To read text files of whatever flavour, one line at a time.

§1. Text files. Foundation was written mainly to support command-line tools which, of their nature, deal with a lot of text files: source code of programs, configuration files, HTML, XML and so on. The main aim of this section is to provide a standard way to read in and iterate through lines of a text file.

First, though, here is a perhaps clumsy but effective way to test if a file actually exists on disc at a given filename:

    int TextFiles::exists(filename *F) {
        FILE *HANDLE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb");
        if (HANDLE == NULL) return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

The function TextFiles::exists is used in 8/ws (§, §8), 8/bf (§1).

§2. Text file positions. Here's how we record a position in a text file:

    typedef struct text_file_position {
        struct filename *text_file_filename;
        FILE *handle_when_open;
        struct unicode_file_buffer ufb;
        int line_count;  counting from 1
        int line_position;
        int skip_terminator;
        int actively_scanning;  whether we are still interested in the rest of the file
    } text_file_position;

The structure text_file_position is accessed in 3/em, 3/cla, 8/ws and here.

§3. For access:

    int TextFiles::get_line_count(text_file_position *tfp) {
        if (tfp == NULL) return 0;
        return tfp->line_count;

The function TextFiles::get_line_count appears nowhere else.

§4. And this is for a real nowhere man:

    text_file_position TextFiles::nowhere(void) {
        text_file_position tfp;
        tfp.text_file_filename = NULL;
        tfp.line_count = 0;
        tfp.line_position = 0;
        tfp.skip_terminator = FALSE;
        tfp.actively_scanning = FALSE;
        return tfp;

The function TextFiles::nowhere appears nowhere else.

§5. Text file scanner. We read lines in, delimited by any of the standard line-ending characters, and send them one at a time to a function called iterator. Throughout, we preserve a pointer called state to some object being used by the client.

    int TextFiles::read(filename *F, int escape_oddities, char *message, int serious,
        void (iterator)(text_stream *, text_file_position *, void *),
        text_file_position *start_at, void *state) {
        text_file_position tfp;
        tfp.ufb = TextFiles::create_ufb();
        <Open the text file 5.1>;
        <Set the initial position, seeking it in the file if need be 5.2>;
        <Read in lines and send them one by one to the iterator 5.3>;
        return tfp.line_count;

The function TextFiles::read is used in 3/cla (§11), 5/htm (§10), 8/ws (§6), 8/bf (§3).

§5.1. <Open the text file 5.1> =

        tfp.handle_when_open = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb");
        if (tfp.handle_when_open == NULL) {
            if (message == NULL) return 0;
            if (serious) Errors::fatal_with_file(message, F);
            else { Errors::with_file(message, F); return 0; }

This code is used in §5.

§5.2. The ANSI definition of ftell and fseek says that, with text files, the only definite position value is 0 — meaning the beginning of the file — and this is what we initialise line_position to. We must otherwise only write values returned by ftell into this field.

<Set the initial position, seeking it in the file if need be 5.2> =

        if (start_at == NULL) {
            tfp.line_count = 1;
            tfp.line_position = 0;
            tfp.skip_terminator = 'X';
        } else {
            tfp = *start_at;
            if (fseek(tfp.handle_when_open, (long int) (tfp.line_position), SEEK_SET)) {
                if (serious) Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to seek position in file", F);
                Errors::with_file("unable to seek position in file", F);
                return 0;
        tfp.actively_scanning = TRUE;
        tfp.text_file_filename = F;

This code is used in §5.

§5.3. We aim to get this right whether the lines are terminated by 0A, 0D, 0A 0D or 0D 0A. The final line is not required to be terminated.

<Read in lines and send them one by one to the iterator 5.3> =

        int i = 0, c = ' ';
        while ((c != EOF) && (tfp.actively_scanning)) {
            c = TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(tfp.handle_when_open, NULL, escape_oddities, &tfp.ufb);
            if ((c == EOF) || (c == '\x0a') || (c == '\x0d')) {
                Str::put_at(line, i, 0);
                if ((i > 0) || (c != tfp.skip_terminator)) {
                    <Feed the completed line to the iterator routine 5.3.1>;
                    if (c == '\x0a') tfp.skip_terminator = '\x0d';
                    if (c == '\x0d') tfp.skip_terminator = '\x0a';
                } else tfp.skip_terminator = 'X';
                <Update the text file position 5.3.2>;
                i = 0;
            } else {
                Str::put_at(line, i++, (wchar_t) c);
        if ((i > 0) && (tfp.actively_scanning))
            <Feed the completed line to the iterator routine 5.3.1>;

This code is used in §5.

