init__(self) + + def onOutgoingData(self, data): + """Called by uci.StateMachine""" + self.player.logText(data, 'output') + self.player.sendToEngine(data) + + def logText(self, text, style): + """Called by uci.StateMachine""" + self.player.logText(text, style) + + def onMove(self, move): + """Called by uci.StateMachine""" + self.player.move(move) + +class Player(game.ChessPlayer): + """ + """ + + # The profile we are using + __profile = None + + __pipeFromEngine = None + __pipeToEngine = None + + # PID of the subprocess containing the engine + __pid = None + + __connection = None + + moving = False + + def __init__(self, name, profile): + """Constructor for an AI player. + + 'name' is the name of the player (string). + 'profile' is the profile to use for the AI (Profile). + """ + self.__profile = profile + + game.ChessPlayer.__init__(self, name) + + # Create pipes for communication with AI process + self.__pipeToEngine = os.pipe() + self.__pipeFromEngine = os.pipe() + + # Fork sub-process for engine + self.__pid = os.fork() + + # This is the forked process, replace it with the engine + if self.__pid == 0: + self.__startEngine(profile.path, profile.arguments) + + # Close the ends of the pipe we are not using + os.close(self.__pipeFromEngine[1]); + os.close(self.__pipeToEngine[0]); + + if profile.protocol == CECP: + self.connection = CECPConnection(self) + elif profile.protocol == UCI: + self.connection = UCIConnection(self) + else: + assert(False) + + self.connection.start() + self.connection.configure(profile.options) + + # Methods to extend + + def logText(self, text, style): + """ + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def getProfile(self): + """ + """ + return self.__profile + + def fileno(self): + """Returns the file descriptor for communicating with the engine (integer)""" + return self.__pipeFromEngine[0] + + def read(self): + """Read an process data from the engine. + + This is non-blocking. + """ + while True: + # Check if data is available + (rlist, _, _) =[self.__pipeFromEngine[0]], [], [], 0) + if len(rlist) == 0: + return + + # Read a chunk and process + data =[0], 256) + if data == '': + return + self.connection.registerIncomingData(data) + + def sendToEngine(self, data): + """ + """ + try: + os.write(self.__pipeToEngine[1], data) + except OSError, e: + print 'Failed to write to engine: ' + str(e) + + def quit(self): + """Disconnect the AI""" + # Wait for the pipe to close + # There must be a better way of doing this! + count = 0 + while True: +[], [], [], 0.1) + try: + os.write(self.__pipeToEngine[1], '\nquit\n') # FIXME: CECP specific + except OSError: + return + count += 1 + if count > 5: + break + + print 'Killing AI ' + str(self.__pid) + os.kill(self.__pid, 9) + + # Extended methods + + def onPlayerMoved(self, player, move): + """Called by game.ChessPlayer""" + isSelf = player is self and self.moving + self.moving = False + self.connection.reportMove(move.canMove, isSelf) + + def readyToMove(self): + """Called by game.ChessPlayer""" + self.connection.requestMove() + + def onGameEnded(self, winningPlayer = None): + """Called by game.ChessPlayer""" + self.quit() + + # Private methods + + def __startEngine(self, executable, arguments): + """ + """ + # Connect stdin and stdout to the pipes to the main process + os.dup2(self.__pipeFromEngine[1], sys.stdout.fileno()) + os.dup2(self.__pipeToEngine[0], sys.stdin.fileno()) + + # Close the ends of the pipe we are not using + os.close(self.__pipeFromEngine[0]); + os.close(self.__pipeToEngine[1]); + + # Make the process nice so it doesn't hog the CPU + os.nice(15) + + # Start the AI + try: + os.execv(executable, arguments) + except OSError: +[], [], [], None) + os._exit(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE) diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b32cd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +class CECPProtocol: + """CECP protocol en/decoder. + + + """ + + # Data being accumulated to be parsed + __buffer = '' + + NEWLINE = '\n' + MOVE_PREFIXS = ['My move is: ', 'my move is ', 'move '] + INVALID_MOVE_PREFIX = 'Illegal move: ' + RESIGN_PREFIX = 'tellics resign' + DRAW_PREFIX = '1/2-1/2' + + def __init__(self): + """ + """ + # Go to simple interface mode + self.onOutgoingData('xboard\n') + + # Methods to extend + + def onOutgoingData(self, data): + """Called when there is data to send to the CECP engine. + + 'data' is the data to give to the AI (string). + """ + print 'OUT: ' + repr(data) + + def onUnknownLine(self, line): + """Called when an unknown line is received from the CECP AI. + + 'line' is the line that has not been decoded (string). There is + no newline on the end of the string. + """ + print 'Unknown CECP line: ' + line + + def onMove(self, move): + """Called when the AI makes a move. + + 'move' is the move the AI has decided to make (string). + """ + print 'CECP move: ' + move + + def onIllegalMove(self, move): + """Called when the AI rejects a move. + + 'move' is the move the AI rejected (string). + """ + print 'CECP illegal move: ' + move + + def onResign(self): + """Called when the AI resigns""" + print 'CECP AI resigns' + + # Public methods + + def sendSetSearchDepth(self, searchDepth): + """Set the search depth for the AI. + + 'searchDepth' is the number of moves to look ahead (integer). + """ + # This is the CECP specified method + self.onOutgoingData('sd %i\n' % int(searchDepth)) + + # GNUchess uses this instead + self.onOutgoingData('depth %i\n' % int(searchDepth)) + + def sendSetPondering(self, aiPonders): + """Enable/disable AI pondering. + + 'aiPonders' is a flag to show if the AI thinks during opponent moves (True) or not (False). + """ + if aiPonders: + self.onOutgoingData('hard\n') + else: + self.onOutgoingData('easy\n') + + def sendMove(self, move): + """Move for the current player. + + 'move' is the move the current player has made (string). + """ + self.onOutgoingData(move + '\n') + + def sendWait(self): + """Stop the AI from automatically moving""" + self.onOutgoingData('force\n') + + def sendMovePrompt(self): + """Get the AI to move for the current player""" + self.onOutgoingData('go\n') + + def sendQuit(self): + """Quit the engine""" + # Send 'quit' starting with a newline in case there are some characters already sent + self.onOutgoingData('\nquit\n') + + def registerIncomingData(self, data): + """ + """ + self.__buffer += data + self.__parseData() + + # Private methods + + def __parseData(self): + while True: + index = self.__buffer.find(self.NEWLINE) + if index < 0: + return + + line = self.__buffer[:index] + self.__buffer = self.__buffer[index+1:] + + self.__parseLine(line) + + def __parseLine(self, line): + for prefix in self.MOVE_PREFIXS: + if line.startswith(prefix): + move = line[len(prefix):] + self.logText(line + '\n', 'move') + self.onMove(move.strip()) + return + + if line.startswith(self.INVALID_MOVE_PREFIX): + self.onIllegalMove(line[len(self.INVALID_MOVE_PREFIX):]) + + elif line.startswith(self.RESIGN_PREFIX): + self.onResign() + + elif line.startswith(self.DRAW_PREFIX): + print 'AI calls a draw' + + else: + self.onUnknownLine(line) + + self.logText(line + '\n', 'input') + +import select + +class Connection(CECPProtocol): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + """ + """ + # Start protocol + CECPProtocol.__init__(self) + + # Methods to extend + + def logText(self, text, style): + """FIXME: define style + """ + pass + + def onMove(self, move): + """Called when the AI makes a move. + + 'move' is the move the AI made (string). + """ + print 'AI moves: ' + move + + # Public methods + + def start(self): + """ + """ + pass + + def configure(self, options): + """ + """ + for option in options: + self.onOutgoingData(option.value + '\n') + + def requestMove(self): + """Request the AI moves for the current player""" + # Prompt the AI to move + self.sendMovePrompt() + + def reportMove(self, move, isSelf): + """Report the move the current player has made. + + 'move' is the move to report (string). + 'isSelf' is a flag to say if the move is the move this AI made (True). + """ + # Don't report the move we made + if isSelf: + return + + # Stop the AI from automatically moving + self.sendWait() + + # Report the move + self.sendMove(move) + + # Private methods + + def onUnknownLine(self, line): + """Called by CECPProtocol""" + pass#print 'Unknown CECP line: ' + line + + def onIllegalMove(self, move): + """Called by CECPProtocol""" + print 'CECP illegal move: ' + move + +if __name__ == '__main__': + c = CECPConnection('gnuchess') + while True: + diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a316995 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/chess +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57ebfd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +import board +import pgn +import lan +import san diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58f922d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@ +"""Module implementing the chess rules. + +To use create an instance of the chess board: +>>> b = board.ChessBoard() + +Board locations can be represented in two forms: +o A 2-tuple containing the file and rank as integers (see below). +o A string with the location in SAN format. + +e.g. The black king is on the square (4,7) or 'e8'. + +The chess board with rank and file numbers: + + Black Pieces + + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +7 ||||||||| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +6 |








| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +5 | | . | | . | | . | | . | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +4 | . | | . | | . | | . | | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +3 | | . | | . | | . | | . | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +2 | . | | . | | . | | . | | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +1 |-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +0 |-R-|-N-|-B-|-Q-|-K-|-B-|-N-|-R-| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 + + White Pieces + +Pieces are moved by: +>>> result = b.movePiece(board.WHITE, 'd1', 'd3') +If the result is not MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL then the internal +state is updated and the next player can move. +If the result is MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL then the request is ignored. + +A move can be checked if it is legal first by: +>>> result = b.testMove(board.WHITE, 'd1', 'd3') +The returns the same values as movePiece() except the internal state +is never updated. + +The location of pieces can be checked using: +>>> piece = b.getPiece('e1') +>>> pieces = b.getAlivePieces() +>>> casualties = b.getDeadPieces() +The locations are always in the 2-tuple format. +These methods return references to the ChessPiece objects on the board. + +The history of the game can be retrieved by passing a move number to +the get*() methods. This number is the move count from the game start. +It also supports negative indexing: +0 = board before game starts +1 = board after white's first move +2 = board after black's first move +-1 = The last move +e.g. +To get the white pieces after whites second move. +>>> pieces = b.getAlivePieces(3) + +The ChessPiece objects are static per board. Thus references can be compared +between move 0 and move N. Note promoted pieces are a new piece object. + +When any piece is moved onPieceMoved() method is called. If the ChessBoard +class is extended this signal can be picked up by the user. If movePiece() +or testMove() is called while in this method an exception is raised. +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +__all__ = ['ChessPiece', 'ChessBoard'] + +# The two players +WHITE = 'White' +BLACK = 'Black' + +# The piece types +PAWN = 'P' +ROOK = 'R' +KNIGHT = 'N' +BISHOP = 'B' +QUEEN = 'Q' +KING = 'K' + +# Move results +MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL = 'Illegal move' +MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK = 'Opponent put into check' +MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE = 'Opponent put into checkmate' +MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED = 'Valid move' + +class ChessPiece: + """An object representing a chess piece""" + + # The colour of the piece + __colour = None + + # The type of the piece (pawn, knight ...) + __type = None + + def __init__(self, colour, type): + """Constructor for a chess piece. + + 'colour' is the piece colour (WHITE or BLACK). + 'type' is the piece type (PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN or KING). + """ + self.__colour = colour + self.__type = type + + def getColour(self): + """Get the colour of this piece. + + Returns WHITE or BLACK. + """ + return self.__colour + + def getType(self): + """Get the type of this piece. + + Returns PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN or KING. + """ + return self.__type + + def __str__(self): + """Returns a string representation of this piece""" + return self.__colour + ' ' + self.__type + +class ChessPlayerState: + """ + """ + + # Flags to show if still able to castle + canShortCastle = True + canLongCastle = True + + def __init__(self, state = None): + """ + """ + if state is None: + return + + # Copy the exisiting state + self.canShortCastle = state.canShortCastle + self.canLongCastle = state.canLongCastle + +class ChessBoardState: + """ + """ + # The move number + moveNumber = 0 + + # A dictionary of piece by location + squares = None + + # The dead pieces in the order they were killed + casualties = None + + # The move that got us to this state + lastMove = None + + # If the last move was a pawn martch The location where it can be taken by en-passant + enPassantSquare = None + + # The state of the players + whiteState = None + blackState = None + + def __init__(self, lastState = None): + """Constuctor for storing the state of a chess board. + + 'lastState' is the previous board state + or a dictionary containing the initial state of the board + or None to start an empty board. + + Example: + + pawn = ChessPiece(WHITE, PAWN) + ChessBoardState({'a2'': pawn, ...}) + + Note if a dictionary is provided the casualties will only record the pieces + killed from this point onwards. + """ + # Start empty + if lastState is None: + self.moveNumber = 0 + self.squares = {} + self.casualties = [] + self.whiteState = ChessPlayerState() + self.blackState = ChessPlayerState() + + # Use provided initial pieces + elif type(lastState) is dict: + self.moveNumber = 0 + self.squares = {} + self.casualties = [] + for coord, piece in lastState.iteritems(): + self.squares[coord] = piece + self.whiteState = ChessPlayerState() + self.blackState = ChessPlayerState() + + # Copy exisiting state + elif isinstance(lastState, ChessBoardState): + self.moveNumber = lastState.moveNumber + 1 + self.squares = lastState.squares.copy() + self.casualties = lastState.casualties[:] + self.lastMove = lastState.lastMove + self.enPassantSquare = lastState.enPassantSquare + self.whiteState = ChessPlayerState(lastState.whiteState) + self.blackState = ChessPlayerState(lastState.blackState) + + else: + raise TypeError('ChessBoardState(oldState) or ChessBoardState({(0,0):pawn, ...})') + + def getPiece(self, location): + """Get the piece at a given location. + + 'location' is the location in LAN format (string). + + Return the piece at this location or None if there is no piece there. + """ + assert(type(location) is str and len(location) == 2) + try: + return self.squares[location] + except KeyError: + return None + + def __range(self, start, end): + """ + """ + startNum = ord(start) + endNum = ord(end) + rangeString = '' + if startNum > endNum: + step = -1 + a = startNum + b = endNum - 1 + else: + step = 1 + a = startNum + b = endNum + 1 + for i in xrange(a, b, step): + rangeString += chr(i) + return rangeString + + def __checkOrtho(self, rankRange, fileRange): + """Check if the space between two squares is empty. + + 'start' is the first square in the form (file,rank). + 'end' is the last square in the form (file,rank). + + Return True if the squares between these two are empty and the move is a + valid orthogonal move. + """ + if len(rankRange) == 1: + for file in fileRange[1:-1]: + coord = rankRange[0] + file + if self.squares.has_key(coord): + return False + + elif len(fileRange) == 1: + for rank in rankRange[1:-1]: + coord = rank + fileRange[0] + if self.squares.has_key(coord): + return False + + else: + return False + + return True + + def __checkDiag(self, rankRange, fileRange): + # For diagonal moves change in co-ordinates must be identical + if len(rankRange) != len(fileRange): + return False + + # Check the squares between the start and end moves + for i in xrange(1, len(rankRange) - 1): + coord = rankRange[i] + fileRange[i] + if self.squares.has_key(coord): + return False + + return True + + def inCheck(self, colour): + """Test if the player with the given colour is in check. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player to check. + + Return True if they are in check (or checkmate) or False otherwise. + """ + # Find the location of this players king(s) + for kingCoord, king in self.squares.iteritems(): + + # Not our king + if king.getType() != KING or king.getColour() != colour: + continue + + # See if any enemy pieces can take this king + for enemyCoord, enemyPiece in self.squares.iteritems(): + # Ignore friendly pieces + if enemyPiece.getColour() == colour: + continue + + # See if this piece can take the king + (result, moves) = self.movePiece(enemyPiece.getColour(), enemyCoord, kingCoord, + testCheck = False, testCheckMate = False, + applyMove = False) + if result is not MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: + return True + + return False + + def inCheckMate(self, colour): + """Test if the player with the given colour is in checkmate. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player to check. + + Return True if they are in checkmate or False otherwise. + """ + # If can move any of their pieces then not in checkmate + for coord, piece in self.squares.iteritems(): + # Only check pieces of the given colour + if piece.getColour() != colour: + continue + + # See if this piece can be moved anywhere + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + for file in '12345678': + (result, moves) = self.movePiece(colour, coord, rank + file, + testCheckMate = False, applyMove = False) + if result is not MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: + return False + return True + + def movePiece(self, colour, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN, testCheck = True, testCheckMate = True, allowSuicide = False, applyMove = True): + """Move a piece. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player moving. + 'start' is a the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is a the location to move to in LAN format (string). + 'promotionType' is the type of piece to promote to if required. + 'testCheck' is a flag to control if the opponent will be in check after this move. + 'testCheckMate' is a flag to control if the opponent will be in checkmate after this move. + 'allowSuicide' if True means a move is considered valid even + if it would put the moving player in check. + 'applyMove' is a flag to control if the move is applied to the board (True) or just tested (False). + + Return a tuple containing the result of this move and the pieces moved in the form (result, moves). + The moves are a list containing tuples of the form (piece, start, end). If a piece was removed + 'end' is None. If the result is successful the pieces on the board are modified. + """ + assert(promotionType is not KING) + assert(type(start) is str and len(start) == 2) + assert(type(end) is str and len(end) == 2) + + # A list of pieces that have been moved + moves = [] + + # Get the piece to move + try: + piece = self.squares[start] + except KeyError: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + if piece.getColour() is not colour: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Get the players + if piece.getColour() is WHITE: + enemyColour = BLACK + playerState = self.whiteState + elif piece.getColour() is BLACK: + enemyColour = WHITE + playerState = self.blackState + else: + assert(False) + + # Copy the player state before it is changed + originalPlayerState = ChessPlayerState(playerState) + + # Check if moving onto another piece (must be enemy) + try: + target = self.squares[end] + if target.getColour() == piece.getColour(): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + except KeyError: + target = None + victim = target + + # Get the range of rank and files being moved over + rankRange = self.__range(start[0], end[0]) + fileRange = self.__range(start[1], end[1]) + assert(len(rankRange) >= 1) + assert(len(fileRange) >= 1) + + # Get the rank relative to this colour's start rank + if piece.getColour() == BLACK: + baseFile = '8' + else: + baseFile = '1' + + # The new en-passant square + enPassantSquare = None + + # Check move is valid: + + # King can move one square or castle + if piece.getType() is KING: + # Castling: + shortCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile) + longCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile) + if (playerState.canShortCastle and (start, end) == shortCastle) or (playerState.canLongCastle and (start, end) == longCastle): + if end[0] == 'c': + rookLocation = 'a' + baseFile + rookEndLocation = 'd' + baseFile + kingRanks = 'cd' + else: + rookLocation = 'h' + baseFile + rookEndLocation = 'f' + baseFile + kingRanks = 'fg' + + # Check rook is still there + try: + rook = self.squares[rookLocation] + except KeyError: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + if rook is None or rook.getType() is not ROOK or rook.getColour() != piece.getColour(): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Check no pieces between the rook and king + for rank in kingRanks: + if self.squares.has_key(rank + start[1]): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Test if in check on any of the squares the king moves + # through by filling these squares with cloned kings + for rank in kingRanks: + self.squares[rank + start[1]] = piece + inCheck = self.inCheck(piece.getColour()) + for rank in kingRanks: + self.squares.pop(rank + start[1]) + + if inCheck: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Move rook and record so can be undone + moves.append((rook, rookLocation, rookEndLocation)) + + # Otherwise can only move one square + else: + if len(rankRange) > 2 or len(fileRange) > 2: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Can no longer castle if moved the king + playerState.canShortCastle = False + playerState.canLongCastle = False + + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # Queen moves orthogonal or diagonal + elif piece.getType() is QUEEN: + if (not self.__checkOrtho(rankRange, fileRange)) and (not self.__checkDiag(rankRange, fileRange)): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # Rooks move orthogonal + elif piece.getType() is ROOK: + if not self.__checkOrtho(rankRange, fileRange): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Can no longer castle once have move the required rook + if start == 'a' + baseFile: + playerState.canLongCastle = False + elif start == 'h' + baseFile: + playerState.canShortCastle = False + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # Bishops move diagonal + elif piece.getType() is BISHOP: + if not self.__checkDiag(rankRange, fileRange): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # Knights can move through other pieces + elif piece.getType() is KNIGHT: + if (len(rankRange) - 1) * (len(fileRange) - 1) != 2: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # On base rank pawns move on or two squares forwards. + # Pawns take other pieces diagonally (1 square). + # Pawns can take other pawns moving two ranks using 'en passant'. + # Pawns are promoted on reaching the other side of the board. + elif piece.getType() is PAWN: + # Pawns must move forwards + if colour is WHITE: + if end[1] < start[1]: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + elif start[1] < end[1]: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Calculate the files that pawns start on and move over on marches + if baseFile == '1': + pawnFile = '2' + marchFile = '3' + farFile = '8' + else: + pawnFile = '7' + marchFile = '6' + farFile = '1' + + # Moving one square forwards with nothing in the way + if len(rankRange) == 1 and len(fileRange) == 2 and victim is None: + pass + + # Moving two squares forward from start rank (march) + elif len(rankRange) == 1 and start[1] == pawnFile and len(fileRange) == 3 and victim is None: + # If two steps check nothing inbetween + if not self.__checkOrtho(rankRange, fileRange): + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # The square we moved over can be attacked by en-passant + enPassantSquare = start[0] + marchFile + + # Moving diagonally forwards to take another piece + elif len(rankRange) == 2 and len(fileRange) == 2: + # We either need a victim or be attacking the en-passant square + if victim is None: + if end != self.enPassantSquare: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Kill the pawn that moved + moves.append((self.lastMove[0], self.lastMove[2], None)) + + else: + return (MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL, None) + + # Promote pawns when they hit the far rank + if end[1] == farFile: + # Delete the current piece and create a new piece + moves.append((piece, start, None)) + moves.append((ChessPiece(piece.getColour(), promotionType), None, end)) + else: + moves.append((piece, start, end)) + + # Unknown piece + else: + assert(False) + + # Store this move + oldLastMove = self.lastMove + self.lastMove = (piece, start, end) + oldEnPassantSquare = self.enPassantSquare + self.enPassantSquare = enPassantSquare + + # Delete a victim + if victim is not None: + moves.append((victim, end, None)) + + # Move the pieces: + + # Remove the moving pieces from the board + for (p, s, e) in moves: + if s is not None: + self.squares.pop(s) + + # Put pieces in their new locations + for (p, s, e) in moves: + if e is not None: + self.squares[e] = p + + # Test for check and checkmate + result = MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED + if testCheck: + # Cannot move into check, if would be then undo move + if self.inCheck(piece.getColour()): + applyMove = False + result = MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL + # Test if the oponent is in check + else: + if self.inCheck(enemyColour): + if testCheckMate and self.inCheckMate(enemyColour): + result = MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE + else: + result = MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK + + # Undo the moves if only a test + if applyMove is False: + # Empty any squares moved into + for (p, s, e) in moves: + if e is not None: + self.squares.pop(e) + + # Put pieces back into their original locatons + for (p, s, e) in moves: + if s is not None: + self.squares[s] = p + + # Undo player state + if piece.getColour() == WHITE: + self.whiteState = originalPlayerState + else: + self.blackState = originalPlayerState + + # Undo stored move and en-passant location + self.lastMove = oldLastMove + self.enPassantSquare = oldEnPassantSquare + + else: + # Remember the casualties + if victim is not None: + self.casualties.append(victim) + + return (result, moves) + + def __str__(self): + """Covert the board state to a string""" + out = '' + blackSquare = False + for file in '87654321': + out += ' +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n' + out += ' ' + file + ' |' + blackSquare = not blackSquare + + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + blackSquare = not blackSquare + try: + piece = self.squares[rank + file] + except: + piece = None + if piece is None: + # Checkerboard + if blackSquare: + out += ' . ' + else: + out += ' ' + else: + s = piece.getType() + if piece.getColour() is WHITE: + s = '-' + s + '-' + elif piece.getColour() is BLACK: + s = '<' + s + '>' + else: + assert(False) + out += s + + out += '|' + + out += '\n' + + out += " +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n" + out += " a b c d e f g h" + + return out + +class ChessBoard: + """An object representing a chess board. + + This class contains a chess board and all its previous states. + """ + # Pieces on the chess board + __pieces = None + + # A list of board states + __boardStates = None + + # Flag to stop methods being called from inside a callback. + __inCallback = True + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for a chess board""" + self.__pieces = [] + self.__boardStates = [] + self.__resetBoard() + + def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """Called when a piece is moved on the chess board. + + 'piece' is the piece being moved. + 'start' is the start location of the piece (tuple (file,rank) or None if the piece is being created. + 'end' is the end location of the piece (tuple (file,rank) or None if the piece is being created. + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def getPiece(self, location, moveNumber = -1): + """Get the piece at a given location. + + 'location' is the board location to check in LAN format (string). + 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). + + Return the piece (ChessPiece) at this location or None if there is no piece there. + Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. + """ + return self.__boardStates[moveNumber].getPiece(location) + + def getAlivePieces(self, moveNumber = -1): + """Get the alive pieces on the board. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). + + Returns a dictionary of the alive pieces (ChessPiece) keyed by location. + Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. + """ + state = self.__boardStates[moveNumber] + return state.squares.copy() + + def getDeadPieces(self, moveNumber = -1): + """Get the dead pieces from the game. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). + + Returns a list of the pieces (ChessPiece) in the order they were killed. + Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. + """ + state = self.__boardStates[moveNumber] + return state.casualties[:] + + def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN, allowSuicide = False): + """Test if a move is allowed. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player moving. + 'start' is a the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is a the location to move to in LAN format (string). + 'allowSuicide' if True means a move is considered valid even + if it would put the moving player in check. This is + provided for SAN move calculation. + + Return the move result (MOVE_RESULT_*) + """ + assert(self.__inCallback is False) + + state = ChessBoardState(self.__boardStates[-1]) + (result, moves) = state.movePiece(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType, allowSuicide = allowSuicide, applyMove = False) + return result + + def movePiece(self, colour, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN): + """Move a piece. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player moving. + 'start' is a the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is a the location to move to in LAN format (string). + + Return the result of the move (MOVE_RESULT_*). + """ + assert(self.__inCallback is False) + + state = ChessBoardState(self.__boardStates[-1]) + (result, moves) = state.movePiece(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) + if result is MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: + return result + + # Notify the child class of the moves + for (piece, start, end) in moves: + self.__onPieceMoved(piece, start, end) + + # Push the board state + self.__boardStates.append(state) + return result[0] + + def __str__(self): + """Returns a representation of the current board state""" + return str(self.__boardStates[-1]) + + # Private methods + + def __onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """ + """ + self.__inCallback = True + self.onPieceMoved(piece, start, end) + self.__inCallback = False + + def __addPiece(self, state, colour, pieceType, location): + """Add a piece into the board. + + 'state' is the board state to add the piece into. + 'colour' is the colour of the piece. + 'pieceType' is the type of piece to add. + 'location' is the start location of the piece in LAN format (string). + """ + # Create the piece + piece = ChessPiece(colour, pieceType) + self.__pieces.append(piece) + + # Put the piece in it's initial location + assert(state.squares.has_key(location) is False) + assert(type(location) == str) + state.squares[location] = piece + + # Notify a child class the piece creation + self.__onPieceMoved(piece, None, location) + + def __resetBoard(self): + """Set up the chess board. + + Any exisiting states are deleted. + The user will be notified of the piece deletions. + """ + # Delete any existing pieces + for piece in self.__pieces: + self.__onPieceMoved(piece, piece.getLocation(), None) # FIXME: getLocation() not defined + self.__pieces = [] + + # Make the board + initialState = ChessBoardState() + self.__boardStates = [initialState] + + # Populate the board + secondRank = [('a', ROOK), ('b', KNIGHT), ('c', BISHOP), ('d', QUEEN), + ('e', KING), ('f', BISHOP), ('g', KNIGHT), ('h', ROOK)] + for (rank, piece) in secondRank: + # Add a second rank and pawn for each piece + self.__addPiece(initialState, WHITE, piece, rank + '1') + self.__addPiece(initialState, WHITE, PAWN, rank + '2') + self.__addPiece(initialState, BLACK, piece, rank + '8') + self.__addPiece(initialState, BLACK, PAWN, rank + '7') + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = ChessPiece(WHITE, QUEEN) + print p + print repr(p) + + def test_moves(name, colour, start, whitePieces, blackPieces, validResults): + print name + ':' + board = {} + for coord, piece in whitePieces.iteritems(): + board[coord] = ChessPiece(WHITE, piece) + for coord, piece in blackPieces.iteritems(): + board[coord] = ChessPiece(BLACK, piece) + s = ChessBoardState(board) + resultMatrix = {} + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + for file in '12345678': + end = rank + file + try: + expected = validResults[end] + except: + expected = MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL + x = ChessBoardState(s) + (result, moves) = x.movePiece(colour, start, end) + resultMatrix[end] = result + if result != expected: + print 'Unexpected result: ' + str(start) + '-' + str(end) + ' is a ' + str(result) + ', should be ' + str(expected) + + out = '' + for file in '87654321': + out += ' +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n' + out += ' ' + file + ' |' + + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + coord = rank + file + try: + result = resultMatrix[coord] + except: + result = None + + if result is MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: + p = 'X' + elif result is MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK: + p = '+' + elif result is MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE: + p = '#' + else: + p = ' ' + + piece = s.getPiece(rank + file) + if piece is not None: + p = piece.getType() + + piece = s.getPiece(rank + file) + + if piece is None: + box = ' ' + p + ' ' + else: + if piece.getColour() is BLACK: + box = '=' + p + '=' + elif piece.getColour() is WHITE: + box = '-' + p + '-' + + out += box + '|' + + out += '\n' + + out += " +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n" + out += " a b c d e f g h\n" + print out + + c = ChessBoard() + + result = """ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 8 ||||||||| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 7 |








| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 6 | | . | | . | | . | | . | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 5 | . | | . | | . | | . | | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 4 | | . | | . | | . | | . | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 3 | . | | . | | . | | . | | + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 2 |-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-|-P-| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + 1 |-R-|-N-|-B-|-Q-|-K-|-B-|-N-|-R-| + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + a b c d e f g h""" + + if str(c) != result: + print 'Got:' + print str(c) + + print + print 'Expected:' + print result + print str(c) + + # Test pawn moves + test_moves('Pawn', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': PAWN}, {}, {'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + test_moves('Pawn on base rank', WHITE, 'e2', {'e2': PAWN}, {}, {'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test rook moves + test_moves('Rook', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': ROOK}, {}, + {'a4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'h4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test knight moves + test_moves('Knight', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': KNIGHT}, {}, + {'d6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'g3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'c3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test bishop moves + test_moves('Bishop', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': BISHOP}, {}, + {'a8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'h1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'h7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test queen moves + test_moves('Queen', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': QUEEN}, {}, + {'a8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'h1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'h7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'a4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'c4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'g4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'h4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test king moves + test_moves('King', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': KING}, {}, + {'d5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test pieces blocking moves + test_moves('Blocking', WHITE, 'd4', + {'d4': QUEEN, 'e4': PAWN, 'd6': KNIGHT, 'd2': ROOK, 'f6': BISHOP, 'e3': BISHOP, + 'b4':PAWN, 'b2': PAWN, 'a7': PAWN}, + {'d8': KNIGHT, 'c4': PAWN}, + {'b6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test moving in/out of check + test_moves('Moving into check', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': KING}, {'e6': ROOK}, + {'d5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + test_moves('Held in check', WHITE, 'e4', {'e4': KING}, {'f6': ROOK}, + {'d5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test putting opponent in check + test_moves('Putting opponent in check', WHITE, 'd3', {'d3': BISHOP}, {'d7': KING, 'd6': ROOK}, + {'a6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b5': MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK, 'c4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'e2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'b1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'c2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f5': MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK, + 'g6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'h7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test putting opponent into checkmate + test_moves('Putting opponent into checkmate', WHITE, 'c1', {'c1': BISHOP, 'g1': ROOK, 'a7': ROOK}, {'h8': KING}, + {'b2': MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE, 'a3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e3': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f4': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'g5': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'h6': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + #FIXME + + # Test putting own player in check by putting oppononent in check (i.e. can't move) + test_moves('Cannot put opponent in check if we would go into check', + WHITE, 'd3', {'d2': KING, 'd3': BISHOP}, {'d7': KING, 'd6': ROOK}, {}) + + # Test castling + test_moves('Castle1', WHITE, 'e1', {'e1': KING, 'a1': ROOK}, {}, + {'d2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f2': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'c1': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + test_moves('Castle2', BLACK, 'e8', {}, {'e8': KING, 'h8': ROOK}, + {'d7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test castling while in check + test_moves('Castle in check1', BLACK, 'e8', {'f1': ROOK}, {'e8': KING, 'h8': ROOK}, + {'d7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + test_moves('Castle in check2', BLACK, 'e8', {'e1': ROOK}, {'e8': KING, 'h8': ROOK}, + {'d7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'd8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'f7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + test_moves('Castle in check3', BLACK, 'e8', {'h1': ROOK}, {'e8': KING, 'h8': ROOK}, + {'d7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'e7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f7': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, + 'd8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'f8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED, 'g8': MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED}) + + # Test en-passant + #FIXME + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6e5a9b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import board + +CHECK = '+' +CHECKMATE = '#' + +# Notation for takes +MOVE = '-' +TAKE = 'x' + +# Castling moves +CASTLE_SHORT = 'O-O' +CASTLE_LONG = 'O-O-O' + +# Characters used to describe pieces +_typeToLAN = {board.PAWN: 'P', + board.KNIGHT: 'N', + board.BISHOP: 'B', + board.ROOK: 'R', + board.QUEEN: 'Q', + board.KING: 'K'} +_lanToType = {} +for (pieceType, character) in _typeToLAN.iteritems(): + _lanToType[character] = pieceType + +class DecodeError(Exception): + """ + """ + pass + +def _checkLocation(location): + """ + """ + if len(location) != 2: + raise DecodeError('Invalid length location') + if location[0] < 'a' or location[0] > 'h': + raise DecodeError('Invalid rank') + if location[1] < '0' or location[1] > '8': + raise DecodeError('Invalid file') + return location + +def decode(colour, move): + """Decode a long algebraic format move. