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<ul class="crumbs"><li><a href="../webs.html">Source</a></li><li><a href="index.html">inweb</a></li><li><a href="index.html#M">Manual</a></li><li><b>How to Write a Web</b></li></ul><p class="purpose">How to mark up code for literate programming.</p>
<ul class="toc"><li><a href="#SP1">&#167;1. The title of a section</a></li><li><a href="#SP2">&#167;2. Paragraphing</a></li><li><a href="#SP6">&#167;6. Conditional compilation</a></li><li><a href="#SP7">&#167;7. Commentary</a></li></ul><hr class="tocbar">
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP1"></a><b>&#167;1. The title of a section. </b>In any section file, there will be a few lines at the top which occur before
the first paragraph of code begins. (The first paragraph begins on the first
line which starts with an <code class="display"><span class="extract">@</span></code> character.)
<p class="inwebparagraph">The first line should be the title of the section, followed by a full stop.
For example:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">The Sieve of Eratosthenes.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">A section title must contain only filename-safe characters, and it's probably
wise to make them filename-safe on all platforms: so don't include either
kind of slash, or a colon, and in general go easy on punctuation marks.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Optionally, a section heading can also specify its own range abbreviation,
which must be given in round brackets and followed by a colon:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">(S/sieve): The Sieve of Eratosthenes.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">If this is not done (and usually it is not), Inweb will construct a range
abbreviation itself: in this case, it comes up with <code class="display"><span class="extract">S/tsoe</span></code>.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Subsequent lines of text are then taken as the optional description of the
purpose of the code in this section. (This is used on contents pages.) For
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">A fairly fast way to determine if small numbers are prime, given storage.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP2"></a><b>&#167;2. Paragraphing. </b>A standard paragraph is introduced with an <code class="display"><span class="extract">@</span></code> command, which must place
that magic character in the first column of the line:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@ This is some comment at the start of a new paragraph, which...</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">A fancier paragraph with a subheading attached is introduced using the
<code class="display"><span class="extract">@h</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@heading</span></code> command instead. (This is simply a long and short version
of the same command.) The text of the subheading then follows, up to the
first full stop.
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@heading Reflections on the method.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">Paragraphs can contain three ingredients, all optional, but if given then
given in this order: comment, definitions, and code. The following
example shows all three being used:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@h Primality.</span>
<span class="plain">We provide this as a function which determines whether a number</span>
<span class="plain">is prime:</span>
<span class="plain">@d TRUE 1</span>
<span class="plain">@d FALSE 0</span>
<span class="plain">=</span>
<span class="plain">int isprime(int n) {</span>
<span class="plain"> if (n &lt;= 1) return FALSE;</span>
<span class="plain"> for (int m = 2; m*m &lt;= n; m++)</span>
<span class="plain"> if (n % m == 0)</span>
<span class="plain"> return FALSE;</span>
<span class="plain"> return TRUE;</span>
<span class="plain">}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP3"></a><b>&#167;3. </b>Definitions are made using one of three commands: <code class="display"><span class="extract">@d</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@define</span></code>; or
<code class="display"><span class="extract">@e</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@enum</span></code>; or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@default</span></code>, which is rarely used and has no abbreviation.
These create new constants in the program, with the values given: they are
the equivalent of a <code class="display"><span class="extract">#define</span></code> directive in C. <code class="display"><span class="extract">@define</span></code> is the simpler form.
For example,
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@define ENIGMATIC_NUMBER 90125</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">sets <code class="display"><span class="extract">ENIGMATIC_NUMBER</span></code> to 90125. Unlike in the C preprocessor, multi-line
definitions are automatically handled, so for example:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@ The following macro defines a function:</span>
<span class="plain">@d EAT_FRUIT(variety)</span>
<span class="plain"> int consume_by_##variety(variety *frp) {</span>
<span class="plain"> return frp-&gt;eat_by_date;</span>
<span class="plain"> }</span>
<span class="plain">=</span>
<span class="plain">banana my_banana; /* initialised somewhere else, let's suppose */</span>
<span class="plain">EAT_FRUIT(banana) /* expands with the definition above */</span>
<span class="plain">void consider_fruit(void) {</span>
<span class="plain"> printf("The banana has an eat-by date of %d.", consume_by_banana(&amp;my_banana));</span>
<span class="plain">}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">In fact, a definition continues until the next definition, or until the code
part of the paragraph begins, or until the paragraph ends, whichever comes
<p class="inwebparagraph">Enumerations with <code class="display"><span class="extract">@enum</span></code> are a convenience to define enumerated constants.