§5.3.1. We update the line counter only when a line is actually sent:

<Feed the completed line to the iterator routine 5.3.1> =

        iterator(line, &tfp, state);

This code is used in §5.3 (twice).

§5.3.2. But we update the text file position after every apparent line terminator. This is because we might otherwise, on a Windows text file, end up with an ftell position in between the CR and the LF; if we resume at that point, later on, we'll then have an off-by-one error in the line numbering in the resumption as compared to during the original pass.

Properly speaking, ftell returns a long int, not an int, but on a 32-bit-or-more integer machine, this gives us room for files to run to 2GB. Text files seldom come that large.

<Update the text file position 5.3.2> =

        tfp.line_position = (int) (ftell(tfp.handle_when_open));
        if (tfp.line_position == -1) {
            if (serious)
                Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to determine position in file", F);
                Errors::with_file("unable to determine position in file", F);

This code is used in §5.3.


    void TextFiles::read_line(OUTPUT_STREAM, int escape_oddities, text_file_position *tfp) {
        int i = 0, c = ' ';
        while ((c != EOF) && (tfp->actively_scanning)) {
            c = TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(tfp->handle_when_open, NULL, escape_oddities, &tfp->ufb);
            if ((c == EOF) || (c == '\x0a') || (c == '\x0d')) {
                Str::put_at(OUT, i, 0);
                if ((i > 0) || (c != tfp->skip_terminator)) {
                    if (c == '\x0a') tfp->skip_terminator = '\x0d';
                    if (c == '\x0d') tfp->skip_terminator = '\x0a';
                } else tfp->skip_terminator = 'X';
                tfp->line_position = (int) (ftell(tfp->handle_when_open));
                i = 0;
                tfp->line_count++; return;
            Str::put_at(OUT, i++, (wchar_t) c);
        if ((i > 0) && (tfp->actively_scanning)) tfp->line_count++;

The function TextFiles::read_line appears nowhere else.

§7. The routine being iterated can indicate that it has had enough by calling the following:

    void TextFiles::lose_interest(text_file_position *tfp) {
        tfp->actively_scanning = FALSE;

The function TextFiles::lose_interest appears nowhere else.

§8. Reading UTF-8 files. The following routine reads a sequence of Unicode characters from a UTF-8 encoded file, but returns them as a sequence of ISO Latin-1 characters, a trick it can only pull off by escaping non-ISO characters. This is done by taking character number N and feeding it out, one character at a time, as the text [unicode N], writing the number in decimal. Only one UTF-8 file like this will be being read at a time, and the routine will be repeatedly called until EOF or a line division.

Strictly speaking, we transmit not as ISO Latin-1 but as that subset of ISO which have corresponding (different) codes in the ZSCII character set. This excludes some typewriter symbols and a handful of letterforms, as we shall see.

There are two exceptions: TextFiles::utf8_fgetc can also return the usual C end-of-file pseudo-character EOF, and it can also return the Unicode BOM (byte-ordering marker) pseudo-character, which is legal at the start of a file and which is automatically prepended by some text editors and word-processors when they save a UTF-8 file (though in fact it is not required by the UTF-8 specification). Anyone calling TextFiles::utf8_fgetc must check the return value for EOF every time, and for 0xFEFF every time we might be at the start of the file being read.

    typedef struct unicode_file_buffer {
        char unicode_feed_buffer[32];  holds a single escape such as "[unicode 3106]"
        int ufb_counter;  position in the unicode feed buffer
    } unicode_file_buffer;

    unicode_file_buffer TextFiles::create_ufb(void) {
        unicode_file_buffer ufb;
        ufb.ufb_counter = -1;
        return ufb;

    int TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(FILE *from, char **or_from, int escape_oddities,
        unicode_file_buffer *ufb) {
        int c = EOF, conts;
        if ((ufb) && (ufb->ufb_counter >= 0)) {
            if (ufb->unicode_feed_buffer[ufb->ufb_counter] == 0) ufb->ufb_counter = -1;
            else return ufb->unicode_feed_buffer[ufb->ufb_counter++];
        if (from) c = fgetc(from); else if (or_from) c = ((unsigned char) *((*or_from)++));
        if (c == EOF) return c;  ruling out EOF leaves a genuine byte from the file
        if (c<0x80) return c;  in all other cases, a UTF-8 continuation sequence begins