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (board.WHITE or board.BLACK). + 'move' is the move description (string). + + Returns a tuple containing (start, end, piece, moveType, promotionType, result) + 'start' is the location being moved from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'end' is the location being moved to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'piece' is the piece being moved (board.PAWN, board.ROOK, ... or None if not specified). + 'moveType' is a flag to show if this move takes an oppoenent piece (MOVE, TAKE or None if not specified). + 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote to (board.ROOK, board.KNIGHT, ... or None if not specified). + 'check' is the result after the move (CHECK, CHECKMATE or None if not specified). + + Raises DecodeError if the move is unable to be decoded. + """ + pieceType = None + promotionType = None + moveType = None + result = None + + # FIXME: Get 'result' from the end of the move description + if colour is board.WHITE: + baseFile = '1' + else: + baseFile = '8' + if move == CASTLE_SHORT: + return ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile, None, None, None, None) + elif move == CASTLE_LONG: + return ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile, None, None, None, None) + + # First character can be the piece types + if len(move) < 1: + raise DecodeError('Too short') + try: + pieceType = _lanToType[move[0]] + except KeyError: + pieceType = None + else: + move = move[1:] + + if len(move) < 2: + raise DecodeError('Too short') + start = _checkLocation(move[:2]) + move = move[2:] + + if len(move) < 1: + raise DecodeError('Too short') + if move[0] == MOVE or move[0] == TAKE: + moveType = move[0] + move = move[1:] + + if len(move) < 2: + raise DecodeError('Too short') + end = _checkLocation(move[:2]) + move = move[2:] + + # Look for promotion type, note this can be in upper or lower case + if len(move) > 0: + if move[0] == '=': + if len(move) < 2: + raise DecodeError('Too short') + try: + promotionType = _lanToType[move[1].upper()] + except KeyError: + raise DecodeError('Unknown promotion type') + move = move[2:] + else: + try: + promotionType = _lanToType[move[0].upper()] + except KeyError: + pass + else: + move = move[1:] + + if len(move) > 0: + if move[0] == CHECK or move[0] == CHECKMATE: + result = move[0] + move = move[1:] + + if len(move) != 0: + raise DecodeError('Extra characters') + + return (start, end, pieceType, moveType, promotionType, result) + +def encode(colour, start, end, piece = None, moveType = None, promotionType = None, result = None): + """Encode a long algebraic format move. + + 'start' is the location being moved from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'end' is the location being moved to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'piece' is the piece being moved (board.PAWN, board.ROOK, ... or None if not specified). + 'moveType' is a flag to show if this move takes an oppoenent piece (MOVE, TAKE or None if not specified). + 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote to (board.ROOK, board.KNIGHT, ... or None if not specified). + 'check' is the result after the move (CHECK, CHECKMATE or None if not specified). + + Returns a string describing this move. + """ + try: + _checkLocation(start) + _checkLocation(end) + except DecodeError: + raise TypeError("Invalid values for 'start' and 'end'") + + string = '' + + # Report the piece being moved + if piece is not None: + string += _typeToLAN[piece] + + # Report the source location + string += start + + # Report if this is a move or a take + if moveType != None: + string += moveType + + # Report the target location + string += end + + # Report the promotion type + # FIXME: Only report if a pawn promotion + if promotionType != None: + if False: # FIXME: What to name this flag? + string += '=' + string += _typeToLAN[promotionType].lower() + + # Report the check result + if result is not None: + string += result + + return string diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..944b700 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,686 @@ +""" +Implement a PGN reader/writer. + +See +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +""" +; Example PGN file + +[Event "F/S Return Match"] +[Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] +[Date "1992.11.04"] +[Round "29"] +[White "Fischer, Robert J."] +[Black "Spassky, Boris V."] +[Result "1/2-1/2"] + +1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 +O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 15. +Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. +Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 +27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. +f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 +40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2 +""" + +# Comments are bounded by ';' to '\n' or '{' to '}' +# Lines starting with '%' are ignored and are used as an extension mechanism +# Strings are bounded by '"' and '"' and quotes inside the strings are escaped with '\"' + +class Error(Exception): + """PGN exception class""" + + __errorType = 'Unknown' + + def __init__(self, error = None): + self.__errorType = error + Exception.__init__(self) + + def __str__(self): + return repr(self.__errorType) + +class PGNToken: + """ + """ + + # Token types + LINE_COMMENT = 'Line comment' + COMMENT = 'Comment' + PERIOD = 'Period' + TAG_START = 'Tag start' + TAG_END = 'Tag end' + STRING = 'String' + SYMBOL = 'Symbol' + RAV_START = 'RAV start' + RAV_END = 'RAV end' + XML_START = 'XML start' + XML_END = 'XML end' + NAG = 'NAG' + type = None + + SYMBOL_START_CHARACTERS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + '*' + SYMBOL_CONTINUATION_CHARACTERS = SYMBOL_START_CHARACTERS + '_+#=:-' + '/' # Not in spec but required from game draw and imcomplete + NAG_CONTINUATION_CHARACTERS = '0123456789' + + GAME_TERMINATE_INCOMPLETE = '*' + GAME_TERMINATE_WHITE_WIN = '1-0' + GAME_TERMINATE_BLACK_WIN = '0-1' + GAME_TERMINATE_DRAW = '1/2-1/2' + + data = None + + lineNumber = -1 + characterNumber = -1 + + def __init__(self, lineNumber, characterNumber, tokenType, data = None): + """ + """ + self.type = tokenType + = data + self.lineNumber = lineNumber + self.characterNumber = characterNumber + + def __str__(self): + string = self.type + if is not None: + string += ': ' + + return string + +class PGNParser: + """ + """ + + __inComment = False + __comment = '' + __startOffset = -1 + + def __extractPGNString(self, data): + #"""Extract a PGN string. + + #'data' is the data to extract the string from (string). It must start with a quote character '"'. + + #Return a tuple containing the first PGN string and the number of characters of data it required. + #e.g. '"Mike \"Dog\" Smith"' -> ('Mike "Dog" Smith', 20). + #If no string is found a Error is raised. + #""" + if data[0] != '"': + raise Error('PGN string does not start with "') + + offset = 1 + escaped = False + while True: + try: + c = data[offset] + escaped = (c == '\\') + if c == '"' and escaped is False: + pgnString = data[1:offset] + pgnString.replace('\\"', '"') + return (pgnString, offset + 1) + except IndexError: + raise Error('Unterminated PGN string') + offset += 1 + + def parseLine(self, line, lineNumber): + """TODO + + Return an array of tokens extracted from the line. + """ + tokens = [] + inSymbol = False + inNAG = False + symbol = '' + nag = '' + offset = 0 + while offset < len(line): + c = line[offset] + + if self.__inComment is True: + if c == '}': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, self.__startOffset, PGNToken.LINE_COMMENT, self.__comment)) + self.__inComment = False + else: + self.__comment += c + offset += 1 + continue + + if inSymbol: + if PGNToken.SYMBOL_CONTINUATION_CHARACTERS.find(c) >= 0: + symbol += c + offset += 1 + continue + else: + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, self.__startOffset, PGNToken.SYMBOL, symbol)) + inSymbol = False + elif inNAG: + if PGNToken.NAG_CONTINUATION_CHARACTERS.find(c) >= 0: + symbol += c + offset += 1 + continue + else: + # FIXME: Should be at least one character + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, self.__startOffset, PGNToken.NAG, nag)) + inNAG = False + + if c.isspace(): + pass + elif c == ';': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.LINE_COMMENT, line[offset:])) + return tokens + elif c == '{': + self.__comment = '' + self.__inComment = True + self.__startOffset = offset + elif c == '.': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.PERIOD)) + elif c == '[': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.TAG_START)) + elif c == ']': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.TAG_END)) + elif c == '"': + (string, newOffset) = self.__extractPGNString(line[offset:]) + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.STRING, string)) + offset += newOffset + continue + elif c == '(': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.RAV_START)) + elif c == ')': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.RAV_END)) + elif c == '<': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.XML_START)) + elif c == '>': + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, offset+1, PGNToken.XML_END)) + elif c == '$': + inNAG = True + self.__startOffset = offset + elif PGNToken.SYMBOL_START_CHARACTERS.find(c) >= 0: + symbol = c + inSymbol = True + self.__startOffset = offset + else: + raise Error('Unknown character ' + repr(c)) + + offset += 1 + + # Complete any symbols or NAGs + if inSymbol: + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, self.__startOffset+1, PGNToken.SYMBOL, symbol)) + if inNAG: + # FIXME: Must be 1 or more char.. + tokens.append(PGNToken(lineNumber, self.__startOffset+1, PGNToken.NAG, nag)) + + return tokens + + def endParse(self): + pass + +class PGNGameParser: + """ + """ + + STATE_IDLE = 'IDLE' + STATE_TAG_NAME = 'TAG_NAME' + STATE_TAG_VALUE = 'TAG_VALUE' + STATE_TAG_END = 'TAG_END' + STATE_MOVETEXT = 'MOVETEXT' + STATE_RAV = 'RAV' + STATE_XML = 'XML' + __state = STATE_IDLE + + # The game being assembled + __game = None + + # The tag being assembled + __tagName = None + __tagValue = None + + # The move number being decoded + __expectedMoveNumber = 0 + __lastTokenIsMoveNumber = False + + # The last white move + __whiteMove = None + + # The Recursive Annotation Variation (RAV) stack + __ravDepth = 0 + + def __parseTokenMovetext(self, token): + """ + """ + if token.type is PGNToken.RAV_START: + self.__ravDepth += 1 + # FIXME: Check for RAV errors + return + + elif token.type is PGNToken.RAV_END: + self.__ravDepth -= 1 + # FIXME: Check for RAV errors + return + + # Ignore tokens inside RAV + if self.__ravDepth != 0: + return + + if token.type is PGNToken.PERIOD: + if self.__lastTokenIsMoveNumber is False: + raise Error('Unexpected period on line ' + str(token.lineNumber) + ':' + str(token.characterNumber)) + + elif token.type is PGNToken.SYMBOL: + # See if this is a game terminate + if == PGNToken.GAME_TERMINATE_INCOMPLETE or \ + == PGNToken.GAME_TERMINATE_WHITE_WIN or \ + == PGNToken.GAME_TERMINATE_BLACK_WIN or \ + == PGNToken.GAME_TERMINATE_DRAW: + # Complete any half moves + if self.__whiteMove is not None: + self.__game.addMove(self.__whiteMove, None) + + game = self.__game + self.__game = None + + return game + + # Otherwise it is a move number or a move + else: + # See if this is a move number or a SAN move + try: + moveNumber = int( + self.__lastTokenIsMoveNumber = True + if moveNumber != self.__expectedMoveNumber: + raise Error('Expected move number ' + str(self.__expectedMoveNumber) + ', got ' + str(moveNumber) + ' on line ' + str(token.lineNumber) + ':' + str(token.characterNumber)) + except ValueError: + self.__lastTokenIsMoveNumber = False + if self.__whiteMove is None: + self.__whiteMove = + else: + self.__game.addMove(self.__whiteMove, + self.__whiteMove = None + self.__expectedMoveNumber += 1 + + elif token.type is PGNToken.NAG: + pass + + else: + raise Error('Unknown token ' + token.type + ' in movetext on line ' + str(token.lineNumber) + ':' + str(token.characterNumber)) + + def parseToken(self, token): + """TODO + + Return a game object if a game is complete otherwise None. + """ + + # Ignore all comments at any time + if token.type is PGNToken.LINE_COMMENT or token.type is PGNToken.COMMENT: + return None + + if self.__state is self.STATE_IDLE: + if self.__game is None: + self.__game = PGNGame() + + if token.type is PGNToken.TAG_START: + self.__state = self.STATE_TAG_NAME + return + + elif token.type is PGNToken.SYMBOL: + self.__expectedMoveNumber = 1 + self.__whiteMove = None + self.__lastTokenIsMoveNumber = False + self.__ravDepth = 0 + self.__state = self.STATE_MOVETEXT + + else: + raise Error('Unexpected token ' + token.type + ' on line ' + str(token.lineNumber) + ':' + str(token.characterNumber)) + + if self.__state is self.STATE_TAG_NAME: + if token.type is PGNToken.SYMBOL: + self.__tagName = + self.__state = self.STATE_TAG_VALUE + else: + raise Error() + + elif self.__state is self.STATE_TAG_VALUE: + if token.type is PGNToken.STRING: + self.__tagValue = + self.__state = self.STATE_TAG_END + else: + raise Error() + + elif self.__state is self.STATE_TAG_END: + if token.type is PGNToken.TAG_END: + self.__game.setTag(self.__tagName, self.__tagValue) + self.__state = self.STATE_IDLE + else: + raise Error() + + elif self.__state is self.STATE_MOVETEXT: + game = self.__parseTokenMovetext(token) + if game is not None: + self.__state = self.STATE_IDLE + return game + + def complete(self): + """ + """ + pass + # Raise an error if there was a partial game + #raise Error() + +class PGNGame: + """ + """ + + """The required tags in a PGN file (the seven tag roster, STR)""" + PGN_TAG_EVENT = 'Event' + PGN_TAG_SITE = 'Site' + PGN_TAG_DATE = 'Date' + PGN_TAG_ROUND = 'Round' + PGN_TAG_WHITE = 'White' + PGN_TAG_BLACK = 'Black' + PGN_TAG_RESULT = 'Result' + + # The seven tag roster in the required order (REFERENCE) + __strTags = [PGN_TAG_EVENT, PGN_TAG_SITE, PGN_TAG_DATE, PGN_TAG_ROUND, PGN_TAG_WHITE, PGN_TAG_BLACK, PGN_TAG_RESULT] + + # The tags in this game + __tagsByName = None + + __moves = None + + def __init__(self): + # Set the default STR tags + self.__tagsByName = {} + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_EVENT, '?') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_SITE, '?') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_DATE, '????.??.??') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_ROUND, '?') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_WHITE, '?') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_BLACK, '?') + self.setTag(self.PGN_TAG_RESULT, '*') + + self.__moves = [] + + def getLines(self): + + lines = [] + + # Get the names of the non STR tags + otherTags = list(set(self.__tagsByName).difference(self.__strTags)) + + # Write seven tag roster and the additional tags + for name in self.__strTags + otherTags: + value = self.__tagsByName[name] + lines.append('['+ name + ' ' + self.__makePGNString(value) + ']') + + lines.append('') + + # Insert numbers in-between moves + tokens = [] + moveNumber = 1 + for m in self.__moves: + tokens.append('%i.' % moveNumber) + moveNumber += 1 + tokens.append(m[0]) + if m[1] is not None: + tokens.append(m[1]) + + # Add result token to the end + tokens.append(self.__tagsByName[self.PGN_TAG_RESULT]) + + # Print moves keeping the line length to less than 256 characters (PGN requirement) + line = '' + for t in tokens: + if line == '': + x = t + else: + x = ' ' + t + if len(line) + len(x) >= 80: #>= 256: + lines.append(line) + line = t + else: + line += x + + lines.append(line) + return lines + + def setTag(self, name, value): + """Set a PGN tag. + + 'name' is the name of the tag to set (string). + 'value' is the value to set the tag to (string) or None to delete the tag. + + Tag names cannot contain whitespace. + + Deleting a tag that does not exist has no effect. + + Deleting a STR tag or setting one to an invalid value will raise an Error exception. + """ + if self.__isValidTagName(name) is False: + raise Error(str(name) + ' is an invalid tag name') + + # If no value delete + if value is None: + # If is a STR tag throw an exception + if self.__strTags.has_key(name): + raise Error(name + ' is a PGN STR tag and cannot be deleted') + + # Delete the tag + try: + self.__strTags.pop(name) + except KeyError: + pass + + # Otherwise set the tag to the new value + else: + # FIXME: Validate if it is a STR tag + + self.__tagsByName[name] = value + + def getTag(self, name): + """Get a PGN tag. + + 'name' is the name of the tag to get (string). + + Return the value of the tag (string) or None if the tag does not exist. + """ + try: + return self.__tagsByName[name] + except KeyError: + return None + + def addMove(self, whiteMove, blackMove): + self.__moves.append((whiteMove, blackMove)) + + def getWhiteMove(self, moveNumber): + return self.__moves[moveNumber - 1][0] + + def getBlackMove(self, moveNumber): + return self.__moves[moveNumber - 1][1] + + def getMoves(self): + moves = [] + for m in self.__moves: + moves.append(m[0]) + if m[1] is not None: + moves.append(m[1]) + return moves + + def __str__(self): + + string = '' + for tag, value in self.__tagsByName.iteritems(): + string += tag + ' = ' + value + '\n' + string += '\n' + + number = 1 + for move in self.__moves: + string += '%3i. ' % number + str(move[0]) + ' ' + str(move[1]) + '\n' + number += 1 + + return string + + # Private methods + def __makePGNString(self, string): + """Make a PGN string. + + 'string' is the string to convert to a PGN string (string). + + All characters are valid and quotes are escaped with '\"'. + + Return the string surrounded with quotes. e.g. 'Mike "Dog" Smith' -> '"Mike \"Dog\" Smith"' + """ + pgnString = string + pgnString.replace('"', '\\"') + return '"' + pgnString + '"' + + def __isValidTagName(self, name): + """Valid a PGN tag name. + + 'name' is the tag name to validate (string). + + Tags can only contain the characters, a-Z A-Z and _. + + Return True if this is a valid tag name otherwise return False. + """ + if name is None or len(name) == 0: + return False + + validCharacters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_' + for c in name: + if validCharacters.find(c) < 0: + return False + return True + +class PGN: + """ + """ + + __games = None + + def __init__(self, fileName = None, maxGames = None): + """Create a PGN reader/writer. + + 'fileName' is the file to load the PGN from or None to generate an empty PGN file. + 'maxGames' is the maximum number of games to load from the file or None + to load the whole file. (int, Only applicable if a filename is supplied). + """ + self.__games = [] + + if fileName is not None: + self.__load(fileName, maxGames) + + def addGame(self): + """Add a new game to the PGN file. + + Returns the PGNGame instance to modify""" + game = PGNGame() + self.__games.append(game) + return game + + def getGame(self, index): + """Get a game from the PGN file. + + 'index' is the game index to get (integer, 0-N). + + Return this PGN game or raise an IndexError if no game with this index. + """ + return self.__games[index] + + def save(self, fileName): + """Save the PGN file. + + 'fileName' is the name of the file to save to. + """ + try: + f = file(fileName, 'w') + except IOError, e: + raise Error('Unable to write to PGN file: ' + str(e)) + # FIXME: Set the newline characters to the correct type? + + # Sign it from glChess + f.write('; PGN saved game generated by glChess\n') + f.write(';\n') + + for game in self.__games: + f.write('\n') + for line in game.getLines(): + f.write(line + '\n') + + f.close() + + def __getitem__(self, index): + return self.__games[index] + + def __getslice__(self, start, end): + return self.__games[start:end] + + # Private methods + + def __load(self, fileName, maxGames = None): + """ + """ + # Convert the file into PGN tokens + try: + f = file(fileName, 'r') + except IOError, e: + raise Error('Unable to open PGN file: ' + str(e)) + p = PGNParser() + gp = PGNGameParser() + lineNumber = 1 + gameCount = 0 + while True: + # Read a line from the file + line = f.readline() + if line == '': + break + + # Parse the line into tokens + tokens = p.parseLine(line, lineNumber) + + # Decode the tokens into PGN games + for token in tokens: + game = gp.parseToken(token) + + # Store this game and stop if only required to parse a certain number + if game is not None: + self.__games.append(game) + gameCount += 1 + + if maxGames is not None and gameCount >= maxGames: + break + + # YUCK... FIXME + if maxGames is not None and gameCount >= maxGames: + break + + lineNumber += 1 + + # Must be at least one game in the PGN file + if gameCount == 0: + raise Error('Empty PGN file') + + # Tidy up + gp.complete() + p.endParse() + f.close() + +if __name__ == '__main__': + def test(fileName, maxGames = None): + p = PGN(fileName, maxGames) + number = 1 + games = p[:] + for game in games: + print 'Game ' + str(number) + print game + print + number += 1 + + test('example.pgn') + test('rav.pgn') + test('wolga-benko.pgn', 3) + + p = PGN('example.pgn') +'out.pgn') diff --git a/src/lib/chess/ b/src/lib/chess/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16363ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/chess/ @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +__all__ = ['SANConverter'] + +# Examples of SAN moves: +# +# f4 (pawn move to f4) +# fxg3 (pawn on file f takes opponent on g3) +# Qh5 (queen moves to h5) +# Qh5+ (queen moves to h5 and puts opponent into check) +# Ned4 (knight on file e moves to d4) +# gxh8=Q# (pawn on g7 takes opponent in h8 promotes to queen and puts oponent into checkmate (smooth!)) + +# Notation for takes +SAN_TAKE = 'x' + +# Castling moves +SAN_CASTLE_SHORT = 'O-O' +SAN_CASTLE_LONG = 'O-O-O' + +RANKS = 'abcdefgh' +FILES = '12345678' + +# Suffixes +SAN_PROMOTE = '=' + +class Error(Exception): + """ + """ + + # Properties of the error + __move = '' + __description = '' + + def __init__(self, move, description): + """Constructor for a SAN exception. + + 'move' is the SAN move that generated the exception (string). + 'description' is the description of the exception that occured (string). + """ + self.__move = str(move) + self.__description = str(description) + Exception.__init__(self) + + def __str__(self): + """Convert the SAN exception to a string""" + return 'Error parsing SAN move ' + repr(self.__move) + ': ' + self.__description + +class SANConverter: + """ + + Define file and rank + """ + + # Piece colours + WHITE = 'White' + BLACK = 'Black' + + # SAN piece types + PAWN = 'P' + KNIGHT = 'N' + BISHOP = 'B' + ROOK = 'R' + QUEEN = 'Q' + KING = 'K' + __pieceTypes = PAWN + KNIGHT + BISHOP + ROOK + QUEEN + KING + + # Valid promotion types + __promotionTypes = [PAWN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN] + + # Move results + CHECK = '+' + CHECKMATE = '#' + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor""" + pass + + # Methods to extend + + def getPiece(self, location): + """Get a piece from the chess board. + + 'location' is the location to get the piece from (string, e.g. 'a1', h8'). + + Return a tuple containing (colour, type) or None if no piece at this location. + """ + return None + + def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): + """Test if a move is valid. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). + 'start' is the board location to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'end' is the board location to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote to (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). + 'allowSuicide' is a flag to show if the move should be disallowed (False) or + allowed (True) if it would put the moving player into check. + + Return False if the move is dissallowed or + self.CHECK if the move puts the opponent into check or + self.CHECKMATE if the move puts the opponent into checkmate or + True if the move is allowed and does not put the opponent into check. + """ + pass + + def decodeSAN(self, colour, san): + """Decode a SAN move. + + 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). + 'san' is the SAN description of the move (string). + + Returns the move this SAN describes in the form (start, end, promotionType). + 'start' is the square to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'end' is the square to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'promotionType' is the piece to promote to (self.[KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). + If the move is invalid then an Error expection is raised. + """ + copy = san[:] + + # Look for check hints + expectedResult = True + if copy[-1] == self.CHECK or copy[-1] == self.CHECKMATE: + expectedResult = copy[-1] + copy = copy[:-1] + + # Extract promotions + promotionType = self.QUEEN + if copy[-2] == SAN_PROMOTE: + promotionType = copy[-1] + copy = copy[:-2] + try: + self.__promotionTypes.index(promotionType) + except ValueError: + raise Error(san, 'Invalid promotion type ' + promotionType) + + # Check for castling moves + if colour is self.WHITE: + baseFile = '1' + else: + baseFile = '8' + # FIXME: Update moveResult and compare against expectedResult + if copy == SAN_CASTLE_SHORT: + return ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile, expectedResult, promotionType) + elif copy == SAN_CASTLE_LONG: + return ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile, expectedResult, promotionType) + + # Get the destination (the last two characters before the suffix) + end = copy[-2:] + copy = copy[:-2] + if RANKS.find(end[0]) < 0 or FILES.find(end[1]) < 0: + raise Error(san, 'Invalid destination: ' + end) + + # Check if is a take move (use try in case there are no more characters) + isTake = False + try: + if copy[-1] == SAN_TAKE: + isTake = True + copy = copy[:-1] + except: + pass + + # The first character is the piece type (or pawn if not specified) + pieceType = self.PAWN + if len(copy) > 0: + if self.__pieceTypes.find(copy[0]) >= 0: + pieceType = copy[0] + copy = copy[1:] + + # Get the rank of the source piece (if supplied) + rank = None + if len(copy) > 0: + if RANKS.find(copy[0]) >= 0: + rank = copy[0] + copy = copy[1:] + + # Get the file of the source piece (if supplied) + file = None + if len(copy) > 0: + if FILES.find(copy[0]) >= 0: + file = copy[0] + copy = copy[1:] + + # There should be no more characters + if len(copy) != 0: + raise Error(san, 'Unexpected extra characters: ' + copy) + + # If have both rank and file for source then we have the move completely defined + moveResult = None + move = None + if rank is not None and file is not None: + start = rank + file + moveResult = self.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) + move = (start, end) + else: + # Try and find a piece that matches the source one + if file is None: + fileRange = FILES + else: + fileRange = file + if rank is None: + rankRange = RANKS + else: + rankRange = rank + + for file in fileRange: + for rank in rankRange: + start = rank + file + + # Only test our pieces + piece = self.getPiece(start) + if piece is None: + continue + if piece[0] != colour or piece[1] != pieceType: + continue + + # If move is valid this is a possible move + # FIXME: Check the crafty case in reverse (i.e. suicidal moves) + result = self.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) + if result is False: + continue + + # Multiple matches + if moveResult is not None: + raise Error(san, 'Move is ambiguous, at least ' + str(move) + ' and ' + str([start, end]) + ' are possible') + moveResult = result + move = [start, end] + + # Failed to find a match + if moveResult is None: + raise Error(san, 'Not a valid move') + + return (move[0], move[1], expectedResult, promotionType) + + def encode(self, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN): + """Convert glChess co-ordinate move to SAN notation. + + 'start' is the square to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'end' is the square to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). + 'promotionType' is the piece used for pawn promotion (if necesasary). + + Return the move in SAN notation or None if unable to convert. + """ + piece = self.getPiece(start) + if piece is None: + return None + (pieceColour, pieceType) = piece + victim = self.getPiece(end) + + # Test the move is valid + if self.testMove(pieceColour, start, end, promotionType) is False: + return None + + # Check for castling + if pieceType is self.KING: + # Castling + if pieceColour is self.WHITE: + baseFile = '1' + else: + baseFile = '8' + shortCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile) + longCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile) + # FIXME: Add check result + if (start, end) == shortCastle: + return SAN_CASTLE_SHORT + elif (start, end) == longCastle: + return SAN_CASTLE_LONG + + # Try and describe this piece with the minimum of information + file = '?' + rank = '?' + + # Pawns always explicitly provide rank when taking + if pieceType is self.PAWN and victim is not None: + rank = start[0] + + # First try no rank or file, then just file, then just rank, then both + result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + file, end, promotionType) + if result is None: + # Try with rank + rank = start[0] + file = '?' + result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + '?', end, promotionType) + + if result is None: + # Try with file + rank = '?' + file = start[1] + result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, '?' + file, end, promotionType) + + if result is None: + # Try with rank and file + result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + file, end, promotionType) + + # This move is illegal + if result is None: + return None + + # Store the piece that is being moved, note pawns are not marked + san = '' + if pieceType is not self.PAWN: + san += pieceType + + # Disambiguations + if rank != '?': + san += rank + if file != '?': + san += file + + # Mark if taking a piece + if victim is not None: + san += SAN_TAKE + + # Write target co-ordinate + san += end + + # If a pawn promotion record the type + if pieceColour is self.WHITE: + promotionFile = '8' + else: + promotionFile = '1' + if pieceType == self.PAWN and end[1] == promotionFile: + san += SAN_PROMOTE + promotionType + + # Record if this is a check/checkmate move + if result is self.CHECK: + san += self.CHECK + elif result is self.CHECKMATE: + san += self.CHECKMATE + + return san + + def __isUnique(self, colour, pieceType, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN): + """Test if a move is unique. + + 'colour' is the piece colour being moved. (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). + 'pieceType' is the type of the piece being moved (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN|KING]). + 'start' is the start location of the move (tuple (file, rank). rank and file can be None). + 'end' is the end point of the move (tuple (file,rank)). + 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote pawns to (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). + + Return the result of self.testMove() if a unique move is found otherwise None. + """ + lastResult = None + + # Work out what ranges to iterate over + if start[0] == '?': + rankRange = RANKS + else: + rankRange = start[0] + if start[1] == '?': + fileRange = FILES + else: + fileRange = start[1] + + for file in fileRange: + for rank in rankRange: + # Check if there is a piece of this type and colour at this location + p = self.getPiece(rank + file) + if p is None: + continue + if p[1] != pieceType or p[0] != colour: + continue + + # If move is valid this is a possible move + # NOTE: We check moves that would be suicide for us otherwise crafty claims they + # are ambiguous, the PGN specification says we don't need to disambiguate if only + # one non-suicidal move is available. + # ( Disambiguation) */ + result = self.testMove(colour, rank + file, end, promotionType = promotionType, allowSuicide = True) + if result is not False: + # If multiple matches then not unique (duh!) + if lastResult != None: + return None + lastResult = result + + # Return the result of the move + return lastResult + +if __name__ == '__main__': + + import chess_board + + class TestConverter(SANConverter): + """ + """ + + __colourToSAN = {chess_board.WHITE: SANConverter.WHITE, chess_board.BLACK: SANConverter.BLACK} + __sanToColour = {} + for (a, b) in __colourToSAN.iteritems(): + __sanToColour[b] = a + + __typeToSAN = {chess_board.PAWN: SANConverter.PAWN, + chess_board.KNIGHT: SANConverter.KNIGHT, + chess_board.BISHOP: SANConverter.BISHOP, + chess_board.ROOK: SANConverter.ROOK, + chess_board.QUEEN: SANConverter.QUEEN, + chess_board.KING: SANConverter.KING} + __sanToType = {} + for (a, b) in __typeToSAN.iteritems(): + __sanToType[b] = a + + __board = None + + def __init__(self, board): + self.__board = board + + def testEncode(self, start, end): + print str((start, end)) + ' => ' + str(self.encode(start, end)) + + def testDecode(self, colour, san): + try: + result = self.decodeSAN(colour, san) + print san.ljust(7) + ' => ' + str(result) + except Error, e: + print san.ljust(7) + ' !! ' + str(e) + + def getPiece(self, file, rank): + """Called by SANConverter""" + piece = self.__board.getPiece((file, rank)) + if piece is None: + return None + return (self.__colourToSAN[piece.getColour()], self.__typeToSAN[piece.getType()]) + + def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): + """Called by SANConverter""" + moveResult = self.__board.testMove(self.__sanToColour[colour], ((start, end)), self.__sanToType[promotionType], allowSuicide) + + return {chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: False, + chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED: True, + chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK: self.CHECK, + chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE: self.CHECKMATE}[moveResult] + + b = chess_board.ChessBoard() + c = TestConverter(b) + + print b + c.testEncode((1,1), (1,2)) + c.testEncode((1,0), (2,2)) + + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'c3') # Simple pawn move + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Pc3') # Explicit pawn move + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'c4') # Pawn march + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Nc3') # Non-pawn move + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Qd3') # Invalid move + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Qd3=X') # Invalid promotion type + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'x3') # Invalid destination + c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'ic3') # Extra characters + # TODO: Ambiguous move + print b + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f32d88d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import os, os.path +import gettext +#DOMAIN = 'glchess' +DOMAIN = 'gnome-games' +gettext.bindtextdomain(DOMAIN) +gettext.textdomain(DOMAIN) +from gettext import gettext as _ +import (DOMAIN) (DOMAIN) + +VERSION = "2.17.1" +APPNAME = _("glChess") + +# grab the proper subdirectory, assuming we're in +# lib/python/site-packages/glchess/ +# special case our standard debian install, which puts +# all the python libraries into /usr/share/glchess +if __file__.find('/usr/share/glchess')==0: + usr='/usr' +elif __file__.find('/usr/local/share/glchess')==0: + usr='/usr/local' +else: + usr=os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.split(__file__)[0])[0])[0])[0])[0] + # add share/glchess + # this assumes the user only specified a general build + # prefix. If they specified data and lib prefixes, we're + # screwed. See the following email for details: + # + +if usr: + APP_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(usr,'share') + ICON_DIR = os.path.join(APP_DATA_DIR,'pixmaps') + IMAGE_DIR = os.path.join(ICON_DIR,'glchess') + GLADE_DIR = os.path.join(APP_DATA_DIR,'glchess') + BASE_DIR = os.path.join(APP_DATA_DIR,'glchess') +else: + ICON_DIR = '../../textures' + IMAGE_DIR = '../../textures' + GLADE_DIR = '../../glade' + BASE_DIR = '../../data' + +DATA_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.gnome2/glchess/') + +def initialize_games_dir (): + if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR): os.makedirs(DATA_DIR) + diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9890939 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import chess.board +import chess.san + +class ChessMove: + """ + """ + # The move number (game starts at 0) + number = 0 + + # The player and piece that moved + player = None + piece = None + + # The start and end position of the move + start = None + end = None + + # The move in CAN and SAN format + canMove = '' + sanMove = '' + +class ChessPlayer: + """ + """ + # The name of the player + __name = None + __type = None + + # The game this player is in + __game = None + + # Flag to show if this player is able to move + __readyToMove = False + + def __init__(self, name): + """Constructor for a chess player. + + 'name' is the name of the player. + """ + self.__name = str(name) + + # Methods to extend + + def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """Called when a chess piece is moved. + + 'piece' is the piece that has been moved (chess.board.ChessPiece). + 'start' is the location the piece in LAN format (string) or None if the piece has been created. + 'end' is the location the piece has moved to in LAN format (string) or None if the piece has been deleted. + """ + pass + + def onPlayerMoved(self, player, move): + """Called when a player has moved. + + 'player' is the player that has moved (ChessPlayer). + 'move' is the record for this move (ChessMove). + """ + pass + + def onGameEnded(self, winningPlayer = None): + """Called when a chess game has ended. + + 'winningPlayer' is the player that won or None if the game was a draw. + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def getName(self): + """Get the name of this player. + + Returns the player name (string). + """ + return self.__name + + def readyToMove(self): + """ + """ + return self.__readyToMove + + def canMove(self, start, end, promotionType = chess.board.QUEEN): + """ + """ + return self.__game.canMove(self, start, end, promotionType) + + def move(self, move): + """ + """ + self.__game.move(self, move) + + # Private methods + + def _setGame(self, game): + """ + """ + self.__game = game + + def _setReadyToMove(self, readyToMove): + self.__readyToMove = readyToMove + if readyToMove is True: + self.readyToMove() + +class ChessGameBoard(chess.board.ChessBoard): + """ + """ + + # Reference to the game + __game = None + + def __init__(self, game): + """ + """ + self.__game = game + chess.board.ChessBoard.__init__(self) + + def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """Called by chess.board.ChessBoard""" + self.__game._onPieceMoved(piece, start, end) + +class ChessGameSANConverter(chess.san.SANConverter): + """ + """ + + __colourToSAN = {chess.board.WHITE: chess.san.SANConverter.WHITE, + chess.board.BLACK: chess.san.SANConverter.BLACK} + __sanToColour = {} + for (a, b) in __colourToSAN.iteritems(): + __sanToColour[b] = a + + __typeToSAN = {chess.board.PAWN: chess.san.SANConverter.PAWN, + chess.board.KNIGHT: chess.san.SANConverter.KNIGHT, + chess.board.BISHOP: chess.san.SANConverter.BISHOP, + chess.board.ROOK: chess.san.SANConverter.ROOK, + chess.board.QUEEN: chess.san.SANConverter.QUEEN, + chess.board.KING: chess.san.SANConverter.KING} + __sanToType = {} + for (a, b) in __typeToSAN.iteritems(): + __sanToType[b] = a + + __resultToSAN = {chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: False, + chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED: True, + chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK: chess.san.SANConverter.CHECK, + chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE: chess.san.SANConverter.CHECKMATE} + + __board = None + + def __init__(self, board): + self.__board = board + chess.san.SANConverter.__init__(self) + + def decodeSAN(self, colour, move): + (start, end, result, promotionType) = chess.san.SANConverter.decodeSAN(self, self.__colourToSAN[colour], move) + return (start, end, self.__sanToType[promotionType]) + + def encodeSAN(self, start, end, promotionType): + if promotionType is None: + promotion = self.QUEEN + else: + promotion = self.__typeToSAN[promotionType] + return chess.san.SANConverter.encode(self, start, end, promotion) + + def getPiece(self, location): + """Called by chess.san.SANConverter""" + piece = self.__board.getPiece(location) + if piece is None: + return None + return (self.__colourToSAN[piece.getColour()], self.__typeToSAN[piece.getType()]) + + def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): + """Called by chess.san.SANConverter""" + moveResult = self.__board.testMove(self.__sanToColour[colour], start, end, self.__sanToType[promotionType], allowSuicide) + + return self.__resultToSAN[moveResult] + +class ChessGame: + """ + """ + # The players and spectators in the game + __players = None + __whitePlayer = None + __blackPlayer = None + __spectators = None + + # The board to move on + __board = None + + # SAN en/decoders + __sanConverter = None + + # The game state (started and player to move) + __started = False + __currentPlayer = None + + # Flag to show if calling a player and the queued up moves + __notifyingPlayer = False + __queuedMoves = None + + __moves = None + + def __init__(self): + """Game constructor""" + self.__players = [] + self.__spectators = [] + self.__board = ChessGameBoard(self) + self.__sanConverter = ChessGameSANConverter(self.__board) + self.__moves = [] + + def getAlivePieces(self, moveNumber = -1): + """Get the alive pieces on the board. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). + + Returns a dictionary of the alive pieces (board.ChessPiece) keyed by location. + Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. + """ + return self.__board.getAlivePieces(moveNumber) + + def getDeadPieces(self, moveNumber = -1): + """Get the dead pieces from the game. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). + + Returns a list of the pieces (board.ChessPiece) in the order they were killed. + Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. + """ + return self.__board.getDeadPieces(moveNumber) + + def setWhite(self, player): + """Set the white player in the game. + + 'player' is the player to use as white. + + If the game has started or there is a white player an exception is thrown. + """ + assert(self.__started is False) + assert(self.__whitePlayer is None) + self.__whitePlayer = player + self.__connectPlayer(player) + + def getWhite(self): + """Returns the current white player (player.Player)""" + return self.__whitePlayer + + def setBlack(self, player): + """Set the black player in the game. + + 'player' is the player to use as black. + + If the game has started or there is a black player an exception is thrown. + """ + assert(self.__started is False) + assert(self.__blackPlayer is None) + self.__blackPlayer = player + self.__connectPlayer(player) + + def getBlack(self): + """Returns the current white player (player.Player)""" + return self.__blackPlayer + + def addSpectator(self, player): + """Add a spectator to the game. + + 'player' is the player spectating. + + This can be called after the game has started. + """ + self.__spectators.append(player) + self.__connectPlayer(player) + + def start(self, moves = []): + """Start the game. + + 'moves' is a list of moves to start with. + + If there is no white or black player then an exception is raised. + """ + assert(self.__whitePlayer is not None and self.__blackPlayer is not None) + + # Disabled for now + #import network + #self.x = network.GameReporter('Test Game', 12345) + #print 'Reporting' + + # Set initial state + self.__queuedMoves = [] + self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer + + # Load starting moves + try: + for move in moves: + self.move(self.__currentPlayer, move) + except chess.san.Error, e: + print e + + self.__started = True + + # Get the next player to move + self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(True) + + def getSquareOwner(self, coord): + """TODO + """ + piece = self.__board.getPiece(coord) + if piece is None: + return None + + colour = piece.getColour() + if colour is chess.board.WHITE: + return self.__whitePlayer + elif colour is chess.board.BLACK: + return self.__blackPlayer + else: + return None + + def canMove(self, player, start, end, promotionType): + """Test if a player can move. + + 'player' is the player making the move. + 'start' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote pawns to. FIXME: Make this a property of the player + + Return True if can move, otherwise False. + """ + if player is not self.__currentPlayer: + return False + + if player is self.__whitePlayer: + colour = chess.board.WHITE + elif player is self.