Manages the build metadata for an inweb project.

§1. About build files. When we read a web, we look for a file in it called build.txt. If no such file exists, we look for the same thing in the current working directory.

    filename *BuildFiles::build_file_for_web(web_md *WS) {
        filename *F = Filenames::in_folder(WS->path_to_web, I"build.txt");
        if (TextFiles::exists(F)) return F;
        F = Filenames::in_folder(NULL, I"build.txt");
        if (TextFiles::exists(F)) return F;
        return NULL;

The function BuildFiles::build_file_for_web is used in §5, §7.

§2. The format of such a file is very simple: up to three text fields:

    typedef struct build_file_data {
        struct text_stream *prerelease_text;
        struct text_stream *build_code;
        struct text_stream *build_date;
    } build_file_data;

The structure build_file_data is private to this section.

§3. Here's how to read in a build file:

    build_file_data BuildFiles::read(filename *F) {
        build_file_data bfd;
        bfd.prerelease_text = Str::new();
        bfd.build_code = Str::new();
        bfd.build_date = Str::new();
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read build file", TRUE,
            &BuildFiles::build_file_helper, NULL, (void *) &bfd);
        return bfd;

    void BuildFiles::build_file_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        build_file_data *bfd = (build_file_data *) state;
        if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"Build Date: *(%c*)")) {
            bfd->build_date = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"Build Number: *(%c*)")) {
            bfd->build_code = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"Prerelease: *(%c*)")) {
            bfd->prerelease_text = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
        } else {
            Errors::in_text_file("can't parse build file line", tfp);

The function BuildFiles::read is used in §5, §7.

The function BuildFiles::build_file_helper appears nowhere else.

§4. And here is how to write one:

    void BuildFiles::write(build_file_data bfd, filename *F) {
        text_stream vr_stream;
        text_stream *OUT = &vr_stream;
        if (Streams::open_to_file(OUT, F, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("can't write build file", F);
        if (Str::len(bfd.prerelease_text) > 0)
            WRITE("Prerelease: %S\n", bfd.prerelease_text);
        WRITE("Build Date: %S\n", bfd.build_date);
        if (Str::len(bfd.build_code) > 0)
            WRITE("Build Number: %S\n", bfd.build_code);

The function BuildFiles::write is used in §7.

§5. Bibliographic implications. Whenever a web is read in by Inweb, its build file is looked at in order to set some bibliographic data.

    void BuildFiles::set_bibliographic_data_for(web_md *WS) {
        filename *F = BuildFiles::build_file_for_web(WS);
        if (F) {
            build_file_data bfd = BuildFiles::read(F);
            if (Str::len(bfd.prerelease_text) > 0)
                Bibliographic::set_datum(WS, I"Prerelease", bfd.prerelease_text);
            if (Str::len(bfd.build_code) > 0)
                Bibliographic::set_datum(WS, I"Build Number", bfd.build_code);
            if (Str::len(bfd.build_date) > 0)
                Bibliographic::set_datum(WS, I"Build Date", bfd.build_date);

The function BuildFiles::set_bibliographic_data_for is used in 8/ws (§5.3).

§6. A little later on, i.e., once the Contents page has been read, we want to synthesize the semantic version number for the project. Note that this is called even if no build file had ever been found, so it's quite legal for the Contents page to specify all of this.

If no error occurs, then the expansion [[Semantic Version Number]] is guaranteed to produce a semver-legal version number.

    void BuildFiles::deduce_semver(web_md *WS) {
        text_stream *s = Bibliographic::get_datum(WS, I"Semantic Version Number");
        if (Str::len(s) > 0) WRITE_TO(combined, "%S", s);
        else {
            text_stream *v = Bibliographic::get_datum(WS, I"Version Number");
            if (Str::len(v) > 0) WRITE_TO(combined, "%S", v);
            text_stream *p = Bibliographic::get_datum(WS, I"Prerelease");
            if (Str::len(p) > 0) WRITE_TO(combined, "-%S", p);
            text_stream *b = Bibliographic::get_datum(WS, I"Build Number");
            if (Str::len(b) > 0) WRITE_TO(combined, "+%S", b);
        if (Str::len(combined) > 0) {
            WS->version_number = VersionNumbers::from_text(combined);
            if (VersionNumbers::is_null(WS->version_number)) {
                    "Combined version '%S' does not comply with the semver standard",
            } else {
                Bibliographic::set_datum(WS, I"Semantic Version Number", combined);

The function BuildFiles::deduce_semver is used in 8/ws (§5.3).

§7. Advancing. We update the build date to today and, if supplied, also increment the build number if we find that the date has changed.

    void BuildFiles::advance_for_web(web_md *WS) {
        filename *F = BuildFiles::build_file_for_web(WS);
        if (F) BuildFiles::advance(F);
        else Errors::fatal("web has no build file");

    void BuildFiles::advance(filename *F) {
        build_file_data bfd = BuildFiles::read(F);
        if (BuildFiles::dated_today(bfd.build_date) == FALSE) {
            BuildFiles::write(bfd, F);

The function BuildFiles::advance_for_web appears nowhere else.

The function BuildFiles::advance appears nowhere else.

§8. The standard date format we use is "26 February 2018". If the contents of dateline match today's date in this format, we return TRUE; otherwise we rewrite dateline to today and return FALSE.

    int BuildFiles::dated_today(text_stream *dateline) {
        char *monthname[12] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
            "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
        WRITE_TO(today, "%d %s %d",
            the_present->tm_mday, monthname[the_present->tm_mon], the_present->tm_year+1900);
        int rv = TRUE;
        if (Str::ne(dateline, today)) {
            rv = FALSE;
            Str::copy(dateline, today);
        return rv;

The function BuildFiles::dated_today is used in §7.

§9. Traditional Inform build codes are four-character, e.g., 3Q27. Here, we read such a code and increase it by one. The two-digit code at the back is incremented, but rolls around from 99 to 01, in which case the letter is advanced, except that I and O are skipped, and if the letter passes Z then it rolls back around to A and the initial digit is incremented.

This allows for 21384 distinct build codes, enough to use one each day for some 58 years.

    void BuildFiles::increment(text_stream *T) {
        if (Str::len(T) != 4) Errors::with_text("build code malformed: %S", T);
        else {
            int N = Str::get_at(T, 0) - '0';
            int L = Str::get_at(T, 1);
            int M1 = Str::get_at(T, 2) - '0';
            int M2 = Str::get_at(T, 3) - '0';
            if ((N < 0) || (N > 9) || (L < 'A') || (L > 'Z') ||
                (M1 < 0) || (M1 > 9) || (M2 < 0) || (M2 > 9)) {
                Errors::with_text("build code malformed: %S", T);
            } else {
                if (M2 == 10) { M2 = 0; M1++; }
                if (M1 == 10) { M1 = 0; M2 = 1; L++; }
                if ((L == 'I') || (L == 'O')) L++;
                if (L > 'Z') { L = 'A'; N++; }
                if (N == 10) Errors::with_text("build code overflowed: %S", T);
                else {
                    WRITE_TO(T, "%d%c%d%d", N, L, M1, M2);
                    PRINT("Build code advanced to %S\n", T);

The function BuildFiles::increment is used in §7.