
994 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: vala; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2016-03-15 17:12:58 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Robert Ancell
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Sahil Sareen
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See the full text of the
* license.
public enum CheckState
2014-06-24 13:14:59 +00:00
public class ChessState : Object
public int number = 0;
public ChessPlayer players[2];
public ChessPlayer current_player;
public ChessPlayer opponent
get { return current_player.color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE]; }
public bool can_castle_kingside[2];
public bool can_castle_queenside[2];
public int en_passant_index = -1;
public CheckState check_state;
public int halfmove_clock;
public ChessPiece board[64];
public ChessMove? last_move = null;
/* Bitmap of all the pieces */
2022-12-08 15:10:50 +00:00
private uint64 piece_masks[2];
private ChessState.empty ()
2015-02-15 03:36:44 +00:00
// FIXME Enable or remove these exceptions.
public ChessState (string fen)
players[Color.WHITE] = new ChessPlayer (Color.WHITE);
players[Color.BLACK] = new ChessPlayer (Color.BLACK);
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
board[i] = null;
string[] fields = fen.split (" ");
//if (fields.length != 6)
// throw new Error ("Invalid FEN string");
/* Field 1: Piece placement */
string[] ranks = fields[0].split ("/");
//if (ranks.length != 8)
// throw new Error ("Invalid piece placement");
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
var rank_string = ranks[7 - rank];
for (int file = 0, offset = 0; file < 8 && offset < rank_string.length; offset++)
var c = rank_string[offset];
if (c >= '1' && c <= '8')
file += c - '0';
PieceType type;
var color = c.isupper () ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK;
2015-02-15 03:36:44 +00:00
/*if (!*/ decode_piece_type (c.toupper (), out type) //)
;//throw new Error ("");
int index = get_index (rank, file);
ChessPiece piece = new ChessPiece (players[color], type);
board[index] = piece;
2022-12-08 15:10:50 +00:00
uint64 mask = BitBoard.set_location_masks[index];
piece_masks[color] |= mask;
/* Field 2: Active color */
if (fields[1] == "w")
current_player = players[Color.WHITE];
else if (fields[1] == "b")
current_player = players[Color.BLACK];
// throw new Error ("Unknown active color: %s", fields[1]);
/* Field 3: Castling availability */
if (fields[2] != "-")
for (int i = 0; i < fields[2].length; i++)
var c = fields[2][i];
if (c == 'K')
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = true;
else if (c == 'Q')
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = true;
else if (c == 'k')
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = true;
else if (c == 'q')
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = true;
// throw new Error ("");
/* Field 4: En passant target square */
if (fields[3] != "-")
//if (fields[3].length != 2)
// throw new Error ("");
en_passant_index = get_index (fields[3][1] - '1', fields[3][0] - 'a');
/* Field 5: Halfmove clock */
halfmove_clock = int.parse (fields[4]);
/* Field 6: Fullmove number */
number = (int.parse (fields[5]) - 1) * 2;
if (current_player.color == Color.BLACK)
check_state = get_check_state (current_player);
public ChessState copy ()
ChessState state = new ChessState.empty ();
state.number = number;
state.players[Color.WHITE] = players[Color.WHITE];
state.players[Color.BLACK] = players[Color.BLACK];
state.current_player = current_player;
state.can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE];
state.can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE];
state.can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK];
state.can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK];
state.en_passant_index = en_passant_index;
state.check_state = check_state;
if (last_move != null)
2015-02-19 15:19:36 +00:00
state.last_move = last_move.copy ();
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
state.board[i] = board[i];
state.piece_masks[Color.WHITE] = piece_masks[Color.WHITE];
state.piece_masks[Color.BLACK] = piece_masks[Color.BLACK];
state.halfmove_clock = halfmove_clock;
return state;
public bool equals (ChessState state)
* Check first if there is the same layout of pieces (unlikely),
* then that the same player is on move, then that the move castling
* and en-passant state are the same. This follows the rules for
* determining threefold repetition:
if (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] != state.piece_masks[Color.WHITE] ||
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] != state.piece_masks[Color.BLACK] ||
current_player.color != state.current_player.color ||
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] != state.can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] ||