__blackPlayer: + colour = chess.board.BLACK + else: + assert(False) + + moveResult = self.__board.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) + + return moveResult is not chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL + + def move(self, player, move): + """Get a player to make a move. + + 'player' is the player making the move. + 'move' is the move to make in SAN or LAN format (string). + """ + self.__queuedMoves.append((player, move)) + + # Don't process if still finishing the last move + if self.__notifyingPlayer: + return + + while True: + try: + (movingPlayer, move) = self.__queuedMoves.pop(0) + except IndexError: + return + + if movingPlayer is not self.__currentPlayer: + print 'Player attempted to move out of turn' + else: + self.__notifyingPlayer = True + self._move(movingPlayer, move) + self.__notifyingPlayer = False + + def _move(self, player, move): + """ + """ + if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer: + nextPlayer = self.__blackPlayer + colour = chess.board.WHITE + else: + nextPlayer = self.__whitePlayer + colour = chess.board.BLACK + + # If move is SAN process it as such + try: + (start, end, _, _, promotionType, _) = chess.lan.decode(colour, move) + except chess.lan.DecodeError, e: + try: + (start, end, promotionType) = self.__sanConverter.decodeSAN(colour, move) + except chess.san.Error, e: + print 'Invalid move: ' + move + return + + # Only use promotion type if a pawn move to far file + piece = self.__board.getPiece(start) + promotion = None + if piece is not None and piece.getType() is chess.board.PAWN: + if colour is chess.board.WHITE: + if end[1] == '8': + promotion = promotionType + else: + if end[1] == '1': + promotion = promotionType + + # Re-encode for storing and reporting + sanMove = self.__sanConverter.encodeSAN(start, end, promotionType) + canMove = chess.lan.encode(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotion) + moveResult = self.__board.movePiece(colour, start, end, promotionType) + + if moveResult is chess.board.MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: + print 'Illegal move: ' + str(move) + return + + move = ChessMove() + if len(self.__moves) == 0: + move.number = 1 + else: + move.number = self.__moves[-1].number + 1 + move.player = self.__currentPlayer + move.start = start + move.end = end + move.canMove = canMove + move.sanMove = sanMove + self.__moves.append(move) + + # This player has now moved + self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(False) + + # Inform other players of the result + for player in self.__players: + player.onPlayerMoved(self.__currentPlayer, move) + + # Notify the next player they can move + self.__currentPlayer = nextPlayer + if self.__started is True: + nextPlayer._setReadyToMove(True) + + def getMoves(self): + """ + """ + return self.__moves[:] + + def end(self): + """End the game""" + # Inform players + for player in self.__players: + player.onGameEnded() + + # Private methods: + + def __connectPlayer(self, player): + """Add a player into the game. + + 'player' is the player to add. + + The player will be notified of the current state of the board. + """ + self.__players.append(player) + player._setGame(self) + + # Notify the player of the current state + # FIXME: Make the board iteratable... + for file in '12345678': + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + coord = rank + file + piece = self.__board.getPiece(coord) + if piece is None: + continue + + # These are moves from nowhere to their current location + player.onPieceMoved(piece, None, coord) + + def _onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """Called by the chess board""" + + # Notify all players of creations and deletions + # NOTE: Normal moves are done above since the SAN moves are calculated before the move... + # FIXME: Change this so the SAN moves are done afterwards... + for player in self.__players: + player.onPieceMoved(piece, start, end) + +class NetworkChessGame(ChessGame): + """ + """ + + def move(self, player, move): + """Get a player to make a move. + + 'player' is the player making the move. + 'move' is the move to make. It can be of the form: + A coordinate move in the form ((file0, rank0), (file1, rank1), promotionType) ((int, int), (int, int), chess.board.PIECE_TYPE) or + A SAN move (string). + """ + # Send to the server + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + game = ChessGame() + + import pgn + + p = pgn.PGN('black.pgn') + g = p.getGame(0) + + class PGNPlayer(ChessPlayer): + __moveNumber = 1 + + __isWhite = True + + def __init__(self, isWhite): + self.__isWhite = isWhite + + def readyToMove(self): + if self.__isWhite: + move = g.getWhiteMove(self.__moveNumber) + else: + move = g.getBlackMove(self.__moveNumber) + self.__moveNumber += 1 + self.move(move) + + white = PGNPlayer(True) + black = PGNPlayer(False) + + game.setWhite(white) + game.setBlack(black) + + game.start() + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9276c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +def start_game (): + import main + app = main.Application() + app.start() diff --git a/src/lib/gtkui/ b/src/lib/gtkui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bea3f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/gtkui/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/gtkui +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/gtkui/ b/src/lib/gtkui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10b9be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/gtkui/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +from gtkui import GtkView, GtkUI diff --git a/src/lib/gtkui/ b/src/lib/gtkui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3ce282 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/gtkui/ @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import os + +import gobject +import gtk +import +import gtk.gdk + +import gtkui + +class GtkServerList: + __gui = None + + def __init__(self, gui): + self.__gui = gui + + self.__servers = [] + view = gui.get_widget('server_list') + if view is not None: + store = gtk.ListStore(str, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) + view.set_model(store) + + cell = gtk.CellRendererText() + column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('name', cell) + column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) + view.append_column(column) + + def add(self, name, game): + """ + """ + view = self.__gui.get_widget('server_list') + if view is None: + return + model = view.get_model() + iter = model.append() + model.set(iter, 0, name) + model.set(iter, 1, game) + + def getSelected(self): + """ + """ + view = self.__gui.get_widget('server_list') + if view is None: + return None + selection = view.get_selection() + (model, iter) = selection.get_selected() + + if iter is None: + return None + else: + return model.get_value(iter, 1) + + def remove(self, game): + """ + """ + view = self.__gui.get_widget('server_list') + if view is None: + return + model = view.get_model() + + iter = model.get_iter_first() + while iter is not None: + if model.get_value(iter, 1) is game: + break + iter = model.iter_next(iter) + + if iter is not None: + model.remove(iter) + +class GtkNewGameDialog: + """ + """ + # The main UI and the ??? + __mainUI = None + __gui = None + + __moves = None + + def __init__(self, mainUI, aiModel, gameName = None, + whiteName = None, blackName = None, + whiteAI = None, blackAI = None, moves = None): + """Constructor for a new game dialog. + + 'mainUI' is the main UI. + 'aiModel' is the AI models to use. + 'gameName' is the name of the game (string) or None if unknown. + 'whiteName' is the name of the white player (string) or None if unknown. + 'blackName' is the name of the white player (string) or None if unknown. + 'whiteAI' is the type of AI the white player is (string) or None if no AI. + 'blackAI' is the type of AI the black player is (string) or None if no AI. + 'moves' is a list of moves (strings) that the have already been made. + """ + self.__mainUI = mainUI + self.__moves = moves + + # Load the UI + self.__gui = gtkui.loadGladeFile('', 'new_game_dialog', domain = 'glchess') + self.__gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + + # Make all the AI combo boxes use one list of AI types + for name in ['black_type_combo', 'white_type_combo']: + widget = self.__gui.get_widget(name) + if widget is None: + continue + + widget.set_model(aiModel) + + cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() + widget.pack_start(cell, False) + widget.add_attribute(cell, 'pixbuf', 1) + + cell = gtk.CellRendererText() + widget.pack_start(cell, False) + widget.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2) + + widget.set_active(0) + + # Use the supplied properties + if moves: + self.__getWidget('new_game_dialog').set_title('Restore game (%i moves)' % len(moves)) + if gameName: + self.__getWidget('game_name_entry').set_text(gameName) + + if whiteName: + self.__getWidget('white_name_entry').set_text(whiteName) + if blackName: + self.__getWidget('black_name_entry').set_text(blackName) + + # Configure AIs + if whiteAI: + self.__getWidget('white_type_combo').set_active_iter(self.__getAIIter(aiModel, whiteAI)) + if blackAI: + self.__getWidget('black_type_combo').set_active_iter(self.__getAIIter(aiModel, blackAI)) + + # Show the dialog + self.__getWidget('new_game_dialog').show() + self.__testReady() + + # Private methods + + def __getAIIter(self, model, name): + """Get an AI engine. + + 'name' is the name of the AI engine to find. + + Return the iter for this AI or None if no AI of this name. + """ + # FIXME: I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing this... + iter = model.get_iter_first() + while True: + if name == model.get_value(iter, 0): + return iter + + iter = model.iter_next(iter) + if iter is None: + return None + + def __getWidget(self, name): + """ + """ + return self.__gui.get_widget(name) + + def __getAIType(self, comboBox): + """ + """ + model = comboBox.get_model() + iter = comboBox.get_active_iter() + if iter is None: + return None + + data = model.get(iter, 0) + return data[0] + + def __getWhitePlayer(self): + """ + """ + name = self.__getWidget('white_name_entry').get_text() + if len(name) == 0: + return (None, None) + aiType = self.__getAIType(self.__getWidget('white_type_combo')) + return (name, aiType) + + def __getBlackPlayer(self): + """ + """ + name = self.__getWidget('black_name_entry').get_text() + if len(name) == 0: + return (None, None) + aiType = self.__getAIType(self.__getWidget('black_type_combo')) + return (name, aiType) + + def __testReady(self): + ready = True + + # Must have a name for the game + name = self.__getWidget('game_name_entry').get_text() + if len(name) == 0: + ready = False + + # Must have two valid players + white = self.__getWhitePlayer() + black = self.__getBlackPlayer() + if white is None or black is None: + ready = False + + # Can only click OK if have enough information + self.__getWidget('start_button').set_sensitive(ready) + + def __startGame(self): + # FIXME: Game properties + gameName = self.__getWidget('game_name_entry').get_text() + allowSpectators = True + + # Get the players + white = self.__getWhitePlayer() + black = self.__getBlackPlayer() + assert(white is not None) + assert(black is not None) + + # Inform the child class + self.__mainUI.onGameStart(gameName, allowSpectators, white[0], white[1], black[0], black[1], self.__moves) + + # Gtk+ signal handlers + + def _on_properties_changed(self, widget, *data): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__testReady() + + def _on_response(self, widget, response_id, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: + self.__startGame() + self.__getWidget('new_game_dialog').destroy() + +class GtkLoadGameDialog: + """ + """ + __mainUI = None + __gui = None + + def __init__(self, mainUI): + """ + """ + self.__mainUI = mainUI + + # Load the UI + self.__gui = gtkui.loadGladeFile('', domain = 'glchess') + self.__gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + + fileChooser = self.__gui.get_widget('filechooserwidget') + + # Filter out non PGN files by default + pgnFilter = gtk.FileFilter() + pgnFilter.set_name('PGN files') + pgnFilter.add_pattern('*.pgn') + fileChooser.add_filter(pgnFilter) + + allFilter = gtk.FileFilter() + allFilter.set_name('All files') + allFilter.add_pattern('*') + fileChooser.add_filter(allFilter) + + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('game_load_dialog') + + + def __getFilename(self): + """Get the currently selected filename. + + Returns the filename (string) or None if none selected. + """ + return self.__gui.get_widget('filechooserwidget').get_filename() + + def _on_file_changed(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + name = self.__getFilename() + if name is None: + isFile = False + else: + isFile = os.path.isfile(name) + self.__gui.get_widget('open_button').set_sensitive(isFile) + self.__gui.get_widget('properties_button').set_sensitive(isFile) + + def _on_load_game(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__mainUI.loadGame(self.__getFilename(), False) + self._on_close(widget, data) + + def _on_configure_game(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__mainUI.loadGame(self.__getFilename(), True) + self._on_close(widget, data) + + def _on_close(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__gui.get_widget('game_load_dialog').destroy() + +class GtkJoinGameDialog: + """ + """ + # The main UI and the ??? + __mainUI = None + __gui = None + + __serverList = None + + __moves = None + + def __init__(self, mainUI, aiModel, gameName = None, + localName = None, localAI = None, moves = None): + """Constructor for a join game dialog. + + 'mainUI' is the main UI. + 'aiModel' is the AI models to use. + 'gameName' is the name of the game (string) or None if unknown. + 'localName' is the name of the local player (string) or None if unknown. + 'localAI' is the type of AI the local player is (string) or None if no AI. + 'moves' is a list of moves (strings) that the have already been made. + """ + self.__mainUI = mainUI + self.__moves = moves + + # Load the UI + self.__gui = gtkui.loadGladeFile('', 'join_game_dialog', domain = 'glchess') + + # Make all the AI combo boxes use one list of AI types + combo = self.__gui.get_widget('local_type_combo') + combo.set_model(aiModel) + cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() + combo.pack_start(cell, False) + combo.add_attribute(cell, 'pixbuf', 1) + cell = gtk.CellRendererText() + combo.pack_start(cell, False) + combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2) + combo.set_active(0) + + # Use the supplied properties + if moves: + self.__getWidget('join_game_dialog').set_title('Restore game (%i moves)' % len(moves)) + if gameName: + self.__getWidget('game_name_entry').set_text(gameName) + + # Configure local player + if localName: + self.__getWidget('local_name_entry').set_text(whiteName) + if localAI: + # FIXME + self.__getWidget('local_ai_type_combo').set_active_iter(self.__getAIIter(aiModel, localAI)) + + # ... + self.__serverList = GtkServerList(self.__gui) + view = self.__getWidget('server_list') + if view is not None: + selection = view.get_selection() + selection.connect('changed', self._on_properties_changed) + + # Show the dialog + self.__gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + self.__getWidget('join_game_dialog').show() + self.__testReady() + + def addNetworkGame(self, name, game): + """ + """ + self.__serverList.add(name, game) + # FIXME: Update? + + def removeNetworkGame(self, game): + """ + """ + self.__serverList.remove(game) + # FIXME: Update? + + # Private methods + + def __getAIIter(self, model, name): + """Get an AI engine. + + 'name' is the name of the AI engine to find. + + Return the iter for this AI or None if no AI of this name. + """ + # FIXME: I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing this... + iter = model.get_iter_first() + while True: + if name == model.get_value(iter, 0): + return iter + + iter = model.iter_next(iter) + if iter is None: + return None + + def __getWidget(self, name): + """ + """ + return self.__gui.get_widget(name) + + def __getAIType(self, comboBox): + """ + """ + model = comboBox.get_model() + iter = comboBox.get_active_iter() + if iter is None: + return None + + data = model.get(iter, 0) + return data[0] + + def __getLocalPlayer(self): + """ + """ + name = self.__getWidget('local_name_entry').get_text() + if len(name) == 0: + return (None, None) + aiType = self.__getAIType(self.__getWidget('local_type_combo')) + return (name, aiType) + + def __testReady(self): + ready = True + # Must have a selected server + if self.__serverList.getSelected() is None: + ready = False + + # Must have a valid local player + player = self.__getLocalPlayer() + if player is None: + ready = False + + # FIXME: Some games do not allow spectators + + # Can only click OK if have enough information + self.__getWidget('join_button').set_sensitive(ready) + + def __startGame(self): + player = self.__getLocalPlayer() + assert(player is not None) + + # Joining a server + server = self.__serverList.getSelected() + assert(server is not None) + self.__mainUI.onGameJoin(player[0], player[1], server) + + # Gtk+ signal handlers + + def _on_find_servers_button_clicked(self, widget, data=None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + host = self.__getWidget('server_entry').get_text() + if host == '': + self.__mainUI.onNetworkServerSearch() + else: + self.__mainUI.onNetworkServerSearch(host) + + def _on_search_server_entry_changed(self, widget, data=None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + # FIXME: Change colour back to default + pass + + def _on_properties_changed(self, widget, *data): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__testReady() + + def _on_response(self, widget, response_id, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: + self.__startGame() + self.__getWidget('join_game_dialog').destroy() + +class GtkSaveGameDialog: + """ + """ + # The main UI + __mainUI = None + + # The view that is being saved + __view = None + + # The GUI + __gui = None + + def __init__(self, mainUI, view): + """ + """ + self.__mainUI = mainUI + self.__view = view + + # Load the UI + self.__gui = gtkui.loadGladeFile('', domain = 'glchess') + self.__gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + + # Filter out non PGN files by default + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('dialog') + pgnFilter = gtk.FileFilter() + pgnFilter.set_name('PGN files') + pgnFilter.add_pattern('*.pgn') + dialog.add_filter(pgnFilter) + + allFilter = gtk.FileFilter() + allFilter.set_name('All files') + allFilter.add_pattern('*') + dialog.add_filter(allFilter) + + def _on_save(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('dialog') + + # Append .pgn to the end if not provided + fname = dialog.get_filename() + if fname[-4:].lower() != '.pgn': + fname += '.pgn' + + self.__mainUI._saveView(self.__view, fname) + dialog.destroy() + + def _on_close(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('dialog') + dialog.destroy() + self.__mainUI._saveView(self.__view, None) + +class GtkErrorDialog: + """ + """ + __gui = None + + def __init__(self, title, contents): + """ + """ + self.__gui = gtkui.loadGladeFile('', domain = 'glchess') + self.__gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + + self.__gui.get_widget('title_label').set_markup('' + title + '') + self.__gui.get_widget('content_label').set_text(contents) + + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('dialog').show_all() + + def _on_close(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + dialog = self.__gui.get_widget('dialog').destroy() diff --git a/src/lib/gtkui/ b/src/lib/gtkui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9ae627 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/gtkui/ @@ -0,0 +1,931 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +__all__ = ['GtkView', 'GtkUI'] + +# TODO: Extend base UI classes? + +import os +import sys +import traceback +import time +import gettext +import ConfigParser + +import gobject +import gtk +import +import gtk.gdk +import pango +import gnome, gnome.ui + +from glchess.defaults import * + +# Optionally use OpenGL support +try: + import gtk.gtkgl +except ImportError: + pass + +# Stop PyGTK from catching exceptions +os.environ['PYGTK_FATAL_EXCEPTIONS'] = '1' + +import glchess.ui +import dialogs + +def loadGladeFile(name, root = None, domain = None): + return, name), root, domain = domain) + +class GtkViewArea(gtk.DrawingArea): + """Custom widget to render an OpenGL scene""" + # The view this widget is rendering + view = None + + renderGL = False + + # Pixmaps to use for double buffering + pixmap = None + dynamicPixmap = None + + # TODO... + __glDrawable = None + + def __init__(self, view): + """ + """ + gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) + + self.view = view + + gnome.program_init('glchess',VERSION, + properties={gnome.PARAM_APP_DATADIR:APP_DATA_DIR} + ) + + + # Allow notification of button presses + self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK) + + # Make openGL drawable + if hasattr(gtk, 'gtkgl'): + gtk.gtkgl.widget_set_gl_capability(self, self.view.ui.notebook.glConfig)# FIXME:, share_list=glContext) + + # Connect signals + self.connect('realize', self.__init) + self.connect('configure_event', self.__configure) + self.connect('expose_event', self.__expose) + self.connect('button_press_event', self.__button_press) + self.connect('button_release_event', self.__button_release) + + # Public methods + + def redraw(self): + """Request this widget is redrawn""" + #FIXME: Check this is valid + self.window.invalidate_rect(self.allocation, False) + + def setRenderGL(self, renderGL): + """Enable OpenGL rendering""" + if not hasattr(gtk, 'gtkgl'): + renderGL = False + + if self.renderGL == renderGL: + return + self.renderGL = renderGL + self.redraw() + + # Private methods + + def __startGL(self): + """Get the OpenGL context""" + if not self.renderGL: + return + + assert(self.__glDrawable is None) + + # Obtain a reference to the OpenGL drawable + # and rendering context. + glDrawable = gtk.gtkgl.widget_get_gl_drawable(self) + glContext = gtk.gtkgl.widget_get_gl_context(self) + + # OpenGL begin. + if not glDrawable.gl_begin(glContext): + return + + self.__glDrawable = glDrawable + + import OpenGL + if not self.view.ui.openGLInfoPrinted: + print 'Using OpenGL:' + print 'VENDOR=' + OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_VENDOR) + print 'RENDERER=' + OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERER) + print 'VERSION=' + OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_VERSION) + print 'EXTENSIONS=' + OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_EXTENSIONS) + self.view.ui.openGLInfoPrinted = True + + def __endGL(self): + """Free the OpenGL context""" + if not self.renderGL: + return + + assert(self.__glDrawable is not None) + self.__glDrawable.gl_end() + self.__glDrawable = None + + def __init(self, widget): + """Gtk+ signal""" + if is not None: +, widget.allocation.height) + + def __configure(self, widget, event): + """Gtk+ signal""" + self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(widget.window, event.width, event.height) + self.dynamicPixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(widget.window, event.width, event.height) + self.__startGL() + if is not None: +, event.height) + self.__endGL() + + def __expose(self, widget, event): + """Gtk+ signal""" + if self.renderGL: + self.__startGL() + + # Get the scene rendered + try: + if is not None: + + except GLerror, e: + print 'Rendering Error: ' + str(e) + traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) + + # Paint this + if self.__glDrawable.is_double_buffered(): + self.__glDrawable.swap_buffers() + else: + glFlush() + + self.__endGL() + + else: + context = self.pixmap.cairo_create() + if is not None: + + + # Copy the background to render the dynamic elements on top + self.dynamicPixmap.draw_drawable(widget.get_style().white_gc, self.pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) + context = self.dynamicPixmap.cairo_create() + + # Set a clip region for the expose event + context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) + context.clip() + + # Render the dynamic elements + if is not None: + + + # Draw the window + widget.window.draw_drawable(widget.get_style().white_gc, self.dynamicPixmap, + event.area.x, event.area.y, + event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) + + def __button_press(self, widget, event): + """Gtk+ signal""" + self.__startGL() + if is not None: +, event.y) + self.__endGL() + + def __button_release(self, widget, event): + """Gtk+ signal""" + self.__startGL() + if is not None: +, event.y) + self.__endGL() + +class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController): + """ + """ + # The UI this view belongs to + ui = None + + # The widget to render the scene to + widget = None + + # A Gtk+ tree model to store the move history + moveModel = None + selectedMove = -1 + + def __init__(self, ui, feedback, isActive = True): + """Constructor for a view. + + 'feedback' is the feedback object for this view (extends ui.ViewFeedback). + 'isActive' is a flag showing if this view can be controlled by the user (True) or not (False). + """ + self.ui = ui + = feedback + self.isActive = isActive + self.widget = GtkViewArea(self) + + # Make a model for navigation + model = gtk.ListStore(int, str) + iter = model.append() + model.set(iter, 0, 0, 1, gettext.gettext('Game Start')) + self.moveModel = model + + self.widget.show_all() + + # Extended methods + + def render(self): + """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" + self.widget.redraw() + + def addMove(self, move): + """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" + # FIXME: Make a '@ui' player who watches for these itself? + iter = self.moveModel.append() + string = '%2i. ' % ((move.number - 1) / 2 + 1) + if move.number % 2 == 0: + string += '... ' + string += move.sanMove + self.moveModel.set(iter, 0, move.number, 1, string) + + # If is the current view and tracking the game select this + if self.selectedMove == -1: + self.ui._updateViewButtons() + + def close(self): + """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" + self.ui._removeView(self) + + # Public methods + + def _getModel(self): + """ + """ + return (self.moveModel, self.selectedMove) + + def _setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """Set the move number this view requests. + + 'moveNumber' is the move number to use (integer). + """ + self.selectedMove = moveNumber + if is not None: + + +class GtkGameNotebook(gtk.Notebook): + """ + """ + + glConfig = None + + defaultView = None + viewsByWidget = None + + def __init__(self, ui): + """ + """ + self.ui = ui + self.viewsByWidget = {} + + gtk.Notebook.__init__(self) + self.set_show_border(False) + + # Make the tabs scrollable so the area is not resized + self.set_scrollable(True) + + # Configure openGL + try: + gtk.gdkgl + except AttributeError: + self.glConfig = None + else: + display_mode = (gtk.gdkgl.MODE_RGB | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DEPTH | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DOUBLE) + try: + self.glConfig = gtk.gdkgl.Config(mode = display_mode) + except gtk.gdkgl.NoMatches: + display_mode &= ~gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DOUBLE + self.glConfig = gtk.gdkgl.Config(mode = display_mode) + + self.set_show_tabs(False) + + def setDefault(self, feedback): + """ + """ + assert(self.defaultView is None) + self.defaultView = GtkView(self.ui, feedback) + page = self.append_page(self.defaultView.widget) + self.set_current_page(page) + + self.__updateTabVisibleState() + + return self.defaultView + + def addView(self, title, feedback): + """ + """ + view = GtkView(self.ui, feedback) + self.viewsByWidget[view.widget] = view + page = self.append_page(view.widget) + self.set_tab_label_text(view.widget, title) + self.set_current_page(page) + + self.__updateTabVisibleState() + + return view + + def getView(self, pageNumber = None): + """Get the view at a given page number. + + 'pageNumber' is the page to check or None to get the selected page. + + Return the view (GtkView) on this page or None if no view here. + """ + if pageNumber is None: + # If splashscreen present then there is no view + if len(self.viewsByWidget) > 0: + num = self.get_current_page() + if num < 0: + return None + widget = self.get_nth_page(num) + else: + return None + else: + widget = self.get_nth_page(pageNumber) + + return self.viewsByWidget[widget] + + def removeView(self, view): + """Remove a view from the notebook. + + 'view' is the view to remove. + """ + self.remove_page(self.page_num(view.widget)) + self.viewsByWidget.pop(view.widget) + self.__updateTabVisibleState() + + def __updateTabVisibleState(self): + """ + """ + # Only show tabs if there is more than one game + self.set_show_tabs(len(self.viewsByWidget) > 1) + + # Show/hide the default view + if len(self.viewsByWidget) == 0: + + else: + self.defaultView.widget.hide() + +class AIWindow: + """ + """ + + notebook = None + defaultPage = None + + # We keep track of the number of pages as there is a bug + # in GtkNotebook (Gnome bug #331785). + pageCount = 0 + + def __init__(self, notebook): + """ + """ + self.notebook = notebook + self.defaultPage = notebook.get_nth_page(0) + + def addView(self, title, executable, description): + """ + """ + # Hide the default page + self.defaultPage.hide() + self.notebook.set_show_tabs(True) + + self.pageCount += 1 + return AIView(self, title, executable, description) + +class AIView: + """ + """ + + __gui = None + + def __init__(self, window, title, executable, description): + """ + """ + self.window = window + self.__gui = loadGladeFile('', 'ai_table', domain = 'glchess') + self.__gui.get_widget('executable_label').set_text(executable) + self.__gui.get_widget('game_label').set_text(description) + + # Add into the notebook + self.root = self.__gui.get_widget('ai_table') + notebook = window.notebook + notebook.append_page(self.root, gtk.Label(title)) + + # Create styles for the buffer + buffer = self.__gui.get_widget('comms_textview').get_buffer() + buffer.create_tag('input', family='Monospace') + buffer.create_tag('output', family='Monospace', weight = pango.WEIGHT_BOLD) + buffer.create_tag('move', family='Monospace', foreground = 'blue') + buffer.create_tag('info', family='Monospace', foreground = 'green') + buffer.create_tag('error', family='Monospace', foreground = 'red') + + def addText(self, text, style): + """FIXME: Define style + """ + buffer = self.__gui.get_widget('comms_textview').get_buffer() + buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(buffer.get_end_iter(), text, style) + + def close(self): + """ + """ + self.window.pageCount -= 1 + self.window.notebook.remove_page(self.window.notebook.page_num(self.root)) + + # Show the default page + if self.window.pageCount == 0: + + self.window.notebook.set_show_tabs(False) + +class GtkUI(glchess.ui.UI): + """ + """ + # The Gtk+ GUI + _gui = None + + # The time stored for animation + __lastTime = None + __animationTimer = None + + # The notebook containing games + notebook = None + + # The Gtk+ list model of the available player types + __playerModel = None + + # The about dialog open + __aboutDialog = None + + # Dictionary of save game dialogs keyed by view + __saveGameDialogs = None + + # Dictionary of configuration options + __config = None + __applyingConfig = False + + __renderGL = False + openGLInfoPrinted = False + + # TODO + __joinGameDialogs = None + __networkGames = None + + __defaultWhiteAI = None + __defaultBlackAI = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for a GTK+ glChess GUI""" + self.__networkGames = {} + self.__saveGameDialogs = {} + self.__joinGameDialogs = [] + + self._gui = loadGladeFile('', domain = 'glchess') + self._gui.signal_autoconnect(self) + + # Make a notebook for the games + self.notebook = GtkGameNotebook(self) + self.notebook.connect_after('switch-page', self._on_view_changed) + self.__getWidget('game_viewport').add(self.notebook) + self.notebook.show_all() + + # Create the model for the player types + self.__playerModel = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) + iconTheme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() + try: + icon = iconTheme.load_icon('stock_people', 24, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN) + except gobject.GError: + icon = None + iter = self.__playerModel.append() + self.__playerModel.set(iter, 0, None, 1, icon, 2, gettext.gettext('Human')) + # FIXME: Add spectators for network games + + self.__aiWindow = AIWindow(self._gui.get_widget('ai_notebook')) + + combo = self.__getWidget('history_combo') + cell = gtk.CellRendererText() + combo.pack_start(cell, False) + combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1) + + self.defaultViewController = self.notebook.setDefault(None) + + # Disable OpenGL support + if not hasattr(gtk, 'gtkgl'): + self._gui.get_widget('menu_view_3d').set_sensitive(False) + + # Load UI preferences + self.__config = {} + self.__loadConfig() + + self.defaultViewController.widget.setRenderGL(self.__renderGL) + + # Public methods + + def watchFileDescriptor(self, fd): + """Extends ui.UI""" + gobject.io_add_watch(fd, gobject.IO_IN, self.__readData) + + def __readData(self, fd, condition): + return self.onReadFileDescriptor(fd) + + def addAIEngine(self, name): + """Register an AI engine. + + 'name' is the name of the engine. + TODO: difficulty etc etc + """ + iconTheme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() + try: + icon = iconTheme.load_icon("stock_notebook", 24, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN) + except gobject.GError: + icon = None + iter = self.__playerModel.append() + self.__playerModel.set(iter, 0, name, 1, icon, 2, name) + + # Get the human to play against this AI + if self.__defaultBlackAI is None: + self.__defaultBlackAI = name + + def setDefaultView(self, feedback): + """Extends ui.UI""" + = feedback + return self.defaultViewController + + def addView(self, title, feedback): + """Extends ui.UI""" + view = self.notebook.addView(title, feedback) + view.widget.setRenderGL(self.__renderGL) + return view + + def addAIWindow(self, title, executable, description): + """ + """ + return self.__aiWindow.addView(title, executable, description) + + def run(self): + """Run the UI. + + This method will not return. + """ + gtk.main() + + # Extended methods + + def reportError(self, title, error): + """Extends glchess.ui.UI""" + dialogs.GtkErrorDialog(title, error) + + def reportGameLoaded(self, gameName = None, + whiteName = None, blackName = None, + whiteAI = None, blackAI = None, moves = None): + """Extends glchess.ui.UI""" + dialogs.GtkNewGameDialog(self, self.__playerModel, gameName = gameName, + whiteName = whiteName, whiteAI = whiteAI, + blackName = blackName, blackAI = blackAI, moves = moves) + + def addNetworkGame(self, name, game): + """Extends glchess.ui.UI""" + self.__networkGames[game] = name + + # Update the open dialogs + for dialog in self.__joinGameDialogs: + dialog.addNetworkGame(name, game) + + def removeNetworkGame(self, game): + """Extends glchess.ui.UI""" + self.__networkGames.pop(game) + + # Update the open dialogs + for dialog in self.__joinGameDialogs: + dialog.removeNetworkGame(game) + + # Protected methods + + def _saveView(self, view, path): + """ + """ + self.__saveGameDialogs.pop(view) + if path is None: + return + + if is not None: + + + def _removeView(self, view): + """Remove a view from the UI. + + 'view' is the view to remove. + """ + self.notebook.removeView(view) + self._updateViewButtons() + + # Private methods + + def __loadConfig(self): + """ + """ + # Set defaults + self.__config = {'show_toolbar': 'True', + 'show_history': 'True', + 'show_3d': 'False'} + + name = os.path.expanduser('~/.glchess/gtkui.ini') + cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() + + + try: + items = cp.items('ui') + except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: + self.__saveConfig() + else: + for (name, value) in items: + self.__config[name] = value + + self.__applyConfig() + + def __setConfig(self, name, value): + """ + """ + if self.__applyingConfig: + return + + self.__config[name] = value + self.__applyConfig() + self.__saveConfig() + + def __saveConfig(self): + """ + """ + name = os.path.expanduser('~/.glchess/gtkui.ini') + try: + f = file(name, 'w') + except IOError, e: + print 'Unable to save config: ' + str(e) + return + + cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() + cp.add_section('ui') + for (name, value) in self.__config.iteritems(): + cp.set('ui', name, value) + cp.write(f) + + def __applyConfig(self): + """ + """ + # Stop recursion + self.__applyingConfig = True + + # Show/hide the toolbar + toolbar = self.__getWidget('toolbar') + menu = self.__getWidget('menu_view_toolbar') + if self.__config['show_toolbar'] == 'True': + menu.set_active(True) + + else: + menu.set_active(False) + toolbar.hide() + + # Show/hide the history + box = self.__getWidget('navigation_box') + menu = self.__getWidget('menu_view_history') + if self.__config['show_history'] == 'True': + menu.set_active(True) + + else: + menu.set_active(False) + box.hide() + + # Enable/disable OpenGL rendering + self.__renderGL = self.__config['show_3d'] == 'True' + menuItem = self.__getWidget('menu_view_3d') + menuItem.set_active(self.__renderGL) + self.notebook.defaultView.widget.setRenderGL(self.__renderGL) + for view in self.notebook.viewsByWidget.itervalues(): + view.widget.setRenderGL(self.__renderGL) + + self.__applyingConfig = False + + def startAnimation(self): + """Start the animation callback""" + if self.__animationTimer is None: + self.__lastTime = time.time() + self.__animationTimer = gobject.timeout_add(10, self.__animate) + + def __animate(self): + # Get the timestep, if it is less than zero or more than a second + # then the system clock was probably changed. + now = time.time() + step = now - self.__lastTime + if step < 0.0: + step = 0.0 + elif step > 1.0: + step = 1.0 + self.__lastTime = now + + # Animate! + animating = self.onAnimate(step) + if not animating: + self.__animationTimer = None + + # Keep/delete timer + return animating + + def __getWidget(self, name): + return self._gui.get_widget(name) + + def _on_show_toolbar_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if widget.get_active(): + value = 'True' + else: + value = 'False' + self.__setConfig('show_toolbar', value) + + def _on_show_history_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if widget.get_active(): + value = 'True' + else: + value = 'False' + self.__setConfig('show_history', value) + + def _on_toggle_3d_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if widget.get_active(): + value = 'True' + else: + value = 'False' + self.__setConfig('show_3d', value) + + def _on_show_ai_stats_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + window = self._gui.get_widget('ai_window') + if widget.get_active(): + + else: + window.hide() + + def _on_history_combo_changed(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + model = widget.get_model() + iter = widget.get_active_iter() + if iter is None: + return + + # Get the move number + moveNumber = model.get_value(iter, 0) + + string = 'Show move number: ' + str(moveNumber) + if moveNumber == len(model) - 1: + string += ' (latest)' + moveNumber = -1 + + view = self.notebook.getView() + if view is not None: + view._setMoveNumber(moveNumber) + + def __selectMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """FIXME + """ + combo = self.__getWidget('history_combo') + + # Limit moves to the maximum value + maxNumber = len(combo.get_model()) + + # Allow negative indexing + if moveNumber < 0: + moveNumber = maxNumber + moveNumber + if moveNumber < 0: + moveNumber = 0 + if moveNumber >= maxNumber: + moveNumber = maxNumber - 1 + + combo.set_active(moveNumber) + + def __selectMoveNumberRelative(self, offset): + """FIXME + """ + combo = self.__getWidget('history_combo') + selected = combo.get_active() + maxNumber = len(combo.get_model()) + new = selected + offset + if new < 0: + new = 0 + elif new >= maxNumber: + new = maxNumber - 1 + self.__selectMoveNumber(new) + + def _on_history_start_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__selectMoveNumber(0) + + def _on_history_previous_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__selectMoveNumberRelative(-1) + + def _on_history_next_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__selectMoveNumberRelative(1) + + def _on_history_latest_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__selectMoveNumber(-1) + + def _on_view_changed(self, widget, page, pageNum, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self._updateViewButtons() + + def _updateViewButtons(self): + """ + """ + view = self.notebook.getView() + enableWidgets = (view is not None) and view.isActive + self.__getWidget('end_game_button').set_sensitive(enableWidgets) + self.__getWidget('save_game_button').set_sensitive(enableWidgets) + self.__getWidget('menu_save_item').set_sensitive(enableWidgets) + self.__getWidget('menu_end_game_item').set_sensitive(enableWidgets) + + combo = self.__getWidget('history_combo') + if view is None: + combo.set_model(None) + else: + (model, selected) = view._getModel() + combo.set_model(model) + if selected < 0: + selected = len(model) + selected + combo.set_active(selected) + self.__getWidget('navigation_box').set_sensitive(enableWidgets) + + def _on_new_game_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + + dialogs.GtkNewGameDialog(self, self.__playerModel, whiteAI = self.__defaultWhiteAI, blackAI = self.__defaultBlackAI) + + def _on_join_game_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + # Create the dialog + dialog = dialogs.GtkJoinGameDialog(self, self.__playerModel) + self.__joinGameDialogs.append(dialog) + # FIXME: Remove from this list when they dissapear + + # Add the detected games into the dialog + for (game, name) in self.__networkGames.iteritems(): + dialog.addNetworkGame(name, game) + + def _on_open_game_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + dialogs.GtkLoadGameDialog(self) + + def _on_save_game_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + view = self.notebook.getView() + if not self.__saveGameDialogs.has_key(view): + self.__saveGameDialogs[view] = dialogs.GtkSaveGameDialog(self, view) + + def _on_end_game_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + view = self.notebook.getView() + assert(view is not None) + if is not None: + + + def _on_help_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + gnome.help_display('glchess') + + + def _on_about_clicked(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + if self.__aboutDialog is None: + self.__aboutDialog = loadGladeFile('', domain = 'glchess') + self.__aboutDialog.signal_autoconnect(self) + + def _on_glchess_about_dialog_close(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.__aboutDialog = None + + def _on_ai_window_delete_event(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self._gui.get_widget('menu_view_ai').set_active(False) + + # Stop the event - the window will be closed by the menu event + return True + + def _on_quit(self, widget, data = None): + """Gtk+ callback""" + self.onQuit() + +if __name__ == '__main__': + ui = GtkUI() + diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0fa31d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,992 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +__all__ = ['Application'] + +import sys +import os +import gettext +import traceback + +import ui +import gtkui +import scene.cairo +import scene.opengl +import scene.human +import game +import chess.board +import chess.lan +import ai + +#import dbus.glib +#import network + +import chess.pgn + +class Config: + """ + """ + __directory = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for a confgiuration object""" + self.