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<ul class="crumbs"><li><a href="../index.html">Home</a></li><li><b>twinprimes</b></li></ul><p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP1"></a><b>&#167;1. The conjecture. </b>It is widely believed that there are an infinite number of twin primes, that
is, prime numbers occurring in pairs different by 2. Twins are known to exist
at least as far out as \(10^{388,342}\) (as of 2016), and there are infinitely
many pairs of primes closer together than about 250 (Zhang, 2013; Tao, Maynard,
and many others, 2014).
<p class="inwebparagraph">This program finds a few small pairs of twins, by the simplest method possible,
and should print output like so:
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">3 and 5</span>
<span class="plain">5 and 7</span>
<span class="plain">11 and 13</span>
<span class="plain">...</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="definitions">
<span class="definitionkeyword">define</span> <span class="constant">RANGE</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">100</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="comment"> the upper limit to the numbers we will consider</span>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">#</span><span class="identifier">include</span><span class="plain"> &lt;</span><span class="identifier">stdio</span><span class="plain">.</span><span class="identifier">h</span><span class="plain">&gt;</span>
<span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">main</span><span class="plain">(</span><span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="identifier">argc</span><span class="plain">, </span><span class="reserved">char</span><span class="plain"> *</span><span class="identifier">argv</span><span class="plain">[]) {</span>
<span class="reserved">for</span><span class="plain"> (</span><span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">=1; </span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">&lt;</span><span class="constant">RANGE</span><span class="plain">; </span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">++)</span>
&lt;<span class="cwebmacro">Test for twin prime at i</span> <span class="cwebmacronumber">1.1</span>&gt;<span class="plain">;</span>
<span class="plain">}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP1_1"></a><b>&#167;1.1. </b><code class="display">
&lt;<span class="cwebmacrodefn">Test for twin prime at i</span> <span class="cwebmacronumber">1.1</span>&gt; =
<pre class="displaydefn">
<span class="reserved">if</span><span class="plain"> ((</span><span class="functiontext"><a href="#SP2">isprime</a></span><span class="plain">(</span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">)) &amp;&amp; (</span><span class="functiontext"><a href="#SP2">isprime</a></span><span class="plain">(</span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">+2)))</span>
<span class="identifier">printf</span><span class="plain">(</span><span class="string">"%d and %d\n"</span><span class="plain">, </span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">, </span><span class="identifier">i</span><span class="plain">+2);</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="endnote">This code is used in <a href="#SP1">&#167;1</a>.</p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP2"></a><b>&#167;2. Primality. </b>This simple and slow test tries to divide by every whole number at least
2 and up to the square root: if none divide exactly, the number is prime.
A common error with this algorithm is to check where \(m^2 &lt; n\), rather
than \(m^2 \leq n\), thus wrongly considering 4, 9, 25, 49, ... as prime:
Cambridge folklore has it that this bug occurred on the first computation
of the EDSAC computer on 6 May 1949.
<pre class="definitions">
<span class="definitionkeyword">define</span> <span class="constant">TRUE</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">1</span>
<span class="definitionkeyword">define</span> <span class="constant">FALSE</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">0</span>
<pre class="display">
<span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="functiontext">isprime<button class="popup" onclick="togglePopup('usagePopup0')">...<span class="popuptext" id="usagePopup0">Usage of <b>isprime</b>:<br><a href="#SP1_1">&#167;1.1</a></span></button></span><span class="plain">(</span><span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="identifier">n</span><span class="plain">) {</span>
<span class="reserved">if</span><span class="plain"> (</span><span class="identifier">n</span><span class="plain"> &lt;= </span><span class="constant">1</span><span class="plain">) </span><span class="reserved">return</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">FALSE</span><span class="plain">;</span>
<span class="reserved">for</span><span class="plain"> (</span><span class="reserved">int</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="identifier">m</span><span class="plain"> = </span><span class="constant">2</span><span class="plain">; </span><span class="identifier">m</span><span class="plain">*</span><span class="identifier">m</span><span class="plain"> &lt;= </span><span class="identifier">n</span><span class="plain">; </span><span class="identifier">m</span><span class="plain">++)</span>
<span class="reserved">if</span><span class="plain"> (</span><span class="identifier">n</span><span class="plain"> % </span><span class="identifier">m</span><span class="plain"> == </span><span class="constant">0</span><span class="plain">)</span>
<span class="reserved">return</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">FALSE</span><span class="plain">;</span>
<span class="reserved">return</span><span class="plain"> </span><span class="constant">TRUE</span><span class="plain">;</span>
<span class="plain">}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
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