Bootstrappable Inweb fork
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2022-04-27 21:01:24 -07:00
Audio Added audio samples 2020-04-25 00:28:39 +01:00
Chapter 1 Changed first build methodology 2022-04-24 00:40:37 +01:00
Chapter 2 Fixed an undefined behaviour bug appearing only under -O2 optimisation 2022-04-25 23:31:02 +01:00
Chapter 3 Fixed an undefined behaviour bug appearing only under -O2 optimisation 2022-04-25 23:31:02 +01:00
Chapter 4 Fixed an undefined behaviour bug appearing only under -O2 optimisation 2022-04-25 23:31:02 +01:00
Chapter 5 Fix self-comparison 2022-04-07 21:33:43 -07:00
Chapter 6 Changed first build methodology 2022-04-24 00:40:37 +01:00
Dialects Improved extracts and testing for the painter 2020-04-07 00:53:26 +01:00
docs Fixed buffer overrun error in regular expression matching 2022-04-26 23:48:42 +01:00
docs-src Refactored the weaver considerably 2020-04-20 23:26:08 +01:00
Downloads Added example download 2020-05-06 00:30:57 +01:00
Examples Better cross-references to explicit URLs 2020-05-01 23:49:25 +01:00
Figures Allowed parameter-less preprocessor macro definitions 2022-04-25 16:46:46 +01:00
foundation-module Fixed buffer overrun error in regular expression matching 2022-04-26 23:48:42 +01:00
foundation-test Removed 2022-04-16 18:17:25 +01:00
Languages Bug fix for semantic versioning with prerelease modifiers 2022-02-13 22:33:19 +00:00
Manual Using new-style readme scripts 2022-04-23 23:41:01 +01:00
Materials Merge pull request #3 from ptomato/linux-platform-settings 2022-04-27 21:01:24 -07:00
Patterns Added new (html) inclusion feature 2022-04-04 00:00:46 +01:00
Preliminaries Completed rewrite of assets and plugins 2020-04-26 18:21:11 +01:00
scripts Fixed delinquent test cases to catch up with output change 2022-04-24 12:19:01 +01:00
Tangled Fixed an undefined behaviour bug appearing only under -O2 optimisation 2022-04-25 23:31:02 +01:00
Tests Fixed delinquent test cases to catch up with output change 2022-04-24 12:19:01 +01:00
.gitignore Changed first build methodology 2022-04-24 00:40:37 +01:00
build.txt Fixed buffer overrun error in regular expression matching 2022-04-26 23:48:42 +01:00
colony.txt Allowed parameter-less preprocessor macro definitions 2022-04-25 16:46:46 +01:00
Contents.w Added ctags support 2021-08-11 12:01:50 +01:00 Fixed buffer overrun error in regular expression matching 2022-04-26 23:48:42 +01:00
versions.txt Translocation 2019-03-10 23:46:11 +00:00

Inweb 7

v7-alpha.1+1A95 'Escape to Danger' (26 April 2022)

About Inweb

Inweb offers a modern approach to literate programming. Unlike the original LP tools of the late 1970s, led by Donald Knuth, or of the 1990s revival, Inweb aims to serve programmers in the Github age. It scales to much larger programs than CWEB, and since 2004 has been the tool used by the Inform programming language project, where it manages a 300,000-line code base.

Literate programming is a methodology created by Donald Knuth in the late 1970s. A literate program, or "web", is written as a narrative intended to be readable by humans as well as by other programs. Inweb is itself written as a web, and its human-readable form is a companion website to this one.

For the Inweb manual, see ★ inweb/Preliminaries.

Disclaimer. Because this is a private repository (until the next public release of Inform, when it will open), its GitHub pages server cannot be enabled yet. As a result links marked ★ lead only to raw HTML source, not to served web pages. They can in the mean time be browsed offline as static HTML files stored in "docs".

Except as noted, copyright in material in this repository (the "Package") is held by Graham Nelson (the "Author"), who retains copyright so that there is a single point of reference. As from the first date of this repository becoming public, the Package is placed under the Artistic License 2.0. This is a highly permissive licence, used by Perl among other notable projects, recognised by the Open Source Initiative as open and by the Free Software Foundation as free in both senses.