        <Unpack one to five continuation bytes to obtain the Unicode character code 8.1>;
        <Return non-ASCII codes in the intersection of ISO Latin-1 and ZSCII as literals 8.2>;
        if (escape_oddities) <Return Unicode fancy equivalents as simpler literals 8.3>;

        if (c == 0xFEFF) return c;  the Unicode BOM non-character

        if (escape_oddities == FALSE) return c;
        if (ufb) {
            sprintf(ufb->unicode_feed_buffer, "[unicode %d]", c);
            ufb->ufb_counter = 1;
            return '[';
        return '?';

The function TextFiles::create_ufb is used in §5, 2/str (§28.2).

The function TextFiles::utf8_fgetc is used in §5.3, §6, 2/str (§28.2).

The structure unicode_file_buffer is private to this section.

§8.1. Not every byte sequence is legal in a UTF-8 file: if we find a malformed continuation, we process it as a question mark rather than throwing a fatal error (which is pretty well the only alternative here). The user is likely to see problem messages later on which arise from the question marks, and that will have to do.

<Unpack one to five continuation bytes to obtain the Unicode character code 8.1> =

        if (c<0xC0) return '?'; /* malformed UTF-8 */
        if (c<0xE0) { c = c & 0x1f; conts = 1; }
        else if (c<0xF0) { c = c & 0xf; conts = 2; }
        else if (c<0xF8) { c = c & 0x7; conts = 3; }
        else if (c<0xFC) { c = c & 0x3; conts = 4; }
        else { c = c & 0x1; conts = 5; }
        while (conts > 0) {
            int d = EOF;
            if (from) d = fgetc(from); else if (or_from) d = ((unsigned char) *((*or_from)++));
            if (d == EOF) return '?'; /* malformed UTF-8 */
            c = c << 6;
            c = c + (d & 0x3F);

This code is used in §8.

§8.2. For the ZSCII character set, see "The Inform 6 Designer's Manual", or "The Z-Machine Standards Document". It offers a range of west European accented letters which almost, but not quite, matches those on offer in ISO Latin-1 — it omits for example Icelandic lower case eth. (ZSCII was developed in the 1980s by Infocom, Imc., to encode their interactive fiction offerings. Had they been collaborating with J. R. R. Tolkien rather than Douglas Adams, they might have filled this gap. As it was, "eth" never occurred in any of their works.)

We let the multiplication sign 0xd7 through even though ZSCII doesn't support it, but convert it to an "x": this is so that we can parse numbers in scientific notation.

<Return non-ASCII codes in the intersection of ISO Latin-1 and ZSCII as literals 8.2> =

        if ((c == 0xa1) || (c == 0xa3) || (c == 0xbf)) return c;  pound sign, inverted ! and ?
        if (c == 0xd7) return 'x'; /* convert multiplication sign to lower case "x" */
        if ((c >= 0xc0) && (c <= 0xff)) {  accented West European letters, but...
            if ((c != 0xd0) && (c != 0xf0) &&  not Icelandic eths
                (c != 0xde) && (c != 0xfe) &&  nor Icelandic thorns
                (c != 0xf7))  nor division signs
                return c;

This code is used in §8.

§8.3. We err on the safe side, accepting em-rules and non-breaking spaces, etc., where we would normally expect hyphens and ordinary spaces: this is intended for the benefit of users with helpful word-processors which autocorrect hyphens into em-rules when they are flanked by spaces, and so on.

<Return Unicode fancy equivalents as simpler literals 8.3> =

        if (c == 0x85) return '\x0d'; /* NEL, or "next line" */
        if (c == 0xa0) return ' '; /* non-breaking space */
        if ((c >= 0x2000) && (c <= 0x200a)) return ' '; /* space variants */
        if ((c >= 0x2010) && (c <= 0x2014)) return '-'; /* rules and dashes */
        if ((c >= 0x2018) && (c <= 0x2019)) return '\''; /* smart single quotes */
        if ((c >= 0x201c) && (c <= 0x201d)) return '"'; /* smart double quotes */
        if ((c >= 0x2028) && (c <= 0x2029)) return '\x0d'; /* fancy newlines */

This code is used in §8.