__directory = os.path.expanduser('~/.glchess') + + # Create the directory if it does not exist + if not os.path.exists(self.__directory): + os.mkdir(self.__directory) + else: + assert(os.path.isdir(self.__directory)) + + def getAutosavePath(self): + """Get the path to the autosave file""" + return self.__directory + '/autosave.pgn' + +class MovePlayer(game.ChessPlayer): + """This class provides a pseudo-player to watch for piece movements""" + # The game to control + __game = None + + # A dictionary of pieces added into the scene + __pieces = None + + def __init__(self, chessGame): + """Constructor for a move player. + + 'chessGame' is the game to make changes to (ChessGame). + """ + self.__game = chessGame + game.ChessPlayer.__init__(self, '@move') + + # Extended methods + + def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end): + """Called by chess.board.ChessPlayer""" + self.__game.scene._movePiece(piece, start, end) + self.__game.cairoScene._movePiece(piece, start, end) + + def onPlayerMoved(self, player, move): + """Called by chess.board.ChessPlayer""" + self.__game._onPlayerMoved(player, move) + +class HumanPlayer(game.ChessPlayer): + """ + """ + __game = None + + def __init__(self, chessGame, name): + """Constructor. + + 'chessGame' is the game this player is in (game.ChessGame). + 'name' is the name of this player (string). + """ + game.ChessPlayer.__init__(self, name) + self.__game = chessGame + + def readyToMove(self): + # FIXME: ??? + self.__game.scene.setHumanPlayer(self) + self.__game.cairoScene.setHumanPlayer(self) + +class AIPlayer(ai.Player): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self, application, name, profile, description): + """ + """ + self.window = application.ui.addAIWindow(, profile.path, description) + ai.Player.__init__(self, name, profile) + + def logText(self, text, style): + """Called by ai.Player""" + self.window.addText(text, style) + +class SceneCairo(scene.cairo.Scene, scene.human.SceneHumanInput): + """ + """ + # The game this scene is rendering + __game = None + + # TODO + __moveNumber = -1 + __pieceModels = None + + # The current human player or None if not a player in play + __humanPlayer = None + + def __init__(self, chessGame): + """ + """ + self.__game = chessGame + self.__pieceModels = {} + + # Call parent constructors + scene.human.SceneHumanInput.__init__(self) + scene.cairo.Scene.__init__(self) + + def setHumanPlayer(self, player): + """TODO + """ + self.__humanPlayer = player + + # Animate the board + if player is self.__game.getWhite(): + self.setBoardRotation(0.0) + elif player is self.__game.getBlack(): + self.setBoardRotation(180.0) + else: + assert(False), 'Human player is not white or black' + + def setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """Set the move number to watch. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to watch (integer). + """ + if self.__moveNumber == moveNumber: + return + self.__moveNumber = moveNumber + + # Lock the scene if not tracking the game + self.enableHumanInput(moveNumber == -1) + + # Get the state of this scene + piecesByLocation = self.__game.getAlivePieces(moveNumber) + + # Remove any models not present + requiredPieces = piecesByLocation.values() + for (piece, model) in self.__pieceModels.items(): + try: + requiredPieces.index(piece) + except ValueError: + self.__pieceModels.pop(piece) + self.removeChessPiece(model) + + # Move the models in the scene + for (location, piece) in piecesByLocation.iteritems(): + self.__movePiece(piece, location) + + def _movePiece(self, piece, start, end): + """TODO + """ + # Only allow then watching the active game + if self.__moveNumber == -1: + self.__movePiece(piece, end) + + def __movePiece(self, piece, location): + """ + """ + # Get the model for this piece creating one if it doesn't exist + try: + model = self.__pieceModels[piece] + except KeyError: + # No need to create if didn't exist anyway + if location is None: + return + + # Make the new model + pieceName = {chess.board.PAWN: 'pawn', chess.board.ROOK: 'rook', chess.board.KNIGHT: 'knight', + chess.board.BISHOP: 'bishop', chess.board.QUEEN: 'queen', chess.board.KING: 'king'}[piece.getType()] + chessSet = {chess.board.WHITE: 'white', chess.board.BLACK: 'black'}[piece.getColour()] + model = self.addChessPiece(chessSet, pieceName, location) + self.__pieceModels[piece] = model + + # Delete or move the model + if location is None: + self.__pieceModels.pop(piece) + self.removeChessPiece(model) + else: + model.move(location) + + # Extended methods + + def onRedraw(self): + """Called by scene.cairo.Scene""" + if self.__game.view.activeScene is self and self.__game.view is not None: + self.__game.view.controller.render() + + def startAnimation(self): + """Called by scene.cairo.Scene""" + self.__game.application.ui.startAnimation() + + def playerIsHuman(self): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + return self.__humanPlayer is not None + + def squareIsFriendly(self, coord): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + owner = self.__game.getSquareOwner(coord) + if owner is None: + return False + return owner is self.__humanPlayer + + def canMove(self, start, end): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + if self.__humanPlayer is None: + return False + + return self.__humanPlayer.canMove(start, end) # FIXME: Promotion type + + def moveHuman(self, start, end): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + player = self.__humanPlayer + self.__humanPlayer = None + if player is self.__game.getWhite(): + colour = chess.board.WHITE + else: + colour = chess.board.BLACK + move = chess.lan.encode(colour, start, end, promotionType = chess.board.QUEEN) # FIXME: Promotion type + player.move(move) + +class SceneOpenGL(scene.opengl.Scene, scene.human.SceneHumanInput): + """ + """ + # The game this scene is rendering + __game = None + + # TODO + __moveNumber = -1 + __pieceModels = None + + # The current human player or None if not a player in play + __humanPlayer = None + + def __init__(self, chessGame): + """Constructor for a glChess scene. + + 'chessGame' is the game the scene is rendering (game.ChessGame). + """ + self.__game = chessGame + self.__pieceModels = {} + + # Call parent constructors + scene.human.SceneHumanInput.__init__(self) + scene.opengl.Scene.__init__(self) + + def setHumanPlayer(self, player): + """TODO + """ + self.__humanPlayer = player + + # Animate the board + if player is self.__game.getWhite(): + self.setBoardRotation(0.0) + elif player is self.__game.getBlack(): + self.setBoardRotation(180.0) + else: + assert(False), 'Human player is not white or black' + + def setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """Set the move number to watch. + + 'moveNumber' is the move to watch (integer). + """ + if self.__moveNumber == moveNumber: + return + self.__moveNumber = moveNumber + + # Lock the scene if not tracking the game + self.enableHumanInput(moveNumber == -1) + + # Get the state of this scene + piecesByLocation = self.__game.getAlivePieces(moveNumber) + + # Remove any models not present + requiredPieces = piecesByLocation.values() + for (piece, model) in self.__pieceModels.items(): + try: + requiredPieces.index(piece) + except ValueError: + self.__pieceModels.pop(piece) + self.removeChessPiece(model) + + # Move the models in the scene + for (location, piece) in piecesByLocation.iteritems(): + self.__movePiece(piece, location) + + def _movePiece(self, piece, start, end): + """TODO + """ + # Ignore if not watching the active game + if self.__moveNumber != -1: + return + + self.__movePiece(piece, end) + + def __movePiece(self, piece, location): + """ + """ + # Get the model for this piece creating one if it doesn't exist + try: + model = self.__pieceModels[piece] + except KeyError: + # No need to create if didn't exist anyway + if location is None: + return + + # Make the new model + pieceName = {chess.board.PAWN: 'pawn', chess.board.ROOK: 'rook', chess.board.KNIGHT: 'knight', + chess.board.BISHOP: 'bishop', chess.board.QUEEN: 'queen', chess.board.KING: 'king'}[piece.getType()] + chessSet = {chess.board.WHITE: 'white', chess.board.BLACK: 'black'}[piece.getColour()] + model = self.addChessPiece(chessSet, pieceName, location) + self.__pieceModels[piece] = model + + # Delete or move the model + if location is None: + self.__pieceModels.pop(piece) + self.removeChessPiece(model) + else: + model.move(location) + + # Extended methods + + def onRedraw(self): + """Called by scene.opengl.Scene""" + if self.__game.view.activeScene is self and self.__game.view is not None: + self.__game.view.controller.render() + + def startAnimation(self): + """Called by scene.opengl.Scene""" + self.__game.application.ui.startAnimation() + + def playerIsHuman(self): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + return self.__humanPlayer is not None + + def squareIsFriendly(self, coord): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + owner = self.__game.getSquareOwner(coord) + if owner is None: + return False + return owner is self.__humanPlayer + + def canMove(self, start, end): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + if self.__humanPlayer is None: + return False + + return self.__humanPlayer.canMove(start, end) # FIXME: Promotion type + + def moveHuman(self, start, end): + """Called by scene.human.SceneHumanInput""" + player = self.__humanPlayer + self.__humanPlayer = None + if player is self.__game.getWhite(): + colour = chess.board.WHITE + else: + colour = chess.board.BLACK + move = chess.lan.encode(colour, start, end, promotionType = chess.board.QUEEN) # FIXME: Promotion type + player.move(move) + +class Splashscreen(ui.ViewFeedback): + """ + """ + application = None + scene = None + + def __init__(self, application): + """Constructor. + + 'application' is ??? + """ + self.application = application + self.cairoScene = scene.cairo.Scene() + self.scene = scene.opengl.Scene() + + def renderGL(self): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.scene.render() + + def renderCairoStatic(self, context): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + return self.cairoScene.renderStatic(context) + + def renderCairoDynamic(self, context): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.cairoScene.renderDynamic(context) + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """Called by ui.View""" + self.scene.reshape(width, height) + self.cairoScene.reshape(width, height) + +class View(ui.ViewFeedback): + """ + """ + # The game this view is rendering + game = None + + # TEMP: The scene to render (switches between OpenGL and Cairo). + activeScene = None + + # The controller object for this view + controller = None + + def __init__(self, game): + """Constructor. + + 'game' is ??? + """ + = game + + def renderGL(self): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.activeScene = + self.activeScene.render() + + def renderCairoStatic(self, context): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.activeScene = + return self.activeScene.renderStatic(context) + + def renderCairoDynamic(self, context): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.activeScene.renderDynamic(context) + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" +, height) +, height) + + def select(self, x, y): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" +, y) + + def deselect(self, x, y): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + self.activeScene.deselect(x, y) + + def setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + + + + def save(self, filename): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + try: + f = file(filename, 'w') + except IOError, e: + self.reportError('Unable to save PGN file ' + filename, str(e)) + return + + pgnGame = chess.pgn.PGNGame() + + + lines = pgnGame.getLines() + for line in lines: + f.write(line + '\n') + f.write('\n') + f.close() + + def close(self): + """Called by ui.ViewFeedback""" + # The user requests the game to end, for now we just do it + + +class ChessGame(game.ChessGame): + """ + """ + # Link back to the main application + application = None + + # The name of the game + __name = None + + # The scene for this game + scene = None + + # The view watching this scene + view = None + + # The players in the game + __movePlayer = None + __aiPlayers = None + __humanPlayers = None + + def __init__(self, application, name): + """Constructor for a chess game. + + 'application' is a reference to the glChess application. + 'name' is the name of the game (string). + """ + self.application = application + self.__name = name + self.__aiPlayers = [] + self.__humanPlayers = [] + + # Call parent constructor + game.ChessGame.__init__(self) + + # Create a scene to render to + self.scene = SceneOpenGL(self) + self.cairoScene = SceneCairo(self) + self.view = View(self) + self.view.controller = application.ui.addView(name, self.view) + + # Watch for piece moves with a player + self.__movePlayer = MovePlayer(self) + self.addSpectator(self.__movePlayer) + + def getName(self): + """Returns the name of the game (string)""" + return self.__name + + def addAIPlayer(self, name, profile): + """Create an AI player. + + 'name' is the name of the player to create (string). + 'profile' is the the AI profile to use (ai.Profile). + + Returns an AI player to use (game.ChessPlayer). + """ + description = "'" + name + "' in '" + self.__name + "'" + player = AIPlayer(self.application, name, profile, description) + self.__aiPlayers.append(player) + self.application.watchAIPlayer(player) + return player + + def addHumanPlayer(self, name): + """Create a human player. + + 'name' is the name of the player to create. + + Returns a human player to use (game.ChessPlayer). + """ + player = HumanPlayer(self, name) + self.__humanPlayers.append(player) + return player + + def playerIsHuman(self, player): + """Test if a player is human. + + 'player' is the player to check (game.ChessPlayer). + + Returns True if this is a human player in this game otherwise False. + """ + try: + if self.__humanPlayers.index(player) < 0: + return False + else: + return True + except ValueError: + return False + + def toPGN(self, pgnGame): + """Write the properties of this game into a PGN game. + + 'pgnGame' is the game to write into (pgn.PGNGame). All the tags should be unset. + """ + white = self.getWhite() + black = self.getBlack() + + pgnGame.setTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_EVENT, self.getName()) + pgnGame.setTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_WHITE, white.getName()) + pgnGame.setTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_BLACK, black.getName()) + + if isinstance(white, ai.Player): + pgnGame.setTag('WhiteAI', white.getProfile().name) + if isinstance(black, ai.Player): + pgnGame.setTag('BlackAI', black.getProfile().name) + + moves = self.getMoves() + while len(moves) > 0: + if len(moves) == 1: + pgnGame.addMove(moves[0].sanMove, None) + break + else: + pgnGame.addMove(moves[0].sanMove, moves[1].sanMove) + moves = moves[2:] + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """ + """ + animating1 = self.scene.animate(timeStep) + animating2 = self.cairoScene.animate(timeStep) + return animating1 or animating2 + + def remove(self): + """Remove this game""" + # Remove AI player windows + for player in self.__aiPlayers: + player.window.close() + self.application.unwatchAIPlayer(player) + + # End the game + self.end() + + # Remove the game from the UI + self.application._removeGame(self) + self.view.controller.close() + + # Private methods + + def _onPlayerMoved(self, player, move): + """FIXME: Rename this + """ + self.view.controller.addMove(move) + +class UI(gtkui.GtkUI): + """ + """ + __application = None + + splashscreen = None + + def __init__(self, application): + """ + """ + self.__application = application + gtkui.GtkUI.__init__(self) + + self.splashscreen = Splashscreen(self) + self.setDefaultView(self.splashscreen) + + def onAnimate(self, timeStep): + """Called by UI""" + return self.__application.animate(timeStep) + + def onReadFileDescriptor(self, fd): + """Called by UI""" + try: + player = self.__application.aiPlayers[fd] + except KeyError: + return False + else: + + return True + + def onGameStart(self, gameName, allowSpectators, whiteName, whiteType, blackName, blackType, moves = None): + """Called by UI""" + g = self.__application.addGame(gameName, whiteName, whiteType, blackName, blackType) + print 'Starting game ' + gameName + ' between ' + whiteName + '(' + str(whiteType) + ') and ' + blackName + '(' + str(blackType) + ')' + if moves: + g.start(moves) + else: + g.start() + + def loadGame(self, path, returnResult): + """Called by ui.UI""" + try: + p = chess.pgn.PGN(path, 1) + except chess.pgn.Error, e: + self.reportError('Unable to open PGN file ' + path, str(e)) + return + + # Use the first game + pgnGame = p[0] + + if returnResult is True: + whiteAI = pgnGame.getTag('WhiteAI') + blackAI = pgnGame.getTag('BlackAI') + msg = '' + if whiteAI and self.__application.getAIProfile(whiteAI) is None: + msg += "AI '" + whiteAI + "' is not installed, white player is now human" + whiteAI = None + if blackAI and self.__application.getAIProfile(blackAI) is None: + if msg != '': + msg += '\n' + msg += "AI '" + blackAI + "' is not installed, black player is now human" + blackAI = None + + self.reportGameLoaded(gameName = pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_EVENT), + whiteName = pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_WHITE), + blackName = pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_BLACK), + whiteAI = whiteAI, blackAI = blackAI, + moves = pgnGame.getMoves()) + + if len(msg) > 0: + self.reportError('Game modified', msg) + else: + g = self.__application.addPGNGame(pgnGame) + moves = pgnGame.getMoves() + if moves: + g.start(moves) + else: + g.start() + + def onGameJoin(self, localName, localType, game): + """Called by UI""" + print 'Joining game ' + str(game) + ' as ' + localName + '(' + str(localType) + ')' + + def onQuit(self): + """Called by UI""" + self.__application.quit() + +#class GameDetector(network.GameDetector): +# """ +# """ +# def __init__(self, app): +# """ +# """ +# self.__app = app +# network.GameDetector.__init__(self) +# +# def onGameDetected(self, game): +# """Called by network.GameDetector""" +# self.__app.ui.addNetworkGame(, game) +# +# def onGameRemoved(self, game): +# """Called by network.GameDetector""" +# self.__app.ui.removeNetworkGame(game) + +class Application: + """ + """ + # The configuration + __config = None + + # The glChess UI + ui = None + + # The AI types + __aiProfiles = None + + # AI players keyed by file descriptor + aiPlayers = None + + # The network game detector + __detector = None + + # The games present + __games = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for glChess application""" + self.__aiProfiles = {} + self.__games = [] + self.aiPlayers = {} + + self.__config = Config() + + self.__detector = None#GameDetector(self) + + self.ui = UI(self) + + def addAIProfile(self, profile): + """Add a new AI profile into glChess. + + 'profile' is the profile to add (ai.Profile). + """ + name = + assert(self.__aiProfiles.has_key(name) is False) + self.__aiProfiles[name] = profile + self.ui.addAIEngine(name) + + def getAIProfile(self, name): + """Get an installed AI profile. + + 'name' is the name of the profile to get (string). + + Return the profile (ai.Profile) or None if it does not exist. + """ + try: + return self.__aiProfiles[name] + except KeyError: + return None + + def watchAIPlayer(self, player): + """ + """ + self.aiPlayers[player.fileno()] = player + self.ui.watchFileDescriptor(player.fileno()) + + def unwatchAIPlayer(self, player): + """ + """ + self.aiPlayers.pop(player.fileno()) + + def addGame(self, name, whiteName, whiteType, blackName, blackType): + """Add a chess game into glChess. + + 'name' is the name of the game (string). + 'whiteName' is the name of the white player (string). + 'whiteType' is the AI profile to use for white (string) or None if white is human. + 'blackName' is the name of the black player (string). + 'blackType' is the AI profile to use for black (string) or None if black is human. + + Returns the game object. Use game.start() to start the game. + """ + # Create the game + g = ChessGame(self, name) + self.__games.append(g) + + msg = '' + if whiteType is None: + player = g.addHumanPlayer(whiteName) + else: + try: + profile = self.__aiProfiles[whiteType] + player = g.addAIPlayer(whiteName, profile) + except KeyError: + msg += "AI '" + whiteType + "' is not installed, white player is now human" + player = g.addHumanPlayer(whiteName) + g.setWhite(player) + + if blackType is None: + player = g.addHumanPlayer(blackName) + else: + try: + profile = self.__aiProfiles[blackType] + player = g.addAIPlayer(blackName, profile) + except KeyError: + msg += "AI '" + blackType + "' is not installed, black player is now human" + player = g.addHumanPlayer(blackName) + g.setBlack(player) + + if len(msg) > 0: + self.ui.reportError('Game modified', msg) + + return g + + def addPGNGame(self, pgnGame): + """Add a PGN game. + + 'pgnGame' is the game to add (chess.pgn.PGNGame). + + Returns the game object. Use game.start() to start the game. + """ + return self.addGame(pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_EVENT), + pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_WHITE), + pgnGame.getTag('WhiteAI'), + pgnGame.getTag(pgnGame.PGN_TAG_BLACK), + pgnGame.getTag('BlackAI')) + + def addMove(self, view, move): + # TEMP + self.ui.addMove(view, move) + + def start(self): + """Run glChess. + + This method does not return. + """ + print 'This is glChess 1.0RC1' + + # Load AI profiles + profiles = ai.loadProfiles() + + for p in profiles: + p.detect() + if p.path is not None: + print 'Detected AI: ' + + ' at ' + p.path + self.addAIProfile(p) + + nArgs = len(sys.argv) + + # Load existing games + if nArgs == 1: + self.__autoload() + + # Load requested game + # TODO: Merge this with the UI requested load games + elif nArgs == 2: + path = sys.argv[1] + try: + p = chess.pgn.PGN(path, 1) + except chess.pgn.Error, e: + # TODO: Pop-up dialog + print e + else: + # Use the first game + pgnGame = p[0] + g = self.addPGNGame(pgnGame) + moves = pgnGame.getMoves() + if moves: + g.start(moves) + else: + g.start() + else: + print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [PGN file]' + sys.exit() + + # Start UI (does not return) + try: + + except: + print 'glChess has crashed. Please report this bug to' + print 'Debug output:' + print traceback.format_exc() + self.quit() + sys.exit(1) + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """ + """ + animating = False + for g in self.__games: + if g.animate(timeStep): + animating = True + return animating + + def quit(self): + """Quit glChess""" + # Save any open games + self.__autosave() + + # End current games (will delete AIs etc) + for game in self.__games[:]: + game.end() + + # Exit the application + sys.exit() + + # Private methods + + def _removeGame(self, g): + """ + """ + self.__games.remove(g) + + def __autoload(self): + """Restore games from the autosave file""" + path = self.__config.getAutosavePath() + print 'Auto-loading from ' + path + '...' + + try: + p = chess.pgn.PGN(path) + games = p[:] + except chess.pgn.Error, e: + print 'Invalid autoload file ' + path + ': ' + str(e) + games = [] + except IOError, e: + print 'Unable to autoload from ' + path + ': ' + str(e) + games = [] + + # Delete the file once loaded + try: + os.unlink(path) + except OSError: + pass + + # Restore each game + for pgnGame in games: + g = self.addPGNGame(pgnGame) + g.start(pgnGame.getMoves()) + + def __autosave(self): + """Save any open games to the autosave file""" + if len(self.__games) == 0: + return + + fname = self.__config.getAutosavePath() + print 'Auto-saving to ' + fname + '...' + + f = file(fname, 'a') + for g in self.__games: + pgnGame = chess.pgn.PGNGame() + g.toPGN(pgnGame) + + lines = pgnGame.getLines() + for line in lines: + f.write(line + '\n') + f.write('\n') + f.close() + +if __name__ == '__main__': + gettext.textdomain('gnome-games') + app = Application() + app.start() diff --git a/src/lib/network/ b/src/lib/network/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5d692e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/network/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/network +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/network/ b/src/lib/network/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59bd0a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/network/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +from protocol import * +from announce import * diff --git a/src/lib/network/ b/src/lib/network/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..194ff68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/network/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +""" +""" + +#avahi = __import__('avahi') +#dbus = __import__('dbus') +import avahi +import dbus + +class RemoteGame: + """ + """ + + def __init__(self, name, address): + """ + """ + = name + self.address = address + +class GameReporter: + """ + """ + + def __init__(self, name, port): + """Constructor. + + 'name' is the name of the game started (string). + 'port' is the UDP/IP port the game is running on (integer). + """ + = name + self.port = port + + # Connect to the Avahi server + bus = dbus.SystemBus() + self.server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi.DBUS_PATH_SERVER), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVER) + + # Register this service + path = self.server.EntryGroupNew() + group = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, path), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_ENTRY_GROUP) + n = name + index = 1 + while True: + try: + group.AddService(avahi.IF_UNSPEC, avahi.PROTO_INET, 0, n, '_glchess._udp', '', '', port, avahi.string_array_to_txt_array(['hi=gi'])) + except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException: + index += 1 + n = name + ' (' + str(index) + ')' + else: + break + group.Commit() + +class GameDetector: + """Class to detect glChess network games. + """ + # The known about games + __games = None + __gamesByName = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor""" + self.__games = [] + self.__gamesByName = {} + + # Connect to the Avahi server + bus = dbus.SystemBus() + self.server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi.DBUS_PATH_SERVER), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVER) + + # Listen for glChess servers + # FIXME: Can raise a dbus_bindings.DBusException (local name collision) + browser = self.server.ServiceBrowserNew(avahi.IF_UNSPEC, avahi.PROTO_INET, '_glchess._udp', '', 0) + listener = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, browser), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVICE_BROWSER) + listener.connect_to_signal('ItemNew', self.__serviceDetected) + listener.connect_to_signal('ItemRemove', self.__serviceRemoved) + + # Methods to extend + + def onGameDetected(self, game): + """Called when a game is detected. + + 'game' is the game that has been detected (RemoteGame). + """ + pass + + def onGameRemoved(self, game): + """Called when a game is removed. + + 'game' is the game that has been removed (RemoteGame). + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def getGames(self): + """Returns a list of games that are known of""" + return self.__games[:] + + # Private methods + + def __serviceDetected(self, interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, flags): + """D-Dbus callback""" + # Get information on this service + self.server.ResolveService(interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, dbus.UInt32(0), + reply_handler = self.__serverResolved, error_handler = self.__resolveError) + + def __serverResolved(self, interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, host, aprotocol, address, port, txt, flags): + """D-Dbus callback""" + #print avahi.txt_array_to_string_array(txt) + print 'Game detected: ' + str(address) + ':' + str(port) + ' (' + name + ')' + + assert(not self.__gamesByName.has_key(name)) + + game = RemoteGame(name, (address, port)) + self.__gamesByName[name] = game + self.__games.append(game) + + self.onGameDetected(game) + + def __resolveError(self, error): + """D-Dbus callback""" + print 'Avahi/D-Bus error: ' + repr(error) + + def __serviceRemoved(self, interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, flags): + """D-Dbus callback""" + print 'Game removed: ' + str(name) + game = self.__gamesByName.pop(name) + self.__games.remove(game) + + self.onGameRemoved(game) diff --git a/src/lib/network/ b/src/lib/network/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e39514 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/network/ @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +""" +""" + +def decodeMessage(data): + """ + """ + fields = [] + + lines = data.split('\n') + (sequenceNumber, messageType) = lines[0].split(' ') + try: + sequenceNumber = int(sequenceNumber) + except ValueError: + sequenceNumber = None + + fieldName = None + fieldValue = None + for line in lines[1:]: + (name, value) = line.split('=', 1) + if name == '~': + assert(fieldName is not None) + fieldValue += '\n' + value + else: + if fieldName is not None: + fields.append((fieldName, fieldValue)) + + fieldName = name + fieldValue = value + + if fieldName is not None: + fields.append((fieldName, fieldValue)) + + return (sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) + +def encodeMessage(sequenceNumber, messageType, fields): + """ + """ + data = str(sequenceNumber) + ' ' + messageType + '\n' + + for (name, value) in fields: + data += name + '=' + lines = value.split('\n') + data += lines[0] + for line in lines[1:]: + data += '\n~=' + line + data += '\n' + + return data[:-1] + +class OutgoingMessage: + """ + """ + + sequenceNumber = None + data = None + + def __init__(self, sequenceNumber, data): + """ + """ + self.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber + = data + +class Sender: + """ + """ + + # Sequence number to mark message with + __sequenceNumber = 0 + + # Messages waiting to be sent + __queuedMessages = None + + # Timout in seconds sending a message + TIMEOUT = 1.0 + + # Number of times to send a message until assuming the receiver has died + RETRIES = 3 + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor""" + self.__queuedMessages = [] + + # Methods to extend + + def onOutgoingMessage(self, data): + """Called when a message is generated to be sent. + + 'data' is the raw message to send (string). + """ + pass + + def startTimer(self): + """Start the message retry timer. + + If the timer expires call retryMessage(). + """ + pass + + def stopTimer(): + """Stop the retry timer""" + pass + + # Public methods + + def sendAcknowledge(self, sequenceNumber): + """Send an acknowledge message. + + 'sequenceNumber' is the sequence number of the message being acknowledged (int). + """ + d = encodeMessage('*', 'ACK', [('seq', str(sequenceNumber))]) + self.onOutgoingMessage(d) + + def queueMessage(self, messageType, fields = []): + """Queue a message for sending. + + 'messageType' is the type of message (string). + 'fields' is a list of containing (name, value) pairs for message fields. + """ + # Encode with the message header + self.__sequenceNumber = (self.__sequenceNumber + 1) % 1000 + data = encodeMessage(self.__sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) + + self.__queuedMessages.append(OutgoingMessage(self.__sequenceNumber, data)) + + # Send if no other queued messages + if len(self.__queuedMessages) == 1: + self.startTimer() + self.onOutgoingMessage(data) + + def acknowledgeMessage(self, sequenceNumber): + """Confirm a message has been received at the far end. + + 'sequenceNumber' is the sequence number that has been acknowledged (int). + """ + # If this matches the last message sent then remove it from the message queue + if len(self.__queuedMessages) == 0: + return + if sequenceNumber != self.__queuedMessages[0].sequenceNumber: + return + self.__queuedMessages = self.__queuedMessages[1:] + + # Send the next message + if len(self.__queuedMessages) > 0: + self.startTimer() + self.onOutgoingMessage(self.__queuedMessages[0].data) + else: + self.stopTimer() + + def retryMessage(self): + """Resend the last message""" + try: + data = self.__queuedMessages[0].data + except IndexError: + return + self.startTimer() + self.onOutgoingMessage(data) + +class Receiver: + """ + """ + # Expected sequence number to receive + __expectedSequenceNumber = None + + __processing = False + __queue = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor""" + self.__queue = [] + + # Methods to extend + + def processMessage(self, messageType, fields): + """Called when a message is available for processing. + + 'messageType' is the message type (string). + 'fields' is a dictionary of field values keyed by field name. + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def filterMessage(self, sequenceNumber, messageType, fields): + """Check the header fields on a message. + + 'sequenceNumber' is the sequence number of the incoming message (int). + 'messageType' is the type of message (string). + 'fields' is a dictionary of field values keyed by field name. + + processMessage() is called if this message has the correct sequence number. + """ + # Stop recursion + if self.__processing: + self.__queue.append((sequenceNumber, messageType, fields)) + return + + # Check sequence number matches + if sequenceNumber is not None: + expected = self.__expectedSequenceNumber + if expected is not None and sequenceNumber != expected: + return + self.__expectedSequenceNumber = (sequenceNumber + 1) % 1000 + + # Pass to higher level + self.__processing = True + self.processMessage(messageType, fields) + self.__processing = False + + # Process any messages received while in the callback + while len(self.__queue) > 0: + (sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) = self.__queue[0] + self.__queue = self.__queue[1:] + self.filterMessage(sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) + +class StateMachine(Receiver, Sender): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor""" + Sender.__init__(self) + Receiver.__init__(self) + + # Methods to extend + + def onOutgoingMessage(self, message): + """Called when a message is generated to send. + + 'message' is the message to send (string). + """ + pass + + def processMessage(self, messageType, fields): + """Called when a message is available for processing. + + 'messageType' is the message type (string). + 'fields' is a dictionary of field values keyed by field name. + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def sendMessage(self, messageType, fields): + """Send a message. + + 'messageType' is the message type to send (string made up of A-Z). + 'fields' is a list of 2-tuples containing field names and values (strings). + """ + self.queueMessage(messageType, fields) + + def registerIncomingMessage(self, message): + """Register a received message. + + 'message' is the raw received message (string). + """ + (sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) = decodeMessage(message) + fields = dict(fields) + + # FIXME: 'seq' could be an invalid integer + if messageType == 'ACK': + try: + seq = int(fields['seq']) + except (KeyError, ValueError): + return + self.acknowledgeMessage(seq) + return + + # Acknowledge this message + # FIXME: We should check its sequence number first + self.sendAcknowledge(sequenceNumber) + + # Process it + self.filterMessage(sequenceNumber, messageType, fields) + +class Encoder: + """ + """ + + __sequenceNumber = 0 + + def onOutgoingMessage(self, message): + """ + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def __sendMessage(self, messageType, fields = []): + """ + """ + self.__sequenceNumber += 1 + if self.__sequenceNumber > 999: + self.__sequenceNumber = 0 + d = encodeMessage(messageType, [('seq', str(self.__sequenceNumber)), ('src', self.__sourceAddress), ('dst', self.__destinationAddress)].join(fields)) + self.onOutgoingMessage(d) + + def sendAcknowledge(self): + """ + """ + self.__sendMessage('ACK') + + def sendNotAcknowledge(self, error): + """ + """ + self.__sendMessage('NACK', [('error', error)]) + + def sendJoin(self, name, playerType): + """ + """ + self.__sendMessage('JOIN', [('name', name), ('type', playerType)]) + + def sendLeave(self, name, reason): + """ + """ + self.__sendMessage('LEAVE', [('name', name), ('reason', reason)]) + + def sendMove(self, player, move): + """ + """ + self.__sendMessage('MOVE', [('player', player), ('move', move)]) + + def sendGameAnnounce(self, name, result, white = None, black = None, spectators = [], player = None, moves = []): + """ + """ + fields = [('name', name), ('result', result)] + + if white is not None: + fields.append(('white', white)) + if black is not None: + fields.append(('black', black)) + if player is not None: + fields.append(('player', player)) + for player in spectators: + fields.append(('spectator', player)) + + for move in moves: + fields.append(('move', move)) + + self.__sendMessage('GAME', fields) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + x = encodeMessage('TEST', [('field1', 'value1'), ('long_field', 'This is a long message.\nBlah Blah\n\nAll done\n')]) + print x + (t, f) = decodeMessage(x) + print t + print f + + x = encodeMessage('X', []) + print x + (t, f) = decodeMessage(x) + print t + print f diff --git a/src/lib/scene/ b/src/lib/scene/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5144008 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +SUBDIRS = cairo opengl + +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/scene +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/scene/ b/src/lib/scene/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afe4462 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +# Highlight types +HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED = 'selected' +HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE = 'canMove' + +class ChessSet: + """ + """ + + def drawPiece(self, pieceName, state, context = None): + """Draw a piece. + + 'pieceName' is the piece name (string). + 'state' is the piece state (string). + 'context' is a reference to the rendering context being used (user-defined). + """ + pass + +class ChessPiece: + """Abstract class for a glChess chess piece model""" + + def move(self, coord): + """Move this piece to a board location. + + 'coord' is a 2-tuple containing the file and rank of the board location to move to. + The values are: + + Black + (0,7) +-----+ (7,7) + | | + | | + (0,0) +-----+ (7,0) + White + """ + pass + +class Scene: + """Abstract class for glChess scenes + + Extend this class to make a scene + """ + + # Metheds to extend by a higher class + + def onRedraw(self): + """This method is called when the scene needs redrawing""" + pass + + def startAnimation(self): + """Called when the animate() method should be called""" + pass + + # Methods to implement + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """Resize the viewport into the scene. + + 'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + 'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + """ + pass + + def addChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, coord): + """Add a chess piece model into the scene. + + 'chessSet' is the name of the chess set (string). + 'name' is the name of the piece (string). + 'coord' is the the chess board location of the piece (tuple, (file,rank)). + + Returns a reference to this chess piece or raises an exception. + """ + raise Exception('Not implemented') + + def removeChessPiece(self, piece): + """Remove chess piece. + + 'piece' is a chess piece instance as returned by addChessPiece(). + """ + pass + + def setBoardHighlight(self, coords): + """Highlight a square on the board. + + 'coords' is a dictionary of highlight types keyed by square co-ordinates. + The co-ordinates are a tuple in the form (file,rank). + If None the highlight will be cleared. + """ + pass + + def setBoardRotation(self, angle): + """Set the rotation on the board. + + 'angle' is the angle the board should be drawn at in degress (float, [0.0, 360.0]). + """ + pass + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """Animate the scene. + + 'timeStep' is the time since this method has last been called in seconds (float). + + Returns False once all animation is complete otherwise returns True. Once animation + is complete do not call this method again until startAnimation() is called. + """ + pass + + def render(self, context): + """Manually render the scene. + + 'context' TODO + """ + pass + + def getSquare(self, x, y): + """Find the chess square at a given 2D location. + + 'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select. + 'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select. + + This requires an OpenGL context. + + Return the co-ordinate in LAN format (string) or None if no square at this point. + """ + return None diff --git a/src/lib/scene/cairo/ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8453f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/scene/cairo +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/scene/cairo/ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61695f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +import math + +import glchess.scene + +import pieces + +BACKGROUND_COLOUR = (0.53, 0.63, 0.75) +BORDER_COLOUR = (0.808, 0.361, 0.0)#(0.757, 0.490, 0.067)#(0.36, 0.21, 0.05) +BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.3, 1.0, 0.3), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.3, 0.3, 1.0)} +WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.2, 1.0, 0.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.2, 0.2, 0.8)} +PIECE_COLOUR = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + +class ChessPiece(glchess.scene.ChessPiece): + """ + """ + + __scene = None + name = None + + __targetPos = None + pos = None + + moving = False + + def __init__(self, scene, name, startPos = (0.0, 0.0)): + """ + """ + self.__scene = scene + = name + self.pos = self.__coordToLocation(startPos) + + def __coordToLocation(self, coord): + """ + """ + rank = ord(coord[0]) - ord('a') + file = ord(coord[1]) - ord('1') + + return (float(rank), float(file)) + + def move(self, coord): + """Extends glchess.scene.ChessPiece""" + self.__targetPos = self.__coordToLocation(coord) + self.moving = True + self.__scene._startAnimation() + + def draw(self, state = 'default'): + """ + """ + pass + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """ + + Return True if the piece has moved otherwise False. + """ + if self.__targetPos is None: + return False + + if self.pos == self.__targetPos: + self.__targetPos = None + return False + + # Get distance to target + dx = self.__targetPos[0] - self.pos[0] + dy = self.__targetPos[1] - self.pos[1] + + # Get movement step in each direction + SPEED = 4.0 # FIXME + xStep = timeStep * SPEED + if xStep > abs(dx): + xStep = dx + else: + xStep *= cmp(dx, 0.0) + yStep = timeStep * SPEED + if yStep > abs(dy): + yStep = dy + else: + yStep *= cmp(dy, 0.0) + + # Move the piece + self.pos = (self.pos[0] + xStep, self.pos[1] + yStep) + return True + + def render(self, offset, context): + """ + """ + x = offset[0] + self.pos[0] * self.