To manage references to locations in the host computer's file system.

§1. About pathnames. We use the word "pathname" to mean a file-system location of a folder (or directory), and "filename" to mean a location of a file. For example:


is a pathname, whereas


is a filename. All references to folder locations in the filing system will be held internally as pathname objects, and all references to file locations as filename objects. Once created, these are never destroyed or modified, so that it's safe to store a pointer to a pathname or filename anywhere.

Note that a pathname may well be hypothetical, that is, it may well describe a folder which doesn't exist on disc.

A full path is a linked list, but reverse-ordered: thus,


would be represented as a pointer to the pathname for "Documents", which in turn points to one for "rblackmore", which in turn points to "/Users". Thus the root of the filing system is represented by the null pointer.

Each pathname can represent only a single level in the hierarchy, and its textual name is not allowed to contain the FOLDER_SEPARATOR character, with just one exception: the pathname at the end of the chain is allowed to begin with FOLDER_SEPARATOR to denote that it's at the root of the host file system.

    typedef struct pathname {
        struct text_stream *intermediate;
        struct pathname *pathname_of_parent;
        int known_to_exist;  corresponds to a directory in the filing system
    } pathname;

The structure pathname is accessed in 3/fln and here.

§2. Home folder. We get the path to the user's home folder from the environment variable HOME, if it exists.

    pathname *home_path = NULL;
    void Pathnames::start(void) {
        char *home = (char *) (Platform::getenv("HOME"));
        if (home) {
            text_stream *H = Str::new_from_locale_string(home);
            home_path = Pathnames::from_text(H);
            home_path->known_to_exist = TRUE;

The function Pathnames::start is used in 1/fm (§8).

§3. Installation folder.

    pathname *installation_path = NULL;
    void Pathnames::set_installation_path(pathname *P) {
        installation_path = P;
    pathname *Pathnames::installation_path(const char *V, text_stream *def) {
        if (installation_path) return installation_path;
        wchar_t where[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
        where[0] = 0;
        Platform::where_am_i(where, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        if (where[0]) {
            text_stream *v = Str::new_from_wide_string(where);
            filename *F = Filenames::from_text(v);
            pathname *P = Filenames::get_path_to(F);
            if ((P) && (Str::eq(P->intermediate, I"Tangled")))
                P = P->pathname_of_parent;
            return P;
        if (V) {
            char *val = Platform::getenv(V);
            if ((val) && (val[0])) {
                text_stream *v = Str::new_from_locale_string(val);
                return Pathnames::from_text(v);
        if (def) return Pathnames::from_text(def);
        return NULL;

The function Pathnames::set_installation_path is used in 3/cla (§13.1).

The function Pathnames::installation_path appears nowhere else.

§4. Creation. A subfolder is made by taking an existing pathname (or possible NULL) and then going one level deeper, using the supplied name.

    pathname *Pathnames::subfolder(pathname *P, text_stream *folder_name) {
        return Pathnames::primitive(folder_name, 0, Str::len(folder_name), P);

    pathname *Pathnames::primitive(text_stream *str, int from, int to, pathname *par) {
        pathname *P = CREATE(pathname);
        P->pathname_of_parent = par;
        P->known_to_exist = FALSE;
        if (to-from <= 0) internal_error("empty intermediate pathname");
        P->intermediate = Str::new_with_capacity(to-from+1);
        if (str)
            for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
                PUT_TO(P->intermediate, Str::get(Str::at(str, i)));
        return P;

The function Pathnames::subfolder is used in 5/ee (§6, §6.2), 8/ws (§, §

The function Pathnames::primitive is used in §5.

