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[Log::] Debugging Log.
To write to the debugging log, a plain text file which traces what
we're doing, in order to assist those lost souls debugging it.
@ \section{The DL stream.}
The debugging log file occupies the following stream:
text_stream debug_log_file_struct; /* The actual debugging log file */
text_stream *debug_log_file = &debug_log_file_struct; /* The actual debugging log file */
@ \section{Macros.}
"The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with
judiciously placed print statements" (Brian Kernighan).
To write to the debugging log, we must in principle write to a stream called
[[DL]]. In practice we more often use a pair of pseudo-functions called [[LOG]]
and [[LOGIF]], which are macros defined in the section on Streams. For
instance, the pseudo-function-call
LOGIF(WHATEVER, "Heading %d skipped\n", n);
prints the line in question to the debugging log only if the aspect [[WHATEVER]]
is currently switched on. Plain [[LOG]] does the same, but unconditionally.
@ \section{Debugging aspects.}
There are many different things which can go into the debugging file, or
need not: for Inform even a simple half-page source can result in a
debugging log 5MB in size, so we generally don't want everything included
unless we ask for it.
A "debugging aspect" is a category of information that can be included, or
not, as we please. Each has a unique number and a name of up to three words in
typedef struct debugging_aspect {
struct text_stream *hyphenated_name; /* e.g., "memory-usage" */
struct text_stream *negated_name; /* e.g., "no-memory-usage" */
struct text_stream *unhyphenated_name; /* e.g., "memory usage" */
int on_or_off; /* whether or not active when writing to debugging log */
int alternate; /* whether or not active when writing in trace mode */
} debugging_aspect;
@ And now we must define all those constants and names. Note that the
[[TRUE]] or [[FALSE]] settings below are the defaults, and apply unless the
source says otherwise. The [[alternate]] settings are those used in
trace-sentences mode, that is, between asterisk sentences.
int das_created = FALSE;
debugging_aspect the_debugging_aspects[NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES];
void Log::declare_aspect(int a, wchar_t *name, int def, int alt) {
if (das_created == FALSE) {
das_created = TRUE;
<<Empty the aspects table@>;
if ((a < 0) || (a >= NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES)) internal_error("aspect out of range");
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[a]);
<<Set up the new aspect@>;
<<Empty the aspects table>>=
for (int a=0; a<NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES; a++) {
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[a]);
da->hyphenated_name = Str::new();
da->unhyphenated_name = Str::new();
da->negated_name = Str::new();
da->on_or_off = FALSE;
da->alternate = FALSE;
<<Set up the new aspect>>=
WRITE_TO(da->negated_name, "no-");
for (int i=0; name[i]; i++) {
wchar_t c = name[i];
PUT_TO(da->unhyphenated_name, c);
if (Characters::is_space_or_tab(c)) c = '-';
PUT_TO(da->hyphenated_name, c);
PUT_TO(da->negated_name, c);
da->on_or_off = def;
da->alternate = alt;
@ The debugging log provides an opportunity to see what has been happening
behind the scenes; but such a log file is often buffered by the filing system,
so that a sudden crash of Inform may result in the loss of recent data written to
the log. Which is a pity, since this is exactly the most useful evidence as to
the cause of the crash in the first place. Accordingly, we fairly often
[[fflush]] the debug log file, forcing any buffered output to be written.
In this rest of this section, we always assume that [[DL]] is open. Note that it
is possible this has been switched to be [[stdout]], or even that it is
temporarily the sentence tracing file: but we don't care.
filename *debug_log_filename = NULL;
filename *Log::get_debug_log_filename(void) {
return debug_log_filename;
void Log::set_debug_log_filename(filename *F) {
debug_log_filename = F;
int Log::open(void) {
if ((debug_log_filename) && (DL == NULL)) {
if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(debug_log_file, debug_log_filename, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
DL = debug_log_file;
LOG("Debugging log of %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int Log::open_alternative(filename *F, text_stream *at) {
return FALSE;
DL = at;
LOG("Debugging log of %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME);
return TRUE;
void Log::close(void) {
if (DL) {
@ \section{Subheadings.}
To provide signposts in what is otherwise a huge amorphous pile of text,
the debugging log can be divided into "phases", subdivided into "stages".
