/* The following correspond to the Inweb colours !definition, ..., !comment: */ span.ConsoleText-definition-syntax { color: #444444; } span.ConsoleText-function-syntax { color: #80FF80; } span.ConsoleText-identifier-syntax { color: #8080FF; } span.ConsoleText-element-syntax { color: #ADFF2F; } span.ConsoleText-reserved-syntax { color: #600000; } span.ConsoleText-string-syntax { color: #408040; } span.ConsoleText-character-syntax { color: #204020; } span.ConsoleText-constant-syntax { color: #204020; } span.ConsoleText-plain-syntax { color: #ffffff; } span.ConsoleText-extract-syntax { color: #444444; } span.ConsoleText-comment-syntax { color: #404040; font-style:italic; } /* This is used for the "define" or "enum" keyword on Inweb-defined constants: */ span.ConsoleText-definition-keyword { color:#801010; font-weight:bold; } /* These are for the angle-bracketed paragraph names: */ span.ConsoleText-named-paragraph, span.ConsoleText-named-paragraph-defn { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } span.ConsoleText-named-paragraph-number { color: #000000; font-size: 80%; } /* This is the box into which multi-line stretches of code are put: */ pre.ConsoleText-displayed-code { background: #222222; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #008000; }