A selection of tests for, or demonstrations of, foundation features.

§1. Strings.

    void Unit::test_strings(void) {
        text_stream *S = Str::new_from_wide_string(L"Jack and Jill");
        PRINT("Setup: %S\n", S);

        text_stream *T = Str::new_from_wide_string(L" had a great fall");
        PRINT("Plus: %S\n", T);
        Str::concatenate(S, T);
        PRINT("Concatenation: %S\n", S);

        text_stream *BB = Str::new_from_wide_string(L"   banana bread  is fun   ");
        PRINT("Setup statically: <%S>\n", BB);
        PRINT("Trimmed: <%S>\n", BB);

        Str::copy(BB, S);
        PRINT("Copied: <%S>\n", BB);

        PRINT("Length: %d\n", Str::len(BB));

        Str::put(Str::at(BB, 3), L'Q');
        PRINT("Modified: <%S>\n", BB);

        text_stream *A = Str::new_from_wide_string(L"fish");
        text_stream *B = Str::new_from_wide_string(L"Fish");

        PRINT("%S eq %S? %d\n", A, B, Str::eq(A, B));
        PRINT("%S ci-eq %S? %d\n", A, B, Str::eq_insensitive(A, B));
        PRINT("%S ne %S? %d\n", A, B, Str::ne(A, B));
        PRINT("%S ci-ne %S? %d\n", A, B, Str::ne_insensitive(A, B));

The function Unit::test_strings is used in S/pc (§1).

§2. Literals.

    void Unit::test_literals(void) {
        LOG("This is \"tricky"); LOG("%S", I"bananas");
        int z = '"'; LOG("%S%d", I"peaches", z);
        text_stream *A = I"Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz";
        PRINT("So A is <%S>\n", A);
        text_stream *B = I"Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz";
        PRINT("So B is <%S>\n", B);
        text_stream *C = I"Jinxed wizards pluck ivy from my quilt";
        PRINT("So C is <%S>\n", C);
        if (A != B) PRINT("FAIL: A != B\n");
        else PRINT("and A == B as pointers, too\n");

The function Unit::test_literals is used in S/pc (§1).

§3. Dictionaries.

    void Unit::test_dictionaries(text_stream *arg) {
        dictionary *D = Dictionaries::new(2, TRUE);
        Dictionaries::log(STDOUT, D);
        filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of test cases", TRUE,
            &Unit::test_dictionaries_helper1, NULL, D);
        Dictionaries::log(STDOUT, D);
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to reread file of test cases", TRUE,
            &Unit::test_dictionaries_helper2, NULL, D);
        Dictionaries::log(STDOUT, D);

    void Unit::test_dictionaries_helper1(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *vD) {
        dictionary *D = (dictionary *) vD;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *")) return;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"%'(%c*?)%' %'(%c*)%'")) {
            if (Dictionaries::find(D, mr.exp[0]) == NULL) {
                PRINT("Creating new entry <%S>\n", mr.exp[0]);
                Dictionaries::create_text(D, mr.exp[0]);
                if (Dictionaries::find(D, mr.exp[0]) == NULL) PRINT("Didn't create\n");
            Str::copy(Dictionaries::get_text(D, mr.exp[0]), mr.exp[1]);
            if (!Str::eq(mr.exp[1], Dictionaries::get_text(D, mr.exp[0])))
                PRINT("FAIL: can't read back entry once written\n");
        Errors::in_text_file("test case won't parse", tfp);

    void Unit::test_dictionaries_helper2(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *vD) {
        dictionary *D = (dictionary *) vD;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *")) return;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"%'(%c*?)%' %'(%c*)%'")) {
            if (Dictionaries::find(D, mr.exp[0]) == NULL) {
                PRINT("Missing %S\n", mr.exp[0]);
            } else {
                Dictionaries::destroy(D, mr.exp[0]);
                if (Dictionaries::find(D, mr.exp[0])) PRINT("Didn't destroy\n");
        Errors::in_text_file("test case won't parse", tfp);

The function Unit::test_dictionaries is used in S/pc (§1).

The function Unit::test_dictionaries_helper1 appears nowhere else.

The function Unit::test_dictionaries_helper2 appears nowhere else.

§4. Regexp.

    void Unit::test_regexp(text_stream *arg) {
        filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of test cases", TRUE,
            &Unit::test_regexp_helper, NULL, NULL);

    void Unit::test_regexp_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *")) return;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"%'(%c*?)%' %'(%c*)%'")) {
            wchar_t pattern[1024];
            Str::copy_to_wide_string(pattern, mr.exp[1], 1024);
            match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
            PRINT("Text <%S> pattern <%w>: ", mr.exp[0], pattern);
            if (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], pattern)) {
                for (int i=0; i<mr2.no_matched_texts; i++)
                    PRINT(" %d=<%S>", i, mr2.exp[i]);
            } else {
                PRINT("No match\n");
        Errors::in_text_file("test case won't parse", tfp);

The function Unit::test_regexp is used in S/pc (§1).

The function Unit::test_regexp_helper appears nowhere else.

§5. Replacements.

    void Unit::test_replacement(text_stream *arg) {
        filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
        TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of test cases", TRUE,
            &Unit::test_replacement_helper, NULL, NULL);

    void Unit::test_replacement_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *")) return;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"%'(%c*?)%' %'(%c*?)%' %'(%c*)%'")) {
            wchar_t pattern[1024];
            wchar_t replacement[1024];
            Str::copy_to_wide_string(pattern, mr.exp[1], 1024);
            Str::copy_to_wide_string(replacement, mr.exp[2], 1024);
            PRINT("Text <%S> pattern <%w> replacement <%w>: ", mr.exp[0], pattern, replacement);
            int rc = Regexp::replace(mr.exp[0], pattern, replacement, REP_REPEATING);
            PRINT("%S (%d replacement%s)\n", mr.exp[0], rc, (rc == 1)?"":"s");
        Errors::in_text_file("test case won't parse", tfp);

The function Unit::test_replacement is used in S/pc (§1).

The function Unit::test_replacement_helper appears nowhere else.

§6. Linked lists.

    void Unit::test_linked_lists(void) {
        linked_list *test_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream);
        PRINT("List (which should be empty) contains:\n");
        text_stream *text;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(text, text_stream, test_list) {
            PRINT("%S\n", text);
        for (int i = 1; i<17; i++) {
            WRITE_TO(T, "S%d", i);
            ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(Str::duplicate(T), text_stream, test_list);
        PRINT("List contains:\n");
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(text, text_stream, test_list) {
            PRINT("%S\n", text);
        PRINT("And has length %d\n", LinkedLists::len(test_list));
        PRINT("First is: %S\n", FIRST_IN_LINKED_LIST(text_stream, test_list));
        PRINT("Last is: %S\n", LAST_IN_LINKED_LIST(text_stream, test_list));

The function Unit::test_linked_lists is used in S/pc (§1).

§7. Stacks.

    void Unit::test_stacks(void) {
        lifo_stack *test_stack = NEW_LIFO_STACK(text_stream);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(I"Mercury", text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(I"Venus", text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        POP_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(I"Earth", text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        POP_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");
        POP_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack);
        PRINT("Top of stack is: %S\n", TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, test_stack));
        if (LIFO_STACK_EMPTY(text_stream, test_stack)) PRINT("Stack is empty\n");

The function Unit::test_stacks is used in S/pc (§1).