A condition of any pull-request being made (i.e., to make suggested amendments to this software) is that, if the request is accepted, copyright on any contribution made by it immediately transfers to the project's copyright-holder, Graham Nelson. This is in order that there can be clear ownership.

Build Instructions

Inweb is intentionally self-sufficient, with no dependencies on any other software beyond a modern C compiler. However, it does in a sense depend on itself: because Inweb is itself a web, you need Inweb to compile Inweb. Getting around that circularity means that the initial setup takes a few steps.

Make a directory in which to work: let's call this "work". Then:

  • Change the current directory to this: "cd work"
  • Clone Inweb: "git clone"
  • Run one of the following commands. Unix is for any generic version of Unix, non-Linux, non-MacOS: Solaris, for example. Android support is currently disabled, though only because its build settings are currently missing from the inweb distribution. The older macos32 platform won't build with the MacOS SDK from 10.14 onwards, and in any case 32-bit executables won't run from 10.15 onwards: so use the default macos unless you need to build for an old version of MacOS.
    • "bash inweb/scripts/ linux"
    • "bash inweb/scripts/ macos"
    • "bash inweb/scripts/ macos32"
    • "bash inweb/scripts/ unix"
    • "bash inweb/scripts/ windows"
  • Test that all is well: "inweb/Tangled/inweb -help"

You should now have a working copy of Inweb, with its own makefile tailored to your platform now in place (at inweb/ To build inweb again, e.g. after editing inweb's source code, do not run the shell script again. Instead, you must use: "make -f inweb/"

If you wish to tweak the makefile, do not edit it directly. Instead, edit inweb/scripts/inweb.mkscript and inweb/Materials/platforms/PLATFORM.mkscript, where PLATFORM is your choice as above (e.g., 'macos'). Then run "make -f inweb/ makers" to rebuild all these makefiles with your changes incorporated; and then run the shell script "inweb/scripts/" again.

Reporting Issues

The bug tracker for Inweb is powered by Jira and hosted at the Atlassian website. (Note that Inform, Inweb and Intest are three different projects in Jira: please do not report Inweb issues on the Inform bug tracker or vice versa.)

The curator of the bug tracker is Brian Rushton, and the administrator is Hugo Labrande.

Pull Requests and Adding Features

Substantially different versions of Inweb have been open-source before, but this version is essentially a fresh reimplementation with a different design. It is the curse of literate-programming tools that they serve only their own authors, that is, few LP tools please users other than the creators: thus, only Knuth really uses CWEB, for example. But perhaps that will change. It's time for LP to be tried again, and Inweb may be a start.

For the moment, however, Inweb's future direction remains in the hands of the original author. It needs to be reliable and to keep the Inform and Intest projects working, as well as itself.

At some point a more formal process may emerge, but for now community discussion of possible features is best kept to the IF forum. In particular, please do not use the bug trackers to propose new features.

Pull requests adding functionality or making any significant changes are therefore not likely to be accepted from non-members of the wider Inform team without prior agreement, unless they are clear-cut bug fixes or corrections of typos, broken links, or similar. See also the note about copyright above.

The Inweb licence is highly permissive, and forks which develop in quite different ways are entirely within the rules. (But one of the few requirements of the Artistic Licence is that such forks be given a name which is not simply "Inweb", to avoid confusion.)

Also Included

Inweb contains a substantial library of code shared by a number of other programs, such as the Intest testing tool and the Inform compiler and related tools.

This library is called "Foundation", and has its own web here: ★ foundation-module.

A small executable for running unit tests against Foundation is also included: ★ foundation-test.

Testing Inweb

If you have also built Intest as "work/intest", then you can try these:

  • intest/Tangled/intest inweb all
  • intest/Tangled/intest inweb/foundation-test all


This file was generated automatically by Inweb, and should not be edited. To make changes, edit inweb.rmscript and re-generate.