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<ul class="crumbs"><li><a href="../index.html">Home</a></li><li><a href="index.html">inweb</a></li><li><a href="index.html#M">Manual</a></li><li><b>Advanced Weaving with Patterns</b></li></ul><p class="purpose">Customise the booklets woven from a web.</p>
<ul class="toc"><li><a href="#SP1">&#167;1. Weave patterns</a></li><li><a href="#SP4">&#167;4. Cover sheets</a></li><li><a href="#SP5">&#167;5. Indexing</a></li></ul><hr class="tocbar">
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP1"></a><b>&#167;1. Weave patterns. </b>As noted, the two most useful weave patterns are <code class="display"><span class="extract">-weave-as HTML</span></code> and
<code class="display"><span class="extract">-weave-as TeX</span></code>, and these are both supplied built in to Inweb. When you
weave something with <code class="display"><span class="extract">-weave-as P</span></code>, for some pattern name <code class="display"><span class="extract">P</span></code>, Inweb first
looks to see if the web in question defines a custom pattern of that name.
For example,
<pre class="display">
<span class="element">$</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">inweb/Tangled/inweb</span><span class="plain"> inweb/Examples/goldbach</span><span class="identifier"> -weave-as</span><span class="plain"> Tapestry</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">would look for a directory called:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">inweb/Examples/goldbach/Patterns/Tapestry</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">If that is found, Inweb expects it to define <code class="display"><span class="extract">Tapestry</span></code>. If not, Inweb next
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">inweb/Patterns/Tapestry</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">since <code class="display"><span class="extract">inweb/Patterns</span></code> is where the built-in patterns are kept. If it can't
find either, Inweb issues an error.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP2"></a><b>&#167;2. </b>Patterns are a relatively new feature of Inweb, but allow for considerable
customisation of the woven output. In brief, a pattern directory is expected
to contain a configuration file called <code class="display"><span class="extract">pattern.txt</span></code>. This consists of a
series of simple one-line commands.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Most custom patterns open with the command:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">from Whatever</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">which tells Inweb that this new pattern inherits from an existing one named
<code class="display"><span class="extract">Whatever</span></code>. (Do not get these into loops, with A inheriting from B and B
also inheriting from A.) The rule is then that if Inweb needs a file to do
with weaving, it looks first in the new custom pattern, and then, failing
that, in the pattern inherited from. As a result, the custom pattern need
only contain actual differences.
<p class="inwebparagraph">There should then always be a command reading:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">format = HTML</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">or whatever other file format is required (for the TeX pattern, for example,
this reads <code class="display"><span class="extract">format = PDF</span></code>). A few other settings can also be made with <code class="display"><span class="extract">=</span></code>.
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li>(a) <code class="display"><span class="extract">numbered = yes</span></code> causes the weaver to apply numbers to section headings:
the first included will be number 1, and so on. Default is <code class="display"><span class="extract">no</span></code>.
<ul class="items"><li>(b) <code class="display"><span class="extract">abbrevs = no</span></code> causes the weaver to suppress all mention of abbreviated
sections ranges, such as <code class="display"><span class="extract">2/tpc</span></code>, which aren't useful for documentation (for
example). Default is <code class="display"><span class="extract">yes</span></code>.
<ul class="items"><li>(c) <code class="display"><span class="extract">tex-command = C</span></code> tells the weaver that the TeX typesetting system should
be invoked with the shell command <code class="display"><span class="extract">C</span></code>. Default is <code class="display"><span class="extract">tex</span></code>.
<ul class="items"><li>(d) <code class="display"><span class="extract">pdftex-command = C</span></code> tells the weaver that the TeX typesetting system should
be invoked with the shell command <code class="display"><span class="extract">C</span></code> when what we want is a PDF, not a DVI
file. Default is <code class="display"><span class="extract">pdftex</span></code>.
<ul class="items"><li>(e) <code class="display"><span class="extract">open-command = C</span></code> tells the weaver to use the shell command <code class="display"><span class="extract">C</span></code> if it
wants to open the woven file (i.e., on the user's computer) after it finishes.
Default is <code class="display"><span class="extract">open</span></code>, which works nicely for MacOS.
<ul class="items"><li>(f) <code class="display"><span class="extract">default-range = R</span></code> tells the weaver to assume the range <code class="display"><span class="extract">R</span></code>, if the user
tries to weave a multi-section web with this pattern. (For example, the standard
HTML pattern sets <code class="display"><span class="extract">default-range = sections</span></code>.)
<ul class="items"><li>(g) The equals sign can also be used to override values of the bibliographic data
for the web. These changes are only temporary for the period in which the weave
is going on; they enable us to give custom titles to different weaves from the
same web. For example:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">Title = Grammar</span>
<span class="plain">Booklet Title = A formal grammar for Inform 7</span>
<span class="plain">Author = The Inform Project</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP3"></a><b>&#167;3. </b>The command:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">use X</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">tells Inweb that the file X, also stored in the pattern directory, should
be copied into any website being woven. For example, the HTML pattern says
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">use crumbs.gif</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">to instruct Inweb that an image used by the pages generated needs to be
copied over.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Finally, the command
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">embed css</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">tells Inweb that in any HTML file produced, the CSS necessary should be
embedded into the HTML, not linked as an external file. This is tidier for
patterns like TeX, where there will only be at most one HTML file produced,
and there's no need for an external CSS file.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP4"></a><b>&#167;4. Cover sheets. </b>If a weave has a range bigger than a single section &mdash; for example, if it's
a weave of a chapter, or of the complete web &mdash; then it will include a
"cover sheet". In the case of a PDF being made via TeX, this will actually
be an extra page at the front of the PDF; for HTML, of course, it will just
be additional material at the top of the web page.
