inweb-bootstrap/foundation-module/Chapter 1/Foundation Module.w
2020-07-05 15:33:00 +01:00

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[Foundation::] Foundation Module.
Starting up and shutting down.
@h Introduction.
The Foundation module supplies some of the conveniences of more modern
programming languages to ANSI C. It offers the usual stuff of standard
libraries everywhere: memory management, collection classes, filename
and file system accesss, regular-expression matching and so on. At one
time the higher-level material formed a second module called "Foundation
and Empire", but now it's all consolidated into a single everything-you-need
module. Almost all functionality is optional and can be ignored if not
wanted. With a few provisos, the code is thread-safe, sturdy and well
tested, since it forms the support code for the Inform programming
language's compiler and outlying tools, including Inweb itself. If you
need to write a command-line utility in ANSI C with no dependencies on
other tools or libraries to speak of, you could do worse.
To use |foundation|, the Contents section of a web should include:
= (text)
Import: foundation
before beginning the chapter rundown. There are then a few conventions
which must be followed. The |main| routine for the client should, as one
of its very first acts, call |Foundation::start()|, and should similarly, just
before it exits, call |Foundation::end()|. Any other module used should be
started after Foundation starts, and ended before Foundation ends.
In addition, the client's source code needs to define a few symbols to indicate
what it needs in the way of memory allocation. For an example, see the code
for Inweb itself.
@h Basic definitions.
These are all from the ANSI C standard library (or the pthread POSIX standard),
which means that Inweb will tangle them up to the top of the C source code.
Because pthread is not normally available on Windows, a special header is
supplied instead for that case.
= (very early code)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wchar.h>
@ =
text_stream *DL = NULL; /* Current destination of debugging text: kept |NULL| until opened */
@ We'll use three truth states, the third of which can also mean "unknown".
@d TRUE 1
@d FALSE 0
@ And we recognise two different encodings for narrow (i.e., |char *|) C strings.
@d UTF8_ENC 1 /* Write as UTF-8 without BOM */
@d ISO_ENC 2 /* Write as ISO Latin-1 (i.e., no conversion needed) */
@ It is assumed that our host filing system can manage at least 30-character
filenames, that space is legal as a character in a filename, and that trailing
extensions can be longer than 3 characters (in particular, that |.html| is
allowed). There are no clear rules but on Windows |MAX_PATH| can be as low as
260, and on Mac OS X the equivalent limit is 1024; both systems can house
files buried more deeply, but in both cases the user interface to the
operating system fails to recognise them. Some Linux implementations raise the
equivalent |PATH_MAX| limit as high as 4096. This seems a reasonable
compromise in practice:
@ Very occasionally we'll store a pointer as data:
typedef long int pointer_sized_int;
@h The beginning and the end.
As noted above, the client needs to call these when starting up and when
shutting down.
The Inweb notation |[[textliterals]]| inserts declarations of I-literals,
that is, literal |text_stream *| values written as |I"strings"|. It should
never be used anywhere but here.
void Foundation::start(int argc, char **argv) {
CommandLine::set_locale(argc, argv);
@<Register the default stream writers@>;
@<Register the default debugging log aspects@>;
@<Register the default debugging log writers@>;
@<Register the default command line switches@>;
@ After calling |Foundation::start()|, the client can register further stream
writing routines, following these models: they define the meaning of escape
characters in |WRITE|, our version of formatted printing. |%f|, for example,
prints a filename by calling |Filenames::writer|.
@<Register the default stream writers@> =
Writers::register_writer('f', &Filenames::writer);
Writers::register_writer('p', &Pathnames::writer);
Writers::register_writer('v', &VersionNumbers::writer);
Writers::register_writer('S', &Streams::writer);
@ We provide a full logging service, in which different "aspects" can be
switched on or off. Each aspect represents an activity of the program about
which a narrative is printed, or not printed, to the debugging log file.
The following are always provided, but are all off by default.
@<Register the default debugging log aspects@> =
Log::declare_aspect(DEBUGGING_LOG_INCLUSIONS_DA, L"debugging log inclusions", FALSE, FALSE);
Log::declare_aspect(SHELL_USAGE_DA, L"shell usage", FALSE, FALSE);
Log::declare_aspect(MEMORY_USAGE_DA, L"memory usage", FALSE, FALSE);
Log::declare_aspect(TEXT_FILES_DA, L"text files", FALSE, FALSE);
@ Debugging log writers are similar to stream writers, but implement the |$|
escapes only available to the debugging log. For example, |$S| calls the
|Streams::log| function to print a textual representation of the current
state of a stream.
@<Register the default debugging log writers@> =
Writers::register_logger('a', &Tries::log_avinue);
Writers::register_logger('S', &Streams::log);
@ We provide an optional service for parsing the command line. By default,
the |-log A| switch makes that aspect active, though it's hyphenated, so
for example |-log memory-usage| or |-log no-memory-usage|. |-fixtime| is
used to ease automated testing: we don't want to reject the output from
some tool just because it contains today's date and not the date when the
test was set up. |-crash| tells the tool to crash on a fatal error, rather
than to exit cleanly, to make it easier to diagnose in a debugger.
@e LOG_CLSW from 0
@<Register the default command line switches@> =
CommandLine::begin_group(FOUNDATION_CLSG, NULL);
CommandLine::declare_switch(LOG_CLSW, L"log", 2,
L"write the debugging log to include diagnostics on X");
CommandLine::declare_switch(VERSION_CLSW, L"version", 1,
L"print out version number");
CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(CRASH_CLSW, L"crash", 1,
L"intentionally crash on internal errors, for backtracing", FALSE);
CommandLine::declare_switch(HELP_CLSW, L"help", 1,
L"print this help information");
CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(FIXTIME_CLSW, L"fixtime", 1,
L"pretend the time is 11 a.m. on 28 March 2016 for testing", FALSE);
CommandLine::declare_switch(AT_CLSW, L"at", 2,
L"specify that this tool is installed at X");
CommandLine::declare_switch(LOCALE_CLSW, L"locale", 2,
L"set locales as 'L=E', L being shell or console, E platform, utf-8 or iso-latin1");
@ Once the following has been called, it is not safe to use any of the
|foundation| facilities. It should be called on any normal exit, but not on
an early termination due to a fatal error, as this may lead to thread
safety problems.
void Foundation::end(void) {
if (Log::aspect_switched_on(MEMORY_USAGE_DA)) Memory::log_statistics();