For example,
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@enum JANUARY_MNTH from 0</span>
<span class="plain">@enum FEBRUARY_MNTH</span>
<span class="plain">@enum MARCH_MNTH</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">and so on, is equivalent to
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@define JANUARY_MNTH 0</span>
<span class="plain">@define FEBRUARY_MNTH 1</span>
<span class="plain">@define MARCH_MNTH 2</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">What happens is that <code class="display"><span class="extract">@enum</span></code> looks at the tail of the name, from the last
underscore to the end: in this case, <code class="display"><span class="extract">_MNTH</span></code>. The first time an enumerated
value is asked for with this tail, <code class="display"><span class="extract">from</span></code> is used to specify the lowest
number to be used - in the above case, months begin counting from 0. With
each subsequent <code class="display"><span class="extract">_MNTH</span></code> request, <code class="display"><span class="extract">@enum</span></code> allocates the next unused value.
<p class="inwebparagraph">All symbols defined with <code class="display"><span class="extract">@define</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@enum</span></code> are global, and can be used
from anywhere in the web, including in sections or paragraphs earlier than
the ones in which they are defined. (The tangler automatically arranges code
as necessary to make this work.)
<p class="inwebparagraph">A symbol defined with <code class="display"><span class="extract">@default</span></code> has the given value only if some other use
of <code class="display"><span class="extract">@d</span></code> or <code class="display"><span class="extract">@e</span></code> in the web has not already defined it. For example, if the
web contains:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@default MAX_HEADROOM 100</span>
<span class="plain">@d MAX_HEADROOM 99</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">or
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@d MAX_HEADROOM 99</span>
<span class="plain">@default MAX_HEADROOM 100</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">then the value is 99, but if only
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@default MAX_HEADROOM 100</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">then the value is 100.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP4"></a><b>&#167;4. </b>Finally, a paragraph can contain code. This is introduced with an equals
sign: in some sense, the value of the paragraph is the code it contains.
In many paragraphs, as in the example above, the divider is just
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">=</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">and this means that the rest of the paragraph is part of the program.
Ordinarily, this must appear in column 1, but a special abbreviation is
allowed for paragraphs with no comment and no definitions:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@ =</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">This is exactly equivalent to:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@</span>
<span class="plain">=</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">We can tell the tangler to place the code early in the tangled program,
rather than at its natural place in the sequence, by annotating
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">= (early code)</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">instead of just <code class="display"><span class="extract">=</span></code>. (This is occasionally useful where, for example, it's
necessary to create global variables which will be referred to in other
sections of code.) The more extreme <code class="display"><span class="extract">= (very early code)</span></code> can be used in C
for complicated header file inclusions, but should be kept to an absolute
minimum, if only for clarity.
<p class="inwebparagraph">We can also tell the tangler to ignore the code completely:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">= (not code)</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">That may seem paradoxical: when is code not code? When it's an extract of
text being displayed for documentation reasons, is the answer. By default,
this is assumed to be plain text, and is syntax-coloured (or rather, not)
as such. If in fact it is a sample of code from some language Inweb
supports, we can instead write, for example:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">= (sample ACME code)</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">to say that this is an extract of code in ACME format, and should be
coloured accordingly. Samples of code are, uniquely, allowed to end
mid-way in a paragraph (unlike real code): placing a <code class="display"><span class="extract">=</span></code> on the left
margin allows the commentary to resume. For example,
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">= (sample ACME code)</span>
<span class="plain"> BEQ .adjustXRegister</span>
<span class="plain">=</span>
<span class="plain">...which is essential in order to restore the state of</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP5"></a><b>&#167;5. </b>One last feature, but it's the most important. Some code extracts are
given names, in angle brackets. If so, then the paragraph is the definition
of that extract. For example:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@&lt;Dramatic finale@&gt; =</span>
<span class="plain"> printf("I'm ruined! Ruined, I say!\n");</span>
<span class="plain"> exit(1);</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">Notice that the equals sign is still there: it's just that the chunk of code
is given a name, written inside <code class="display"><span class="extract">@&lt;</span></code> and <code class="display"><span class="extract">@&gt;</span></code> "brackets". (This notation
goes all the way back to Knuth's original WEB.)