__scene.squareSize + self.__scene.PIECE_BORDER + y = offset[1] + (7 - self.pos[1]) * self.__scene.squareSize + self.__scene.PIECE_BORDER + pieces.piece(, context, self.__scene.pieceSize, x, y) + context.fill() + +class Scene(glchess.scene.Scene): + """ + """ + __pieces = None + __highlights = None + + __animating = False + __changed = True + + BORDER = 6.0 + PIECE_BORDER = 2.0 + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for a Cairo scene""" + self.__highlight = {} + self.__pieces = [] + + def onRedraw(self): + """This method is called when the scene needs redrawing""" + pass + + def _startAnimation(self): + """ + """ + self.__changed = True + if self.__animating is False: + self.__animating = True + self.startAnimation() + + def addChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, coord): + """Add a chess piece model into the scene. + + 'chessSet' is the name of the chess set (string). + 'name' is the name of the piece (string). + 'coord' is the the chess board location of the piece in LAN format (string). + + Returns a reference to this chess piece or raises an exception. + """ + name = chessSet + name[0].upper() + name[1:] + piece = ChessPiece(self, name, coord) + self.__pieces.append(piece) + + # Redraw the scene + self.__changed = True + self.onRedraw() + + return piece + + def removeChessPiece(self, piece): + """Remove chess piece. + + 'piece' is a chess piece instance as returned by addChessPiece(). + """ + self.__pieces.remove(piece) + self.__changed = True + self.onRedraw() + + def setBoardHighlight(self, coords): + """Highlight a square on the board. + + 'coords' is a dictionary of highlight types keyed by square co-ordinates. + The co-ordinates are a tuple in the form (file,rank). + If None the highlight will be cleared. + """ + self.__changed = True + if coords is None: + self.__highlight = {} + else: + self.__highlight = coords.copy() + self.onRedraw() + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """Resize the viewport into the scene. + + 'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + 'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + """ + self.__changed = True + self.width = width + self.height = height + + shortEdge = min(self.width, self.height) + self.squareSize = (shortEdge - 2.0*self.BORDER) / 9.0 + self.pieceSize = self.squareSize - 2.0*self.PIECE_BORDER + + boardWidth = self.squareSize * 9.0 + self.offset = ((self.width - boardWidth) / 2.0, (self.height - boardWidth) / 2.0) + + self.__changed = True + self.onRedraw() + + def setBoardRotation(self, angle): + """Set the rotation on the board. + + 'angle' is the angle the board should be drawn at in degress (float, [0.0, 360.0]). + """ + pass + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """Extends glchess.scene.Scene""" + redraw = False + for piece in self.__pieces: + if piece.animate(timeStep): + piece.moving = True + redraw = True + else: + # Redraw static scene once pieces stop + if piece.moving: + redraw = True + self.__changed = True + piece.moving = False + + # Redraw scene or stop animation + if redraw: + self.__animating = True + self.onRedraw() + else: + self.__animating = False + return self.__animating + + def renderStatic(self, context): + """Render the static elements in a scene. + """ + if self.__changed is False: + return False + self.__changed = False + + # Clear background + context.set_source_rgb(*BACKGROUND_COLOUR) + context.paint() + + # Draw border + context.set_source_rgb(*BORDER_COLOUR) + context.rectangle(self.offset[0], self.offset[1], self.squareSize * 9.0, self.squareSize * 9.0) + context.fill() + + offset = (self.offset[0] + self.squareSize * 0.5, self.offset[1] + self.squareSize * 0.5) + + for i in xrange(8): + for j in xrange(8): + x = offset[0] + i * self.squareSize + y = offset[1] + (7 - j) * self.squareSize + + coord = chr(ord('a') + i) + chr(ord('1') + j) + try: + highlight = self.__highlight[coord] + except KeyError: + highlight = None + + context.rectangle(x, y, self.squareSize, self.squareSize) + if (i + j) % 2 == 0: + colour = BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] + else: + colour = WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] + context.set_source_rgb(*colour) + context.fill() + + context.set_source_rgb(*PIECE_COLOUR) + for piece in self.__pieces: + if piece.moving: + continue + piece.render(offset, context) + + return True + + def renderDynamic(self, context): + """Render the dynamic elements in a scene. + + This requires a Cairo context. + """ + offset = (self.offset[0] + self.squareSize * 0.5, self.offset[1] + self.squareSize * 0.5) + + context.set_source_rgb(*PIECE_COLOUR) + for piece in self.__pieces: + if not piece.moving: + continue + piece.render(offset, context) + + def getSquare(self, x, y): + """Find the chess square at a given 2D location. + + 'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select. + 'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select. + + Return the co-ordinate in LAN format (string) or None if no square at this point. + """ + offset = (self.offset[0] + self.squareSize * 0.5, self.offset[1] + self.squareSize * 0.5) + + rank = (x - offset[0]) / self.squareSize + if rank < 0 or rank >= 8.0: + return None + rank = int(rank) + + file = (y - offset[1]) / self.squareSize + if file < 0 or file >= 8.0: + return None + file = 7 - int(file) + + # Convert from co-ordinates to LAN format + rank = chr(ord('a') + rank) + file = chr(ord('1') + file) + + return rank + file + + # Private methods + diff --git a/src/lib/scene/cairo/ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baf723f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/cairo/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +__author__ = 'Thomas Dybdahl Ahle ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = '' + +import re + +elemExpr = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z])\s*([0-9\.,\s]*)\s+") +spaceExpr = re.compile(r"[\s,]+") + +def parse2 (cc, name, psize, x, y): + for g1, g2 in parsedPieces[name]: + coords = [(s*psize/size) for s in g2] + for i in range(0,len(coords),2): coords[i] += x + for i in range(1,len(coords),2): coords[i] += y + if g1 == 'm': + cc.move_to(*coords) + elif g1 == 'l': + cc.line_to(*coords) + elif g1 == 'c': + cc.curve_to(*coords) + +def piece (name, cairoContext, s, x, y): + parse2 (cairoContext, name, s, x, y) + #parse (cairoContext, pieces[name], s, x, y) + #cairoContext.text_path(pieces[name]) + +size = 800.0 +pieces = {"blackKing": "M 653.57940,730.65870 L 671.57940,613.65870 C 725.57940,577.65870 797.57940,514.65870 797.57940,397.65870 C 797.57940,325.65870 734.57940,280.65870 662.57940,280.65870 C 590.57940,280.65870 509.57940,334.65870 509.57940,334.65870 C 509.57940,334.65870 554.57940,190.65870 428.57940,154.65870 L 428.57940,118.65870 L 482.57940,118.65870 L 482.57940,64.658690 L 428.57940,64.658690 L 428.57940,10.658690 L 374.57940,10.658690 L 374.57940,64.658690 L 320.57940,64.658690 L 320.57940,118.65870 L 374.57940,118.65870 L 374.57940,154.65870 C 248.57940,190.65870 293.57940,334.65870 293.57940,334.65870 C 293.57940,334.65870 212.57940,280.65870 140.57940,280.65870 C 68.579380,280.65870 5.5793840,325.65870 5.5793840,397.65870 C 5.5793840,514.65870 77.579380,577.65870 131.57940,613.65870 L 149.57940,730.65870 C 158.57940,757.65870 221.57940,793.65870 401.57940,793.65870 C 581.57940,793.65870 644.57940,757.65870 653.57940,730.65870 z M 374.57940,541.65870 C 329.57940,541.65870 212.57940,550.65870 167.57940,568.65870 C 113.57940,541.65870 59.579380,496.65870 59.579380,406.65870 C 59.579380,352.65870 86.579380,334.65870 149.57940,334.65870 C 212.57940,334.65870 356.57940,397.65870 374.57940,541.65870 z M 428.57940,541.65870 C 446.57940,397.65870 590.57940,334.65870 662.57940,334.65870 C 716.57940,334.65870 743.57940,352.65870 743.57940,406.65870 C 743.57940,496.65870 689.57940,541.65870 635.57940,568.65870 C 590.57940,550.65870 473.57940,541.65870 428.57940,541.65870 z M 617.57940,667.65870 L 608.57940,705.90870 C 437.57940,678.90870 365.57940,678.90870 194.57940,705.90870 L 185.57940,667.65870 C 365.57940,640.65870 437.57940,640.65870 617.57940,667.65870 z M 464.57940,514.65870 C 527.57940,514.65870 581.57940,523.65870 635.57940,541.65870 C 707.57940,487.65870 716.57940,442.65870 716.57940,406.65870 C 716.57940,379.65870 698.57940,361.65870 662.57940,361.65870 C 554.57940,361.65670 473.57940,451.65870 464.57940,514.65870 z M 338.57940,514.65870 C 329.57940,451.65870 239.57940,361.65670 140.57940,361.65870 C 104.57940,361.65870 86.579380,388.65870 86.579380,415.65870 C 86.579380,442.65870 95.579380,487.65870 167.57940,541.65870 C 221.57940,523.65870 275.57940,514.65870 338.57940,514.65870 z ", + "blackQueen": "M 617.12310,626.00950 C 617.12310,599.00950 627.77310,557.68550 671.12310,536.00950 C 689.12310,527.00950 689.12310,509.00950 689.12310,500.00950 C 689.12310,471.54950 743.12310,203.00950 743.12310,203.00950 C 779.62510,198.74750 796.96610,170.47750 796.96610,144.34650 C 796.96610,112.98940 772.26810,85.907430 738.52810,85.907430 C 710.73310,85.907430 680.56310,109.18740 679.85110,143.63450 C 679.66510,152.63250 681.03910,169.05250 697.43010,186.15650 L 590.12310,392.00950 L 590.12310,158.00950 C 619.03410,151.95050 636.85210,127.48250 636.85210,99.687430 C 636.85210,69.517430 610.72110,42.199430 577.93710,42.199430 C 544.44210,42.199430 519.27910,70.470430 519.73610,102.06340 C 519.97310,118.45540 527.57510,136.03450 545.12410,149.00950 L 464.12410,383.00950 L 428.12410,131.00950 C 452.74310,117.03040 459.86810,97.075430 459.86810,80.208430 C 459.86810,41.011430 428.74910,20.581430 401.19210,20.818430 C 371.26010,21.076430 342.75310,46.950430 342.75310,77.120430 C 342.75310,107.05240 359.14410,122.73150 374.12410,131.00950 L 338.12410,383.00950 L 257.12410,149.00950 C 275.75910,134.13450 282.17310,119.64340 282.17310,98.976430 C 282.17310,77.833430 264.35910,42.199430 223.25910,42.199430 C 190.47610,42.199430 165.29410,70.944430 165.29410,99.926430 C 165.29410,134.84850 190.23910,153.37750 212.12410,158.01050 L 212.12410,392.01050 L 104.12410,185.01050 C 117.78210,170.95350 120.15710,154.06050 120.15710,145.06050 C 120.15710,114.41440 97.114060,85.807430 59.124060,86.010430 C 33.925060,86.146430 3.4010650,109.06240 3.0420650,145.06050 C 2.8040650,168.81650 20.858060,200.88650 59.124060,203.01050 C 59.124060,203.01050 113.12410,473.01050 113.12410,500.01050 C 113.12410,509.01150 113.12410,527.01050 131.12410,536.01050 C 167.12410,554.01150 185.12410,599.01050 185.12410,626.01050 C 185.12410,662.01150 158.12410,698.01150 158.12410,707.01150 C 158.12410,752.01050 320.12410,779.01150 401.12410,778.99150 C 473.12410,778.97350 644.12410,752.01050 644.12410,707.01050 C 644.12410,698.01050 617.12410,671.01050 617.12410,626.01050 L 617.12310,626.00950 z M 594.55210,537.12950 C 583.21810,553.12950 581.21810,558.46250 576.55210,575.12950 C 487.21810,553.79650 327.21810,547.79650 225.88510,575.79650 C 221.21710,557.79650 219.21710,550.46250 208.55110,537.12950 C 325.21710,508.46250 479.21710,506.46250 594.55110,537.12950 L 594.55210,537.12950 z M 570.55210,663.79650 C 555.88510,674.46250 551.21810,682.46250 542.55210,693.79650 C 434.55210,677.12950 363.88410,674.46250 255.21810,693.12950 C 246.55210,679.79650 241.88610,673.12950 229.21810,663.79650 C 341.88610,634.46250 457.88610,644.46250 570.55210,663.79650 L 570.55210,663.79650 z ", + "blackRook": "M 232.94440,519.29360 L 124.94440,627.29360 L 124.94440,762.29360 L 682.94440,762.29360 L 682.94440,627.29360 L 574.94440,519.29360 L 574.94440,303.29360 L 682.94440,231.29360 L 682.94440,51.293580 L 520.94440,51.293580 L 520.94440,123.29360 L 484.94440,123.29360 L 484.94440,51.293580 L 322.94440,51.293580 L 322.94440,123.29360 L 286.94440,123.29360 L 286.94440,51.293580 L 124.94440,51.293580 L 124.94440,231.29360 L 232.94440,303.29360 L 232.94440,519.29360 z M 268.94440,321.29360 L 268.94440,285.29360 L 538.94440,285.29360 L 538.94440,321.29360 L 268.94440,321.29360 z M 268.94440,537.29360 L 268.94440,501.29360 L 538.94440,501.29360 L 538.94440,537.29360 L 268.94440,537.29360 z ", + "blackBishop": "M 491.69440,453.44430 L 500.69440,482.69430 C 464.69440,455.69430 338.69440,455.69430 302.69440,482.69430 L 311.69440,453.44430 C 332.69440,432.44430 470.69440,432.44430 491.69440,453.44430 z M 509.69440,518.69430 L 518.69440,545.69430 C 470.69440,521.69430 332.69440,521.69430 284.69440,545.69430 L 293.69440,518.69430 C 338.69440,491.69430 464.69440,491.69430 509.69440,518.69430 z M 797.69440,653.69430 C 797.69440,653.69430 752.69440,635.69430 689.69440,626.69430 C 652.95940,621.44630 599.69440,635.69430 554.69440,626.69430 C 518.69440,617.69430 482.69440,599.69430 482.69440,599.69430 L 572.69440,554.69430 L 545.69440,473.69430 C 545.69440,473.69430 608.69440,446.69430 608.69440,365.69430 C 608.69440,302.69430 563.69440,230.69430 500.69440,194.69430 C 455.13040,168.65830 446.69440,149.69430 446.69440,149.69430 C 446.69440,149.69430 482.69440,131.69430 482.69440,86.694330 C 482.69440,50.694330 455.69440,5.6943260 401.69440,5.6943260 C 347.69440,5.6943260 320.69440,50.694330 320.69440,86.694330 C 320.69440,131.69430 356.69440,149.69430 356.69440,149.69430 C 356.69440,149.69430 348.25840,168.65830 302.69440,194.69430 C 239.69440,230.69430 194.69440,302.69430 194.69440,365.69430 C 194.69440,446.69430 257.69440,473.69430 257.69440,473.69430 L 230.69440,554.69430 L 320.69440,599.69430 C 320.69440,599.69430 284.69440,617.69430 248.69440,626.69430 C 204.17340,637.82430 146.99540,621.93730 113.69440,626.69430 C 50.694360,635.69430 5.6943640,653.69430 5.6943640,653.69430 L 50.694360,797.69430 C 113.69440,779.69430 122.69440,779.69430 176.69440,770.69430 C 209.78640,765.17930 291.51040,774.42230 329.69440,761.69430 C 383.69440,743.69430 401.69440,716.69430 401.69440,716.69430 C 401.69440,716.69430 419.69440,743.69430 473.69440,761.69430 C 511.87840,774.42230 598.40740,767.15830 626.69440,770.69430 C 681.01640,777.48430 752.69440,797.69430 752.69440,797.69430 L 797.69440,653.69430 L 797.69440,653.69430 z M 428.69440,392.69430 L 374.69440,392.69430 L 374.69440,356.69430 L 338.69440,356.69430 L 338.69440,302.69430 L 374.69440,302.69430 L 374.69440,266.69430 L 428.69440,266.69430 L 428.69440,302.69430 L 464.69440,302.69430 L 464.69440,356.69430 L 428.69440,356.69430 L 428.69440,392.69430 z ", + "blackKnight": "M 84.310370,730.48460 L 564.28850,729.48460 C 563.97550,600.58860 477.97550,556.58860 485.00550,477.74860 L 587.06050,552.58860 C 611.11150,581.44960 637.05150,594.72560 657.36750,594.91660 C 671.53450,595.04960 633.37050,547.08060 627.37050,536.08060 C 653.37050,535.08060 689.37050,585.08060 718.38750,574.11560 C 739.54850,566.12160 754.01750,540.22060 753.06850,502.24260 C 751.70850,447.81260 690.47450,367.52960 667.34250,266.83660 C 641.48850,160.69960 611.91250,147.09260 595.58450,141.64850 L 595.22350,64.085560 L 513.57950,123.95850 L 467.31450,43.675570 L 421.04950,138.92750 C 260.48350,91.300560 89.752370,428.40260 84.309370,730.48460 L 84.310370,730.48460 z M 125.87840,697.92560 C 125.87840,436.61260 289.76850,168.92760 381.72850,167.10560 C 399.37150,167.41260 415.37150,173.41260 415.32750,179.85360 C 415.24050,192.63260 399.02750,197.15260 379.90750,197.15260 C 307.97850,199.88460 158.65640,453.00260 156.83540,695.19560 C 156.83540,713.40460 127.70040,712.49460 125.87940,697.92560 L 125.87840,697.92560 z M 678.74350,471.34160 C 684.09050,477.57960 689.68150,486.16560 689.86350,492.19160 C 690.09450,499.83660 684.07150,505.86160 678.28050,503.54360 C 672.48850,501.22760 665.53850,488.25260 660.90550,485.70560 C 656.27250,483.15660 642.14050,481.30360 642.37250,474.81660 C 642.60450,468.32960 652.10250,462.53760 657.66250,462.76960 C 663.22250,463.00160 675.96450,468.09760 678.74450,471.34160 L 678.74350,471.34160 z M 520.98750,218.08460 C 534.62350,223.81160 559.71450,235.26460 577.44150,255.99260 C 594.62350,278.90060 595.98650,304.80860 596.53150,323.35560 C 566.80450,326.90060 541.87450,318.25160 529.44150,290.90060 C 521.25950,272.90060 520.98650,239.62960 520.98650,218.08460 L 520.98750,218.08460 z ", + "blackPawn": "M 688.02380,750.97630 L 688.02380,624.97630 C 688.02380,579.97630 661.62380,452.47630 553.02380,408.97630 C 598.02380,354.97630 607.02380,255.97630 517.02380,192.97630 C 544.02380,156.97630 517.02380,30.976220 409.02380,30.976220 C 301.02380,30.976220 274.02380,156.97630 301.02380,192.97630 C 211.02380,255.97630 220.02380,354.97630 265.02380,408.97630 C 157.02380,453.97630 130.02380,579.97630 130.02380,624.97630 L 130.02380,750.97630 L 688.02380,750.97630 z ", + "whiteKing": "M 648.50000,730.65870 L 666.50000,613.65870 C 720.50000,577.65870 792.50000,514.65870 792.50000,397.65870 C 792.50000,325.65870 729.50000,280.65870 657.50000,280.65870 C 585.50000,280.65870 504.50000,334.65870 504.50000,334.65870 C 504.50000,334.65870 549.50000,190.65870 423.50000,154.65870 L 423.50000,118.65870 L 477.50000,118.65870 L 477.50000,64.658690 L 423.50000,64.658690 L 423.50000,10.658690 L 369.50000,10.658690 L 369.50000,64.658690 L 315.50000,64.658690 L 315.50000,118.65870 L 369.50000,118.65870 L 369.50000,154.65870 C 243.50000,190.65870 288.50000,334.65870 288.50000,334.65870 C 288.50000,334.65870 207.50000,280.65870 135.50000,280.65870 C 63.500000,280.65870 0.50000000,325.65870 0.50000000,397.65870 C 0.50000000,514.65870 72.500000,577.65870 126.50000,613.65870 L 144.50000,730.65870 C 153.50000,757.65870 216.50000,793.65870 396.50000,793.65870 C 576.50000,793.65870 639.50000,757.65870 648.50000,730.65870 z M 396.50000,451.65870 C 396.50000,451.65870 333.50000,343.65870 333.50000,280.65870 C 333.50000,217.65870 369.50000,208.65870 396.50000,208.65870 C 423.50000,208.65870 459.50000,226.65870 459.50000,280.65870 C 459.50000,334.65870 396.50000,451.65870 396.50000,451.65870 z M 369.50000,541.65870 C 324.50000,541.65870 207.50000,550.65870 162.50000,568.65870 C 108.50000,541.65870 54.500000,496.65870 54.500000,406.65870 C 54.500000,352.65870 81.500000,334.65870 144.50000,334.65870 C 207.50000,334.65870 351.50000,397.65870 369.50000,541.65870 z M 423.50000,541.65870 C 441.50000,397.65870 585.50000,334.65870 657.50000,334.65870 C 711.50000,334.65870 738.50000,352.65870 738.50000,406.65870 C 738.50000,496.65870 684.50000,541.65870 630.50000,568.65870 C 585.50000,550.65870 468.50000,541.65870 423.50000,541.65870 z M 612.50000,613.65870 L 603.50000,685.65870 C 432.50000,658.65870 360.50000,658.65870 189.50000,685.65870 L 180.50000,613.65870 C 360.50000,586.65870 432.50000,586.65870 612.50000,613.65870 z M 549.50000,730.65870 C 468.50000,748.65870 441.50000,748.65870 396.50000,748.65870 C 351.50000,748.65870 324.50000,748.65870 243.50000,730.65870 C 324.50000,712.65870 342.50000,712.65870 396.50000,712.65870 C 450.50000,712.65870 468.50000,712.65870 549.50000,730.65870 z ", + "whiteQueen": "M 764.60380,143.65350 C 764.80680,155.66150 755.91880,166.72550 742.61880,166.56350 C 727.46980,166.37750 719.85480,154.92450 719.70980,144.57750 C 719.52480,131.46050 729.68780,121.66950 742.24980,121.66950 C 754.99780,121.66950 764.41980,132.75350 764.60380,143.65350 L 764.60380,143.65350 z M 619.66280,626.00950 C 619.66280,599.00950 630.31280,557.68550 673.66280,536.00950 C 691.66280,527.00950 691.66280,509.00950 691.66280,500.00950 C 691.66280,471.54950 745.66280,203.00950 745.66280,203.00950 C 782.16480,198.74750 799.50580,170.47750 799.50580,144.34650 C 799.50580,112.98950 774.80780,85.907570 741.06780,85.907570 C 713.27280,85.907570 683.10280,109.18750 682.39080,143.63450 C 682.20480,152.63250 683.57880,169.05250 699.96980,186.15650 L 592.66280,392.00950 L 592.66280,158.00950 C 621.57380,151.95050 639.39180,127.48250 639.39180,99.687540 C 639.39180,69.517570 613.26080,42.199570 580.47680,42.199570 C 546.98180,42.199570 521.81880,70.470570 522.27580,102.06350 C 522.51280,118.45550 530.11480,136.03450 547.66380,149.00950 L 466.66380,383.00950 L 430.66380,131.00950 C 455.28280,117.03050 462.40880,97.075540 462.40880,80.208570 C 462.40880,41.011570 431.28880,20.581570 403.73180,20.818570 C 373.79980,21.076570 345.29380,46.950570 345.29380,77.120570 C 345.29380,107.05250 361.68480,122.73150 376.66380,131.00950 L 340.66380,383.00950 L 259.66380,149.00950 C 278.29980,134.13450 284.71380,119.64350 284.71380,98.976540 C 284.71380,77.833570 266.89880,42.199570 225.79980,42.199570 C 193.01680,42.199570 167.83480,70.944570 167.83480,99.926540 C 167.83480,134.84850 192.77880,153.37750 214.66380,158.01050 L 214.66380,392.01050 L 106.66380,185.01050 C 120.32180,170.95350 122.69780,154.06050 122.69780,145.06050 C 122.69780,114.41450 99.654770,85.807570 61.663770,86.010570 C 36.464770,86.146570 5.9407760,109.06250 5.5817760,145.06050 C 5.3447760,168.81650 23.398770,200.88650 61.663770,203.01050 C 61.663770,203.01050 115.66380,473.01050 115.66380,500.01050 C 115.66380,509.01150 115.66380,527.01050 133.66380,536.01050 C 169.66380,554.01150 187.66380,599.01050 187.66380,626.01050 C 187.66380,662.01150 160.66380,698.01150 160.66380,707.01150 C 160.66380,752.01050 322.66380,779.01150 403.66380,778.99150 C 475.66380,778.97350 646.66380,752.01050 646.66380,707.01050 C 646.66380,698.01050 619.66380,671.01050 619.66380,626.01050 L 619.66280,626.00950 z M 87.606770,144.04950 C 87.809770,156.05650 78.921770,167.12050 65.621770,166.95850 C 50.472770,166.77350 42.857770,155.31950 42.712770,144.97350 C 42.527770,131.85650 52.690770,122.06450 65.252770,122.06450 C 78.000770,122.06450 87.422770,133.14950 87.606770,144.04950 z M 603.61080,99.656540 C 603.81380,111.66350 594.92580,122.72750 581.62580,122.56550 C 566.47680,122.38050 558.86180,110.92650 558.71680,100.58050 C 558.53180,87.463540 568.69480,77.671570 581.25680,77.671570 C 594.00480,77.671570 603.42680,88.756540 603.61080,99.656540 L 603.61080,99.656540 z M 426.61880,78.157570 C 426.82180,90.165540 417.93380,101.22950 404.63380,101.06750 C 389.48480,100.88150 381.86980,89.428540 381.72480,79.081570 C 381.53980,65.964570 391.70280,56.173570 404.26480,56.173570 C 417.01280,56.173570 426.43480,67.257570 426.61880,78.157570 z M 249.12780,100.65650 C 249.33080,112.66350 240.44280,123.72750 227.14280,123.56550 C 211.99380,123.38050 204.37880,111.92650 204.23380,101.58050 C 204.04880,88.463540 214.21180,78.671570 226.77380,78.671570 C 239.52180,78.671570 248.94380,89.756540 249.12780,100.65650 z M 578.63980,575.93450 C 569.63980,591.93450 563.63980,630.93450 573.63980,663.93450 C 467.97280,643.60050 338.63980,637.93450 231.63980,663.93450 C 238.63980,638.93450 240.63980,613.93450 227.63980,575.93450 C 320.63980,544.93450 515.63980,553.93450 578.63980,575.93450 L 578.63980,575.93450 z M 537.63980,707.93450 C 489.97280,725.93450 429.97280,726.26850 399.97280,726.26850 C 369.97280,726.26850 308.97280,723.93450 264.63980,708.93450 C 317.63980,697.93450 362.30680,695.60050 397.30680,695.60050 C 432.30680,695.60050 497.97280,700.26850 537.63980,707.93450 z M 210.32980,536.94050 C 210.32980,536.94050 205.66280,530.27350 200.99580,524.94050 C 210.32980,522.27350 232.99580,509.60650 244.32980,494.94050 C 291.66280,508.94050 316.32980,498.94050 350.99580,476.27350 C 384.32980,494.94050 417.66280,494.27350 458.99580,474.94050 C 486.32980,498.27350 515.66280,504.27350 559.66280,495.60650 C 576.32980,512.94050 586.99580,518.94050 604.32980,525.60650 L 596.32980,536.94050 C 454.32980,506.94050 358.99580,506.27350 210.32980,536.94050 L 210.32980,536.94050 z M 691.30580,290.55250 L 654.25080,486.80250 C 626.80380,493.20650 606.21880,481.76950 593.40980,465.30150 L 691.30580,290.55250 z M 553.20180,247.31050 L 550.98680,445.24750 C 523.09080,454.98950 508.03480,450.56150 487.66580,434.17750 L 553.20180,247.31050 z M 401.76580,233.14150 L 433.64780,429.30650 C 416.82180,441.26250 388.48180,443.47650 369.44080,428.74850 L 401.76580,233.14150 z M 252.98380,254.39550 L 318.96280,441.26250 C 304.35080,457.64650 279.55280,464.28750 255.64180,452.77550 L 252.98480,254.39550 L 252.98380,254.39550 z M 116.63980,294.93450 L 212.13980,463.43450 C 201.63980,481.43450 175.13980,492.43450 151.13980,485.43450 L 116.63980,294.93450 z ", + "whiteRook": "M 227.86510,504.05560 L 119.86510,612.05560 L 119.86510,747.05560 L 677.86510,747.05560 L 677.86510,612.05560 L 569.86510,504.05560 L 569.86510,288.05560 L 677.86510,216.05560 L 677.86510,36.055570 L 515.86510,36.055570 L 515.86510,108.05560 L 479.86510,108.05560 L 479.86510,36.055570 L 317.86510,36.055570 L 317.86510,108.05560 L 281.86510,108.05560 L 281.86510,36.055570 L 119.86510,36.055570 L 119.86510,216.05560 L 227.86510,288.05560 L 227.86510,504.05560 z M 623.86510,90.055570 L 623.86510,180.05560 L 515.86510,252.05560 L 281.86510,252.05560 L 173.86510,180.05560 L 173.86510,90.055570 L 227.86510,90.055570 L 227.86510,162.05560 L 371.86510,162.05560 L 371.86510,90.055570 L 425.86510,90.055570 L 425.86510,162.05560 L 569.86510,162.05560 L 569.86510,90.055570 L 623.86510,90.055570 z M 515.86510,315.05560 L 515.86510,468.05560 L 281.86510,468.05560 L 281.86510,315.05560 L 515.86510,315.05560 z M 623.86510,657.05560 L 623.86510,693.05560 L 173.86510,693.05560 L 173.86510,657.05560 L 623.86510,657.05560 z M 515.86510,531.05560 L 596.86510,603.05560 L 200.86510,603.05560 L 281.86510,531.05560 L 515.86510,531.05560 z ", + "whiteBishop": "M 404.23410,59.693330 C 422.23410,59.693330 431.23410,68.693330 431.23410,86.693330 C 431.23410,104.69330 422.23410,113.69330 404.23410,113.69330 C 386.23410,113.69330 377.23410,104.69330 377.23410,86.693330 C 377.23410,68.693330 386.23410,59.693330 404.23410,59.693330 z M 404.23410,167.69330 C 440.23410,221.69330 458.23410,221.69330 503.23410,257.69330 C 548.23410,293.69330 557.23410,338.69330 557.23410,374.69430 C 557.23410,410.69330 536.23410,432.29530 512.23410,446.69430 C 512.23410,446.69430 476.23410,428.69430 404.23410,428.69430 C 332.23410,428.69430 296.23410,446.69430 296.23410,446.69430 C 296.23410,446.69430 251.23410,410.69330 251.23410,374.69430 C 251.23410,338.69330 260.23410,293.69330 305.23410,257.69330 C 350.23410,221.69330 368.23410,221.69330 404.23410,167.69330 z M 503.23410,482.69430 L 512.23410,509.69430 C 467.23410,491.69430 341.23410,491.69430 296.23410,509.69430 L 305.23410,482.69430 C 341.23410,464.69430 467.23410,464.69430 503.23410,482.69430 z M 404.23410,536.69430 C 440.23410,536.69530 494.23410,545.69430 494.23410,545.69430 C 494.23410,545.69430 440.23410,554.69430 404.23410,554.69430 C 368.23410,554.69430 314.23410,545.69530 314.23410,545.69530 C 314.23410,545.69530 368.23410,536.69330 404.23410,536.69430 z M 440.23410,635.69430 C 494.23410,671.69430 503.59610,666.60330 539.23410,671.69430 C 602.23410,680.69430 628.16110,676.01530 656.23410,680.69430 C 710.23410,689.69430 737.23410,698.69430 737.23410,698.69430 L 719.23410,743.69430 C 719.23410,743.69430 710.66410,732.18430 665.23410,725.69430 C 602.23410,716.69430 548.23410,716.69430 503.23410,707.69430 C 458.23410,698.69430 422.23410,680.69430 404.23410,662.69430 C 386.84810,680.08030 350.23410,698.69430 305.23410,707.69430 C 260.23410,716.69430 207.48310,712.84430 143.23410,725.69430 C 98.234040,734.69430 89.234040,743.69430 89.234040,743.69430 L 71.234040,698.69430 C 71.234040,698.69430 98.234040,689.69430 152.23410,680.69430 C 176.77810,676.60330 206.23410,680.69430 269.23410,671.69430 C 305.96910,666.44630 314.23410,671.69430 368.23410,635.69430 L 440.23410,635.69430 z M 431.23410,266.69430 L 377.23410,266.69430 L 377.23410,302.69430 L 341.23410,302.69430 L 341.23410,356.69430 L 377.23410,356.69430 L 377.23410,392.69430 L 431.23410,392.69430 L 431.23410,356.69430 L 467.23410,356.69430 L 467.23410,302.69430 L 431.23410,302.69430 L 431.23410,266.69430 z M 800.23410,653.69430 C 800.23410,653.69430 755.23410,635.69430 692.23410,626.69430 C 655.49910,621.44630 602.23410,635.69430 557.23410,626.69430 C 521.23410,617.69430 485.23410,599.69430 485.23410,599.69430 L 575.23410,554.69430 L 548.23410,473.69430 C 548.23410,473.69430 611.23410,446.69430 611.23410,365.69430 C 611.23410,302.69430 566.23410,230.69430 503.23410,194.69430 C 457.67010,168.65830 449.23410,149.69430 449.23410,149.69430 C 449.23410,149.69430 485.23410,131.69430 485.23410,86.694330 C 485.23410,50.694330 458.23410,5.6943260 404.23410,5.6943260 C 350.23410,5.6943260 323.23410,50.694330 323.23410,86.694330 C 323.23410,131.69430 359.23410,149.69430 359.23410,149.69430 C 359.23410,149.69430 350.79810,168.65830 305.23410,194.69430 C 242.23410,230.69430 197.23410,302.69430 197.23410,365.69430 C 197.23410,446.69430 260.23410,473.69430 260.23410,473.69430 L 233.23410,554.69430 L 323.23410,599.69430 C 323.23410,599.69430 287.23410,617.69430 251.23410,626.69430 C 206.71310,637.82430 149.53510,621.93730 116.23410,626.69430 C 53.234040,635.69430 8.2340370,653.69430 8.2340370,653.69430 L 53.234040,797.69430 C 116.23410,779.69430 125.23410,779.69430 179.23410,770.69430 C 212.32610,765.17930 294.05010,774.42230 332.23410,761.69430 C 386.23410,743.69430 404.23410,716.69430 404.23410,716.69430 C 404.23410,716.69430 422.23410,743.69430 476.23410,761.69430 C 514.41810,774.42230 600.94710,767.15830 629.23410,770.69430 C 683.55610,777.48430 755.23410,797.69430 755.23410,797.69430 L 800.23410,653.69430 L 800.23410,653.69430 z ", + "whiteKnight": "M 76.688770,727.94590 L 556.66680,726.94590 C 556.35380,598.04990 470.35380,554.04990 477.38380,475.20990 L 579.43880,550.04990 C 620.25980,599.03590 666.52580,603.11790 681.49380,574.54390 C 715.51280,581.34690 746.80780,554.13390 745.44780,499.70390 C 744.08780,445.27390 682.85280,364.99090 659.72080,264.29690 C 633.86680,158.15990 604.29080,144.55290 587.96280,139.10890 L 587.60180,61.545870 L 505.95780,121.41890 L 459.69280,41.135870 L 413.42780,136.38790 C 252.86280,88.761870 82.131770,425.86390 76.688770,727.94590 z M 505.95780,677.95990 L 126.31380,677.95990 C 205.68580,187.71690 362.68580,154.71690 437.92180,193.53890 L 462.41480,144.55290 L 481.46480,178.57090 L 567.19080,198.98090 L 576.71580,189.45790 C 597.12680,205.78590 608.14980,284.03590 634.35280,350.71790 C 662.29280,421.82190 697.90980,477.31990 697.82080,496.98190 C 697.68580,526.71790 689.01880,532.71790 671.96680,525.55790 C 663.68580,512.04990 655.01880,500.71790 639.30980,499.70390 C 632.35280,500.04990 621.14380,503.00890 631.68580,509.71790 C 646.35280,519.04990 642.75180,540.16490 642.75180,540.16490 C 616.01880,518.71790 515.25280,437.01890 459.69280,401.73090 C 442.35180,390.71690 426.68480,380.71690 414.68480,350.21690 C 390.82180,377.37090 416.35180,430.71690 431.68480,444.04890 C 408.35180,536.04890 484.35180,618.71690 505.95680,677.95890 L 505.95780,677.95990 z M 682.04780,490.00990 C 682.04780,485.18590 675.98380,472.91790 669.91880,467.95690 C 663.85480,462.99390 654.48180,460.23590 648.96880,460.37490 C 643.45580,460.51390 634.49680,465.74990 634.90980,472.36690 C 635.32280,478.98190 647.17680,480.77490 651.86280,482.56590 C 656.54880,484.35690 662.88880,496.62590 669.50480,500.75990 C 676.12080,504.89390 682.04780,496.67790 682.04780,490.00990 L 682.04780,490.00990 z M 588.45680,320.97290 C 588.11380,280.48690 578.16380,263.67390 566.49780,249.26390 C 554.83180,234.85190 512.97280,215.29490 512.97280,215.29490 C 512.97280,215.29490 508.16880,266.41790 525.66780,296.26990 C 543.16680,326.11990 570.61480,321.31690 588.45680,320.97290 L 588.45680,320.97290 z ", + "whitePawn": "M 688.02380,753.51590 L 688.02380,627.51590 C 688.02380,582.51590 661.62380,455.01590 553.02380,411.51590 C 598.02380,357.51590 607.02380,258.51590 517.02380,195.51590 C 544.02380,159.51590 517.02380,33.515900 409.02380,33.515900 C 301.02380,33.515900 274.02380,159.51590 301.02380,195.51590 C 211.02380,258.51590 220.02380,357.51590 265.02380,411.51590 C 157.02380,456.51590 130.02380,582.51590 130.02380,627.51590 L 130.02380,753.51590 L 688.02380,753.51590 z M 409.02380,87.515900 C 490.02380,87.515900 490.02380,177.51590 454.02380,213.51590 C 562.02380,258.51590 535.02380,375.51590 481.02380,429.51590 C 571.02380,456.51590 634.02380,546.51590 634.02380,609.51590 L 634.02380,699.51590 L 184.02380,699.51590 L 184.02380,609.51590 C 184.02380,546.51590 247.02380,456.51590 337.02380,429.51590 C 283.02380,375.51590 256.02380,258.51590 364.02380,213.51590 C 328.02380,177.51590 328.02380,87.515900 409.02380,87.515900 z "} + +parsedPieces = {} +for k, pi in pieces.iteritems(): + list = [] + for g1, g2 in elemExpr.findall(pi): + if not g1 or not g2: continue + list += [(g1.lower(), [float(s) for s in spaceExpr.split(g2)])] + parsedPieces[k] = list diff --git a/src/lib/scene/ b/src/lib/scene/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e2506f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/ @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import glchess.scene + +class SceneHumanInput: + """ + """ + # Flag to control if human input is enabled + __inputEnabled = True + + # The selected square to move from + __startSquare = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for a scene with human selectable components""" + pass + + # Methods to extend + + def onRedraw(self): + """This method is called when the scene needs redrawing""" + pass + + def playerIsHuman(self): + """Check if the current player is a human. + + Return True the current player is human else False. + """ + return False + + def getSquare(self, x, y): + """Find the chess square at a given 2D location. + + 'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select. + 'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select. + + Return the co-ordinate as a tuple in the form (file,rank) or None if + no square at this point. + """ + pass + + def squareIsFriendly(self, coord): + """Check if a given square contains a friendly piece. + + Return True if this square contains a friendly piece. + """ + return False + + def canMove(self, start, end): + """Check if a move is valid. + + 'start' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + """ + return False + + def moveHuman(self, start, end): + """Called when a human player moves. + + 'start' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + 'end' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). + """ + pass + + def setBoardHighlight(self, coords): + """Called when a human player changes the highlighted squares. + + 'coords' is a list or tuple of co-ordinates to highlight. + The co-ordinates are in LAN format (string). + If None the highlight should be cleared. + """ + pass + + # Public methods + + def enableHumanInput(self, inputEnabled): + """Enable/disable human input. + + 'inputEnabled' is a flag to show if human input is enabled (True) or disabled (False). + """ + if inputEnabled is False: + self.__startSquare = None + self.setBoardHighlight(None) + self.__inputEnabled = inputEnabled + + def select(self, x, y): + """ + """ + if self.__inputEnabled is False: + return + + # Only bother if the current player is human + if self.playerIsHuman() is False: + return + + # Get the selected square + coord = self.getSquare(x, y) + if coord is None: + return + + # If this is a friendly piece then select it + if self.squareIsFriendly(coord): + self.__startSquare = coord + + # Highlight the squares that can be moved to + highlights = {} + for file in '12345678': + for rank in 'abcdefgh': + if self.canMove(coord, rank + file): + highlights[rank + file] = glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE + highlights[coord] = glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED + self.setBoardHighlight(highlights) + + else: + # If we have already selected a start move try + # and move to this square + if self.__startSquare is not None: + self.__move(self.__startSquare, coord) + + # Redraw the scene + self.onRedraw() + + return coord + + def deselect(self, x, y): + """ + """ + if self.__inputEnabled is False: + return + + # Only bother if the current player is human + if self.playerIsHuman() is False: + return + + # Get the selected square + coord = self.getSquare(x, y) + if coord is None: + return + + # Attempt to move here + if self.__startSquare is not None and self.__startSquare != coord: + self.__move(self.__startSquare, coord) + + # Redraw the scene + self.onRedraw() + + return coord + + # Private methods + + def __move(self, start, end): + """Attempt to make a move. + + ... + """ + if self.canMove(start, end) is False: + return + self.__selectedSquare = None + self.setBoardHighlight(None) + self.moveHuman(start, end) diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..380ef4b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/scene/opengl +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4608e24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +try: + import OpenGL.GL +except ImportError: + import glchess.scene + + class Piece(glchess.scene.ChessPiece): + pass + + class Scene(glchess.scene.Scene): + + def __init__(self): + pass + + def addChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, coord): + return Piece() +else: + from opengl import * diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86ec607 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +import math +from OpenGL.GL import * + +import glchess.scene +import texture + +from glchess.defaults import * + +# HACK +import os.path + +WHITE_BASE = (0.95, 0.81, 0.64) +WHITE_AMBIENT = (0.4*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.4*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.4*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_DIFFUSE = (0.7*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_SPECULAR = (1.0*WHITE_BASE[0], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[1], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_SHININESS = 64.0 + +BLACK_BASE = (0.62, 0.45, 0.28) +BLACK_AMBIENT = (0.4*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.4*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.4*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_DIFFUSE = (0.7*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_SPECULAR = (1.0*BLACK_BASE[0], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[1], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_SHININESS = 64.0 + +class BuiltinSet(glchess.scene.ChessSet): + """ + """ + # The models + __pawn = None + __rook = None + __knight = None + __bishop = None + __queen = None + __king = None + + # A dictionary of models indexed by name + __modelsByName = None + + # The rotation in degrees of pieces in the set (i.e. 0.0 for white and 180.0 for black) + __rotation = 0.0 + + __stateColours = None + __defaultState = None + + # The display lists for each model + __displayLists = None + + # The model texture + __texture = None + + def __init__(self, textureFileName, ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess): + self.__pawn = Pawn() + self.__rook = Rook() + self.__knight = Knight() + self.__bishop = Bishop() + self.__queen = Queen() + self.__king = King() + self.__modelsByName = {'pawn': self.__pawn, + 'rook': self.__rook, + 'knight': self.__knight, + 'bishop': self.__bishop, + 'queen': self.__queen, + 'king': self.__king} + self.__displayLists = {} + self.__stateColours = {} + self.__texture = texture.Texture(textureFileName, ambient = ambient, diffuse = diffuse, + specular = specular, shininess = shininess) + + def setRotation(self, theta): + """ + """ + self.__rotation = theta + + def addState(self, name, colour, default = False): + """ + """ + self.__stateColours[name] = colour + if default is True: + self.__defaultState = colour + + def drawPiece(self, pieceName, state, context): + """Draw a piece. + + 'pieceName' is the piece name (string). + 'state' is the piece state (string). + 'context' is a reference to the openGL context being used (user-defined). + + If a context is provided then the models are rendered using display lists. + """ + glRotatef(self.__rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + + # Draw as white if textured + if glGetBoolean(GL_TEXTURE_2D): + glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + else: + try: + colour = self.__stateColours[state] + except KeyError: + colour = self.__defaultState + glColor3fv(colour) + + self.__texture.bind() + + # Render to a display list for optimisation + # TODO: This lists should be able to be shared between colours and games + try: + list = self.__displayLists[pieceName] + except KeyError: + # Get model to render + piece = self.__modelsByName[pieceName] + + # Attempt to make an optimised list, if none available just render normally + list = self.__displayLists[pieceName] = glGenLists(1) + if list == 0: + piece.draw() + return + + # Draw the model + glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE) + piece.draw() + glEndList() + + # Draw pre-rendered model + glCallList(list) + +class WhiteBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'piece.png'), WHITE_AMBIENT, WHITE_DIFFUSE, WHITE_SPECULAR, WHITE_SHININESS) + self.setRotation(180.0) + self.addState('unselected', (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), default = True) + +class BlackBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'piece.png'), BLACK_AMBIENT, BLACK_DIFFUSE, BLACK_SPECULAR, BLACK_SHININESS) + self.addState('unselected', (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), default = True) + +class SimpleModel: + """ + """ + + pos = None + + def start(self): + pass + + def revolve(self, coords, divisions = 16, scale = 1.0, maxHeight = None): + """ + """ + # Get the number of points + + # If less than two points, can not revolve + if len(coords) < 2: + raise TypeError() # FIXME + + # If the max_height hasn't been defined, find it + if maxHeight is None: + maxHeight = 0.0 + for coord in coords: + if maxHeight < coord[1]: + maxHeight = coord[1] + + # Draw the revolution + sin_ptheta = 0.0 + cos_ptheta = 1.0 + norm_ptheta = 0.0 + for division in range(1, divisions+1): + theta = 2.0 * (float(division) * math.pi) / float(divisions) + sin_theta = math.sin(theta) + cos_theta = math.cos(theta) + norm_theta = theta / (2.0 * math.pi) + coord = coords[0] + pradius = coord[0] * scale + pheight = coord[1] * scale + + for coord in coords[1:]: + radius = coord[0] * scale + height = coord[1] * scale + + # Get the normalized lengths of the normal vector + dradius = radius - pradius + dheight = height - pheight + length = math.sqrt(dradius * dradius + dheight * dheight) + dradius /= length + dheight /= length + + normal = (dheight, -dradius) + + # Rotate the normal + n0 = (normal[0] * sin_ptheta, normal[1], normal[0] * cos_ptheta) + n1 = (normal[0] * sin_theta, normal[1], normal[0] * cos_theta) + + # + # | | + # | | _ height1 + # | \ + # | \ + # | \ _ height0 + # | | + # + # | | + # 0 r1 r0 + + # + # d +----------+ c - upper point + # | | + # | | + # | | + # | | + # a +----------+ b - lower point + # + # | | + # smaller larger + # angle angle + a = (pradius * sin_ptheta, pheight, pradius * cos_ptheta) + b = (pradius * sin_theta, pheight, pradius * cos_theta) + c = (radius * sin_theta, height, radius * cos_theta) + d = (radius * sin_ptheta, height, radius * cos_ptheta) + + # Texture co-ordinates (conical transformation) + ta = self.__getTextureCoord(a, maxHeight) + tb = self.__getTextureCoord(b, maxHeight) + tc = self.__getTextureCoord(c, maxHeight) + td = self.