inweb-bootstrap/Tests/Test Weave Tree/_Results_Ideal/tsoe.txt
2020-04-23 00:29:02 +01:00

149 lines
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document weave order 0
head banner <Weave of 'The Sieve of Eratosthenes' generated by Inweb>
chapter <Sections>
chapter header <Sections>
section <The Sieve of Eratosthenes>
section header <The Sieve of Eratosthenes>
section purpose <A fairly fast way to determine if small numbers are prime, given storage.>
toc - <S/tsoe>
toc line - <S1, Storage> P1'Storage'
toc line - <S2, Primality> P2'Primality'
paragraph P1'Storage'
material discussion
commentary <This technique, still essentially the best sieve for finding prime\n>
commentary <numbers, is attributed to Eratosthenes of Cyrene and dates from the 200s BC.\n>
commentary <Since composite numbers are exactly those numbers which are multiples of\n>
commentary <something, the idea is to remove everything which is a multiple: whatever\n>
commentary <is left, must be prime.\n>
vskip (in comment)
commentary <This is very fast (and can be done more quickly than the implementation\n>
commentary <below), but (a) uses storage to hold the sieve, and (b) has to start right\n>
commentary <back at 2 - so it can't efficiently test just, say, the eight-digit numbers\n>
commentary <for primality.\n>
material code: C
code line
source_code <int still_in_sieve[RANGE + 1];>
code line
source_code <int sieve_performed = FALSE;>
paragraph P2'Primality'
material discussion
commentary <We provide this as a function which determines whether a number is prime:\n>
material definition
code line
defn <define>
source_code <TRUE 1>
code line
defn <define>
source_code <FALSE 0>
material code: C
code line
source_code <int >
function defn <isprime>
commentary <Summing Primes>
commentary < - >
locale P3.1
source_code <(int n) {>
code line
source_code < if (n <= 1) return FALSE;>
code line
source_code < if (n > RANGE) { printf("Out of range!\n"); return FALSE; }>
code line
source_code < if (!sieve_performed) >
pmac <Perform the sieve>
source_code <;>
code line
source_code < return still_in_sieve[n];>
code line
source_code <}>
paragraph P2.1
material discussion
commentary <We save a little time by noting that if a number up to >
source_code <RANGE>
commentary < is composite\n>
commentary <then one of its factors must be smaller than the square root of >
source_code <RANGE>
commentary <. Thus,\n>
commentary <in a sieve of size 10000, one only needs to remove multiples of 2 up to 100,\n>
commentary <for example.\n>
material paragraph macro
code line
pmac <Perform the sieve> (definition)
material code: C
code line
source_code < >
pmac <Start with all numbers from 2 upwards in the sieve>
source_code <;>
code line
source_code < for (int n=2; n*n <= RANGE; n++)>
code line
source_code < if (still_in_sieve[n])>
code line
source_code < >
pmac <Shake out multiples of n>
source_code <;>
code line
source_code < sieve_performed = TRUE;>
material endnotes
commentary <This code is >
commentary <used in >
locale P2'Primality'
commentary <.>
paragraph P2.1.1
material paragraph macro
code line
pmac <Start with all numbers from 2 upwards in the sieve> (definition)
material code: C
code line
source_code < still_in_sieve[1] = FALSE;>
code line
source_code < for (int n=2; n <= RANGE; n++) still_in_sieve[n] = TRUE;>
material endnotes
commentary <This code is >
commentary <used in >
locale P2.1
commentary <.>
paragraph P2.1.2
material paragraph macro
code line
pmac <Shake out multiples of n> (definition)
material code: C
code line
source_code < for (int m= n+n; m <= RANGE; m += n) still_in_sieve[m] = FALSE;>
material endnotes
commentary <This code is >
commentary <used in >
locale P2.1
commentary <.>
section footer <The Sieve of Eratosthenes>
chapter footer <Sections>
tail rennab <End of weave>