<p class="inwebparagraph">What does the tangler do with this? It doesn't place the code as the next
item in the program. Instead, it expands any mention of <code class="display"><span class="extract">@&lt;Dramatic finale@&gt;</span></code>
elsewhere in the section with this block of code. It can be expanded as
many times as necessary, but only within the same section. Another section
would be quite free to define its own <code class="display"><span class="extract">@&lt;Dramatic finale@&gt;</span></code>, but it would
not be able to see this one.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Why is this important? One of the points of literate programming is to
subdivide the program on conceptual lines, even within single functions.
For example:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@&lt;Perform the sieve@&gt; =</span>
<span class="plain"> @&lt;Start with all numbers from 2 upwards in the sieve@&gt;;</span>
<span class="plain"> for (int n=2; n*n &lt;= RANGE; n++)</span>
<span class="plain"> if (still_in_sieve[n])</span>
<span class="plain"> @&lt;Shake out multiples of n@&gt;;</span>
<span class="plain"> sieve_performed = TRUE;</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">This is easier to understand than writing the function all in one go, and
more practicable than breaking it up into smaller functions.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Named paragraphs behave, in some ways, like macro definitions, and those
have a bad name nowadays - probably fairly. But Inweb makes them much
safer to use than traditional macros, because it tangles them into code
blocks, not just into runs of statements. A variable defined inside a
named paragraph has, as its scope, just that paragraph. And this:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain"> if (still_in_sieve[n])</span>
<span class="plain"> @&lt;Shake out multiples of n@&gt;;</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">works safely because <code class="display"><span class="extract">@&lt;Shake out multiples of n@&gt;</span></code> is, thanks to being a
code block, semantically a single statement.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Finally, note that if there are no commentary or definitions attached to
the paragraph then it's not necessary to type the initial <code class="display"><span class="extract">@</span></code>. That is,
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@</span>
<span class="plain">@&lt;Prepare to exit@&gt; =</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"> not necessary, and it's sufficient to type just:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@&lt;Prepare to exit@&gt; =</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP6"></a><b>&#167;6. Conditional compilation. </b>In some languages, especially C, it's very hard to write a program which will
run on multiple operating systems without some use of conditional compilation:
that is, putting some code or definitions inside <code class="display"><span class="extract">#ifdef</span></code> clauses or the like.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Inweb can't alter this sad fact of life, but it can make the process tidier.
If a paragraph has the tag <code class="display"><span class="extract">^"ifdef-SYMBOL"</span></code>, then any material in it will
be tangled in such a way that it takes effect only if <code class="display"><span class="extract">SYMBOL</span></code> is defined.
For example, in a C-language web with the paragraph:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">@h Windows stuff. ^"ifdef-PLATFORM_WINDOWS"</span>
<span class="plain">@d THREADS_AVAILABLE 12</span>
<span class="plain">=</span>
<span class="plain">void start_threads(int n) {</span>
<span class="plain"> ...</span>
<span class="plain">}</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">...the definition of <code class="display"><span class="extract">THREADS_AVAILABLE</span></code> and the function <code class="display"><span class="extract">start_threads</span></code>
would be made only inside a <code class="display"><span class="extract">#ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS</span></code> clause; the same would
happen for any typedefs or <code class="display"><span class="extract">#include</span></code>s made.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Similarly, tagging a paragraph <code class="display"><span class="extract">^"ifndef-SYMBOL"</span></code> causes it to have effect
only if <code class="display"><span class="extract">SYMBOL</span></code> is undefined. A paragraph can have any number of such
conditions applied to it, and if so then all of the conditions must be met.
