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<p class="purpose">The current help information as it would be printed at the command line.</p>
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP1" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;1. </b>Running Inweb with <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">-help</span></span> currently produces the following summary:
<pre class="undisplayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax">inweb: a tool for literate programming</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Usage: inweb WEB OPTIONS RANGE</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">WEB must be a directory holding a literate program (a 'web')</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">The legal RANGEs are:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> all: complete web (the default if no TARGETS set)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> P: all preliminaries</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> 1: Chapter 1 (and so on)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> A: Appendix A (and so on, up to Appendix O)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> 3/eg: section with abbreviated name "3/eg" (and so on)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">You can also, or instead, specify:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> index: to weave an HTML page indexing the project</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> chapters: to weave all chapters as individual documents</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> sections: ditto with sections</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-import-from X specify that imported modules are at pathname X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-verbose explain what inweb is doing (default is -no-verbose)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">for locating programming language definitions:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -read-language X read language definition from file X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -read-languages X read all language definitions in path X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -show-languages list programming languages supported by Inweb</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -test-language X test language X on...</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -test-language-on X ...the code in the file X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">for analysing a web:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -advance-build increment daily build code for the web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -advance-build-file X increment daily build code in file X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -catalog same as '-catalogue'</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -catalogue list the sections in the web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -functions catalogue the functions in the web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -gitignore X write a .gitignore file for this web and store it in X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -makefile X write a makefile for this web and store it in X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -prototype X translate makefile from prototype X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -scan scan the web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -structures catalogue the structures in the web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -write-me X write a read-me file following instructions in file X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">for weaving a web:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -breadcrumb X use the text X as a breadcrumb in overhead navigation</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -navigation X use the file X as a column of navigation links</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -open weave then open woven file</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -weave weave the web into human-readable form</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -weave-as X set weave pattern to X (default is 'HTML')</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -weave-into X weave, but into directory X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -weave-tag X weave, but only using material tagged as X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -weave-to X weave, but to filename X (for single files only)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">for tangling a web:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -ctags-to X tangle, but write Universal Ctags file to X not to 'tags'</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -no-ctags don't write a Universal Ctags file when tangling (default is -ctags)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -tangle tangle the web into machine-compilable form</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -tangle-to X tangle, but to filename X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">for dealing with colonies of webs together:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -colony X use the file X as a list of webs in this colony</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> -member X use member X from the colony as our web</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-at X specify that this tool is installed at X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-crash intentionally crash on internal errors, for backtracing (default is -no-crash)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-fixtime pretend the time is 11 a.m. on 28 March 2016 for testing (default is -no-fixtime)</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-help print this help information</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-locale X set locales as 'L=E', L being shell or console, E platform, utf-8 or iso-latin1</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-log X write the debugging log to include diagnostics on X</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">-version print out version number</span>
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP2" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;2. </b>Running Inweb with <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">-show-languages</span></span> currently produces the following list
of programming languages for which support is provided in the standard
<pre class="undisplayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax">Inweb can see the following programming language definitions:</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">ACME: The ACME assembly language for 6502 and related CPUs</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Blurb: The Blorb packaging specification language</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">BoxArt: For styling ASCII-art diagrams with boxes and lines</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">C: The C programming language</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">C++: The C++ programming language</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">ConsoleText: For styling command line text in documentation</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Delia: For defining test recipes in Intest</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Extracts: For code extracts to be written to a configuration file</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">ILDF: The Inweb Language Definition File format</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">InC: The Inform-tools extension to the C programming language</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Indoc: The markup syntax for the Indoc documentation tool</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Inform 6: The C-like interactive fiction language Inform 6</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Inform 7: The natural-language based language Inform 7</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Inter: The textual form of intermediate Inform code</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Inter Pipeline: For pipelines of Inform code-generation stages</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Inweb: The markup language for the Inweb literate programming system</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">None: For programs in languages not yet supported by Inweb</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Perl: The scripting language Perl 5</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Plain Text: For text files which are not programs</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">Preform: The internal Inform syntax analysis grammar language</span>
<span class="plain-syntax">REPL: REPL output in the form expression, colon, value</span>
<p class="commentary">It's easy to make new language definitions, and contributions of these are
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