inweb-bootstrap/Tests/Test Weave Tree/_Results_Ideal/sp.txt
2020-04-23 00:29:02 +01:00

159 lines
6.5 KiB

document weave order 0
head banner <Weave of 'Summing Primes' generated by Inweb>
chapter <Sections>
chapter header <Sections>
section <Summing Primes>
section header <Summing Primes>
section purpose <Here we verify the conjecture for small numbers.>
paragraph P1
material discussion
commentary <So, this is a program to see if even numbers from 4 to 100 can all be written\n>
commentary <as a sum of two primes. Christian Goldbach asked Euler in 1742 if every even\n>
commentary <number greater than 2 can be written this way. This remains open, though --\n>
item depth 1 label <a>
commentary <every even number is a sum of at most six primes (Ramaré, 1995), and\n>
item depth 1 label <b>
commentary <every odd number is a sum of at most five (Tao, 2012).\n>
vskip (in comment)
commentary <Besides which, >
source_code <printf(k+1)>
commentary <, to say the least: see >
url content <> url <>
commentary <\n>
commentary <or for that matter see >
url content <The Sieve of Eratosthenes> url <S-tsoe.html>
commentary <.\n>
figure <Letter.jpg> -1 by 720
vskip (in comment)
commentary <Computer verification has been made up to around >
mathematics <10^{18}>
commentary <, but by rather better\n>
commentary <methods.>
footnote_cue [1]
commentary < Which is awesome.>
footnote_cue [2]
commentary < And >
mathematics <i<j>
commentary <, that's for sure.\n>
mathematics < \int_0^1 \cos x {\rm d}x > (displayed)
commentary <\n>
commentary <Which is really the point.\n>
material footnotes
footnote [1]
footnote_cue [1]
commentary < And don't just take my word for it.\n>
footnote [2]
footnote_cue [2]
commentary < Really!\n>
paragraph P2
material discussion
commentary <And now...\n>
carousel slide caption <This is numero 1>
figure <img1.jpg> -1 by -1
carousel slide caption <>
figure <img2.jpg> -1 by -1
carousel slide caption <So, this is a program to see if even numbers from 4 to 100 can all be written as a sum of two primes. Christian Goldbach asked Euler in 1742 if every even number greater than 2 can be written this way.>
figure <img3.jpg> -1 by -1
vskip (in comment)
commentary <So there, really!\n>
paragraph P3
material definition
code line
defn <define>
source_code <RANGE 100>
material code: C
code line
source_code <#include <stdio.h>>
code line
source_code <int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {>
code line
source_code < for (int i=4; i<RANGE; i=i+2) >
commentary < stepping in twos to stay even> (code)
code line
source_code < >
pmac <Solve Goldbach's conjecture for i>
source_code <;>
code line
source_code <}>
paragraph P3.1
material discussion
commentary <This ought to print:\n>
material code: ConsoleText
code line
source_code < $ goldbach/Tangled/goldbach -fish 1>
code line
source_code < 4 = 2+2>
code line
source_code < 6 = 3+3 >
url content <> url <>
code line
source_code < 8 = 3+5>
code line
source_code < 10 = 3+7 = 5+5>
code line
source_code < 12 = 5+7>
code line
source_code < 14 = 3+11 = 7+7>
code line
source_code < ...>
material discussion
commentary <We'll print each different pair of primes adding up to i. We\n>
commentary <only check in the range >
mathematics <2 \leq j \leq i/2>
commentary < to avoid counting pairs\n>
commentary <twice over (thus >
mathematics <8 = 3+5 = 5+3>
commentary <, but that's hardly two different ways).\n>
material paragraph macro
code line
pmac <Solve Goldbach's conjecture for i> (definition)
material code: C
code line
source_code < printf("%d", i);>
code line
source_code < for (int j=2; j<=i/2; j++)>
code line
source_code < if ((>
function usage <isprime>
source_code <(j)) && (>
function usage <isprime>
source_code <(i-j)))>
code line
source_code < printf(" = %d+%d", j, i-j);>
code line
source_code < printf("\n");>
material endnotes
commentary <This code is >
commentary <used in >
locale P3
commentary <.>
section footer <Summing Primes>
chapter footer <Sections>
tail rennab <End of weave>