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] != state.can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] ||
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] != state.can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] ||
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] != state.can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] ||
en_passant_index != state.en_passant_index)
return false;
/* Finally check the same piece types are present */
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (board[i] != null && board[i].type != state.board[i].type)
return false;
return true;
public string get_fen ()
var value = new StringBuilder ();
for (int rank = 7; rank >= 0; rank--)
int skip_count = 0;
for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++)
var p = board[get_index (rank, file)];
if (p == null)
if (skip_count > 0)
value.append_printf ("%d", skip_count);
skip_count = 0;
value.append_printf ("%c", (int) p.symbol);
if (skip_count > 0)
value.append_printf ("%d", skip_count);
if (rank != 0)
value.append_c ('/');
value.append_c (' ');
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
value.append_c ('w');
value.append_c ('b');
value.append_c (' ');
if (can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE])
value.append_c ('K');
if (can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE])
value.append_c ('Q');
if (can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK])
value.append_c ('k');
if (can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK])
value.append_c ('q');
if (!(can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] | can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] | can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] | can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK]))
value.append_c ('-');
value.append_c (' ');
if (en_passant_index >= 0)
value.append_printf ("%c%d", 'a' + get_file (en_passant_index), get_rank (en_passant_index) + 1);
value.append_c ('-');
value.append_c (' ');
value.append_printf ("%d", halfmove_clock);
value.append_c (' ');
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
value.append_printf ("%d", number / 2);
value.append_printf ("%d", number / 2 + 1);
return value.str;
public int get_index (int rank, int file)
return rank * 8 + file;
public int get_rank (int index)
return index / 8;
public int get_file (int index)
return index % 8;
public bool move (string move, bool apply = true)
int r0, f0, r1, f1;
PieceType promotion_type;
if (!decode_move (current_player, move, out r0, out f0, out r1, out f1, out promotion_type))
return false;
if (!move_with_coords (current_player, r0, f0, r1, f1, promotion_type, apply))
return false;
return true;
public bool move_with_coords (ChessPlayer player,
int r0, int f0, int r1, int f1,
PieceType promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN,
bool apply = true, bool test_check = true)
// FIXME: Make this use indexes to be faster
var start = get_index (r0, f0);
var end = get_index (r1, f1);
var color = player.color;
var opponent_color = color == Color.WHITE ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;
/* Must be moving own piece */
var piece = board[start];
if (piece == null || piece.player != player)
return false;
/* Check valid move */
2022-12-08 15:10:50 +00:00
uint64 end_mask = BitBoard.set_location_masks[end];
uint64 move_mask = BitBoard.move_masks[color * 64*6 + piece.type * 64 + start];
if ((end_mask & move_mask) == 0)
return false;
/* Check no pieces in the way */
2022-12-08 15:10:50 +00:00
uint64 over_mask = BitBoard.over_masks[start * 64 + end];
if ((over_mask & (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] | piece_masks[Color.BLACK])) != 0)
return false;
/* Get victim of move */
var victim = board[end];
var victim_index = end;
/* Can't take own pieces */
if (victim != null && victim.player == player)
return false;
/* Check special moves */
int rook_start = -1, rook_end = -1;
bool is_promotion = false;
bool en_passant = false;
bool ambiguous_rank = false;
bool ambiguous_file = false;
switch (piece.type)
case PieceType.PAWN:
/* Check if taking an marched pawn */
if (victim == null && end == en_passant_index)
en_passant = true;
victim_index = get_index (r1 == 2 ? 3 : 4, f1);
victim = board[victim_index];
/* If moving diagonally there must be a victim */
if (f0 != f1)
if (victim == null)
return false;
/* If moving forward can't take enemy */
if (victim != null)
return false;
is_promotion = r1 == 0 || r1 == 7;
/* Always show the file of a pawn capturing */
if (victim != null)
ambiguous_file = true;
case PieceType.KING:
/* If moving more than one square must be castling */
if ((f0 - f1).abs () > 1)
/* File the rook is on */
rook_start = get_index (r0, f1 > f0 ? 7 : 0);
rook_end = get_index (r0, f1 > f0 ? f1 - 1 : f1 + 1);
/* Check if can castle */
if (f1 > f0)
if (!can_castle_kingside[color])
