inweb-bootstrap/foundation-module/Chapter 3/Pathnames.w

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[Pathnames::] Pathnames.
Locations of hypothetical or real directories in the filing system.
@h About pathnames.
We use the word "pathname" to mean a file-system location of a directory,
and "filename" to mean a location of a file. For example:
= (text)
is a pathname, whereas
= (text)
is a filename. All references to directory locations in the filing system will be
held internally as |pathname| objects, and all references to file locations as
|filename| objects. Once created, these are never destroyed or modified,
so that it's safe to store a pointer to a pathname or filename anywhere.
Note that a pathname may well be hypothetical, that is, it may well
describe a directory which doesn't exist on disc.
A full path is a linked list, but reverse-ordered: thus,
= (text)
would be represented as a pointer to the |pathname| for "Documents", which
in turn points to one for "rblackmore", which in turn points to "/Users".
Thus the root of the filing system is represented by the null pointer.
Each |pathname| can represent only a single level in the hierarchy, and
its textual name is not allowed to contain the |FOLDER_SEPARATOR| character,
with just one exception: the |pathname| at the end of the chain is allowed
to begin with |FOLDER_SEPARATOR| to denote that it's at the root of the
host file system.
typedef struct pathname {
struct text_stream *intermediate;
struct pathname *pathname_of_parent;
int known_to_exist; /* corresponds to a directory in the filing system */
} pathname;
@h Home directory.
We get the path to the user's home directory from the environment variable
|HOME|, if it exists.
pathname *home_path = NULL;
void Pathnames::start(void) {
char *home = (char *) (Platform::getenv("HOME"));
if (home) {
text_stream *H = Str::new_from_locale_string(home);
home_path = Pathnames::from_text(H);
home_path->known_to_exist = TRUE;
@h Installation directory.
pathname *installation_path = NULL;
void Pathnames::set_installation_path(pathname *P) {
installation_path = P;
pathname *Pathnames::installation_path(const char *V, text_stream *def) {
if (installation_path) return installation_path;
wchar_t where[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
where[0] = 0;
Platform::where_am_i(where, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
if (where[0]) {
text_stream *v = Str::new_from_wide_string(where);
filename *F = Filenames::from_text(v);
pathname *P = Filenames::up(F);
if ((P) && (Str::eq(P->intermediate, I"Tangled")))
P = P->pathname_of_parent;
return P;
if (V) {
char *val = Platform::getenv(V);
if ((val) && (val[0])) {
text_stream *v = Str::new_from_locale_string(val);
return Pathnames::from_text(v);
if (def) return Pathnames::from_text(def);
return NULL;
@h Creation.
A subdirectory is made by taking an existing pathname (or possible |NULL|) and
then going one level deeper, using the supplied name.
pathname *Pathnames::down(pathname *P, text_stream *dir_name) {
return Pathnames::primitive(dir_name, 0, Str::len(dir_name), P);
pathname *Pathnames::primitive(text_stream *str, int from, int to, pathname *par) {
pathname *P = CREATE(pathname);
P->pathname_of_parent = par;
P->known_to_exist = FALSE;
if (to-from <= 0) internal_error("empty intermediate pathname");
P->intermediate = Str::new_with_capacity(to-from+1);
if (str)
for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
PUT_TO(P->intermediate, Str::get(Str::at(str, i)));
return P;
@h Text to pathnames.
The following takes a text of a name and returns a pathname,
possibly relative to the home directory. Empty directory names are ignored
except possibly for an initial slash, so for example |paris/roubaix|,
|paris//roubaix| and |paris/roubaix/| are indistinguishable here, but
|/paris/roubaix| is different.
pathname *Pathnames::from_text(text_stream *path) {
return Pathnames::from_text_relative(NULL, path);
pathname *Pathnames::from_text_relative(pathname *P, text_stream *path) {
pathname *at = P;
int i = 0, pos = 0;
if ((Str::get(Str::start(path))) && (P == NULL)) i++;
for (; i < Str::len(path); i++)
if (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get(Str::at(path, i)))) {
if (i > pos) at = Pathnames::primitive(path, pos, i, at);
pos = i+1;
if (i > pos) at = Pathnames::primitive(path, pos, i, at);
return at;
@h Writer.
