Title: inweb Author: Graham Nelson Purpose: A modern system for literate programming. Language: InC Web Syntax Version: 2 Licence: This is a free, open-source program published under the Artistic License 2.0. Version Name: Escape to Danger Version Number: 7 Import: foundation Manual Introduction to Inweb Webs, Tangling and Weaving How to Write a Web Making Weaves into Websites Advanced Weaving with Patterns Supporting Programming Languages The InC Dialect Reference Card Preliminaries How This Program Works Chapter 1: Top Level "Dealing with the user, and deciding what is to be done." Basics Program Control Configuration The Swarm Patterns Assets, Plugins and Colour Schemes Chapter 2: Parsing a Web "Reading in the entire text of the web, parsing its structure and looking for identifier names within it." The Reader Line Categories The Parser Paragraph Macros Tags Enumerated Constants Paragraph Numbering Chapter 3: Outputs "Either weaving part or all of the web into a typeset form for human eyes (or a swarm of many such parts), or tangling the web into an executable program, or analysing the web to provide diagnostics on it." The Analyser The Collater The Weaver The Weaver of Text The Tangler Chapter 4: Languages "Providing support for syntax-colouring and for better organisation of code in different programming languages." Programming Languages Types and Functions Language Methods ACME Support The Painter C-Like Languages InC Support Chapter 5: Formats "Weaving to a variety of different human-readable formats." Weave Tree Format Methods Plain Text Format TeX Format HTML Formats Debugging Format TeX Utilities Chapter 6: Extras "Additional features for turning webs into open-source projects." Makefiles Git Support Ctags Support Readme Writeme Colonies