return false;
if (!can_castle_queenside[color])
return false;
var rook = board[rook_start];
if (rook == null || rook.type != PieceType.ROOK || rook.color != color)
return false;
/* Check rook can move */
2022-12-08 15:10:50 +00:00
uint64 rook_over_mask = BitBoard.over_masks[rook_start * 64 + rook_end];
if ((rook_over_mask & (piece_masks[Color.WHITE] | piece_masks[Color.BLACK])) != 0)
return false;
/* Can't castle when in check */
if (check_state == CheckState.CHECK)
return false;
/* Square moved across can't be under attack */
if (!move_with_coords (player, r0, f0, get_rank (rook_end), get_file (rook_end), PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return false;
if (!apply && !test_check)
return true;
/* Check if other pieces of the same type can make this move - this is required for SAN notation */
if (apply)
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
/* Ignore our move */
if (i == start)
/* Check for a friendly piece of the same type */
var p = board[i];
if (p == null || p.player != player || p.type != piece.type)
/* If more than one piece can move then the rank and/or file are ambiguous */
var r = get_rank (i);
var f = get_file (i);
if (move_with_coords (player, r, f, r1, f1, PieceType.QUEEN, false))
if (r != r0)
ambiguous_rank = true;
if (f != f0)
ambiguous_file = true;
var old_white_mask = piece_masks[Color.WHITE];
var old_black_mask = piece_masks[Color.BLACK];
var old_white_can_castle_kingside = can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE];
var old_white_can_castle_queenside = can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE];
var old_black_can_castle_kingside = can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK];
var old_black_can_castle_queenside = can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK];
var old_en_passant_index = en_passant_index;
var old_halfmove_clock = halfmove_clock;
/* Update board */
board[start] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[start];
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[start];
if (victim != null)
board[victim_index] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[victim_index];
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[victim_index];
if (is_promotion)
board[end] = new ChessPiece (player, promotion_type);
board[end] = piece;
piece_masks[color] |= end_mask;
piece_masks[opponent_color] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[end];
if (rook_start >= 0)
var rook = board[rook_start];
board[rook_start] = null;
piece_masks[color] &= BitBoard.clear_location_masks[rook_start];
board[rook_end] = rook;
piece_masks[color] |= BitBoard.set_location_masks[rook_end];
/* Can't castle once king has moved */
if (piece.type == PieceType.KING)
can_castle_kingside[color] = false;
can_castle_queenside[color] = false;
/* Can't castle once rooks have moved */
else if (piece.type == PieceType.ROOK)
int base_rank = color == Color.WHITE ? 0 : 7;
if (r0 == base_rank)
if (f0 == 0)
can_castle_queenside[color] = false;
else if (f0 == 7)
can_castle_kingside[color] = false;
/* Can't castle once the rooks have been captured */
else if (victim != null && victim.type == PieceType.ROOK)
int base_rank = opponent_color == Color.WHITE ? 0 : 7;
if (r1 == base_rank)
if (f1 == 0)
can_castle_queenside[opponent_color] = false;
else if (f1 == 7)
can_castle_kingside[opponent_color] = false;
/* Pawn square moved over is vulnerable */
if (piece.type == PieceType.PAWN && over_mask != 0)
en_passant_index = get_index ((r0 + r1) / 2, f0);
en_passant_index = -1;
/* Reset halfmove count when pawn moved or piece taken */
if (piece.type == PieceType.PAWN || victim != null)
halfmove_clock = 0;
/* Test if this move would leave that player in check */
bool result = true;
if (test_check && is_in_check (player))
result = false;
/* Undo move */
if (!apply || !result)
board[start] = piece;
board[end] = null;
if (victim != null)
board[victim_index] = victim;
if (rook_start >= 0)
var rook = board[rook_end];
board[rook_start] = rook;
board[rook_end] = null;
piece_masks[Color.WHITE] = old_white_mask;
piece_masks[Color.BLACK] = old_black_mask;
can_castle_kingside[Color.WHITE] = old_white_can_castle_kingside;
can_castle_queenside[Color.WHITE] = old_white_can_castle_queenside;
can_castle_kingside[Color.BLACK] = old_black_can_castle_kingside;
can_castle_queenside[Color.BLACK] = old_black_can_castle_queenside;
en_passant_index = old_en_passant_index;
halfmove_clock = old_halfmove_clock;
return result;
current_player = color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE];
check_state = get_check_state (current_player);
last_move = new ChessMove ();
last_move.number = number;
last_move.piece = piece;
if (is_promotion)
last_move.promotion_piece = board[end];
last_move.victim = victim;
if (rook_end >= 0)
last_move.castling_rook = board[rook_end];
last_move.r0 = r0;