<p class="inwebparagraph">The template for the cover sheet should be given in a file in the pattern
folder called <code class="display"><span class="extract">cover-sheet.tex</span></code>, <code class="display"><span class="extract">cover-sheet.html</span></code> or similar. Within it,
double-square brackets can be used to represent values from the bibliographic
data at the top of the web's Contents section. For example:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">\noindent{{\stitlefont </span><span class="functiontext">[[Author]]</span><span class="plain">}}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">In addition:
<ul class="items"><li>(a) <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Cover Sheet]]</span></code> expands to the parent pattern's cover sheet &mdash; this is
convenient if all you want to do is to add a note at the bottom of the
standard look.
</li><li>(b) <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Booklet Title]]</span></code> expands to text such as "Chapter 3", appropriate
to the weave being made.
</li><li>(c) <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Capitalized Title]]</span></code> is a form of the title in block capital letters.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP5"></a><b>&#167;5. Indexing. </b>Some weaves are accompanied by indexes. For example, a standard weave into
sections (for the HTML pattern) generates an <code class="display"><span class="extract">index.html</span></code> contents page,
linking to the weaves for the individual sections. How is this done?
<p class="inwebparagraph">Inweb looks in the pattern for a template file called either
<code class="display"><span class="extract">chaptered-index.html</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">unchaptered-index.html</span></code>, according to whether the
web's sections are in chapters or simply in a single directory of <code class="display"><span class="extract">Sections</span></code>.
If it doesn't find this, it looks for a template simply called <code class="display"><span class="extract">index.html</span></code>,
using that template in either case.
<p class="inwebparagraph">An index is then made by taking this template file and running it through
the "template interpreter". This is basically a filter: that is, it
works through one line at a time, and most of the time it simply copies
the input to the output. The filtering consists of making the following
replacements. Any text in the form <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[...]]</span></code> is substituted with the
value <code class="display"><span class="extract">...</span></code>, which can be any of:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li>(a) A bibliographic variable, set at the top of the <code class="display"><span class="extract">Contents.w</span></code> section.
<ul class="items"><li>(b) One of the following details about the entire-web PDF (see below):
<pre class="display">
<span class="functiontext">[[Complete Leafname]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Complete Extent]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Complete PDF Size]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li>(b) One of the following details about the "current chapter" (again, see below):
<pre class="display">
<span class="functiontext">[[Chapter Title]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Chapter Purpose]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Chapter Leafname]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Chapter Extent]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Chapter PDF Size]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Chapter Errors]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li> The leafname is that of the typeset PDF; the extent is a page count;
the errors result is a usually blank report.
<ul class="items"><li>(c) One of the following details about the "current section" (again, see below):
<pre class="display">
<span class="functiontext">[[Section Title]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Purpose]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Leafname]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Section Extent]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section PDF Size]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Errors]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Section Lines]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Paragraphs]]</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Mean]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Section Source]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li> Lines and Paragraphs are counts of the number of each; the Source
substitution is the leafname of the original <code class="display"><span class="extract">.w</span></code> file. The Mean is the
average number of lines per paragraph: where this is large, the section
is rather raw and literate programming is not being used to the full.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP6"></a><b>&#167;6. </b>But the template interpreter isn't merely "editing the stream", because
it can also handle repetitions. The following commands must occupy entire
<p class="inwebparagraph"><code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Repeat Chapter]]</span></code> and <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Repeat Section]]</span></code> begin blocks of lines which
are repeated for each chapter or section: the material to be repeated
continues to the matching <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[End Repeat]</span></code> line. The ``current chapter or
section'' mentioned above is the one selected in the current innermost
loop of that description.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><code class="display"><span class="extract">[[Select ...]]</span></code> and <code class="display"><span class="extract">[[End Select]</span></code> form a block which behaves like
a repetition, but happens just once, for the named chapter or section.
<p class="inwebparagraph">For example, the following pattern:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">To take chapter 3 as an example, for instance, we find -</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Select 3]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[Repeat Section]]</span>
<span class="plain">Section </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Title]]</span><span class="plain">, </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Code]]</span><span class="plain">, </span><span class="functiontext">[[Section Lines]]</span><span class="plain"> lines.</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[End Repeat]]</span>
<span class="functiontext">[[End Select]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">weaves a report somewhat like this:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">To take chapter 3 as an example, for instance, we find -</span>
<span class="plain">Section Lexer, 3/lex, 1011 lines.</span>
<span class="plain">Section Read Source Text, 3/read, 394 lines.</span>
<span class="plain">Section Lexical Writing Back, 3/lwb, 376 lines.</span>
<span class="plain">Section Lexical Services, 3/lexs, 606 lines.</span>
<span class="plain">Section Vocabulary, 3/vocab, 338 lines.</span>
<span class="plain">Section Built-In Words, 3/words, 1207 lines.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
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<ul class="toc"><li><a href="M-mwiw.html">Back to 'Making Weaves into Websites'</a></li><li><a href="M-spl.html">Continue with 'Supporting Programming Languages'</a></li></ul><hr class="tocbar">
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