Title: The Inweb Manual and Source Code Author: Graham Nelson @ This is the home page for documentation, human-readable source code and examples for the literate programming system Inweb. It's hosted on the Github Docs area of the Inweb repository, at: https://github.com/ganelson/inweb Download and build instructions are there, not here. To get a sense of Inweb and what it does, see //inweb: Manual//. The simple example //twinprimes// and //goldbach// may also help. But if you're here to look under the hood, or you want to fix a bug or add a feature, a good place to begin is //inweb: How This Program Works//. @ Inweb is built on top of a library of C functions called //foundation//, supplied in the same repository. See //foundation: A Brief Guide to Foundation//. There's also a small tool for unit-testing it, //foundation-test//, but this is not an interesting read.