last_move.f0 = f0;
last_move.r1 = r1;
last_move.f1 = f1;
last_move.ambiguous_rank = ambiguous_rank;
last_move.ambiguous_file = ambiguous_file;
last_move.en_passant = en_passant;
last_move.check_state = check_state;
return true;
public ChessResult get_result (out ChessRule rule)
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
if (check_state == CheckState.CHECKMATE)
if (current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
return ChessResult.BLACK_WON;
rule = ChessRule.CHECKMATE;
return ChessResult.WHITE_WON;
if (!can_move (current_player))
rule = ChessRule.STALEMATE;
return ChessResult.DRAW;
if (last_move != null && last_move.victim != null && !have_sufficient_material ())
return ChessResult.DRAW;
return ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS;
private CheckState get_check_state (ChessPlayer player)
if (is_in_check (player))
if (is_in_checkmate (player))
return CheckState.CHECKMATE;
return CheckState.CHECK;
return CheckState.NONE;
public bool get_positions_threatening_king (ChessPlayer player, out int[] rank, out int[] file)
var opponent = player.color == Color.WHITE ? players[Color.BLACK] : players[Color.WHITE];
bool found = false;
/* Is in check if any piece can take the king */
for (int king_index = 0; king_index < 64; king_index++)
var p = board[king_index];
if (p != null && p.player == player && p.type == PieceType.KING)
/* See if any enemy pieces can take the king */
int[] ranks = {};
int[] files = {};
for (int start = 0; start < 64; start++)
if (move_with_coords (opponent,
get_rank (start), get_file (start),
get_rank (king_index), get_file (king_index),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, false))
ranks += get_rank (start);
files += get_file (start);
found = true;
rank = ranks;
file = files;
return found;
public bool is_in_check (ChessPlayer player)
int[] rank, file;
return get_positions_threatening_king (player, out rank, out file);
private bool is_in_checkmate (ChessPlayer player)
/* Is in checkmate if no pieces can move */
for (int piece_index = 0; piece_index < 64; piece_index++)
var p = board[piece_index];
if (p != null && p.player == player)
for (int end = 0; end < 64; end++)
if (move_with_coords (player,
get_rank (piece_index), get_file (piece_index),
get_rank (end), get_file (end),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return false;
return true;
public bool can_move (ChessPlayer player)
bool have_pieces = false;
for (int start = 0; start < 64; start++)
var p = board[start];
if (p != null && p.player == player)
have_pieces = true;
/* See if can move anywhere */
for (int end = 0; end < 64; end++)
if (move_with_coords (player,
get_rank (start), get_file (start),
get_rank (end), get_file (end),
PieceType.QUEEN, false, true))
return true;
/* Only mark as stalemate if have at least one piece */
if (have_pieces)
return false;
return true;
public bool have_sufficient_material ()
var white_knight_count = 0;
var white_bishop_count = 0;
var white_bishop_on_white_square = false;
var white_bishop_on_black_square = false;
var black_knight_count = 0;
var black_bishop_count = 0;
var black_bishop_on_white_square = false;
var black_bishop_on_black_square = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
var p = board[i];
if (p == null)
/* Any pawns, rooks or queens can perform checkmate */
if (p.type == PieceType.PAWN || p.type == PieceType.ROOK || p.type == PieceType.QUEEN)
return true;
/* Otherwise, count the minor pieces for each colour... */
if (p.type == PieceType.KNIGHT)
if (p.color == Color.WHITE)
if (p.type == PieceType.BISHOP)
var color = Color.BLACK;
if ((i + i/8) % 2 != 0)
color = Color.WHITE;
if (p.color == Color.WHITE)
if (color == Color.WHITE)
white_bishop_on_white_square = true;
white_bishop_on_black_square = true;
if (color == Color.WHITE)
black_bishop_on_white_square = true;
black_bishop_on_black_square = true;
* We count the following positions as insufficient:
* 1) king versus king
* 2) king and bishop versus king
* 3) king and knight versus king
* 4) king and bishop versus king and bishop with the bishops on the same color. (Any
* number of additional bishops of either color on the same color of square due to
* underpromotion do not affect the situation.)
* From:
* Note also that this follows FIDE rules, not USCF rules. E.g. K+N+N vs. K cannot be
* forced, so it's not counted as a draw.
* This is also what CECP engines will be expecting:
* "Note that (in accordance with FIDE rules) only KK, KNK, KBK and KBKB with all
* bishops on the same color can be claimed as draws on the basis of insufficient mating
* material. The end-games KNNK, KBKN, KNKN and KBKB with unlike bishops do have mate
* positions, and cannot be claimed. Complex draws based on locked Pawn chains will not
* be recognized as draws by most interfaces, so do not claim in such positions, but
* just offer a draw or play on."