Conversely, by the miracle of depth-first recursion:
void Pathnames::writer(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *format_string, void *vP) {
pathname *P = (pathname *) vP;
int divider = FOLDER_SEPARATOR;
if (format_string[0] == '/') divider = '/';
if (P) Pathnames::writer_r(OUT, P, divider); else WRITE(".");
void Pathnames::writer_r(OUTPUT_STREAM, pathname *P, int divider) {
if (P->pathname_of_parent) {
Pathnames::writer_r(OUT, P->pathname_of_parent, divider);
WRITE("%S", P->intermediate);
@h Relative pathnames.
Occasionally we want to shorten a pathname relative to another one:
for example,
= (text)
relative to
= (text)
would be
= (text)
Note that this does not correctly handle symlinks, |.|, |..| and so on,
so it's probably not wise to use it with filenames typed in at the command
void Pathnames::to_text_relative(OUTPUT_STREAM, pathname *P, pathname *R) {
WRITE_TO(rt, "%p", R);
WRITE_TO(pt, "%p", P);
int n = Str::len(pt);
if ((Str::prefix_eq(rt, pt, n)) && (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(rt, n)))) {
Str::delete_n_characters(rt, n+1);
WRITE("%S", rt);
} else internal_error("pathname not relative to pathname");
pathname *Pathnames::up(pathname *P) {
if (P == NULL) internal_error("can't go up from root directory");
return P->pathname_of_parent;
text_stream *Pathnames::directory_name(pathname *P) {
if (P == NULL) return NULL;
return P->intermediate;
@h Relative URLs.
Suppose a web page in the directory at |from| wants to link to a page in
the directory |to|. The following composes a minimal-length URL to do so:
possibly, if they are in fact the same directory, an empty one.
void Pathnames::relative_URL(OUTPUT_STREAM, pathname *from, pathname *to) {
int found = FALSE;
for (pathname *P = to; P && (found == FALSE); P = Pathnames::up(P)) {
WRITE_TO(PT, "%p", P);
int q_up_count = 0;
for (pathname *Q = from; Q && (found == FALSE); Q = Pathnames::up(Q)) {
WRITE_TO(QT, "%p", Q);
if (Str::eq(PT, QT)) {
for (int i=0; i<q_up_count; i++) WRITE_TO(url, "../");
WRITE_TO(FPT, "%p", to);
Str::substr(url, Str::at(FPT, Str::len(PT) + 1), Str::end(FPT));
found = TRUE;
if (found == FALSE) {
for (pathname *Q = from; Q; Q = Pathnames::up(Q)) WRITE_TO(url, "../");
WRITE_TO(url, "%p", to);
WRITE("%S", url);
if ((Str::len(url) > 0) && (Str::get_last_char(url) != '/')) WRITE("/");
@h Existence in the file system.
Just because we have a pathname, it doesn't follow that any directory exists
on the file system with that path.
int Pathnames::create_in_file_system(pathname *P) {
if (P == NULL) return TRUE; /* the root of the file system always exists */
if (P->known_to_exist) return TRUE;
char transcoded_pathname[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", P);
Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_pathname, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
P->known_to_exist = Platform::mkdir(transcoded_pathname);
return P->known_to_exist;
@h Directory synchronisation.
Both pathnames here represent directories which do exist. The function makes
the |dest| tree an exact copy of the |source| tree (and therefore deletes
anything different which was originally in |dest|).
void Pathnames::rsync(pathname *source, pathname *dest) {
char transcoded_source[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", source);
Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_source, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
char transcoded_dest[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
WRITE_TO(pn2, "%p", dest);
Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_dest, pn2, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
Platform::rsync(transcoded_source, transcoded_dest);