__getTextureCoord(d, maxHeight) + + # If only triangles required + if c == d: + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) + + glNormal3fv(n0) + glTexCoord2fv(ta) + glVertex3fv(a) + + glNormal3fv(n1) + glTexCoord2fv(tb) + glVertex3fv(b) + + # FIXME: should have an average normal + glTexCoord2fv(tc) + glVertex3fv(c) + + glEnd() + + if a == b: + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) + + glNormal3fv(n0) + glTexCoord2fv(ta) + glVertex3fv(a) + + glNormal3fv(n1) + glTexCoord2fv(tc) + glVertex3fv(c) + + # FIXME: should have an average normal + glVertex3fv(td) + glVertex3fv(d) + + glEnd() + + else: + # quads required + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + + glNormal3fv(n0) + glTexCoord2fv(ta) + glVertex3fv(a) + + glNormal3fv(n1) + glTexCoord2fv(tb) + glVertex3fv(b) + + glNormal3fv(n1) + glTexCoord2fv(tc) + glVertex3fv(c) + + glNormal3fv(n0) + glTexCoord2fv(td) + glVertex3fv(d) + + glEnd() + + pradius = radius + pheight = height + + sin_ptheta = sin_theta + cos_ptheta = cos_theta + norm_ptheta = norm_theta + + def __getTextureCoord(self, vertex, maxHeight): + """ + """ + # FIXME: Change to a hemispherical projection so the top is not so flat + + # Conical transformation, get u and v based on vertex angle + u = vertex[0] + v = vertex[2] + + # Normalise + length = math.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) + if length != 0.0: + u /= length + v /= length + + # Maximum height is in the middle of the texture, minimum on the boundary + h = 1.0 - (vertex[1] / maxHeight) + return (0.5 + 0.5 * h * u, 0.5 + 0.5 * h * v) + + def __drawVertex(self, vertex, maxHeight): + glTexCoord2fv(self.__getTextureCoord(vertex, maxHeight)) + glVertex3fv(vertex) + + def drawTriangles(self, triangles, verticies, normals, maxHeight): + """ + """ + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) + for t in triangles: + glNormal3fv(normals[t[0]]) + v = t[1] + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[0]], maxHeight) + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[1]], maxHeight) + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[2]], maxHeight) + glEnd() + + def drawQuads(self, quads, verticies, normals, maxHeight): + """ + """ + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + for t in quads: + glNormal3fv(normals[t[0]]) + v = t[1] + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[0]], maxHeight) + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[1]], maxHeight) + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[2]], maxHeight) + self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[3]], maxHeight) + glEnd() + + def end(self): + pass + + def draw(self): + """ + """ + pass + +class Pawn(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + __revolveCoords = [(3.5, 0.0), (3.5, 2.0), (2.5, 3.0), (2.5, 4.0), (1.5, 6.0), (1.0, 8.8), + (1.8, 8.8), (1.0, 9.2), (2.0, 11.6), (1.0, 13.4), (0.0, 13.4)] + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + pass + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords) + +class Rook(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + __revolveCoords = [(3.8, 0.0), (3.8, 2.0), (2.6, 5.0), (2.0, 10.2), (2.8, 10.2), (2.8, 13.6), (2.2, 13.6), (2.2, 13.0), (0.0, 13.0)] + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + pass + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords) + +class Knight(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + __maxHeight = 0.0 + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + __revolveCoords = [(4.1, 0.0), (4.1, 2.0), (2.0, 3.6), (2.0, 4.8), (2.6, 5.8)] + + # The other polygons + __verticies = [(2.6, 5.8, 2.6), (-2.6, 5.8, 2.6), (-2.6, 5.8, -0.8), (2.6, 5.8, -0.8), + (0.8, 16.2, 4.0), (1.0, 16.8, 3.4), (-1.0, 16.8, 3.4), (-0.80, 16.2, 4.0), + (1.0, 16.8, 3.0), (-1.0, 16.8, 3.0), (0.5, 16.8, 1.6), (-0.5, 16.8, 1.6), + (1.0, 16.8, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.8, 0.20), (1.0, 16.8, -0.20), (-1.0, 16.8, -0.20), + (0.4, 16.8, -1.1), (-0.4, 16.8, -1.1), (1.0, 16.8, -2.0), (-1.0, 16.8, -2.0), + (1.0, 16.8, -4.4), (-1.0, 16.8, -4.4), (1.0, 15.0, -4.4), (-1.0, 15.0, -4.4), + (0.55, 14.8, -2.8), (-0.55, 14.8, -2.8), (-1.0, 14.0, 1.3), (-1.2, 13.8, 2.4), + (-0.8, 16.8, 0.20), (-1.2, 13.8, 0.20), (-0.82666667, 16.6, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.6, -0.38), + (-0.88, 16.2, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.2, -0.74), (-1.2, 13.6, -0.20), (-1.0, 15.8, -1.1), + (-0.6, 14.0, -1.4), (1.2, 13.8, 2.4), (1.0, 14.0, 1.3), (1.2, 13.8, 0.20), + (0.8, 16.8, 0.20), (0.82666667, 16.6, 0.20), (1.0, 16.6, -0.38), (1.2, 13.6, -0.20), + (1.0, 16.2, -0.74), (0.88, 16.2, 0.20), (0.6, 14.0, -1.4), (1.0, 15.8, -1.1), + (0.8, 16.4, -0.56), (0.61333334, 16.4, 0.20), (-0.61333334, 16.4, 0.20), (-0.8, 16.4, -0.56), + (0.35, 17.8, -0.8), (0.35, 17.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 17.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 17.8, -0.8), + (0.35, 16.8, -0.8), (0.35, 16.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 16.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 16.8, -0.8), + (0.0, 15.0, -3.6), (0.0, 7.8, -4.0), (-0.5, 13.8, 0.4), (-2.0, 8.8, 4.0), + (2.0, 8.8, 4.0), (0.5, 13.8, 0.4), (-1.4, 12.2, -0.4), (-1.1422222222, 12.2, -2.2222222222), + (1.4, 12.2, -0.4), (1.1422222222, 12.2, -2.2222222222), (1.44, 5.8, -2.6), (-1.44, 5.8, -2.6), + (0.0, 14.0, 4.0), (-0.45, 13.8, -0.20), (0.45, 13.8, -0.20)] + __normals = [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.707107, 0.707107), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), + (-0.933878, 0.128964, -0.333528), (-0.966676, 0.150427, 0.207145), (-0.934057, 0.124541, -0.334704), (-0.970801, -0.191698, -0.144213), + (-0.97561, 0.219512, 0.0), (0.933878, 0.128964, -0.333528), (0.966676, 0.150427, 0.207145), (0.934057, 0.124541, -0.334704), + (0.970801, -0.191698, -0.144213), (0.97561, -0.219512, 0.0), (0.598246, 0.797665, 0.076372), (0.670088, -0.714758, 0.200256), + (-0.598246, 0.797665, 0.076372), (-0.670088, -0.714758, 0.200256), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), + (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -0.853282, 0.52145), (0.0, -0.98387, -0.178885), (-0.788443, 0.043237, -0.613587), + (0.788443, 0.043237, -0.613587), (0.0, 0.584305, 0.811534), (0.0, -0.422886, 0.906183), (-0.969286, 0.231975, -0.081681), + (-0.982872, 0.184289, 0.0), (0.969286, 0.231975, -0.081681), (0.982872, 0.184289, 0.0), (0.81989, -0.220458, -0.528373), + (0.0, -0.573462, -0.819232), (-0.819890, -0.220459, -0.528373), (-0.752714, -0.273714, 0.59875), (-0.957338, 0.031911, 0.287202), + (-0.997785, 0.066519, 0.0), (0.752714, -0.273714, 0.59875), (0.957338, 0.031911, 0.287202), (0.997785, 0.066519, 0.0), + (0.0, -0.992278, 0.124035), (-0.854714, 0.484047, 0.187514), (-0.853747, 0.515805, -0.0711460), (0.854714, 0.484047, 0.187514), + (0.853747, 0.515805, -0.0711460), (0.252982, -0.948683, -0.189737), (0.257603, -0.966012, 0.021467), (0.126745, -0.887214, 0.443607), + (-0.252982, -0.948683, -0.189737), (-0.257603, -0.966012, 0.021467), (-0.126745, -0.887214, 0.443607), (0.000003, -0.668965, 0.743294), + (-0.000003, -0.668965, 0.743294), (-0.997484, 0.070735, 0.004796), (-0.744437, 0.446663, -0.496292), (0.997484, 0.070735, 0.004796), + (0.744437, 0.446663, -0.496292)] + __triangles = ((31, (3, 70, 61)), (32, (70, 71, 61)), (33, (2, 61, 71)), (20, (72, 4, 7)), + (34, (72, 7, 27)), (35, (27, 7, 6)), (36, (27, 6, 9)), (37, (72, 37, 4)), + (38, (37, 5, 4)), (39, (37, 8, 5)), (40, (72, 27, 37)), (41, (36, 66, 73)), + (42, (73, 66, 62)), (43, (46, 74, 68)), (44, (74, 65, 68)), (45, (46, 43, 74)), + (46, (65, 74, 43)), (47, (65, 43, 39)), (48, (36, 73, 34)), (49, (62, 34, 73)), + (50, (62, 29, 34)), (3, (45, 49, 41)), (51, (44, 42, 48)), (3, (32, 30, 50)), + (52, (33, 51, 31)), (53, (17, 19, 35)), (54, (15, 17, 35)), (55, (16, 47, 18)), + (56, (14, 47, 16))) + __quads = ((0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), (1, (4, 5, 6, 7)), (2, (5, 8, 9, 6)), (2, (8, 10, 11, 9)), + (2, (10, 12, 13, 11)), (2, (12, 14, 15, 13)), (2, (14, 16, 17, 15)), (2, (16, 18, 19, 17)), + (2, (18, 20, 21, 19)), (3, (21, 20, 22, 23)), (3, (23, 22, 24, 25)), (4, (9, 11, 26, 27)), + (5, (11, 28, 29, 26)), (6, (30, 28, 15, 31)), (6, (29, 32, 33, 34)), (6, (34, 33, 35, 36)), + (7, (19, 25, 36, 35)), (8, (19, 21, 23, 25)), (9, (8, 37, 38, 10)), (10, (10, 38, 39, 40)), + (11, (41, 42, 14, 40)), (11, (39, 43, 44, 45)), (11, (43, 46, 47, 44)), (12, (18, 47, 46, 24)), + (13, (18, 24, 22, 20)), (14, (45, 44, 48, 49)), (15, (49, 48, 42, 41)), (16, (32, 50, 51, 33)), + (17, (50, 30, 31, 51)), (2, (52, 53, 54, 55)), (18, (52, 56, 57, 53)), (19, (55, 54, 58, 59)), + (20, (52, 55, 59, 56)), (3, (53, 57, 58, 54)), (21, (26, 29, 39, 38)), (22, (26, 38, 37, 27)), + (23, (2, 25, 60, 61)), (24, (3, 61, 60, 24)), (25, (62, 63, 64, 65)), (26, (63, 1, 0, 64)), + (27, (62, 66, 1, 63)), (28, (66, 67, 2, 1)), (28, (25, 67, 66, 36)), (29, (65, 64, 0, 68)), + (30, (68, 0, 3, 69)), (30, (24, 46, 68, 69))) + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + self.__maxHeight = 0.0 + for v in self.__verticies: + if v[1] > self.__maxHeight: + self.__maxHeight = v[1] + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords, maxHeight = self.__maxHeight) + self.drawTriangles(self.__triangles, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight) + self.drawQuads(self.__quads, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight) + +class Bishop(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + + __revolveCoords = [(4.0, 0.0), (4.0, 2.0), (2.5, 3.0), (2.5, 4.0), (1.5, 7.0), (1.2, 9.4), (2.5, 9.4), (1.7, 11.0), + (1.7, 12.2), (2.2, 13.2), (2.2, 14.8), (1.0, 16.0), (0.8, 17.0), (1.2, 17.7), (0.8, 18.4), (0.0, 18.4)] + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + pass + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords) + +class Queen(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + + __revolveCoords = [(4.8, 0.0), (4.8, 2.2), (3.4, 4.0), (3.4, 5.0), (1.8, 8.0), (1.4, 11.8), (2.9, 11.8), + (1.8, 13.6), (1.8, 15.2), (2.0, 17.8), (2.7, 19.2), (2.4, 20.0), (1.7, 20.0), + (0.95, 20.8), (0.7, 20.8), (0.9, 21.4), (0.7, 22.0), (0.0, 22.0)] + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + pass + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords) + +class King(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + __maxHeight = 0.0 + + # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model + + __revolveCoords = [(5.0, 0.0), (5.0, 2.0), (3.5, 3.0), (3.5, 4.6), (2.0, 7.6), (1.4, 12.6), (3.0, 12.6), + (2.0, 14.6), (2.0, 15.6), (2.8, 19.1), (1.6, 19.7), (1.6, 20.1), (0.0, 20.1)] + + __verticies = [(-0.3, 20.1, 0.351), (0.3, 20.1, 0.35), (0.3, 23.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 23.1, 0.35), + (-0.9, 21.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 21.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, 0.35), (-0.9, 22.1, 0.35), + (0.9, 21.1, 0.35), (0.9, 22.1, 0.35), (0.3, 22.1, 0.35), (0.3, 21.1, 0.35), + (0.3, 20.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 20.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 23.1, -0.35), (0.3, 23.1, -0.35), + (-0.3, 21.1, -0.35), (-0.9, 21.1, -0.35), (-0.9, 22.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, -0.35), + (0.3, 21.1, -0.35), (0.3, 22.1, -0.35), (0.9, 22.1, -0.35), (0.9, 21.1, -0.35), + (-0.3, 20.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, 0.3), (-0.3, 23.1, 0.3), (-0.3, 23.1, -0.3), + (-0.3, 22.1, -0.3)] + __normals = [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)] + __quads = [(0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), (0, (4, 5, 6, 7)), (0, (8, 9, 10, 11)), (1, (12, 13, 14, 15)), + (1, (16, 17, 18, 19)), (1, (20, 21, 22, 23)), (2, (4, 7, 18, 17)), (2, (24, 5, 16, 13)), + (2, (25, 26, 27, 28)), (3, (23, 22, 9, 8)), (3, (12, 20, 11, 1)), (3, (21, 15, 2, 10)), + (4, (18, 7, 6, 19)), (4, (21, 10, 9, 22)), (4, (14, 3, 2, 15))] + + def __init__(self): + self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + self.__maxHeight = 0.0 + for v in self.__verticies: + if v[1] > self.__maxHeight: + self.__maxHeight = v[1] + + def draw(self): + self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords, maxHeight = self.__maxHeight) + self.drawQuads(self.__quads, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight) diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..624256e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,1552 @@ +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell , John-Paul Gignac ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2+' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell, Copyright 2006 John-Paul Gignac' + +import math +from OpenGL.GL import * +from glchess.defaults import * +import glchess.scene +import texture + +WHITE_BASE = (0.95, 0.81, 0.64) +WHITE_AMBIENT = (0.7*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_DIFFUSE = (0.7*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_SPECULAR = (1.0*WHITE_BASE[0], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[1], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0) +WHITE_SHININESS = 64.0 + +BLACK_BASE = (0.62, 0.45, 0.28) +BLACK_AMBIENT = (0.7*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_DIFFUSE = (0.7*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_SPECULAR = (1.0*BLACK_BASE[0], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[1], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0) +BLACK_SHININESS = 64.0 + +# The display lists for each model +# NOTE: This will not work if rendered in different openGL contexts +_displayLists = {} + +# HACK +import os.path + +# Vector methods + +def vectordiff(a, b): + return (b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2]) + +def vectoradd(a, b): + return (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]) + +def crossprod(a, b): + return (a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1], a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2], a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]) + +def normalize(a): + length = math.sqrt(a[0]**2 + a[1]**2 + a[2]**2) + if length == 0.0: + return (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) + else: + return (a[0] / length, a[1] / length, a[2] / length) + +class BuiltinSet(glchess.scene.ChessSet): + """ + """ + # The models + __pawn = None + __rook = None + __knight = None + __bishop = None + __queen = None + __king = None + + # A dictionary of models indexed by name + __modelsByName = None + + # The rotation in degrees of pieces in the set (i.e. 0.0 for white and 180.0 for black) + __rotation = 0.0 + + __stateColours = None + __defaultState = None + + # The model texture + __texture = None + + def __init__(self, textureFileName, ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess): + self.__pawn = Pawn() + self.__rook = Rook() + self.__knight = Knight() + self.__bishop = Bishop() + self.__queen = Queen() + self.__king = King() + self.__modelsByName = {'pawn': self.__pawn, + 'rook': self.__rook, + 'knight': self.__knight, + 'bishop': self.__bishop, + 'queen': self.__queen, + 'king': self.__king} + self.__stateColours = {} + self.__texture = texture.Texture(textureFileName, ambient = ambient, diffuse = diffuse, + specular = specular, shininess = shininess) + + def setRotation(self, theta): + """ + """ + self.__rotation = theta + + def addState(self, name, colour, default = False): + """ + """ + self.__stateColours[name] = colour + if default is True: + self.__defaultState = colour + + def drawPiece(self, pieceName, state, context = None): + """Draw a piece. + + 'pieceName' is the piece name (string). + 'state' is the piece state (string). + 'context' is a reference to the openGL context being used (user-defined). + + If a context is provided then the models are rendered using display lists. + """ + glRotatef(self.__rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + + # Draw as white if textured + if glGetBoolean(GL_TEXTURE_2D): + glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + else: + try: + colour = self.__stateColours[state] + except KeyError: + colour = self.__defaultState + glColor3fv(colour) + self.__texture.bind() + + # Render to a display list for optimisation + # TODO: This lists should be able to be shared between colours and games + try: + list = _displayLists[(context, pieceName)] + except KeyError: + # Get model to render + piece = self.__modelsByName[pieceName] + + # Attempt to make an optimised list, if none available just render normally + list = 0 + # TEMP: Assume that the context is shared across all scenes + if context is not None: + list = _displayLists[(context, pieceName)] = glGenLists(1) + + # Draw the model + if list != 0: + glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE) + piece.draw() + if list != 0: + glEndList() + glCallList(list) + + # Draw pre-rendered model + else: + glCallList(list) + +class WhiteBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'piece.png'), WHITE_AMBIENT, WHITE_DIFFUSE, WHITE_SPECULAR, WHITE_SHININESS) + self.setRotation(180.0) + self.addState('unselected', (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), default = True) + +class BlackBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet): + """ + """ + + def __init__(self): + BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'piece.png'), BLACK_AMBIENT, BLACK_DIFFUSE, BLACK_SPECULAR, BLACK_SHININESS) + self.addState('unselected', (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), default = True) + +ENDOFDATA = 65535 +SPIN = 65534 +VERTICES = 65533 +QUADS = 65532 +TRIANGLES = 65531 +POLARQUADSTRIP = 65530 +QUADSTRIP = 65529 +SEAM = 65528 +PATTERN = 65527 +STEPUP = 65526 +STEPDOWN = 65525 +SETBACKREF = 65524 +BACKREF = 65523 + +class SimpleModel: + """ + """ + + pos = (0,0,0) + data = [ENDOFDATA] + + def __getTextureCoord(self, vertex, maxHeight): + """ + """ + # FIXME: Change to a hemispherical projection so the top is not so flat + + # Conical transformation, get u and v based on vertex angle + u = vertex[0] + v = vertex[2] + + # Normalise + length = math.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) + if length != 0.0: + u /= length + v /= length + + # Maximum height is in the middle of the texture, minimum on the boundary + h = 1.0 - (vertex[1] / maxHeight) + return (0.5 + 0.5 * h * u, 0.5 + 0.5 * h * v) + + def draw(self): + """ + """ + # Collect the vertex coordinates + # FIXME: How does the scaling work? + vertices = [] + for v in self.__vertices( 11.0 * 0.3 / 8192): + vertices.append( v) + + # Zero out the normals + normals = [(0,0,0)] * len(vertices) + + # Add up all the face normals at each vertex + for f in self.__faces(): + if len(f) == 3: + d1 = vectordiff(vertices[f[1]], vertices[f[0]]) + d2 = vectordiff(vertices[f[2]], vertices[f[0]]) + normal = normalize(crossprod(d1,d2)) + normals[f[0]] = vectoradd(normals[f[0]],normal) + normals[f[1]] = vectoradd(normals[f[1]],normal) + normals[f[2]] = vectoradd(normals[f[2]],normal) + else: + d1 = vectordiff(vertices[f[1]], vertices[f[0]]) + d2 = vectordiff(vertices[f[3]], vertices[f[0]]) + normal = normalize(crossprod(d1,d2)) + normals[f[0]] = vectoradd(normals[f[0]],normal) + d1 = vectordiff(vertices[f[2]], vertices[f[1]]) + d2 = vectordiff(vertices[f[0]], vertices[f[1]]) + normal = normalize(crossprod(d1,d2)) + normals[f[1]] = vectoradd(normals[f[1]],normal) + d1 = vectordiff(vertices[f[3]], vertices[f[2]]) + d2 = vectordiff(vertices[f[1]], vertices[f[2]]) + normal = normalize(crossprod(d1,d2)) + normals[f[2]] = vectoradd(normals[f[2]],normal) + d1 = vectordiff(vertices[f[0]], vertices[f[3]]) + d2 = vectordiff(vertices[f[2]], vertices[f[3]]) + normal = normalize(crossprod(d1,d2)) + normals[f[3]] = vectoradd(normals[f[3]],normal) + + # Normalize the vertex normals + for i in xrange(len(normals)): + normals[i] = normalize(normals[i]) + + # Now draw the faces + for f in self.__faces(): + if len(f) == 3: + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) + elif len(f) == 4: + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + elif len(f) == 0: + continue + else: + assert(False) + + for v in f: + glNormal3fv(normals[v]) + vertex = vertices[v] + glTexCoord2fv(self.__getTextureCoord(vertex, 16.783)) # FIXME: Max height not calculated + glVertex3fv(vertex) + + glEnd() + + def end(self): + pass + + def __vertices(self, piece_size): + """ + """ + i = 0 + while 1: + if[i] == SPIN: + steps =[i+1] + i += 2 + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] in (SETBACKREF,BACKREF): + i += 2 + elif[i] == STEPUP: + steps *= 2 + i += 1 + elif[i] == STEPDOWN: + steps /= 2 + i += 1 + elif[i] == SEAM: + i += 1 + for v in self.__ring_vertices( steps, i, piece_size): + yield v[0] + for v in self.__ring_vertices( steps, i, piece_size): + yield v[0] + i = v[1] + else: + for v in self.__ring_vertices( steps, i, piece_size): + yield v[0] + i = v[1] + elif[i] == POLARQUADSTRIP: + steps =[i+1] + i += 2 + + dtheta = math.pi * 2 / steps + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] != BACKREF: + theta = dtheta *[i] + r =[i+1] * piece_size + y =[i+2] * piece_size + yield (r * math.cos(theta), y, r * math.sin(theta)) + i += 3 + elif[i] in (QUADSTRIP,VERTICES): + i += 1 + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] == SETBACKREF: + i += 2 + continue + + if[i] != BACKREF: + yield ([i] * piece_size, +[i+1] * piece_size, +[i+2] * piece_size) + + i += 3 + elif[i] in (QUADS,TRIANGLES): + i += 1 + while[i] <= SEAM: i += 1 + else: + break + + def __faces(self): + basevertex = 0 + startofvertices = 0 + backrefs = [0,0,0,0,0] + + i = 0 + while 1: + if[i] == SPIN: + prevsteps = -1 + prevbase = 0 + + steps =[i+1] + i += 2 + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] == SETBACKREF: + backrefs[[i+1]] = basevertex + i += 2 + continue + + if[i] == STEPUP: + steps *= 2 + i += 1 + continue + + if[i] == STEPDOWN: + steps /= 2 + i += 1 + continue + + if[i] == BACKREF: + if prevsteps != -1: + for f in self.__ring_faces( + backrefs[[i+1]], + steps, prevbase, prevsteps): yield f + + prevbase = backrefs[[i+1]] + i += 2 + else: + isseam = 0 + if[i] == SEAM: + isseam = 1 + i += 1 + + if[i] == PATTERN: + i += 2 +[i+1] * 2 + else: + if[i] == 0: steps = 1 + i += 2 + + if prevsteps != -1: + for f in self.__ring_faces( basevertex, + steps, prevbase, prevsteps): yield f + + if isseam: basevertex += steps + prevbase = basevertex + basevertex += steps + + prevsteps = steps + + elif[i] in (POLARQUADSTRIP,QUADSTRIP): + v0 = -1 + + if[i] == POLARQUADSTRIP: i += 1 + i += 1 + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] == BACKREF: + v2 = backrefs[[i+1]] +[i+2] + else: + v2 = basevertex + basevertex += 1 + + if[i+3] == BACKREF: + v3 = backrefs[[i+4]] +[i+5] + else: + v3 = basevertex + basevertex += 1 + + i += 6 + + if v0 != -1: yield (v0,v1,v3,v2) + + v0 = v2 + v1 = v3 + + elif[i] == VERTICES: + i += 1 + startofvertices = basevertex + + while[i] <= SEAM: + if[i] == SETBACKREF: + backrefs[[i+1]] = basevertex + i += 2 + continue + + i += 3 + basevertex += 1 + + elif[i] == QUADS: + i += 1 + while[i] <= SEAM: + yield ([i] + startofvertices, +[i+1] + startofvertices, +[i+2] + startofvertices, +[i+3] + startofvertices) + i += 4 + + elif[i] == TRIANGLES: + i += 1 + while[i] <= SEAM: + yield ([i] + startofvertices, +[i+1] + startofvertices, +[i+2] + startofvertices) + i += 3 + else: + break + + def __ring_vertices(self, steps, i, piece_size): + patlen = 1 + dtheta = math.pi * 2 / steps + + if[i] == PATTERN: + patlen =[i+1] + i += 2 + + if[i] == 0: steps = 1 + + endindex = i + patlen * 2 + + for j in xrange(steps): + r =[i + (j % patlen) * 2] * piece_size + y =[i + (j % patlen) * 2 + 1] * piece_size + theta = dtheta * j + yield ((r * math.cos(theta), y, r * math.sin(theta)), endindex) + + def __ring_faces(self, basevertex, steps, prevbase, prevsteps): + if steps == 1: + for i in xrange(prevsteps): + yield (basevertex, prevbase + i, prevbase + (i-1)%prevsteps) + elif steps == prevsteps: + for i in xrange(steps): + yield (basevertex + i, prevbase + i, + prevbase + (i-1)%steps, basevertex + (i-1)%steps) + else: + j = 0 + i = 0 + while 1: + while j < prevsteps and steps*(1+2*j) < prevsteps*(1+2*i): + yield (basevertex + i%steps, + prevbase + (j+1)%prevsteps, + prevbase + j) + j += 1 + if i == steps: break + yield (basevertex + i, basevertex + (i+1)%steps, + prevbase + j%prevsteps) + i += 1 + +class Pawn(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + data = (SPIN,16, + 7395,0,7395,609, + SEAM,7102,910,7345,1199,7345,1572,7191,1910, + STEPDOWN,5826,2484,4941,3446,4625,4781, + STEPUP,4492,6371,4358,6508, + STEPDOWN,3691,6794,2912,7657,2473,10091, + SEAM,2100,15344, + STEPUP,4518,15697,4695,15900,4649,16218,4509,16382, + STEPDOWN,SEAM,3150,16755,STEPUP,3858,17678,4303,18752,4455,19905, + 4303,21058,3858,22132, + STEPDOWN,3150,23055,2227,23763,STEPDOWN,1153,24208,0,24360, + ENDOFDATA) + +class Rook(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + data = (SPIN,20, + 9374,0,9374,756,SEAM,9003,1062,9311,1487, + 9311,1951,9116,2371,8521,3083,6701,5807,SEAM,6009,7595, + 6167,7812,6138,8066,5926,8460,5216,12608, + SEAM,4883,21434, + SEAM,5140,21608, + SEAM,5176,22792, + SEAM,5953,23030, + + SETBACKREF,0, + 6103,26819, + + SETBACKREF,1, + SPIN,20, + 5020,26819,5020,26114,4906,25858,0,25666, + + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,BACKREF,0,1,1,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,2,2,6143,27971, + BACKREF,0,3,3,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,4,4,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,BACKREF,0,6,6,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,7,7,6143,27971, + BACKREF,0,8,8,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,9,9,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,BACKREF,0,11,11,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,12,12,6143,27971, + BACKREF,0,13,13,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,14,14,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,BACKREF,0,16,16,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,17,17,6143,27971, + BACKREF,0,18,18,6143,27971,BACKREF,0,19,19,6143,27971, + + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,1,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,1,2,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,2, + 3,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,3,4,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,4, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,6,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,6,7,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,7, + 8,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,8,9,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,9, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,11,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,11,12,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,12, + 13,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,13,14,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,14, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,16,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,16,17,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,17, + 18,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,18,19,5053,27971,BACKREF,1,19, + + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,1,5020,26819,1,6103,26819, + 0,5020,26819,0,6103,26819,19,5020,26819,19,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,6,5020,26819,6,6103,26819, + 5,5020,26819,5,6103,26819,4,5020,26819,4,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,11,5020,26819,11,6103,26819, + 10,5020,26819,10,6103,26819,9,5020,26819,9,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,16,5020,26819,16,6103,26819, + 15,5020,26819,15,6103,26819,14,5020,26819,14,6103,26819, + + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,1,5053,27971,1,6143,27971,1,5020,26819,1,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,4,5020,26819,4,6103,26819,4,5053,27971,4,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,6,5053,27971,6,6143,27971,6,5020,26819,6,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,9,5020,26819,9,6103,26819,9,5053,27971,9,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,11,5053,27971,11,6143,27971,11,5020,26819,11,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,14,5020,26819,14,6103,26819,14,5053,27971,14,6143,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,16,5053,27971,16,6143,27971,16,5020,26819,16,6103,26819, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,19,5020,26819,19,6103,26819,19,5053,27971,19,6143,27971, + + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,1,6143,27971,1,5053,27971,2,6143,27971,2,5053,27971, + 3,6143,27971,3,5053,27971,4,6143,27971,4,5053,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,6,6143,27971,6,5053,27971,7,6143,27971,7,5053,27971, + 8,6143,27971,8,5053,27971,9,6143,27971,9,5053,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,11,6143,27971,11,5053,27971,12,6143,27971,12,5053,27971, + 13,6143,27971,13,5053,27971,14,6143,27971,14,5053,27971, + POLARQUADSTRIP,20,16,6143,27971,16,5053,27971,17,6143,27971,17,5053,27971, + 18,6143,27971,18,5053,27971,19,6143,27971,19,5053,27971, + ENDOFDATA) + +class Knight(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + data = (VERTICES, SETBACKREF,0, 7910,8863,0, 7790,8863,1326, 7433,8863,2611, + 6850,8863,3817, 6059,8863,4907, 5084,8863,5847, 3955,8863,6611, + 2705,8863,7173, 1373,8863,7517, 0,8863,7633, -1373,8863,7517, + -2705,8863,7173, -3955,8863,6611, -5084,8863,5847, -6059,8863,4907, + -6850,8863,3817, -7433,8863,2611, -7790,8863,1326, -7910,8863,0, + -7790,8863,-1326, -7433,8863,-2611, -6850,8863,-3817, + -6059,8863,-4907, -5066,8863,-5896, -3955,8863,-6611, + -2705,8863,-7173, -1373,8863,-7517, 0,8863,-7633, 1373,8863,-7517, + 2705,8863,-7173, 3955,8863,-6611, 5066,8863,-5896, 6059,8863,-4907, + 6850,8863,-3817, 7433,8863,-2611, 7790,8863,-1326, -1183,11744,7939, + -1183,12003,7939, -1183,14019,6547, -1183,16307,5288, + -1183,16555,5281, -1183,20128,2191, -1134,20304,2131, + -1183,20516,2156, -1417,21874,1842, -1417,23109,2185, + -1417,23961,3121, -1417,24001,4252, 0,23917,5637, -1418,23893,5418, + -1151,23389,6664, -1151,23501,6906, -1151,23806,6987, + -1151,24102,6987, -1151,24209,7189, -1151,24371,7513, + -1151,24605,7715, -1151,24939,7674, -1313,25568,7149, + -1313,25695,7149, -1598,26707,7610, 0,26837,7841, 0,27354,8076, + -1598,27262,7839, -1598,27842,7723, 0,27919,7998, 0,28449,7606, + -1598,28309,7303, -1302,28414,6723, 0,28544,6980, 0,28540,6197, + -1187,28523,5990, -1304,28447,4204, -1158,28789,1627, + -561,28931,-1220, -357,29608,-1244, -357,30527,-1441, + -357,31249,-1837, -357,31511,-2627, -357,31511,-3484, + -357,31118,-4143, -357,30264,-4538, -436,29406,-5256, 0,29409,-5243, + -2207,29018,-6763, -914,28658,-6964, 0,26292,-7237, -1305,26324,-7143, + -806,23401,-6784, -812,20723,-6228, -796,16757,-6210, + -1559,24934,7435, -1566,24633,7460, -1531,24429,7334, + -1475,24293,7131, -1440,24203,7004, -1372,23935,7015, + -1364,23606,6868, -1389,23515,6705, -1687,28010,6952, + -1687,27926,7343, -1687,27629,7491, -1687,27324,7552, + -1687,27032,7432, -1687,26791,7148, -1642,27135,7165, + -1642,27254,7304, -1642,27397,7364, -1642,27546,7334, + -1642,27693,7261, -1642,27737,7088, -1611,10591,8159, + -888,9327,-8560, -4491,13292,1032, -3840,15084,786, -3412,17397,397, + -2937,20005,-35, -5108,11669,1240, -6344,10251,1395, -6345,10246,1248, + -5109,11664,1092, -2964,20022,-132, -3413,17393,250, -3841,15079,638, + -4491,13288,885, -3743,13207,-535, -3085,15092,-710, -2727,17642,-878, + -2569,20636,-797, -4348,11575,-324, -5584,10108,-169, + -5403,10079,-1732, -4167,11644,-1888, -2465,20842,-2651, + -2522,18130,-2392, -2905,15407,-2077, -3562,13227,-1951, + -3901,13568,-3294, -3243,15993,-3519, -2861,18863,-3735, + -2776,22447,-4309, -4486,11792,-3132, -5783,9930,-2931, + -5783,9930,-3054, -4486,11792,-3255, -2776,22438,-4430, + -2861,18863,-3858, -3243,15993,-3641, -3901,13568,-3417, + -6199,9466,4558, -5766,10642,5726, -5228,11829,6090, -4801,12891,6048, + -4155,14560,5246, -3546,16847,3719, -3334,17643,2937, + -2860,20062,1230, -4822,12054,7102, -5325,10909,7208, + -5732,9938,6026, -4026,14701,5522, -2852,20170,1447, -3319,17801,3175, + -3538,16955,3935, -4090,13256,1679, -2874,20073,676, -3706,15083,1464, + -3301,17348,1117, -5931,10206,1996, -4695,11624,1840, + -4445,11658,2844, -5681,10240,3000, -3074,17398,2202, + -3456,15117,2468, -3840,13290,2683, -4642,13358,4019, + -4257,15194,3908, -6017,10188,3746, -5237,11714,4039, + -5621,11218,5077, -5026,12862,5058, -5134,10861,-3154, + -4193,12680,-3336, -2832,20609,-4118, -3052,17428,-3750, + -3572,14780,-3529, -3579,14774,-3623, -3059,17422,-3843, + -2839,20596,-4211, -4200,12674,-3429, -5141,10855,-3248, + -3908,13562,-3510, -3250,15987,-3735, -2868,18857,-3952, + -4492,11786,-3348, -5789,9924,-3148, -4817,11321,-3298, + -5465,10389,-3198, -4054,13118,-3470, -4346,12230,-3389, + -2853,19681,-4056, -2825,21511,-4367, -3155,16705,-3789, + -2963,18140,-3897, -3744,14168,-3567, -3415,15381,-3679, + -845,13482,-6604, -945,10997,-7893, -981,11110,-7735, + -859,13469,-6526, -899,9307,-8439, -813,16486,-6146, -832,20681,-6100, + -826,23358,-6656, -882,10149,-8148, -913,12323,-7139, + -822,14910,-6353, -817,18235,-6210, -827,21937,-6382, + -846,21937,-6341, -841,14912,-6313, -931,12326,-7098, + -901,10152,-8107, -844,23359,-6615, -851,20681,-6059, + -831,16487,-6105, -919,9307,-8399, -869,13482,-6492, -999,11113,-7694, + -860,9726,-8255, -942,10578,-7958, -962,11715,-7413, -900,12896,-6796, + -863,14065,-6404, -818,15760,-6221, -828,17367,-6171, + -854,19800,-5994, -848,21309,-6200, -843,22566,-6482, + -3407,15409,-3785, -3736,14196,-3673, -2911,18365,-4048, + -3147,16733,-3895, -2726,21608,-4455, -2808,19905,-4191, + -4338,12259,-3495, -4046,13146,-3576, -5457,10418,-3304, + -4809,11349,-3404, -4484,11815,-3454, -2715,22288,-4534, + -2832,19035,-4066, -3242,16015,-3841, -3900,13590,-3616, + -5133,10883,-3354, -4171,12742,-3524, -2803,20773,-4339, + -3051,17450,-3949, -3571,14803,-3729, -4979,11072,-3368, + -5619,10185,-3279, -4119,12924,-3556, -4411,12037,-3475, + -2801,20363,-4269, -2721,21826,-4489, -3099,17092,-3922, + -2887,18618,-4038, -3653,14499,-3701, -3325,15712,-3813, + -3489,15106,-3757, -3818,13893,-3645, -3011,17758,-3971, + -3194,16374,-3868, -2755,21085,-4385, -2815,19494,-4139, + -4265,12481,-3515, -3973,13368,-3596, -5304,10595,-3318, + -4664,11477,-3407, -5441,10207,-3361, -5350,10338,-3375, + -5139,10672,-3428, -5058,10742,-3431, -4831,11101,-3457, + -4742,11228,-3470, -4516,11559,-3504, -4423,11693,-3518, + -4277,12079,-3558, -4232,12180,-3571, -4138,12522,-3597, + -4094,12603,-3609, -3979,12935,-3675, -3943,13043,-3671, + -3852,13383,-3699, -3813,13496,-3705, -3692,13947,-3767, + -3653,14073,-3790, -3506,14587,-3772, -3467,14685,-3777, + -3349,15192,-3888, -3308,15317,-3887, -3162,15800,-3957, + -3119,15954,-3961, -3009,16528,-3946, -3002,16637,-3937, + -2914,17260,-4014, -2909,17347,-4006, -2834,17893,-4049, + -2813,18060,-4060, -2760,18849,-4232, -2746,18968,-4242, + -850,22569,-6438, -855,21313,-6156, -861,19804,-5949, + -834,17371,-6127, -824,15765,-6176, -869,14070,-6360, + -906,12901,-6751, -968,11720,-7368, -948,10645,-7895, -865,9731,-8211, + -1006,11164,-7630, -875,13487,-6447, -926,9310,-8354, + -837,16490,-6061, -857,20684,-6015, -867,23379,-6515, + -907,10157,-8062, -937,12331,-7053, -847,14917,-6268, + -842,18236,-6111, -852,21941,-6297, -885,9891,-8156, -985,10905,-7724, + -947,11969,-7255, -885,13125,-6649, -858,14493,-6314, + -839,16049,-6111, -836,17735,-6083, -859,20244,-5982, + -891,21559,-6157, -848,22883,-6508, -851,22255,-6367, + -856,20999,-6085, -867,19042,-6000, -836,16930,-6094, + -835,15341,-6222, -880,13646,-6405, -916,12540,-6953, + -981,11337,-7564, -927,10370,-7988, -932,9518,-8285, -931,9583,-8174, + -863,9671,-8145, -892,9982,-8037, -903,10075,-7996, -952,10454,-7865, + -961,10550,-7832, -1008,10963,-7617, -1018,11105,-7567, + -996,11458,-7405, -992,11582,-7342, -972,12080,-7057, + -968,12210,-6984, -935,12620,-6792, -931,12759,-6714, + -914,13199,-6441, -910,13346,-6359, -915,13767,-6194, + -910,13941,-6175, -890,14633,-6107, -886,14783,-6091, + -864,15476,-6035, -859,15645,-6017, -870,16062,-5957, + -873,16231,-5936, -853,17048,-5965, -861,17185,-5974, + -879,17812,-5997, -885,17961,-5997, -851,18486,-6138, + -865,18526,-5933, -872,18761,-5875, -870,19337,-5971, + -864,19470,-5784, -937,19590,-5786, -833,19023,-6126, + -851,20344,-5894, -851,20576,-5912, -855,21086,-5973, + -854,21224,-6003, -871,21651,-6070, -852,21853,-6116, + -850,22332,-6224, -849,22490,-6259, -831,22924,-6338, + -834,23240,-6364, -2743,19661,-4287, -2740,19863,-4312, + -2723,20501,-4469, -2705,20711,-4503, -2661,21262,-4565, + -2658,21427,-4593, -2687,22088,-4631, -2695,22209,-4643, + -2774,23170,-4392, -2633,23103,-4527, -2681,22439,-4516, + -2656,22665,-4573, -2552,22727,-4653, -2534,23015,-4628, + -2607,23397,-4556, -2759,23681,-4398, -2740,24136,-4370, + -2610,24100,-4580, -2412,24481,-5089, -2671,24389,-4569, + -2397,24935,-5652, -2562,25022,-5528, -939,23708,-6566, + -1009,24359,-6776, -1095,24912,-6886, -1049,24117,-6493, + -990,23894,-6415, -2290,23837,-4814, -2312,23612,-4723, + -2183,24804,-5574, -2191,24632,-5391, -1156,24771,-6650, + -1154,24624,-6586, -1104,24526,-6656, -1281,9161,-8432, + -2524,9161,-8046, -3691,9161,-7572, -4745,9161,-6945, + -5662,9127,-6096, -3697,9192,-7581, -2531,9192,-8056, + -4753,9183,-6951, -5664,9161,-6101, -5664,9185,-6101, + -4753,9207,-6951, -2531,9216,-8055, -3697,9216,-7581, + -3684,9232,-7560, -2518,9232,-8034, -4740,9223,-6930, + -5651,9200,-6080, -2828,20259,1366, -2798,20256,1187, -2820,20237,692, + -2843,20292,-25, -2874,20473,735, -2975,20508,90, -2474,20772,-759, + -2660,20879,-691, -2471,21553,-1445, -2498,22175,-1940, + -2471,24346,-2830, -2556,22373,-1903, -2528,21595,-1351, + -2493,24314,-2936, -2576,22239,-2123, -2548,21461,-1571, + -2823,20635,1307, -2741,20503,1328, -1490,23972,5392, + -1489,24080,4226, -1489,24040,3095, -1489,23188,2159, + -1489,21953,1816, -2479,22156,182, -1515,23830,2117, -1605,24415,3131, + -1599,24460,4263, -1580,24357,5431, -1448,23885,6743, + -1252,24770,5442, -1271,24873,4274, -1277,24828,3142, + -1389,24618,2016, -1479,24733,1993, -1301,25010,3165, + -1295,25055,4297, -1391,24890,5460, -1512,25216,5507, + -1602,25353,4317, -1608,25308,3186, -1979,23458,-29, -1320,25312,1928, + -1495,25055,546, -2438,25790,-488, -1605,25585,5599, -1583,26793,6150, + -1850,26272,4298, -1578,27435,7117, -1658,27625,6884, + -1671,27398,6846, -1678,27176,6937, -1715,27784,6626, + -1744,27323,6551, -1753,26904,6776, -1884,28809,-1688, + -1555,28655,1620, -1658,28252,4204, -1581,28263,5997, + -1567,28312,6790, -1935,27827,4220, -1818,28249,1603, + -1570,27742,6195, -1532,27288,6120, -2038,27074,4245, -1418,28416,228, + -413,30264,-4539, -424,31094,-4152, -418,31478,-3497, + -410,31453,-2653, -410,31190,-1863, -410,30468,-1467, + -410,29550,-1270, -411,31041,-1902, -448,31253,-2696, + -449,31323,-3466, -425,31182,-3496, -411,31060,-2738, + -387,30899,-1932, -316,30806,-1957, -335,30952,-2766, + -353,31089,-3521, -322,31007,-3540, -303,30871,-2786, + -284,30725,-1976, -304,30630,-1993, -323,30776,-2802, + -342,30912,-3557, -396,30843,-3565, -378,30707,-2811, + -358,30561,-2001, -414,30477,-2013, -433,30623,-2822, + -452,30759,-3576, -474,30560,-3616, -456,30424,-2861, + -436,30278,-2052, -349,30194,-2077, -368,30340,-2886, + -386,30477,-3641, -309,30389,-3665, -291,30253,-2911, + -271,30107,-2102, -267,29996,-2124, -286,30142,-2933, + -305,30278,-3688, -376,30179,-3700, -357,30043,-2945, + -338,29897,-2136, -420,29789,-2150, -439,29935,-2959, + -458,30071,-3713, -500,29883,-3751, -463,29601,-2187, + -470,30974,-4049, -462,30153,-4391, -466,30563,-4220, + -410,30009,-1368, -725,29372,-3225, -677,29335,-5130, + -908,29205,-3300, -632,29533,-4803, -2587,28768,-3408, + -2730,28611,-3456, -2404,28568,-6916, -2413,28849,-6612, + -1904,26715,1801, -1394,25919,831, -2224,27270,-3994, + -2730,28438,-3011, -2587,28570,-2864, -2826,28152,-3163, + -2476,28668,-6523, -2476,28433,-6776, -2787,28338,-3507, + -2216,27658,-3972, -2207,27950,-5907, -2311,28216,-6128, + -2320,27876,-3971, -2311,28118,-6301, -2311,27845,-6252, + -2320,27703,-3749, -2320,27084,-3798, -2320,26986,-4070, + -2698,26705,-4014, -2557,26974,-3547, -2557,27739,-3485, + -2572,27738,-6362, -2436,28204,-6533, -2436,28421,-6303, + -2556,28092,-3822, -2431,28142,-6975, -2544,27863,-6726, + -2266,28229,-1686, -1939,28156,-1065, -2569,27943,-2270, + -2381,27545,-1682, -2799,27594,-3104, -2750,27866,-2738, + -2539,27578,-6309, -2720,26853,-3133, -2788,26461,-3776, + -1061,27543,-7078, -1780,27941,135, -1859,27747,-527, -1756,27784,691, + -1855,27001,736, -1950,26711,19, -1964,27006,-630, -2342,26955,-1898, + -2595,25515,-3113, -2147,27855,132, -2126,27722,601, -2213,27691,-428, + -2210,27061,639, -2290,26816,34, -2302,27065,-515, -2347,27680,100, + -2335,27602,376, -2386,27584,-229, -2385,27213,398, -2432,27069,42, + -2439,27215,-281, -2481,27452,103, -1786,24263,399, -2278,24851,-562, + -2372,25143,-1163, 7383,9172,0, 7270,9172,-1487, 6937,9172,-2929, + 6393,9172,-4281, 1282,9172,-8433, 0,9172,-8563, 1301,9439,8159, + 2371,9313,7844, 3857,9286,7355, 4477,9172,6559, 5704,9174,5179, + 6393,9172,4281, 6937,9172,2929, 7270,9172,1487, -7270,9172,-1487, + -6937,9172,-2929, -6393,9172,-4281, -1282,9172,-8433, 0,9339,8274, + -1301,9439,8159, -2371,9313,7844, -3857,9286,7355, -4477,9172,6559, + -5704,9174,5179, -6393,9172,4281, -6937,9172,2929, -7270,9172,1487, + -796,9467,8260, 0,9503,8356, 0,9667,8438, -796,9666,8325, + -807,10584,8327, -7383,9172,0, 796,9467,8260, 796,9666,8325, + 807,10584,8327, 0,10584,8457, 0,11744,8130, 1183,11744,7939, + 1183,12003,7939, 0,12003,8130, 0,14019,6737, 1183,14019,6547, + 1183,16307,5288, 0,16307,5479, 0,16555,5472, 1183,16555,5281, + 1183,20128,2191, 0,20128,2382, 0,20304,2322, 1134,20304,2131, + 1183,20516,2156, 0,20516,2346, 0,21898,2060, 1417,21874,1842, + 1417,23109,2185, 0,23133,2404, 0,23985,3339, 1417,23961,3121, + 1417,24001,4252, 0,24025,4470, 1418,23893,5418, 1151,23389,6664, + 0,23394,6882, 0,23506,7125, 1151,23501,6906, 1151,23806,6987, + 0,23811,7205, 0,24107,7205, 1151,24102,6987, 1151,24209,7189, + 0,24213,7407, 0,24376,7731, 1151,24371,7513, 1151,24605,7715, + 0,24610,7933, 0,24944,7892, 1151,24939,7674, 1313,25568,7149, + 0,25562,7367, 0,25689,7367, 1313,25695,7149, 1598,26707,7610, + 1598,27262,7839, 1598,27842,7723, 1598,28309,7303, 1302,28414,6723, + 1187,28523,5990, 1304,28447,4204, 0,28469,4435, 0,28654,1893, + 1158,28789,1627, 561,28931,-1220, 0,29310,-864, 0,29574,-1062, + 357,29608,-1244, 357,30527,-1441, 0,30496,-1259, 0,31221,-1655, + 357,31249,-1837, 357,31511,-2627, 0,31485,-2445, 0,31485,-3302, + 357,31511,-3484, 357,31118,-4143, 0,31089,-3961, 0,30233,-4356, + 357,30264,-4538, 436,29406,-5256, 0,29018,-6407, 2207,29018,-6763, + 914,28658,-6964, 0,28472,-7040, 1305,26324,-7143, 806,23401,-6784, + 0,23246,-6890, 0,20735,-6319, 812,20723,-6228, 796,16757,-6210, + 0,17171,-6133, 1559,24934,7435, 1566,24633,7460, 1531,24429,7334, + 1475,24293,7131, 1440,24203,7004, 1372,23935,7015, 1364,23606,6868, + 1389,23515,6705, 1687,28010,6952, 1687,27926,7343, 1687,27629,7491, + 1687,27324,7552, 1687,27032,7432, 1687,26791,7148, 1642,27135,7165, + 1642,27254,7304, 1642,27397,7364, 1642,27546,7334, 1642,27693,7261, + 1642,27737,7088, 1611,10591,8159, 888,9327,-8560, 4491,13292,1032, + 3840,15084,786, 3412,17397,397, 2937,20005,-35, 5108,11669,1240, + 6344,10251,1395, 6345,10246,1248, 5109,11664,1092, 2964,20022,-132, + 3413,17393,250, 3841,15079,638, 4491,13288,885, 3743,13207,-535, + 3085,15092,-710, 2727,17642,-878, 2569,20636,-797, 4348,11575,-324, + 5584,10108,-169, 5403,10079,-1732, 4167,11644,-1888, + 2465,20842,-2651, 2522,18130,-2392, 2905,15407,-2077, + 3562,13227,-1951, 3901,13568,-3294, 3243,15993,-3519, + 2861,18863,-3735, 2776,22447,-4309, 4486,11792,-3132, 5783,9930,-2931, + 5783,9930,-3054, 