* From:
* (In contrast, UCI seems to expect the interface to handle draws itself.)
/* Two knights versus king can checkmate (though not against an optimal opponent) */
if (white_knight_count > 1 || black_knight_count > 1)
return true;
/* Bishop and knight versus king can checkmate */
if (white_bishop_count > 0 && white_knight_count > 0)
return true;
if (black_bishop_count > 0 && black_knight_count > 0)
return true;
/* King and bishops versus king can checkmate as long as the bishops are on both colours */
if (white_bishop_on_white_square && white_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
if (black_bishop_on_white_square && black_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
/* King and minor piece vs. King and knight is surprisingly not a draw */
if ((white_bishop_count > 0 || white_knight_count > 0) && black_knight_count > 0)
return true;
if ((black_bishop_count > 0 || black_knight_count > 0) && white_knight_count > 0)
return true;
/* King and bishop can checkmate vs. king and bishop if bishops are on opposite colors */
if (white_bishop_count > 0 && black_bishop_count > 0)
if (white_bishop_on_white_square && black_bishop_on_black_square)
return true;
else if (white_bishop_on_black_square && black_bishop_on_white_square)
return true;
return false;
private bool decode_piece_type (unichar c, out PieceType type)
type = PieceType.PAWN;
switch (c)
case 'P':
type = PieceType.PAWN;
return true;
case 'R':
type = PieceType.ROOK;
return true;
case 'N':
type = PieceType.KNIGHT;
return true;
case 'B':
type = PieceType.BISHOP;
return true;
case 'Q':
type = PieceType.QUEEN;
return true;
case 'K':
type = PieceType.KING;
return true;
return false;
private bool decode_move (ChessPlayer player, string move, out int r0, out int f0, out int r1, out int f1, out PieceType promotion_type)
int i = 0;
promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN;
if (move.has_prefix ("O-O-O"))
if (player.color == Color.WHITE)
r0 = r1 = 0;
r0 = r1 = 7;
f0 = 4;
f1 = 2;
i += (int) "O-O-O".length;
else if (move.has_prefix ("O-O"))
if (player.color == Color.WHITE)
r0 = r1 = 0;
r0 = r1 = 7;
f0 = 4;
f1 = 6;
i += (int) "O-O".length;
PieceType type = PieceType.PAWN;
if (decode_piece_type (move[i], out type))
r0 = f0 = r1 = f1 = -1;
if (move[i] >= 'a' && move[i] <= 'h')
f1 = (int) (move[i] - 'a');
if (move[i] >= '1' && move[i] <= '8')
r1 = (int) (move[i] - '1');
if (move[i] == 'x' || move[i] == '-')
if (move[i] >= 'a' && move[i] <= 'h')
f0 = f1;
f1 = (int) (move[i] - 'a');
if (move[i] >= '1' && move[i] <= '8')
r0 = r1;
r1 = (int) (move[i] - '1');
if (move[i] == '=')
if (decode_piece_type (move[i], out promotion_type))
else if (move[i] != '\0')
switch (move[i])
case 'q':
case 'Q':
promotion_type = PieceType.QUEEN;
case 'n':
case 'N':
promotion_type = PieceType.KNIGHT;
case 'r':
case 'R':
promotion_type = PieceType.ROOK;
case 'b':
case 'B':
promotion_type = PieceType.BISHOP;
/* Don't have a destination to move to */
if (r1 < 0 || f1 < 0)
debug ("Move %s missing destination", move);
return false;
/* Find source piece */
if (r0 < 0 || f0 < 0)
int match_rank = -1, match_file = -1;
for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++)
if (f0 >= 0 && file != f0)
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
if (r0 >= 0 && rank != r0)
/* Only check this players pieces of the correct type */
var piece = board[get_index (rank, file)];
if (piece == null || piece.type != type || piece.player != player)
/* See if can move here */
if (!this.move_with_coords (player, rank, file, r1, f1, PieceType.QUEEN, false))
/* Duplicate match */
if (match_rank >= 0)
debug ("Move %s is ambiguous", move);
return false;
match_rank = rank;
match_file = file;
if (match_rank < 0)
debug ("Move %s has no matches", move);
return false;
r0 = match_rank;
f0 = match_file;
if (move[i] == '+')
else if (move[i] == '#')
if (move[i] != '\0')
debug ("Move %s has unexpected characters", move);
return false;
return true;