This is how.
char debug_log_phase[32];
int debug_log_subheading = 1;
void Log::new_phase(char *p, text_stream *q) {
CStrings::truncated_strcpy(debug_log_phase, p, 32);
LOG("Phase %s ... %S", p, q);
debug_log_subheading = 1;
void Log::new_stage(text_stream *p) {
LOG("\n\n==== Phase %s.%d ... %S ====\n\n", debug_log_phase, debug_log_subheading, p);
@ \section{Aspects.}
As mentioned above, a wide range of activities can be logged to the debugging
log: these are called "aspects" and we can switch logging of them off or on
independently. The following routine tests whether a given aspect is currently
being logged, and is used by our main macros. Aspect 0 mandates writing to the
debug log, and is used when errors occur.
int Log::aspect_switched_on(int aspect) {
int decision = the_debugging_aspects[aspect].on_or_off;
if (aspect == DEBUGGING_LOG_INCLUSIONS_DA) decision = TRUE;
if (decision) STREAM_FLUSH(DL);
return decision;
void Log::set_aspect(int aspect, int state) {
the_debugging_aspects[aspect].on_or_off = state;
@ We sometimes want to switch everything on, or switch everything off:
void Log::set_all_aspects(int new_state) {
if (DL) LOGIF(DEBUGGING_LOG_INCLUSIONS, "Set debugging aspect: everything -> %s\n",
for (int a=0; a<NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES; a++) {
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[a]);
da->on_or_off = new_state;
@ We also want the ability to change debugging log settings from the command
line; the command line form is derived from the textual form by replacing
every space with a hyphen: for instance, [[property-provision]].
We also recognise [[no-property-provision]] to switch this off again,
[[everything]] and [[nothing]] with the obvious meanings, and [[list]] to
print out a list of debugging aspects to [[STDOUT]].
int Log::set_aspect_from_command_line(text_stream *name, int give_error) {
int list_mode = FALSE;
if (Str::eq_wide_string(name, L"everything")) { Log::set_all_aspects(TRUE); return TRUE; }
if (Str::eq_wide_string(name, L"nothing")) { Log::set_all_aspects(FALSE); return TRUE; }
if (Str::eq_wide_string(name, L"list")) list_mode = TRUE;
for (int i=0; i<NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES; i++) {
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[i]);
if (Str::eq(name, da->negated_name)) {
da->on_or_off = FALSE; return TRUE;
if ((Str::eq(name, da->hyphenated_name)) ||
(Str::eq(name, da->unhyphenated_name))) {
da->on_or_off = TRUE; return TRUE;
if ((list_mode) && (Str::len(da->hyphenated_name) > 0)) {
PRINT("--log %S (%s)\n", da->hyphenated_name, (da->on_or_off)?"on":"off");
if ((list_mode == FALSE) && (give_error))
PRINT("No such debugging log aspect as '%S'.\n"
"(Try running -log list for a list of the valid aspects.)\n", name);
if (list_mode == TRUE) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
@ \section{The starred trace.}
This is a useful way to switch into a more detailed view, and then switch
out again without having lost our earlier settings.
void Log::tracing_on(int starred, text_stream *heading) {
if (starred) {
LOG("\n*** Entering sentence trace mode: %S ***\n", heading);
} else {
LOG("\n*** Leaving sentence trace mode: %S ***\n\n", heading);
for (int i=0; i<NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES; i++) {
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[i]);
int j = da->on_or_off;
da->on_or_off = da->alternate;
da->alternate = j;
@ \section{Wrapping up.}
At the end of the debugging log we list what was in it, mostly to provide
the reader with a list of other things which could have been put into it,
but weren't.
void Log::show_debugging_settings_with_state(int state) {
int c = 0;
for (int i=0; i<NO_DEFINED_DA_VALUES; i++) {
debugging_aspect *da = &(the_debugging_aspects[i]);
if (da->on_or_off == state) {
LOG(" %S", da->hyphenated_name);
if (c % 6 == 0) LOG("\n");
if (c == 0) { LOG(" (nothing)\n"); } else { LOG("\n"); }
void Log::show_debugging_contents(void) {
if (Log::aspect_switched_on(DEBUGGING_LOG_INCLUSIONS_DA) == FALSE) return;
LOG("\n\nThat concludes the debugging log from this run.\n"
"Its contents were as follows -\n\n");
LOG("Included:\n"); Log::show_debugging_settings_with_state(TRUE);
LOG("Omitted:\n"); Log::show_debugging_settings_with_state(FALSE);