document weave order 0 head banner body chapter chapter header section section header section purpose paragraph P1 material discussion commentary commentary commentary item depth 1 label commentary item depth 1 label commentary vskip (in comment) commentary inline source_code _xxxxxxxxxxx_ commentary <, to say the least: see > url content url commentary <\n> commentary url content url commentary <.\n> figure -1 by 720 vskip (in comment) commentary mathematics <10^{18}> commentary <, but by rather better\n> commentary footnote_cue [1] commentary < Which is awesome.> footnote_cue [2] commentary < And > mathematics commentary <, that's for sure.\n> mathematics < \int_0^1 \cos x {\rm d}x > (displayed) commentary <\n> commentary material footnotes footnote [1] footnote_cue [1] commentary < And don't just take my word for it.\n> footnote [2] footnote_cue [2] commentary < Really!\n> paragraph P2 material discussion commentary carousel slide caption figure -1 by -1 carousel slide caption <> figure -1 by -1 carousel slide caption figure -1 by -1 vskip (in comment) commentary download paragraph P3 material definition code line defn source_code _nnnnnpnnn_ material code: C code line source_code <#include > _piiiiiiippiiiiipip_ vskip code line source_code _rrrpffffprrrpiiiipprrrrppiiiippppp_ code line source_code < for (int i=4; i _pppprrrpprrrpippppipnnnnnppipipppp_ commentary < stepping in twos to stay even> (code) code line source_code < > _pppppppp_ pmac source_code <;> _p_ code line source_code <}> _p_ paragraph P3.1 material discussion commentary material code: ConsoleText code line source_code < $ goldbach/Tangled/goldbach -fish 1> _ppppepfffffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiipp_ code line source_code < 4 = 2+2> _ppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 6 = 3+3 > _pppppppppppppp_ url content url code line source_code < 8 = 3+5> _ppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 10 = 3+7 = 5+5> _pppppppppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 12 = 5+7> _pppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 14 = 3+11 = 7+7> _ppppppppppppppppppp_ code line source_code < ...> _ppppppp_ material discussion commentary commentary mathematics <2 \leq j \leq i/2> commentary < to avoid counting pairs\n> commentary mathematics <8 = 3+5 = 5+3> commentary <, but that's hardly two different ways).\n> material paragraph macro code line pmac (definition) material code: C code line source_code < printf("%d", i);> _ppppiiiiiipssssppipp_ code line source_code < for (int j=2; j<=i/2; j++)> _pppprrrpprrrpippppippippppippp_ code line source_code < if ((> _pppppppprrppp_ function usage source_code <(j)) && (> _pippppppp_ function usage source_code <(i-j)))> _pipippp_ code line source_code < printf(" = %d+%d", j, i-j);> _ppppppppppppiiiiiipssssssssssppippipipp_ code line source_code < printf("\n");> _ppppiiiiiipsssspp_ material endnotes endnote commentary commentary locale P3 commentary <.> section footer chapter footer tail rennab