<p class="inwebparagraph">Note that since tags can be applied to entire sections of a web, at the
Contents listing, it's straightforward to give, say, two versions of a
section file, one with effect on MacOS, one with effect on Windows.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP7"></a><b>&#167;7. Commentary. </b>The comment part of a paragraph is ignored by the tangler, and appears only
in weaves. For the most part, the text is simply copied over verbatim: but
Inweb quietly tries to improve the appearance of what it copies, and a
few special notations are allowed, to help with this.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP8"></a><b>&#167;8. </b>A doubled hyphen becomes an em-rule; double-quotation marks automatically
smarten (in TeX format, at least).
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP9"></a><b>&#167;9. </b>Lines beginning with what look like bracketed list numbers or letters are
set as such, running on into little indented paragraphs. Thus
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">(a) Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana. (Bill Gates)</span>
<span class="plain">(b) He is the very pineapple of politeness! (Richard Brinsley Sheridan)</span>
<span class="plain">(c) Harvard takes perfectly good plums as students, and turns them into</span>
<span class="plain">prunes. (Frank Lloyd Wright)</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">will be typeset thus:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li>(a) Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana. (Bill Gates)
</li><li>(b) He is the very pineapple of politeness! (Richard Brinsley Sheridan)
</li><li>(c) Harvard takes perfectly good plums as students, and turns them into
prunes. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
<p class="inwebparagraph">A line which begins <code class="display"><span class="extract">(...)</span></code> will be treated as a continuation of indented
matter (following on from some break-off such as a source quotation).
A line which begins <code class="display"><span class="extract">(-X)</span></code> will be treated as if it were <code class="display"><span class="extract">(X)</span></code>, but
indented one tab stop further in, like so:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<ul class="items"><li>(c) Harvard blah, blah, blah. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
<ul class="items"><li>(d) Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine. (Scott Weiland)
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP10"></a><b>&#167;10. </b>Text placed between vertical strokes will be set in a fixed-space, code
style font, <code class="display"><span class="extract">thus</span></code>.
<p class="inwebparagraph">If a series of lines is indented with tab characters and consists entirely
of courier-type code extracts, it will be set as a running-on series of
code lines.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP11"></a><b>&#167;11. </b>A line written thus:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">&gt;&gt; The monkey carries the blue scarf.</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">is typeset as an extract of text thus:
<p>The monkey carries the blue scarf.</p>
<p class="inwebparagraph">(This is a feature used for Inform 7 "code" samples, those being essentially
natural language text.)
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP12"></a><b>&#167;12. </b>Pictures must be in PNG, JPG or PDF format and can be included with lines
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">[[Fig_0_1.pdf]]</span>
<span class="plain">[[Whatever.jpg width 6cm]]</span>
<span class="plain">[[Something.pdf height 2cm]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">In the latter examples, we constrain the width or the height of the image
to be exactly that given: it is scaled accordingly. (They can't both be
constrained, so you can't change the aspect ratio.)
<p class="inwebparagraph">The weaver expects that any pictures needed will be stored in a subdirectory of
the web called <code class="display"><span class="extract">Figures</span></code>: for instance, the weaver would seek <code class="display"><span class="extract">Fig_2_3.pdf</span></code> at
pathname <code class="display"><span class="extract">Figures/Fig_2_3.pdf</span></code>.
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP13"></a><b>&#167;13. </b>Usually small plain text files can also be incorporated: these are treated
exactly as Figures, but have the file extension <code class="display"><span class="extract">.txt</span></code>. For example,
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">[[help.txt]]</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph">incorporates a pre-formatted version of the plain text file <code class="display"><span class="extract">Figures/help.txt</span></code>.
This can be syntax-coloured in any language known to Inweb:
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<pre class="display">
<span class="plain">[[sample.txt]] as C</span>
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
<p class="inwebparagraph"><a id="SP14"></a><b>&#167;14. </b>Mathematical formulae can be typed in TeX notation between dollar signs,
as usual for TeX formulae. This can of course only really be rendered if
the weave is to TeX, but a few very approximate attempts are made by Inweb
so that the HTML version may also make sense. For example, <code class="display"><span class="extract">$x \leq y$</span></code> would
be rendered in HTML as <code class="display"><span class="extract">x &lt;= y</span></code>.
<p class="inwebparagraph"></p>
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