§5. Text to pathnames. The following takes a text of a name and returns a pathname, possibly relative to the home folder. Empty folder names are ignored except possibly for an initial slash, so for example paris/roubaix, paris//roubaix and paris/roubaix/ are indistinguishable here, but /paris/roubaix is different.

    pathname *Pathnames::from_text(text_stream *path) {
        return Pathnames::from_text_relative(NULL, path);

    pathname *Pathnames::from_text_relative(pathname *P, text_stream *path) {
        pathname *at = P;
        int i = 0, pos = 0;
        if ((Str::get(Str::start(path))) && (P == NULL)) i++;
        for (; i < Str::len(path); i++)
            if (Str::get(Str::at(path, i)) == FOLDER_SEPARATOR) {
                if (i > pos) at = Pathnames::primitive(path, pos, i, at);
                pos = i+1;
        if (i > pos) at = Pathnames::primitive(path, pos, i, at);
        return at;

The function Pathnames::from_text is used in §2, §3, 3/cla (§13.1, §13.1.1), 3/fln (§3), 5/ee (§7.4).

The function Pathnames::from_text_relative is used in 8/wm (§7).

§6. Writer. Conversely, by the miracle of depth-first recursion:

    void Pathnames::writer(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *format_string, void *vP) {
        pathname *P = (pathname *) vP;
        int divider = FOLDER_SEPARATOR;
        if (format_string[0] == '/') divider = '/';
        if (P) Pathnames::writer_r(OUT, P, divider); else WRITE(".");

    void Pathnames::writer_r(OUTPUT_STREAM, pathname *P, int divider) {
        if (P->pathname_of_parent) {
            Pathnames::writer_r(OUT, P->pathname_of_parent, divider);
        WRITE("%S", P->intermediate);

The function Pathnames::writer is used in 1/fm (§8.1), 3/fln (§4).

The function Pathnames::writer_r appears nowhere else.

§7. Relative pathnames. Occasionally we want to shorten a pathname relative to another one: for example,


relative to


would be


Note that this does not correctly handle symlinks, ., .. and so on, so it's probably not wise to use it with filenames typed in at the command line.

    void Pathnames::to_text_relative(OUTPUT_STREAM, pathname *P, pathname *R) {
        WRITE_TO(rt, "%p", R);
        WRITE_TO(pt, "%p", P);
        int n = Str::len(pt);
        if ((Str::prefix_eq(rt, pt, n)) && (Str::get_at(rt, n)==FOLDER_SEPARATOR)) {
            Str::delete_n_characters(rt, n+1);
            WRITE("%S", rt);
        } else internal_error("pathname not relative to pathname");

    pathname *Pathnames::up(pathname *P) {
        if (P == NULL) internal_error("can't go up from root directory");
        return P->pathname_of_parent;

    text_stream *Pathnames::directory_name(pathname *P) {
        if (P == NULL) return NULL;
        return P->intermediate;

The function Pathnames::to_text_relative appears nowhere else.

The function Pathnames::up is used in 8/wm (§7).

The function Pathnames::directory_name appears nowhere else.

§8. Existence in the file system. Just because we have a pathname, it doesn't follow that any folder exists on the file system with that path.

    int Pathnames::create_in_file_system(pathname *P) {
        if (P == NULL) return TRUE;  the root of the file system always exists
        if (P->known_to_exist) return TRUE;
        char transcoded_pathname[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
        WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", P);
        Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_pathname, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        P->known_to_exist = Platform::mkdir(transcoded_pathname);
        return P->known_to_exist;

The function Pathnames::create_in_file_system is used in 5/ee (§6, §6.2).

§9. Directory synchronisation. Both pathnames here represent directories which do exist. The function makes the dest tree an exact copy of the source tree (and therefore deletes anything different which was originally in dest).

    void Pathnames::rsync(pathname *source, pathname *dest) {
        char transcoded_source[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
        WRITE_TO(pn, "%p", source);
        Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_source, pn, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        char transcoded_dest[4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
        WRITE_TO(pn2, "%p", dest);
        Str::copy_to_locale_string(transcoded_dest, pn2, 4*MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        Platform::rsync(transcoded_source, transcoded_dest);

The function Pathnames::rsync appears nowhere else.