4486,11792,-3255, 2776,22438,-4430, 2861,18863,-3858, + 3243,15993,-3641, 3901,13568,-3417, 6199,9466,4558, 5766,10642,5726, + 5228,11829,6090, 4801,12891,6048, 4155,14560,5246, 3546,16847,3719, + 3334,17643,2937, 2860,20062,1230, 4822,12054,7102, 5325,10909,7208, + 5732,9938,6026, 4026,14701,5522, 2852,20170,1447, 3319,17801,3175, + 3538,16955,3935, 4090,13256,1679, 2874,20073,676, 3706,15083,1464, + 3301,17348,1117, 5931,10206,1996, 4695,11624,1840, 4445,11658,2844, + 5681,10240,3000, 3074,17398,2202, 3456,15117,2468, 3840,13290,2683, + 4642,13358,4019, 4257,15194,3908, 6017,10188,3746, 5237,11714,4039, + 5621,11218,5077, 5026,12862,5058, 5134,10861,-3154, 4193,12680,-3336, + 2832,20609,-4118, 3052,17428,-3750, 3572,14780,-3529, + 3579,14774,-3623, 3059,17422,-3843, 2839,20596,-4211, + 4200,12674,-3429, 5141,10855,-3248, 3908,13562,-3510, + 3250,15987,-3735, 2868,18857,-3952, 4492,11786,-3348, 5789,9924,-3148, + 4817,11321,-3298, 5465,10389,-3198, 4054,13118,-3470, + 4346,12230,-3389, 2853,19681,-4056, 2825,21511,-4367, + 3155,16705,-3789, 2963,18140,-3897, 3744,14168,-3567, + 3415,15381,-3679, 0,14037,-6616, 845,13482,-6604, 945,10997,-7893, + 0,11066,-7866, 981,11110,-7735, 859,13469,-6526, 899,9307,-8439, + 813,16486,-6146, 832,20681,-6100, 826,23358,-6656, 882,10149,-8148, + 913,12323,-7139, 822,14910,-6353, 817,18235,-6210, 827,21937,-6382, + 846,21937,-6341, 841,14912,-6313, 931,12326,-7098, 901,10152,-8107, + 844,23359,-6615, 851,20681,-6059, 831,16487,-6105, 919,9307,-8399, + 869,13482,-6492, 999,11113,-7694, 860,9726,-8255, 942,10578,-7958, + 962,11715,-7413, 900,12896,-6796, 863,14065,-6404, 818,15760,-6221, + 828,17367,-6171, 854,19800,-5994, 848,21309,-6200, 843,22566,-6482, + 3407,15409,-3785, 3736,14196,-3673, 2911,18365,-4048, + 3147,16733,-3895, 2726,21608,-4455, 2808,19905,-4191, + 4338,12259,-3495, 4046,13146,-3576, 5457,10418,-3304, + 4809,11349,-3404, 4484,11815,-3454, 2715,22288,-4534, + 2832,19035,-4066, 3242,16015,-3841, 3900,13590,-3616, + 5133,10883,-3354, 4171,12742,-3524, 2803,20773,-4339, + 3051,17450,-3949, 3571,14803,-3729, 4979,11072,-3368, + 5619,10185,-3279, 4119,12924,-3556, 4411,12037,-3475, + 2801,20363,-4269, 2721,21826,-4489, 3099,17092,-3922, + 2887,18618,-4038, 3653,14499,-3701, 3325,15712,-3813, + 3489,15106,-3757, 3818,13893,-3645, 3011,17758,-3971, + 3194,16374,-3868, 2755,21085,-4385, 2815,19494,-4139, + 4265,12481,-3515, 3973,13368,-3596, 5304,10595,-3318, + 4664,11477,-3407, 5441,10207,-3361, 5350,10338,-3375, + 5139,10672,-3428, 5058,10742,-3431, 4831,11101,-3457, + 4742,11228,-3470, 4516,11559,-3504, 4423,11693,-3518, + 4277,12079,-3558, 4232,12180,-3571, 4138,12522,-3597, + 4094,12603,-3609, 3979,12935,-3675, 3943,13043,-3671, + 3852,13383,-3699, 3813,13496,-3705, 3692,13947,-3767, + 3653,14073,-3790, 3506,14587,-3772, 3467,14685,-3777, + 3349,15192,-3888, 3308,15317,-3887, 3162,15800,-3957, + 3119,15954,-3961, 3009,16528,-3946, 3002,16637,-3937, + 2914,17260,-4014, 2909,17347,-4006, 2834,17893,-4049, + 2813,18060,-4060, 2760,18849,-4232, 2746,18968,-4242, 850,22569,-6438, + 855,21313,-6156, 860,19804,-5949, 834,17371,-6127, 824,15765,-6176, + 869,14070,-6360, 906,12901,-6751, 968,11720,-7368, 948,10645,-7895, + 865,9731,-8211, 1006,11164,-7630, 875,13487,-6447, 926,9310,-8354, + 837,16490,-6061, 857,20684,-6015, 867,23379,-6515, 907,10157,-8062, + 937,12331,-7053, 847,14917,-6268, 842,18236,-6111, 852,21941,-6297, + 885,9891,-8156, 985,10905,-7724, 947,11969,-7255, 885,13125,-6649, + 858,14493,-6314, 839,16049,-6111, 836,17735,-6083, 859,20244,-5982, + 891,21559,-6157, 848,22883,-6508, 851,22255,-6367, 856,20999,-6085, + 867,19042,-6000, 836,16930,-6094, 835,15341,-6222, 880,13646,-6405, + 916,12540,-6953, 981,11337,-7564, 927,10370,-7988, 932,9518,-8285, + 931,9583,-8174, 863,9671,-8145, 892,9982,-8037, 903,10075,-7996, + 952,10454,-7865, 961,10550,-7832, 1008,10963,-7617, 1018,11105,-7567, + 996,11458,-7405, 992,11582,-7342, 972,12080,-7057, 968,12210,-6984, + 935,12620,-6792, 931,12759,-6714, 914,13199,-6441, 910,13346,-6359, + 915,13767,-6194, 910,13941,-6175, 890,14633,-6107, 886,14783,-6091, + 864,15476,-6035, 859,15645,-6017, 870,16062,-5957, 873,16231,-5936, + 853,17048,-5965, 861,17185,-5974, 879,17812,-5997, 885,17961,-5997, + 851,18486,-6138, 865,18526,-5933, 872,18761,-5875, 870,19337,-5971, + 864,19470,-5784, 937,19590,-5786, 833,19023,-6126, 851,20344,-5894, + 851,20576,-5912, 855,21086,-5973, 854,21224,-6003, 871,21651,-6070, + 852,21853,-6116, 850,22332,-6224, 849,22490,-6259, 831,22924,-6338, + 834,23240,-6364, 2743,19661,-4287, 2740,19863,-4312, 2723,20501,-4469, + 2705,20711,-4503, 2661,21262,-4565, 2658,21427,-4593, + 2687,22088,-4631, 2695,22209,-4643, 2774,23170,-4392, + 2633,23103,-4527, 2681,22439,-4516, 2656,22665,-4573, + 2552,22727,-4653, 2534,23015,-4628, 2607,23397,-4556, + 2759,23681,-4398, 2740,24136,-4370, 2610,24100,-4580, + 2412,24481,-5089, 2671,24389,-4569, 2397,24935,-5652, + 2562,25022,-5528, 939,23708,-6566, 1009,24359,-6776, 1095,24912,-6886, + 1049,24117,-6493, 990,23894,-6415, 2290,23837,-4814, 2312,23612,-4723, + 2183,24804,-5574, 2191,24632,-5391, 1156,24771,-6650, + 1154,24624,-6586, 1104,24526,-6656, 0,9161,-8562, 1281,9161,-8432, + 2524,9161,-8046, 3691,9161,-7572, 4745,9161,-6945, 5662,9127,-6096, + 3697,9192,-7581, 2531,9192,-8056, 4753,9183,-6951, 5664,9161,-6101, + 5664,9185,-6101, 4753,9207,-6951, 2531,9216,-8055, 3697,9216,-7581, + 3684,9232,-7560, 2518,9232,-8034, 4740,9223,-6930, 5651,9200,-6080, + 2828,20259,1366, 2798,20256,1187, 2820,20237,692, 2843,20292,-25, + 2874,20473,735, 2975,20508,90, 2474,20772,-759, 2660,20879,-691, + 2471,21553,-1445, 2498,22175,-1940, 2471,24346,-2830, + 2556,22373,-1903, 2528,21595,-1351, 2493,24314,-2936, + 2576,22239,-2123, 2548,21461,-1571, 2823,20635,1307, 2741,20503,1328, + 1490,23972,5392, 1489,24080,4226, 1489,24040,3095, 1489,23188,2159, + 1489,21953,1816, 2479,22156,182, 1515,23830,2117, 1605,24415,3131, + 1599,24460,4263, 1580,24357,5431, 1448,23885,6743, 1252,24770,5442, + 1271,24873,4274, 1277,24828,3142, 1389,24618,2016, 1479,24733,1993, + 1301,25010,3165, 1295,25055,4297, 1391,24890,5460, 1512,25216,5507, + 1602,25353,4317, 1608,25308,3186, 1979,23458,-29, 1320,25312,1928, + 1495,25055,546, 2438,25790,-488, 1605,25585,5599, 1583,26793,6150, + 1850,26272,4298, 1578,27435,7117, 1658,27625,6884, 1671,27398,6846, + 1678,27176,6937, 1715,27784,6626, 1744,27323,6551, 1753,26904,6776, + 1884,28809,-1688, 1555,28655,1620, 1658,28252,4204, 1581,28263,5997, + 1567,28312,6790, 1935,27827,4220, 1818,28249,1603, 1570,27742,6195, + 1532,27288,6120, 2038,27074,4245, 1418,28416,228, 413,30264,-4539, + 424,31094,-4152, 418,31478,-3497, 410,31453,-2653, 410,31190,-1863, + 410,30468,-1467, 410,29550,-1270, 411,31041,-1902, 448,31253,-2696, + 449,31323,-3466, 425,31182,-3496, 411,31060,-2738, 387,30899,-1932, + 316,30806,-1957, 335,30952,-2766, 353,31089,-3521, 322,31007,-3540, + 303,30871,-2786, 284,30725,-1976, 304,30630,-1993, 323,30776,-2802, + 342,30912,-3557, 396,30843,-3565, 378,30707,-2811, 358,30561,-2001, + 414,30477,-2013, 433,30623,-2822, 452,30759,-3576, 474,30560,-3616, + 456,30424,-2861, 436,30278,-2052, 349,30194,-2077, 368,30340,-2886, + 386,30477,-3641, 309,30389,-3665, 291,30253,-2911, 271,30107,-2102, + 267,29996,-2124, 286,30142,-2933, 305,30278,-3688, 376,30179,-3700, + 357,30043,-2945, 338,29897,-2136, 420,29789,-2150, 439,29935,-2959, + 458,30071,-3713, 500,29883,-3751, 463,29601,-2187, 470,30974,-4049, + 462,30153,-4391, 466,30563,-4220, 410,30009,-1368, 725,29372,-3225, + 677,29335,-5130, 908,29205,-3300, 632,29533,-4803, 2587,28768,-3408, + 2730,28611,-3456, 2404,28568,-6916, 2413,28849,-6612, + 1904,26715,1801, 1394,25919,831, 2224,27270,-3994, 2730,28438,-3011, + 2587,28570,-2864, 2826,28152,-3163, 2476,28668,-6523, + 2476,28433,-6776, 2787,28338,-3507, 2216,27658,-3972, + 2207,27950,-5907, 2311,28216,-6128, 2320,27876,-3971, + 2311,28118,-6301, 2311,27845,-6252, 2320,27703,-3749, + 2320,27084,-3798, 2320,26986,-4070, 2698,26705,-4014, + 2557,26974,-3547, 2557,27739,-3485, 2572,27738,-6362, + 2436,28204,-6533, 2436,28421,-6303, 2556,28092,-3822, + 2431,28142,-6975, 2544,27863,-6726, 2266,28229,-1686, + 1939,28156,-1065, 2569,27943,-2270, 2381,27545,-1682, + 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679,680,681,682, 68,67,66,69, 681,680,826,825, 682,681,684,683, + 683,684,685,686, 684,681,824,1114, 685,684,1114,1131, + 686,685,688,687, 687,688,689,690, 689,688,1136,1135, 69,720,721,70, + 690,689,692,691, 691,692,693,694, 692,689,1135,1134, + 693,692,1134,1133, 694,693,695,48, 695,693,1133,1132, + 696,695,1132,761, 697,696,699,698, 698,699,700,701, 699,696,761,760, + 654,655,12,11, 70,721,722,723, 700,699,760,759, 701,700,703,702, + 702,703,704,705, 703,700,759,758, 704,703,758,757, 705,704,707,706, + 706,707,708,709, 707,704,757,756, 708,707,756,755, 709,708,711,710, + 71,68,69,70, 710,711,712,713, 711,708,755,754, 713,712,715,714, + 714,715,716,61, 715,712,1158,1159, 716,715,767,766, 717,716,766,765, + 718,717,765,764, 719,718,764,763, 72,71,70,723, 722,721,1171,1170, + 723,722,725,724, 724,725,726,727, 725,722,1170,1169, 727,726,729,728, + 728,729,730,731, 73,72,723,724, 731,730,733,732, 732,733,734,735, + 733,730,1184,1183, 734,733,1183,1182, 735,734,737,736, + 736,737,738,739, 737,734,1182,1181, 738,737,1181,1180, + 739,738,741,740, 74,73,724,727, 740,741,742,83, 741,738,1180,1179, + 742,741,1179,1232, 743,742,1232,744, 749,748,751,750, 75,74,727,728, + 750,751,752,753, 753,752,870,869, 76,75,728,731, 762,763,772,773, + 763,764,771,772, 764,765,770,771, 765,766,769,770, 766,767,768,769, + 767,715,1159,1167, 768,767,1167,1164, 77,76,731,732, 774,642,822,821, + 775,639,872,871, 776,780,783,787, 776,777,829,827, 778,779,828,830, + 78,77,732,735, 780,781,782,783, 780,776,827,832, 781,780,832,831, + 783,782,793,792, 784,779,778,785, 785,778,777,786, 786,777,776,787, + 787,783,792,788, 788,792,795,799, 789,786,787,788, 79,78,735,736, + 790,785,786,789, 791,784,785,790, 792,793,794,795, 793,634,635,794, + 794,635,636,805, 795,794,805,804, 796,791,790,797, 797,790,789,798, + 798,789,788,799, 799,795,804,800, 655,656,13,12, 80,79,736,739, + 801,798,799,800, 802,797,798,801, 803,796,797,802, 806,636,637,858, + 81,80,739,740, 815,814,842,843, 817,818,825,826, 818,819,824,825, + 82,81,740,83, 823,816,817,826, 824,819,1115,1114, 827,829,836,837, + 828,779,1117,1116, 828,819,835,830, 829,777,778,830, 831,832,833,834, + 833,832,827,837, 834,833,841,840, 835,818,839,836, 836,829,830,835, + 837,836,839,838, 839,816,843,838, 840,645,646,834, 841,833,837,838, + 842,812,840,841, 842,841,838,843, 86,747,748,749, 869,870,871,872, + 872,639,112,207, 88,87,86,749, 89,88,749,750, 656,657,14,13, + 90,89,750,753, 91,58,492,485, 910,927,952,953, 911,926,956,957, + 912,925,944,945, 913,924,948,949, 914,943,950,951, 915,808,864,929, + 918,941,958,959, 919,942,946,947, 92,91,485,484, 92,56,57,91, + 920,940,954,955, 924,919,992,1015, 925,858,988,1016, 926,920,993,1013, + 927,914,986,1014, 928,909,990,1008, 929,908,996,1007, 93,55,56,92, + 930,907,979,1003, 931,906,1009,1048, 932,905,981,1001, + 933,904,980,1002, 934,923,994,1011, 935,918,987,1012, + 936,922,995,1045, 937,917,989,1010, 938,921,977,1005, + 939,916,978,1004, 94,54,55,93, 940,910,983,999, 941,911,982,1000, + 942,912,985,997, 943,913,984,998, 944,925,1016,1017, + 945,944,1017,1018, 946,942,997,1019, 947,946,1019,1020, + 948,924,1015,1021, 949,948,1021,1022, 95,94,484,477, 95,53,54,94, + 950,943,998,1023, 951,950,1023,1024, 952,927,1014,1025, + 953,952,1025,1026, 954,940,999,1027, 955,954,1027,1028, + 956,926,1013,1029, 957,956,1029,1030, 958,941,1000,1031, + 959,958,1031,1032, 96,52,53,95, 960,935,1012,1033, 961,960,1033,1034, + 961,905,935,960, 962,932,1001,1035, 963,962,1035,1036, + 963,923,932,962, 964,934,1011,1037, 965,964,1037,1038, + 965,904,934,964, 966,933,1002,1039, 967,966,1039,1040, + 967,917,933,966, 968,937,1010,1041, 969,968,1041,1042, + 969,907,937,968, 97,51,52,96, 970,930,1003,1043, 971,970,1043,1044, + 971,922,930,970, 972,936,1045,1046, 973,972,1046,1047, + 973,906,936,972, 974,931,1048,1049, 975,974,1049,1050, + 975,916,931,974, 976,915,1069,1059, 977,921,1065,1055, + 978,916,975,1050, 979,907,969,1042, 98,50,51,97, 980,904,965,1038, + 981,905,961,1034, 982,911,957,1030, 983,910,953,1026, + 984,913,949,1022, 985,912,945,1018, 986,914,951,1024, + 987,918,959,1032, 989,917,967,1040, 990,909,1063,1053, + 992,919,947,1020, 993,920,955,1028, 994,923,963,1036, + 995,922,971,1044, 996,908,1067,1057, 997,992,1020,1019, + 998,986,1024,1023, 999,993,1028,1027, + + SPIN,18, + 9510,0, 9510,756, SEAM, 9134,1129, 9447,1487, + 9447,1951, 9103,2371, STEPDOWN, 8211,3083, + 7167,4242, 6662,5664, 7040,7142, STEPUP, SEAM, 7935,8560, + STEPUP, BACKREF,0, + ENDOFDATA) + +class Bishop(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + data = (VERTICES, SETBACKREF,0, 5233,26960,0, 5154,26960,909, 4918,26960,1790, + 4532,26960,2617, 4009,26960,3364, 3364,26960,4009, 2617,26960,4532, + 1790,26960,4918, 909,26960,5154, 0,26833,5233, -909,26960,5154, + -1790,26960,4918, -2617,26960,4532, -3364,26960,4009, + -4009,26960,3364, -4532,26960,2617, -4918,26960,1790, + -5154,26960,909, -5233,26960,0, -5154,26960,-909, -4918,26960,-1790, + -4532,26960,-2617, -4009,26960,-3364, -3364,26960,-4009, + -2617,26960,-4532, -1790,26960,-4918, -909,26960,-5154, 0,26833,-5233, + 909,26960,-5154, 1790,26960,-4918, 2617,26960,-4532, 3364,26960,-4009, + 4009,26960,-3364, 4532,26960,-2617, 4918,26960,-1790, 5154,26960,-909, + SETBACKREF,1, 3812,31178,0, 3765,31144,729, 3624,31040,1435, + 3395,30872,2153, 3084,30642,2820, 2701,30360,3389, 2076,29899,4102, + 1492,30015,4340, 845,30033,4442, 0,30044,4511, -657,30063,4443, + -1481,30081,4214, -2190,30081,3884, -2830,30081,3435, + -3383,30081,2883, -3831,30081,2242, -4162,30081,1534, + -4364,30081,779, -4432,30081,0, -4364,30081,-779, -4162,30081,-1534, + -3831,30081,-2242, -3383,30081,-2883, -2830,30081,-3435, + -2190,30081,-3884, -1481,30081,-4214, -657,30063,-4443, 0,30044,-4511, + 845,30033,-4442, 1492,30015,-4340, 2076,29899,-4102, 2701,30360,-3388, + 3084,30642,-2820, 3395,30872,-2153, 3624,31040,-1435, 3765,31144,-729, + 240,28546,-4957, 884,29021,-4784, 1490,29467,-4537, 2076,29899,-4102, + 2701,30360,-3388, 3084,30642,-2820, 3395,30872,-2153, + 3624,31040,-1435, 3765,31144,-729, 2177,28477,4637, 1021,27605,5037, + 1021,27605,-5042, 2170,28478,-4644, 0,26833,-5233, 0,26833,5233, + -3153,28619,-3758, 240,28546,4957, 884,29021,4784, 2076,29899,4102, + 2701,30360,3389, 3084,30642,2820, 3395,30872,2153, 3624,31040,1435, + 3765,31144,729, -719,28582,4883, 4863,28569,977, 4560,28569,1925, + 4064,28569,2815, 3465,28569,3723, 2622,28569,4448, 2621,28583,-4401, + 3473,28588,-3691, 4064,28569,-2815, 4560,28569,-1925, 4863,28569,-977, + 4965,28569,0, -1678,28619,4610, -3153,28619,3758, -2453,28619,4248, + -4248,28619,2453, -3758,28619,3153, -4831,28619,852, -4906,28619,0, + -4831,28619,-852, -4610,28619,-1678, -4248,28619,-2453, + -3758,28619,-3153, -1678,28619,-4610, -2453,28619,-4248, + -644,27895,5037, -644,27895,-5037, -4610,28619,1678, -719,28582,-4883, + 2170,28478,-4644, 1021,27605,-5042, 1021,27605,5037, 2177,28477,4637, + 0,26833,-5233, 0,26833,5233, -644,27895,-5037, -644,27895,5037, + -644,27895,5037, -644,27895,-5037, 1490,29467,-4537, 884,29021,-4784, + 240,28546,-4957, 240,28546,4957, 884,29021,4784, 3812,31178,0, + 4349,30116,-867, 4197,30001,-1705, 3948,29813,-2492, 3610,29558,-3203, + 3193,29244,-3817, 2711,28880,-4315, 4349,30116,-867, 4197,30001,-1705, + 3948,29813,-2492, 3610,29558,-3203, 3193,29244,-3817, + 2711,28880,-4315, 1608,28047,-4906, 1608,28047,4901, 2711,28880,4310, + 3193,29244,3812, 3610,29558,3198, 3948,29813,2487, 4197,30001,1701, + 4349,30116,862, 4401,30155,-176, 1490,29467,4537, 1490,29467,4537, + 4401,30155,-176, 4349,30116,862, 4197,30001,1701, 3948,29813,2487, + 3610,29558,3198, 3193,29244,3812, 2711,28880,4310, 1608,28047,4901, + 1608,28047,-4906, + + TRIANGLES, 8,127,9, 7,128,154, 2,98,3, 121,96,10, 121,10,9, 121,138,96, + 122,27,26, 27,126,28, 66,135,65, 162,42,43, 165,164,141, 80,140,95, + 103,151,150, 102,125,152, 101,155,128, 100,157,156, 124,137,122, + 33,105,34, 29,153,125, 26,124,122, + + QUADS, 22,118,87,23, 21,117,118,22, 20,116,117,21, 19,115,116,20, + 18,114,115,19, 17,113,114,18, 16,123,113,17, 15,111,123,16, 14,112,111,15, + 13,109,112,14, 12,110,109,13, 11,108,110,12, 7,154,127,8, 110,108,47,48, + 135,136,64,65, 136,137,63,64, 138,139,44,45, 139,162,43,44, 109,110,48,49, + 147,161,107,106, 166,165,141,142, 167,166,142,143, 168,167,143,144, + 169,168,144,145, 112,109,49,50, 170,169,145,146, 171,81,84,172, + 111,112,50,51, 72,88,133,134, 73,89,88,72, 74,163,89,73, 75,90,163,74, + 76,91,90,75, 77,92,91,76, 78,93,92,77, 79,94,93,78, 80,95,94,79, + 81,170,146,84, 82,171,172,83, 86,82,83,85, 130,129,131,132, 123,111,51,52, + 113,123,52,53, 114,113,53,54, 115,114,54,55, 116,115,55,56, 117,116,56,57, + 118,117,57,58, 87,118,58,59, 120,87,59,60, 119,120,60,61, 107,161,160,97, + 106,107,0,35, 105,148,147,106, 105,106,35,34, 104,149,148,105, + 104,105,33,32, 103,150,149,104, 103,104,32,31, 102,152,151,103, + 102,103,31,30, 101,128,7,6, 100,101,6,5, 100,156,155,101, 99,100,5,4, + 99,158,157,100, 98,99,4,3, 98,159,158,99, 97,98,2,1, 97,160,159,98, + 96,108,11,10, 96,138,45,46, 124,119,61,62, 47,108,96,46, 63,137,124,62, + 0,107,97,1, 29,125,102,30, 28,126,153,29, 25,119,124,26, 24,120,119,25, + 23,87,120,24, + + SPIN,18, + 8870,0,8870,731,SEAM,8519,1091,8811,1438,8811,1886,8626,2292, + STEPDOWN,6989,2980,5927,4133,5548,5735, + STEPUP,5388,7642,5228,7807,STEPDOWN,4427,8149,4057,8434, + 3493,9185,2816,13524,SEAM,2690,18532,5301,18690, + STEPUP,6810,19005,6861,19277,6804,19625,STEPDOWN,6502,19845, + SEAM,4305,20394,STEPUP,4796,20522,4924,20759,4778,20979, + STEPDOWN,SEAM,3727,21207,SEAM,3726,22181,STEPUP,SEAM,4546,22705, + SEAM,3846,23385,4718,24227,5226,25516,STEPUP,BACKREF,0, + + SPIN,36, + BACKREF,1,STEPDOWN,3548,31590,STEPDOWN,2724,32633,SEAM,1581,33500, + 2013,33901,STEPUP,2281,34500,2281,34936,STEPDOWN,1947,35372, + STEPDOWN,1233,35734,STEPDOWN,0,35891, + + ENDOFDATA) + +class Queen(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + data = (SPIN,24, + 11092,0,11092,914,SEAM,10653,1284, + 11018,1798,11018,2358,10787,2866, + STEPDOWN,8739,3726,7412,5168,6937,7171, + STEPUP,6737,9556,6537,9762,STEPDOWN,5536,10191,5073,10546, + 4368,11485,3678,15137,SEAM,3259,26879, + 5966,27091,STEPUP,7332,27515,7619,27882,7545,28455,7317,28751, + 5654,29177,5538,29326,5542,29982,5377,30278, + STEPDOWN,SEAM,4194,30585, + SEAM,4226,31822,5002,32218,STEPUP,5139,32477,5058,32774, + SEAM,4227,33040,STEPDOWN,4421,34778,5042,36612,5874,38429, + STEPUP,SEAM,PATTERN,3,6018,39660,6018,39660,6804,39977, + SEAM,PATTERN,3,5015,41139,5015,41139,5673,41460, + SEAM,4349,40044, + STEPDOWN,SEAM,1381,41188, + 1396,42332,STEPDOWN,1082,43072,481,43476,0,43543, + ENDOFDATA) + +class King(SimpleModel): + """ + """ + + data = (SPIN,20, + 11378,0,11378,856,SEAM,10928,1152, + 11302,1684,11302,2209,11065,2684, + STEPDOWN,8964,3490,7603,4841,7116,6717, + STEPUP,6911,8950,6705,9144,STEPDOWN,5678,9545,5204,9878, + 4481,10758,3696,14808,SEAM,3065,26979, + 5813,27155,STEPUP,7145,27507,7424,27812,7352,28288,7131,28533, + 5477,28882,5397,29010,5406,29363,4903,29934, + STEPDOWN,SEAM,3944,30227, + SEAM,3974,31478,4703,31849,STEPUP,4832,32092,4756,32370, + SEAM,3975,32620,6899,39055,6877,39351,2833,39514, + 2786,39612,2786,39807,2734,39856,STEPDOWN,STEPDOWN,2590,39905,0,39969, + + SETBACKREF,0, + QUADSTRIP,-1613,39866,0,-1543,39866,702,-1651,40481,0,-1580,40590,702, + -1531,40917,0,-1465,41008,702, + QUADSTRIP,-1531,40917,0,-1465,41008,702,-2956,41104,0,-2829,41187,702, + -3075,41520,0,-2943,41585,702,-3075,43849,0,-2943,43805,702, + -2862,44347,0,-2739,44282,702,-1116,44636,0,-1068,44554,702, + QUADSTRIP,-1116,44636,0,-1068,44554,702,-1102,45692,0,-1054,45576,702, + -973,45829,0,-973,45747,702,973,45829,0,973,45747,702,1102,45692,0, + 1054,45576,702,1116,44636,0,1068,44554,702, + QUADSTRIP,1116,44636,0,1068,44554,702,2862,44347,0,2739,44282,702, + 3075,43849,0,2943,43805,702,3075,41520,0,2943,41585,702,2956,41104,0, + 2829,41187,702,1531,40917,0,1465,41008,702, + QUADSTRIP,1531,40917,0,1465,41008,702,1651,40481,0,1580,40590,702, + 1613,39866,0,1543,39866,702, + QUADSTRIP,-1543,39866,702,1543,39866,702,-1580,40590,702, + 1580,40590,702,-1465,41008,702,1465,41008,702,-2829,41187,702, + 2829,41187,702,-2943,41585,702,2943,41585,702,-2943,43805,702, + 2943,43805,702,-2739,44282,702,2739,44282,702,-1068,44554,702, + 1068,44554,702,-1054,45576,702,1054,45576,702,-973,45747,702, + 973,45747,702, + QUADSTRIP,-1543,39866,-702,BACKREF,0,0,-1580,40590,-702,BACKREF,0,2, + -1465,41008,-702,BACKREF,0,4, + QUADSTRIP,-1465,41008,-702,BACKREF,0,6,-2829,41187,-702,BACKREF,0,8, + -2943,41585,-702,BACKREF,0,10,-2943,43805,-702,BACKREF,0,12, + -2739,44282,-702,BACKREF,0,14,-1068,44554,-702,BACKREF,0,16, + QUADSTRIP,-1068,44554,-702,BACKREF,0,18,-1054,45576,-702, + BACKREF,0,20,-973,45747,-702,BACKREF,0,22,973,45747,-702,BACKREF,0,24, + 1054,45576,-702,BACKREF,0,26,1068,44554,-702,BACKREF,0,28, + QUADSTRIP,1068,44554,-702,BACKREF,0,30,2739,44282,-702, + BACKREF,0,32,2943,43805,-702,BACKREF,0,34,2943,41585,-702,BACKREF,0,36, + 2829,41187,-702,BACKREF,0,38,1465,41008,-702,BACKREF,0,40, + QUADSTRIP,1465,41008,-702,BACKREF,0,42,1580,40590,-702, + BACKREF,0,44,1543,39866,-702,BACKREF,0,46, + QUADSTRIP,1543,39866,-702,-1543,39866,-702,1580,40590,-702, + -1580,40590,-702,1465,41008,-702,-1465,41008,-702,2829,41187,-702, + -2829,41187,-702,2943,41585,-702,-2943,41585,-702,2943,43805,-702, + -2943,43805,-702,2739,44282,-702,-2739,44282,-702,1068,44554,-702, + -1068,44554,-702,1054,45576,-702,-1054,45576,-702,973,45747,-702, + -973,45747,-702, + ENDOFDATA) + diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0645e56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +import math + +from OpenGL.GL import * +from OpenGL.GLU import * + +from glchess.defaults import * + +import glchess.scene +import texture +import new_models +builtin_models = new_models + +SQUARE_WIDTH = 10.0 +BOARD_DEPTH = 3.0 +BOARD_BORDER = 5.0 +BOARD_CHAMFER = 2.0 +BOARD_INNER_WIDTH = (SQUARE_WIDTH * 8.0) +BOARD_OUTER_WIDTH = (BOARD_INNER_WIDTH + BOARD_BORDER * 2.0) +OFFSET = (BOARD_OUTER_WIDTH * 0.5) + +LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOUR = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0) +LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOUR = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) +LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOUR = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + +BOARD_AMBIENT = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) +BOARD_DIFFUSE = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) +BOARD_SPECULAR = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) +BOARD_SHININESS = 128.0 + +BACKGROUND_COLOUR = (0.53, 0.63, 0.75, 0.0) +BORDER_COLOUR = (0.72, 0.33, 0.0) +BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.3, 1.0, 0.3), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.3, 0.3, 1.0)} +WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.2, 1.0, 0.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.2, 0.2, 0.8)} + +# HACK +import os.path + +class ChessPiece(glchess.scene.ChessPiece): + """ + """ + __scene = None + + __chessSet = None + __name = None + + pos = None + __targetPos = None + + def __init__(self, scene, chessSet, name, startPos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): + """ + """ + self.__scene = scene + self.__chessSet = chessSet + self.__name = name + self.pos = startPos + + def move(self, coord): + """Extends glchess.scene.ChessPiece""" + self.__targetPos = self.__scene._coordToLocation(coord) + self.__scene._startAnimation() + + def draw(self, state = 'default'): + """ + """ + self.__chessSet.drawPiece(self.__name, state, self.__scene) + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """ + + Return True if the piece has moved otherwise False. + """ + if self.__targetPos is None: + return False + + if self.pos == self.__targetPos: + self.__targetPos = None + return False + + # Get distance to target + dx = self.__targetPos[0] - self.pos[0] + dy = self.__targetPos[1] - self.pos[1] + dz = self.__targetPos[2] - self.pos[2] + + # Get movement step in each direction + SPEED = 50.0 # FIXME + xStep = timeStep * SPEED + if xStep > abs(dx): + xStep = dx + else: + xStep *= cmp(dx, 0.0) + yStep = timeStep * SPEED + if yStep > abs(dy): + yStep = dy + else: + yStep *= cmp(dy, 0.0) + zStep = timeStep * SPEED + if zStep > abs(dz): + zStep = dz + else: + zStep *= cmp(dz, 0.0) + + # Move the piece + self.pos = (self.pos[0] + xStep, self.pos[1] + yStep, self.pos[2] + zStep) + return True + +class Scene(glchess.scene.Scene): + """ + """ + # The viewport dimensions + __viewportWidth = 0 + __viewportHeight = 0 + __viewportAspect = 1.0 + + __animating = False + + # Loading screen properties + __throbberEnabled = False + __throbberAngle = 0.0 + + # The scene light position + __lightPos = None + + # The board angle in degrees + __boardAngle = 0.0 + __oldBoardAngle = 0.0 + __targetBoardAngle = 0.0 + + # OpenGL display list for the board and a flag to regenerate it + __boardList = None + __regenerateBoard = False + + # Texture objects for the board + __whiteTexture = None + __blackTexture = None + + # ... + __pieces = None + __chessSets = None + __piecesMoving = False + + # Dictionary of co-ordinates to highlight + __highlights = None + + def __init__(self): + """Constructor for an OpenGL scene""" + self.__lightPos = [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 1.0] + self.__pieces = [] + self.__highlights = {} + + self.__chessSets = {'white': builtin_models.WhiteBuiltinSet(), 'black': builtin_models.BlackBuiltinSet()} + + self.__whiteTexture = texture.Texture(os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'board.png'), + ambient = BOARD_AMBIENT, diffuse = BOARD_DIFFUSE, + specular = BOARD_SPECULAR, shininess = BOARD_SHININESS) + self.__blackTexture = texture.Texture(os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'board.png'), + ambient = BOARD_AMBIENT, diffuse = BOARD_DIFFUSE, + specular = BOARD_SPECULAR, shininess = BOARD_SHININESS) + + def onRedraw(self): + """This method is called when the scene needs redrawing""" + pass + + def _startAnimation(self): + """ + """ + self.__changed = True + if self.__animating is False: + self.__animating = True + self.startAnimation() + + def addChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, coord): + """Add a chess piece model into the scene. + + 'chessSet' is the name of the chess set (string). + 'name' is the name of the piece (string). + 'coord' is the the chess board location of the piece in LAN format (string). + + Returns a reference to this chess piece or raises an exception. + """ + chessSet = self.__chessSets[chessSet] + piece = ChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, self._coordToLocation(coord)) + self.__pieces.append(piece) + + # Redraw the scene + self.onRedraw() + + return piece + + def removeChessPiece(self, piece): + """Remove chess piece. + + 'piece' is a chess piece instance as returned by addChessPiece(). + """ + self.__pieces.remove(piece) + self.onRedraw() + + def setBoardHighlight(self, coords): + """Highlight a square on the board. + + 'coords' is a dictionary of highlight types keyed by square co-ordinates. + The co-ordinates are a tuple in the form (file,rank). + If None the highlight will be cleared. + """ + if coords is None: + self.__highlights = {} + else: + self.__highlights = coords.copy() + + # Regenerate the optimised board model + self.__regenerateBoard = True + + self.onRedraw() + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """Resize the viewport into the scene. + + 'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + 'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels. + """ + self.__viewportWidth = int(width) + self.__viewportHeight = int(height) + self.__viewportAspect = float(self.__viewportWidth) / float(self.__viewportHeight) + self.onRedraw() + + def setBoardRotation(self, angle): + """Set the rotation on the board. + + 'angle' is the angle the board should be drawn at in degress (float, [0.0, 360.0]). + """ + self.__targetBoardAngle = angle + self._startAnimation() + + def animate(self, timeStep): + """Extends glchess.scene.Scene""" + redraw1 = self.__animateThrobber(timeStep) + self.__piecesMoving = self.__animatePieces(timeStep) + redraw2 = self.__animateRotation(timeStep) + if redraw1 or redraw2 or self.__piecesMoving: + self.__animating = True + self.onRedraw() + else: + self.__animating = False + return self.__animating + + def render(self): + """Render the scene. + + This requires an OpenGL context. + """ + glClearColor(*BACKGROUND_COLOUR) + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) + + # Set the projection for this scene + self.__setViewport() + + # Do camera and board rotation/translation + glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) + glLoadIdentity() + self.__transformCamera() + + glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOUR) + glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOUR) + glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOUR) + glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, self.__lightPos) + glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) + glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) + + self.__transformBoard() + + glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) + glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) + + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) + self.__drawBoard() + glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) + glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + + # WORKAROUND: Mesa is corrupting polygons on the bottom of the models + # It could be because the depth buffer has a low bit depth? + glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) + + if self.__throbberEnabled: + self.__drawThrobber() + else: + self.__drawPieces() + + def getSquare(self, x, y): + """Find the chess square at a given 2D location. + + 'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select. + 'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select. + + This requires an OpenGL context. + + Return the co-ordinate in LAN format (string) or None if no square at this point. + """ + # FIXME: Don't rely on this? It seems to get corrupt when multiple games are started + viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) + + # Don't render to screen, just select + # Selection buffer is large in case we select multiple squares at once (it generates an exception) + glSelectBuffer(20) + glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) + + glInitNames() + glPushName(0) + + # Create pixel picking region near cursor location + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) + glLoadIdentity() + gluPickMatrix(x, (float(viewport[3]) - y), 1.0, 1.0, viewport) + gluPerspective(60.0, float(viewport[2]) / float(viewport[3]), 0, 1) + + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) + glLoadIdentity() + self.__transformCamera() + + # Draw board + + self.__transformBoard() + self.__drawSquares() + + # Render and check for hits + # Catch the exception in case we select more than we can fit in the selection buffer + glFlush() + try: + records = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) + except GLerror: + records = None + + # Get the first record and use this as the selected square + coord = None + if records is not None: + for record in records: + coord = record[2] + break + + # Reset projection matrix + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) + glLoadIdentity() + gluPerspective(60.0, float(viewport[2]) / float(viewport[3]), 0.1, 1000) + + # Convert from co-ordinates to LAN format + rank = chr(ord('a') + coord[0]) + file = chr(ord('1') + coord[1]) + + return rank + file + + # Private methods + + def _coordToLocation(self, coord): + """ + """ + rank = ord(coord[0]) - ord('a') + file = ord(coord[1]) - ord('1') + x = BOARD_BORDER + float(rank) * SQUARE_WIDTH + 0.5 * SQUARE_WIDTH + z = -(BOARD_BORDER + float(file) * SQUARE_WIDTH + 0.5 * SQUARE_WIDTH) + + return (x, 0.0, z) + + def __animateThrobber(self, timeStep): + """ + """ + if self.__throbberEnabled is False: + return False + + self.__throbberAngle += timeStep * (math.pi * 2.0) / 2.0 + while self.__throbberAngle > (math.pi * 2.0): + self.__throbberAngle -= 2.0 * math.pi + return True + + def __animateRotation(self, timeStep): + """ + """ + if self.__boardAngle == self.__targetBoardAngle: + return False + + # Wait unti pieces have stopped moving + if self.__piecesMoving: + return False + + # Rotate board to the chosen angle + length = abs(self.__targetBoardAngle - self.__oldBoardAngle) + self.__boardAngle += timeStep * length / 0.8 + while self.__boardAngle > 360.0: + self.__boardAngle -= 360.0 + travelled = self.__targetBoardAngle - self.__boardAngle + while travelled < 0.0: + travelled += 360.0 + + # If have moved through the remaining angle then clip to the target + if travelled >= length: + self.__oldBoardAngle = self.__boardAngle = self.__targetBoardAngle + + return True + + def __animatePieces(self, timeStep): + """ + """ + active = False + for piece in self.__pieces: + if piece.animate(timeStep): + active = True + + # If the throbber is enabled the pieces are hidden so don't redraw + if active and not self.__throbberEnabled: + return True + return False + + def __drawThrobber(self): + """ + """ + glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) + glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) + + # Orthographic projection with even scaling + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) + glLoadIdentity() + + if self.__viewportWidth > self.__viewportHeight: + h = 1.0 + w = 1.0 * self.__viewportWidth / self.__viewportHeight + else: + h = 1.0 * self.__viewportHeight / self.__viewportWidth + w = 1.0 + gluOrtho2D(0, w, 0, h) + + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) + glLoadIdentity() + + glEnable(GL_BLEND) + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) + glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.75) + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + glVertex2f(-1.0, -1.0) + glVertex2f(w + 1.0, -1.0) + glVertex2f(w + 1.0, h + 1.0) + glVertex2f(-1.0, h + 1.0) + glEnd() + + NSECTIONS = 9 + RADIUS_OUT0 = 0.4 + RADIUS_OUT1 = 0.43 + RADIUS_OUT2 = 0.4 + RADIUS_IN0 = 0.25#0.1 + RADIUS_IN1 = 0.24#0.09 + RADIUS_IN2 = 0.25#0.1 + STEP_ANGLE = 2.0 * math.pi / float(NSECTIONS) + HALF_WIDTH = 0.8 * (0.5 * STEP_ANGLE) + + glTranslatef(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.0) + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + + for i in xrange(NSECTIONS): + theta = 2.0 * math.pi * float(i) / float(NSECTIONS) + leadTheta = theta + HALF_WIDTH + lagTheta = theta - HALF_WIDTH + x0 = math.sin(leadTheta) + y0 = math.cos(leadTheta) + x1 = math.sin(theta) + y1 = math.cos(theta) + x2 = math.sin(lagTheta) + y2 = math.cos(lagTheta) + + angleDifference = self.__throbberAngle - theta + if angleDifference > math.pi: + angleDifference -= 2.0 * math.pi + elif angleDifference < -math.pi: + angleDifference += 2.0 * math.pi + + stepDifference = angleDifference / STEP_ANGLE + if stepDifference > -0.5 and stepDifference < 0.5: + x = 2.0 * abs(stepDifference) + glColor4f(1.0, x, x, 0.6) + else: + glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6) + + glVertex2f(RADIUS_IN0 * x0, RADIUS_IN0 * y0) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_OUT0 * x0, RADIUS_OUT0 * y0) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_OUT1 * x1, RADIUS_OUT1 * y1) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_IN1 * x1, RADIUS_IN1 * y1) + + glVertex2f(RADIUS_IN1 * x1, RADIUS_IN1 * y1) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_OUT1 * x1, RADIUS_OUT1 * y1) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_OUT2 * x2, RADIUS_OUT2 * y2) + glVertex2f(RADIUS_IN2 * x2, RADIUS_IN2 * y2) + + glEnd() + + glDisable(GL_BLEND) + + def __setViewport(self): + """Perform the projection matrix transformation for the current viewport""" + glViewport(0, 0, self.__viewportWidth, self.__viewportHeight) + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) + glLoadIdentity() + gluPerspective(60.0, self.__viewportAspect, 0.1, 1000) + + def __transformCamera(self): + """Perform the camera matrix transformation""" + gluLookAt(0.0, 90.0, 45.0, + 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, + 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + + def __drawBoard(self): + """Draw a chessboard""" + # Use pre-rendered version if available + if self.__regenerateBoard is False and self.__boardList is not None: + glCallList(self.__boardList) + return + + # Attempt to store the board as a display list + if self.__boardList is None: + list = glGenLists(1) + if list != 0: + self.__boardList = list + + # If have a list store there + if self.__boardList is not None: + glNewList(self.__boardList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE) + + # Board verticies + # (lower 12-15 are under 8-11) + # + # a b c d e f + # + # 8-----------------9 g + # |\ /| + # | 4-------------5 | h + # | | | | + # | | 0---------1 | | i + # | | | | | | + # | | | | | | + # | | 3---------2 | | j + # | | | | + # | 7-------------6 | k + # |/ \| + # 11---------------10 l + # + # |- board -| + # width + + # Draw the border + glColor3f(*BORDER_COLOUR) + + # Top + a = 0.0 + b = BOARD_CHAMFER + c = BOARD_BORDER + d = c + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 8.0) + e = d + BOARD_BORDER - BOARD_CHAMFER + f = d + BOARD_BORDER + l = 0.0 + k = -BOARD_CHAMFER + j = -BOARD_BORDER + i = j - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 8.0) + h = i - BOARD_BORDER + BOARD_CHAMFER + g = i - BOARD_BORDER + verticies = [(c, 0.0, i), (d, 0.0, i), + (d, 0.0, j), (c, 0.0, j), + (b, 0.0, h), (e, 0.0, h), + (e, 0.0, k), (b, 0.0, k), + (a, -BOARD_CHAMFER, g), (f, -BOARD_CHAMFER, g), + (f, -BOARD_CHAMFER, l), (a, -BOARD_CHAMFER, l), + (a, -BOARD_DEPTH, g), (f, -BOARD_DEPTH, g), (f, -BOARD_DEPTH, l), (a, -BOARD_DEPTH, l)] + + normals = [(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), + (0.0, 0.707, -0.707), (0.707, 0.707, 0.0), (0.0, 0.707, 0.707), (-0.707, 0.707, 0.0)] + + #textureCoords = [(0.0, 0.0), ( + + quads = [(0, 1, 5, 4, 0), (1, 2, 6, 5, 0), (2, 3, 7, 6, 0), (3, 0, 4, 7, 0), + (4, 5, 9, 8, 5), (5, 6, 10, 9, 6), (6, 7, 11, 10, 7), (7, 4, 8, 11, 8), + (8, 9, 13, 12, 1), (9, 10, 14, 13, 2), (10, 11, 15, 14, 3), (11, 8, 12, 15, 4)] + + glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + for q in quads: + glNormal3fv(normals[q[4]]) + #glTexCoord2fv(textureCoords[q[0]]) + glVertex3fv(verticies[q[0]]) + #glTexCoord2fv(textureCoords[q[1]]) + glVertex3fv(verticies[q[1]]) + #glTexCoord2fv(textureCoords[q[2]]) + glVertex3fv(verticies[q[2]]) + #glTexCoord2fv(textureCoords[q[3]]) + glVertex3fv(verticies[q[3]]) + glEnd() + + # Draw the squares + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]: + for y in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]: + isBlack = (x + (y % 2) + 1) % 2 + + # Get the highlight type + coord = chr(ord('a') + x) + chr(ord('1') + y) + try: + highlight = self.__highlights[coord] + except KeyError: + highlight = None + + if isBlack: + colour = BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] + self.__whiteTexture.bind() #blackTexture + else: + colour = WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] + self.__whiteTexture.bind() + + x0 = BOARD_BORDER + (x * SQUARE_WIDTH) + x1 = x0 + SQUARE_WIDTH + z0 = BOARD_BORDER + (y * SQUARE_WIDTH) + z1 = z0 + SQUARE_WIDTH + + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + glNormal3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + glColor3fv(colour) + glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) + glVertex3f(x0, 0.0, -z0) + glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) + glVertex3f(x1, 0.0, -z0) + glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) + glVertex3f(x1, 0.0, -z1) + glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) + glVertex3f(x0, 0.0, -z1) + glEnd() + + if self.__boardList is not None: + glEndList() + glCallList(self.__boardList) + + def __drawSquares(self): + """Draw the board squares for picking""" + + # draw the floor squares + for u in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]: + glLoadName(u) + + for v in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]: + glPushName(v) + + # Draw square + glBegin(GL_QUADS) + x0 = BOARD_BORDER + (u * SQUARE_WIDTH) + x1 = x0 + SQUARE_WIDTH + z0 = BOARD_BORDER + (v * SQUARE_WIDTH) + z1 = z0 + SQUARE_WIDTH + + glVertex3f(x0, 0.0, -z0) + glVertex3f(x1, 0.0, -z0) + glVertex3f(x1, 0.0, -z1) + glVertex3f(x0, 0.0, -z1) + glEnd() + + glPopName() + + def __drawPieces(self): + """Draw the pieces in the scene""" + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + + for piece in self.__pieces: + glPushMatrix() + glTranslatef(piece.pos[0], piece.pos[1], piece.pos[2]) + + # Draw the model + piece.draw() + + glPopMatrix() + + glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) + + def __transformBoard(self): + """Perform the board transform""" + # Rotate the board + glRotatef(self.__boardAngle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + + # Offset board so centre is (0.0,0.0) + glTranslatef(-OFFSET, 0.0, OFFSET) diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4edb106 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# - PNG encoder in pure Python +# Copyright (C) 2006 Johann C. Rocholl +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person +# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files +# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, +# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, +# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, +# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +# subject to the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +# NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +# ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +# CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +# SOFTWARE. +# +# Contributors (alphabetical): +# Nicko van Someren +# +# Changelog (recent first): +# 2006-06-17 Nicko: Reworked into a class, faster interlacing. +# 2006-06-17 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG decoder. +# 2006-06-17 Nicko: Test suite with various image generators. +# 2006-06-17 Nicko: Alpha-channel, grey-scale, 16-bit/plane support. +# 2006-06-15 Johann: Scanline iterator interface for large input files. +# 2006-06-09 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG encoder. + + +""" +Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer + +This is an implementation of a subset of the PNG specification at + in pure Python. It reads +and writes PNG files with 8/16/24/32/48/64 bits per pixel (greyscale, +RGB, RGBA, with 8 or 16 bits per layer), with a number of options. For +help, type "import png; help(png)" in your python interpreter. + +This file can also be used as a command-line utility to convert PNM +files to PNG. The interface is similar to that of the pnmtopng program +from the netpbm package. Type "python --help" at the shell +prompt for usage and a list of options. +""" + + +__revision__ = '$Rev$' +__date__ = '$Date$' +__author__ = '$Author$' + + +import sys, zlib, struct, math +from array import array + + +_adam7 = ((0, 0, 8, 8), + (4, 0, 8, 8), + (0, 4, 4, 8), + (2, 0, 4, 4), + (0, 2, 2, 4), + (1, 0, 2, 2), + (0, 1, 1, 2)) + + +def interleave_planes(ipixels, apixels, ipsize, apsize): + """ + Interleave color planes, e.g. RGB + A = RGBA. + + Return an array of pixels consisting of the ipsize bytes of data + from each pixel in ipixels followed by the apsize bytes of data + from each pixel in apixels, for an image of size width x height. + """ + itotal = len(ipixels) + atotal = len(apixels) + newtotal = itotal + atotal + newpsize = ipsize + apsize + # Set up the output buffer + out = array('B') + # It's annoying that there is no cheap way to set the array size :-( + out.extend(ipixels) + out.extend(apixels) + # Interleave in the pixel data + for i in range(ipsize): + out[i:newtotal:newpsize] = ipixels[i:itotal:ipsize] + for i in range(apsize): + out[i+ipsize:newtotal:newpsize] = apixels[i:atotal:apsize] + return out + + +class Writer: + """ + PNG encoder in pure Python. + """ + + def __init__(self, width, height, + transparent=None, + background=None, + gamma=None, + greyscale=False, + has_alpha=False, + bytes_per_sample=1, + compression=None, + interlaced=False, + chunk_limit=2**20): + """ + Create a PNG encoder object. + + Arguments: + width, height - size of the image in pixels + transparent - create a tRNS chunk + background - create a bKGD chunk + gamma - create a gAMA chunk + greyscale - input data is greyscale, not RGB + has_alpha - input data has alpha channel (RGBA) + bytes_per_sample - 8-bit or 16-bit input data + compression - zlib compression level (1-9) + chunk_limit - write multiple IDAT chunks to save memory + + If specified, the transparent and background parameters must + be a tuple with three integer values for red, green, blue, or + a simple integer (or singleton tuple) for a greyscale image. + + If specified, the gamma parameter must be a float value. + + """ + if width <= 0 or height <= 0: + raise ValueError("width and height must be greater than zero") + + if has_alpha and transparent is not None: + raise ValueError( + "transparent color not allowed with alpha channel") + + if bytes_per_sample < 1 or bytes_per_sample > 2: + raise ValueError("bytes per sample must be 1 or 2") + + if transparent is not None: + if greyscale: + if type(transparent) is not int: + raise ValueError( + "transparent color for greyscale must be integer") + else: + if not (len(transparent) == 3 and + type(transparent[0]) is int and + type(transparent[1]) is int and + type(transparent[2]) is int): + raise ValueError( + "transparent color must be a triple of integers") + + if background is not None: + if greyscale: + if type(background) is not int: + raise ValueError( + "background color for greyscale must be integer") + else: + if not (len(background) == 3 and + type(background[0]) is int and + type(background[1]) is int and + type(background[2]) is int): + raise ValueError( + "background color must be a triple of integers") + + self.width = width + self.height = height + self.transparent = transparent + self.background = background + self.gamma = gamma + self.greyscale = greyscale + self.has_alpha = has_alpha + self.bytes_per_sample = bytes_per_sample + self.compression = compression + self.chunk_limit = chunk_limit + self.interlaced = interlaced + + if self.greyscale: + self.color_depth = 1 + if self.has_alpha: + self.color_type = 4 + self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 2 + else: + self.color_type = 0 + self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample + else: + self.color_depth = 3 + if self.has_alpha: + self.color_type = 6 + self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 4 + else: + self.color_type = 2 + self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 3 + + def write_chunk(self, outfile, tag, data): + """ + Write a PNG chunk to the output file, including length and checksum. + """ + # + outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data))) + outfile.write(tag) + outfile.write(data) + checksum = zlib.crc32(tag) + checksum = zlib.crc32(data, checksum) + outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum)) + + def write(self, outfile, scanlines): + """ + Write a PNG image to the output file. + """ + # + outfile.write(struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)) + + # + if self.interlaced: + interlaced = 1 + else: + interlaced = 0 + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IHDR', + struct.pack("!2I5B", self.width, self.height, + self.bytes_per_sample * 8, + self.color_type, 0, 0, interlaced)) + + # + if self.transparent is not None: + if self.greyscale: + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS', + struct.pack("!1H", *self.transparent)) + else: + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS', + struct.pack("!3H", *self.transparent)) + + # + if self.background is not None: + if self.greyscale: + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD', + struct.pack("!1H", *self.background)) + else: + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD', + struct.pack("!3H", *self.background)) + + # + if self.gamma is not None: + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'gAMA', + struct.pack("!L", int(self.gamma * 100000))) + + # + if self.compression is not None: + compressor = zlib.compressobj(self.compression) + else: + compressor = zlib.compressobj() + + data = array('B') + for scanline in scanlines: + data.append(0) + data.extend(scanline) + if len(data) > self.chunk_limit: + compressed = compressor.compress(data.tostring()) + if len(compressed): + # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed) + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed) + data = array('B') + if len(data): + compressed = compressor.compress(data.tostring()) + else: + compressed = '' + flushed = compressor.flush() + if len(compressed) or len(flushed): + # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed), len(flushed) + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed + flushed) + + # + self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IEND', '') + + def write_array(self, outfile, pixels): + """ + Encode a pixel array to PNG and write output file. + """ + if self.interlaced: + self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) + else: + self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels)) + + def convert_ppm(self, ppmfile, outfile): + """ + Convert a PPM file containing raw pixel data into a PNG file + with the parameters set in the writer object. + """ + if self.interlaced: + pixels = array('B') + pixels.fromfile(ppmfile, + self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth * + self.width * self.height) + self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) + else: + self.write(outfile, self.file_scanlines(ppmfile)) + + def convert_ppm_and_pgm(self, ppmfile, pgmfile, outfile): + """ + Convert a PPM and PGM file containing raw pixel data into a + PNG outfile with the parameters set in the writer object. + """ + pixels = array('B') + pixels.fromfile(ppmfile, + self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth * + self.width * self.height) + apixels = array('B') + apixels.fromfile(pgmfile, + self.bytes_per_sample * + self.width * self.height) + pixels = interleave_planes(pixels, apixels, + self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth, + self.bytes_per_sample) + if self.interlaced: + self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) + else: + self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels)) + + def file_scanlines(self, infile): + """ + Generator for scanlines from an input file. + """ + row_bytes = self.psize * self.width + for y in range(self.height): + scanline = array('B') + scanline.fromfile(infile, row_bytes) + yield scanline + + def array_scanlines(self, pixels): + """ + Generator for scanlines from an array. + """ + row_bytes = self.width * self.psize + stop = 0 + for y in range(self.height): + start = stop + stop = start + row_bytes + yield pixels[start:stop] + + def old_array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels): + """ + Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array. + + """ + row_bytes = self.psize * self.width + for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: + for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): + if xstart < self.width: + if xstep == 1: + offset = y*row_bytes + yield pixels[offset:offset+row_bytes] + else: + row = array('B') + offset = y*row_bytes + xstart* self.psize + skip = self.psize * xstep + for x in range(xstart, self.width, xstep): + row.extend(pixels[offset:offset + self.psize]) + offset += skip + yield row + + def array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels): + """ + Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array. + + """ + row_bytes = self.psize * self.width + for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: + for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): + if xstart >= self.width: + continue + if xstep == 1: + offset = y * row_bytes + yield pixels[offset:offset+row_bytes] + else: + row = array('B') + # Note we want the ceiling of (self.width - xstart) / xtep + row_len = self.psize * ( + (self.width - xstart + xstep - 1) / xstep) + # There's no easier way to set the length of an array + row.extend(pixels[0:row_len]) + offset = y * row_bytes + xstart * self.psize + end_offset = (y+1) * row_bytes + skip = self.psize * xstep + for i in range(self.psize): + row[i:row_len:self.psize] = \ + pixels[offset+i:end_offset:skip] + yield row + +class _readable: + """ + A simple file-like interface for strings and arrays. + """ + + def __init__(self, buf): + self.buf = buf + self.offset = 0 + + def read(self, n): + r = buf[offset:offset+n] + if isinstance(r, array): + r = r.tostring() + offset += n + return r + +class Reader: + """ + PNG decoder in pure Python. + """ + + def __init__(self, _guess=None, **kw): + """ + Create a PNG decoder object. + + The constructor expects exactly one keyword argument. If you + supply a positional argument instead, it will guess the input + type. You can choose among the following arguments: + filename - name of PNG input file + file - object with a read() method + pixels - array or string with PNG data + + """ + if ((_guess is not None and len(kw) != 0) or + (_guess is None and len(kw) != 1)): + raise TypeError("Reader() takes exactly 1 argument") + + if _guess is not None: + if isinstance(_guess, array): + kw["pixels"] = _guess + elif isinstance(_guess, str): + kw["filename"] = _guess + elif isinstance(_guess, file): + kw["file"] = _guess + + if "filename" in kw: + self.file = file(kw["filename"]) + elif "file" in kw: + self.file = kw["file"] + elif "pixels" in kw: + self.file = _readable(kw["pixels"]) + else: + raise TypeError("expecting filename, file or pixels array") + + def read_chunk(self): + """ + Read a PNG chunk from the input file, return tag name and data. + """ + # + data_bytes, tag = struct.unpack('!I4s', + data = + checksum = struct.unpack('!i',[0] + verify = zlib.crc32(tag) + verify = zlib.crc32(data, verify) + if checksum != verify: + raise ValueError("checksum error in %s chunk: %x != %x" + % (tag, checksum, verify)) + return tag, data + + def _reconstruct_sub(self, offset, xstep, ystep): + """ + Reverse sub filter. + """ + pixels = self.pixels + a_offset = offset + offset += self.psize * xstep + if xstep == 1: + for index in range(self.psize, self.row_bytes): + x = pixels[offset] + a = pixels[a_offset] + pixels[offset] = (x + a) & 0xff + offset += 1 + a_offset += 1 + else: + byte_step = self.psize * xstep + for index in range(byte_step, self.row_bytes, byte_step): + for i in range(self.psize): + x = pixels[offset + i] + a = pixels[a_offset + i] + pixels[offset + i] = (x + a) & 0xff + offset += self.psize * xstep + a_offset += self.psize * xstep + + def _reconstruct_up(self, offset, xstep, ystep): + """ + Reverse up filter. + """ + pixels = self.pixels + b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) + if xstep == 1: + for index in range(self.row_bytes): + x = pixels[offset] + b = pixels[b_offset] + pixels[offset] = (x + b) & 0xff + offset += 1 + b_offset += 1 + else: + for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, xstep * self.psize): + for i in range(self.psize): + x = pixels[offset + i] + b = pixels[b_offset + i] + pixels[offset + i] = (x + b) & 0xff + offset += self.psize * xstep + b_offset += self.psize * xstep + + def _reconstruct_average(self, offset, xstep, ystep): + """ + Reverse average filter. + """ + pixels = self.pixels + a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep) + b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) + if xstep == 1: + for index in range(self.row_bytes): + x = pixels[offset] + if index < self.psize: + a = 0 + else: + a = pixels[a_offset] + if b_offset < 0: + b = 0 + else: + b = pixels[b_offset] + pixels[offset] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff + offset += 1 + a_offset += 1 + b_offset += 1 + else: + for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep): + for i in range(self.psize): + x = pixels[offset+i] + if index < self.psize: + a = 0 + else: + a = pixels[a_offset + i] + if b_offset < 0: + b = 0 + else: + b = pixels[b_offset + i] + pixels[offset + i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff + offset += self.psize * xstep + a_offset += self.psize * xstep + b_offset += self.psize * xstep + + def _reconstruct_paeth(self, offset, xstep, ystep): + """ + Reverse Paeth filter. + """ + pixels = self.pixels + a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep) + b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) + c_offset = b_offset - (self.psize * xstep) + # There's enough inside this loop that it's probably not worth + # optimising for xstep == 1 + for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep): + for i in range(self.psize): + x = pixels[offset+i] + if index < self.psize: + a = c = 0 + b = pixels[b_offset+i] + else: + a = pixels[a_offset+i] + b = pixels[b_offset+i] + c = pixels[c_offset+i] + p = a + b - c + pa = abs(p - a) + pb = abs(p - b) + pc = abs(p - c) + if pa <= pb and pa <= pc: + pr = a + elif pb <= pc: + pr = b + else: + pr = c + pixels[offset+i] = (x + pr) & 0xff + offset += self.psize * xstep + a_offset += self.psize * xstep + b_offset += self.psize * xstep + c_offset += self.psize * xstep + + # N.B. PNG files with 'up', 'average' or 'paeth' filters on the + # first line of a pass are legal. The code above for 'average' + # deals with this case explicitly. For up we map to the null + # filter and for paeth we map to the sub filter. + + def reconstruct_line(self, filter_type, first_line, offset, xstep, ystep): + # print >> sys.stderr, "Filter type %s, first_line=%s" % (filter_type, first_line) + filter_type += (first_line << 8) + if filter_type == 1 or filter_type == 0x101 or filter_type == 0x104: + self._reconstruct_sub(offset, xstep, ystep) + elif filter_type == 2: + self._reconstruct_up(offset, xstep, ystep) + elif filter_type == 3 or filter_type == 0x103: + self._reconstruct_average(offset, xstep, ystep) + elif filter_type == 4: + self._reconstruct_paeth(offset, xstep, ystep) + return + + def deinterlace(self, scanlines): + # print >> sys.stderr, "Reading interlaced, w=%s, r=%s, planes=%s, bpp=%s" % (self.width, self.height, self.planes, self.bps) + a = array('B') + self.pixels = a + # Make the array big enough + temp = scanlines[0:self.width*self.height*self.psize] + a.extend(temp) + source_offset = 0 + for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: + # print >> sys.stderr, "Adam7: start=%s,%s step=%s,%s" % (xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep) + filter_first_line = 1 + for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): + if xstart >= self.width: + continue + filter_type = scanlines[source_offset] + source_offset += 1 + if xstep == 1: + offset = y * self.row_bytes + a[offset:offset+self.row_bytes] = scanlines[source_offset:source_offset + self.row_bytes] + source_offset += self.row_bytes + else: + # Note we want the ceiling of (width - xstart) / xtep + row_len = self.psize * ((self.width - xstart + xstep - 1) / xstep) + offset = y * self.row_bytes + xstart * self.psize + end_offset = (y+1) * self.row_bytes + skip = self.psize * xstep + for i in range(self.psize): + a[offset+i:end_offset:skip] = scanlines[source_offset + i: source_offset + row_len: self.psize] + source_offset += row_len + if filter_type: + self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line, offset, xstep, ystep) + filter_first_line = 0 + return a + + def read_flat(self, scanlines): + a = array('B') + self.pixels = a + offset = 0 + source_offset = 0 + filter_first_line = 1 + for y in range(self.height): + filter_type = scanlines[source_offset] + source_offset += 1 + a.extend(scanlines[source_offset: source_offset + self.row_bytes]) + if filter_type: + self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line, offset, 1, 1) + filter_first_line = 0 + offset += self.row_bytes + source_offset += self.row_bytes + return a + + def read(self): + """ + Read a simple PNG file, return width, height, pixels and image metadata + + This function is a very early prototype with limited flexibility + and excessive use of memory. + """ + signature = + if (signature != struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)): + raise Exception("PNG file has invalid header") + compressed = [] + image_metadata = {} + while True: + tag, data = self.read_chunk() + # print >> sys.stderr, tag, len(data) + if tag == 'IHDR': # + (width, height, bits_per_sample, color_type, + compression_method, filter_method, + interlaced) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data) + bps = bits_per_sample / 8 + if bps == 0: + raise Exception("unsupported pixel depth") + if bps > 2 or bits_per_sample != (bps * 8): + raise Exception("invalid pixel depth") + if color_type == 0: + greyscale = True + has_alpha = False + planes = 1 + elif color_type == 2: + greyscale = False + has_alpha = False + planes = 3 + elif color_type == 4: + greyscale = True + has_alpha = True + planes = 2 + elif color_type == 6: + greyscale = False + has_alpha = True + planes = 4 + else: + raise Exception("unknown PNG colour type %s" % color_type) + if compression_method != 0: + raise Exception("unknown compression method") + if filter_method != 0: + raise Exception("unknown filter method") + self.bps = bps + self.planes = planes + self.psize = bps * planes + self.width = width + self.height = height + self.row_bytes = width * self.psize + elif tag == 'IDAT': # + compressed.append(data) + elif tag == 'bKGD': + if greyscale: + image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data) + else: + image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data) + elif tag == 'tRNS': + if greyscale: + image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data) + else: + image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data) + elif tag == 'gAMA': + image_metadata["gamma"] = (struct.unpack("!L", data)[0]) / 100000.0 + elif tag == 'IEND': # + break + scanlines = array('B', zlib.decompress(''.join(compressed))) + if interlaced: + pixels = self.deinterlace(scanlines) + else: + pixels = self.read_flat(scanlines) + image_metadata["greyscale"] = greyscale + image_metadata["has_alpha"] = has_alpha + image_metadata["bytes_per_sample"] = bps + image_metadata["interlaced"] = interlaced + return width, height, pixels, image_metadata + +def test_suite(options): + """ + Run regression test and write PNG file to stdout. + """ + + # Below is a big stack of test image generators + + def test_gradient_horizontal_lr(x, y): + return x + + def test_gradient_horizontal_rl(x, y): + return 1-x + + def test_gradient_vertical_tb(x, y): + return y + + def test_gradient_vertical_bt(x, y): + return 1-y + + def test_radial_tl(x, y): + return max(1-math.sqrt(x*x+y*y), 0.0) + + def test_radial_center(x, y): + return test_radial_tl(x-0.5, y-0.5) + + def test_radial_tr(x, y): + return test_radial_tl(1-x, y) + + def test_radial_bl(x, y): + return test_radial_tl(x, 1-y) + + def test_radial_br(x, y): + return test_radial_tl(1-x, 1-y) + + def test_stripe(x, n): + return 1.0*(int(x*n) & 1) + + def test_stripe_h_2(x, y): + return test_stripe(x, 2) + + def test_stripe_h_4(x, y): + return test_stripe(x, 4) + + def test_stripe_h_10(x, y): + return test_stripe(x, 10) + + def test_stripe_v_2(x, y): + return test_stripe(y, 2) + + def test_stripe_v_4(x, y): + return test_stripe(y, 4) + + def test_stripe_v_10(x, y): + return test_stripe(y, 10) + + def test_stripe_lr_10(x, y): + return test_stripe(x+y, 10) + + def test_stripe_rl_10(x, y): + return test_stripe(x-y, 10) + + def test_checker(x, y, n): + return 1.0*((int(x*n) & 1) ^ (int(y*n) & 1)) + + def test_checker_8(x, y): + return test_checker(x, y, 8) + + def test_checker_15(x, y): + return test_checker(x, y, 15) + + def test_zero(x, y): + return 0 + + def test_one(x, y): + return 1 + + test_patterns = { + "GLR" : test_gradient_horizontal_lr, + "GRL" : test_gradient_horizontal_rl, + "GTB" : test_gradient_vertical_tb, + "GBT" : test_gradient_vertical_bt, + "RTL" : test_radial_tl, + "RTR" : test_radial_tr, + "RBL" : test_radial_bl, + "RBR" : test_radial_br, + "RCTR" : test_radial_center, + "HS2" : test_stripe_h_2, + "HS4" : test_stripe_h_4, + "HS10" : test_stripe_h_10, + "VS2" : test_stripe_v_2, + "VS4" : test_stripe_v_4, + "VS10" : test_stripe_v_10, + "LRS" : test_stripe_lr_10, + "RLS" : test_stripe_rl_10, + "CK8" : test_checker_8, + "CK15" : test_checker_15, + "ZERO" : test_zero, + "ONE" : test_one, + } + + def test_pattern(width, height, depth, pattern): + a = array('B') + fw = float(width) + fh = float(height) + pfun = test_patterns[pattern] + if depth == 1: + for y in range(height): + for x in range(width): + a.append(int(pfun(float(x)/fw, float(y)/fh) * 255)) + elif depth == 2: + for y in range(height): + for x in range(width): + v = int(pfun(float(x)/fw, float(y)/fh) * 65535) + a.append(v >> 8) + a.append(v & 0xff) + return a + + def test_rgba(size=256, depth=1, + red="GTB", green="GLR", blue="RTL", alpha=None): + r = test_pattern(size, size, depth, red) + g = test_pattern(size, size, depth, green) + b = test_pattern(size, size, depth, blue) + if alpha: + a = test_pattern(size, size, depth, alpha) + i = interleave_planes(r, g, depth, depth) + i = interleave_planes(i, b, 2 * depth, depth) + if alpha: + i = interleave_planes(i, a, 3 * depth, depth) + return i + + # The body of test_suite() + size = 256 + if options.test_size: + size = options.test_size + depth = 1 + if options.test_deep: + depth = 2 + + kwargs = {} + if options.test_red: + kwargs["red"] = options.test_red + if options.test_green: + kwargs["green"] = options.test_green + if options.test_blue: + kwargs["blue"] = options.test_blue + if options.test_alpha: + kwargs["alpha"] = options.test_alpha + pixels = test_rgba(size, depth, **kwargs) + + writer = Writer(size, size, + bytes_per_sample=depth, + transparent=options.transparent, + background=options.background, + gamma=options.gamma, + has_alpha=options.test_alpha, + compression=options.compression, + interlaced=options.interlace) + writer.write_array(sys.stdout, pixels) + + +def read_pnm_header(infile, supported='P6'): + """ + Read a PNM header, return width and height of the image in pixels. + """ + header = [] + while len(header) < 4: + line = infile.readline() + sharp = line.find('#') + if sharp > -1: + line = line[:sharp] + header.extend(line.split()) + if len(header) == 3 and header[0] == 'P4': + break # PBM doesn't have maxval + if header[0] not in supported: + raise NotImplementedError('file format %s not supported' % header[0]) + if header[0] != 'P4' and header[3] != '255': + raise NotImplementedError('maxval %s not supported' % header[3]) + return int(header[1]), int(header[2]) + + +# FIXME: Somewhere we need support for greyscale backgrounds etc. +def color_triple(color): + """ + Convert a command line color value to a RGB triple of integers. + """ + if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 4: + return (int(color[1], 16), + int(color[2], 16), + int(color[3], 16)) + if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 7: + return (int(color[1:3], 16), + int(color[3:5], 16), + int(color[5:7], 16)) + elif color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 13: + return (int(color[1:5], 16), + int(color[5:9], 16), + int(color[9:13], 16)) + + +def _main(): + """ + Run the PNG encoder with options from the command line. + """ + # Parse command line arguments + from optparse import OptionParser + version = '%prog ' + __revision__.strip('$').replace('Rev: ', 'r') + parser = OptionParser(version=version) + parser.set_usage("%prog [options] [pnmfile]") + parser.add_option("-i", "--interlace", + default=False, action="store_true", + help="create an interlaced PNG file (Adam7)") + parser.add_option("-t", "--transparent", + action="store", type="string", metavar="color", + help="mark the specified color as transparent") + parser.add_option("-b", "--background", + action="store", type="string", metavar="color", + help="save the specified background color") + parser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", + action="store", type="string", metavar="pgmfile", + help="alpha channel transparency (RGBA)") + parser.add_option("-g", "--gamma", + action="store", type="float", metavar="value", + help="save the specified gamma value") + parser.add_option("-c", "--compression", + action="store", type="int", metavar="level", + help="zlib compression level (0-9)") + parser.add_option("-T", "--test", + default=False, action="store_true", + help="create a test image") + parser.add_option("-R", "--test-red", + action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", + help="test pattern for the red image layer") + parser.add_option("-G", "--test-green", + action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", + help="test pattern for the green image layer") + parser.add_option("-B", "--test-blue", + action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", + help="test pattern for the blue image layer") + parser.add_option("-A", "--test-alpha", + action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", + help="test pattern for the alpha image layer") + parser.add_option("-D", "--test-deep", + default=False, action="store_true", + help="use test patterns with 16 bits per layer") + parser.add_option("-S", "--test-size", + action="store", type="int", metavar="size", + help="width and height of the test image") + (options, args) = parser.parse_args() + + # Convert options + if options.transparent is not None: + options.transparent = color_triple(options.transparent) + if options.background is not None: + options.background = color_triple(options.background) + + # Run regression tests + if options.test: + return test_suite(options) + + # Prepare input and output files + if len(args) == 0: + ppmfilename = '-' + ppmfile = sys.stdin + elif len(args) == 1: + ppmfilename = args[0] + ppmfile = open(ppmfilename, 'rb') + else: + parser.error("more than one input file") + outfile = sys.stdout + + # Encode PNM to PNG + width, height = read_pnm_header(ppmfile) + writer = Writer(width, height, + transparent=options.transparent, + background=options.background, + has_alpha=options.alpha is not None, + gamma=options.gamma, + compression=options.compression) + if options.alpha is not None: + pgmfile = open(options.alpha, 'rb') + awidth, aheight = read_pnm_header(pgmfile, 'P5') + if (awidth, aheight) != (width, height): + raise ValueError("alpha channel image size mismatch" + + " (%s has %sx%s but %s has %sx%s)" + % (ppmfilename, width, height, + options.alpha, awidth, aheight)) + writer.convert_ppm_and_pgm(ppmfile, pgmfile, outfile, + interlace=options.interlace) + else: + writer.convert_ppm(ppmfile, outfile, + interlace=options.interlace) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + _main() diff --git a/src/lib/scene/opengl/ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c022f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/scene/opengl/ @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +from OpenGL.GL import * +from OpenGL.GLU import * +import png +import array + +class Texture: + """ + """ + # Texture data + __data = None + __format = GL_RGB + __width = None + __height = None + + # Material properties + __ambient = None + __diffuse = None + __specular = None + __emission = None + __shininess = None + + # OpenGL texture ID + __texture = None + + def __init__(self, fileName, + ambient = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), + diffuse = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), + specular = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), + emission = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), + shininess = 0.0): + """Constructor for an openGL texture. + + 'fileName' is the name of the image file to use for the texture (string). + + An IOError is raised if the file does not exist. + This does not need an openGL context. + """ + self.__ambient = ambient + self.__diffuse = diffuse + self.__specular = specular + self.__emission = emission + self.__shininess = shininess + try: + self.__loadPIL(fileName) + except ImportError: + self.__loadPNG(fileName) + + def __loadPNG(self, fileName): + """ + """ + reader = png.Reader(fileName) + (width, height, data, metaData) = + + self.__width = width + self.__height = height + self.__data = array.array('B', data).tostring() + + if metaData['has_alpha']: + self.__format = GL_RGBA + else: + self.__format = GL_RGB + + def __loadPIL(self, fileName): + """ + """ + import Image + + # Load the image file + image = + + # Crop the image so it has height/width a multiple of 2 + width = image.size[0] + height = image.size[1] + w = 1 + while 2*w <= width: + w *= 2 + h = 1 + while 2*h <= height: + h *= 2 + (self.__width, self.__height) = (w, h) + image = image.crop((0, 0, w, h)) + + # Convert to a format that OpenGL can access + self.__data = image.tostring('raw', 'RGB', 0, -1) + self.__format = GL_RGB + + def __generate(self): + """ + """ + # FIXME: Can fail + texture = glGenTextures(1) + + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture) + + glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT) + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT) + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) + + #glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, + # 0, # Level + # 3, # Depth + # width, # Width + # height, # Height + # 0, # Border + # GL_RGB, # Format + # GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, # Type + # data) + + # Generate mipmaps + gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_LUMINANCE, self.__width, self.__height, self.__format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, self.__data) + + return texture + + def bind(self): + """Bind this texture to the current surface. + + This requires an openGL context. + """ + if self.__texture is None: + self.__texture = self.__generate() + self.__data = None + + # Use texture + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.__texture) + + # Use material properties + glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, self.__ambient) + glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, self.__diffuse) + glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, self.__specular) + glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, self.__emission) + glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, self.__shininess) diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a444126 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ + +class StateMachine: + """ + """ + + STATE_IDLE = 'IDLE' + STATE_CONNECTING = 'CONNECTING' + + options = None + + buffer = '' + + __readyToConfigure = False + __options = None + + __ready = False + __inCallback = False + __queuedCommands = None + + def __init__(self): + """ + """ + self.options = {} + self.__queuedCommands = [] + + def logText(self, text, style): + """ + """ + pass + + def onOutgoingData(self, data): + """ + """ + pass + + def onMove(self, move): + """Called when the AI makes a move. + + 'move' is the move the AI has decided to make (string). + """ + print 'UCI move: ' + move + + def registerIncomingData(self, data): + """ + """ + self.__inCallback = True + self.buffer += data + while True: + index = self.buffer.find('\n') + if index < 0: + break + line = self.buffer[:index] + self.buffer = self.buffer[index + 1:] + self.parseLine(line) + self.__inCallback = False + + if self.__options is not None and self.__readyToConfigure: + options = self.__options + self.__options = None + self.configure(options) + + # Send queued commands once have OK + if len(self.__queuedCommands) > 0 and self.__ready: + commands = self.__queuedCommands + self.__queuedCommands = [] + for c in commands: + self.__sendCommand(c) + + def __sendCommand(self, command): + """ + """ + if self.__ready and not self.__inCallback: + self.onOutgoingData(command + '\n') + else: + self.__queuedCommands.append(command) + + def start(self): + """ + """ + self.onOutgoingData('uci\n') + + def configure(self, options): + """ + """ + if not self.__readyToConfigure: + self.__options = options + return + + for option in options: + if not hasattr(option, 'name'): + print 'Ignoring unnamed UCI option' + continue + if option.value == '': + continue + self.onOutgoingData('setoption ' + + ' value ' + option.value + '\n') + self.onOutgoingData('isready\n') + + def requestMove(self): + """ + """ + self.__sendCommand('go') + + def reportMove(self, move, isSelf): + """ + """ + self.__sendCommand('position moves ' + move) + + def parseLine(self, line): + """ + """ + words = line.split() + + while True: + if len(words) == 0: + self.logText(line + '\n', 'input') + return + + style = self.parseCommand(words[0], words[1:]) + if style is not None: + self.logText(line + '\n', style) + return + + print 'WARNING: Unknown command: ' + repr(words[0]) + words = words[1:] + + def parseCommand(self, command, args): + """ + """ + if command == 'id': + return 'info' + + elif command == 'uciok': + if len(args) != 0: + print 'WARNING: Arguments on uciok: ' + str(args) + self.__readyToConfigure = True + return 'info' + + elif command == 'readyok': + if len(args) != 0: + print 'WARNING: Arguments on readyok: ' + str(args) + self.__ready = True + return 'info' + + elif command == 'bestmove': + if len(args) == 0: + print 'WARNING: No move with bestmove' + return 'error' + else: + move = args[0] + self.onMove(move) + + # TODO: Check for additional ponder information + return 'move' + + elif command == 'info': + return 'info' + + elif command == 'option': + return 'info' + + return None diff --git a/src/lib/ui/ b/src/lib/ui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc0e9cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ui/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/ui +glchess_PYTHON = \ + \ + diff --git a/src/lib/ui/ b/src/lib/ui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce30bcc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ui/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +from ui import * diff --git a/src/lib/ui/ b/src/lib/ui/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..283c14c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/ui/ @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +""" +""" + +__author__ = 'Robert Ancell ' +__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' +__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell' + +class ViewFeedback: + """Template class for feedback from a view object""" + + def saveGame(self, path): + """Called when the user requests the game in this view to be saved. + + 'path' is the path to the file to save to (string). + """ + print 'Save game to ' + path + + def renderGL(self): + """Render the scene using OpenGL""" + pass + + def renderCairoStatic(self, context): + """Render the static elements of the scene. + + 'context' is the cairo context to modify. + + Return False if the static elements have not changed otherwise True. + """ + return False + + def renderCairoDynamic(self, context): + """Render the dynamic elements of the scene. + + 'context' is the cairo context to modify. + """ + pass + + def reshape(self, width, height): + """This method is called when the UI resizes the scene. + + 'width' is the new width of the scene in pixels (integer). + 'height' is the new height of the scene in pixels (integer). + """ + pass + + def select(self, x, y): + """This method is called when the UI selects a position on the scene. + + 'x' is the horizontal pixel location when the user has selected (integer, 0 = left pixel). + 'y' is the vertical pixel location when the user has selected (integer, 0 = top pixel). + """ + pass + + def deselect(self, x, y): + """This method is called when the UI deselects a position on the scene. + + 'x' is the horizontal pixel location when the user has selected (integer, 0 = left pixel). + 'y' is the vertical pixel location when the user has selected (integer, 0 = top pixel). + """ + pass + + def setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): + """This method is called when the UI changes the move to render. + + 'moveNumber' is the moveNumber to watch (integer, negative numbers index from latest move). + """ + pass + + def save(self, filename): + """Save the game using this view. + + 'filename' is the file to save to (string). + """ + pass + + def close(self): + """This method is called when the user requests this view be closed""" + pass + +class ViewController: + """Template class for methods to control a view""" + + def addMove(self, move): + """Register a move with this view. + + 'move' TODO + """ + pass + + def render(self): + """Request this view is redrawn""" + pass + + def close(self): + """Close this view""" + pass + +class UI: + """Template class for a glChess UI. + """ + + # Methods for glChess to implement + + def onAnimate(self, timeStep): + """Called when an animation tick occurs. + + 'timeStep' is the time between the last call to this method in seconds (float). + + Return True if animation should continue otherwise False + """ + return False + + def onReadFileDescriptor(self, fd): + """Called when a file descriptor is able to be read. + + 'fds' is the file descriptor with available data to read (integer). + + Return False when finished otherwise True. + """ + pass + + def onGameStart(self, gameName, allowSpectators, whiteName, whiteType, blackName, blackType, moves = None): + """Called when a local game is started. + + 'gameName' is the name of the game to create (string). + 'allowSpectators' is a flag to show if remote clients can watch this game (True or False). + 'whiteName' is the name of the white player. + 'whiteType' is the local player type. PLAYER_* or the AI type (string) or None for open. + 'blackName' is the name of the black player. + 'blackType' is the black player type. PLAYER_* or the AI type (string) or None for open. + 'moves' is a list of moves (strings) to start the game with. + """ + pass + + def loadGame(self, path, returnResult): + """Called when a game is loaded. + + 'path' is the path to the game to load (string). + 'returnResult' is a flag to show if the UI requires the result of the load. + If True call reportGameLoaded() if the game can be loaded. + """ + msg = 'Loading game ' + path + if configureGame: + msg += ' after configuring' + print msg + + def onGameJoin(self, localName, localType, game): + """Called when a network game is started (remote server). + + 'localName' is the name of the local player (string). + 'localType' is the local player type. PLAYER_* or the AI type (string). + 'game' is the game to join (as passed in addNetworkGame). + """ + pass + + def onNetworkServerSearch(self, hostName=None): + """Called when the user searches for servers. + + 'hostName' is the name of the host to look for servers on (string) or + None if search whole network. + """ + pass + + def onNetworkGameStart(self, localName, localType, serverHost, serverId): + """Called when a network game is started (remote server). + + 'localName' is the name of the local player (string). + 'localType' is the local player type. PLAYER_* or the AI type (string). + 'serverHost' is the hostname of the server to connect to. + 'serverId' is the ID of the server to connect to. + """ + pass + + def onNetworkGameServerStart(self, localName, localType, serverName): + """Called when a network game is started (local server). + + 'localName' is the name of the local player (string). + 'localType' is the local player type. PLAYER_* or the AI type (string). + 'serverName' is the name of the server to start. + """ + pass + + def onQuit(self): + """Called when the user quits the program""" + pass + + # Methods for the UI to implement + + def startAnimation(self): + """Start the animation callback""" + pass + + def watchFileDescriptor(self, fd): + """Notify when a file descriptor is able to be read. + + 'fd' is the file descriptor to watch (integer). + + When data is available onReadFileDescriptor() is called. + """ + pass + + def setDefaultView(self, feedback): + """Set the default view to render. + + 'feedback' is a object to report view events with (extends ViewFeedback). + + This will override the previous default view. + + Returns a view controller object (extends ViewController). + """ + return None + + def addView(self, title, feedback): + """Add a view to the UI. + + 'title' is the title for the view (string). + 'feedback' is a object to report view events with (extends ViewFeedback). + + Returns a view controller object (extends ViewController). + """ + return None + + def reportError(self, title, error): + """Report an error. + + 'title' is the title of the error (string). + 'error' is the description of the error (string). + """ + pass + + def reportGameLoaded(self, gameName = None, + whiteName = None, blackName = None, + whiteAI = None, blackAI = None, moves = None): + """Report a loaded game as required by onGameLoad(). + + 'gameName' is the name of the game (string) or None if unknown. + 'whiteName' is the name of the white player (string) or None if unknown. + 'blackName' is the name of the white player (string) or None if unknown. + 'whiteAI' is the type of AI the white player is (string) or None if no AI. + 'blackAI' is the type of AI the black player is (string) or None if no AI. + 'moves' is a list of moves (strings) that the have already been made. + """ + pass + + def addNetworkGame(self, name, game): + """Report a detected network game. + + 'name' is the name of the network game (string). + 'game' is the game detected (user-defined). + """ + pass + + def removeNetworkGame(self, game): + """Report a network game as terminated. + + 'game' is the game that has removed (as registered with addNetworkGame()). + """ + pass + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/textures/ b/textures/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f709eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/textures/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +EXTRA_DIST = glchess.svg board.png piece.png +icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps +icon_DATA = glchess.svg + +pixmapdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/glchess/ +pixmap_DATA = board.png piece.png diff --git a/textures/board.png b/textures/board.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc2e66df4cef8ee81c4a392b3a38d0e8e11da32d GIT binary patch literal 8804 zcmV-qBAeZbP)34fr_rn#KIW-0(a+O*U_O z9&T=QzB3CXZ;02m1)2AgpULmqqRsD{IiAHe_m+#2R)W`>@vue5ojBvxHpDEhv=X#% z+(7xBSys9@-rIa<r4P#qv4P+!o8OrQaJgLWrp$1KUEj>`_(Zy=98eoDnreQ= 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